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  • in reply to: yeshivas in toronto #1941706
    Rabbi of Crawley

    Toronto has a large frum kehilla and the advantage is that they speak English unlike Quebec where many people only speak french.

    If you are planning to come from the USA you will need a visa to enter Canada

    in reply to: Remembering the British Holocaust #1904365
    Rabbi of Crawley

    Soon the 2021 census is going to begin and with it , will show how the situation is demographically for Anglo Jewry

    welcome Rabbi,ย  glad you’re well -29

    in reply to: Is there still carona in the frum world? #1904359
    Rabbi of Crawley

    Here in the UK and crawley there is corona getting very bad

    in reply to: Remembering the British Holocaust #1791695
    Rabbi of Crawley

    david y – to me the term holocaust represents the genocide of a peple, culture, identity or heritage.

    What is upsetting is that some people can use the term holocsust exclusively to serve their needs.

    I do believe that almost all countries including britain had some role to play in the death if almost 6 million holy jews between 1940-1945
    britain fof example is less than 50 miles from wheee deportations in northern france were taking place and also brhtain returnef thousands of doomed jews to europe upon trying to enter palestine

    in reply to: Remembering the British Holocaust #1791627
    Rabbi of Crawley

    mainstream Jews as well as orthodox Jews must establish a national British holocaust museum

    in reply to: Remembering the British Holocaust #1789810
    Rabbi of Crawley

    I inow people who live in bournemouth. Bar mitzvas are not so common as the community is one more of retirees than lottle children , howe er there are constantly more and more older people relocating there from london including chassidim

    Gateshead is growing but many people are leaving as well due to the lack of jobs in the area

    in reply to: Condemnation of Jerusalem Parade #1789770
    Rabbi of Crawley

    We cannot ever support murder yet this event will act as a warning for people think twice when organizing these sickening events in the holy city

    in reply to: Your 21 year old son may be ready for marriage #1789762
    Rabbi of Crawley

    If boys marry girls aged 18, 19 who just left school and need mama all day, that is the shidduch crisis

    in reply to: Remembering the British Holocaust #1789763
    Rabbi of Crawley

    2 years on and this holocaust is only getting worse. Brexit doesnt help

    in reply to: Mental Health and Judaism #1746510
    Rabbi of Crawley

    There is no such a thing as mental illness. The world has been taugh an innocent misunderstanding. Hashem made the human being, as a part of nature extremely resilient , yet we are taught to fear our thinking and feelings and we thus are taught to look outside for answers when all the answers are deep within the soul of every human being..

    For generations people lived by this understanding until psychologists got lost and attempted to understand the cause of psychological understanding by dealing with the thoughts and feelings, instead of seeing what creates them.

    The situation in the world of psychiatry is only getting worse, doctors are diagnosing countless millions of patients with ptsd , depression, bipolar, schizophrenia and hundreds of other names which increase by the year.

    These name are attempts by doctors to narrow doen certain feelings and thoughts, but the are all just different symptoms of chronic mental stress. This is where peoples understanding of how the mind works drops to the point where they take their thinking so seriously, that they get these symptoms.

    in reply to: Single State Solution for Israel #1444118
    Rabbi of Crawley

    Palestinians have lived under occupation for the last 50 years and are desperate for a peaceful solution, one that will allow them to live with their families without fear of attack or violence.

    in reply to: FAST APPROACHING: The End of Secularism in Israel #1439254
    Rabbi of Crawley

    the rabbi has asked me to release his official statement for rand0m3x

    A fake Jew is someone who deliberately violates one or more of the commandments and identifies himself as a Jew. The Chief Rabbi of Crawley condemns such congregrants with utmost excitement.”

    Rabbi of Crawley


    Rabbi of Crawley

    Terrorists kill non zionist Jews because they are not muslim, just like they blow up trains and just like they did in manchester

    in reply to: Who is the new leader of Klal Yisrael? #1438959
    Rabbi of Crawley

    perhaps rav dov lior shlita

    in reply to: FAST APPROACHING: The End of Secularism in Israel #1438892
    Rabbi of Crawley

    The Rabbi sent me his official response to Avi K, which he asked me to post

    1) “As I mentioned earlier, I remain firm in my stance on this topic. This stance is based in conscience, aspirations and personal experiences. Having lived in Eretz Yisrael for some time and experiencing the flowering of the Jewish people as well as having been through secuar Israel, I am as neutral as one can get on this issue.”

