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  • in reply to: Brooklyn Eruv #1071295

    Because the Brooklyn rav makes one.

    in reply to: Why R' Rechnitz is incorrect #1035719

    Also, I wouldn’t necessarily expect a bima klop, because then you’d get bochurim who aren’t ready yet (l’shitaseinu) starting to go out. Maybe RY are already privately encouraging guys to start earlier.

    Gimme break. I’m sure they roshei yeshiva can phrase it in a way that applies only to a majority and invite the minority to come talk to them. The same way they do when they talk about anything else under the sun.

    And it isn’t happening privately. We’d have heard of it.

    Popa, I don’t need hard data. I have no doubt that there’s a growing population and an age gap (typically).

    Sorry, that doesn’t cut it for me. There are also more boys born than girls. And so many other factors at play. I need more than a sevara before making a change like this.

    in reply to: Why R' Rechnitz is incorrect #1035715

    DY: Min hagoren umin hayakev, the guys shouldn’t be doing it until then.

    in reply to: Why R' Rechnitz is incorrect #1035714

    Lior: Ask my rosh yeshiva, not me.

    But, I will tell you my opinions:

    1. What’s the downside to guys dating earlier?

    1. Less learning, because have more kids earlier and need to leave and earn money earlier.

    2. Less years of learning with no distractions.

    3. Less mature and prepared for marriage = more bad marriages and divorces.

    How does the downside outweigh the upside?

    1. I’m not convinced there is an upside. I’m not convinced the shidduch crisis exists. I have many other theories. I’d like to see some real hard data, of the sort that nobody wants to invest the money in producing.

    2. I don’t know how to weigh these things against one another. That’s why I think you should ask my rosh yeshiva.

    in reply to: sukkos menus #1033238

    Meat. Beer.

    in reply to: Halachos of sharing recipes #1033078

    I hold that you are not allowed to even quote halachos someone else says unless each person buys the book. However, I give permission to quote this halacha.

    in reply to: rosh hashana seats #1032983

    Just offer to pay for the whole seudah

    in reply to: rosh hashana seats #1032980

    Meh. Just show up and stand in the back.

    in reply to: Halachos of sharing recipes #1033066

    I would think so. Why not?

    Again, I know little about these halachos, but it is very hard to imagine how it could be assur. Do you have any sources to the contrary?

    in reply to: Halachos of sharing recipes #1033064

    But haga atzmicha, do you think I can buy a Susie Fishbein book and then share every recipe with you?

    I do think so. I am sure so. Every single recipe.

    I don’t know how it could be differently.

    in reply to: Kashering Cast Iron #1196263

    rebbe yid:

    1. Are you agent, or a different user? How would the OU know which oil they are using?

    2. I don’t think the status of oil for tumah is relevant to the status of tzli vs. bishul.

    3. I have seasoned cast iron with oil before. The oil congeals before it carbonizes.

    Agent: So that rabbi was wrong. You should call him back and tell him.

    in reply to: Kashering Cast Iron #1196259

    We just got a cast iron and we called the company about the seasoning. They said it is seasoned with oil only. We spoke to the OU and they said if it is made here and then all oil in the USA is fine. We called the company back and they said, yes it is made here and not in China. The OU said it fine to use-it doesn’t have to be kashered only Toiveled.

    The OU secretary who answered you is wrong.

    There is no reason to accept the company’s representation that it is only vegetable oil. They have incentive to say they do not use animal fat since vegetarians will prefer it. And I am not aware of any government agency that would police this, since it is all burnt up and not a food product.

    in reply to: Halachos of sharing recipes #1033061

    Well, I only know how to talk about this by reference to american law, so I will.

    1. This would be patent, since it is a method of doing something. I doubt halacha has a parallel to patent, since patent cannot exist without a centralized registry, since it gives rights to the person who invented even where another independently invents.

    2. Even if there is patent in halacha, I doubt it would apply to a published recipe, since there is no reason to assume the author invented it, and anyway any variations are probably “obvious.” You can’t put egg on your challah and then claim that nobody else is allowed to unless they pay you a fee.

    3. Even if this was patented, the author gave permission for others to use it by publishing the directions in a book. It is hard to imagine you can publish directions of how to do your patent in a book and then claim only those who buy the book may put egg on their challah.

    in reply to: Halachos of sharing recipes #1033059

    It sounds fine to me. I can’t say I’m well versed in Halachic intellectual property laws, but I can’t see how someone can own the rights to make challah the way they do.

    in reply to: If you think the R word is offensive you are retarded #1199704

    Your usage of the term “polite society” is highly offensive. The English upper classes made up that term to denigrate the poor people as uncouth.

    in reply to: If you think the R word is offensive you are retarded #1199702

    For example, if using the term “minor”, one needs to understand that the halachic term “ketanah” or “katan” is not precisely defined as “minor”, because the parameters are different.

