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  • in reply to: PAA's not-always-in-context Coffee Room Report Card Comments #1156580

    Finally, someone got it.

    How many people (that you don’t quote here) do you think read this thread?

    I said “as if” so as not to accuse you of arrogance.

    in reply to: PAA's not-always-in-context Coffee Room Report Card Comments #1156575

    (This is probably the the only time I’ll appear in this thread – I don’t believe in ad hominem attacks.)

    “The Mighty Powerful and Awesome Patur Aval Assur”

    ?????????? ?????? ????

    LOL! For anyone who doesn’t understand, that last line is Aramaic for, essentially, “Have you finished all the praise?”

    In the original context, (Brachos 33b*) a man who had added on to the standard formula of ??? ????? ????? ?????? at the beginning of Shmoneh Esrei is being questioned rhetorically if his additions had exhausted Hashem’s praises (i.e. seeing as this cannot be done, one should refrain from any such additions).

    In this context, PAA questions, as if out of arrogance, why

    cozimjewish did not give him more titles. The humor derives from

    both the in-context meaning and what it references.

    *I was only familiar with Megilla 25a, but that was enough to get the joke, and I found the version with ?????? on the Hebrew Wikisource.

    in reply to: Subtitle log #1197733

    SDD: What about “DR PEPPER”? Or was that guy off his meds?

    in reply to: Palestinian State #1037098


    I’m a frum Jew, and no liberal. But please read every Wikipedia page you can find on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and then ask yourself if “supporting Israel” actually means agreeing with whatever they have done or will do, combined with not acknowledging as valid any claims made by the other side.

    No, I don’t have a solution, and I’m just going to leave things to Hashem. It’s not like I could make a difference in the matter anyway…


    an internationally recognized Palestinian state would be claim the whole of the former British mandate, and thereby setting up the possibility of the United Nations calling for an international peacekeepking force to remove the zionists from Eretz Yisrael, etc.

    I don’t think so. It is not possible that millions of Israelis would end up in the same boat as the Arabs did when Israel took the West Bank from Jordan.

    Facts on the ground – i.e. the presence of the Jews/Israelis – must be dealt with, and no one could argue that they should live under Palestinian rule.

    Unless it is accompanied by the Palestinians giving claims on Israel

    Ah, solution. So what’s the issue? You don’t trust that Israel would demand that?


    I do believe, however, that once the Palestinians have their own state it is likely that they will eventually use it to launch a war against Israel, requiring Israel to reinvade and restarting the whole conflict again.

    Were that to happen, though, they’d be giving up on any image of being peace-seekers, and no one could object to Israel ever again unless they committed actual war crimes.


    A two-state solution would not solve anything since they are not interested in having one. They just don't want Israel to exist at all.

    If only there was some way to prove that this is why the peace negotiations never work out… Also, you might be conflating the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

    with the Israeli-Arab conflict.

    The Goq™:

    We gave them autonomy in Gaza and that worked out well right?

    More so than in the West Bank or wherever the Palestinian Authority is?

    Autonomy is not statehood.

    Avi K:

    I am not opposed to giving them a state. Just far away from Eretz Yisrael. Another possibility is an international fund to pay them to emigrate to countries that need moneyed immigrants.

    Why should they agree to leave? And where are you going to get the land from?

    Or, where will the money come from, and what does “moneyed immigrants” mean?

    scared driver delight:

    Before Israel entered the West Bank in 1967, there was no state or government there. Is it worse for the Arabs now than from when there was no state altogether?

    This is ignorance and simply not true.

    Read Wikipedia’s “Jordanian occupation of the West Bank” article.

    in reply to: World's First Lion Tamer #1035947

    “World’s First Lion Tamer ..And got bitten”

    What was that supposed to mean? Not to mention this:

    btw We missed one - the first world war, between Kayin and Hevel

    Scared driver delight:

    Why do people love bumping old threads?

    Well, you just did it – you tell me!

    And if it was just to ask the question, why not make your own thread, and why use this old thread in particular?

    coffee addict:

    hmmm very interesting, ur screen name is scared driver delight however ur url for your screen name is screwdriver delight.

