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  • in reply to: Being a Good Shabbos Guest… #736998

    Once I was eating a meal somewhere together with about 15 other guys.

    The host said something to me about expecting me to say a dvar torah. I said I preferred not to.

    He told me he wasn’t kidding. I said I wasn’t either.

    in reply to: What�you looking for? #741297

    always here:

    Yes, being retired does change things a bit.

    When I was in yeshiva I also davened with a minyan three times a day.

    in reply to: Bad Vibes #737065

    Generally, I say that if you agree to the phone call, you agreed to a date. But, since he didn’t set one up, I say forget him if you want.

    bpt: It is considered normal now to give the cell number. I never called a girl on anything but her cell phone.

    in reply to: Please help me. PLEASE!! #879106

    Go backpacking across Wisconsin.

    in reply to: Kosher Subway #738505

    Yes, if you use almond milk, you are supposed to put out almonds.

    It also says that if you drink fish blood, you are supposed to put out scales.

    Human blood is also only maaris ayin. Is it ok if you put hair and teeth?

    in reply to: Kosher Subway #738503

    Aside: Some of the things the gemara mentions there are interesting.

    Ex. Eishes Ish. The gemara says that the muttar way is to marry a gerusha. Apparently there is a taiva to marry a woman specifically who belongs to someone else, and that is satisfied by gerusha b’chayei baala.

    in reply to: Kosher Subway #738502

    Re: Milk and Meat.

    The gemara in chullin says that for everything that is assur, Hashem created a muttar way of enjoying a similar thing.

    The gemara says that eating a cows udder has the taste of milk and meat. It does not seem that it is something we are not supposed to want to do.

    in reply to: What�you looking for? #741290


    Not to sidetrack this thread, but do you think anyone davens three times a day with a minyan. I am lucky if I get 2! Mincha is hard to arrange, and maariv is almost impossible.

    in reply to: Just curious ����. What does everyone do for a living? #1119640

    I am a information analyst for the CIA. I am monitoring Jewish websites.

    in reply to: Walk the girl to the door #736265

    Ok Ok.

    I am just having fun at the expense of other posters who think that if you do want these things done, that there is something wrong with your frumkeit.

    I enjoy turning the argument on its head and pointing out faults which may be manifesting in their position.

    This is why I made the tznius argument in favor of walking to the door earlier in this thread.

    in reply to: Walk the girl to the door #736259

    Any girl who does not prefer to be treated in the customary chivalrous way; ie. open doors, walked to house, etc, it is because they have been stained by the curse of feminism.

    Guys:stay away from them.

    in reply to: I admit, I made a mistake #735343

    There is no reason to apologize.

    He has not apologized for harming people.

    Making you feel bad for attacking him is part of his game.

    Thank you Popa. He has attacked and harassed people, in real life, not just over the coffee room. There is no reason to apologize for trying to stop him.


    in reply to: Bracha Comes To What Is Hidden From The Eye #735119

    The application to clothing is cute, but that is not what chazal were talking about.

    in reply to: An open letter to the Egyptian Rioters #735404


    Were all the pyramids built at the same time?

    in reply to: Walk the girl to the door #736232


    Don’t be ridiculous.

    I wasn’t advocating adopting the custom. I was responding to posters who felt the girl was being not nice by waiting for him. I am pointing out that if she is used to it, there is nothing wrong with her expecting it.

    in reply to: Walk the girl to the door #736230


    According to the website I read, it is common dating etiquette among the gentiles to open the door for the female when getting out of the car.

    It is quite likely that some frum circles do that also.

    If the girl was used to that, I don’t know why you would consider it a bad thing for her to expect.

    in reply to: Walk the girl to the door #736225

    So I was wondering if it is normal in some circles to open the door for her when you get out of the car also.

    So I googled “dating etiquette”.

    Guess which website was the third one on the list?

    (And yes, it is normal to open the door when you get out of the car also among some people.)

    in reply to: I did not sign up to be a punching bag #735467

    When I am agitated, I call customer service and yell at them. I always feel better after I hang up. Once in a while I call random yeshiva offices. Today I called a yeshiva to yell. The guy who answered was very nice and it felt good after I finished yelling at him. I don’t even know which yeshiva it was, I just call random ones.

    in reply to: Chicago's blizzard #734822

    I heard that EMS has snowmobiles, and that National Guard was called out.

    I guess that is the difference between having a dictator mayor who takes care of the city (Daley), and some billionaire who thinks mayoring is fun.

    in reply to: Walk the girl to the door #736220

    Next girl (a few dates later) asked me if I “was a stalker”.

    Yes, that proves that women are crazy, and when they accuse men of threatening them, they are just making a big deal out of nothing. Women are always making a big deal out of nothing.

    in reply to: Chemistry in Dating? #734143

    Chemistry in dating.

    It is like this; if there are too many chains of Carbon and Hydrogen (tails), topped off with a functional group that is water soluble (head) such as a phosphorous group (PO4) or Carboxyl group (COOH), then it can be more difficult.

    in reply to: Walk the girl to the door #736204

    This is such an odd thread.

    I completely cannot relate to the awkwardness argument. I have done it plenty of times, and never felt in the least awkward. You simply continue speaking until you get to the door, then you say good night, and that’s it.

    Maybe if the whole date was awkward and you stopped talking 15 minutes before getting home I could understand.

    in reply to: Chemistry in Dating? #734140

    I missed mosherose. It’s been at least a few weeks since you’ve checked in. This one is excellent.

    in reply to: ???? ??? #834313


    You are correct. I thought you were referring to 92:36, where he says the same thing.

    in reply to: Goral Hagra. What do you know about it? #1027384

    I posted this on the shidduch stories thread, but I’ll post it here again.

