Forum Replies Created
Put it this way:
Will I vote for him if he does so? No.
Will Charlie vote for him even if he doesn’t? Yes.
So why should he?
Also, we need to admit that there is more to the Pollard story than we know. Recall that George Tenet threatened to resign if Pollard was freed. Why? I don’t know.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantFinally, I called my wife, who doesn’t learn gemarah and solved the problem.
Should’ve just looked up the gemara of ????? ????? ??? ????? ???? ???? chullin 86a
popa_bar_abbaParticipantIf you had a boat, what would you name it?
That is not a good question.
A good question is: “If you had a goat, what would you name it?”
I would name it Daisy. I know it is a stupid name, but what do I care, it’s your goat!
popa_bar_abbaParticipantRegents. Snort.
I got a 95 on the chemistry regents, despite not doing any work the entire year until 3 weeks before, and having failing grades the entire year. (Final report card said: Grade-65, Regents-95, Comments-test scores are poor.)
I got a 93 on Math III (the old system), after spending the whole year standing at the back window and looking outside during class (I was in a fight with the teacher). There wasn’t even anything interesting outside.
If your proof that they are serious is from the Regents, I am not very convinced.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantIt is back south again. If anyone can lend me a pair of binoculars, I could tell you more about it.
If anyone has a pair, and figured out where I am, and is near me, please exchange information with me so we can look.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantNow I am confused, because it seems to be returning north now. This implies it is not a freighter, but some sort of day cruise.
But, it is way too big to be a day cruise, and way too far offshore to be any sort of sightseeing cruise of the city. It is also not shaped correctly to be a yacht. It looks like a freighter, I can see the tower in front, and the smaller rise in back. It could be lost, but it is in sight of the city, so it should be able to find its way pretty easily. (Although, being lost would explain what it is doing here.)
popa_bar_abbaParticipantWho is this Miss Yeshiva?
What does she do?
popa_bar_abbaParticipantIn-town you have some schools that “cater to everyone” too.
Perfect. So mention one. Or seven.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantIt is going south. I wonder where. I wonder from where. Maybe from china. Maybe from Iceland. Maybe from Azerbaijan.
I wonder what’s on it. Maybe drugs. Maybe chairs.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantpba: Out of town you have less choice, and there you too have to fit yourself into whatever the non-choice, or small choices available, is.
Which is why out-of-town school cater to everyone.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantThe problem is that you are trying to find such a school in Brooklyn.
Large Jewish communities are polarized. Brooklyn has MO schools, chasiddish schools, and chareidi schools. There are MO shuls, chassidish shuls, and chareidi shuls. Everybody goes to their box and fits themselves in.
You need to move out of town. Miami has schools like that. Chicago, LA, Baltimore, Detroit, Cleveland, etc.- all have schools like that.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantscanning the country for a Starbucks next to a body of water
Which is not near a yeshiva, and is big enough for boats, but is far enough from a harbor that it is rare to see them.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantHere, it was rashi on breishis 25:5
??? ????? ?????: ????? ??????? ?? ????? ??? ???.
I am sorry.
I had not meant to be mean or snarky. That is why my first post on the issue began with “I’m pretty sure…”, which was my way of being non-confrontational.
In my first post, I cited the mishna, which I assumed everyone was familiar with enough to find it, or google its significance.
I understood your response “are you saying that they were created by some other G-d?”, to be ignoring the mishna, and proceeding with logic, which is why I responded with logic, (the cake).
I now understand that you were simply asking how I knew to read the mishna as I was reading it.
So I was right. We weren’t communicating very well. :-))
And BTW, I would have picked up that old lady by the scruff of her neck and tossed her over the mechitza. (Once we’re fighting anyway.)
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI am the one who made this story up.
I did it for a psychology class where we had to show how stories make things real to us.
I didn’t expect it to go viral like it has, and I sort of think I should be given royalties whenever it is published.
May 16, 2011 2:01 pm at 2:01 pm in reply to: The Litmus Test of a good Principal- and preventing students from going OTD #767602popa_bar_abbaParticipantYes, clearly the first example is the the best principal, while the second two are reshaim.
I don’t know that there is no ground between crying and just matter of factly calling security and handing the kid a box full of his crayons and rulers. There probably are many steps in between.
But generally, any principal who does not attempt to encourage the kid and help him afterwards is a rasha.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantAnyone know the mekor?
The mikor for these practices is that when Avraham sent his other children from keturah away, he gave them “matanos” and sent them to “eretz kedem”, the east.
I forget who says, the “matanos” he gave them were witchcraft.
This is presumably why the nations of the east are so influenced by witchcraft.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantActual Saftey Concerns
Flying without a seatbelt is dangerous, but it is safer than driving, which is why the FAA allows babies without seatbelts- they are afraid you will otherwise drive.
The Chillul Hashem Aspect
Meh. Anyone with kids would do it; just we’re the ones with kids.
Parent’s Sanity
Yes, just put the kid to sleep.
Car Seat: Yes or No?
Yes, very good, if the kid has a seat. Keep in mind that your kid will then be kicking the seat in front of him the entire flight, but that’s just what kids do.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantBehold, I bring you, the mishna with all the meforshim. Note well the ?????? ??? ???
popa_bar_abbaParticipantSome plastics have a “PBA Free” label to reassure the consumer that it is safe for use with food.
What do I have to do with this?
popa_bar_abbaParticipantOk, you are right.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantThe previous line states, “???? ??? ????? ????”.
