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  • in reply to: Remember Lipman? #1046600

    PAA: Well to me megayeir hundreds of thousands of people who have no interest in yidishkeit en masse, would be passul for more basic reasons of there being no kabalas mitzvos.

    If that’s where Lipman is going with this, he’s got even bigger issues than I thought.

    in reply to: Remember Lipman? #1046599

    I generally do not take Popa’s comments seriously

    That’s ok. I generally take your comments seriously anyway. Even though see e.g. this thread.

    in reply to: Remember Lipman? #1046597

    zdad: Of course you are correct, it was not the fault of the geirim. Which is why it is so important that we protect them from this, and stop all geirus immediately.

    Well, I suppose we could still allow men to be megayeir.

    And now we’ve even solved the shidduch crisis…

    in reply to: He would still be alive today #1046263

    oomis, I don’t agree. I think you have an authority problem

    in reply to: Remember Lipman? #1046590

    I have even a better solution. End all geirus, like the Syrians do.

    I know that we really are supposed to be mekabeil geirim when they come, but we see it has led to problems like what happened in D.C., and what happened in Monsey. In such a shaas had’chak, I think we can be meikil to stop being mekabeil geirim.

    in reply to: Remember Lipman? #1046583

    Well, that’s solved then. We now have the opinions of Lipman AND ROB that it is muttar.

    in reply to: Remember Lipman? #1046572

    ROB: It was in the Jerusalem Post 3 days ago. Unless you mean you can’t find an actual article written by him.

    And we may not be able to dismiss a valid opinion. But we’re more able to than Lipman is to pasken based on it.

    in reply to: What's with left wingers and geirus #1045675

    writersoul: I’m not sure I get your question. It quite practically is an ethnicity, and has in fact stayed so for 3000+ years.

    Because there are relatively few converts.

    The same way any other ethnicity occasionally absorbs outsiders but retains its identity.

    in reply to: Chosson Shas? #1046407

    Only if the chosson hasn’t learned it yet.

    in reply to: #modern Yeshivish #1050274

    It means you pretty much act like MO, but you don’t hold of MO hashkafos like zionism and torah u’maddah etc. Some might say, no torah or maddah.

    MO machmir means you pretty much act yeshivish, but you DO hold of MO hashkafos like zionism and torah umaddah, etc. They are known for the mitzva of hajj, the annual pilgrimage to the SOY sefarim sale.

    in reply to: Remember Lipman? #1046559

    Anyway, geirus policy is mili d’alma, so who cares what Rav Moshe said.

    in reply to: What's with left wingers and geirus #1045670

    So I theorize it’s because they’re uncomfortable with the ethnic/racial element of Judaism. That is, that Judaism is an ethnicity, and holds that G-d chose that ethnicity above the other peoples of the world.

    in reply to: Remember Lipman? #1046557

    Thanks, yes, that is what it says

    in reply to: Remember Lipman? #1046555

    Gentlemen, there are two teshuvos from rav moshe. DY, can you link the other which allowed a tevilah b’dieved where only one dayan was present?

    in reply to: Remember Lipman? #1046552

    Hee hee. I looked up Katz’s bittul torah.

    It starts:

    ?”? ???? ???? ??????? ????? ??????? ??? ?????? ??? ???? ??? ?????? ????, ?????? ??

    ????? ???? ???? ????? ????? ????? ??? ???? ?????? ????? ???? ???? ????? ????

    ??????, ?? ?? ?????? ??? ?? ?? ?????.

    You see that? She has what to be someich on, he says.

    What has this got to do with her? She doesn’t have any chiyuvim. She isn’t a giyores yet.

    The beis din has chiyuvim! The question is whether the beis din has what to be someich on in allowing it!

    We have chiyuvim! The question is if it is muttar to marry her!

    (This is what happens when a daf yomi rabbi decides he’s a groisseh gaon.)

    in reply to: Remember Lipman? #1046550

    That’s a decent limud zchus that he wasn’t lying. Thanks sam.

    in reply to: Remember Lipman? #1046547

    I should mention: you should also remember the Lusitania.

