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  • in reply to: Could a Holocaust ever happen is the USA? #1083095

    Of course.

    in reply to: Going to EY for a date #1077116

    The only Yom Yerushalayim I know of is on July 26 this year.

    in reply to: Pigeons and Hepatitis #1075294

    How is the pigeon method political? It either works or is quackery, but why political?

    Ok, so maybe it’s not in the DSM

    in reply to: Pigeons and Hepatitis #1075291

    There is no DSM VI, and the DSM is a manual for diagnosing mental illnesses, not physical ones.

    The DSM is a manual for advancing political agendas, so it would be an apt place to put this.

    in reply to: Pigeons and Hepatitis #1075287

    It’s in the DSM VI

    in reply to: Do MO believe in non-strawman daas Torah? #1155856

    I don’t think they should enforce it unless the party enforcing it is also agreeing to the jurisdiction of the beis din for the money and kids.

    And why is it not bilateral?

    in reply to: Going to EY for a date #1077112

    GAW: Not sure what that has to do with Ernst & Young, but I agree with the sentiment.

    Rebbe yid: Yes, it is possible.

    in reply to: Do MO believe in non-strawman daas Torah? #1155844

    The BDA, as a matter of policy, will virtually never tell a husband he doesn’t have to give a Get if his wife wants one.

    How do you know?

    in reply to: Do MO believe in non-strawman daas Torah? #1155830

    The reason he can’t say that is because it isn’t politically correct? There is no place for cowardice in Halacha.

    Unlikely. They’ve said far more unpopular things.

    in reply to: Do MO believe in non-strawman daas Torah? #1155825

    It is unlikely? Why? Are you some sort of hidden genius and know it all? I suppose you’re so far above me that I’ve never noticed you say anything above average.

    You asked for clarification? And then started with these wild judgments in the middles of the conversation? Has it ever accured to His Genuisency that maybe I am the one too stupid or ignorant to understand my rebbe’s point and so asking me for clarification shouldn’t prove anything about the underlying sense of the matter.

    And you can apply that to your “overheard” examples also.

    in reply to: Do MO believe in non-strawman daas Torah? #1155819

    Either of

    Okay, I may have misunderstood you. I thought you were trying to distinguish between halchic vs. non-halachic issues. Now it seems that you are not. Unless your question actually was whether or not Modern Orthodox people agree with you that there is no difference between halachic and non-halachic issues.


    Patur Aval Assur

    Bar Meihanei T’las

    Also, I think you first need to ask whether Modern Orthodox people agree with you that the reason to follow the psak of a Rav in actual halacha is “v’asisa…”

    I suppose I’m asking either one. I don’t have a preconceived notion of the way others may disagree with me.

    in reply to: Do MO believe in non-strawman daas Torah? #1155813

    2) (Popa’s first way) Bringing up the prospect of divorce at the wedding, weakens the marriage.

    3) (Popa’s second way) Making it easier for a woman to get divorced weakens the marriage.

    I think the way I quoted it is the best in terms of answering Gavra/ubiquitin’s questions.

    I don’t recall the rationale very well, and I’m trying to fill it in. I actually think your number 2 (popa’s first way) is the correct one that was meant, now that I am thinking more about it.

    To the question of kesubah, perhaps the answer is that it makes divorce harder and thus strengthens the relationship nevertheless. Or perhaps the answer is that divorce is just one of the eventualities it addresses among death. Like the difference between buying whole life and term life. Your wife doesn’t like to talk about that you bought term life, but doesn’t mind discussing whole life.

    in reply to: Do MO believe in non-strawman daas Torah? #1155812

    That isnt realy what we are talking about. I am strictly using this example to point out how based on “Daas Torah” people accept all sorts of (non-halachic, barely even hashkafic) nonsense simply because somebody chashuv said so

    That’s a pretty arrogant statement.

    Maybe you should sometimes consider that something can be true and that you are just too stupid or ignorant to understand it.

    in reply to: Do MO believe in non-strawman daas Torah? #1155804

    The idea that a kesuba which provideds for a woman in the event of divorce stregthens marriage while a prenup which allows a “divorced” (i.e. civilly or practicly) woman to remarry weakens marriage is not something anybody rational would accept. But if the “rosh Yeshiva” said it it becomes Torah misiani.

    I’m not following you at all.

    Harder to get divorced = strengthens marriage

    Easier to get divorced = weakens marriage

    This ain’t rocket science, yo.

    in reply to: Do MO believe in non-strawman daas Torah? #1155796

    I suppose either one.

    in reply to: Do MO believe in non-strawman daas Torah? #1155793

    PAA: Same reason there is to follow psak of a rav in actual halacha. v’aasisem k’chol asher yorucha.

    in reply to: Do MO believe in non-strawman daas Torah? #1155789

    PBA: DaMoshe basically answered your question. “MO” Rabbis won’t think their “Hashkafic” advice is Halachically binding and will often only give it B’Toras Eitzah Tovah.