It is a macholokes (I believe in the rishonim) if this refers only to us, or to everyone.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantThere is no reason to be emotionally involved in this story. We don’t even know if it really happened, let alone the details. We can only speculate on what probably happened, if a similar incident did indeed occur.
I don’t think my speculation was off mark. I think it was probably dead center.
Look at it this way.
According to my story, there is teen out there who talks to girls. You don’t even think there is anything wrong with that, so it shouldn’t bother you at all if I judge him that way.
According to your story there is a menahel out there who expels a perfect kid for asking his next door neighbor if her brother is home yet.
I like my world better.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantNo, you are wrong. The mishna is abundantly clear. I am sorry if this mishna offends you. Perhaps you can open a thread asking why Hashem loves us more.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI just need to “snort” at the notion that he was asking about if her family was ok, and could you return this to your sister, etc.
Are you that socially ignorant?
IF this story happened, he was talking to her the way boys talk to girls. You know how. Don’t pretend he was asking if her brother in law was coming for shavuos.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI’m sorry, I don’t think we are communicating very well.
The idea “???? ??”, is certainly reserved to members of our nation. The passuk says, “???? ??? ?? ???-???” and is referring to us.
The mishna in pirkey avos says “?????? ????? ?????? ???? ?????”, and is certainly attempting to distinguish us from the nations.
It is certainly true that G-d created all humans, but so did He create trees and leopards, and stones. G-d does not consider them his “????”.
If you make a cake, is the cake now your “child”?
popa_bar_abbaParticipantSurprising that the FDA allows them to sell these crockpot liners if they aren’t healthy.
They are sold as shoebox liners. Then, the distributors repackage them as crockpot bags.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI’m not getting why some posters are more concerned with the “yenta” than with the kid.
The question on the floor is the proper treatment of the kid by the school, after they have found out about the incident.
What the yenta should or could have done, and what the school should or could have told her is really irrelevant.
Aries: How can you use the term “masser” here. Do you know what a moser is? Do you bandy it about so loosely?
popa_bar_abbaParticipantunbelievable to call R Shraga Feivel ZT”L “Mr Mendlowitz.”
Am I missing something? Wasn’t he a man? Isn’t Shraga a boy’s name?
popa_bar_abbaParticipantMazel tov!
Aren’t you more curious who the girl is?
popa_bar_abbaParticipantHealth makes a good point.
We should separate our discussion of whether we think boys and girls having casual relationships is good or bad, with the discussion of how a school should deal with it when their position is that it is bad.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantUnless you’re Dutch.
Are Dutch really Jewish?
popa_bar_abbaParticipantThis is important:
If you are going to eat milchigs and then fleishigs, you need to remember to not taste the meat when you are cooking it on erev yontif. (My brother and father did that last year, and were fleishig.)
popa_bar_abbaParticipantWhy doesn’t the Rosh Yeshiva tell such a yenta that you are not allowed to Masser?
There are rules about lashon hara. We don’t know enough to know if they were violated.
But, if they were violated, perhaps he did tell her that.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantKiddush, wash, meat, wait, more meat, wait, more meat, wait, more meat.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI agree with manohman
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI’m pretty sure they are not Hashem’s children.
The mishna says ?????? ????? ?????? ???? ?????
popa_bar_abbaParticipantNice! Especially the last one.
???? ???? baby.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantThere is a book called Holes by Louis Sachar. It is a really good book.
popa_bar_abbaParticipanti think wolf should enter here and say something about ad homineminomunom attacks.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantUnless there is not a single person of the opposite gender (within a reasonable age range) looking to get married, it IS ALWAYS possible to get married.
Are we looking for possible, or are we looking for it to be a good idea?
Why within a reasonably age range? A 55 year old woman can’t marry a 20 year old man? Is it not possible?
And besides, it is not always even possible. You would need to find another nut who is willing to get married even though it is not a good idea.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantthey will all be married if they want to be married enough.
And divorced. Unless they want to stay married enough.
In which case they’ll be miserable.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI don’t know about that.
I think the person is entitled to tell it themselves. It will eventually come out during the dating process, so I don’t think the people who know should be saying.
May 11, 2011 11:34 pm at 11:34 pm in reply to: Who Should I Call; Previous Broken Engagement #767142popa_bar_abbaParticipantMost people who know will probably not tell you.
I would say go out with him, and ask him. (not on the first date.)
popa_bar_abbaParticipantWherever I am told to.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantIs this thread discussing whether we think men should be at high school girl’s graduations; or whether we should be making fun of and criticizing people who think one way or the other; or whether people who think one way or the other and run schools are bad people if they impose their view on the school they run?
popa_bar_abbaParticipantWhat about Rebbetzin Jungreis?
I don’t claim that it is assur for a woman to speak in front of men. It is a sensitivity, and depending on the circumstances and the need, it can be appropriate.
Popa: Based on what the Kitzur says is the worst Avairah possible, Tznius is probably the most important thing in the torah (Simin 151, if you need to know)
Sorry, I am unconvinced. I think that is down-right crazy to say tznius is the most important thing in the torah.
(And I don’t think that citation proves anything. I can find you somewhere where it says any aveira is the worst one.)
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI don’t think it has to do with the person receiving, I think it has to do with the person giving.
I think that if you resent it, and do it anyway, you are a pushover.
If you are ignoring your own needs, you are a pushover.
Even if the person receiving really needs it.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantHow about if you merge with another company, and you spend money on legal fees?
Are the legal fees capitalized?