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To the group
I figured out the misconception that Schneersohn is god. When he came to America he was told that he needs his G.E.D.
So he got it but we see from Seichel that Lubavitchers put “o”s where other vowels are called for. This is definitely the right Pshat and I have tons of sources to prove it.qwerty613ParticipantTo philosopher
You’re always spot on. Another difference between Chabad and the original Christians is that they’re totally Dovuk to their dead, lying getchke. With the Christians I know it’s minhag avoseihem biyadeihem. Psychos like Shmei can’t imagine a world in which he’d have to believe in Hashem so his false bravado is simply a mechanism to cover up his realization that the end is imminent. Now he’s trying to figure out how to squirm out of the Candace Owens question. The good news for Shmei is that he’ll be spending a lot of time with his god at 120.
qwerty613ParticipantTo the group
My Rov Rabbi Moshe Plutchok calls himself a strict Maimonidean. Boruch Hashem we were given Rambam who explained that the world always follows natural law and will continue to do so when Moshiach comes. That’s why the Chabad shtus is submoronic and it’s idolatry because they change their beliefs at a moment’s notice if they think it will support their distorted agenda.
qwerty613ParticipantTo philosopher
I’m impressed. You actually got Shmei to make a definitive statement. He officially stated that Yaakov is alive and well at 3k plus years. Of course you should write that down in pencil because he may deny having said that tomorrow.. However Shmei doesn’t believe that Yaakov is god. So he accepts Rashi literally but rejects the literal meaning of the Gemara. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. His Kofer Rebbe also chose which Gemaras to believe and which to reject..I think he flipped coins to make those decisions
qwerty613ParticipantTo the group
In the recent debate between Boteach and Candace Owens the latter asked America’s Rabbi why Lubavitchers reject Christianity because of its belief in a second coming, but they believe the Rebbe will have a second coming. Boteach didn’t answer..I wonder if the Chabad Gaonim in this thread will tackle that question.
qwerty613ParticipantTo philosopher
Hopefully you now understand why there can be no discourse between the real Jews in this thread and the Three Stooges particularly Shmei. They believe in nothing other than the Kofer who commutes between Queens and 770. Nebuch they’ve crossed the 50th level of Tumah and they will never be redeemed.
To coffee addict
Your point is well taken but you’re not dealing with Chachamim you’re dealing with that lying Stooges.
To always ask
I addressed your question above. Pozner wasn’t praising Abraham’ s kindness. He was putting him down. That’s common practice among Lubavitchers. I mentioned the punk who said that the Rebbe was greater than Moshe Rabbeinu
His father-in-law said that the Vilna Gaon was a nobody compared to the Baal Hatanya. The only Godol they don’t insult is Rav Moshe but they tell stories about how he accepted the Rebbe as his master.qwerty613ParticipantTo the group and the moderators
Rabbi Miller said, “When great people say things they mean exactly what they say.” Let’s review the comments from the Lubavitchers on this thread. Cunin said that the Rebbe runs the world but he didn’t mean what he said. The Rebbe said that he’s god clothed in human form. But he didn’t mean what he said. Seichel said that Yaakov Avenue is god but he didn’t mean what he said. Clearly we’re not dealing with great people. And if we have the temerity to ask what they actually meant the answer given is “study our sources”. I had my first Gemara farherren in 5th grade. The principal, Rabbi Nossan Lomner ZL asked me to explain the Gemara. I told him I know it but I can’t explain it. He told me that if you can’t explain it you don’t know it. But these lying Lubavitchers hide behind their supposed sources. On the other hand when Rav Shach said that the Rebbe is a maniac he meant exactly what he said. That is a great man. Checkmate.