    Sam, that means something else than how I’d assumed DaMoshe meant.

    If they don’t think their hashkafic advice is ever binding and will only ever give it b’torah eitzah tovah, then no, they don’t believe in non-strawman daas torah.

    in reply to: Do MO believe in non-strawman daas Torah? #1155783

    DaMoshe: it appears your answer for yourself then, is “yes”.

    I don’t find his statement that it isn’t “psak halacha” very different from how I think, since frequently these matters are so given to facts and circumstances that nobody could tell you precisely your answer.

    in reply to: Do MO believe in non-strawman daas Torah? #1155779

    Writersoul: to your first question, of course we asked them that. I believe the answer is that to the contrary, the kesubah makes it harder to divorce and so stregnthens the marriage.

    To your other questions: I don’t think I’m assuming any of those things.

    It doesn’t matter if the YU roshei yeshiva are recommending this specific item on hashkafic grounds also. That doesn’t prove anything about the culture generally, since it is only one example and the students who are following may happen to personally agree.

    I’m not aware of anyone who disagrees with my strawman assertion. I don’t know everything, but I know at least what the majority of the yeshivish community thinks. I don’t think even chassidish hold of the straw man type.

    I don’t know what you mean by objectively. If you mean as opposed to it depending on personal circumstances, that is part of what you would ask the rabbi… If you mean that Hashem in fact does not care, then we aren’t talking about those items.

    Ivdu: techeiles is halacha, and is not part of this discussion.

    in reply to: the teshuva thread #1142921

    post! post! post! post!

    in reply to: Do MO believe in non-strawman daas Torah? #1155773

    Why do you care? What difference does it make? Noone on this blog is authorized to speak on anyone’s behalf other than their own ( even assuming the anonymous writer is MO )

    Why do you care why I care?

    It is interesting.

    I’m not asking anyone to be anyone else’s lawyer. Just to give an opinion.

    Why does this yank your chain so bad?

    in reply to: Does citronella actually repel mosquitoes? #1074025

    It’s funny you ask.

    Actually, there is a magical urge to light citronella candles just as mosquitoes are starting to leave an area that people are in. It gives the same impression as if the citronella makes them leave.

    in reply to: Online source for roshei taivos #1074008

    feivel is back!

    in reply to: halachik pre-nup #1108815

    tz’i maaseh yadayich l’mizonosayich

    (wherein popa shows himself to be an MO am haaretz, by not saying tz’i maaseh yadecha l’mizonosecha)

    in reply to: halachik pre-nup #1108805

    I assume if they still legally married then not taxable.

    Otherwise I don’t know.

    in reply to: halachik pre-nup #1108790


    We’re talking about the area between halacha and non-Torah related things. Like whether to do a pre-nup, for example (according to those who do not think it is an actual halachic problem, like my rebbeim for instance).

    If a YU rosh yeshiva tell his students that it is a bad idea to sign the pre-nup–I don’t think they would listen to him. Nor if he says it is a good idea.

    in reply to: halachik pre-nup #1108782

    I should have said, except for YU, since the students don’t believe in daas torah so it doesn’t matter what the roshei yeshiva say.

    in reply to: halachik pre-nup #1108777

    They can get a video from every rav in the world, and can even video it on shabbos using a shabbos switch.

    Until they get the roshei yeshiva to tell the guys to do it, nothing will happen.

    My eoshei yeshiva could have instituted it across the board just by having a sign hung on the bulletin board.


    My first name is Quinnirius.

    in reply to: halachik pre-nup #1108771

    Popa, why on earth would the BDA no longer exist, or be taken over by YCT? Do`you refrain from signing legal documents, fearing that the USA will be taken over by ISIS?

    Because I view the USA as more secure than the BDA. If you disagree, that’s certainly your prerogative.

    in reply to: halachik pre-nup #1108769

    First off, The pre-nup has the endorcment of Rabbis Zalman Nechemia Goldberg, Dov Schwartz and Moshe Heinemann, who I do not believe are MO.

    Rabbi Gedalia Dov Shwartz is definitely MO. You seem to assume that just because he is a talmid chochom and a well regarded posek, he must not be MO.

    Matan, you may not agree with MO on everything, but this is way over the line.

    in reply to: halachik pre-nup #1108749

    Any one relying on it would have to be nuts. It doesn’t even have a clause saying what happens in the event BDA is no loger existing, or if BDA is taken over by conservative/YCT.

    in reply to: Some zionist thoughts for yom haatzmaut #1074180


    I think that is a slightly different topic: whether our schools could do more to prepare kids for those that will end up in the outside world.

    However, that isn’t really our discussion here, unless you think it is actually possible to prepare them such that the danger is materially gone.