    2) “Liberal Judaism is not reform, It is a more tolerant, diverse and secular version than reform, however since they convert anyone and marry out, I would not daven there even if they believed in the 13 principles. Although admittedly, there is no heter for one to live In chutz laaretz other than parnassah and shidduch , the Proximity of Crawley to the beautiful South Downs National park makes it difficult for me to leave”

    in reply to: FAST APPROACHING: The End of Secularism in Israel #1438897
    Rabbi of Crawley

    The RoC is the “Permanent representative of non-fake judasims to West Sussex”

    in reply to: FAST APPROACHING: The End of Secularism in Israel #1438898
    Rabbi of Crawley

    He has no connection to chabad , however three of The rabbi’s Children , Noam, Ofer and Zalmy all learn through the chabad system, as their father has his rabbinical duties

    in reply to: FAST APPROACHING: The End of Secularism in Israel #1438803
    Rabbi of Crawley


    The Rabbi of Crawley has reviewed the response OF Yichusdik on the “Within the next 10 years, Israel Will be mostly religious” and has released a statement

    ” I have shown appreciation for the analysis you have supplied and I appreciate it as your valued opinion, however I nevertheless remain firm in my stance on this topic.
    The writer must be aware that the Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics is not an accurate source of information on this matter for two reasons.
    1) They are naturally biased against there Zionist dream turning into a religious catastrophe, so they refuse to acknowledge the burning truth and therefore statistics are significantly warped.
    2) They consider all of the approximately million russians as Jewish, even though most are not, which means that the Chareidi percentage of the Jewish population is significantly higher.
    Also the use of Studies and Research Analyses are innacurate as they are merely predictions, and therefore do not paint a true picture of what’s happening.

    A final point that must be made is that the Haredi leadership in Israel is weak and is incredibly limited in representation and power in relation to it’s size and this applies to the media, general voice that the Haredim have in their country, similar to a silent majority”.

    The rabbi thanks the petitioner and is happy to respond further

    in reply to: FAST APPROACHING: The End of Secularism in Israel #1438714
    Rabbi of Crawley

    Yichusdik: i Will shortly release my response statement for you

    Jakob: I love eretz yisrael with my heart and wish i could live there , but when there is an undemocratic, zionist, anti torah, government there I find it very big nisayon, which I will one day be able to handle

    in reply to: FAST APPROACHING: The End of Secularism in Israel #1438611
    Rabbi of Crawley

    I am sorry for yelling. I just get so excited , every time i think about a israel having a majority of real , not fake jews

    in reply to: FAST APPROACHING: The End of Secularism in Israel #1438565
    Rabbi of Crawley

    the majority of religious in israel are charedi


    Please stop yelling

    in reply to: FAST APPROACHING: The End of Secularism in Israel #1438372
    Rabbi of Crawley

    I know that one day the knesset will become a kollel and during the break times , there will be votes and legislation (halachic)

    in reply to: FAST APPROACHING: The End of Secularism in Israel #1438306
    Rabbi of Crawley

    I Personally can notice a difference each time I travel to Erets Yisrael, I see more religion everywhere baruch hashem.

    herzliya has begun to feel like a shtikel bnei berak and the knesset has begun to look like a religious conference center.

    the supreme court, though has a long,long ,supreme i should say, way to go

    in reply to: How can people live in America? It’s so scary and dangerous there #1437680
    Rabbi of Crawley

    yes we were expelled but not because of hatred. It was more about sustaining the interests of british society

    in reply to: How can people live in America? It’s so scary and dangerous there #1437268
    Rabbi of Crawley


    At least our overseas territories are undisputedly crime free such as gibraltar, bermuda ,british antarctic territory, flakland islands turksand caicos

    in reply to: Nittel #1435000
    Rabbi of Crawley

    still it is worthwile to be machmir

    in reply to: How can people live in America? It’s so scary and dangerous there #1434518
    Rabbi of Crawley

    iACRCRISMSII …whatever …..I am looking forward to going to jordan and lebanon. They are on the whole, peaceful countries and don’t suffer anywhere near the dangers that the average american cities do .

