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  • in reply to: Illogical argument contest #1661783

    Prove it!

    in reply to: TRUMP #1661761

    GH, really? That’s a relief, I thought Donald Trump was in the White House!

    in reply to: TRUMP #1661741

    There is only one true Uncle Moishy.

    in reply to: The Southern Wall #1661717

    Yserbius, can you then tell me why they don’t call themselves “Healthcare For All Americans”, or “Women’s Health United”, or something like that?

    in reply to: Shidduch Crisis: Women who earn too much #1661718

    That’s because it’s not socially acceptable for women to be voluntarily unmarried.

    in reply to: Shidduch Crisis: Women who earn too much #1661682

    Women who are financially independent only want to marry someone they really like. Women who are not financially independent are more likely to settle because they need something to live on.


    Mistykins, it’s a cord because it’s supposed to be a trolley, not a train. Just like it’s supposed to be a cord, not a chord.

    in reply to: Yeshiva Fundrasing using Cigar Rolling and Wine Tasting #1661283

    The Satan worshiper’s upside down cross is also a lesser-known Christian symbol.

    in reply to: 66% of Muslims in the US are Democrats #1661281

    Joseph, I am American.

    in reply to: Yeshiva Fundrasing using Cigar Rolling and Wine Tasting #1661227

    Uncle Ben, is it a deliberate crucifix or one that came about as a side effect in the design?

    in reply to: 66% of Muslims in the US are Democrats #1661178

    Iranians aren’t our enemies; when they say “Death to America”, they mean American politics, not the American people.

    in reply to: The Southern Wall #1661177

    Abba_S, I don’t think I ever said anything in support of requiring photo ID for anything. And I don’t think “getting rid” of illegal aliens should be a priority, but the easiest way is to simplify the path toward legal immigration.

    in reply to: Yeshiva Fundrasing using Cigar Rolling and Wine Tasting #1661105

    Some of them taste like glycerin.

    in reply to: Question for Jewish Democrats #1661104

    Coffee addict, you can threaten to move somewhere all you want, but that doesn’t mean they’ll let you in.

    in reply to: Yeshiva Fundrasing using Cigar Rolling and Wine Tasting #1661086

    No. Wine is necessary.

    in reply to: 66% of Muslims in the US are Democrats #1661087

    Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer. That means that you should join the opposite political party from the one you support, which means you ought to be a Democrat.

    in reply to: The Southern Wall #1661064

    If you want to require photo ID to vote, create a new program that gives a free ID to every citizen.

    in reply to: Question for Jewish Democrats #1661062

    Coffee Addict, Canada protects its southern border.

    in reply to: The Southern Wall #1660816

    You can’t expect Democratic politicians to represent the people. Democrat voters are lesser-of-two-evils voters who believe that the Republican party is pure evil. You can see this in the way they attack Green Party voters, and also in the way the Democratic primaries never really have much variety in the candidates running.

    in reply to: Driving Like A Policeman #1660562

    We could stretch that logic to absurdity, but we don’t have time.

    in reply to: The Southern Wall #1660535

    The human Democrats think it’s too expensive; the lizard Democrats only care about their political agenda. I personally think that Mexico should build a wall on their side of the border, and the U.S. should just leave it alone, because Mexico has a history of being invaded by the U.S.

    in reply to: Yeshiva Fundrasing using Cigar Rolling and Wine Tasting #1660514

    Smoking is bad, but wine is good.

    in reply to: Driving Like A Policeman #1660515

    Do NYC weapon laws comply with the Constitution of the United States of America?

    in reply to: Darchei Binah Sem Girls Coming For Shabbos #1660295

    It’s really offensive that something like this could make someone lose their faith in humanity. Murders and other awful crimes don’t take away your faith, but trolling about seminary girls does?

    in reply to: Driving Like A Policeman #1660300

    Go to the police academy, but flunk out.

    in reply to: Question for Jewish Democrats #1660086

    Joseph, I do not know what you mean to say.

    in reply to: Question for Jewish Democrats #1660056

    Social security is a tax on the poor and the non-white.

    in reply to: Who said it #1660001

    Just another way Democratic politicians don’t represent their voter base.

    in reply to: Google Home, asking “OK Google” can have bad results? #1659477

    If you watch TV commercials, they can trigger your device without your permission.

    in reply to: Google Home, asking “OK Google” can have bad results? #1658997

    If you can’t see anything, you can’t see anything bad. But you can have it mistake a song title. It’s happened before.

    in reply to: Apple stock🍎🍏?????? #1658503

    Sam Klein, charity is not a stock.

    in reply to: Illogical argument contest #1658502

    But the earth’s orbit has never been proven!

    in reply to: New Ongoing Story, please add your continuations. #1658501

    Then distant future Baruch traveled back and fixed everything, reverting the timeline to the one in #1657955.

    in reply to: New Ongoing Story, please add your continuations. #1658165

    Time itself split in two, much like the way our story did.

    in reply to: New Ongoing Story, please add your continuations. #1657955

    Meanwhile, Biz and Annie were still on the road searching for an all natural rattle. Suddenly, they realized that they were driving in unfamiliar woods. Then their car broke down in front of a small cabin on a small hill.

    Having no other choice, they knocked on the door. An old man answered and greeted them warmly. “What’re you doing ‘round these parts, though?” he asked. “You don’t look like small-hills people!”

    “We’re not!” Biz answered. “We were looking for an all natural rattle for our baby, and then we were driving somewhere, perhaps to go back home, but possibly to continue our search, and then our car broke down right here in front of your cabin!”

    “Interesting,” said Jones. “Well, you’re welcome to stay here as long as it takes to fix the car. I can help. And I happen to know a little bit about snakes; I collect them myself. What did you say your name was? You can call me Jones.”

