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Its like Jack London’s call of the wild. I just feel a deep stirring in my soul, and the song of the CR surges in my heart. I am only held to real life by a small string.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantYou guys don’t seriously use your own real license plates, do you?
Besides, like TMB said, you can’t prove it was me. I don’t do it for revenge; I do it because otherwise people wouldn’t take my threats seriously.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantBackpack the Grand Tetons.
4 days, 3 nights. Start by the gondola, take the Teton Crest trail, and come out over the Paintbrush divide.
Best time is late August after the snow mostly melts on Paintbrush.
December 23, 2010 11:02 pm at 11:02 pm in reply to: We all enjoy the Yated, but does their Shidduch forum bring about more dates? #720799popa_bar_abbaParticipant“A newspaper exists to sell itself”
-Rita Skeeter
I don’t know how your culture gets married, but if you do a beshow, that is a breach of tznius.
If you never meet her, it is assur to marry her.
So you are wrong.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantso right:
Well, I hope you can also recognize the opinion of the majority of American litvish gedolim that it is proper to open the door for your date.
You should certainly follow your Rebbeim, but you should not criticize others for following theirs.
A. There is no inyan of kibbud av regarding who you marry. You have no mitzva to listen even if they threaten to disown you.
B. Usually, when 20 year olds say “I don’t need to ask, I know the answer”, it is because they are afraid to ask. I have no idea why you would be afraid to ask here.
C. It is odd that you are sure your father would disapprove so strongly, when you cannot even state a reason why you think it is objectionable, beyond a vague “not tznius”.
I spoke to my cousin who did learn is Brisk and is now in Lakewood for the rest of his life, and without going into personal details, has excellent ultra-yeshivish yichus credentials.
He said many of the guys in his circles do open the door. He said some do not. I doubt even those would dump a guy over it.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantBest Ima:
My contention is that the Barbie is not a role model, since our kids know they are not a shiksa.
The american girl is totally within their realm, and teaches them to be vain about their looks and to need to look like the perfect american girl
December 23, 2010 3:39 pm at 3:39 pm in reply to: would you go into a shidduch with a boy from a divorced home? #721030popa_bar_abbaParticipant3. “Why does Heather have three Zaidies?”
This is one of the funniest comments I have seen recently.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantBJJ Kid:
Well if that is what your parents advise, you might listen to them. Personally, I think you ought to ask some rabbinical figure first.
In any event, asking your parents is a far cry from your original contention that you would feel it is not tznius and drop the guy.
Really, there is absolutely nothing not tznius about it if he walks away and lets you close the door. I have no idea what is disgusting you about it.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI think it is horrible.
The worst part is that it teaches kids to want to look like a perfect American Girl. It is much worse than a Barbie, since they know they cannot be like Barbie who looks like a shiksa. The American girl is within our hasagos, so the pull is much stronger.
Also, it is perfectly snobby. Have you ever see a kid allow another kid to play with it who didn’t have one.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantAnd for all your Chicagoans out there;
In Illinois you can use deadly force against an intruder if you think he is going to commit a felony inside the house. Like say, burglary, or dealing drugs.
Really the states are generally very liberal about allowing you to shoot intruders. Just ask a lawyer before you buy a gun what you are allowed to do.
Maybe I am just following Dina D’malchusa. Alabama is a “Make My Day” state.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI was making fun of the fact that quite frequently people respect married people more for no other reason.
December 23, 2010 5:59 am at 5:59 am in reply to: would you go into a shidduch with a boy from a divorced home? #721018popa_bar_abbaParticipantrt:
TMB is right (although still not so right).
Besides, the problem is not that we suspect they are reshaim. What worries people is that they have not learned the dynamic of healthy marriage.
I personally think that today you may be better off not knowing what marriage is because chances are all you learned is bad anyway.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantBlah Blah Blah.