    Joseph: Please don’t distinguish between europe and the UK. It is like saying ” Many French and european jews ….”
    The UK is europe

    in reply to: Who Wants to Hear Lashon Hara?? #1434311
    Rabbi of Crawley

    I thought it a yid writes this , it must be ltoeles, so I had in mind to trust that whatever was written in the article was toeles.

    That is my shitah as chief rabbi of crawley

    Rabbi of Crawley

    I am fine. I have no connection to the state of israel. I am a simply a Jew. The arabs are only against israel, not the jews

    Rabbi of Crawley

    Jordan is the safest country in the middle east and is a beacon of peace in a dangerous region.

    They are a country of peace and are tolerant to minorities. They are a wealthy kingdom with a high standard of living, although, like in israel, there is a high rate of poverty.

    in reply to: President Donald Trump, Oheiv Yisroel Par Excellence #1431203
    Rabbi of Crawley

    is it a winder why his name is gematria to meshiach ben david.

    Not that he is mashiach, of course not. Rather hes is one of the world leaders that will usher in the final part of the days of mashiach.

    in reply to: Reform “Rabbis” #1429698
    Rabbi of Crawley

    reform people tend to be very poor financially as they feel empty spiritually which means they lose success in everything they do

    in reply to: Can a Non-Religious Jew be a Tzadik? #1347638
    Rabbi of Crawley

    someone who is mechallel shabbos is considered a goy as written in the gemara so he may be a righteous gentile,

    Rabbi of Crawley

    pesach who?

    Rabbi of Crawley

    By the way last time i was in manchester on leicester road , I got shouted anti semitic comments by a van who was stuck in traffic, moving slowly, I proceeded to take a photo of him, which he didn’t like at all and swung his van around , parked it and began to chase me on foot , I ran to my car and zoomed off round the block three times making sure that he lost me

    Most mof my manc memories are good , though?

    And your gatwick airport memories were probably also good????

    Unless you flew easyjet or ryanair……. where you have to measure your suitcase with a microscope

    Rabbi of Crawley

    Thanks for your wonderful reply!

    Interesting you say Kenton is where rabbi Black is now Mara Dasra, There is another Kenton , in Newcastle , this Kenton was home to many of Newcastle Hebrew Congregation members , so rabbi black obviously has alot to do with the word “kenton” .

    Also , I one shabbos walked over to the Shul in Newcastle from Gateshead and didn’t know the code , so went “mezuzah searching” many homes had mezuzot but only one home answered the door (I guess the others were away for sheva bruchos in Doncaster or tief in a reb chaim so didn’t hear me) she invited me in and warmly welcomed me and explained how upset she was that the community is dwindling and is now a very small fraction of what it once was and praised Gateshead for it’s large, growing kehilla . The husband quickly interrupted “True Newcastle is dying out , But Gateshead is also dying out” “are you sure|” she queried” With his hands trembling , he responded ” I am sure”

    So there is a myth out there, (which I heard from someone 2 miles across the river ) that Gateshead is dwindling, but I, having Studied for a short period in that town can say loud and clear “It is a myth!” Gateshead is thriving whilst maintaining that traditional simplicity and community life that Manchester is so well known for (and I admire so much that I may consider moving to Manchester because of it).

    Hackney Rivera -, you meant Blackney Riviera!

    I know he spends his holidays in Llandudno , I am sure he wouldn’t want to come to crawley, doncaster, newcastle, washington, or Brighton!

    Or whitefield for sure not…..

    Do you know any of the following

    Some are my relatives

    Reb Peter Koppenheim (Refuah Bekarov)

    Ahrele shechter

    Binyomin Pulterak

    Chananya Niazaov

    Shabsi Goldschmidt (son of gabai)

    Moshe Hoffman (works in kollel shop)

    Robert Festenstein

    and The gardener who works for the kehillas gardens ??