    That is indeed quite interesting… coming from you, “mbachur”! It’s funny how people can react to something about someone else and forget that they’ve got the same thing going on. This applies to actions as well.

    in reply to: Can't escape who you are….:) #1036766


    why is my post before the OP now????

    And that post, too! The “-1 years” glitch strikes again.


    I was just thinking about how no matter what, we can't drop our personalities just cuz we're anonymous.

    Why would being anonymous allow us to “drop our personalities?”

    On the contrary, as your second post says, our personalities may well come out most when we’re anonymous, and it’s in real life that we may suppress our personalities! So why does “real life” deserve that name anyway? 🙂

    Actually, online, someone can choose to project a certain identity if they want to, just for fun, in a way which might not be quite as feasible in real life. Just saying. 🙂

    in reply to: Behind the scenes…MODS #1154464


    You don’t have to be a mod to do it – just read this:

    Mod (and audience):

    We don’t censor

    Oh? Who did this, then?

    [Note: My posts in that thread weren’t censored, I just thought it would be funny to stick that at the bottom. I didn’t even realize the original wasn’t in parentheses until now…]


    The mods don’t answer this kind of question. It may be a policy,

    or it may be so that no one can ever pester them with questions.

    Also, I haven’t seen those 3 AM post approvals. Maybe it’s only on some nights.

    Scared driver delight:

    They know everyone's names

    No, they don’t. They know your e-mail address at most.

    (If you send YWN [or anyone else] an e-mail from your account, that will give them your name, though. I suggest having an anonymous e-mail account or two.)

    How many posters are really MODS?

    I don’t think there are many mods running around.

    100 and 29 came on in November of 2013, and other than 42, they are the only mods known to be currently active, so I think it’s safe to assume they were hired because they were needed.

    That makes a total of 3 mods, unless the Editor also mods.

    It would take some work for them to run multiple identities

    to make a tumult while moderating everyone else as well.

    But if they were posting under other names, why would they ever post as themselves on non-moderation topics, which they do?

    (Maybe just so people would say that…)

    Actually, I think 100 only posts about moderation, or if he’s addressed. Maybe 29 and 100 are the same person, and 100 is his moderation-only name, while 29 is used for conversational posting?

    in reply to: Whats my problem I can't keep CR members straight? #1037195


    LOL! It’s funny that this has been going on so long…

    3 years ago, there were already threads asking about Joseph!

    Well, it’s pretty much like Sh0wj0e said, except I’m not sure if he was banned for his use of multiple accounts or if that

    came later. I’ll just add that Joseph represents the far right of

    (semi-?)mainstream Judaism, and his last known sighting (AFAIK):

    Also, no one knows how the mods know if a poster is Joseph.

    in reply to: Response to Lior #1036921

    Gavra at work:

    To quote the Gemorah in Chaggigah (5B):

    ??? ???? ???? ???”? ???? ????? ??? ??? ?? ????? ????? ????? ????? ???? ??? ??? ???? ????? ????? ????? ??? ???? ?????? ?? ?????

    Can you name a peirush that says the Gemara means people

    who “cannot learn” for financial reasons?

    in reply to: Childhood Traumas #1035861


    Seeing as it wasn’t you I was quoting, I didn’t mean to say that you were a Coffee Room addict. And, of course, you’re right about the “almost.” Looks like I’ve really got to read more carefully…

    in reply to: Mistaken Lyrics #1087797


    Here’s an e-mail exchange with Dena Cohen:

    (By the way, if anyone wants to hear the part of the song in question, it’s in the preview on Eichler’s’ website.)


    Over at the Yeshiva World News’ Coffee Room, we’re wondering what the lyrics are at the beginning of the second verse of “Avinu,” track 5 on “Pulling Strings” by the London Girls Choir.

    They sound like “Exterminate / Our men in flu” but that doesn’t seem right 🙂

    Perhaps you can enlighten us?




    Hello Random Person[note: the “name” on my anonymous e-mail account],

    I based the lyrics on English translation of the first few Ovinu Malkeinus.