qwerty613ParticipantTo coffee addict
As much as possible we have to avoid any discussions with the idolaters..They believe in nothing but their dead god and so they’ll say anything. I ridicule the Kofer because Avraham Avinu or according to Seichel, Avraham Avenue teaches us to mock getchkes. On the other hand I admit the truth. The Rebbe was a super genius in Torah and Madda and those who knew him say that he was a delightful person. Would any Lubavicher acknowledge Rav Shach’s greatness in Torah? That’s a rhetorical question but the vermin Shmei will write that Rav Shach is his favorite Gadol just to contradict me. The Three Stooges think that the Rebbe will conquer the world if I can be silenced. I should be proud that Chabad is so afraid of me. I guess I am as great as I think I am. Just kidding Shmei.
qwerty613ParticipantTo the Moderators
Can we put a bow on this thread? AFAIC mission accomplished. Any rational, honest person can see Chabad for what it is an idolatrous mutant of Judaism.
qwerty613ParticipantTo yankel berel
Seichel is right only one person was hurt in the ,Golf War he got plunked on the head with a sand wedge. You’re such a smart guy why do you waste time with that idolatrous imbecile?
qwerty613ParticipantTo the group
I said bli Neder for a reason. Shmei is arguing that Rabbi Pozner and the GRA said the same thing. That’s right but they didn’t mean the same thing. I’ll explain. I’m anti-Chabad and anti-Rebbe but I’m not an anti Semite. Candace Owens is anti-Chabad and anti-Rebbe and she is an anti-Semite. When a person makes a statement it must be understood in the context of the speaker. The Gaon was trying to explain why the Akeidah was greater than all the previous tests combined. He wasn’t C”V minimizing the others he was just lauding the 10th. On the other hand Pozner was insulting Avraham Avinu..How do I know this? In an earlier chapter of the book he wrote that there are two kinds of Orthodox Jews The first keeps the religion with all the Mitzvahs however they’re insular meaning that they only care about themselves and those in their close circles. In contrast we have Chabad that is the only Orthodox group which understands and practices the concept of Kol Yisrael Areivim Zeh Lazeh and so they devote themselves to.helping other Jews. This is the Chabad mantra the belief that they are better than other Jews. Since we see that this was his attitude it’s clear that he was putting down n Avraham. And we can say the same thing about Cunin and Seichel. They have the Chabad Chazakah of being idolaters so we don’t look to be Dan Lkaf Zechus.
qwerty613ParticipantTo coffee Addict
It’s all good. We’re on the same team defending Hashem’s honor and so we’re brothers.
To philosopher
I understand your frustration. You will never get through to them. We debate with Lubavitchers if the Rebbe is alive. The real question is whether Shmei and his cohorts are actually alive. When one loses his ability to think he no longer has free will and so he’s more dead than alive. The Three Stooges can take their shots at me but they’re just adding coals to the fire that’s waiting for them.
qwerty613ParticipantTo ARSo
You’re a better man than I Gunga Din because you got Menachem Shmei to agree with you. Unfortunately, I don’t have that power over him. I asked Shmei to acknowledge that Seichel and Cunin are idolaters because if one even gives a hint that he believes that a human has power this is idolatry and/or Amalekism. True to form that liar changed the subject and twisted himself into a pretzel trying to prove that the Rebbe didn’t reject the Gemara in Cheilek. And he certainly rejected the Gemara which said that there’s no Nevuah until Moshiach comes.
qwerty613ParticipantTo Lostspark
Many Gedolim were.anti-YU like Rabbi Miller and Rabbi Gifter. So what? Rav Moshe certainly wasn’t. I’m from the LES and we judge people by their actions not their affiliations. Therefore I can agree with Rav Shach on one point and disagree on another. On the other hand since you’re a brain -dead idolater you must accept everything that lying Kofer said.
To coffee addict
Rabbi Miller said that if you keep repeating the truth eventually even your enemies will quote you. You and I went at it pretty good and now you’re using my motto. I love it.
