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  • in reply to: an app to solve the shidduch crisis #1024422

    appdev: I assume you are referring to my idea. The other ideas don’t need an app–they just need the database. Access to the database can be a simply dropbox folder.

    in reply to: an app to solve the shidduch crisis #1024417

    People should be able to lose weight without an app.

    (Sorry if someone said that already; I didn’t read the thread.)

    in reply to: an app to solve the shidduch crisis #1024412

    It should be an app. Like a guy can drive from lakewood for a date and then he gets to flatbush and doesn’t want to date her. So he loads the app and it shows him other girls in that area, and maybe he wants to date one of them instead, so he messages her through the shadchan part of the app and she says yes and they go out and build a bnbear.

    in reply to: vegetarian? halacha issue? #1024138

    PAA: Yes, correct, agreed. That apparently was the message that Chizkiyahu needed. And chazal tell us a different message that Shaul needed.

    in reply to: vegetarian? halacha issue? #1024135

    Sam, I think that’s taking a very simplistic reading of shaul. You think Shaul, the Mshiach Hashem, the nechba b’keilim, just blatantly disregarded a tzivui?

    Presumably he thought he was following the tzivui, after filtering it through what he thought Hashem wanted.

    So where did he go wrong?

    Chazal tell us: he was rachman bmkom achzar.

    in reply to: vegetarian? halacha issue? #1024132

    It says it by Shaul.

    in reply to: Popa's Retardedly Retarded Mad Libs Thread #1200593

    Rebyidds rml:

    Kalla meidel





    Brooklyn marriott

    in reply to: Obama 2016! #1023973

    Don’t keep telling us what you aren’t saying–just tell us what you are saying:

    To wit:

    Do you agree there are religious requirements and restrictions on corporate owners when they act through their corporation?

    And to respond to you KKK argument, I’d much sooner take the KKK’s racial persecution over prohibiting my religion.

    Or, as the confederate traitors used to say:

    Better the fire ‘pon the roll,

    better the blade, the shot, the bowl,

    than crucifixion of the soul,

    Maryland my Maryland.

    in reply to: Obama 2016! #1023970

    Once we’re saying stupid things, I’ll note that according to you, I could set up a corporation and use it to kill people and bring church choirs into shul.

    Or I could just make my yeshiva a corporation and use it to teach apikorsus!

    You’re asking a good question about limited liability, but the answer isn’t that there are no issurim when acting through a corporation.

    You seem to be afflicted with a rather bizarre malady which makes you think that you need to agree with every single thing Obama does just because you agree with some. This sort of black-on-white thinking is ridiculous and really quite dangerous.

    in reply to: Obama 2016! #1023966

    But not necessarily to the corporation itself. Please cite the passages in the Mishnah, Bavli, and Yerushalmi that discusses corporations with limited liability.

    Wow, your arguments are almost as bad as Avi Weiss’s.

    As any 2 year old could realize: if the owner of a corporation has religious duties and prohibitions on his actions in directing the corporation, then forcing him to violate those does infringe on his religious liberty.

    There are none so deaf as those who will not hear.

    in reply to: the shidduch system #1203024

    Lets not heap all the blame on mothers in law. The ratio of guys who openly tell me what physical characteristics they like, to those who don’t tell me what physical characteristics they like, are 95:1. We cant blame only mothers for what their sons are saying.

    You are being misleading. You say they tell you what physical characteristics they like, as if they are giving you a list describing some fantasy person.

    Be honest: all of them are just saying one thing. Thin.

    in reply to: Popa's Retardedly Retarded Mad Libs Thread #1200584

    1. Popa and DY

    2. Pizza

    3. Infernal

    4. Coffee Room

    5. Retardedly (yes, it’s an adverb also)

    6. Retarded (yes it’s a verb also)

    7. Mod

    8. Retarded (yes, it’s an adjective also)

    9. Blazes!

    10. Infernally

    11. Verbally

    in reply to: Popa's Retardedly Retarded Mad Libs Thread #1200579

    I didn’t. You did. It’s your story.