    I don’t agree with that either, even though “minor” is a legal word and has no meaning outside a legal context.

    When you use the term “minor”, it is associated with its particular context. The same as any other word.

    If I tell you that I was in Canada last week, and tried to buy beer and had to prove to the guy that I wasn’t a minor, would you jump all over me and say “but you’re 20 years old, so you really are a minor!”? No, because in Canada they sell beer to 20 year olds and they aren’t minors.

    If I tell you that I was in Florida last week and I murdered someone by turning on a counterfeiting machine which I didn’t realize was hooked up to an ebola vial and set it loose; would you say “but there is no felony murder rule in <insert your state>!” No, because in Florida murder has different rules. So if I translate retzicha as murder, that works because it means “murder,” and has the rules of the context it is used in.

    Ketana means “minor” in the legal sense. And every legal system decides what age they want to treat as a minor. It doesn’t mean the legal system that you happen to want to “shtuch” me with.

    But rape is different, because it has a common meaning outside of the legal system. When people say the word “rape” they aren’t referring to any legal context. Rape is similar to words like “rob” and “steal” which have a common meaning outside of any specialized legal meaning.

    in reply to: maaleh of chatzos #1033047

    B’omdom ayeifos

    in reply to: If you think the R word is offensive you are retarded #1199695

    I also will note that I have to stop myself from saying “retarded” at work, because people will think I’m retarded.

    in reply to: If you think the R word is offensive you are retarded #1199694

    Also, let me note that the title to this thread is excellent and also retarded.

    in reply to: maaleh of chatzos #1033042

    If you say it in the morning, should you say “b’macharas menucha”

    in reply to: If you think the R word is offensive you are retarded #1199693


    I don’t think anyone is using it in the “legal” sense. I think we’re just using it in the English language sense. The rebbe, myself, and the rest of the world perfectly understand the “English term” without torturing its meaning with whatever the retarded lawyers have thought up.

    Also, for the record, pitui ketanah ones hu.

    in reply to: If you think the R word is offensive you are retarded #1199682

    Why when learning Kesubas can I say “Me’anes” but not the English equivalant. We a a society have arbitrary decided that in polite-yeshivish society we don’t use the English equivalent.

    When I learned kesubos, we translated me’aneis as rape.

    And my sixth grade rebbe, when we got up to the parsha of Amnon and Tamar, said “today we’re going to talk about rape.” And then talked about rape. And then we learned the parsha.

    in reply to: If you think the R word is offensive you are retarded #1199681

    Let me clarify: I mean offensive intent to people who are actually mentally retarded.

    I also don’t mean to insult you personally; I thought you find my usage of your moniker humorous. I will stop though, because I see I misjudged. I apologize.

    in reply to: If you think the R word is offensive you are retarded #1199678

    Ok, so here is my one coherent post about Retardidity.

    So you have two sides of this coin. The normal people on this topic point out that the word is just descriptive, and that it is retarded that every 10 years the old word becomes “bad” and some new term becomes “good” and that we have to keep switching.

    Meanwhile, the retards say, “if people are actually offended, why not just stop using the word? Does it mean so much to you to say one little word?”

    And popa says: My objection is that I don’t think the word changes because people are actually offended. I think that there are certain retards in this world who get their kicks out being “more sensitive” and “more empathetic” than the rest of the world, and they do this by making up new terms to describe everything “nicely,” and then when their new term finally catches on and becomes the normal term, they have to go and make an even newer one so that they can still be better than us.

    And I think that is retarded, developmentally delayed, deaf, dumb, mute, blind, idiotic, dolty, ubiquitin-ey, asinine, insane, bi-polar, depressed, post-partum, disassociation identity disorder-like, and generally just politically incorrect.

    I don’t feel like kow-towing to these people. And I think they cause more people to be offended than not, since they keep convincing people to be offended by non-offensive words used without offensive intent. So I am sorry if anyone is offended, but I think it is these ubiquiton’s who are offending them.

    in reply to: If you think the R word is offensive you are retarded #1199673

    Ubiquitin, I’m sorry, but that is simple developmentally disabled.

    in reply to: If you think the R word is offensive you are retarded #1199672

    What do you call someone who decides to be offended by all sorts of normal things?

    A retard.

    in reply to: If you think the R word is offensive you are retarded #1199671

    I only use commercially reasonable efforts to avoid offending people.

    in reply to: If you think the R word is offensive you are retarded #1199663

    What a ubiquitin thread

    in reply to: Kashering Cast Iron #1196257

    DaMoshe is correct. The factory seasoning is heated in an oven, and while applied as a liquid, it quickly congeals. Also, it is oil, whose liquid status is highly questionable to begin with.

    I am highly suspicious of anyone who says it only needs libun kal or hagalah. I am aware the cRc of chicago says that, and I have emailed the author of the article as well as others in the organization. He did not respond.

    in reply to: Girl giving the "yes" first in shidduchim #1070759

    We are considered a Yeshivish family (both my wife & I are college graduates).