    And nice to know my work is being discussed / appreciated…


    Attached was a Word document with the full lyrics to the song,

    with the line in question highlighted (I’ve italicized it):


    by Dena Cohen

    Time to step – back And to review

    We have no king – No king but You

    Our Father, our King

    All harsh decrees – Accusers too

    Please nullify – And please subdue

    Our Father, our King


    You give so much – You always give

    Each single day – That we do live

    And yet we sin – Stumble and fall

    We deserve nothing – Nothing at all

    But still we pray – We beg of You

    Act towards us – To every Jew

    With mercy and – With kindness too

    Our Father, our King

    The evilness – Our haters spew

    The plots and schemes – That they persue

    Our Father, our King

    Exterminate – Famine and flu

    Captivity – Destruction too

    Withold the plague – From every Jew

    Our Father, our King


    Forgive our sins – That did accrue

    Wipe them away – The records too

    Repentently – Bring us to You

    Our Father, our King


    in reply to: Childhood Traumas #1035858

    I’m just curious why people like pba and other ultra coffee room addicts here can afford to be here so much of their life? what do you do for a life? answer threads all day?

    Well, for all we know, Popa could be on YWN’s payroll.

    I don’t have much of a life…

    always runs with scissors fast:

    yes its been almost 3 years since I that post that broke the camel’s back and led to my divorce. Remember? I still and always will appreciate everyone’s support and helpful advice.



    I found that thread just yesterday! I was wondering what happened in the end. So happy to hear things are ok now.

    LG, That is so interesting because I also found it yesterday!

    I’m pretty sure those last two posts are by “ultra coffee room addicts.” 🙂

    Actually, it’s been less than 3 years, according to the time-stamp.

    in reply to: Totally Random Thread Title Just to Confuse PAA #1061330

    Chayav inish:

    It’s not the mods who embolden or italicize.

    Read this and you’ll be fancy in no time at all :

    in reply to: chofetz chaim vs. chaim berlin vs. BMG #1035824

    You, joker bar daddy, are not funny. We know who you are. Would you like if we posted your name?

    Was that a threat, or just random? (I see he’s blocked – I approve.)

    What would give you guys the right to post someone’s name, troll or not? (How would you know it, anyway?)

    Or did you mean his/her primary username?

    It was not meant as a threat. I would not have publicly outed him.

    in reply to: NeutiquamErro's favorite thread with an obscure title #1147476

    This type of analysis of fictional works has a long history:

    Started in the early 20th century,

    “the Sherlockian game (also known as the Holmesian game, the Great Game or simply the Game) is the pastime of attempting to resolve anomalies and clarify implied details about Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson from the fifty-six short stories and four novels that make up the Sherlock Holmes Canon by Arthur Conan Doyle. It treats Holmes and Watson as real people and uses aspects of the canonical stories combined with the history of the era of the tales’ composition to construct fanciful biographies of the pair.” – Wikipedia

    If you live in Lakewood, you’re welcome to come into the library

    and look under Mystery-Doyle for William S. Baring-Gould’s “The Annotated Sherlock Holmes,” which is bigger than most sefarim (though its margins are rather large, and not always filled up).

    Baring-Gould, the author of a fictional biography of the detective, was perhaps the game’s greatest player, and the creator of the method of determining what year a story took place in by comparing the weather in the story with that reported by a newspaper for that date in the years of the story’s period.

    in reply to: NeutiquamErro's favorite thread with an obscure title #1147475

    (Without addressing specific discussions…)

    Well, that escalated quickly. I think this is the fastest-growing topic in my time on the CR so far. What does this say about us? 🙂

    Interesting to see someone bring up Eliezer Yudkowsky’s “Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality.” You beat me to it, yekke2.

    (The author is in fact an OTD Jew, in case anyone was curious. He’s an interesting chevraman – quote: “If you don’t sign up your kids for cryonics then you are a lousy parent.” What on earth is that, you ask? “Cryonics is the practice of preserving people who are dying in liquid nitrogen soon after their heart stops. The idea is that most of your brain’s information content is still intact right after you’ve ‘died’. If humans invent molecular nanotechnology or brain emulation techniques, it may be possible to reconstruct the consciousness of cryopreserved patients.”

