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  • in reply to: Statistician Dr. Charlie Hall's analysis of the marital age gap data #1040771

    Popa, the women are generally between 20-40.

    that’s quite a range. would you like me to run some calculations on that?

    in reply to: Statistician Dr. Charlie Hall's analysis of the marital age gap data #1040764

    DY: you’re saying it is obvious at what ages of the parents those average 4 children are born?

    Very well so tell us when.

    in reply to: Statistician Dr. Charlie Hall's analysis of the marital age gap data #1040762

    DY: Certainly you don’t think that 25% of girls are remaining single. That is preposterous.

    in reply to: Statistician Dr. Charlie Hall's analysis of the marital age gap data #1040754

    lso, I don’t think we need to calculate the gender breakdown for aliya as someone mentioned earlier because kids don’t make aliya by themselves, so we’d assume that it mirrors whatever the gender ratio is.

    Not so. Many young adults make aliyah themselves before they are married.

    See, this is why you need a REAL STUDY. Because boich sevaros don’t think of everything.

    in reply to: Statistician Dr. Charlie Hall's analysis of the marital age gap data #1040753

    Ok, so here’s a numerical example that shows that you cannot extrapolate population growth from birth rate without knowing the parents’ age. I will use an extreme example because my rebbe in numbers taught me to use extreme examples to pressure test calculations.

    Constants: Birth rate per couple is 4 (so per person is 2). In other words, on average each person has 2 children between when they are born and when they die. We start in year 1 with 1 couple and calculate to year 100. Population growth will be calculated as the increase in percentage per year. Everyone lives until the year 100 and then all die. The first couple is Generation A, and so on.

    Scenario 1: Generation A gives birth to quadruplets in year 1. Generation B each give birth to quadruplets in year 2. Generation C each gives birth to quadruplets in year 3. And so on for each of the 100 years.

    Result 1:

    Year 0: 2 people.

    Year 1: 4 births.

    Year 2: 8 births.

    Year 3: 16 births.

    Year 4: 32 births

    5: 64

    6: 128

    7: 256

    8: 512

    9: 1024

    10: 2048 Births

    Year 100: Many many many

    Population growth rate: Ask Charlie.

    Scenario 2: Generation A gives birth to quadruplets in year 50. Generation B each give birth to quadruplets in year 100. And so on for each of the 100 years.

    Year 0: 2 people

    Year 1: 2 people

    Year 2: 2 people

    Year 50: 4 births

    Year 51: 0 births

    Year 52: 0 births

    Year 100: 16 births!

    Total people in year 100: 22

    Population growth (22-2)/100

    in reply to: Statistician Dr. Charlie Hall's analysis of the marital age gap data #1040752

    I’ll put together a numerical example and show you how brilliant I am.

    Alternatively you can do it first and be almost as brilliant

    in reply to: Statistician Dr. Charlie Hall's analysis of the marital age gap data #1040749

    My question is: what would be the typical population growth by percentage for a four children average, or for a five children average?

    My doctorates are not in statistics, but shouldn’t you also need to know how old the parents are when they are having these children?

    (example: Suppose mice live one day and have 5 children. what is their population growth compared to elephants who live 10 years and have 5 children?)

    in reply to: Q–>A message from vayoel moshe #1039476

    It’s ok. We knew it was you all along.

    in reply to: Pidyon Haben? #1163894

    I found 5 canadian coins in my shabbos tallis bag.

    On the front they have a picture of some goyteh and say Elizabeth II and 5 dollars 2013.

    On the back it says Canada Fine silver 1 oz argent pur, and 9999.

    1. Can I assume these are mine?

    2. Does that make me a kohen?

    3. Can I use them for pidyon haben?

    in reply to: Pidyon Haben? #1163888

    Well Watson Ivory, I’m asking if Canadian silver coins works. I’m obviously not asking whether canadian toilet paper works.

    in reply to: Pidyon Haben? #1163884

    Does canadian money work?

    in reply to: Hikind says Caller's apartments wont happen. TELL US WHY! #1039042

    Didn’t Caller used to be a big real estate lawyer? I assume he knows what he’s doing.

