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Boys and girls who break this Halacha and are boyfriend and girlfriend should not be allowed to marry just like we don’t allow a man who cheats with a married woman to marry her after her divorce. And if they do get married, they should be forced to divorce, just like the other relationship that began without kedusha.
That’s a good idea. Why don’t you tell Hashem that, and maybe next time He creates a world, He’ll put that in the Torah.
(Or tell the chachamim and maybe next time they have an anshei knesses hagdola, they’ll make that gzeirah.)
popa_bar_abbaParticipantWhat do you do? Usually you drop him.
What should you do? Tell him. Talk to him. Relationships come through communicating your feelings to each other. If you aren’t ready to tell him your feelings, then I have no idea why either of you would want to get engaged.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI guess you’re asking for: ??? ??? ???? ????? ?????
popa_bar_abbaParticipantthere are no jewish laws or customs concerning how soon to cremate, so the rabbi may have really been on her own here.
The halacha is to wait as long as possible. Because it is assur to do it, so you can’t do it now. Or now. Or now.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantpopa_bar_abba- he is Rabbi Asher Shechter, very well respected and as you said the son-in-law of Rabbi Steinberg.
I can’t remember his name, but that sounds familiar. And he is very well respected. Also his father in law is. He does gittin. Lots of them.
(What I mean to say, is there was no disrespect intended. But I see now how it looks pretty bad. Mods: Please change “dude” to “rabbi”.)
Done. It was disrespectful, dude. -95
popa_bar_abbaParticipant<emMy aunt is negotiating with other relatives to make a sheva brachot for a young couple. The other party wants to hire a JD and have it in a restaurant. They claim many families hire JDs for sheva brachot. Is this the new normal? or is having a JD overly extravagant?
I knew the legal job market was bad. But I didn’t know they were working at sheva brachos.
You should feel proud. At this point, it doesn’t really matter whether it is ok or not to go with them. You were told not to, and you did what you thought was right, because it was right.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantdachtzuch mir I once got a fruit smoothie from the one in Queens which is under hashgacha of some Rabbi who is Rabbi Steinberg’s son in law.
It is not under the Vaad of Queens because it is open on shabbos. Some Queens people don’t eat there because they want to support the Vaad’s monopoly.
But I am not from Queens. So I don’t have to hold by their politics.
Aside: what Queens has done by having a monopoly is a really good thing for kosher consumers.
Firstly, it eliminates all competition in the hashgacha industry, which resolves the issue of problematic establishments just switching hashgachos when their hashgacha finds something. Like what happens in Brooklyn.
Secondly, it makes that you can eat anywhere in Queens, knowing that the food is reliable. So for example, you can go to any shul’s kiddush, since there is nowhere to get food which is not reliable.
That is fine. You should not feel guilty about not wanting to daven, and if it really bothers you to daven, then you should just say the minimum halacha requires and leave it at that.
Happiest; you are a good person. You are trying your best. The situation you find yourself in is not your fault, and the way it makes you feel is not your fault. Hashem only judges us according to how hard it is for us, and probably this is just too hard for you. You are a good person.
And if you ever do feel like asking Hashem for something, then ask for it. And when that happens, then you’ll mean it. And that’s what Hashem really wants.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI read this thread. I read this thread. I read this thread. I read this thread. I read this thread. I read this thread. I read this thread. I read this thread. I read this thread. I read this thread. I read this thread. I read this thread. I read this thread. I read this thread. I read this thread. I read this thread. I read this thread. I read this thread. I read this thread. I read this thread. I read this thread. I read this thread. I read this thread.
July 26, 2011 4:15 am at 4:15 am in reply to: Do I tell the parents about kids being mechalal Shabbos??? #790541popa_bar_abbaParticipantI dont know about undeeded stress, but I sure know these kids will get potched. I think they still potch them because the mother once complained to me how her hand hurt from doing so.
I just noticed this.
So again, the mother hits her teenage kids hard enough that her hand hurts (and that’s what she complains about- eeek). And there is any doubt in anyone’s mind about why these kids don’t want to keep shabbos?