To the group
As I wrote the other day I will not address anything said by Shmei. He can write til the cows come home. My decision is final.
qwerty613ParticipantTo coffee addict
Again you’re spot on. The fact that the Rebbe had troubled siblings isn’t knock against him.I have two siblings who went lost. It’s part of the human condition.Some people are able to handle their Yetzer hora and some can’t..As Rabbi Miller said,”Those Jews who want to end up on the beaches of Hawaii will get their wish.” Comes along the lying Kofer Schneersohn and he says he’ll save every last Jew. So I challenge that statement, “If he couldn’t help his brothers he can’t rehabilitate Woody Allen Bernie Sanders and Doug Emhoff.” Moreover the Gemara says that most Jews won’t be redeemed by Moshiach, the real Moshiach.
qwerty613ParticipantTo the group
As anyone could predict Shmei brushed off my proof that Seichel is an idolater. Let’s take a closer look. I’ve called Seichel an idolater since he introduced the Trinity
Did he deny t? No. So Shmei will say that he didn’t object because the charge is preposterous..But wait. When I’m called a liar I challenge such defamation. Therefore Seichel silence is Hodah. Or maybe not. And when philosopher and others brought up Cunin Shmei argued that there’s no clear-cut proof that he meant the Rebbe and not Hashem..And so he’s only a possible idolater. And the Rabbi in my shul who said that the Rebbe and Hashem are protecting us may have meant that Hashem does most of the Shmirah and according to the Gemara Miktzas Kikulo. So he’s only a possible idolater. Here’s the problem Sofek idolatry is idolatry Mamash pun intended. A Sofek as to whether Hashem runs the world is called Amalek. This is my final word on the subject. Ok one more word. Checkmateqwerty613ParticipantTo the group
Menachem Shmei said that the Rebbe discouraged his Chasidim seeking higher education. But why did he insist that their secular education end in second grade? This was told to me by a Chabad Rabbi and it explains why Lubavitchers like Seichel are functional illiterates. Shmei wanted proof(s) that Seichel said that Yaakov is god. We have Aug 27 8:47 PM and Aug 21 4:39 pm. You can be sure that the snake will twist what Seichel wrote just like he tried to con the group that Cunin isn’t an idolater. If it makes him feel good that he knows how to lie then let him enjoy himself. It’s Elul and Hashem is watching.
qwerty613ParticipantTo the group
Menachem Shmei denies that Lubavitchers think that they are the “Master Race” of Judaism. Let me provide two anecdotes. One of Ron Hirsch’s daughters in laws(He’s a noted philanthropist) was raised Chabad. I asked her if she was taught in yeshiva that Lubavitchers are better than other Jews and she confirmed it. Second story. About 20 years ago I asked a Chabad Rabbi(I didn’t know much about Chabad at the time) how he would feel if his daughter married someone from Lakewood (she was 9 at the time.) He told me that the question was ridiculous because Lubavitchers are the highest form of Jew. As for Shmei’s response that Rav Shach had troublesome offspring. That’s not unusual so did Rav Moshe and a host of others. The reason I make a point of it is that the Rebbe bragged that he would save every Jew.If he couldn’t help his own family how is he going to save Jews in the hinterlands? As for Rabbi Sacks statement. I heard him say that exact quote on Zev Brenner is the Rebbe studied Hitler. It’s possible that in writing he said it differently. Once again Shmei tries to depict me a a liar and he’s checkmated.
qwerty613ParticipantTo Lostspark
If you’re so against Limudei Chol why do you believe in a Rebbe who went to two universities?
qwerty613ParticipantTo square root
I’d like to offer a serious response to your comment. About ten years ago Butman told a story about someone who went to the Rebbe for a Brocha and he wasn’t answered. I wondered why he’d tell the story. I soon found out. In his obnoxious style he said, “The reason this Chassid wasn’t answered is because he didn’t fully believe in the Rebbe’s power.” So that’s how they’re able to convince themselves that the Rebbe was never wrong.
qwerty613ParticipantTo square root
The Rebbe had two brothers, one psychotic and the other an atheist. The Rebbe couldn’t straighten them out so Chabad thinks they can make Jews in Wyoming and Alaska Frum. Rabbi Miller said that if you leave Brooklyn you leave the Torah. That’s an extreme statement and I disagree with it but if one moves to places where there’s no legitimate Judaism he’s lost and the nonsense that Chabad is saving them is just that nonsense.
qwerty613ParticipantTo Always
And what does that prove? That the Igros works.