    I meant the title to read as a question, but forgot the question mark


    in reply to: Remember Lipman? #1046542

    As to the DC story – that is clearly 100% relevant. The individual in question was not only the “manager of the Mikva” – he was the lead Rav in a number of conversions. As such (and particularly given the publicity that story has received), the whole idea of a man or men watching the Tvila of a woman for Geirus makes a number of sincere want-to-be female converts more than a bit squeemish. If you can’t understand the relevance of that incident to addressing a woman’s feelings about Tevila, I’m sorry – it seems to me to be quite obvious.

    1. It isn’t so relevant–he could have done the same thing regardless of if he was in the room for tevilah. It’s like trying to kill a fly with a hammer–not only is it overkill, but you probably won’t kill the fly either. The solution is better oversight.

    2. They’re squeamish? So let them not convert if they don’t want to. The men are also squeamish about the bris and hatafas dam bris. What mitzva is there to make geirus more attractive?

    in reply to: Remember Lipman? #1046539

    Boy, what a liar this Lipman dude is.

    The nerve of him.

    in reply to: Remember Lipman? #1046533


    There is no problem with that. Rabbi Lipman wants to stop that practice, though.

    Also, Rav Moshe paskens at the end that after all the tzedadim lehatir, we are machmir b’dieved. He calls it a safeika d’dinah.

    in reply to: Remember Lipman? #1046529

    Sam: they do? Doesn’t seem very ambiguous..

    ??”? ????? ??? ??? ??? ?”? ???? ??????

    ???? ???? ????? ?????? ????? ?????? ????

    ???? ????? ??? ?????? ?????? ????? ?????

    in reply to: Trolling Wikipedia #1048196

    Were you researching that for the past year?

    in reply to: Beis Hamikdash #1047012

    Makes no sense. The only problem is on shabbos, and moshiach cannot come on shabbos.

    Rather, he holds like the lunatics today who want to rebuild the beis hamikdosh before moshiach.

    in reply to: Remember Lipman? #1046515

    Lol I bet he did.

    in reply to: Half-year Anniversary #1045198

    LF: what do you mean? your username is only a month old!


    (click on your username)

    in reply to: Incorrectly calling "Rabbi" #1045090

    Get semicha?

    in reply to: Contact info for Mrs. Peska Friedman (This is not a parody.) #1044390

    If I knew, I certainly wouldn’t post it online. If she wanted it public, she’d have put it in the book.

    Now we can consider the thread closed.

    in reply to: Half-year Anniversary #1045196

    Happy Cranniversary!

    in reply to: Westboro baptist church? #1044767

    yah yah, we think you’re a moron also, and a rasha too!

    in reply to: Is it ever appropiate to talk back to a Rebbi? #1046158

    I agree with syag.

    in reply to: Westboro baptist church? #1044763

    agree with rebyidd.

    Sometimes I think rebyidd is the only sane person in the CR

    in reply to: Is it ever appropiate to talk back to a Rebbi? #1046153

    I agree with Rebyidd.

    If a rebbe is verbally or otherwise abusing the kids, he is not a rebbe at all, and does not deserve the respect that comes with the position. The kids are entitled to, and should, do and say whatever they feel is necessary to protect themselves–certainly including talking back.

    in reply to: Black Hat Friday #1113370

    there were other things on my list I won’t mention here


    in reply to: Westboro baptist church? #1044753

    Actually, it would help if you know something about your own.

    in reply to: Rav Millers Ten Commandments of Marriage #1044315

    Randomex is my daughter in law. She can answer any questions about me.

    in reply to: He would still be alive today #1046257

    There is a third reason: It is pretty much unheard of for a prosecutor to let a grand jury see any evidence other than what is favorable for an indictment. For whatever reason, that was not what was done here. The grand jury naturally saw the conflicting evidence and declined to indict.

    We all know why that was done here. Because the prosecutor didn’t believe there was evidence to convict.