They think Hashem is like that. Why would anyone want to worship a G-d who is like that? Sounds more like the Greek pagan gods to me. They are impetuous and uncaring, and you just need to slaugter enough goats that they are appeased and leave you alone and let it rain.
July 26, 2011 4:00 am at 4:00 am in reply to: Do I tell the parents about kids being mechalal Shabbos??? #790537popa_bar_abbaParticipantstill looking:
I am sure there are individuals who are stronger and weaker. Nevertheless, would you at least agree that it is harder for you? And aren’t we only judged by Hashem according to how hard it is for us? And sometimes things are so hard that they are not meant for us to do it?
(Yes, I am aware that Hashem only sends a nisayon we can pass. The only question is, who says everything is our nisayon, some things are not.)
“Suppose you don’t think it is wrong, but it just disturbs you personally? Is that ok?”
I don’t know if it’s OK, but the main issue of “I decide what’s right not the Torah” (ch”v) is certainly absent.
Allow me to clarify. I am saying that it personally disgusts someone to eat meat, because they feel bad for the poor animal. Of course they are aware intellectually that it is proper, but emotionally it just bothers them. So they agree the torah decides what is right, they feel that way. And maybe they are working on it. But meanwhile it is their real feelings.
Much like my example with someone who believes sekila is proper, but cannot bring himself to do it himself.
But allow me to ask this; Imagine three people:
1. This person does not have any compassionate feelings for animals, so he gleefully slits their throats and eats them up.
2. This person feels compassion for animals, but also feels and appreciates that animals were created to serve man, so respectfully slits their throats and eats them up.
3. This person feels compassion for animals, but also realizes intellectually that they are created to serve man. But he cannot feel it. So he is working on it.
Meanwhile, would you advise him to slit their throats and eat them? I don’t know. Because maybe if he does he will be like the first guy.
July 26, 2011 3:41 am at 3:41 am in reply to: Do I tell the parents about kids being mechalal Shabbos??? #790535popa_bar_abbaParticipantoy – papa – ur at it again!!! u just love controversy, don’t you?
No. I don’t just love controversy. I believe what I am saying, and so do many people.
It is important to understand that other people can actually have real opinions that are different than our own. And may actually be correct.
I am completely open to convincing, or at least admitting the weaknesses of my positions and explaining why I hold them anyway. Look through my posts. You will find me admitting I don’t know the answer to something several times.
But this time I am right. Real right. Read what I said again. Doesn’t it make sense? Isn’t the purpose of parents so that we can understand how Hashem treats us? So doesn’t it follow that if our parents act in a way that we wouldn’t want Hashem to act, that we will have a negative view of Hashem?
popa_bar_abbaParticipantif one holds by vegetarianism out of “moral” principles and that killing animals for food is “wrong” this is apikorsis gemura.
Suppose you don’t think it is wrong, but it just disturbs you personally? Is that ok?
For example, I think stoning people who are mechalel shabbos is correct, but I don’t know if I would be able to throw the stone in his face and break his eye socket and burst his eyeball. (Was that too graphic?)
July 26, 2011 2:47 am at 2:47 am in reply to: Do I tell the parents about kids being mechalal Shabbos??? #790528popa_bar_abbaParticipantRefusing to admit that the parents are usually at fault may make us feel good, but will not help the kids.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantWhy not just go? People in the business world do it all the time.
July 26, 2011 12:01 am at 12:01 am in reply to: Do I tell the parents about kids being mechalal Shabbos??? #790518popa_bar_abbaParticipantProbably if they are that disaffected with Judaism that they are mechalel shabbos, the parents are the problem and telling the will make it worse.
Kids perceive Hashem the way they think of their father.
If their father is fair, and understanding of their struggles, and understanding of their feelings- then that is how they perceive Hashem.
If their father is critical, insists they do what he wants regardless of what they want or how hard it is, equates minor infractions with major ones (because the “sin” is not listening to him), does not give leeway when things are hard, cares more about their behavior than their feelings- then that is how they perceive Hashem.
Now I ask you: if Hashem really was like the second type; would you want to keep shabbos?