To square root
Probably those times the Rebbe told his co-gods Yaakov and Hashem to handle it and they messed up.
To the group
I’d like to explain Shmei ‘s smarminess. Rabbi Sacks said that the Rebbe studied Hitler and declared that Hitler tried to kill all the Jews so he’ll save all the Jews. That might have been one motive but I suspect his real interest was understanding how that madman took control of the most civilized nation in the world. Hitler taught his people that they were the master race. Lubavitchers openly states that they are better than all other Jews. That’s why they can’t give up even though it’s obvious that they’ve been trounced. Shmei says I begged him to condemn Seichel’s statements. All I said is if he wants to prove that he believes in Judaism let him renounce those statements. And if he can’t find them we have Lostspark who gave his version of the Trinity today. But Shmei’s too busy to find it.
qwerty613ParticipantTo Lostspark
What makes you think that MO Judaism is on its way out? Au contraire. There are numerous flourishing Torah communities here and in Israel which are headed by YU Rabbis. I’m not MO or YU but I consider their approach extremely sustainable. Do you hate MO just because of Dr. Berger? Aren’t you aware that there are many YU Rabbis who are extremely pro-Chabad, Rabbi Efren Goldberg, Rabbi Weinberger to name two. As usual your positions make no sense. That’s no surprise given that you’re an idolater.
qwerty613ParticipantTo the group
Boruch Hashem the real Jews are all on the same page. It’s time for Hashem to eliminate this cancer, hopefully in a non-violent manner.
qwerty613ParticipantTo Lostspark
You left out Dr. and Shlita in addressing that Tzaddik. I guess you’d also demean Rabbi Schachter who might be the Godol Hatorah in the world today.
To the group
We add Lostspark to our list of Lubavitchers who openly subscribe to the Trinity although he has a different set than Seichel. Rabbi Miller quoted the Alter of Sladboka, “The first law of the Torah is don’t be a fool.” It’s only Chabad that takes Chazal out of context because they need to convince themselves that they can find proof that the Rebbe is god. Btw if anyone runs into Shmei send him my checkmate.
qwerty613ParticipantTo coffee addict
So I guess the Rebbe is Casper the friendly ghost. No that can’t be. He’s still alive. But of course they also think that Yaakov. See how nice it is when we work together.
qwerty613ParticipantTo the group
Shmei wants proof that Seichel is an idolater. Seichel stated more than once that he takes the Gemara which says that Yaakov is god literally. He therefore believes in polytheism which is idolatry. Shmei will defend the idolatry by arguing that Seichel is simply accepting a Gemara. When any statement of Chazal seems to contradict Hashem Echad any ratio Al Torah Jew understands that it’s not to be taken literally.
qwerty613ParticipantTo coffee addict
You’re right on target. On Sunday mornings after Shachris my Chabad Shul gives a breakfast and a shiur. I learn by myself but I listen to the class. It’s mostly Chabad brainwashing. One Sunday the Rabbi explained the “Heilege Igros Kodesh” to his know nothing Russians.,”I can’t explain the science but I can tell you that everyone who uses the Igros is helped,” Shmei, the consummate phony, decides to play normal Jew to fool ARSo. All of ARSo’s statements are similar to what the other posters have written, but suddenly he agrees with them. I won’t speculate on his strategy but hopefully ARSo won’t fall for it. Shmei had a chance to prove he’s Jewish by calling out Seichel’s idolatry. Until he does so he has the Chazakah of an idolater.
qwerty613ParticipantTo Arso
I’ve been waiting for your second coming. Oops that comment should be reserved for Chabad. I’d like to piggy back on a point you made last year. You said that before Gimmel Tammuz Chabad categorically rejected the possibility of Moshiach coming from the dead, but immediately after Gimmel Tammuz they did a 180 on that position. I spoke to a Chabad Rabbi several months ago and he confirmed what you said. Anyway you’re an important part of our team so please contribute.
