Forum Replies Created
I’m afraid you’ve crossed into Googleable territory, SIDI !
I Googled it (that’s how we think nowadays, especially if we’re ignorant and apathetic about a lot of Jewish music) and I came up with YBC’s “In a Song,” which isn’t a perfect match, so it must be the original song. Is the answer a live YBC medley?
(I also found out that there is a Jewish music wiki on Wikia.)
RandomexMemberAfter my son’s bris, he couldn’t walk for a year.
-Rabbi Chaim of Chabad (somewhere in Texas)[and countless other people, I’m sure, but that’s who I heard it from first]
PAA, I searched Google in general and specifying coffee or “coffee room” (one of those) before posting. The first 20 results on Google included this joke – one was Squeak posting it on the CR five years ago.
I think it’s been long enough for a re-post.
RandomexMemberDid anyone else see the story “Angry Birds” in Family First?
While the story in a way revolved around it (hence the title),
it is abundantly clear that the author knew nothing of the game
other than the words “birds” and “angry,” leading to multiple references to “shooting down the birds,” etc.
(If you don’t find this amusing, Google: angry birds gameplay.)
Appalling is that the author apparently didn’t even think to ask anyone or anything for information, kal vachomer go a few rounds with the pigs to get into her character’s headspace.
(I’ve never played the game myself…)
[I’m still reading through the new posts. Please be patient.]
RandomexMemberif you can translate a song and "matc[h] the rhyme scheme and rhythm" in the new language, hats off to you.
NB: But not for Country Yossi’s “Hello Mameh, Hello Tateh.”
The rhyme scheme and rhythm are just too easy.
Still hilarious (especially for kids) until you grow out/get sick of it.
RandomexMemberGood line, Charlie! And possibly a good point, too (I know nothing about US deportation policy, even whether it’s a federal or state-by-state law).
RandomexMemberIn case the viewing public doesn’t understand the contents of my original post, it’s the message that appears when you attempt to submit an empty post.
RandomexMemberAt this time (10:32 AM), my view of the CR’s main page shows my name in 25 of the 50 “last poster” places and 16 of the most recent 25. Am I winning?
(Sorry, I got distracted by a conversation before counting the most recent 25, so it’s no longer 10:32 – it’s 10:46, as of which I’ve dropped by 1 in each number.)
RandomexMemberMaybe he means that the guest hopes for a panim yafos from the baal habayis (“sivro e/al(?) Hashem elokav ) [gotcha!]. But here, he gets it, so what’s funny?
(I am getting so tired of typing
<em> </em>
… Maybe I should abandon the style. But I like distinguishing any Hebrew or Yiddish word which isn’t an integral part of frum vocabulary, and adding emphasis to words! Sigh.)Or maybe he means that the guest is coming to “break” the baal habayis‘s panim yafos, but the baal habayis pushes himself to give a panim yafos anyway.
Likewise not amusing.
Or maybe he meant it to be the other way around – the guests knocks with a panim yafos, because he expects to receive, but ay, ay, Rabbosai, the baal habayis comes out with his panim yafos broken, because he expects to have to give.
I should note that it may not be meant to amuse at all –
it’s filed under Inspiration/Mussar.
(Okay, I haven’t refreshed the page to see if anyone else has written any of what I’ve written, because I want to post it even so. S’iz kim’at Erev Rosh Hashono – zeit mir mochel!)
EDIT: Well, no one else had been approved since the last post I saw, so that’s good. 🙂
RandomexMemberThere are 111 pages of his posts at 50 threads each, counting threads posted in without regard to multiple posts-in-thread, DaasYochid! It’s a job for a paid committee. If I was even just promised royalties from the publishing, sure. Otherwise, NO WAY.
(You can start the thread if you want to, and maybe ask old-timers for their lists of great popa posts, if they made any.
But the book is my idea – I said it yesterday:
Also, I either hadn’t realized or had forgotten that tags can only be used when opening a thread. They can’t be used to tag an old thread, unless maybe mods can do it.
RandomexMemberThat’s right. By the way, the song he parodied (“In the Year 2525”, by Zager and Evans) was the only hit for the group, and its bleak-sci-fi-future speculation was #1 when the USA put a man on the moon.