There is no need to get all in a tizzy. If you pick on little inanities, nobody will take you seriously.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantWould you really tow a car that threatened that? What if he really is crazy enough? What if it is me?
What are you talking about? The difference is that she is married!
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI tell my kids to call any married person by their title, even if they are only 19, and any single person by their first name, even if they are 70.
I don’t know why, but this is what we do.
December 23, 2010 5:25 am at 5:25 am in reply to: Democratic Party and the Communist Party USA #720012popa_bar_abbaParticipantSpeaking of the Social Security Trust Fund;
I was told what happens when a yeshiva is given an endowment fund. It works like this:
See, it is very silly to give money and attach strings on how it is to be used. Presumably, the recipient knows how to run their business in the most efficient manner.
So, suppose you donate 100k to a trust fund. The yeshiva takes the money and invests it by lending it out at 10% interest. Since the yeshiva itself needs loans, they borrow it themselves from the trust fund. Every year, they pay 10k “interest” on the loan. The interest is income, which goes to the yeshiva.
You get it?
popa_bar_abbaParticipantBJJ KID:
Huh? Wouldn’t you ask someone before you dropped him for doing something totally normal?
Firstly, I thought it was your neighbor who has the illegal driveway.
Secondly, what will you do?
December 23, 2010 3:04 am at 3:04 am in reply to: How much money to shadchan for being set up 1x, 2x … #721212popa_bar_abbaParticipantNothing.
If you feel grateful, send a gift. I once did that.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantIt doesn’t take much courage to make up lies on the internet.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI have never said it is a middos issue. If it was considered normal to hand your date a fork, I would do it.
Look, even a Beshow is a breach of tznius to some extent. The argument here is to what extent we are supposed to breach tznius in the courting process. I don’t see why you can’t see this viewpoint- I can see yours.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI see imagine a certain advantage with the Hebrew that it forces you to slow down and think about it as you translate.
December 23, 2010 12:09 am at 12:09 am in reply to: Democratic Party and the Communist Party USA #720006popa_bar_abbaParticipantmosheemes:
Maybe he wrote it there also.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantIts like trying to define “pretty”. Depends on the (sic) tape-measure you’re using
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI view illegal driveways as my personal reserved spot. I leave a note in the windshield that says:
“Illegal driveway owner: if you touch my car, I’ll break your windows. I know where you live, you don’t know who I am.
Take a look at the Rema YD 178:1.
Chukas Hagoyim only applies to things which are done for pritzus, like wearing red clothes; and things which make no sense, since we are concerned they are avoda zara.
Opening the door for someone is not done for pritzus, and we know why it is done. It is done because it is romantic. And no, romance is not pritzus.
So we can forget that line of “reasoning”.
If we make this halacha, you are going to be displeased when some posters start speculating on the whether the gonif is yiddish, and whether there is an issur of retzicha anyway.
Yes, I have never heard of this implemented anywhere.
December 22, 2010 11:17 pm at 11:17 pm in reply to: Democratic Party and the Communist Party USA #720002popa_bar_abbaParticipantI can’t respond to 10 issues at a time. Anyway, we’ve spoken about most of them in the past, or will sometime in the future.
But, my response to the bank bailouts is that I do not understand the financial markets well enough to know what the need is and what the ramifications are. I assume it is beyond most Americans.
This is the kind of thing where I really just need to trust the experts, and hope that the people whose ideology I usually agree with are doing the right thing. I am suspicious of any laymen who has a strong opinion on this issue.
I will also mention that I can criticize the Democratic Party’s platform on its own demerits, and I don’t really care if it is similar to the commies, the socialists, or the National Socialists.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantUsually about 7 feet, but it has been known to be as deep as 600 feet.
That is my best guess (lie?) without googling it.
I wouldn’t call OJ an MO yeshiva.
I reserve that term for yeshivos who are ideologically MO. Like YU, KBY, Shalhavim, etc.
That said, I think there are some who don’t buy hats.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI think I’m with Wolf.