    In an ordinary case where the prosecutor doesn’t think there is evidence to convict, they drop the case. But he couldn’t do that here, because public opinion was so strong. So he figured he’d show it all to a grand jury.

    In an ordinary usage of the grand jury, the prosecutor has already made the decision to indict, and the grand jury is just confirming it. Here, he was asking the grand jury to make that decision.

    This wasn’t the ordinary usage of a grand jury. Hence they didn’t follow the ordinary procedures.

    This is all good. Everyone says “a grand jury would indict a ham sandwich,” but we all agree that ham sandwiches should not be indicted. Rather, only people who the prosecutor believes there is evidence beyond reasonable doubt to convict should be indicted.

    That is why not everyone in America is on trial–right? If prosecutors were supposed to indict everyone they could, and it is so easy to indict, then all of us should be on trial. But that isn’t how it works, because there is supposed to be someone deciding whether this person actually should be on trial.

    Get it? Prosecutor decides who should be on trial, and (in some states) a grand jury then approves the decision based on some minimal standard. In this case, the prosecutor expanded their role to making the decision also.

    in reply to: Westboro baptist church? #1044728

    Not you and ahmadenijad

    in reply to: Westboro baptist church? #1044717

    Please read the quote I left and tell me it’s not disturbing

    Oh it’s disturbing.

    And it’s totally convinced me that the terrorists are right to be killing us!

    in reply to: Westboro baptist church? #1044716

    LF: what is the source of that hebrew phrase you posted?

    in reply to: Westboro baptist church? #1044709

    u could go on and on but I think you get my point

    That you hate Hashem. We get the point. We got it before you started babbling.

    in reply to: Westboro baptist church? #1044695

    Not at all what?

    Not all worse than being oiver on the three shevuous? That’s an interesting opinion. Do you have any source that we kill people that are oiver on the three shevuous (besides your support for terrorism, I mean).

    in reply to: Westboro baptist church? #1044691

    Oh, I didn’t realize his house was robbed. But if it was after he sued them to put his kids in the school, so then he’s already a moiser-no?

    And being a moiser is certainly much worse than being oiver on the three shevuos. There is no source that we kill someone who is oiver on the three shevuos.

    in reply to: Westboro baptist church? #1044689

    That was ridiculous what they did to him and his family

    You mean that they allowed them into the girls school. Yes, they should stop taking government money so they won’t have to do that.

    in reply to: Sample Seminary Essay #1063264

    I told them “moron.”

    You mean boron?

    No, I mean you.

    A different time I told them farlium.


    Because I know you wouldn’t know it wasn’t a real element.

    in reply to: Westboro baptist church? #1044685

    Doing something which Hashem hates is not the same as hating Hashem.

    I’m alleging that they hate Hashem, because they hate the Jewish people.

    Everything done is mekadesh sheim shmayim

    Well, everything eventually leads to kiddush Hashem. In their case, when we are eventually yatzu v’ra’u b’pigrei ha’anoshim haposhim bi, ki solaatom lo samus v’isham lo sichbeh

    in reply to: Westboro baptist church? #1044680

    Well, if they believe they are doing ratzon Hashem, but really they hate Hashem and that is what is driving them, then doesn’t it follow that they’d also be driven to do other things against Hashem?

    in reply to: Wedding Prep- How? #1044085

    First step is finding someone to marry.

    in reply to: He would still be alive today #1046233

    Really? Tell me how you know that.

    in reply to: Westboro baptist church? #1044677

    Of course my response is applicable here.

    It’s one thing to do aveiros because you struggle with a tayva, like most of us. And it’s even one thing to do aveiros because you are a kofer like the choveveiniks.

    But these guys do aveiros because they hate Hashem. If you hate Hashem, you’ll try to do bad things whenever you can, just to be moreid.

    in reply to: He would still be alive today #1046228

    So, 006, how many pages of the grand jury evidence have you read? 10? 50? 100? 500? All of it?

    You’re already holding at anyone disagreeing is “silly,” so I assume you must have read all of it. Is that correct?

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