RandomexMemberDaasYochid, since you’re here, please explain the joke for my (and likely others’) possible benefit.
RandomexMemberYes, yes, DaasYochid…
That phone call above is a definite candidate for the “Best of Popa” compilation. If there’s tag that deserves to initiate the use of tags on this board, I think it’s that one.
RandomexMemberThat’s right.
Actually, this thread wasn’t intended to go up on the CR, just to be a private message, but there’s no reason for me to mind it. 🙂
RandomexMemberIn memory of Arnold Fine:
In the year, taf-taf-lamed-tes
There’ll be a daily paper called the Jewish Press
For fifty dollars you can check it out, folks
To see if Arnold Fine has run out of jokes (whoa-oo-whoa)
This is an old song – I recently remembered that this year was Taf-shin-ayin-gimmel! Boro Park survived (of course).
(Fortunately for him, there were no predictions in the song for this year. When 5784 rolls around, watch the esrog prices! But the prediction for 5796 is simply impossible [a shteeble every 15 feet].)
RandomexMemberOops, that should’ve been Taf-taf-lamed-tes!
Taf-shin-lamed-tes was 34 years ago.
That really is an old-timers’ song, though – I just remembered that this year was Taf-shin-ayin-gimmel! Boro Park survived (of course).
(Fortunately for him, there were no predictions in the song for this year. When 5784 rolls around, watch the esrog prices! But the prediction for 5796 is simply impossible [a shteeble every 15 feet].)
RandomexMemberYes, I realized later that you could be in England.
(Would you like to know what had me asking? Well, I’ll tell you anyway. A post of yours was made 4-5 hours before 10PM Eastern Time (East Coast of the US) last Motzaei Shabbos, so you had to be in a time zone significantly ahead.)
RandomexMemberIf the agency’s reliability varies by product, I’d consider them generally not reliable, unless the problematic cases are because of a specific kula that they rely on.
Lior +1.
By the way, this
Triangle K products that are acceptable generally fall under the category of products that would be acceptable without any hashgacha, such as frozen fruit.
is equivalent to saying “Their hashgacha doesn’t make it nonkosher if it wouldn’t be nonkosher anyway.”
(I know the statement wasn’t meant to reflect positively on them.)
P.S. I think I remember you saying something once about no longer identifying as a feminist. You can ask a mod to change your name if you feel like it – “eftachbchinor” – formerly and briefly known as “ev -tachbchinor” did it just this week.
I don’t understand why anyone would stop identifying as a feminist, though, unless specifically as a third-wave feminist.
RandomexMemberOURTorah, I haven’t carefully (or fully) read your post, but please post some examples, because I don’t remember seeing such posts.
Was it the “True Achdus” thread that disturbed you so?
(I’ve been avoiding the “Orthodox Jews and Psychology”, “Not losing Daas Torah,” “R’ Chaim Kanievski Women Wearing Tefillin” and “Is it ever proper to withhold a get?” threads, if that makes a difference. There’s “R word,” but that’s not about people who are Jewishly different.)
If she didn’t like it the first time, why would she want to bring it up a second time?
September 23, 2014 12:12 pm at 12:12 pm in reply to: Ever seen a forest animal die of old age #1042689RandomexMemberThey probably do try to get comfortable when they’re sick, so I assume they die in their homes/lairs/burrows/dens/whatever.
RandomexMemberGoq, you were on fire! But were those really thought of so far apart
that you couldn’t edit them into the first post?
Also, I don’t get the last joke. Can you (or anyone) please explain it?
Speaking of Googling things – popa bar abba nominations
Re: my first post (though it may further spoil the surprise…)
“1977” – I call original research.
Also, the children’s book is actually one of the references – LOL!
The whole thing reminds me of “Mazel tov on your goldfish’s bar mitzvah!”
Other lines from the same place:
“Larry! From now on, we’re gonna call you with [sic]
your Jewish name, Yechiel Michel Shloime Moishe!”
“Of course we have room for 73 people for Shabbos!
Are you coming to the Shabbaton?!”
Is anyone else familiar with that little production?
