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  • in reply to: Tzadikim Suffer for the Sake of Others #716016

    Next thing you know sz will tell us its a xtian concept to pray in a house of prayer.

    xtian? nice!

    in reply to: Older Singles #716555

    Everyone complains about older girls who aren’t married.

    What about the boys? In my yeshiva, it was rare to find someone under 23 who was married.

    in reply to: Eco Mitzvahs? #877499


    It depends what she taught you. If she taught you the torah’s morals, that is a valuable teaching. If she taught you secular morals, that was a waste of time.

    I addressed my comment specifically at the notion of fairness, and I will continue in that vein. I have never heard of fairness to others as a torah hashkafa. I know about tzedaka, and I know about chessed.

    The difference is as follows.

    I believe that if I have more than I need, I have an obligation to G-d to give yiddishe poor people what they lack and no more. If everyone has what they need and I still have the most, perhaps I would be doing chessed by giving people gifts.

    In contrast, the notion of fairness is that if I have more, I am being unfair to those who have less. It gives them a right as claimants against me. “Why should you have more?” they demand. This is not a torah hashkafa.

    Our hashkafa is I have more because G-d wills it, and wants to give me the opportunity to do tzedaka and chessed.

    I assume someone will point out that beis din can force someone to give tzedaka. The answer is that they are forcing me to fulfill my obligation to G-d, the same as they can force me to wear teffilin and kill me for breaking shabbos. It has nothing to do with the rights of the poor. Even if they are mochel, I imagine beis din would still force.

    in reply to: Eco Mitzvahs? #877496

    My point with the hiring people to sort it, is that the cost of hiring people is the true cost to the public in needing to sort it. It is that much labor.

    Truthfully, it is even more labor to do it at home, since at home it is done inefficiently unlike how it would be done at a sorting facility. Also, at home, it is done by citizens who are professionals and businessmen whose time is more expensive than the workers who would do it.

    in reply to: Eco Mitzvahs? #877494

    trying: That is odd. My screen has that from “Shloimi’s Shver”

    in reply to: Stories of Hashgacha Pratis #716291

    I also hate hashgacha pratis stories, because they often show nothing.

    Consider: Every plane has some people who miss the flight, and some planes crash.

    Every day some people are late to work, and 9/11 was no different.

    in reply to: Stories of Hashgacha Pratis #716290

    I hate hashgacha pratis stories.

    It makes it seem as if there is only hashgacha when G-d makes things work out miraculously.

    We should be telling stories about people who were fired from their jobs for no reason and it hurt them.

    About people who died in plane crashes.

    About people who missed shabbos.

    That shows hashgacha. Hashem wanted them to not have it and they didn’t get it.

    in reply to: Eco Mitzvahs? #877491

    It appears you are correct. According to wikipedia, recycling is cheaper than landfilling.

    But, that ignores the cost on the consumers of sorting their trash, and also ignores the environmental costs of landfilling.

    I wonder if it also ignores federal subsidies.

    I still oppose it because it is annoying, and costs too much in wasted utility of millions of citizens. Try hiring people to sort it at the landfill and see if it is still cheaper. Right now, all that work is done by us.

    in reply to: OU Kashrut in Israel #716678

    Because the kashrus issues in Israel are more complicated, and there are groups who use leniencies in those issues which are specific to Israel.

    in reply to: Older Singles #716549

    AZ: You don’t want to help 20 year olds get married? That is mean.

    in reply to: Eco Mitzvahs? #877490

    I apologize.

    But your ilk have given end of the world rants, and recycling is much more expensive than landfilling.

    Whether I want one near my house is irrelevant to the economics.

    in reply to: Orthodox/Hasidic Borough Park, Brooklyn Voted Republican #716449

    charlie: Isn’t it possible that they actually oppose it? Does everyone who has a different opinion have to have bad intentions?

    in reply to: Gift Ideas for Men #1000457

    The difference between girls and women is the cost of their clothes.

    in reply to: Eco Mitzvahs? #877487

    trying to be helpful: I’m sorry, what are you referring to?

    in reply to: Charades by: Riva Pomerantz #756021





    in reply to: Eco Mitzvahs? #877482

    @goq: I was responding to the other posters. I wasn’t aimed at you.

    @ronsr: I take your needs into account also. I just balance them against mine and most other people’s needs.

    @charlie: Recycling does not make economic sense, as is not cheaper than landfills. If it was cheaper, we would do it without your ilk’s end of the world rants.