    I don’t know what the definition of yeshivish is, and I think you can be yeshivish even if you go to college, and even if you graduate, but I am pretty sure that graduating college is not what makes you yeshivish.

    in reply to: Kashering Cast Iron #1196251

    +1. I also asked my rav and was told to use self clean for libun gamur.

    And you’ll see when you take it out that all the seasoning is gone.

    in reply to: Can you mix different types of ground meat? #1032718

    Bklynmom: I don’t think your butcher is correct.

    in reply to: Can you mix different types of ground meat? #1032707

    Are you allowed to mix filler into chopped meat?

    Well, that also has a problem of geneiva

    in reply to: Can you mix different types of ground meat? #1032702

    I don’t know why you are all jumping the gun to be mattir.

    Suppose the beef has some neveilah mixed in–so it is min b’mino so it is batul. Now you mix in some chicken, and it is min b’sh’eino mino and assur because shema yachzor v’yitein taam.

    I’m not saying I tracked it all the way through yet, but have you?

    in reply to: Orthodox Jews and Psychology #1121055

    I was looking at marganisa’s on that thread. Saying if you are going to cite that thread, you could do better.

    in reply to: Orthodox Jews and Psychology #1121052
    in reply to: Orthodox Jews and Psychology #1121044
    in reply to: Orthodox Jews and Psychology #1121040

    Old fashioned psychodynamic therapy. The kind the CBT practicioners make fun of, but then avail themselves of when they want therapy themselves.

    DY: noted.

    Syag: I’ll examine the mareh makom DY posted and see what I concede.

    in reply to: Orthodox Jews and Psychology #1121032

    is that the one where you rant and rave against CBT and then at the end you realize that you really had no clue what it is or how it works? Cuz that’s how I remember it.

    Certainly possible.

    At least, I’m certainly the only one on the CR who has ever conceded something. So if you remember someone conceding, it was me.

    in reply to: Orthodox Jews and Psychology #1121026

    PBA – don’t be cynicial about these types of things because you increase the stigma and the avoidance for people who need it. people who need therapy create all sorts of excuses why they don’t think they do!!! your mocking just makes it worse!

    I am a big fan of therapy. I just think CBT is hogwash.

    Popa, why are you so critical of CBT?

    Because I think it is hogwash.

    To respond to your follow up “why is it hogwash,” please see my published works. You might try googling: Yeshiva world Popa_bar_abba CBT

    in reply to: Orthodox Jews and Psychology #1121016

    No, no, it stands for Cholent Beans Treatment. It is very effective at curing all ailments.

    If you consult me, I will find out the TRUE source of your ailments, and solve it with CBT.

    in reply to: Orthodox Jews and Psychology #1121011

    DY told me that CBT is naarishkeiten.

    DY says it stands for Coolaid Based Therapy.

    in reply to: Girl giving the "yes" first in shidduchim #1070742

    As PBA noted, boys are far more likely to say no for comparative rather than substantive reasons

    I don’t think that’s what I said.

    in reply to: Girl giving the "yes" first in shidduchim #1070737

    So stop complaining and go give a boy a yes.

    (And then you’ll discover that there was something else behind the normal procedure: numbers.)

    in reply to: Simchas Torah and women #1035578

    I’m unaware of any source that says not to do it, and only know one religious person who does.

    Do you have any additional information to share?

    Yes, I do have info to share.

    I’ve never heard of anyone doing it before the War, and never heard any claims that it was normal then.

    in reply to: Have you even been a juror? #1033175

    I was on the OJ jury. I walked into the jury room after the trial, and very softly started drumming my fingers on the table, then eventually very softly chanting “it does not fit! You must acquit!” Then louder and louder until one juror joined, then a second, then all of them, and still louder and louder until the bailiff came in to stop us, but he just joined, and then the other bailiff and he joined also, and then the lawyers heard and they joined and the crowd in the courtroom! And the judge was joining! And they heard us in the streets and everybody stopped and joined! And people were crying and hugging and slitting their ex’s throats and driving around in Bronco’s and the whole country came together just like at the trial of the Rodney King policemen.

    in reply to: Simchas Torah and women #1035575

    Oomis: you’re never gonna be an old timer if you take my posts seriously like that.

    in reply to: Not losing Daas Torah #1033098

    ok first of all what is the mokor for this daas torah thing? Second if someone can make a mistake then he obviosly isnt desserving the title daas torah

    Daas torah doesn’t mean you don’t ever make any mistakes.

    in reply to: Not losing Daas Torah #1033094

    I just wish there was some sort of vaccine that protected you from non-daas torah.

    in reply to: Simchas Torah and women #1035569


    What is your best knowledge, in that regard?

    Also, what is your best knowledge regarding what people were actually doing?

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