    Meanwhile, he’s a research fellow at an artificial intelligence foundation. And, of course, he writes fan fiction.)

    in reply to: Kosherphones #1035811

    (Googled: “brick” means, essentially, break [an electronic device].)

    I suggest you call TAG. They’ll be happy to assist you.

    (They’re an organization that helps frum people deal with tech.)

    Some of their numbers:

    Brooklyn: dial 718-437-1824.

    Monsey: dial 845-371-1824.

    Lakewood: dial 732-730-1824.

    Stamford Hill: 0207 112 4848

    Golders Green: 0203 475 5454

    Manchester: 0161 443 330119781

    in reply to: Whats my problem I can't keep CR members straight? #1037189

    how funny is that?

    [Makes serious face] Not funny enough to justify the bump.

    in reply to: Depressed Anonymous #1035809

    I don’t think this is going to happen, but I doubt the mods would care if anyone used a separate anonymous identity for this thread.

    I hear attempting to register twice with the same e-mail address may cause an issue, though.

    Do Jewish people commonly treat depression with a 12-step program?

    in reply to: Sleeping tablets #1037843

    ? ? Pam-pah-dah-dam! Captain Obvious!? ?

    Grape juice is quite high in sugar, which is not known to make people sleepy (oh, wait, there’s Lior… I don’t know).

    Can anyone tell me whether liquids generally have a

    more potent effect when foamy?

    in reply to: Isis has fighter jets #1036944

    I doubt they have the necessary training and resources to put them to effective use.

    in reply to: Coolest Mod #1036080

    The deletion of my last post is very telling

    All it tells you is that we are not interested in the ensuing discussion of that topic. – 29

    Note to self: Mods may delete posts that will start

    discussions that do not interest them.

    29 did not mean lack of personal interest of the moderators. “Not interested” means we do not think it should be discussed in a public forum, at least not this one. -100

    in reply to: Kabbalah #1036461

    Let’s break this down:

    There is a famous story that the Baal Shem Tov was once in the oliomus helyonim and he keep right up to Heichel Hamoshiach and he asked him when are you coming, moshiach replied when you guys start learning Kabbalah.

    So, the point so far is that we should all learn Kabbalah.

    Nowadays with the internet nearly on every jewish site you go on you get an option to learn Kabbalah this could be bad as you could get goyim with no connection to torah or a torah way of life learning Kabbalah

    This part points out that Jewish websites that “teach Kabbalah,”

    presumably in an attempt to bring Mashiach as per above, can be used by non-Jews, which is assumed to be a bad thing.

    by the way there was once a story of some meshuganah who was trying to bring down angels and one day he died in some unusual sort of car crash, this is why I don't think it's good that Kabbalah has become so widespread like it is today because even not a goy lehavdil but most common jews however choshuv they may be are not on the level of a gadol and therefore should not be learning Kabbalah and especially not on any random website.

    This part tells us that the average Jew should not be learning Kabbalah, so that they don’t die as a consequence of attempting to put their knowledge to practical use (as some story has it),

    another point not in favor of websites that “teach Kabbalah.”

    [shrugs] I think we’ll be fine. Well, at least now we know what PAA thinks we should be learning instead of a certain kind of iyun.

    in reply to: Name That Tune! #1194308

    I’m not supposed to be here…

    But that second one was Googleable. 🙂

    It’s “One Day At a Time” by Shloime Dachs.

    (You could have meant that I shouldn’t Google them, but that’s

    unlikely given that the others have this page as the only result.)

    in reply to: Eating on Erev Yom Kippur #1034923

    “Now” is a word that designates the time when it is used. In the case of that now, it was about 3:30 on Erev Yom Kippur.

    in reply to: Name That Tune! #1194301

    The second one is “I Want to Know” by the Miami Boys Choir.

    (It was Googleable.)

    in reply to: The Kid Gloves are Off.. #1066638

    “as the song goes” ?

    in reply to: Eating on Erev Yom Kippur #1034921

    GG Yekke – point!