    Ok, fine, you write a story and see if you do better.

    in reply to: Popa's Retardedly Retarded Mad Libs Thread #1200577

    I did.

    You must have cheated and seen my story. Cheater.

    in reply to: Popa's Retardedly Retarded Mad Libs Thread #1200575

    Once upon a time there was an annoying person who was more annoying than a blasted gnat callously buzzing in your ear like the dreaded misquote that buzzes in your ear while you sleep and is worse than eggplant which is the only food that is bad even when fried the way they do in the grand hotels that rich people come to in helicopters inquiring (some would say joking) klutzily and in a way that laughable about the massive, naarish, opaque, purple plates that they serve quail on in the most retarded (yes, that’s also a verb) manner before hitting the slopes where they are as tenacious in sliding down snow as Uganda is in playing badminton with anyone from the West side of Vancouver, as my third wife excitedly yelled this morning before she zapped the misquote and asked me for the keys which I gave without even having blinked because I knew there was no gas in the car.

    in reply to: Peanut Butter Filled Pretzels 🥜 #1023850

    Yah, you buy pretzels and a jar of peanut butter, and dip the pretzels in.

    in reply to: Popa's Retardedly Retarded Mad Libs Thread #1200568

    Yeah, I’m not gonna have time to fill in your story for a bit.

    in reply to: Popa's Retardedly Retarded Mad Libs Thread #1200564

    No, just cut and paste it

    in reply to: Obama 2016! #1023960


    You are so blinded by your partisanship that it is hysterical.

    Yes, you can absolutely count the owner of a corporation for a minyan. And yes, religions–including Judaism–have requirements that could apply to the owner of a corporation.

    For example keeping shabbos–suppose a law that said corporations had to do business 7 days a week.

    You just keep sticking your head in the sand, though.

    in reply to: Boarding with Lulav #1023579

    I brought a fishing rod on my last flight. Nobody blinked.

    in reply to: the shidduch system #1202964

    the non “supermodels” are already behind the 8 ball.

    The 4 ball.

    in reply to: Doesn't anyone care about Israel? #1023677

    ???? ??? ??

    in reply to: Majoram on dining table #1023394

    Don’t you mean margarine?

    in reply to: Another Reason Not to go to Law School #1023504

    Bring a quarter to the hearing, and your brother with a flashlight.

    Have your brother stand facing away from you. Have the cop stand at a 90 degree angle behind your brother.

    Have the judge flip the quarter, and tell the cop to watch it.

    Then ask the cop if your brother flashed the flashlight at you.

    This will conclusively prove, that berrish, is 100% innocent, and it was johann who broke the wall.

    Alternatively, get a pail of water, and 2 wagons to collide, and 6 bands playing od yishoma, and 4 women selling shmattas, and wash them all into the mabuyi river while we all laugh and sing.

    in reply to: Friday night sueda shlepping #1145622

    I don’t have any issue with people making early shabbos.

    I started off being annoyed at getting meal invitations by people who make early shabbos. Not that they’re doing something wrong–just that it is annoying to me.

    Then I branched out into noting that early shabbos is a luxury. And then I was attacked by notasheep for having the audacity to not have the same job that his father has, and for not being willing to lose my job for the sake of keeping early shabbos.

    That’s all.

    in reply to: Obama 2016! #1023928

    Let’s make Charlie’s list accurate

    1) Great recession ended without a depression or any jobs.

    2) Most Americans now have access to health insurance which is worse and more expensive than what they had before, but does cover contraception.

    3) Budget deficit declines every year Thanks to the enormity of the deficit his first year.

    4) Unemployment lower than at any time since the crash of 2008 since everyone left the job market because there were no jobs to be had.

    5) Natural gas production at an all time high despite his best efforts to curtail it.

    6) US now the #1 oil producer in the world despite his best efforts to curtail it.

