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How about that fan who gave back the ball?
Well technically, the fan has to pay income tax on the value of the ball, and then also pay gift tax if it exceeds 13k and he is over the 5 million exclusion.
But the IRS doesn’t come after you for it because the publicity is too bad for the govt.
July 10, 2011 6:12 am at 6:12 am in reply to: A third of Litvish families I know, have one or more single daughters 25 and up #909253popa_bar_abbaParticipant(In fact, at shidduch meetings my wife has attended, all of the ladies know of more girls than boys.)
Of course women know more girls than boys. I know more boys than girls.
popa_bar_abbaParticipant“The torah standard is two witnesses who are not psulei eidus. “
Actually for a gentile court it is one witness of any type. See Sanhedrin 57a. But even that standard was not met in this case.
Yes that is so, we have discussed. I thought he was referring to what it would be in our din for us.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantWell, there is a concept of ??? ?????, which I saw in choshen mishpat and applies to ??????, which is that if the dayanim see that there are tricks going on, they can refuse to judge the case. There may be a similar idea for ?????.
However, that is a far cry from needing to be sure the eidim are telling the truth. You simply need the lack of seeing that they are playing tricks.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantIt’s Dayanus 101.
I see. You made it up. Nice.
(Now, even if you find a source that it is true, we’ll still know you originally made it up.)
popa_bar_abbaParticipantInteresting. Where do you get that from?
popa_bar_abbaParticipantAnd the Torah standard of proof required in a beis din case is beyond a shadow of doubt.
No, Joe. The torah standard is two witnesses who are not psulei eidus. It has nothing to do with how much they are believable; it is a din.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI meant the co-pay.
July 8, 2011 3:05 am at 3:05 am in reply to: A third of Litvish families I know, have one or more single daughters 25 and up #909221popa_bar_abbaParticipantAZ:
Do we agree? I don’t know. You tell me.
You have dodged the point by telling me to do a study on something which is obvious. I will not do a study; the cost money; yet the idea is clear.
Then you say “I think enabling boys to get married at the time when they – along with their parents and rebbeim – think they are ready to do so is probably a good thing. Well, that is what is happening now. What you are doing is pressuring them to get married younger so as to solve a global crisis.
July 8, 2011 12:37 am at 12:37 am in reply to: A third of Litvish families I know, have one or more single daughters 25 and up #909218popa_bar_abbaParticipantAs for you insinusation that the divorce situation is somehow related to boys getting maried younger (something that that shidduch efforts haven’t really begun to accomplish) is a unfair attempt to discredit legitmate efforts towards easing the plight of the girls.
AZ: You must agree that boys getting married younger would raise divorce rates somewhat, even if only incrementally. So we are only disagreeing about the extent.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI thought about it.
shmeril: You ask how you can “entertain” your kids at the shabbos table. That sounds as if you think they need to be there, so you want to know how to get them to stop screaming while they are there.
The answer to that is they only need to be there inasmuch as they gain from it- which is only a few minutes. Then forget entertainment, just let them leave and play.
You might also ask what you can do to make the few minutes they can handle more meaningful. What songs you can sing, etc.
The answer to that is to make it pleasant, don’t fight with your wife, and just sing regular shabbos zmiros with them. Show them that shabbos is meaningful to you, by making it meaningful to you.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantThe problem with charging the insurance, is that they would have to also charge you the deductible, which is usually a couple hundred buck.
And they have to really charge, they can’t just send a bill and ignore it.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantThe whole NY calling hatzala for every scratch attitude is pretty absurd.
Where I come from, if you break an arm, you drive to the hospital with your other arm. If you need stitches, you drive to the hospital. You call an ambulance when you need care faster than you can get to a hospital yourself.
When you call Hatzala, you are often taking a father away from his children, a husband away from his wife, a kollel guy away from learning, a person away from his job. Yes, they are happy to come- but don’t do it unless it really is an emergency.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantwhat about for girls that are not stick skinny?
You can’t get un-divorced.
Ok, you’re correct.