    Oomis, since they are Mechuyav to fast they obviously must eat, but the question here is about the specific mitzva of eating which is different from the need to eat Erev Tisha B'av. This is a Mitzva which happens to coincide with the need.

    Now, let’s look back at what Oomis wrote:

    If women have a chiyuv to FAST, then they should also have a chiyuv to EAT. I don’t see a chiluk here. (emphasis added)

    HaLeiVi again:

    I would say that if it is an Asmachta that would be reason tip apply to Nashim as well. Derabanans don't necessarily have the exemption of Zman Grama, at least not when the reasoning applies to Nashim as well.

    Rabi Akiva Eiger:

    [????’ ??”? ?”? ?????? ????? ?????? ?? ?? ???? ??? ????? ????? ?????? ??’ ???? ????? ?? ??? ?????? ????? ???? ?? ??? ??? ??? ????]

    Rule of 3:

    And Succah is for ?????? ??????. does that make it a Chiyuv for Nashim? ?? ?? ??? ????? ???.

    If that’s in response to this

    1)Since you cant do vesomachtoh v’chagecho on yom kippur we do it on ever yom kippur. […]

    the ksav sofer says l’fi r’yonas reasons, women are chiyuv.

    you’re arguing with the K’sav Sofer.


    The punishment can be mine or Popa’s. I could be saying that I came on for a specific reason, but one thing led to another, or that I had a valid reason to be on now, as opposed to him. Only one of these really makes sense, though – can you figure it out?

    in reply to: Chesed on the CR #1067208

    Thank you, Crazybrit. 🙂

    What's wrong with bumping old threads? Why not restart an interesting discussion that died for whatever reason? So many new threads get created on a regular basis that older ones tend to just get lost in the shuffle.

    1. How old is old?

    2. Why not just start a new one, and link to an older one if people want to read the opinions of the community that came before them?

    in reply to: self squashing and growth #1034819

    Yes and yes. 🙂 Good job.

    in reply to: NeutiquamErro's favorite thread with an obscure title #1147291

    [New page! 🙂 ]

    It’s been a long time since I read Book 3…

    Perhaps your actions at any one point affect the entire timeline, constantly re-writing the past and your own memories of it?

    Perhaps the narrative gives us only the final resulting timeline?

    (In any case, assuming free will, how could you be “forced” by a timeline to perform actions?)

    in reply to: Daas Torah #1076824

    Can you post it, or will it not be approved even now? (Maybe in another thread, so it doesn’t have whatever context is an issue? I haven’t read this thread, I just followed one of your links here.)

    in reply to: How do you translate your Hebrew name? #1034344

    I assumed you’d gotten the error information already in the “markups” thread, though I suppose you wouldn’t necessarily have remembered and identified the “Chesed” thread as the “thread on the subject of feedback” announced here. But that didn’t seem important.

    in reply to: Questions on stuff I really should know… #1034270

    Gol, if one person didn’t see another one for 38 years, what does that tell you about that person and the Internet?

    in reply to: Just testing the various “allowed markup”s ☑️❎🆙 #1212881


    It turns out that multiple instances

    of <blockquote> are stackable.

    That is, you can start a new one without closing the old one,

    and keep going.

    To stop, you can…

    use a single closer at a time

    for an interesting sort of

    pyramid effect.

    I discovered this by “accident” while verifying my list of posts.

    in reply to: Are white skirts not tzanuah? #1034514

    Which, according to R' Akiva Eiger's Hava Amina, makes a fascinating Chiluk between single and married women repeating Bentsching on Yom Tov is they forget Ya'aleh V'yavo.

    Explanation please, or at least a hebrewbooks link? I don’t have a copy at home, and getting hold of one presents an… issue.

    in reply to: Bark mitzvah #1034219

    I finally tried it, and it turned out is a real website.

