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  • in reply to: bitcoins #1030656

    Yes, but you don’t need to transfer bitcoins into the banking system, since you can use them and move them and transfer them all within the bitcoin system.

    Unlike cash.

    But bitcoin is a stupid scam anyway, and will fall apart right soon.

    in reply to: bitcoins #1030654

    Charlie: Benjamin Franklins are also great for drug lords and unsavory folks laundering money.

    Yes, but the reason money laundering exists, is that it is quite hard to do anything with your huge piles of franklins, since you can’t deposit them in a bank. Unlike bitcoin.

    in reply to: Rav Reuven Margolis #1030711

    Does he have ruach hakodesh?

    in reply to: Kashering Cast Iron #1196245

    DY: you just cut the gas line after an hour. duh

    in reply to: R shalom Arush #1030519

    i heard he has ruach hakodesh and can tell when someone is trolling on ywn.

    in reply to: bitcoins #1030649

    Or maybe, they are a scam for americans set up to look like a reputable european business.

    Amazon is an american business–do they take european credit cards?

    in reply to: Does Rabbi Shalom Arush have Ruach HaKodesh? #1030535

    Many others attribute his denials to basic honesty, and not wanting people to think he’s a crackpot.

    in reply to: A guy broke up with me after 10 dates #1040211

    Have anyone here ever been the guy in this story?

    in reply to: Mazel tov! #1030507

    Efsher a mitzva tantz for the male posters?

    in reply to: Patent Lawyers #1041094

    Better to be a patent troll.

    in reply to: Kashering Cast Iron #1196242

    A griddle sounds like it would need libun gamur. Put it in a self clean oven on self clean, for an hour.

    in reply to: Good insults #1030446

    You’re an idiot. You were born an idiot. You’ll die an idiot. Your mother was an idiot. Your father was an idiot. If there was a prize for idiots, you would come in second place.

    Why not first place?

    Because you’re an idiot!

    in reply to: Do people with Ruach HaKodesh exist today? #1031108


    in reply to: A guy broke up with me after 10 dates #1040201

    Myturnatbat: that is terrible advice. The point of dating is to get attached and let yourself become vulnerable. A sad consequence is you often get hurt. But if you stop playing the game, you can never win.

    in reply to: Patent Lawyers #1041091

    3. Generating business (attracting clients) is the key to not having a boss. Not having a boss is generally a prerequisite to doing part time high quality legal work

    Fakert. There are the people who bring business in, and the people who do the work. If you want to do the work, don’t spend your time bringing in business.

    As far as low level/high level–as you get more senior, you do more high level work.

    in reply to: Why Can't Women Get Modern Smicha and Become Rabbis? #1071677

    Does anyone know which is the best place to buy kugel in Williamsburg? I like kugel a lot. How about tzibbilis kugel? Do they sell that also?

    Does anyone know why the shaatnez checking place is in Williamsburg? Isn’t that like a yuppy neighborhood where yuppies from manhattan who are not yuppish enough to live in manhattan, live?

    Also, why are the wedding halls in Williamsburg?

    Why do people need to get married in a wedding hall? I’ve read the entire first mishna in kiddushin and it says nothing about wedding halls. It says that you can marry a woman on three roads: The silver road, the paper road, and the coming road. I assume the silver road means you are on your way to being rich, and the paper road means you are on your way to being learned. But what does the coming road mean? It is the road for people who are already coming back. It means you can marry a woman when you are old and she thinks you will die and leave her all your stuff. Is that how you all read it?

    Does anyone know why we eat honey on rosh hashana? Some yeshiva or another sent me some honey.

    How much do you think it costs to buy a house on your own island? If you have a house on your own island, like, why should anyone care what you do on it? Like lets say you just want to play world of warcraft all day.

    Does anyone know what this thread is about? Becasue I thought it was about why women aren’t allowed to go to modernishes simcha’s, like a simchat bat, or yom haatzmauut.

    in reply to: YWN App- connection error #1033362

    What app are you referring to?

    Ignorance is no excuse.

    in reply to: pizza shop names #1030306

    I knew all that, but it is not my minhag to reveal such sodos.

    in reply to: pizza shop names #1030300

    It was free!

    in reply to: pizza shop names #1030297

    I happen to recall a certain nonsensical pizza shop in midtown that only has square pizza. It is pretty good.

    in reply to: pizza shop names #1030293

    The first kosher pizza shop in the world opened in Jerusalem in 1847, opened by the grandson of a talmid of the gra, named Moshe Kucheloffen. They made Venetian style pizza.

    in reply to: Chabad of…South Dakota? #1030034

    DY: Any operation of this sort would definitely rely on outside funding anyway.

    Besides, you think Hashem doesn’t have enough money in his wallet to support both?

    in reply to: Chabad of…South Dakota? #1030032

    I don’t think I agree.

    That assumes that the functions of two kiruv operations would be redundant. But the same way that the people who walk in today are not redundant of the people who walk in next year, the people who walk into one are not redundant of the people who will walk into the other.

    There are plenty of communities with more than one kiruv operation, and it is always good.

    in reply to: Overprotective Parents in the Brooklyn Jewish Community #1029424

    My wife says this is the creepiest thread ever.