    Is Hikind running against him? Why is he involved?

    in reply to: the teshuva thread #1142901

    No, I didn’t read the conundrum thread. Just openeded, read half the question. Decided it didn’t bother me, and closed it.

    in reply to: the teshuva thread #1142896

    So tonight I was gonna post under the title “kaballah”. Anask if anyone else had heard the idea that there are 36 hidden reshaim who destroy the world and they look just like tzaddikim, unless you’re also a rasha like them.

    in reply to: Can women talk about Gemara? #1077324

    They can talk about it, but only in third person.


    Sarah: so, what do you think about the pshat I heard tosfos has in tzaras niddah?

    Rivkah: well, someone told me they don’t understand how it would change the limud of hukshu kol harayos just because it isn’t “domeh to an achos ishah”.

    Sarah: I heard that someone needs to think about it, but I’m sure they’ll get back to me to get back to you.

    in reply to: Separate seating at Weddings #1038063

    What does pasuach lerabim mean?

    in reply to: Warmest regards from Dr. Pepper! #1071435

    The way to prove you met him is to tell us an original Dr. Pepper story.

    in reply to: Warmest regards from Dr. Pepper! #1071433

    Prove you met him.

    in reply to: Are You A Sociopath?? #1037600

    Posh! I made this joke up in 4th grade as a way of making fun of psychology tests such as the rorscarch blots.

    in reply to: How much to put in kids' therapy savings fund? #1037702

    Wow, are you expecting your child to have a traumatic childhood?

    Of course not!

    But you all are.

    in reply to: How much to put in kids' therapy savings fund? #1037701

    Popa is from papa

    Bar is from bar mitzva

    Abba is from abbarbanel

    Not sure why everyone gets so confused about my name.

    in reply to: Dangerous or scary? #1037525

    I like french fries.

    in reply to: Sunday project #1037512

    So it was very nice. They were just nice and neighborly, and they sang nice carols like “this day is respected from all days for on this day the Rock of the World Sunday’ed”, and “Lord I desire the pleasantness of Sunday”, and some others.

    in reply to: Sunday project #1037508

    Well in my example they just invited me for a family sunday brunch and they don’t even have yarlmukes or know any hebrew words.

    Just latin words.

    in reply to: Syrian Community and Converts #1037625

    Had to leave NY? The Syrians are a small minority in NY. There are plenty of communities you could join without involving the syrians.

    in reply to: Are You A Sociopath?? #1037592

    its poshut- the dude would turn up at the funeral and she could get his info.

    That makes no sense. If she didn’t ask for the info the first time, what reason does she have to think she would do it the second time.

    The real answer is that the guy will come over and yell at her for killing her sister, and then she can ask him out then.

    in reply to: Sunday project #1037505

    Right. So I wasn’t as much making fun as I was demonstrating what it looks like from the outside.

    in reply to: Seminary vs Sherut Leumi #1037496

    Non-rabbinically advised? Is loving your children rabbinically advised? What mitzva?

    in reply to: Are You A Sociopath?? #1037590

    Did the sister have all the same relatives that she had? Or was the sister like a half-sister?

    in reply to: Sunday project #1037503

    Lior: I’m not sure I get it. What does that have to do with this?

    in reply to: Getting kids to listen to you #1037277

    And popa, there are no reshaim today? Meiheicha teisi?

    I’ve never met one.

    I’ve never met anyone who had stopped being frum where there wasn’t a very obvious reason.

    in reply to: How much to put in kids' therapy savings fund? #1037695


    Actually, I think that is a very good post, and just what I like to think I would have posted if you had asked this question.

    in reply to: Sunday project #1037499

    They offered to take out the food from a kosher place, just for me. I don’t think they usually keep kosher, because they are christians.

    in reply to: Drafting yeshiva bochurim into IDF #1037324

    And Rabbi Weiss is even according to his most bitter opponents a completely frum Jew, meeting the standards of a kosher eid.

    I hardly think I am his most bitter opponent. (In fact, I hardly think there is anything bitter at all about my opposition.) And I do not agree with you on this. I think it would be extremely difficult to accept his testimony even in an agunah situation.

    in reply to: Getting kids to listen to you #1037274

    Thank you for the thoughtful response.

