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  • in reply to: Mazel Tov! #1224364


    in reply to: parnassah question #1059717

    Yes, no different than phantom income from a partnership allocation that only counts as parnassah if you get tax distributions for it.

    in reply to: 198 Year Land Lease #1059747

    It doesn’t work like that, the 200ft of land for the next 198 years, is my neighbor’s land.

    What? You can’t lease from a lessee? He isn’t allowed to sublease?

    in reply to: 198 Year Land Lease #1059742

    I just don’t have the money to pay for another lawyer to sue my lawyer for malpractice.

    Would he be willing to sue himself for you?

    Then you could collect from his insurance, and he could get a 1/3 cut of it.

    I bet he could make a whole business out of that.

    in reply to: 198 Year Land Lease #1059739


    Thanks, that doubled down pretty well on my anti-zionist post.

    (Also–no idea what you’re talking about. Rome fell far before the Mohammedian conquest.)

    (Also–no idea what you’re talking about. Find me one analogous situation in the whole history of the world where an indigenous people has managed to reclaim land after 2000 years, and then their right to retain it was challenged as you are suggesting it should be challenged.)

    (Also–no idea what you’re talking about. It is per se malpractice to not appeal a ruling of a lower court? How now?)

    (Also–no idea what you’re talking about. He hasn’t even said what jurisdiction he is in, and you’re saying he is ignorant of the law? Are you so familiar with the law in every jurisdiction in the U.S.? Amazing.)

    (Also–sorry for going ape on you in this post. Once I’m on a roll it’s hard to stop. Good shabbos!)

    in reply to: 198 Year Land Lease #1059737

    It’s not a moshol, this really happened to me.

    And that is how every Jew should feel. I’m proud of you.

    in reply to: 198 Year Land Lease #1059734

    It’s a moshol.

    The land is Israel, and the zionists leased it from us by asking the UN.

    (And the thread gets interesting)

    in reply to: shidduchim: what's all this about middos? #1093672

    Of course. But do you go to a dealer and ask for a car with 4 wheels, or for a car that goes well and lasts a long time and is safe.

    in reply to: shidduchim: what's all this about middos? #1093668

    Oomis: Without 4 wheels, there is no car, and you certainly would not want a car with only 3 wheels. But if I ask you what is the most important aspect of a car you are looking to buy, you don’t say 4 wheels.

    Comlink: Same as oomis.

    Rebyidd: Agreed.

    Also, this apparently used to be one of my “perfect threads”, until rebyidd unperfected it after 4 years.

    in reply to: February–a senior HS girl's favorite month #1060377

    FFB: You need to live your own life, not your parents’ life.

    And to all the haters: yes, I would also say this to a girl from a yeshivish family who didn’t want to go to seminary but her parents wanted her to.

    in reply to: February–a senior HS girl's favorite month #1060372

    Seminary is stupid.

    Although, there aren’t very many cheaper ways to spend the year in Israel, so maybe it’s worth it as a year-long vacation.

    Have you considered just backpacking it instead? Stay in hostels and at your aunt’s house?

    in reply to: Service dogs in shul #1058895

    It was Rav Moshe who allowed guide dogs in Shul

    Guide dogs are different. I’m talking about a services dog that I exchanged for a previous dog and I need for services.

    Also, does it make a difference if I promised to go to shul or not?

    in reply to: Service dogs in shul #1058892

    I also brought cookies for a kiddush, which someone had given me as a gift. They wouldn’t use it because they said it’s esnan mezonos. Are they correct?

    in reply to: Lavish Kiddush #1058939

    I would gladly trade all the salads and mezonos for an upgrade on the scotch. But the cholent and herring has to stay.

    in reply to: Service dogs in shul #1058889

    There are some shuls where they don’t consider it that they have a minyan unless there are 10 men and also 10 male dogs over 13 in dog years. This is to avoid specieism that only people count for a minyan.

    I’m talking about in one of these shuls.

    in reply to: Service dogs in shul #1058887

    Get another shul or sue them under the ADA. In secular court.

    I was obviously joking, but is your knee jerk reaction to religious practices you disagree with, to sue them?

    in reply to: Over controlling parents- How to deal? #1058678

    Your friend is a jerk and doesn’t love his kids?

    What else is supposed to be my response?

    If he said “I don’t want to support you after you’re married, so you better pick a profession and wife that will let you support yourself”–that would be fine. But he only won’t support him because learning is a lifestyle he doesn’t agree with–implying that he would support him if he was doing something else that doesn’t earn money. So he’s a jerk and doesn’t love his kids.

