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  • in reply to: North Dakota – For SJS and others #717031

    Who was it who first said the classic answer, that you are also asked if you “saw my Baba Kamma”?

    in reply to: Yeshiva v College (Gavra) #716942

    See now, some people think it is important to be a talmid chochom. Some people think it isn’t. That is a normal debate.

    But, I get annoyed when people present arguments as if they are satisfying both sides, when really they are making a compromise, which satisfies neither.

    Going to college and learning in the morning, does not accomplish the same objective as learning all day. If you think that half a day is the right amount, you should say so. Don’t pretend it is the same.

    in reply to: Girls Paying For Dates #716747

    My theories are more reliable than tested and proven ones.

    in reply to: Girls Paying For Dates #716745


    I actually don’t know, but it is my theory that I am generally correct. Am I? Would you fly to chicago or miami? And pay?

    in reply to: This Shabbos… #716250

    Yes, but unlike a stained white shirt which has no value unless the stain is removed, G-d does not treat anybody imperfect as completely damaged. So even in your thinking, a whole shabbos with only one public lashon hara about the shivtei Y-uh is pretty good.

    in reply to: Naming A Child After Someone With Weird Name #1121111

    Give the name. It is fine.

    in reply to: Girls Paying For Dates #716743

    And I thought making the girls fly in to the guys hometown was bad…

    You’ve awakened a latent rant. It has nothing to do with being a girl. Girls fly to the guy because the guy is in NY/NJ and the girl isn’t. If the guy is in LA and the girl is in NY, I am sure the guy is the one flying.

    Whoever is not in NY flies.

    in reply to: Girls Paying For Dates #716738

    Men are supposed to be the hunters.

    Women have been emasculating men since we let them vote. They shouldn’t complain now. You wanted to work, you got it.

    in reply to: Girls Paying For Dates #716733

    I agree with Sac. The girls side should pay for the whole wedding. Why drop the band and flowers and liquor and pictures on the poor guy and his family?

    in reply to: Girls Paying For Dates #716729

    Yes, it is. They should switch off who picks up and drives and pays.

    in reply to: ANOTHER Frum Couple On Peoples Court #716264

    This one is fine. No shtick, just an honest mistake.

    in reply to: Please Include Photo #907584

    This better?

    whats up with the negative attitude popa??

    I get into these cynical moods sometimes. You don’t want to post anything stupid during them. (see also Machoah for Kovod HaTorah, popa calls someone homophobic and suggests he has homosexual tendencies.)

    u seem very cynical, what does ur shrink say about that??

    If you will pay for it, I will do it. I’m not scared of anybody’s opinion.

    in reply to: This Shabbos… #716240

    Without caring about the other points.

    It does not make sense to think it is impossible for the world to be 5771 years old.

    If you believe G-d created the world, is it any harder to create a world that looks old than one which looks young? Is it harder to make cave drawings than caves? Is it harder to make fossils than fish? Is it harder to make dead dinosaurs than live?

    in reply to: Please Include Photo #907581

    That wasn’t such a bad comment. Was it?

    in reply to: Please Include Photo #907578

    if someone is big….theres more to love

    Or hate. 🙁

    in reply to: Shaitle Fraud Chillul Hashem Video: Sha'ar haTumah haChamishim #718077

    Why not, I’ll go through them.

    First and foremost, why didn’t Heidi (heidihud123) use this version on her attempt to defend herself on YouTube?

    I haven’t seen her defense.

    Why didn’t the couple say this story when the judge demanded an explanation as well as the reporter in the hallway, as many others do?

    It didn’t seem like they were given a chance to respond, but they should have been indignant in the courtroom and in the hall.

    Why would they use she is in France if they have a better defense?

    Well, in france is good defense, but should have been indignant.

    And to those claiming that you’re not allowed to question the judge on the program: Accusing the judge for being a liar, is permitted?

    Why, when asked, didn’t Heidi say that the wig she was wearing was a replacement (as every innocent, Masiach Lefi Tumo, would say)?

    Was she asked afterward if the wig she was wearing was the bought one from the receipt?

