pure yiddishkeit

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  • in reply to: Hatzulas Nefashos vs. Hatzalah #2312984
    pure yiddishkeit

    If, and IF the competition would be adequately trained and qualified for the job, the only thing that it could bring is good, as it’s rival would strive to show they’re better at the job, to which the competition would reply in kind etc, up-ending the bar of quality in the service they provide.
    Competition per se is a very good thing, just it needs to be done proper.
    I’d imagine that they can’t get the licence and certification from their respective authorities unless they meet a certain base standard….?

    in reply to: Who Keeps the Wife Who Was Married Twice? #2312966
    pure yiddishkeit

    I may be mistaken but I seem to remember that the Chasam Sofer writes that a woman who remarries automatically is cutting her connection to her first husband (someone correct me if i’m wrong).
    Based on that I’d assume that she remains with her second husband, but on the other hand, there are those that write that the zivug as they call it “bashert” (arba’im yom etc), is the first one, and the “zivug kasha kekriyat yam suf” goes on a zivug sheni, which is why it is so hard, because there is no kodem yetziyat havlad considered, rather it is reliant on the zechutim of the person, so in that case it would seem that the first one is the one that the woman would go back to.
    As others wrote above, it is a very heavily debated topic in the Poskim, and the answer for now is probably- even though not so exciting, but – teiku.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2299570
    pure yiddishkeit


    I never said that use them myself, though it was an assumption on your part.

    Notwithstanding my relation to Chabad or my opinions on it, for the most part, those that are compulsively obsessed with anti Chabad style talk, usually in my experience, pretty happy to use Chabad (probably with some sad excuse of something like at least they will get some zechut if i go there)…

    in reply to: Dedications — Has It Gone Too Far? #2298637
    pure yiddishkeit

    There are surely many piuos and sincere intentions amongst the gvirim when doing the above, but there are also….. What the Zohar mentions, that there are 5 types of amalek, and one of them are people who donate money to have their name put up on plaques saying they donated whatever it is…. just saying…

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2298635
    pure yiddishkeit

    Just everyone chill out.

    I am sure you’d all be ready to use Chabad’s services when needed, like if you’re stuck between two transfer flights in middle of honolulu, and anything else, so as Chazal say, don’t throw a stone into the well you drank from (no I am not a chabadnik – very far from it, but I am a Jew.)

    in reply to: The Fade No Peyos Look found Among Bnai Yeshiva #2298633
    pure yiddishkeit

    It is quite clear what the op meant.

    A certain style, where when getting a haircut done, the area around the peyot are cut/shaved to make it look like they don’t exist/are not there as much as possible, without being able to call it downright assur mideorayta (which yes peyot is mideorayta, the shiur of it is a machaloket haposkim, but peyot in its core is mideorayta), and this is very concerning, something which definitely does not come from Rabbanim.

    Going with any kind of hat/streimel etc as GadolHatorah stated is but a minhag based on the clothes that were and are worn within that setting/kehilla.
    Peyot and the brit kodesh are the two physical simanim of a jew.

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