To yankel berel
I’m starting to think that it’s a waste of time to deal with always. He doesn’t seem to want to address the real issue Chabad idolatry.
qwerty613ParticipantTo coffee addict
You’re point is perfectly well taken.
To seichel
I don’t answer questions from Christians
qwerty613ParticipantTo the group
Bli Neder I won’t be addressing any more comments to Menachem Shmei nor will I respond to anything he writes.
qwerty613ParticipantTo Menachem Shmei
I haven’t read any of your Rebbe’s sichos. Whatever I know I’ve picked up from these threads and from what I hear in shul. In 1962 the Rebbe apparently said that he’s god clothed in human form. I would have Dan Him Lkaf Zechus that he didn’t mean that literally except for the fact that Seichel and Lostspark do accept it literally and you refuse to call them out for taking it literally.whicb implies that you agree with them..
qwerty613ParticipantTo Menachem Shmei
Your games don’t work on me. You were given a direct challenge. Either renounce Seichel’s idolatry or admit that you agree with it. I’m not on trial here. You, as the most intelligent Stooge, are. Hashem is waiting for an answer which will never come. When Hashem says checkmate to you you’ll remember my warnings. Til then you can keep convincing yourself that you’re winning. No one is buying your garbage.
To the group
Seichel claimed that hundreds of Rabbis signed a Psak that the Rebbe is a Novi. How many of those Rabbis are non Chabad? ZERO. Btw those same Rabbits signed a Psak that the Rebbe is god.
qwerty613ParticipantTo coffee addict
Your point was correct but you didn’t present it properly. Chabad has a system called Igros Kodesh. When people ask them how they can continue without the Rebbe they answer that the Rebbe is still with them in the Igros(letters). So if a Lubavicher has a question he randomly opens this book of letters and the Rebbe answers him. So according to Chabad Hashem transformed himself into the Rebbe and the Rebbe placed his essence into those letters. Makes complete sense…..if you’re a Martian.
qwerty613ParticipantTo the group
Menachem Shmei writes, “Don’t viciously attack others when you haven’t studied enough to understand what they mean.” How much did Shmei study to accept Seichel’s statement that the Rebbe and Yaakov are co- gods with Hashem?
qwerty613ParticipantTo yankel berel
Why are you trying to reason with an idolater? Chabad has lies for all the Rabbis who call them out. Dr. Berger wrote the book because he was a failed academic who was about to lose his tenure if he didn’t publish something..So he made up slander and lies against Chabad. And Rav Shach hated Chabad because they didn’t hire him as a Rabbi in Far Chabad in 1951. They use any lie they can think of to get the critics off their case.5
qwerty613ParticipantTo Menachem Shmei
You almost understood my point. The fact that Hashem Echad is the one inviolate truth of Judaism allows us to automatically reject any statement that challenges this. Let’s consider this obvious example. In Bereishis Hashem says, “Come let us make man in our image.”:At face value this is clear-cut idolatry and many have used that literal meaning to support their idolatrous views. But those who accept Hashem Echad realize that the verse isn’t actually saying this. So we go to the Gemara in which Hashem called Yaakov “Kel”. If you accept Hashem Echad then you understand that it doesn’t mean that Yaakov is literally god. Good. Hope you’re still with me. Now here’s the problem. Seichel, with all his Chassidus does take that Gemara literally and he states that just as Yaakov is god so is the Rebbe. Now if you actually believe in Hashem Echad you can prove it by calling out Seichel and any other Lubavicher who makes statements which state or imply that a human being can be god. I’m not holding my breath.
qwerty613ParticipantTo the group
My parents were American born, so I only picked up Yiddish as an adult. There’s an expression, “Kliger Amalek” that applies to Menachem Shmei. He has a facility for trying to use my words against me, that’s the Kliger part. So if I admit to certain deficiencies he argues that this Posuls my posts. Ramban, in the introduction to his work, stated that what he knows about the Torah compared to the actual depth and breadth of the subject is like the egg of a gnat compared to the Universe(I’m quoting from memory so I might be wrong in a word or two.) So according to Shmei no one should study this work because of his “ignorance.” In fact Ramban’s admission is complete intellectual honesty and humility and this is precisely why we should accept his teachings. So now the sleazebag Shmei is licking his chops, “Do you see qwerty comparing himself to Ramban?” Obviously I’m not in his stratosphere, but that doesn’t mean I can’t try to emulate the Rishon’s Middah of Emes and to that point I readily acknowledge that I’m far from a Talmid Chacham. So how can I challenge the Rebbe who was a Gaon Olam? Because he was a liar as has been proven.