    “Bone A Olam”

    Can anyone tell me what landmark I’m thinking of? (Probably not. Ever.)

    in reply to: Question of names #1036838

    (Sorry to repeat myself…)

    I’m not sure I made myself clear – I mean writing out such things as Adoi…, Eloi…, etc., not G-d, L-rd (etc). Is that what you were talking about, DaasYochid?

    in reply to: Just testing the various “allowed markup”s ☑️❎🆙 #1212880


    When using Google (and most search engines), there is a difference between, for example, searching for

    [her son is serving on the line] and searching for

    [“her son is serving on the line”]. A search with quotation marks around some words will find only pages that have those words in that order.

    (If it finds no results for the exact phrase, it will show results for the same search without quotes and tell you so).

    This is obviously a more precise and powerful way to search, though it can be a stumbling block if you’re misremembering something even slightly.

    in reply to: Ever seen a forest animal die of old age #1042725


    1) I assumed “ORIGINAL QUESTION” referred to something significant from any perspective.

    2) I made my three posts in a row without reading everything up to that point, so there were actually more than eleven unread posts.

    Let’s go!

    Maybe the Moderator feels that it is in fact worse to kill animals than to kill insects and allowing the post would have equated the two so he had no choice but to edit it.

    Mods aren’t allowed to block things just because they disagree with them.

    Also, a careful reading of the post shows that writersoul may actually have killed animals as well: The statement "I've yet to have caused one myself" is referring back to the statement of "I do see a lot of extremely depressing roadkill" so all it means is that writersoul never caused a DEPRESSING roadkill.

    Here’s a reasonable assumption – Writersoul finds all

    roadkill depressing, and “extremely depressing” was meant to express a feeling about “roadkill,” not to modify (and thus limit) it, whether that is correct usage or not.

    If that is the case then the thankfulness is not for not killing animals; it's for not killing them in a depressing way which obviously doesn't apply to insects which are never killed in a depressing way. So chuvim (Joseph)'s question is all the more baseless.

    Chuvim’s question assumes (“as bad as”) that Writersoul believes there is something bad about running over a bird or skunk. This appears to be baseless. It is understandable that Writersoul’s feeling about roadkill is that it is depressing, and it can be assumed that she does not feel this way about insects (as demonstrated by your assumption that this non-feeling is universal – “insects which are never killed in a depressing way”).

    I thought I answered that already. [What was edited out of Ws’s post]

    No, you theorized, and that theory can be presumed false.


    in reply to: Questions on stuff I really should know… #1034268

    Sorry, Letakein, but I don’t agree. Answering trolls in a way that indicates that you took them at face value gives them pleasure and encourages them to keep trolling – that is, annoying people and wasting their time. In this case, though, I don’t think Rockout’s around anymore to notice the response. (I would’ve thought Oomis could spot a troll – she’s been on the CR for 6 years…)

    in reply to: She'yeiachlu soneinu #1034225

    My father:

    I eat a honeydew, so that my wife will listen to me, and I’m makpid not to eat eggshells, so I won’t have to shell out.

    in reply to: How do you translate your Hebrew name? #1034342

    Shira Princess of Power explanation: “She-Ra: Princess of Power” was a children’s cartoon in the ’80s.

    (While cozimjewish won’t need the content below, it may be useful to CR archaeologists in the future.)

    “user not found” is the error page referred to in “clicking on their name will take you to an error page”.

    The thread about feedback:

    in reply to: Just testing the various “allowed markup”s ☑️❎🆙 #1212879
    in reply to: Daas Torah #1076822

    PAA: Was that the Netziv quote you’d been trying to post all along?

    in reply to: Linked usernames! #1155594
    in reply to: Random Facts #1040304

    You couldn’t have been talking about playing a record – you could not be “do[ing] both at once” if your “playing” was not a continuous action.

    in reply to: The Coffee Room Collection #1034206


    In the language of message boards, a “sticky” is a thread that is set to always appear at the top of the front page. Look at the top of the topic lists.

    in reply to: Name That Tune! #1194296

    Order it online! Besides, people will think you’re buying it for a younger sibling, unless they know you don’t have any.

    in reply to: About our troll-in-residence #1042886

    No, I said it’d be my last day/night – I have until the morning!

    (Of course, I hope to be long asleep by then.)

    Got to go now – I’ll be back around 1 AM, though.

Viewing 50 posts - 451 through 500 (of 863 total)