    I think I’ve posted much creepier ones, though. I was joking in those threads.

    in reply to: Overprotective Parents in the Brooklyn Jewish Community #1029423

    I sure wouldn’t want my kids hanging out with a disturbed counselor.

    in reply to: Is it ever proper to withhold a get? #1032085


    I think it is appropriate if necessary to combat unfair tactics used by the other side.

    in reply to: What's your favorite restaurant in the NYC/Brooklyn area and why? #1029466


    18th and like 46 b’erech

    in reply to: Chabad of…South Dakota? #1030027

    I don’t get it. Suppose there is a chabad and you also open a kiruv center. What is wrong with that?

    Torah is not a competition. More is always better. If you are teaching torah and someone else also is, that is just more torah.

    The people who like your teaching better will come to you and the people who like their teaching better will come to them.

    in reply to: Baby Boomer Shidduch Crisis #1029513

    Hey Yikk–who says? My info suggests the girls were starting later than that.

    in reply to: Baby Boomer Shidduch Crisis #1029511

    I think there is a shidduch crisis for that generation also. I also think they did not have an age gap.

    in reply to: signing school rules #1029400

    I think it’s idiotic.

    in reply to: Rechnitz – There is no Shidduch Crisis #1043186

    Am I the only one who just didn’t understand the article?

    The heading was “There is no shidduch crisis”, but then the article seems to imply that there IS a shidduch crisis. Is he confused? I certainly am.

    Regardless, it looks like nobody here agrees with whatever he is saying anyway.

    in reply to: Einstein Was Smarter Than You Thought #1027825

    VM: Still, you’d imagine that the greatest basketball player of all time would be good enough as a freshman to be on a high school team.

    in reply to: Jew becoming a lawyer or judge -halachic problems ✡️⚖️ #1028091

    I fail to see how drafting 200 page contracts goes against halacha in any way.

    That’s what most lawyers do.

    You should ask this question about doctors though.

    in reply to: Over Night Kugel……… SOS……….. #1114809

    First, add an onion. Really. Just because you don’t know how to make doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try.

    Second, there is no secret. You just need to make a decent kugel and then wrap it in parchment paper and chuck it on the top of your cholent.

    Third, the secret is you need a drop of the horn of a Hungarian Horntail.

    in reply to: In Austin the Orthodox rabbi is paid $100,000 a yr #1028567

    No, I wouldn’t be a rabbi for that money. Being a rabbi is a horrible thankless job.

    Charlie: that is actually a very high salary for an orthodox rabbi.

    in reply to: Why I keep up with daf yomi and all you mongeese don't #1027790

    Appears I’m a mongoose.

    in reply to: Rabbi Yitzchak Kimmel #1027744

    Tar and feather him and ride him out of town on a rail.

    in reply to: Rabbi Yitzchak Kimmel #1027737

    I’m 99% sure it’s a fraud.

    in reply to: school yard bullying #1027532

    That’s ridiculous. The “bully” in school is most likely being abused at home.

    in reply to: Girl I want to get engaged to wants me to change my Rabbi #1047122

    I had the opposite problem. This girl I ddint want to get engaged to only wanted me because of my rav. I told her to marry the rav.

    in reply to: Animal lamina #1063716

    A person a river a bridge outerbridge

    in reply to: Judaism Hacks #1155412

    Whenever I go on vacations, I’m patur from davening with a minyan. When I get to shomayim, they’ll ask me why I didn’t go on vacation more often. That’s a tayna I can live with.

    in reply to: Ending it after 10 dates over text #1027188

    No, it is the same. If its more than several dates, you need to tell in person.

    Although, among the very yeshivish where I think they don’t ever “drop the shadchan”, I think it may be acceptable to break up via shadchan.

    Zeh ha’klal, breaking up after more than several dates has to be done in the same format that you’d get engaged. If you would get engaged via shadchan, you can break up via shadchan. If you would get engaged via text, you can get engaged via text. If you would get engaged by ignoring her calls, you can break up by ignoring her calls.

    in reply to: Girl I want to get engaged to wants me to change my Rabbi #1047106

    I dunno- suppose after you were married your rabbi said something that offended her so much she couldn’t ask him shailos–what would you do then? Just say “I’m in charge of halacha and I say you will listen to him?” Thay doesn’t sound like a very good family dynamic.

    Talk to her. Figure out what her concern is. Then come to a solution that both of you can accept. Think of this as an apportunity to see if you are both ready to be married to each other. If you can’t figure this one out, chances are you won’t be able to figure out what school to send your kids to either.

    Also I agree with 42

    in reply to: Ending it after 10 dates over text #1027181

    I feel bad for the girl that she had to date a sociopath, but, sure is better to find out that he’s a sociopath after 10 dates than after the wedding.

    in reply to: is my pot pareve #1026779

    Haleivi: Was the wall hot there?

    in reply to: is my pot pareve #1026770

    yikkum: See shach/taz beginning of 105 (I forgot which one discusses it).

    in reply to: is my pot pareve #1026767

    If you want to be Machmir

    IF? WANT?

    How you talk!

    Would you say “if you want to keep shabbos?”

    in reply to: I love my car #1113658

    My mechanic zogt az it needed a new wheel bearing today.

    Also it needed a new wheel bearing today.

    Those were two different statements.

    The first was the reason for the second.

    It made noise, and now it doesn’t, but I have no idea if there was just a pebble, or a loose nut, or the wheel bearing was going bad. But it needed a new wheel bearing, because that was the price I had to pay to get my mechanic to fix whatever it was that was making the noise. And I definitely needed to fix that noise.

    So you see, my mechanic said it needed a new wheel bearing, and it did.

    This is an important lesson for marriage. Your wife says she needs new shoes, and therefore she needs new shoes.

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