July 25, 2011 11:55 pm at 11:55 pm in reply to: Who is paying the big bucks for Levi A's high priced attorney, Jennifer McCann? #789806popa_bar_abbaParticipantOften in high profile cases, where the prosecutor is going to be really good, the court gets a good defender also.
I think that is fair. After all, the prosecutor is not trying to be neutral, he is trying to nail the defendant.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI have one. It is called Wolfish Musings.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantisn’t NZ in the southern hemisphere therefore it should be winter over there and an early motzei shabbos?
Yes, but nobody wants to post when it’s shabbos in NY.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantcoffee is a mod?
Or do you mean because you suggested it belonged on motzaei shabbos?
Motzaei shabbos is kind of late these days, especially here in new zealand.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantBeing offensive to get people to be considerate seems counterproductive. “Do as I say, not as I do”?
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI see. You think I’m not being objective.
So your contention is that I really did post it to be offensive, and then denied it to be more offensive, and now am acting indignant to be more offensive?
But that would mean I was being deliberately offensive now. And you think I am just not being objective.
So maybe I did it originally to be offensive, and now am imagining that I really did it in earnest and not to be offensive.
Is that likely? Have I ever not owned up to when I was trying to be offensive? (Think “Are women jewish”, etc.)
That is a good point. ??????? ??? ????.
And I suppose you are correct, that the proper thing to do is to accept to do it, to honor Hashem and the torah. I suppose I am really more criticizing the congregation who makes it this way.
(Yes everyone, that was my point the whole time. As zeidy said.)
popa_bar_abbaParticipantmetro: Thank you for saying that.
On this topic: I’m not making it up. Look around come bein hazmanin when the yeshiva people come home.
Tallis= aliya
no tallis= gellila
Maybe your shul is different. I truly hope it is. I hope it really is only the shuls I have been to who do this.
I sorry, I didn’t realize that was what you were saying.
I agree that is a good idea. And I would like to see that happen. I think I was more speaking to the way things are now. And as they are now, people are being mistreated. That is all I am saying.
July 24, 2011 9:19 pm at 9:19 pm in reply to: Norwegian Mass Killer Faces Only 21 Years Under Liberal European Laws #792169popa_bar_abbaParticipant1. Poor people do pay sales tax. However, they still have a net tax gain.
We are discussing here what people vote for. People who are net tax payers overwhelmingly support what I am saying.
As for the witness issue, I have admitted I don’t know the answer. However, I will be fine if we agree that the death penalty is appropriate, and that it should be done in the proper halachic way.
Do you agree to that?
popa_bar_abbaParticipantoomis: As zeidy pointed out, my issue is not with the kids who get it, it is with the nebs who get it.
And if my shul only gave maftir to 13 year olds and nebs, I would be mad about the nebs also.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantShe was glad they thought her sheitel looked real, but mad that they were abusing her.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantPBA – YOU got gelilah this shabbos by any chance?…
My wife did. At the women’s minyan.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantOomis: Gimme a break. This has nothing to do with kavod.
Not wanting to be humiliated and degraded is not about kavod, it is about being a mensch.
And I know woman drool over the idea of touching a torah, but that just proves my point. The only reason you want to is because you feel slighted that you aren’t permitted to. And that is so. But if we go down this track, we will just get off topic. So one response per poster, and I will not respond to them.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantOomis: really? you think the intent of everyone else makes no difference?
Would you think that if you were, say; 45 years old, a talmid chochom, with a good career, and all you were good enough for was gellila when there were no 10 year olds to do it?
popa_bar_abbaParticipantSalt Palace is just a convention center, not a church. What is wrong with it?
Looks like I meant Salt Lake Temple.
I thought that was Salt Palace, but I suppose I thought wrong. Oh well, won’t be the last time. (although, it is the first time.)
July 24, 2011 7:42 pm at 7:42 pm in reply to: Norwegian Mass Killer Faces Only 21 Years Under Liberal European Laws #792165popa_bar_abbaParticipantMy idea resonates very well with 90% of voters who are net tax payers.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantThank you zeidy. I wish you were my kids’ zeidy.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantdoes he even understand the concept of a mandated reporter?
According to google translate, it is in yiddish: ?????????? ??????????