With this preamble let’s get to the main subject. In high school geometry we were introduced to axioms, postulates and theorems, the building blocks of the discipline. They are inviolate and so a triangle, for example, is always 180 degrees(now Shmei will think of some idiotic comment mocking the subject.) Similarly, but L’Havdil, there is one overriding, sacrosanct unalterable concept in Judaism, “Hashem Echad and nothing has any power other than Him.” This is Judaism 1.0 and it’s been universally accepted by believing Jews throughout the ages. Until our times when a sect of renegade(Mumar) Jews decided that this principle is no longer true. So we have Seichel who openly posits that there’s a tripartite god encompassing Hashem, Yaakov and the Rebbe. Then we have the primordial snake, Shmei. He never reveals what he thinks because he’s too smart to play his hand. Instead, he works both sides of the fence. Cunin declares that the Rebbe runs the world so Shmei says that he didn’t openly declare that he does so instead of Hashem. Right. So does that mean that he and the Rebbe are partners as the Rabbi in my Chabad shul said? Again he won’t answer. Will Shmei definitively state that he believes in the Borei Olam and in no one or thing else. Again he won’t answer. So his opinions remain nebulous. This, as I stated a week ago, is the hallmark of Amalek and so Shmei should be removed from the site.
To always
All I said is that Rabbi Pozner downplayed Avraham Avinu’s greatness by writing in his book that the Akeidah was our Founder’s only true test which is obviously false. Leaving his homeland and sending away Yishmael were examples of Avraham going against his Middah of Chesed. As for your statement that I’m maligning the entire sect. I agree with you that many, probably most Lubavichers are wonderful people and don’t share the idolatrous views of the Three Stooges in this thread, but the absolute refusal of anyone in the Chabad power structure to clearly state that it’s Hashem and only Hashem who runs the world give the entire movement the Chazakah of idolatry. They all know what Cunin said, but they won’t censor him . Are you so blind that you can’t understand this?
qwerty613ParticipantTo Menachem Shmei
I’d like to offer another response to your latest post. I challenged the Rebbe because he rejected the Gemara which says that there is no longer Nevuah. You answer by arguing that many Gemaras are wrong. As an example the Gemara said that after Rebbe’s death humility ended. Therefore you posit that the Rebbe is justified in rejecting the Gemara regarding Nevuah. When the Gemara said that humility ended it means Rebbe’s level of humility. You know that, but you need to defend your dead god.
qwerty613ParticipantTo seichel
I think that I can understand your Hebrew sources better than your ” English” writing. You’re totally incoherent. Try again and I’ll try to respond.
To always
Let me complete my thought from above. Since Lubavitchers are pathological liars they assume that everyone is like them.
qwerty613ParticipantTo philosopher
That “Rabbi” was some stupid kid who was in his early twenties. More troubling was a book called, “Why be Jewish” by Rabbi Zalman Posner. He was a prolific Chabad writer who lived in Nashville. The book is a collection of essays. In one such essay he discusses the Akeidah and the author said that the Akeidah was the only real test that Abraham faced because the other nine were just acts of Chesed which matched his good nature. Number one that’s absolutely false. Number two in their religion no one is shown any respect except the seven Rebbe’s. On Sukkas they honor the Rebbe’s as the actual Ushpizin.
To Menachem Shmei
Now I understand why you always pushed me off when I asked you to answer my questions. You knew I’d make mincemeat out of your idiotic idolatrous comments. Checkmate.