    7) Stock market at all time record highs despite nobody having jobs.

    Foreign policy accomplishmeents:

    1) Bin Laden dead supposedly.

    2) Almost all other top Al Qaeda leaders dead and renamed as ISIS.

    3) Ghadafi dead.

    4) Greek debt crisis contained.

    5) Strategic arms treaty with Russia.

    6) Free trade agreement with Columbia.

    7) Free trade agreement with Panama.

    8) Free trade agreement with South Korea.

    9) Iran faces most draconian sanctions in peacetime any country has ever faced and not fazed in the slightest.

    10) US-Israel military cooperation at highest level in history especially compared to diplomatic cooperation.

    11) US funds Israel’s development of Iron Dome.

    12) US out of Iraq in accordance with agreement Bush signed with Al-Maliki and it falls apart.

    13) US *not* in Syria and instead the U.S. goes back to its foreign policy of 1914 as the region turns to anarchy.

    14) Republic of the Philippines invites US Navy back. (It had kicked us out under the first Bush.) Now there’s a foreign policy win! I bet we really really need the Phillipines.

    in reply to: Is a good president possible? #1023537

    Yes the nation owes Obama a debt of gratitude for retroactively giving us 43 good presidents.

    in reply to: Riddle: Which food has an option of 5 different Brochos? #1094969

    I’ve eaten cholent that has at least 10.

    Mezonos before.

    Al hamichya after.

    And about 8 more after. v’hamaskil yavin.

    in reply to: Friday night sueda shlepping #1145618

    I live in anchorage

    in reply to: wcbs 880 #1023229

    You can thank the elders for that.

    in reply to: Confusing Halacha, Minhag, Chumra, Shtus #1206475

    But the challenge was to find a normal ashkenazi posek.

    in reply to: Friday night sueda shlepping #1145616

    For those curious, I have a conference call scheduled for 8 PM tonight.

    I’m going to beg off, since I hope to be on the way to mincha then. But no, I wouldn’t be able to beg off it was at 7.

    in reply to: Confusing Halacha, Minhag, Chumra, Shtus #1206473

    Rav Ovadia Yosef is not an Ashekanzi posek.

    Here, ask me whether a sefardi has to not eat milk and fish together?

    A. It was a typo.

    in reply to: Israel Updates #1023366

    The rabbi PAA is citing in the other thread says its ok.

    in reply to: Friday night sueda shlepping #1145614

    Popa, my father works IN business, and on Fridays he works at home because otherwise he wouldn’t get to leave the office until five minutes before shabbos – is that an option for you? I’m really trying to be open-minded and I really am NOT clueless (the opposite, actually) but for some reason people don’t get that.

    yes, but that isn’t early shabbos.

    in reply to: Riddle: Which food has an option of 5 different Brochos? #1094957

    Am i right?

    in reply to: Friday night sueda shlepping #1145609

    If you work such long hours, how do you have time to post in the coffee room?

    Because I’m dependent on other people. I can’t do the work until it’s given to me. So I frequently have time during the day, even if I the work until midnight.

    in reply to: Riddle: Which food has an option of 5 different Brochos? #1094956








    that’s 6.

    in reply to: Friday night sueda shlepping #1145606

    DY: that isn’t my REAL name, you know

    in reply to: Friday night sueda shlepping #1145605

    Running your own business is not the same as being an employee.

    Both are harder than the other in different ways.

    And your comments are coming across as very clueless. Not that there is anything wrong with that. I’m pretty clueless about running a business. But I know that.

    in reply to: Friday night sueda shlepping #1145601

    Yes, many are, but apparently you don’t know of them.

    And frankly, my saying you are clueless is a lot better than the alternative which is that you are completely lacking empathy.

    And also selfish–what a thing to suggest, that I walk out on my colleagues at 5 o’clock on Friday and leave them doing my work late Friday night and Saturday.