    I was redt to a girl from England. I wanted to make sure it was the right one before flying to Europe, so I did the Gaon’s goral. The page opened to “Lo mei’eiver l’yom hee…”, so I dropped it.

    in reply to: Goral Hagra. What do you know about it? #1027378

    I once posted in the shidduch stories thread about this.

    I was once redt to a girl from England. I wanted to make sure it was the right one before flying to Europe, so I did a goral ha’G”RA.

    I opened to “Lo mei’eiver layom hee…”, so I dropped it.

    in reply to: NY boarders #733671

    I sometimes board in NY, since it is close and there are mountains which are worth boarding on.

    But, I would much rather board out west, particularly in Salt lake city. My favorite place is Solitude, but if the conditions are right I’ll take Powder mountain.

    in reply to: ???? ??? #834306

    siman 92?

    in reply to: So, What Would I Owe? #733626


    That is why I was careful write “when receiving…”. The gift and estate tax is on the giver.

    The amount you are referring to is 13k, and it is only taxed once it exceeds the lifetime cap of (currently) 1 million,

    in reply to: The Men's thread! #1011294

    Yochie, are you a woman?

    in reply to: The Men's thread! #1011281

    Please clarify:

    Was the food wrapped while in the dryer? With what?

    How hot is your dryer?

    How old was the shwarma? (was it nosen taam lifgam?)

    in reply to: So, What Would I Owe? #733622

    Well, you never have to pay taxes when receiving a gift.

    in reply to: Using Maaser to pay for dates #733784

    How are you planning on getting married if you can’t even pay for your dates?

    After they are married, she will be paying the bills.

    in reply to: herring #734269

    Shmaltz herring. Homemade. With white onion.

    Also, it is assur to eat it without scotch. I am sorry for you “bourbon only” people, but herring needs the smokiness of scotch.

    Popa’s recommendation- Springbank.

    in reply to: Judging a Girl's Brother #733743

    PBA. So its a 50/50 proposition at best. Yackov had the same “mothers brother” and he did ok for himself.

    Whatever; if you want half your kids to be esav, go ahead. Even tay sachs is only 1 in 4.

    in reply to: Judging a Girl's Brother #733737

    So, by this logic, no one would have married a sister of Yaacov because of Esov

    Well, esav’s mother’s brother was lavan. And look how esav turned out.

    in reply to: curly???!! #734743

    I don’t think I have ever heard a guy say something against curly hair.

    What makes women think guys have any bias against it?

    in reply to: parents or oneself?? #733439

    I think it is important to not be respectful in situations like this.

    Behaving respectfully towards someone reinforces your tendency to listen to them and do what they say. But, where that person is abusing the relationship of trust and respect, I think you should specifically act disrespectfully as a way of negating your tendency to listen to them.

    I think that parents who put their own wishes above their child’s wants and needs, are abusing the parental relationship.

    (In other words, there were too many people agreeing with me, so I took it to the next level.)

    in reply to: intellectual thread #733579

    Here is a passage from the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. You can safely assume it is intellectual.

    What without asking hither hurried whence,

    and without asking whither hurried hence,

    oh many a cup of this forbidden wine,

    must drown the memory of that insolence.

    I found this while reading Moby Dick. For a while it was hanging on the door to my room in yeshiva to let my roommates know if one of us was sleeping.

    in reply to: parents or oneself?? #733431

    I think parents are usually involved way more than they should be. If you are mature enough to make decisions after marriage, you can also make them now.

    in reply to: What do you drink AFTER a date #733382

    Me thinks:

    That is also a good question worth discussing. I usually drink my Listerine.

    in reply to: Walk the girl to the door #736143



    in reply to: Walk the girl to the door #736140


    The gemara discusses a case where the doctors say the guy will die unless he looks at her, and says; “yamus v’al taamod l’funuv aruma”.

    I don’t have the cite, but you can probably google it.

    in reply to: Walk the girl to the door #736136

    Yes, and if there is an issur here, it is gilui arayos.

    Lo sikrivu is generally considered to be yehareg v’al yaavor.

    in reply to: Walk the girl to the door #736132

    Debatable. The Gemara says that one who does not save a drowning woman is indeed a chasid shoteh, but that’s only because pikuach nefesh is dochah 610/613 of the mitzvos.

    In my opinion, that proves that the reason for the heter is NOT that she is going to die, since if there really was an issur here, you would be supposed to let her die.

    Rather, the reason is that there is no issur since the contact is not derech chibah, but just to save her.

    in reply to: OTD #736028

    Kids are being taught fantastic sounding midrashim as pashut fact and then being punished for not believing.

    As heretical as that sounds, you are correct. Rishonim, including the Ramban say that you are not supposed to believe every midrash.

    in reply to: Walk the girl to the door #736128


    It should; that was me.

    in reply to: advice needed #733528

    I like the option of ignore.

    You should certainly not give out someone’s cell number without permission.

    I don’t think you should embarrass your neighbor by telling her.

    You really could tell the owner off for trying to get you involved, and relating lashon hara, but I don’t think you want the owner mad at you either- especially since he would probably send your whole block postcards to get back at you.

    in reply to: Walk the girl to the door #736121

    What do you do if you’re out on a date and the girl slips on a patch of ice, do you let her fall or do you try to catch her?

    I would catch her. You can get really badly injured falling on ice.

    But, once she fell, I would only offer to help her up, and not do so unless she wanted.

    in reply to: The name Shira – A Problem? #1160733

    I actually know someone who got a new name because his name was not a real name.

    I don’t get that; can’t you make up a name?

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