Particularly with bein odom lachaveiro’s where the purpose of the mitzva is to have that feeling.
If you visit a sick person to get a mitzva, you are not doing chessed, you are taking advantage of him. Chessed is when you want to help the person.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI was hoping I would think of one before somebody asked.
Can you make one up?
popa_bar_abbaParticipantWhen you spend more time in the bathroom than behind the desk.
Not counting days when you have eaten a Chicago style hot dog.
Yes, now they are married by updating their facebook status. It’s a lot cheaper you know.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI never saw a fat old woman reading the weather on TV.
Talk about sending a picture with your resume.
I don’t know the parameters of chukas hagoyim, but it does not cover everything they do.
Most of the daily activities we do are straight from the goyim.
What we wear. (And no, Polish nobles weren’t Jewish.)
What we eat. (Polish peasants weren’t Jewish.)
How we speak. (Bad German and bad English are both Goyish.)
Basic social norms. (We didn’t invent shaking hands.)
The tools we use. (knives, forks, shovels, guns)
So yes, if the custom was to bow to your date, I would probably do it, and I don’t think it would be chukas hagoyim.
Call me back when you destroy your engagement ring.
December 22, 2010 6:56 pm at 6:56 pm in reply to: Democratic Party and the Communist Party USA #719999popa_bar_abbaParticipantDo you support bank bailouts?
I don’t know enough about it.
Do you think America’s infrastructure is not in need of substantial improvments?
It is. I think it should be state funded.
Do you think that millions of Americans should be denied health insurance because of pre-existing conditions?
Do you think that employees’ rights to form unions should be eliminated?
No. Neither should the secret ballot be eliminated through tricks like card check.
Do you think that America’s educational system does not need improvement?
It does. It needs an overhaul. We need to fire every teacher and hire teachers who will be accountable and competent. I don’t care what it costs.
Do you think that Americans’ Social Security money should be invested in the casino known as Wall Street?
Better than the Black hole known as the Social Security Trust fund. I think we should eliminate the program and just make a need based senior welfare program.
Do you think that the US government should not enforce laws against racial and religious discrimination?
By public entities- Yes, but only real discrimination, not made up garbage.
By private entities- No.
Do you think that the government should ban all abortions, including those that are halachically mandated?
I don’t want them to, but I think they should.
Do you think that the government should sit by and let people be denied their right to vote, as is happening to Jews in some upstate communities?
No. Since when is this a partisan issue?
Do you think that the concentration of mass media ownership in a few hands is a good thing?
If there is an anti-trust violation, it should be prosecuted. Otherwise, no harm- no foul.
Do you think we should continue the war in Iraq indefinitely?
What kind of question is that? We should continue it as long as it serves our interests. Even if that is 100 years.
You think we should not continue if it serves our interests?
Do you really think climate change requires no action at all?
Yes. It is a scam. Historians will tell of past warming and cooling cycles that have been happening forever.
Do you disagree with Ronald Reagan regarding nuclear proliferation?
I never got this argument. We should prevent other countries from getting nuclear weapons, and we should continue to develop our own.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantSock has the gematria of Soton.
Is the soton ok for 3 year olds? At what age do we not like the soton anymore?
popa_bar_abbaParticipantThe Brisker Rav used to open the carriage door when he picked up girls for dates.
Probably because they didn’t have BJJ yet.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantTheir camps better not cost billions to maintain.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantOk, the second story is better. It sounds like G-d arranged it so she would date him.
But, G-d may have arranged that because He wanted them to suffer through having a bad marriage. Or perhaps to make a nisayon of Kibbud av when they get mixed up.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI’m not sure it works like that. The concept of bashert is very sticky, and I don’t think we can extrapolate like that.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantYes, but I don’t see the outcome as positive. It is certainly better than if she would now be a 70 year old spinster mourning the love of her youth, but the parents were still way out of line, and we have no idea whether the first would have made a better spouse for her.