    Yes. There are externalities, but there are externalities both ways.

    in reply to: Please Include Photo #907533

    As a matter of fact, they don’t teach anything about this in most yeshivos, shvach or not shvach.

    And I’m not sure what you’re picturing as all those yeshivos. There are about 4 yeshivos in America that guys date from.

    in reply to: Please Include Photo #907525

    I think I can define the lesson of my house story and what I think about this topic.

    When you research something, you don’t research the most important things first. You research the most definable and easily answered questions first.

    in reply to: Eco Mitzvahs? #877473

    Look, if it makes you feel good to recycle, or do a rain dance, or anything which is not assur, go for it.

    I just don’t see your need to pretend it is a mitzva. And pretending something is a mitzva happens to be assur. It is baal tosif.

    Charlie: it is pretty clear I was distinguishing between not harming your neighbor and not harming the planet. There was no reason for your remark about not respecting bein adom lachaveiro.

    Ronsr: I don’t know what you are saying. My mitzvos come from the torah, not from my mother.

    “Don’t try to hog more than your share” is apikorsus. G-d gave us what he wanted to give us, and also commanded us to give the poor “dei machsoram”. It has nothing to do with fair shares.

    in reply to: Please Include Photo #907523

    by93: Marrying someone for her looks is not pritzus.

    in reply to: Agudah Convention recap? #716030

    A bit of cynicism to balance this out.

    Not judging based on exterior doesn’t mean being an idiot. Not assuming a bottle of water contains water makes you an idiot (which is why nobody guessed it).

    in reply to: Eco Mitzvahs? #877467

    @charlie: That is a crime against a person, not the planet.

    @ronsr: failing to share it? Huh? Just what aveira is that? There is a mitzva of tzedaka to a yid, but beyond that?

    I suppose purposely destroying the world would be an insult, but we usually do it for a reason. Like saving money.

    in reply to: Please Include Photo #907520

    I have no funny response.

    Now, how did you know the qed business?

    in reply to: Shaitle Fraud Chillul Hashem Video: Sha'ar haTumah haChamishim #717962

    Tell us who it is.

    in reply to: Eco Mitzvahs? #877463

    I am not aware of any mitzva of l’uvduh u’l’shumruh. Besides, maybe that was referring to gan eden.

    I don’t see how hashem would care if we take care of the world or turn it into a garbage dump.

    I think Hashem intended us to use the world, and take advantage of all the resources, like coal, oil, animals, plants, etc.

    I think recycling is a waste of time, and believing in it as a mitzva is bal tosif.

    in reply to: Please Include Photo #907517

    Q.E.D. is an initialism of the Latin phrase quod erat demonstrandum, which means “what was to be demonstrated. Wikipedia.

    I am not a math guy. But I do have google.

    in reply to: Please Include Photo #907509

    beiso zu ishto.

    in reply to: Please Include Photo #907502

    So, what about my house?

    in reply to: Please Include Photo #907500

    Did I ever imply that I am married? My mistake if I did.

    Sorry to ruin this fun.

    No, I did not imply it yesterday. I said it was a mistake if I did, as I meant to never imply either way. You can read every one of my old posts, I am sure I have never implied it, and if I did, it was a while ago, and I may have gotten married since then.

    You also don’t know where I learned. You don’t know what I do. You probably can deduce I am not learning anymore from my hours online.

    I keep my cards close.

    in reply to: Please Include Photo #907494

    I was once looking to buy a house. I knew that the most important thing was how functional it was, and how sound the construction was. But, I would only be able to tell that by walking through it and having a inspector look at it.

    I also needed that it was on a nice looking block. This was non- negotiable (8 cow block).

    I had good reasons for this, and they were a definite deal breaker, even though not as important as the other things.

    I ran into a problem. Many times the broker would shlep me out to see a house, which as soon as we parked I knew was no good, since the block was ugly. Finally, I just asked for a picture of the block before shlepping out.

    Some people told me I was being petty by asking for a picture. I was looking first at the least important part.

    in reply to: "Baruch ata Hashem? – How can we bestow blessings on Hashem? #1210669

    Popa appreciates the compliment and is not getting involved in this discussion again.