    On the avos, I would respond that good parents are not guaranteed children who are tzadikim. But Yishmael and Esav were not maladjusted children–they were just reshaim.

    Kids who go off the derech are not reshaim; they are just maladjusted.

    in reply to: NeutiquamErro's favorite thread with an obscure title #1147512

    How much is tuition at Hogwarts?

    Does the ministry pay for it?

    Why don’t they pay for your books also?

    in reply to: NeutiquamErro's favorite thread with an obscure title #1147511

    The magical people clearly practice age gap marriage. Is there a shidduch crisis?

    Is that why mcgonagal is not married? But neither are any of the professors!

    Maybe more women are mudbloods or more men are squibs?

    (See, HP really is just like judaism!)

    in reply to: Seminary vs Sherut Leumi #1037493

    Of course. But since any jewish person with any connection to Hashem and the jewish people already HAS a love of eretz yisroel, it is hard to NOT instill it in your kids. What will you do? Pretend you don’t love it?

    in reply to: Discussion between Randomex and Lamud vov #1037141

    Hello Lamud vov by which we mean Joseph.

    in reply to: Lollipops #1039714

    I saw on a diff web site that when you eat a lollipop, you are really just eating your own flavored saliva.

    in reply to: What does it mean to be yeshivish? #1037343


    So let’s define that you might be asking any of three questions:

    1. How can you recognize someone who is yeshivish? This spawned answers such as white shirts.

    2. What ideas must you believe in to be considered yeshivish? This spawned answers such as “no college.”

    3. What are the central tenets of yeshivishism? This didn’t spawn any answers, although it is probably the one you were asking.

    But you see, the question makes no sense because there is no such thing as yeshivishism. The term was invented to describe a communal group–namely the right wing of litvish, and associated with the leadership of the large litvish yeshivos other than YU. But it doesn’t have rules, and it doesn’t have rites of entry. It isn’t a movement, it is (or at least purports to be) the establishment.

    While you might have articles and books defining “Modern Orthodoxy” (See. e.g. Rabbis Lichtenstein and Lamm) you will never find a book or article defining yeshivishism.

    in reply to: Calling uncles and aunts without using their title #1136715

    Alternatively bec lots of aunts and uncles today are very young themselves.

    in reply to: What does it mean to be yeshivish? #1037328

    It means “like a yeshiva”. In any aspect.

    So if you never can pay your bills-youre yeshivish

    If you are old and decrepit-you are yeshivish

    If you are in NY or NJ- you are yeshivish


    in reply to: So who here has actually been in the IDF? #1040463

    I’ll start – I have one child who has finished IDF service, and once in now.


    I had several second cousins in the IDF. One is married to a woman from a family that was kicked out of gush katif.

    in reply to: Statistician Dr. Charlie Hall's analysis of the marital age gap data #1040730

    Back to the shidduch crisis. Pogrow had a two page article in this week’s mishpacha. I’m sure he used at least part of that space to tell us what he’d based his conclusions on.

    No, he didn’t.

    in reply to: lol they are STILL apikorsim (EDITED) #1036978

    I agree. I am probably not nearly as good at making fun as he was.

    in reply to: lol they are STILL apikorsim (EDITED) #1036976

    sds: This is a follow up thread to this one http://www.theyeshivaworld.com/coffeeroom/topic/lol-they-are-apikorsim

    As I explain there, the gemara in kiddushin 81 says that rabi akiva used to make fun of ovrei aveirah, so I am just following along with that.

    in reply to: Statistician Dr. Charlie Hall's analysis of the marital age gap data #1040727

    And his authority to overrule chazal. Don’t forget that part.

    in reply to: lol they are STILL apikorsim (EDITED) #1036974

    Charlie, the article is about geirus, and that is the halacha. The beis din enters after she is already underwater.

    in reply to: Statistician Dr. Charlie Hall's analysis of the marital age gap data #1040719

    Why do you need the male/female breakdown? Just assume it’s 50/50. The point is that the later the year, the more kids.

    Great idea!

    Or, or, just assume there are twice as many boys as girls! And just drop a footnote saying you made some reasonable assumptions.

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