RandomexMemberSIDI: That should be “wracked by pain.” (It’s unGoogleable either way.)
I don’t think I know it, but is it about Rav Eliezer Silver going into convents (etc?) after the War and identifying the Jewish children by saying “Shema Yisrael” ?
RandomexMemberLetakein Girl:
(Am I being trolled?)
Who’s the “her” that you’re telling Maayan should not exchange e-mails with Nishtdayngesheft?
That should’ve read “Nothing personal to(/against) Maayan, but…”
“[text], Maayan, [text]” indicates that you are directly addressing Maayan. (Also, you assume that Maayan is female, for no reason I can fathom.)
Any serial killer can say he’s an writing an article and needs info from people on the cr
It wouldn’t help a “serial killer” to ask for e-mail to be sent to the official e-mail address of the Hebrew Mishpacha Magazine! I think we can assume Maayan is for real.
Also, I’m not sure you’ve ever used e-mail formally. Perhaps it would not be safe to exchange letters with an unknown person either! A personal relationship is not liable to develop from a brief, formal series of interactions, and anyone old enough to serve jury duty presumably has the common sense not to share potentially identifying personal information.
I can’t find your profile (can you link to it?), but $50 (that I can’t afford, and anyway, I don’t gamble) says you’re a teenager.
(Or, again, that I’m being trolled.)
If I understand this correctly, you translated the song from the dictated Yiddish, yes? Why not have your cousin type up the lyrics and e-mail them to you, or post them on this thread?
(If they don’t have a computer/Internet, surely they know someone who does, or have a public library they can use?)
By the way, if you can translate a song and “matc[h] the rhyme scheme and rhythm” in the new language, hats off to you.
But b’li neder, I’ll take a stab at it this afternoon.
(I just successfully downloaded a YouTube video of it.)
(P.S. “I don’t care whether the words are in the Yiddish or the Latin alphabet”? Do you mean the English lyrics that you’re asking us to provide?)
RandomexMemberNicely done, CIJ! (Though I would’ve appreciated additional original lyrics, I like how you interwove the original and source material.)
By the way, welcome to the Coffee Room! Your interest seems to lie primarily with music – how do I know that? Read on!
Here are a couple of general CR resources for you:
Also see the 3 “sticky”s at the top of the main page.
Happy posting!
September 23, 2014 10:18 am at 10:18 am in reply to: Everyone Must Answer: Your Favorite Song #1032977RandomexMemberam yisrael, yaakov shwekey, kolot
Are those all songs, all musical groups, or two songs by Yaakov Shwekey and his name?
Also, I’d like to give Lindsey Stirling a chazaka with this third mention.
RandomexMemberI think this is an exception to “Don’t explain the joke.”
Once you explain, we can try to decide if you’re right
and/or funny.
September 23, 2014 9:28 am at 9:28 am in reply to: If you think the R word is offensive you are retarded #1199753RandomexMemberCrazybrit: Please learn to use a dictionary(/Wiktionary), or at least read all the posts in a thread before posting.
{Sincerity Mode}
RandomexMemberLior: Is not.
(Is too!
Is not!
Is too!
Is not!
Is too!
Mommy, Gavriel’s fighting with me!)
RandomexMemberSIDI, did you get it?
RandomexMemberWhy don’t the mods answer questions about the moderation?
It’s not like they don’t see them…
Mods, how do you always know when someone is Joseph?
Does it have something to do with IP addresses?
Do you have them automatically tracked for duplicates?
(I might want to lose my SUC certificate one day, but I’m paranoid…)
Why have I seen very few posts by mods lately?
Are mods allowed to maintain a non-mod user name as well?
If you want, you can answer me in semi-private – I’ve marked a
space on my profile.
For total privacy, if you want to be mat’riach yourself,
theoretically you could create a thread, log in as a user (e.g. me), and post your answer as that user, leaving the post as “awaiting moderation”, and notify the user on their profile page that they should check the mod answer thread. In this way, the answer would be visible only to that user.
(I did say it would be a tircha.)
Of course, I don’t know if mods are capable of posting as another user.
So, with the old “Are the news comments mods and the CR mods
the same?,” that’s my (counting)… ninth question. Let’s make it ten:
How much differentiation in standards is there between mods?