    And judging by other communities’ success (or rather lack thereof) in keeping their kids frum in college and in the IDF, I’d say nobody has quite figured that out yet.

    in reply to: Some zionist thoughts for yom haatzmaut #1074177

    Ourtorah: 3 responses.

    I would think that by 18, we aren’t finished developing ourselves.

    Also, being a good Jew is just as much about avoiding dangers as it is about dealing with dangerous situations.

    And even if it is sad, it’s still the way it is.

    in reply to: Some zionist thoughts for yom haatzmaut #1074173

    Oh, and trivia question for you: What’s the MO/RZ standard greeting on Yom Ha’atzma’ut?

    I know.

    ??? ??? ????

    in reply to: Some zionist thoughts for yom haatzmaut #1074157

    Hesder guys learn in Yeshiva and go into the army, Popas story could not have happend

    That doesn’t make any sense.

    But since you’re just closing your mind further, I will now point out that your made up propaganda story consisted essentially of telling us that someone once made your argument to someone who agrees with me, and the person who agrees with me was stumped. Now, how is that supposed to be more convincing than just telling me the argument? The only utility of this propaganda is for you to self-righteously pat yourself on the back.

    Well, you’d better know that it is a very closed-minded pat.

    in reply to: Some zionist thoughts for yom haatzmaut #1074140

    A hesder yeshiva guy bumped into a chraedi yeshiva guy in Bet Shemesh and they began to talk, The Yeshiva guy asked if the Hesder guy recognized the protection of the learning does for the state, The hesder guy said he would, but then he asked the yeshiva guy if he recognized the protection the army does for the state (and the yeshivas) . The yeshiva guy walked away.

    Is that the best you can do? A made-up propaganda story that makes just as much (or little) sense the other way?

    I heard a widely reported incident yesterday.

    A hesder yeshiva guy bumped into a chraedi yeshiva guy in Bet Shemesh and they began to talk, The hesder guy asked if the yeshiva guy recognized the protection the army does for the state (and the yeshivas), The yeshiva guy said he would, but then he asked the hesder guy if he recognized the protection the learning does for the state (and the army). The hesder guy walked away.

    When you are down to telling propaganda stories, you should look yourself in the eye and realize that you’re being closed-minded.

    in reply to: Some zionist thoughts for yom haatzmaut #1074125

    Sam: I believe Rambam there references being required to join the army also, but correct me if I’m wrong.

    in reply to: Is it mutter to build a mishkan with a shabbos switch machine? #1073584

    To be clear: I wasn’t asking if you can do this on shabbos. I was asking if you can build a mishkan like this and the mishkan is kosher.

    Because then I would write a YCT/conservative teshuva that you can do any melacha on shabbos in the ordinary way since it is not assur to build a mishkan on shabbos.

    in reply to: If this is what we've been waiting 2000 years for… #1073694

    Took you 2 years to respond; can’t have been that appalling.

    in reply to: Tachanun #1151698

    I try to always go to a bris on yom haatzmaut. It reminds me that despite the zionists, Hashem still has a bris with us.

    in reply to: Is it mutter to build a mishkan with a shabbos switch machine? #1073576

    I know someone asked Rav Chaim if you can shave on shabbos with a shabbos switch.

    Rav Chaim said it is assur.

    in reply to: If this is what we've been waiting 2000 years for… #1073692

    Bumped in honor of the people who went loony on my first sincere thread since tisha b’av.

    in reply to: Baal Yeshiva dating is this scenario a problem? #1073623

    I dunno Sam. I don’t think risks should be overstated, and if there are more precise risk factors, those should also be discussed. But I am not convinced that this is not something worth discussing. Is there any empirical evidence on point?

    in reply to: How long? #1073511

    Maybe you’re on a rocket ship and time is moving slower?

    in reply to: Yeshivas that offer time for online college #1072652

    Go to a real yeshiva and get married, then you don’t have to go to night seder.

    in reply to: Divorce or Marraige #1072587

    It isn’t scary.

    It is scary when people get sick, because then you think that could haappen to you.

    It is scary when people are killed or injured in accidents or attacks or crimes. Same reason.

    It is not scary when people get divorced. If you don’t want to get divorced, be honest with the people you date, and be honest wwith yourself, and marry someone who you think is good for you, and then work on your marriage.

    I’m not saying divorce is a choice. But it is usually the culmination of a lot of previous bad choices.

    in reply to: Yeshivas that offer time for online college #1072643

    Chabad is into kiruv. Maybe a chabad yeshiva would be ok with it. I know there’s a big one in morristown, and a small one in Vancouver.

    in reply to: Yeshivas that offer time for online college #1072642

    Why not do an online yeshiva, if you think they’re the same?

    in reply to: Yeshivas that offer time for online college #1072641

    Does you have any off the derech friends he can ask?

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