To Lostspark
Your argument that we shouldn’t discuss Chabad idolatry because YU hosts pride events is like saying that we should be focused on Chamas atrocities. There are many problems in the world. This thread deals with Chabad. You want to change the subject because your religion has been exposed. There’s a simple solution. Convert to Judaism.
qwerty613ParticipantTo Menachem Shmei
I’m glad you gave this answer because it gives me the opportunity to shoot holes into all of Chabad’s heretical claims. When we use a term we must be careful that it’s use in its correct, Halachic sense. Nevuah, as it’s properly understood, means that Hashem spoke to the Novi. The Novi then says some variation of, “Thus said Hashem and he continues with the prophecy.” The Rebbe called the Rayatz a Novi, but he doesn’t relate any specific prophecy. I’ll amplify this point. One of the Rabbis of the Chabad shul I attend read a letter in which the Rebbe described the characteristics of a Chabad Nasi. One such qualification is that he has Ruach Hakodesh. The Rabbi then defined Ruach Hakodesh as Nevuah, but that’s patently false. Ruach Hakodesh is one thing, Siyata Dishmaya is another and Nevuah is a third and they’re not interchangeable. Lubavichers regularly “prove” that the Rebbe was a Novi by saying he made correct predictions. That’s not Nevuah. Therefore I’m not impressed with that word being thrown around regarding other Rabbis. It’s not technically correct. Why is this important? I asked another Rabbi in that shul when the Moshiach business started and he told me, “When the Rebbe took over in 1951 he said he’s Moshiach so that’s all we needed to hear.” That’s the problem with people using Halachic terms haphazardly. The Rebbe is not, and never will be a Novi. Nor did he ever make any statements that qualify as Nevuah. Now let’s expand on this point. Seichel keeps reminding the thread that Yaakov Avinu is god because Hashem called him god. Therefore it follows in his ‘mind” that the Rebbe is also god. So again, I don’t know what the Gemara meant when it said that Yaakov is god. Hashem created the world Yesh Miayin. He had no assistance. When we come to shul on Rosh Hashanah the entire theme is to recognize to the nth degree that Hashem is the only force in the world. He decides who will live and who will die, who will become rich and who’ll be impoverished etc. So when Cunin says that it’s the Rebbe who makes those decisions he’s declaring that G-d no longer exists. When another Rabbi of my Chabad shul said, “We have nothing to fear because Hashem and the Rebbe are protecting us he’s positing that Hashem has a partner in running this world.” Sadly you’re so far lost that you can’t understand that what I’m saying is the incontrovertible truth, but again I don’t write to convince you or your fellow idolaters. I write to expose your false religion and to hopefully win over some Jews who are on the fence.
qwerty613ParticipantTo philosopher
Some years ago I was with a group and I mentioned that I’m anti-Chabad. Someone said, “Oh. You’re a follower of Dr. Berger.” I told him, “No. I’m an agreeer of Dr. Berger. We came to the same conclusion but he got there by researching the subject. I discovered the truth by interacting with Lubavitchers in my neighborhood.” Several years ago I was in a YI which has a Chabad Rabbi. His son-in-law spoke at the Kiddush, “People compare the Rebbe to Moshe Rabbeinu but the Rebbe was much greater. The Torah says that Moshe got angry, but the Rebbe never got angry.”
To always
You see Seichel questioning Dr. Berger’s credentials. I went through this last year.The Lubavitchers wouldn’t accept that I was a doctor. It’s because they’re trained to lie at all times.
To the group
Lostspark decided to weigh in with his idiotic assertion that MO is idolatry..First off that’s nonsense. Second, even if it’s true that YU endorses pride and they don’t, what does that have to do with our subject? Two wrongs don’t make a right. Chabad is idolatry. If Lostspark wants to start a thread to attack MO, gezunterheit.
qwerty613ParticipantTo always
Rabbi Miller said, *If you keep speaking the truth eventually your enemies will quote you.” I’m glad to see that you took Seichel to task for insulting Rabbi Dr. Berger. Lubavichers are idolaters and so they lash out at anyone who challenges their false religion.