    “I’m Biz, and this is my wife Annie,” said Biz, “And do you know how to hold a rattlesnake safely?”

    Jones showed him how, and he showed him his whole collection of snakes. They were mostly ball pythons, corn snakes and milk snakes, but he had one rattlesnake and one other venomous snake. And he had a whole cabinet of snake skeletons from the snakes he’d kept in his youth.

    Then he showed them how to fix the car. It was a simple problem, and they got it into top-notch condition within an hour. By then, they were all friends.

    But as they got ready to leave, Jones began to feel short of breath. He went into the house, took an envelope marked “46q” and a brown bag, and asked them to drive him to the emergency room. They drove quickly. When they got there, he told them that he would be okay and that he would call his wife. Then he handed them the envelope and bag and told them to go. They said goodbye and left.

    In the car, they opened the envelope. It contained a letter written to them:

    Dear new friends,

    If you are reading this letter, it means that my prediction came true. A man and a woman drove by my house, seeking a rattlesnake rattle for their unnamed baby. Their car broke down. I helped them fix it. Unfortunately, I began experiencing medical symptoms, so I went into the house, grabbed the right letter that I wrote for this kind of situation (I like to be prepared.), and gave you this along with the rattlesnake rattle you wanted. If you want another, I already taught you how to safely get one.

    Please know that I care about you deeply, or else I would have given you letter #43. I will probably be alright; had I thought that I were truly in danger, I would have given you letter #44. Go home, live your lives, call me in two weeks at 555-234-1643, and please name your baby after me.


    De’Forrest Malysh Jones

    After reading the letter, they had a little talk. “Do you want to name the baby after him?” asked Annie. “I would, but I know that you were concerned about the baby’s name.”
    “I don’t care about that anymore, we’re giving the name!” Biz said with conviction. “I don’t like my own first name, but if my parents had named me that after such a dear friend, such a wise and strong person, I would be glad to bear such a name!”

    They went home, content with their decision, and named their child De’Forrest Malysh Sakanah. However, they were so used to calling him “the baby” that they kept on doing so. They had just arrived home when Baruch and Aliza knocked on their door.

    in reply to: New Ongoing Story, please add your continuations. #1657954

    Baruch made the landing, and he and his wife traveled to Biz and Annie’s home.

    in reply to: New Ongoing Story, please add your continuations. #1657944

    As he flew the plane with great skill and coordination, he noticed that Dr. Panner was flying next to the plane in a hang glider. He was alive, despite having been electrocuted and stabbed! For a moment, Baruch felt relieved of his bloodguilt, but then he saw that Dr. Panner was carrying a large bag of marshmallows with a label that said “For use during arson”.

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1657534

    Real PhD scientists always have a grim, pinched look on their faces. You know why? It’s because they’re holding themselves back from punching Doomsday in the nose.

    in reply to: New Ongoing Story, please add your continuations. #1657469

    Lucky for him, he lived in a different city from his brother in law, so they weren’t running against each other. However, they were both running against O’Keefle.

    in reply to: New Ongoing Story, please add your continuations. #1657325

    However, with O’Keefle pardoned as well, Baruch was concerned about the mayoral race. Also, he was dazed and confused about the whole affair.

    in reply to: New Ongoing Story, please add your continuations. #1657214

    Or maybe he was practicing as a dentist illegally.

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1657092

    If you’re casting doubt on so many things, prove to me that vaccines exist. And that autism exists. And that the CDC exists (for all we know, the entire CDC could just be a guy in a secret room with a computer, and the rest of the government is covering it up), and for that matter, how am I supposed to be sure that you aren’t a Russian bot?

    in reply to: 🍔 #1657067

    There actually is cinnamon in a chicken spice rub that I could use on a burger if I wanted to.

    in reply to: Alternative Communities in New Jersey? #1657066

    What type, 1?

    in reply to: Cigarettes vs E-Cigs — Let’s Debate It #1656959

    Nicotine is a harmful and addictive drug.

    in reply to: New Ongoing Story, please add your continuations. #1656957

    Suddenly, one of the alpacas broke down and cried. “All we ever wanted was to bite your head gently!” he sobbed. “We weren’t going to really hurt you, we just have really weird teeth, and our new dentist told us that gently biting into a human would help!”
    “What is the name of your new dentist?” the judge asked sternly.
    “Dr. Panner!” said the frightened alpaca.

    in reply to: New Ongoing Story, please add your continuations. #1656910

    Then Baruch realized that an alpaca had strapped him to a table in the courtroom.
    Meanwhile, O’Keefle, selfish as ever, told his men to stand down. He wanted to get out of there, and he wanted his pardon so he could stay in the race.

    in reply to: Jokes #1656908

    “Amazon Wants to Make Money Broadcasting from Your Phone” is something that could potentially make sense.

    in reply to: Cigarettes vs E-Cigs — Let’s Debate It #1656898

    If smoking less is your goal, how about not smoking, which is the least?

    in reply to: New Ongoing Story, please add your continuations. #1656620

    Suddenly, the judge’s cell phone rang. He picked it up.
    “Hello? Who’s this?” asked the judge.
    “It’s the president!” said the president.
    “President of what?” the judge asked.
    “Of the United States!” the president replied.
    “How did you get my number?” the judge asked in confusion. “And why are you calling?”
    “The first is not important; the second is to let you know that I have drafted an executive order quarantining your courtroom due to strange head-biting alpacas. We will expect you to make peace between our species; your lives certainly depend on it. Also, we know what you did, but due to your service to our country, you and all the other people involved who are currently in the courtroom will be pardoned.”
    “What service to the country?”
    “I just told you. You will make peace with the alpacas.

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