Forum Replies Created
Well, you succeded in getting on mine and insulting me. Happy?
Why are you insulted? Either it is true or not true, but either way there is no reason to be insulted.
Is it an insult to tell me I am not a kohen?
Popa: Why do you need to know?
Because if women aren’t Jewish, then there are definitely not OVER 1 MILLION FRUM JEWS IN NEW YORK.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantHee hee. Look at my new subtitle.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantwomen are obligated in Shabbos
and Goy sheshavas Chayav Misah
Notice, it says “goy”, but not “goyah”.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantPopa not every Navi officer is a commando.
I know. And not everybody is Jewish.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantWomen were at Har Sinai with the men. So they, and their children, are Jewish.
I don’t think that proves anything.
Their tents were also at har sinai. Are the tents Jewish? Are the goats?
Being at har sinai didn’t make them Jewish.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantAre Navi officers not members of the militery? They dont fly planes like the Air Force? they dont jump like paratroopres? They are members of a diferent division in the same army, there job is to navigate submarines.
The Naval Air Force flies planes.
Navy SEAL stands for SEa Air Land Commando.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantYou might imagine that Judaism is passed down by if your mother’s brother is Jewish.
Which is presumably why chazal say you should check a woman’s brothers before you marry her.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantIs it your contention that the halacha regarding maternal transmission of Jewishness is wrong?
I’m not saying the halacha is wrong. I’m just saying it doesn’t mean that the women themselves are Jewish.
My brother adds, that women are called a “?? ?????”, not that they are ?????.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantIf women aren’t Jewish, then the men aren’t either, since every man is born from a woman and Jewishness follows the mother.
Who makes cars?
People make cars!
So are the autoworkers cars? Of course not. They are people who make cars!
Only some people know how to make cars, and only some women are able to give birth to Jews.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantAnd no jokes about teaching from the Koran, please.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantAgree with Daas Yochid
popa_bar_abbaParticipantdoes that say something good or bad about me?
It means you might have Navy Seals landing on your roof one night.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantdoes that say something good or bad about me?
It means you might have Navy Seals landing on your roof one night.
May 4, 2011 6:10 pm at 6:10 pm in reply to: Is It Worth Releasing Bin Laden Photos To Prove That He's Dead #764400popa_bar_abbaParticipantWhat an imbecile!
We don’t have to imagine what our reaction would be.
The moslems do that all the time and release videos and pictures.
(Daniel Pearl, the 4 blackwater employees hung from the bridge, etc.)
popa_bar_abbaParticipantIt says the Navy Seals might one day be landing on your roof.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantknows his beer.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantMy friends father had some birds nest in his tree. So somebody said, “hey, you can do shiluach hakan!”
Responded he, “I don’t want to, I like them.”
popa_bar_abbaParticipantTalk to him. Tell him the comments bother you.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantIs this a trick question?
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI think spaces are dashes
popa_bar_abbaParticipantAnd after some googling, I got the real midrash. It is a gemara in sanhedrin:
The gemara begins by citing a pasuk about when ???? was killed. The passuk says: ?????? ???? ?????.
The gemara comments that this is the rinah which was referred to when the passuk said ????? ????? ????.
The gemara then asks that we find that Hashem is not happy when reshaim die, because He would rather they do teshuva. The gemara cites two proofs to this, one of them that Hashem did not want the malachim to say shira on the yam suf.
The gemara responds: ??? ???? ??, ??? ????? ????- Hashem is not happy, but people are happy.
Thus the Jews are supposed to be happy when ???? was killed, and when the mitzrim drown, but Hashem himself has a different perspective. This explains the contradiction.
Perhaps you would be happy with your parents told you who to marry.
I wasn’t even ok with my parents telling me who to date.
I think most young people today are looking for different things than their parents are, (as you point out), and my feeling is that the people themselves are more likely to be correct than the parents.
This ain’t europe. I was living in the dorm for over 10 years before I started to think about dating. My parents knew what I needed about as well as Obama knows what the country needs.
Our communities, especially the litvaks, are not at all homogenous. You cannot assume that any guy and any girl will have remotely similar hashkafos. You cannot assume that parents and children will have similar hashkafos.
This discussion is moot anyway, since there is no chance in the world we will ever move to such a system.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantSo, actually, I looked up the midrash.
The conversation with the malachim was only before the jews came out. After the jews came out, they were both able to say shira.
In any event, whether our joy is tempered or not, the ikkar is certainly joy. ????? ????? ????
I think you are thinking of the malachim who sang shira.
The bnei yisroel were supposed to sing shira. Hashem was upset at the malachim.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI wasn’t born yet.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantmy second toe is longer than my big toe.
That happens to be a family trait of mine.
But with us, our 3rd toe is also longer than our big toe.
they say that toe thing is a sign of royal lineage
That is why I’m going to marry pippa middleton.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantthere isn’t one by chassidim.
I think there is. I think they have too many boys.
Besides, they have very closed communities. We don’t really know what is going on in their marriages. We have discussed this before.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI don’t get this discussion.
You want me to like Obama more now? You want me think he is good president now?
I don’t see why this changes anything I think about him. All I heard was more apologizing for islam.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantTell the perpetrators. Say you are not respecting my privacy.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantmost yeshiva bochurim show up on a date and just stutter and stammer their way through making for a lot of uncomfortable moments.
You’re dating the wrong yeshiva guys.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI think we say ???? ????? ?? ???? about yiddin.
About goyim we say ???? ?? ??????? ?????.
(Source? The Purim Story!)
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI don’t have a problem with it. It seems foolish, but love makes people do foolish things.