I guess I’m overreacting to parents who insist their kids stay by the table, even though kids should clearly not be staying there more than a few minutes.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI’M looking for ideas how to entertain young children 3-4-5 yr olds by the shaboss table any good story book also kid songs that they’ll enjoy
Why? I say let them go to the other room and play/fight.
July 6, 2011 11:55 pm at 11:55 pm in reply to: A third of Litvish families I know, have one or more single daughters 25 and up #909194popa_bar_abbaParticipantAZ: I think this will be my last post in this thread explaining -again- how age gap creates the shidduch crisis.
I highly doubt that.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantCharlie: Your point is unclear. Nobody here said anything good about the Post; they called it shmutz.
Besides, the NY Times isn’t exactly the paragon of Torah virtue either. Their ads are usually just as bad as the Post’s celebrities.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantIf you are texting when davening, you probably should not be davening at all.
Wow. What an interesting “all-or-nothing” perspective.
Sounds like Avoda Zara to me.
Two points:
Firstly, why does it surprise you if all 10 have low self esteem? I am much more surprised if all 10 have bad middos?
Secondly, do you have a vested interest in this? Let it be low self esteem.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantTime for a rant:
I do not think this story has anything to do with middos.
Do you think that a 20 year old with a proper self esteem would treat a “slow” person like that? I do not.
So these kids didn’t have bad middos, they had bad self esteem, which could only be fed by taunting someone who they could perceive as lower than them.
I don’t think they are bad kids, I just pity them. And pity their parents and rebbeim who messed them up so bad.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantBut that’s not Yiddishkeit. Yiddishkeit is having trust in Hashem’s promises that when you do your part, Hashem will look after you no matter what.
Oh. I thought yiddishkeit was taunting people who are having difficulty in life, and saying it is their fault.
I wonder where I got that idea from.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantNo. I do even better and I’m in denial even about the fact that I smoke.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantpba – Would you give a man tzedakah to buy a gun to kill himself?
But, I think it is different.
And for example, I know plenty of people who smoke who are not suicidal. They are just in denial.
You serious? You would not give an ani tzedaka if he has an unhealthy lifestyle?
Why? Because he might die at 60 instead of 80? So?
Do you also not support him if you think he makes other bad life choices?
popa_bar_abbaParticipantR-B: That seems a bit odd. Do we not support aniyim who don’t have healthy habits?
Oh, I see now. You don’t want to support their vice. I earlier thought you wouldn’t give to anyone who was smoking even if they were collecting for an institution, which is why I compared it to bad personal hygiene.
Well, I guess the answer to your question is you need to know if the began smoking as a kid or as an adult.
The gemara says that we support people ?? ??????, what they lack.
The gemara has a story where a poor person came and the amora asked him what he eats, he said fat geese and old wine, so he gave it to him.
Then another person came who said the same thing and he gave him barley.
He explained that the first one was raised in a wealthy house, so he grew up accustomed to it, while the second became wealthy himself and is at fault for adopting expensive habits.
So if he started smoking at 15, you can hardly say it is his fault.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantFirstly, I thought we were going to keep this thread about halacha, not judging people.
Secondly: To those who say I should think about the fact that I’m talking to a king: How has that worked for you? Do you really feel like you’re talking to a king? No.
You know why not? Because we’re human, and we don’t see no king.
So maybe a way to work to improve all aspects of davening is to realize I’m talking to a king. But you can’t have that surprise that how could I want to text and don’t I realize I’m talking to a king.
(P.S. My 5 year old niece learned a song in school that “When you daven your talking to a king…” My brother asked her what a king is. She said “It’s a kind of person.” So basically she is worshiping avoda zara because she thinks she davens to a kind of person called a king. But it’s ok, because I’m sure she doesn’t know what daven is either, besides that you sing fun songs.)
July 4, 2011 3:52 pm at 3:52 pm in reply to: Eidah Chareidis Chulent Ban – a question of hechsherim #783042popa_bar_abbaParticipantAlso, shouldn’t the title be changed? I got really scared that they actually banned cholent itself.
When that happens I will become conservative.