    I’m sorry notasheep, but you have no idea what the business world is like. It’s not such a crazy thing–if you aren’t exposed to it, why would you know?

    in reply to: Making Aliyah as a student? #1023115

    That’s a fair point. You should tell Nefesh b’nefesh your intentions and be forthright.

    in reply to: Please sign pro-Israel petition #1023277

    Ok, I signed. To show my support to my fellow Jews.

    in reply to: Please sign pro-Israel petition #1023266

    believe me, if there was a petition to have Obama stop playing golf for the rest of his term, and it got 100,000 signatures he still wouldn’t stop

    I’m kind of burnt out of these petitions. I plan to sign this one when I can figure out how to get into my account. But I’m really only doing it to make people (incl. Charlie) feel good about it.

    Not only do they have no effect, Obama is too pathetic and cowardly to even validate anyone’s opinion by saying something like, “I understand why this is important to you, but I think these competing things are more important.”

    in reply to: Friday night sueda shlepping #1145599

    ou have not actually given us any examples or details of why such a job as the one you might have would not let you finish work at a normal time on a Friday, you just keep on repeating ‘welcome to the real world’, thereby implying that only your life is considered to be the real world and dismissing the fact that others may work just as hard, long hours but still give Friday afternoon the proper respect it deserves.

    Welcome to the real world.

    I’m an employee. I don’t set my hours. And my hours aren’t negotiable.

    I’m glad you think they SHOULD be negotiable, but they aren’t.

    And your insinuation that I should leave such a job is unappreciated. I don’t have that luxury. Maybe you have endless suitable jobs at your disposal, but I don’t.

    And this has nothing to do with human rights. I took this job willingly, and accepted the terms willingly. You dilute human rights by applying it to this.

    in reply to: Making Aliyah as a student? #1023111

    But in practice, I bet Israel would love it if a lot of people did that. The more Jews who are Israeli citizens, the better, since they can always come back. Someone who made aliyah only briefly is still much likely to stay forever, or to come back permanently one day, than someone who never did. For example, they know there’s a good chance that while you’re there, you’ll fall in love with an Israeli, get a good job offer, or get swept up in Israeli patriotism or whatever, and end up staying despite your initial plans.

    Also, if you have an open mind, and think that you might stay in Israel long term, or might not, depending on how things go, then I wouldn’t see making aliyah as wrong or dishonest in the slightest (even if it’s motivated to a large extent by the lower tuition). Lots of olim come back. That’s normal nowadays, and a lot of them probably knew that if they couldn’t find a job or had other troubles they would end up going back.


    The same reason Key Food doesn’t mind if you come in just to buy the 99 cent ice cream. Because 9/10 people who do will also end up buying something else.

    in reply to: Confusing Halacha, Minhag, Chumra, Shtus #1206457

    Not true. I went to myzmanim.com and looked up Trondheim, Norway, for 12/21/2014. (Trondheim has the northernmost orthodox synagogue in the world, but it is still south of the Arctic Circle.) Sunrise is 10:01am and Sunset is 2:32pm.

    How long is the shortest day in Berlin?

    Edit: I looked it up; 7:39.

    in reply to: Lyrics for Hishbati Eschem #1022981

    Got it. I was aware of the source of pesukim, but unaware it was read to apply only to shir hashirim.

    Sam: What is the sevara on that? The medrash says “asauni banayich k’min zemer” (MB’s language) which would seem to apply to any passuk. I figure maybe it could be read to mean only if it isn’t being sung as inspiration davka of the passuk. But why wouldn’t that apply to shir hashirim also?

    (Also, should it apply to other places similar to shir hashirim? How about eishes chayil?)

    in reply to: Lyrics for Hishbati Eschem #1022977

    paste or link

    in reply to: Making Aliyah as a student? #1023107

    jf: Is that their policy? Do they require you to “intend” to stay permanently? If I was them, I would encourage people to come intending to leave, on the assumption that many would stay.

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