I don’t have a problem with something being goyish. I don’t know what that means. If there is nothing wrong with it, it shouldn’t make a difference if a jew or a goy thought of it first.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI heard part of the speech. My favorite part is where he said that Bin Laden wasn’t a Moslem leader.
Really? It was probably a coincidence that all his followers were moslem, and he did what he did in the name of moslems, and a very significant portion of moslems agreed with him.
popa_bar_abbaParticipant?? ????? ?? ????? ?
popa_bar_abbaParticipantCould you please specify both the healthy & unhealthy ways you’ve encountered?
Healthy- After first having a proper self image, and understanding of how Hashem runs the world for our benefit.
Unhealthy- Before above. (Or, instead of above)
popa_bar_abbaParticipantThat’s good. In my day, it was a bit different I guess.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantDovv: If all we’re talking about is fear of public speaking, then don’t worry about it.
But when it is more than that, (ex. anxiety about life, marriage, jobs, careers, children, avodas hashem, learning, etc.) then I don’t think bitachon should be the main focus of dealing with it.
I am aware that many rebbeim, especially in the yeshivos you have attended (based on things you have said), speak only about mussar, and never about emotional health, but there are others who say that emotional health comes before that. Including the Rosh Yeshiva. (RH)
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI personally dont think a person shud be working with a boy thats lookingt 4 a shidduch… opinion..
A person? Do you mean a girl person?
That made fun of, I happen to disagree. When you enter the workforce, you will be working with the opposite sex, almost no matter what you do.
It is not the best situation, but you just need to deal with it.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantAs for goyim being happy, they don’t have a tzelem elokim.
Whoa! Who told you that?
That is against the pashtus of the mishna in pirkei avos.
???? ??? ????? ????… ?????? ????? ?????? ???? ?????
Now, I think it may be a macholkes, but the pashtus and many shitos are that it applies to goyim. And those shitos need to understand the world also. (but we have discussed this before, and don’t need to sidetrack this thread)
popa_bar_abbaParticipantIt really is an issue.
As far as medication, one should make that decision together with one’s therapist. I would be a little suspicious of a therapist who went directly to medication. Probably you should be a more concerned with treating the underlying cause than treating the symptoms.
(Yes, I know some will say the underlying cause is chemical imbalance. I don’t believe that for OCD. Maybe for something like bi-polar, I believe that.)
(Aside: I don’t know why some people think it is easier to deal with having an emotional problem if they write it off as a chemical imbalance. It seems to me that a chemical imbalance is more part of you, than environmental factors are. And neither is your fault.)
I have a couple of nits to pick with your post.
I agree with you that focusing on bitachon can negate anxiety.
But, doesn’t that sort of assume that the source of the anxiety is a lack of bitachon?
If the source is just regular psychological sources, then wouldn’t it be better to deal with the sources, than to try to treat the symptoms with bitachon?
(After all, goyim who have no bitachon are capable of being perfectly happy and non anxious.)
You also mention that one can focus on the worthlessness of this world and how it is only an antechamber to olam haba.
In my opinion, that is usually a source of anxiety for yeshiva guys.
Anxiety in the frum world, is often very tied to religion. You usually find it in people who have had “the fear of heaven” put into them, in unhealthy ways.
For such a person, focusing on those maamrei chazal about the obligations we have in this world, and the impending judgment, can be very counter-productive.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantYou guess?????? Can you find me ONE rav who will say that it’s okay for a married man to have an unmarried mistress on the side?
No. But I bet david99 can.
(Hee Hee. Couldn’t resist.)
popa_bar_abbaParticipantSo a woman today should not necessarily expect a husband’s fidelity and this behavior would be kasher v’yashar; am I understanding this properly?
My guess is that such behavior is not proper.
But my question to you is: Why are you so sure it is not proper? I hope it isn’t because you think there needs to be parity between the sexes.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantBut since Rabenu Gershom’s time, isn’t it supposed to be exclusive?
I don’t know. He never made an extra ban on a man just seeing another woman on the side, did he? It is about marriage.
In any event, it certainly is not just as bad as a woman.
What is the halacha if a husband strays with a married woman?
He is executed.
Like I said, I don’t really know how to apply these ideas to specific behaviors.
Certainly someone should strive to emulate tzadikim. I guess we need to ask when we are emulating them to improve ourselves, and when it is to improve our image.
Although, like you note, the chitzoniyos are meorer the pnimiyos. So that needs to fit in somewhere also.
popa_bar_abbaParticipant“When a wife strays, it is far worse than when a husband does, since the relationship the wife has is supposed to be an exclusive relationship.”
the inference being that the relationship the husband has is not supposed to be exclusive?
That was precisely what I meant. I thought my intent was clear, but I would have spelled it out expressly otherwise.
A husband’s relationship with his wife was never intended to be exclusive. See, ?????, ????, ????, etc.
I presume Rabeinu Gershom decided that men were no longer able to maintain the multiple relationships properly.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantAm yisroel chai:
You seem as if that result bothers you.
It actually is the torah opinion, and even Rabeinu Gershom never suggested that there was somehow any issur of a man being mezaneh on his wife.
I don’t think we are expected always to understand every torah hashkafa fully, but it is useful to notice when our morality is not in touch with the torah.
I don’t really know why this result bothers you. It doesn’t bother me a whit. When a wife strays, it is far worse than when a husband does, since the relationship the wife has is supposed to be an exclusive relationship.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantDo you think they’ll make me an earl?
I mean, it would be weird for the King’s brother in law to be a commoner.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantNo, I read that Prince Harry is involved with someone else.
Besides, they hold of ??? ????? ?????.
Now, Prince Charles might go for her. But I’m sure she’d rather a yeshiva guy.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI think I’ll marry kate’s sister.