    I mean, I knew there were jerks who don’t love their kids. I didn’t know you were friends with any, but I’m also probably friends with some. I’m not sure how it proves anything about what we should assume normal parents will do.

    in reply to: Husband away on Business trip #1058682

    Drink 8 glasses of wine a day.

    in reply to: Why No One Posts Here Anymore #1060793

    They’re afraid of the creeps.

    in reply to: Why working out is assur #1191419

    The reason working out is assur is because its a tolada of working.

    in reply to: Over controlling parents- How to deal? #1058676

    No, and of course it is only a matter of degree.

    But that hasn’t been my point on this thread.

    My point on this thread is in response to lesschumrahs, and to lesser extent yourself, who seem to expect that a parent would cut off their kid for something much more trivial such as wanting to be yeshivish. And moreover implying that because something is a parent’s prerogative, it is therefore also the right thing for the parents to do.

    in reply to: Over controlling parents- How to deal? #1058673

    FFBBT613, I’m not saying you’re obligated to endorse your parents lifestyle. Just don’t expect them to pay for yours. Have you given any thought how you are going to pay for airfare, living expenses and seminary tuition? Are you even aware of how much it costs?

    Is that how you deal with your own kids? If they don’t do what you want, you cut them off?

    Then you wonder why they rebel and become yeshivish…

    in reply to: Over controlling parents- How to deal? #1058664

    As long as they are paying the bills, they have a vote. Pay for seminary and college yourself and you can do as you wish.

    A comment which would make sense if she were considering suing her parents.

    But inasmuch as we’re only discussing normal parent-child relationships, I’m not sure why we’re talking about “votes” and “rights.” Presumably her parents want to do what is good for her, and not everything they are “entitled to do.”

    Funny, in the shidduch system, no one objects to the parents deciding which boys are appropriate, but in this case the parents are viewed as controlling

    Funny works both ways. First figure out how you are critical the other way, and then come call us funny. Also, nobody except OP called it controlling.

    in reply to: Being a counter-missionary #1058843

    I don’t know if he’s a cohen or not, but I don’t see how that affects whether he’s descended from goyim.

    in reply to: Being a counter-missionary #1058836

    I’ve heard that all the counter-missionaries got a heter based on them being descended from goyim.

    in reply to: Fake Diamond Jewelry #1058410

    But they will especially get price bump when their “certified” by a specific company such as Tiffany…

    In other words you agree with me. Tiffany isn’t manufacturing them, or even putting a Tiffany logo on so people will recognize the brand. They’re just–your words–certifying, that it is real.

    in reply to: Fake Diamond Jewelry #1058407

    Most of the dianond sellers aren’t selling real diamonds anyway. Only diff been buying “real” and “fake” is at who is gtting tricked.

    You’re essentially paying extra for the privilege of being fooled, so that you won’t feel like a doofus for giving fake.

    Everyone in the industry knows this. A real 1 karat ring of a quality you could give your wife would be way out of your range. Don’t believe me? Walk into Tiffany’s and ask for a ring. You think your neighbor’s cousin’s jewelry store has a secret deal with the pope that let’s them get quarter price diamonds?

    in reply to: Over controlling parents- How to deal? #1058653

    FFBBT613 – Sorry, but if you want their monetary support, you will have to play by their rules. Unless you were planning on paying for seminary yourself? You get to make your own decisions once you are 18, but not with their money.

    Are you saying that as a practical measure, or as what you think the result should be.

    I don’t think you’re correct even as a practical result. Many parents actually want what is best for their kids, and are willing to even pay money for things that their kid wants even if they personally don’t want it.

    in reply to: Everyone get outside FAST #1057391

    google is your friend

    in reply to: Everyone get outside FAST #1057385

    Anyone who doesn’t wear yak tracks in this snow is an idiot. Anyone who does won’t slip. So only put out salt if you care about idiots.

    in reply to: Vitamins #1058419

    I take fat, oil, and salt.

    in reply to: Permissible Motzei Shabbos Activities #1057089

    I gurantee that if you had a poll chulent or Pizza, Pizza would win hands down especially among those who grew up in the United States (Maybe some older people wouldnt appreciate it and I know some people from Europe who didnt understand Sushi)

    No way I would eat pizza on shabbos morning. And pizza is hands down my favorite food.

    Same as I wouldn’t drink wine during the superbowl (TM)

    in reply to: Kiryas joel granted lead agency status #1057275

    I propose a chicken in every pot.

    I propose a horse in every stable.