    If the judge used the receipt to call the company, why and how did she call the other company? And what company has no one in the office (with a computer and data) during business hours? Forwarded to a cellphone? Stinks!

    You tell me about the shaitel business. I don’t know.

    If she did indeed have all information (presumably in her cellphone) why didn’t she have info on the other wig while having info on a prior purchase of $3,000 (and details such as the wig length)?

    Makes you wonder.

    Why did they claim that the girl only spoke Spanish (why should a cleaners be hysterical when calling a customer)?

    That is not the part of the story in question. You make it sound as if the entire thing was an elaborate hoax, from the beginning. As if they were going to trap the cleaners into paying them money and therefore sent in the wig. I find that absurd.

    Also, I thought her English was bad enough.

    Why did their story about running down to the store contradict (and who doesn’t run down instantly when 3K is at stake)?

    You only run down if you think they have it. And they thought they told them not to wash it- if they have it.

    Why did Heidi try to indicate that the wig on her head (long one) is 5K while the damaged one was three?

    You mean if she bought this one for 1500. Maybe that is the real value.

    Why didn’t they provide a second receipt that proves a purchase of a replacement wig (because that’s what you do at a lawsuit)?

    You don’t need to show the replacement. They were suing for the old one, not the new one.

    Sent all her wigs to Israel, yeah right. Where’s her ‘special occasion’ wig?

    Give me a break.

    Last but not least, if their loss was only $1,500, why were they suing for 3K?

    You are entitled to the amount the first one was worth, not the amount you replaced it for. If you break my car, and I get a new one for free, the benefit accrues to me, not to you.

    in reply to: Please Include Photo #907575


    After you saw the 5’9″ overweight it was better?

    in reply to: Shaitle Fraud Chillul Hashem Video: Sha'ar haTumah haChamishim #718075

    I concur with several of dave’s points.

    in reply to: What Would You Undo? #716194

    Opening Madoff Investment Securities. Now I have nothing to do but sit on YWN.

    in reply to: Shaitle Fraud Chillul Hashem Video: Sha'ar haTumah haChamishim #718073

    Homeowner? Talk to the laundry people about what? About whether it was bought from georgi?

    About whether it came in long? Just pull the hair straight and look at it.

    in reply to: North Dakota – For SJS and others #717023

    I have been in 31 which is not bad for a yeshiva guy with no money.

    Including Alaska.

    in reply to: This Shabbos… #716224


    in reply to: Please Include Photo #907566

    Heres a photo story for you. A girl passed along a picture of her grandmother when the shadchan asked for a photo. She said, this is what I will look like in 60 years, be’h, if he wont want me in 60 years, I dont want him now! 🙂

    So the guy picked her up, brought her to a nursing home and let her hang out with his grandfather for a few hours.

    in reply to: Machoah for Kovod HaTorah #718198

    I bet you have not spoken to him about this.

    in reply to: Older Singles #716576

    I’m good with that.

    in reply to: Machoah for Kovod HaTorah #718194

    Sam I am, alias, etc.

    One day you will talk about this to someone you respect and discover a whole new world.

    Until then,


    in reply to: Please Include Photo #907555

    Size 8 is unhealthy. For size 8 to be a healthy weight, you would need to be at about 7 feet tall.

    squeak: Does this imply I’m single? It at least implies that if I’m married my wife either has a sense of humor, is a size 2, or doesn’t know my username.

    I pick sense of humor as the most likely based on what I’m presenting.

    in reply to: Older Singles #716574

    Anyone who marries someone for the benefit of the klal is an idiot.

    in reply to: Eggs In The Chulent #716368

    I have never tried liver mayonnaise and liquor, but the mixture sounds vile.

    in reply to: Machoah for Kovod HaTorah #718192

    Oh yes. Just for the record, I support “don’t ask, don’t tell”, but for practical reasons, not homophobic ones.

    in reply to: Please Include Photo #907548

    Perfection? I never knew anyone who was looking for perfection. Most guys get married, and most of their wives are not supermodels.

    in reply to: Stories of Hashgacha Pratis #716305

    Maybe he was really a tzaddik, and we don’t really understand the challenges he faced. He fell out of the airplane to be mekaper for his few aveiros so he could go straight to gan eden.

    in reply to: Machoah for Kovod HaTorah #718190

    Charlie: I thought we’d agree on this one. You like my point about the eim chamoso?