    Rabbi of Crawley

    Geordie I am hasidic and from London and am of swiss origin

    In terms of Manchester, I love coming to MH Shul , especially seeing the Rt. Hon. Gabi Lock cheering everyone up , delin and dine with that lovely northern customer service, dovid’s deli with his family run cholent factory , and and the wonderful tourist attractions of manchester, er er er,,, er oh ! just thought of one!! manchester Piccadilly rail station and on my way home sown south, I normally take a small detour to the world famous town of Macclesfield and then head home.

    In terms of The north east, I love whitley bay with it’s lush sandy beaches heading north through the pretty suburb of Cullercoats up towards south shields and then berwick upon tweed before entering scuetland.

    I love Newcastle’s northern suburbs , particularly Jesmond and Gosforth where the heimishe kehilla is based with its esteemed rav , shul and mikvah,
    I also like Newcastle’s grainger market and the eldon square shopping centre – probably the best you’d find up north

    Washington is OK as is Durham but Gateshead strikes my heart.

    The Angel (what you call malach) is what attracts all the tourists up to gateshead. However people underestimate what gateshead has to offer.
    The Sage centre, Baltic arts centre, the shipley art gallery, gateshead leisure centre , Gateshead library, MetroCentre, Swing Bridge, Gateshead millenium bridge,

    Also, interestingly there is a kehilla in gateshead with a shul but it doesn’t compare with the growing kehilla of newcastle……

    Have you ever been to crawley??

    in reply to: Meet me in real life #1291719
    Rabbi of Crawley

    hi JEW

    Rabbi of Crawley

    Geordie It is not a good idea to use the word “geordie” in your username as people will think you are extremely poor and will never be able to give charity so no one will collect from you

    I am from central London so rarely see anyone with an income lower than ยฃ150k

    I personally earn far less than that by the way and half my money goes to chinuch for kids

    Rabbi of Crawley

    Do you know my cousin the Rt. Hon Dayan Krausz from Manchester?

    in reply to: The off-topic thread #1166870
    Rabbi of Crawley

    The reform and conservative groups are experts. They are experts in failure.

    in reply to: HaGaon HaTzaddik HaRav Aryeh Finkel Zatzal #1165269
    Rabbi of Crawley

    i used to learn in gateshead

    in reply to: Words from an ex IDF solider for Yom HaZikaron #1163278
    Rabbi of Crawley

    It may be tzimchat hageulah but we must nevertheless fight the zionist regime.

    in reply to: Experiences of Jews in Dubai #1161517
    Rabbi of Crawley

    Ilove coffe:

    I am going for pleausure.

    That is what i am trying to establis, if it is hostile towards jews

    Zahavas dad: Have you been to amman? arons kever? could you tell me what it was like?

    in reply to: An Israeli tries to understand life in America #1163830
    Rabbi of Crawley

    BARRY LS1:

    I use the torah as my guide not the balfour declaration

    in reply to: Finnish Jewry #1161536
    Rabbi of Crawley

    jewish femininst:

    who ?

    rabbi lifson?

    in reply to: An Israeli tries to understand life in America #1163814
    Rabbi of Crawley

    In america you are not ruled by the evil kefirah zionist regime which allows you to grow in your yiddishkeit in a way which would not be possible in eretz yisrael, also life does not revolve around poverty, you will get used to decent shopping malls , clean streets, nice shuls, comfortable homes, proffesional storekeepers and basically earning more than you spend

    in reply to: Finnish Jewry #1161533
    Rabbi of Crawley

    TAKAMAMASH or whatever you are called:

    I REFUSE TO LIVE UNDER THE ZIONIST KEFIRAH REGIME, I am a torah jew and this is my way of life , I don’t know what you are but i am not some friendly liberal pro gay pro arab tolerant rabbi of Anshe shalom reform,

    in reply to: Why the ashkenazi schools don't accept sefardi children #1164103
    Rabbi of Crawley

    avi k you are right indeed – yes , there are many middos everyone wants to acquire- the point is on our level to “aspire even though we may not acquire”

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