July 4, 2011 3:48 pm at 3:48 pm in reply to: Eidah Chareidis Chulent Ban – a question of hechsherim #783041popa_bar_abbaParticipantJoseph: Lets settle on the conservative being tinokos shenishbeu with illegitimate intentions.
Also, Mishpacha ran an excellent article on the “hechsher tzedek” a few weeks ago.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI like talking during davening.
There are plenty of times that it isn’t assur to talk, and during davening is when I have a chance to see my friends.
When I was in yeshiva, we used to talk straight through kaballas shabbos. The whole thing. The more singing, the more time for talking.
(Wolf: Can I be a bigger rasha than you now?)
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI’m willing to give a little more space to mothers at the kosel than at shul on a regular shabbos. They need to go.
Besides, I think it is important for the kids to come also. Even if they won’t daven much. (And didn’t I once advocate for letting your kids run around in shul?
popa_bar_abbaParticipantHaleivi: Thank you for that. (Even if you’re busting my cover.)
I wonder if the same could be said for the OP. Sometimes things do fly over my head.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI am Mod 80. I have always been mod 80.
I can prove it: Write a post addressed to Mod 80 and I’ll respond.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantWelcome back old friend. We missed you. We won’t make any jokes about you dating edited this time.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantWhile I appreciate that you enjoy my lines, if that was meant as an apology, you are going to have to spell it out.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI have a policy not to give anyone who smells of cigarette smoke
I won’t give to anyone who has bad personal hygiene. Or wears ugly clothing.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI agree. I don’t think they’re ready to date at all. I think they should wait until 23 or 24.
I just hope the girls are also willing to wait, or it’s going to contribute to the shidduch crisis.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantPopa -why dont you just ask her if she really cares or if this is part of her job requirements ; )
I did. She said she’d never date me and threatened to call the police.
I told her they only drink Dunkin Donuts.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantshe gives the impression of being pretty, even if she’s not
Well I don’t think women want to fool and trick people.
That’s an interesting angle. Clever.
The way I know that is not the pshat, is because the Navi is specifically addressing the tzadikim and telling them to not worry. The pasuk and all the rishonim are pretty clear that the Navi is reassuring, not trying to make people introspect.
According to you, he is addressing everyone and telling them they should worry.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantAll things people like are subjective. As the hebrew saying goes, “?? ??? ???? ??? ???????”.
Yet, you will find that people like the same things. You can bet that if you serve pizza, 99% of the crowd will be happy. And if you serve tofu, 5%. And if you serve burnt popcorn, 1%.
So while it certainly is subjective, you should not be surprised if most people will generally have the same opinion.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI wrote the edited myself. Also on the other thread.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantK. I’m home.
cooljude: Is it ok if now that we have my life out of the way, we talk about your not having self esteem?
popa_bar_abbaParticipantWrong about what?
What you said in your first post was highly offensive, and you said it to a forum of single people.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantDo you have hemorrhoids?
popa_bar_abbaParticipantAlthough, it is hard to see how offense wasn’t intended.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantNo offense taken.
I have a fine life, which includes spending many hours a day on the internet. Usually. Currently, I’m only on at night.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantJoseph: In your zeal to assume that the most fanatical opinion is necessarily correct, you ignore the fact that the other position is also capable of fanaticism in the other direction.
Why are you more machmir on ??? ???? than on ?????? Both are a chiyuv. Why are you willing to insult and hurt singles on the mizbeach of pru urvu?
cherrybim: I’m not sure what I could say to convince you. So all I say is that you should consider the possibility that you are wrong. Assess the risks. Because if you are wrong, and you are seriously hurting people for no reason, that is pretty bad. (Although, most singles I know would simply laugh at you and never take you seriously again. But I’ll still take you seriously- I give people second chances, sometimes it’s just a single mishegas.)
popa_bar_abbaParticipantPBA where did you see singles trying to get out of mitzvos?
Life is hard for everyone but the Torah does not want you to use that as a reason to exclude yourself from the tzibor.
PBA, are you single?
Do you have hemorrhoids? How about I won’t ask you personal questions and you won’t ask me.