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  • in reply to: Romantic songs #1003519

    You are telling us that the music that you listened to in a Starbucks for a year was all Kosher or even mostly Kosher and the music is not about lust?

    That is what I am telling you.

    in reply to: credit card points #795055

    wrong website.

    check out the forums at dansdeals

    in reply to: Romantic songs #1003515

    Even songs that don’t use vulgar terms which are quite rare

    They are not rare at all. That simply is not so.

    are referring to a lustful romance, and as far as I know romance is not a kosher concept. Its a concept made up by non Jews as a euphemism in mamah lushin its a way to fool a girl into thinking you care about her so she lets her guard down and you can go take advantage of her.

    That is also not so. That is not what they are saying.

    in reply to: Romantic songs #1003510

    whether you like it or not, you have just espoused an MO hashkafa.

    My rebbeim were not MO, and I think they would agree.

    (And notice I stayed way out of the MO discussion.)

    in reply to: Romantic songs #1003508

    My skin crawls when I hear the songs today in a supermarket

    Really? I rarely hear something in the supermarket which I find offensive. I wonder where you shop. (hee hee)

    Too bad we can’t discuss specific songs. It would make this a whole lot easier.

    in reply to: Romantic songs #1003506

    “I dont listen to non jewish music”

    “I used to think that also, until I hears some of them.”


    I spent a year in starbucks. And sometimes I’m in the car with people.

    in reply to: Romantic songs #1003503

    The non Jewish concept of love and the Jewish one are polar opposites. Non Jewish love is about trying out the model first and if you like it you keep. Its based on selfish lusting for the opposite gender. Jewish marriage and relationships are about selflessness and giving.

    That is not what these songs are about. I used to think that also, until I hears some of them.

    in reply to: Romantic songs #1003502


    1. I don’t think listening will increase your love for your spouse. I just don’t think they are treif. I don’t think they are the same as vulgar songs or lyrics.

    2. I don’t know which halachos you are referring to.

    3. I don’t listen to non-jewish music. In fact, I barely listen to any music. If I do, I like carlebach, MBD, and lipa. Nice mix, huh? The tzad hashaveh is they sound like they mean what they are saying. In general, my biggest criticism of jewish music is that so much of it is mindless and meaningless. I don’t know why they bother putting words to them.

    A couple of times, I have heard non-jewish romantic songs, and yes, I did think about Hashem.

    4. Respect is not love.

    in reply to: Romantic songs #1003496

    I’m not saying that couples should display affection in public- that would not be tznius.

    I’m saying two things:

    1. Romance is not treif.

    2. Your kids should know you love your wife. If you do. And you should.

    in reply to: Sandwich maker/ George Foreman recipes #795044


    I need more recipes.

    Don’t be so snobby, I know you eat off the foreman at least 8 times a week.

    in reply to: Kashrus issue #795183

    My impression was (Don’t ask me how.) that you are marrying off children.

    I may have invented some stories about marrying off children. I generally don’t write personal details on this site, although I may one day.

    As far as cut off ages, I’m not aware of any yeshiva or program with a cut off age.

    If a drop of milk falls into a cholent, that is the case of tipas cholov.

    in reply to: Should I sue? #1097804

    Negligence, in some courts, may be determined on a percentage basis. Both parties may be somewhat at fault, and the judge or jury will decide what percentage of fault each party is responsible for. So although the accident happened on a neighbor’s property, the neighbor may not be 100% at fault.

    Courts are pretty unlikely to ascribe negligence to a 5 year old. Hiding in cabinets is a pretty normal 5 year old activity.

    in reply to: Anxiety-And Symptoms #795322

    happiest: I’m very sorry to hear that. I think the saddest part is that you are uncomfortable sharing it with your family, who are the people we are supposed to be comfortable relying on, no matter what.

    in reply to: Kashrus issue #795179

    When Hello is davening Kabolas Shabbos and Maariv in Yerushlayim

    How strange. Posts on shabbos and still davens. In Yerushalayim no less.

    in reply to: Kashrus issue #795176

    I think (hope?) that is what hello99 read also. Hello usually knows his stuff right good, even if he posts on shabbos.

    in reply to: Kashrus issue #795174

    It was used within 24 hours for pareve soup. That does not make it ben yomo, even if the milchig pot the soup was in was ben yomo.

    in reply to: Kashrus issue #795172


    What do you think the shaila is?

