Forum Replies Created
deiyezooger: Whose side you on anyway?
popa_bar_abbaParticipantInteresting. So you think singles are using hardship as an excuse to get out of doing mitzvos.
That’s quite a negative and harsh view. And not very realistic.
And there is a selfishness and a “me” orientation with single males.
No there isn’t. That is simply baseless.
Let me pose you a question: What if you are wrong? What if you are penina and you are hurting people who are already very hurt, for no good reason? (And you ain’t no penina, she was a tzadeikes who made one error.)
popa_bar_abbaParticipantWas it her husband?
Thank you for agreeing, but I actually meant the opposite.
I meant that singles have a hard enough time in the real world being considered kids and not taken seriously because they are single. I would have imagined that online where they can be anything they want, they wouldn’t want to identify as single and meet the same prejudices.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantmewho: That isn’t necessarily true.
If fathers stayed home, they still wouldn’t be able to nurse. Psychological differences between men and women are as real as the physical ones.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantNo. It’s because babies like their mother more, and cry for the mother even when they’re with the father. Hence, it is babysitting.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantIf men bore children they’d be back at the office that afternoon. It would be an outpatient procedure, and the epidural would have never been invented.
Heh. We’ll never know, will we?
popa_bar_abbaParticipantNow, get over your bad mood in peace.
Wrong. This happened a week ago, and I just remembered and thought it would be an interesting point to post. What I’m saying is very good.
You are smart enough to know that she didn’t care and was just being polite to a regular customer.
Disagree again. As you say, it is only because I am a regular customer. Meaning, that she felt now that she wanted to recognize me.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantOpen ended question. I closed it. I said edited
popa_bar_abbaParticipantIsn’t it enough to be single in real life, why do you need to be single on YW also? (Think about that; I’m making a good point.)
popa_bar_abbaParticipantAlong with all the other things that annoy me about the fat people discussion, here is a new one:
Don’t tell me what is average size for whose height and whose build.
It’s like Justice Stewart said about pornography; “I know it when I see it.”
Guys don’t ask a girl what her dress size is and then decide if she’s attractive. They go out with her and decide if they are attractive. One of the things which heavily influences their perception is weight.
(And I know maybe they ask beforehand. But that is just trying to get an idea of if it is a good idea. And it is certainly the best way to quantify weight.)
popa_bar_abbaParticipantActually giving birth is more like passing a watermelon through a keyhole, Popa.
Hmm. It’s nice to see the things I wrote 5 months ago.
If you have a baby the size of a watermelon, you really should be having a C-Section.
Besides, it’s a natural process, animals do it and just keep running.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantWe all know the concept of giving away our own bed for a guest, but if the neighbor next door has an empty room to offer is it a mitzvah for us to sleep on the floor and give our bed away?
You just sparked a rant:
I am very against people who give up their kids beds for a guest.
You think you are teaching chessed. But, chessed is when you give up from yourself for others; you are teaching to give up from someone else for others.
If you want to teach chessed, give up your own bed.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantIf guys insist on a skinny girl, give ’em a skinny girl and get fat again after marriage./em>
If girls want a nice guy, give them a nice guy. And beat them after marriage.
If girls want a non-smoker, give them a non-smoker…
If girls want a wage-earner..
popa_bar_abbaParticipantWhy do you say it is not Orthodox? The faculty are shomer mitzvot, with Orthodox semichah.
I don’t know enough about YCT to say much about them. However, the fact that they are shomrei mitzvot and have semicha from Orthodox institutions does not really prove much.
JTS’s faculty used to also be shomrei mitzvot, and had Orthodox semicha, and even included such scholars as Saul Lieberman. Yet- nobody debates that they were clearly not Orthodox, and clearly did not represent Judaism.
June 29, 2011 1:31 am at 1:31 am in reply to: A third of Litvish families I know, have one or more single daughters 25 and up #909061popa_bar_abbaParticipantIs that their only “want”, or do they also want someone who is looking to raise the same kind of family, and send their kids to the same type of schools?