July 24, 2011 7:06 pm at 7:06 pm in reply to: Norwegian Mass Killer Faces Only 21 Years Under Liberal European Laws #792162popa_bar_abbaParticipantWhich taxes do you support increasing in order to pay for all the extra detectives and prosecutors?
Don’t forget the public defenders, the judges, and everything else.
I support raising taxes on the bottom half of the wage earners in the country, for two reasons:
1. Murderers and victims are usually from this group, so it makes sense they should bear the cost.
2. They don’t pay any taxes now, so at least they can pay a little. I figure, there are 150 million people in the bottom half. If they each pay 20 bucks a year, that is 3 billion dollars to spend on justice and maintaining our morality.
(Yes, I think the death penalty is about justice and morality, not about deterrence. And I don’t have an answer to your question about the one witness, but I note that Rav moshe in his teshuva to the governor of NY didn’t mention that, and all my rebbeim have supported it.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI would never moser someone without asking a rav anyway.
I once masered someone. He is a scam artist who rips off frum jews in NY. I reported him to the police after asking a very big posek.
(The police refused to take a report even. Classic NYPD).
popa_bar_abbaParticipantPeople: You are making a mistake.
You cannot divorce perception from the picture. When people are given gellila, it is because they are perceived as nebs. That is the simple truth. And because of that, they should be insulted.
If someone gives you a diamond, because he thinks it is garbage, and says you deserve garbage; you may be happy you got a diamond, but you will still be insulted.
I am sure it is actually chashuv. But that certainly does not excuse the reshaim who do this. And it certainly does not make anyone feel any better.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantCould you come up with another sarcastic scenario that will get people upset? TIA 🙂
It isn’t so easy, y’know.
I understood that galeela is given to children because they can’t get aliya not sure why you feel otherwise
Of course. And given to nebs because they are pathetic and we don’t want them to think they are real members of the community.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantshould I be insulted when the gabbai asks me to do glilah?
Depends. Look around at who else he usually asks. If it is anything like most shuls I’ve been in, you should be insulted.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantJS: I agree. The torah is more important than our pride.
However, I still think my kids will feel like nebs, and I won’t allow that.
yummy: I’m not calling the torah garbage. I’m calling being treated like a neb as being treated like garbage.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantThe guy I ask my avoda zara shailos to said I couldn’t tour Salt Palace or even go to look at it.
But he did let me see the Mayan temples in Belize, since they themselves don’t practice it anymore.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantJewish source:
That may be true, but I am not about to let my kids be treated like garbage for that.
Besides, while it may be true that it is actually choshuv, the intentions of the person giving it and everyone else matters. You would not feel very choshuv being a king if it was considered a job for incompetents.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI agree with both of you.
I haven’t the slightest idea why boys who wouldn’t let their mother pick their suit at the store would let their mother have anything to do with picking a spouse.
Stop being a boy, be a man.
July 24, 2011 4:36 pm at 4:36 pm in reply to: Norwegian Mass Killer Faces Only 21 Years Under Liberal European Laws #792156popa_bar_abbaParticipantIt costs far more to get a death sentence in the US than it does to lock someone up for life.
Yes it does. And it’s worth every penny. I certainly don’t think we should give the death penalty with out some serious chance for appeals.
July 24, 2011 3:49 pm at 3:49 pm in reply to: Norwegian Mass Killer Faces Only 21 Years Under Liberal European Laws #792153popa_bar_abbaParticipantThat is so.
July 24, 2011 3:35 pm at 3:35 pm in reply to: Norwegian Mass Killer Faces Only 21 Years Under Liberal European Laws #792150popa_bar_abbaParticipantWhile the maximum penalty for any particular crime in Norway is indeed 21 years, the Criminal Code of the Kingdom of Norway also permits indefinite preventative detention after the completion of a sentence if the person is still deemed a threat to society, essentially allowing for a life sentence.
That’s an interesting angle for them to take.
I’m not sure I’m comfortable with that. It means they are basically locking people up for life without having to declare them guilty of a crime which is being punished.
Maybe we should at least give criminals the dignity of being able to be punished for their crimes and not treated as helpless children.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantThere are many minhagim for Tisha B’Av and they all should be respected.