    I propose will you marry me?

    in reply to: Permissible Motzei Shabbos Activities #1057076

    Whose ancestors? I bet the ones in Naples ate pizza.

    in reply to: Permissible Motzei Shabbos Activities #1057048

    But if you could eat anything on tisha b’av, it would probably be pareve cholent.

    Just to repeat it: pareve cholent! Who eats pareve cholent????? Some kind of PETA activist? Even they would put a little bit of meat in.

    in reply to: Permissible Motzei Shabbos Activities #1057045

    PBA: 1) what makes you say it was a BT Yeshiva?

    Something I may have read about PAREVE CHOLENT was a drop dead giveaway.

    (You can’t drink beer on tisha b’av. It’s a fast day.)

    in reply to: Permissible Motzei Shabbos Activities #1057034

    Who’s for motzai shabbos cholent? I actually think cholent expires at 2pm on shabbos afternoon and is inedible until the next Thursday night (i never got how people eat cholent leftovers for super Sunday night) but cholent is definitely heimesh, and no offense PBA, but i think beer goes better with cholent than pizza! But that’s just my opinion. In yeshiva wet used to make pareve cholent Thursday night so we could have it with coffee and a cigarette. I guess that’s one of the ways to know you’re not in yeshiva anymore… (Sorry, unrelated post).

    What kind of BT yeshiva has pareve cholent and only drinks beer with one type of food?

    If I had to eat pareve cholent, I would assume it is tisha b’av and then assur to drink beer or anything.

    in reply to: Are Borsalino hats more stylish than other fedoras? #1056893

    1. Yes, Borsalinos look different.

    2. You are making up your numbers: 3 times as much and last twice as long. Maybe they last 3 times as long and cost twice as much?

    in reply to: Permissible Motzei Shabbos Activities #1057018

    Pretty sure you’re only allowed to make pizza, troll on YWN, and drink beer.

    numbers 2 and 3 are correlated

    in reply to: An example of what a "boycott" is #1055534

    This is also not a boycott.

    A boycott is when you refuse to buy a product or service for a reason unlrelated to the product or service. People who think a wig is avoda zara are not boycotting; they don’t want the product.

    When Jews do not buy German products because they murdered half of us, that is a boycott.

    When French do not buy Israeli products because they hate Jews, that is a boycott.

    When animal people do not buy fur products, that is not a boycott. When animal people do not buy non-fur products because the company also makes fur products, that is a boycott.

    That’s my definition.

    in reply to: Parshas HaMan – Tuesday of Parshas Beshalach #1055765

    I said it again this year.

    in reply to: wrong again!! #1055788

    NY didn’t get a good storm?

    Sorry folks. Here in anchorage we have plenty to share.

    in reply to: Boycotting Borsalino? #1070053

    .But boycotting because you cant afford it, sure sounds Communistic to me.

    That is free market. People acting freely in self interest to further their interests.

    You are confusing private action with government action, with confusing results.

    in reply to: Boycotting Borsalino? #1070047

    Part of free trade is people freely deciding to pressure companies into acting certain ways.

    Borsalino is certainly not “bound” by my terms, but neither am I “bound” by their terms.

    They are in it for the money, and I am in it for the value. If I think I can get more value by pressuring them in any way, that is fair game.

    You sound like a communist.

    in reply to: There is always a first time. #1054968

    So you’re admitting to having a goat.

    in reply to: There is always a first time. #1054964

    plumber: I was referencing the vaccine thread and trying to get rebyidd’s goat

    in reply to: There is always a first time. #1054961

    I wouldn’t mind hiring a BY girl as my plumber. Would feel a whole lot better about it than having that big weird dude who currently comes.

    BY girls are just selfish and that’s why they aren’t becoming plumbers, at our expense.

    in reply to: Why is everybody anti anti-vaccine theories, a dissertation #1100472

    Self interest at the cost of others is selfishness.

    Of course it isn’t. Think about that one again.

    Or how about some examples:

    ISIS takes 5 people captive and announces they will kill them all unless one certain person trades himself for them (and they’ll kill him instead).

    That person refuses. Is he selfish?

    in reply to: Why is everybody anti anti-vaccine theories, a dissertation #1100468

    And that selfishness is what will kill people. It certainly isn’t an attitude that Judaism supports.

    Self interest is not selfishness. That sounds a bit Catholic.

    in reply to: Why is everybody anti anti-vaccine theories, a dissertation #1100455

    I think my pediatrician has my children’s best interest in mind. So report me.

    Fine, your’re just a moron, not a bad parent. Happy?

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