To the group
Menachem Shmei has categorically denied that Chabad is idolatry. All the evidence points otherwise. So how do we explain this? No one can accuse a Lubavicher of lying because they all eat Cholov Yisroel. Since the Rebbe declared in 1962 that he’s god clothed in human form it follows that Shmei holds that iRebbe is Hashem and so believing in him is believing in Hashem..Makes complete sense. But only after ingesting a large quantity of certain mushrooms. And let’s not forget the third Stooge, Lostspark. A few weeks ago he vehemently denied that any Lubavicher believes the Rebbe is god.Then he reverses himself and challenges me to respond to Seichel’s “proof” that the Rebbe is god. It is what it is.
qwerty613ParticipantTo DaMoshe
Last year this Chabad woman told me on VIN that she knows the Rebbe runs the world because she sees what he’s done for her and what he’s still doing for her. I asked her if Hashem has ever done anything for her and, she disappeared. If you ask them the right questions they scream Sinas Chinam and run away
To coffee addict
Thanks I’m surprised my Rav wasn’t familiar with that Gemara. I probably wasn’t clear when I asked him.
qwerty613ParticipantTo seichel
You did a good job pushing off my challenge from the Gemara in Cheilek. Now let me see you explain how the Rebbe can argue on the Gemara which says that there’s no Nevuah until Moshiach comes.
qwerty613ParticipantTo philosopher
Menachem Shmei is the prototypical Chabad liar but Seichel openly declared his belief in a tripartite god composed of Hashem Yaakov and the Rebbe, not necessarily in that order. Last year, after the tunnel incident Zev Brenner interviewed a few Lubavitchers. Zev said that there are Meshichistim and anti- Meshichistim. One of the Lubavitchers told Zev that every Lubavicher believes the Rebbe is Moshiach but some lie and deny it to fool mainstream Jews.
qwerty613ParticipantTo Menachem Shmei
Philosopher presented the Cunin video in which he declared the Rebbe runs the world, which means he’s god.And he’s not some random nut job. He’s one of Chabad’s most powerful voices. And Seichel has officially declared his belief in the Chabad Trinity, Hashem, Yaakov and the Rebbe. These are the facts and all your protestations won’t change these facts. The question is not whether Chabad is idolatrous, it’s how widespread this idolatry is.
To the group
I just heard Zev Brenner interview Alan Dershowitz. The famous lawyer said he left Orthodoxy when he was 29. Zev tried to get him to “admit” that he still has some vestige of the religion because he said he’s close to Chabad. Dershowitz repeated that he doesn’t practice the religion. Zev told him that Lubavitchers probably put Tefilin on you. He said no way. Chabad just wants bodies in the seats, they couldn’t care less about their minions’ religiosity.
Iqwerty613ParticipantTo Seichel
What makes Berger a Rabbi? The fact that he has Smicha from YU. Not only that. He graduated as valedictorian of YU. That means he was considered the outstanding student of that institution. That’s like you. When you finished your higher education in 2nd grade you were voted most likely to succeed.
qwerty613ParticipantTo the group
About two weeks ago I predicted that cs would return and she did. The only way to explain this is to say that I’m a Novi. Now that goes against the Gemara but the Rebbe said that certain individuals can attain prophecy and I’m clearly one of them
To always
Let me develop the Miller Chabad connection. When Rabbi Miller was 17 a Lubavicher taught him Kesubos and didn’t charge him. This put him on his path of Torah and so he had Hakaras Hatov for Chabad. To that point in his public speeches he always praised Chabad and the Rebbe. When Rav Shach made his pronouncement Rabbi Miller was stuck between a rock and a hard place. He couldn’t go against the Godol Hador, but he’d look like a fool if he said he was wrong. So he copped out and declared, “When great people argue we don’t get involved.” Rabbi Miller said that if one continues to tell the truth eventually his enemies will quote him. If you listen with an open mind you’ll ultimately see that we’re right about Chabad.