Who are you kidding?
June 29, 2011 12:36 am at 12:36 am in reply to: A third of Litvish families I know, have one or more single daughters 25 and up #909059popa_bar_abbaParticipantTake the girls up to YU. Lots of available single males, all shomrei torah umitzvos.
What makes anyone think that YU guys want to marry yeshivish girls?
popa_bar_abbaParticipantJoseph is an emotionally unhealthy man, who frequents this site. He abuses other posters in order to discredit them, so that people will listen to him.
He thinks he is doing a mitzva, because he believes in a very radical misinterpretation of Judaism, and he believes he is doing ratzon Hashem by spreading it. (He seems to forget that Hashem probably also doesn’t want him to hurt people.)
He thinks that anyone who persuasively disagrees with him is destroying his ability to transmit the “real” Judaism, and therefore must be silenced.
He has multiple screennames, for two reasons:
First, because the moderators have banned him, so he continually makes new names to evade them.
Second, because he uses them to create different personalities so that he can prey on our emotions from different perspectives.
I do not think he is a bad person. But he hurts people on purpose. We should daven for him.
June 28, 2011 11:37 pm at 11:37 pm in reply to: Parents Managing or Choosing Children's Shidduchim #781536popa_bar_abbaParticipantPersonally, I would rather be single than marry my parents’ choice. So if Joseph were correct, I would still stay the course.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantthanks squeak.
Nice to have you back around. It gets lonely reading my own jokes only.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantIn an earlier time heavier women were considered more attractive
Also because back then size 2 was considered fat.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantNo, not a shmuz guy. I just like the sticker.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantSize 2?? I’m a size 38!
popa_bar_abbaParticipanthappiest: I’m glad you liked it.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI just wanted a change. I do that with items in my wardrobe from time to time.
There is no major theological shift that caused it.
In that case, I choose: g- It means nothing.
Note that this is different than e. e is that yarmulkes never make a difference. I think they do; I think people use them as a way of identifying themselves. You say you are not, I believe you.
Wearing a Cubs hat may not make you a Cubs fan, but it’s fair to assume a stranger in a Cubs hat is a Cubs fan.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI don’t know. Why do you think you are doing it?
Certainly, one can see differences on a brain scan. But the question is which is the cause and which is the result. Does the issue cause the chemicals or do the chemicals cause the issue?
They also point to the fact that medication helps. Yet, we all know that tylenol helps a headache, but would anyone say that headaches are caused by deficiency of tylenol? Besides, the medications don’t help quite as much as we are promised, do they?
As far as traumas- not every trauma is so big. In fact, the big ones (losing parent, abuse) people usually get support for. It is the little things (parent having inflexible expectations, showing disappointment for normal failures) that are the most likely to be harmful.
I am posting a link to a speech I listened to about this. I hope the mods will let it through. It was presented at a Nefesh conference by a leading frum psychologist, and is based all on research journals. It is the one called: Chemical Imbalance or Meaningful Behavior?.
Here is what I think. You have mentioned a bit about yourself on this forum.
I don’t know what sort of people you have been seeing, but I will tell you this. I know you may have been told that all your issues are hormonal and chemical, but you should be aware that there is no science to back that up.
Rather, research of the past several decades suggests that all mental issues are based on traumas in our past. I am no expert, but I think you would do yourself a good service if you would see a therapist who focuses on uncovering the reasons for the way you feel.
I am quite familiar with the rabbis being referred to here, (as I noted above), and the psychologists they refer to are all of this opinion.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantKlach: It seems I am much more knowledgeable about them (Rabbi T and Rabbi SY and Rabbi G) than you are. I happen to be quite familiar with them (brother has been there for 13 years, best friend has been there for 11). They do indeed refer many talmidim to therapists, I even know which therapists they refer to.
I also know that CC has a full time psychologist on staff, who also happens to be a serious talmid chochom. Yes, he is on staff, they pay him to stay.
sheini: My point is that if they are referring people to therapists, it shows they recognize that they are not experts and cannot handle real situations.