    I once said it to one of my rebbeim, and he disagreed partially. He seemed to be saying it is worse than eim chamoso, I think because it is an unnatural desire and a breakdown of the pattern of society. But, he was certainly advocating that we accept them as people and not hate or be disgusted by them.

    in reply to: Eggs In The Chulent #716364

    Excellent. Can you shut down all of this guys names.

    in reply to: This Shabbos… #716220

    I’m going to say lashon hara all day to distract the soton and help you.

    in reply to: Stories of Hashgacha Pratis #716303

    Ok fine. Be inspired.

    But aren’t we silly?

    in reply to: OU Kashrut in Israel #716690

    Kashrut is kashrut. Same Torah in America and Israel.

    I thought it was apparent I was referring to issues of terumah, maaser, urluh, neta rivai, chodosh, m’leches shabbos, and whatever else I am missing from this list.

    in reply to: Would you stop and pick up a penny? #719928

    No, I am the one who dropped it.

    What would I do with it? Save it for three weeks until my next cash purchase, only to find that I end up with even more pennies?

    But I’m glad someone picks it up. I don’t want to just be a litterbug.

    in reply to: Eggs In The Chulent #716361

    And I’m betting they just taste like eggs.

    (Although we do hold that taam goes through eggshells. YD 86:5)

    in reply to: Machoah for Kovod HaTorah #718186

    Where does it say that if you have an employee who is gay you need to fire him?

    Where does it say you need to kick him out of the army?

    Where does it say you need to hate him? Chataim v’lo chot’im- Buddy.

    All you have shown is that it is an aveira to engage in the act, even a serious one.

    Do you fire your Jewish employees if they don’t keep shabbos? Do you hate them?

    Would you fire someone and kick them out of the army if they were married to their mother-in-law’s mother? (Also one of the arayos- eim chamoso)

    in reply to: Please Include Photo #907539

    No guy is getting pictures just to look at a girl. He can just go on a date and look at her for hours.

    in reply to: Stories of Hashgacha Pratis #716301


    My principal point is that it is silly to only look for Hashem in the good miracles. Telling only those stories as “proof” of Hashem’s hashgacha really makes fools out of us.

    in reply to: Machoah for Kovod HaTorah #718182

    No, it is not. That does not come from the torah, it is just homophobia, which is usually felt by people who are afraid that they are homosexual themselves.

    in reply to: Machoah for Kovod HaTorah #718178

    Support for toeiva? Allowing people to serve in the army is hardly the same as supporting their behavior.

    We don’t support people living with a woman who they are not married to either, but we don’t kick them out of the army.

    in reply to: Multiple screen names. #717306

    Well, I don’t know who you think you are protecting your privacy from. The mods know who you are anyway, and we don’t know who you are anyway.

    in reply to: Eco Mitzvahs? #877501

    Rak od pam:

    Perhaps that is also beis din enforcing your obligation to Hashem.

    in reply to: COLD #716033

    Rush says to use zycam. I tried it and it did nothing.

    in reply to: The Shmuz #767577

    if the shmuz was any good why would they have to advertise so heavily ? its litteraly being shoved down our throats,and eyes and ears…

    A. Because they are not selling a product, they are providing a free service.

    B. Successful companies are the one’s who advertise heavily.

    C. Most of the advertisement is consumer’s advertising for them. Like the bumper magnets. (I have one!)

    in reply to: Stories of Hashgacha Pratis #716295


    What I am saying is that we are denying hashgacha by only telling the miraculous good stories, as if Hashem is only involved in “good” miracles. Or only in miracles.

    in reply to: Older Singles #716562

    I always said that principals and roshei yeshiva should get together and try to make shidduchim.

    I think the Roman noblewoman should just make the shidduchim. Match them all up in one night.

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