You know what – up to eleven!
Assuming it makes a difference which mod is modding, when is the best time to go for a “maybe, maybe not” post?
Um… one for Binyamin (the shevet)!
Is there any way to know when a post has been disallowed without
monitoring it oneself, so one can try to make one’s point again in
different, less/non-problematic words?
Let’s make it a baker’s dozen/13 shevatim!
Just kidding, I’m all out for now.
Mod/s, answer as a Rosh Hashono present? Please?
G’mar chasima tova to all the mods! We couldn’t do this without you! (Or at least, we’d hate the resulting circus.)
That certain mod, please be mochel me. I’m very sorry.
RandomexMemberI think I’d seen the pun/term before (after all, “1977”), but I didn’t expect a…! Or, for that matter, a children’s book.
I don’t want to ruin the surprise (though I may sort of have already). It’s the first result.
Anyway, while looking around, I finally found out what the “fountain pens” line from Hanoch Teller’s “Give Peace a Stance” was about. Thanks!
RandomexMemberSpeaking of “Gog and Magog”:
> Me and Mommy
Halachos of sharing recipes
> Halochos of sharing germs (that would be a good topic)
Have you even been a juror?
> Have you ever beer a juror?
> Have you even beer a junon?
(ba-dum t’ss!)
Lyrics needed, quickly!
> Pizza needed, quickly!
RandomexMemberSIDI: I was joking about calling me a traitor. But what’s a “harmful easy”?
Also, if you’d called that thread “Annoying Ants” to begin with, it would’ve ruined the joke. I didn’t call mine “I am a troll” for a reason (well, another reason being that I’m not generally a troll).
Not losing Daas Yochid.
Good one, Goq! (If that was ever a possibility, I would definitely want there to be a thread about it.)
Now how about “Losing/Not losing Daas Baalebatim”?
RandomexMemberI’m not sure I made myself clear – I mean writing out such things as Adoi…, Eloi…, etc., not G-d (etc?). Is that what you were talking about, DaasYochid?
RandomexMemberIn memory of old timers? Well, I heard Arnold Fine ran out of jokes.
And by that, do you mean “was niftar“?
In the year, tuf-shin-lamed-tes
There’ll be a daily paper called the Jewish Press
For fifty dollars you can check it out, folks
To see if Arnold Fine has run out of jokes (whoa-oo-whoa)
RandomexMemberAs I said, at the time that I made that comment, I did not know your standards or your capabilities. Or think of it like a negotiator starting out with a higher demand than what he really expects to get.
Or you were just joking around. Alright, I’m feeling intellectually outmatched and I’ve been in a losing position from the beginning – it’s time for me to let this go.
? ? ? ?
So goodbye, Patur Aval Assur
It’s so sad to see you go, so far away
Will you think about me sometimes, and
remember all the good times, something-or-other whatever, goodbye.
? ? ? ?
I’ll return with jokes, I suppose, should I find them.
RandomexMemberThank you, DaasYochid.
RandomexMemberIf a man says “I will no longer speak!”, was that an inherently untrue statement? Certainly not!
RandomexMemberNo response? Really? Didn’t anyone find our national game of broken telephone amusing enough to say something?
September 22, 2014 2:50 am at 2:50 am in reply to: If you think the R word is offensive you are retarded #1199749RandomexMemberA source means a source for the term as it was being used.
Providing a source for the term being potentially offensive
in a way it was not being used… Call that what you will.
So when you use “retarded” to describe someone/thing, you do not
have intent to offend? Well, this is true when not using it towards someone directly. But as “catch yourself” and I point out, it can still be hurtful to hearers, and does us no credit in anyone’s eyes.
So that question was a joke to begin with. Okay…
So that question was supposed to have been what he meant by the
word “intend,” instead of what his complete statement meant,
and I was wasting my time trying to explain his meaning?
Very well. I say, and thus quoth I, “Whatever.”
Let’s declare this discussion over, shall we?
This is my 12th post in this thread, and though I am no
triskeidakaphobe, I’ve had enough. Goodnight!
Oh, wait, I forgot about the new posts…
That was the first normal reason anyone’s given.