Also, of course one must be careful to go to a frum therapist who will not cause harm to their frumkeit. And it is a very fine idea to ask your rav for a referral.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantKlach: Tell me: Do these rabbis ever refer people to real therapists? They do? Why? Oh.
shein: Your ignorance is dangerous. To yourself.
Happiest: You don’t need these rabbis. If you aren’t happy with your therapist, you should find a new one. Ask around, it may take a few tries to get the right fit- you don’t always marry the first guy you meet either.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantTo my understanding, Rav Avigdor Miller Z”L, who was looked upon and frequented by all types Litvish,Chassidish,Modern,Heimish, etc., did not approve of therapists.
I do not know anything of Rabbi Miller besides what is quoted on this website.
But I do not approve of anything I have seen quoted in his name.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantEzrat: Sounds like you had a bad experience with therapy.
There are bad therapists out there, but I’d encourage you to give it another try with someone else.
June 26, 2011 9:43 pm at 9:43 pm in reply to: A third of Litvish families I know, have one or more single daughters 25 and up #908983popa_bar_abbaParticipantInteresting. I would say that less than a third of all families have a daughter over 25 at all.
So if this is true, it means that every family which has a daughter over 25 has at least one single daughter.
June 26, 2011 7:57 pm at 7:57 pm in reply to: The next Generation is here…with more chutzpah than ever! #781367popa_bar_abbaParticipantWell, then either that is your intent, or it isn’t.
If it is, you should stop.
If it isn’t, you should think about why she thinks it is, and then stop doing whatever is making her think that. Because whatever you are trying to do is clearly not getting through, and forget the blame, you should just work on stopping it.
June 26, 2011 7:45 pm at 7:45 pm in reply to: The next Generation is here…with more chutzpah than ever! #781365popa_bar_abbaParticipantalways:
Is it possible that she might have understood what you were saying as a criticism of her chosen way of life?
popa_bar_abbaParticipantYour surprise is precisely what I’m talking about.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI would say most people would greatly benefit from seeing a Rov or RY.
I don’t mean to say that people wouldn’t benefit from having a rav. But if you are relying on a rav for emotional support beyond what you would expect from a friend or mentor, I think you should rethink that. They simply do not have the training or expertise, and don’t even know when they are over their head.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantNo, just in your yeshiva.
Hee hee. Just kidding. I assume it means that most people would greatly benefit. “Serious issues” has no definition.
If you’re thinking about it, I would say to go for it.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantPoppa Bar Abba: Based on what are you assuming that I know nothing about the 12 step program?
Because if you did you would know that it has nothing to do with this thread and wouldn’t have brought it up.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantMachshava refers to works like the nefesh hachaim. I don’t know the exact definition.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantYou go gal!
popa_bar_abbaParticipantWITS and PTI
How is Pittsburgh Technical a CC branch?
popa_bar_abbaParticipantWhich is older, CC Monsey or CC Queens? And what is the relationship between the two?
They’re married. Welcome to NY.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantSince our community attaches such a strong stigma to divorce, I think it is fair to assume that it probably happens less often than it should.
So I think if someone is on the fence, they should probably go for it.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantKind of like the 12 step program, but they have 2 more at the end.
This is what PAA was talkng about.
PAA was talking about the 12 step program? What does he know about it?
popa_bar_abbaParticipantHow does the 14 year program work?
Kind of like the 12 step program, but they have 2 more at the end.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantSince when is a Torah institution controlled by the money men rather than by the Torah men??
Since Herod remodeled the beis hamikdosh and built himself a huge building on the har habayis next to the beis hamikdosh to entertain in.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantWhat is basic if that isn’t?
Are you serious? How about how to live your life, how to serve Hashem, what type of family to raise, what sorts of schools to send your kids to, etc.
Whether to post on YW? That’s right in front of whether you should eat pizza.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantDo the R”Y’s disagree with each other on basic things?
Posting on YW is basic?