    (Unless it gets really interesting- then I’m all over it.)

    in reply to: Please Include Photo #907483


    Has that ever actually happened? That they asked for a pic and you asked for one also?

    in reply to: I Feel Disenfranchised #716182


    I’m sorry, you’re right. That is why I said it was really intended more in general, but it is clear I went over the line.

    in reply to: Shaitle Fraud Chillul Hashem Video: Sha'ar haTumah haChamishim #717863

    so right:

    that is a good point. Maybe they had to agree to that like some of the posters are suggesting.

    in reply to: Shaitle Fraud Chillul Hashem Video: Sha'ar haTumah haChamishim #717855

    I’m not willing to go so far as she didn’t call Georgi’s, but I do think it was an expensive shaitel, not a Revlon

    in reply to: Please Include Photo #907476


    I don’t believe you.

    in reply to: Places Near Chicago To Go Skiing #715550

    They had an air bag last year.

    You jump off this monster jump and land on a big balloon. It was great!

    in reply to: Places Near Chicago To Go Skiing #715548

    Yes, the skiing in NY is not as bad. I’m recommending Windham for a day trip, and southern vermont for an overnight.

    About once a season, the catskill resorts will get a snow dump. Last year right before purim they had 5 feet in three days. The third day was taanis esther, and I was in Hunter snowboarding deep powder all day.

    in reply to: I Feel Disenfranchised #716177

    I hope you’re not sleeping yet. Since I can’t think of any fun, I’ll tell you one of my sheva brachos routines.

    The mishna in perek 8 of gittin says that if you throw a get and it is closer to her she is divorced. The mishna says the same applies to a loan repayment.

    The gemara asks, why does it work for a chov, you should need a real kinyan unlike gittin where you only need mishtameres l’daata?

    The gemara answers that the malveh said “zrok li chovi b’toras gittin” Throw my loan and it will have the laws of a get.

    The gemara asks, if so, of course it works.

    The gemara answers, I would have thought he can defend that he was “meshateh ani buch” which I translate as “I am a shoteh in you”.

    So my question is, what does that mean, I am a shoteh in you?

    What is the “in you”?

    The answer obviously is, “The guy said to throw his loan b’toras gittin, now he says “I’m a shoteh in you”- He is a shoteh, what are you hocking?

    So, what does this have to do with the simcha?


    in reply to: Is Machismo kosher? #715530

    I will kill anyone who says machismo is assur.

    in reply to: Places Near Chicago To Go Skiing #715545

    that is right. It is all out of town.

    My main point was there is no skiing in the great plains.

    in reply to: Shaitle Fraud Chillul Hashem Video: Sha'ar haTumah haChamishim #717845


    it sounds like you are assuming the whole event was calculated to do a fraud. I find that unlikely.

    in reply to: Shaitle Fraud Chillul Hashem Video: Sha'ar haTumah haChamishim #717832

    Yes I was aware of that. I don’t think I believe that the judge found out what it was, and it was only worth a few hundred (or a few).

    Seriously, do you think that lady would own a cheap synthetic shaitel? I’m sure she’d rather be humiliated as an internet sensation than go to Pomegranate in a cheap shaitel.

    in reply to: Dietetic/ whole wheat donuts? #715518

    I removed my post. I did not think it was offensive, but in the context of the other posts here, I can see how you took it that way.

    in reply to: Moving To Israel On Own #715572

    its me:

    Did you just suggest he work illegally and smuggle electronics?

    in reply to: I Feel Disenfranchised #716176

    I’ll try.

    in reply to: I Feel Disenfranchised #716173

    Sorry to ruin the fun.

    in reply to: I Feel Disenfranchised #716170


    Did I imply somewhere that I’m single? My mistake if I did.

    in reply to: I Feel Disenfranchised #716165

    I like that you are flexible with those things. I can hear someone insisting on “No TV”, but is it really worth insisting on “Yes TV”?

    And I agree. The most important thing is personality.

    in reply to: Shaitle Fraud Chillul Hashem Video: Sha'ar haTumah haChamishim #717808

    Well, what do you think actually happened?

    I will ignore the first question of the authorization to wash. It is clear the couple would not tell them to wash it, and clear it was a mix up.

    So, here are some choices.

    A. The couple sent a garbage shaitel in to be able to make a claim. – This very unlikely.

    B. A shaitel was sent in and ruined. It cost only a few hundred, but when they refused to pay the couple figured let’s get them for 3000.- Do you think that lady would own a cheap shaitel?

    C. An expensive shaitel was sent in and ruined. It was a few years old, and they don’t have the receipt. So they grab the Georgi receipt thinking it’s about the same anyway, or maybe thinking it is the only way to recover anything.- I think something along these lines is what happened.

    If I am correct, it is still really bad, but not quite as bad as it looks.

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