Actually, I think that was the reason being given all along – those affected by the issue are hurt by the use of the word in that fashion.
True, but were someone to use it that way, surely they would be insulted.
What way? (B’li neder, I’m not coming back to find out!)
September 22, 2014 2:32 am at 2:32 am in reply to: If you think the R word is offensive you are retarded #1199748RandomexMembercatch yourself:
Sorry about the “them”; I sometimes mix up me pronouns 🙂
But I didn’t say anything about that! I don’t unnecessarilyattack people’s grammar or w/ever. Anyway:))
I concede!
You carry your points well, my friend, and I certainly think
your words deserve “careful dissection.” 🙂
You have convinced me that “offense” requires intent; otherwise,
it is hurt, not offense. You demonstrated your point excellently.
Everyone’s words have the power to influence people’s opinions.
But your words have managed to influence my opinions, which is usually more difficult. I salute you.
You speak sparingly, it seems – 20 threads in a year.
I’m tempted to go through all of them 🙂
(As a matter of fact, it is often things which are unworthy of people’s attention that it is the most fun to take apart… 🙂
But it is a more rewarding experience to find one’s mind changed
than to have proven the other fellow wrong.)
RandomexMemberYou mean the counterpunch?
On a serious note, please check out the “Question of names” thread and tell us whether a Shem Hashem written out phonetically (or however) in English is sheimos or not.
As for jokes, please see here:
RandomexMemberWhat the rav was talking about was whether their tefillos were answered, not whether they liked the location!
Redleg, please talk to your rebbi/rav/rebbe about whether you should switch shuls,and don’t try to interpret “signs from Hashem” yourself.
(Also, the Mishna in Avos itself talks about what being a talmid of Avraham Avinu or Bil’am haRasha means, and that’s NOT one of the things it lists.)
So, I’ll second “coffee addict” ‘s opinion.
RandomexMemberI didn’t think the mods would let this obvious joke thread through,
but they did. 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
Thanks for your responses, everyone (especially the ones with lamer jokes than mine).
HaLeivi, what’s this macha’a about?
RandomexMember(Seriously, what was the mod thinking?)
WITP, if the last thread on the topic was long enough ago that no one is likely to remember it, it’s okay to start a new one.
3, maybe 4 months old would definitely be long enough, forget about 2 years.
Mods, please change the title of this thread to “Is Meor changing 2 years ago?”. 🙂
RandomexMemberA post declaring inactivity from the time of the post on does NOT violate its own premise.
but rejoined
That should’ve been “but I rejoined.” That little typo threw me off for a little while.))
I could counter-argue that it is actually possible to read all posts beginning from a specific time, though it would take an inordinate amount of time to do so.
Anyway, you’re saying that our exchange should have run as follows:
PAA:No, but you should have read that thread and remembered it.
Randomex: That’s an unreasonable expectation, given the number of CR posts.
I agree. But why did you put forth that unreasonable (as you yourself admit) expectation to begin with?
RandomexMemberWe punch each other?
RandomexMember1. Thanks to LF and I, right? 🙂 You were still “Evtach” when I wrote that post, though.
2. Sorry about that – AFAIK stands for “as far as I know.”
3. What I meant was that if someone’s parents named her “Batya,” it would not be “authentic” to call her “Bisya.”
4. I was responding to this:
Don’t do Batel- Bat’l is better, as in Bat’l B’shishim.
I’m not quite sure what you meant by it, but in Hebrew, it is simply incorrect to spell the name “Bat’el” as beis-tes-lamed.
I was pointing out that “batel” as in “batel b’shishim” is not really supposed to be pronounced like the English “bottle,” as in
“bottle of beer.”
Also, in English, I think you can write out any Name of Hashem however you want to – it will never become sheimos.
(If I’m wrong about that, someone please correct me!)
September 22, 2014 1:14 am at 1:14 am in reply to: If you think the R word is offensive you are retarded #1199741RandomexMemberI’ll say it again, because I apparently have to:
He means “the insult s intended and purposeful” towards whatever it is “retarded” is being used towards, not that “the insult s intended and purposeful” towards the developmentally disabled who are offended by the use of retarded as an insult.