    We have an eino ben yomo pot, pareve food, an eino ben yomo spoon.

    The rema there is talking where one of them was ben yomo, is he not?

    in reply to: mods! when someone calls you a 'dolt' they're calling you an idiot!! #1034707

    I couldn’t keep quiet either when I read that the poster had to take a xanax and didn’t offer it around.

    in reply to: Egalitarian Minyan? #820794

    You have nothing to apologize for. I was simply commenting that if you were attempting to look less troll, I think you had the opposite effect.

    As far as the substantive issue: Many things are “only” tradition, and yet have the force of halacha. I have no idea what the halacha and minhag is in this area, but I do know it is not what we do and not what we should be doing, and that anyone who wants to follow the people we should be following, doesn’t do it.

    If you are looking for a halachic discussion of the issue, I have nothing to add.

    in reply to: Egalitarian Minyan? #820792

    Well, I think you came across as more of a troll this way.

    in reply to: Egalitarian Minyan? #820789

    Your question assumes something to be true and then asks for the basis.

    in reply to: Kashrus issue #795170

    Both are fine. The food is still pareve; the pot is still fleishig; the spoon is still milchig.

    (Yoreh Yadin smicha a year ago)

    in reply to: Language #794539

    We were planning to applaud loudly when the guy said you can’t handle the truth, but it really wasn’t that dramatic that it would have made sense.

    in reply to: Language #794537

    Please Goq.

    in reply to: Language #794532

    9 days…?

    Question noted. It was fine and justified.

    in reply to: HELP #798277

    Block up your ears until you don’t want to anymore.

    in reply to: Skirts and Judaism #794421

    This reminds me of a funny story.

    I was on a date, and we stopped at a outdoors store to browse. My date remembered she wanted to buy snow pants, so we shopped for snow pants. Then, she went to try them on. By me by, she wanted an opinion, so I went and found some other lady to give an opinion.

    Now, why in blazes did I not just give my own opinion?

    They were snow pants, big and poofy- no tznius problem I assume.

    As far as beged ish, what’s the difference if I see it or not?

    (Aside: this was a great date. There had been a blizzard the day before, so I went to an REI, rented cross country skis, and took them to a forest preserve.)

    in reply to: Chemistry-or not? #794373

    Yes, it means fat. That was the molecular compound for fat, as cited in Wikipedia

    in reply to: Chemistry-or not? #794363

    I am very disappointed in the CR that nobody got my funny story.

    in reply to: Pressure in Yeshivos #797284

    The mainstream litvish yeshivos in America mostly consist of:

    1. Lakewood and its feeders.

    2. Ner Israel

    3. Chofetz Chaim and its feeders.

    4. Chaim Berlin

    There are probably a couple more distint ones I am missing, but that makes up at least 90% of litvish yeshiva students.

    1. The purpose of Lakewood is to sit and learn for as long as you are able to with absolutely no other purpose. That was the opinion of Rav Aharon Kotler, and that is what they do.

    2. The purpose of Chofetz Chaim is to learn and become a talmid chochom so that you can go be a rebbi somewhere. (like you said, high school rebbi; or elementary school, or kiruv or whatever)

    3. I don’t know enough about Ner Israel and Chaim berlin to speak about them.

    So, I think it is pretty clear that the roshei yeshiva believe that learning in their yeshivas is appropriate even if one will never be a gadol.

    We can discuss whether we agree with that idea (I do agree, you don’t), but it is not really relevant to this discussion- which is a discussion of whether they are doing a good job of what they are trying to do.

    in reply to: Most embarrasing moment outside #1041966

    I guess it wasn’t because I myself attended the speech and lo and behold it was that woman and she really was AMAZING!

    I can’t explain that. I don’t have an answer for everything.

    in reply to: hatzalah #794077

    Because they have better response time, provide better service, and are more attuned to our community’s specific needs.

    in reply to: Most embarrasing moment outside #1041963


    That was my sister and niece. They told me this story also.

    My niece was making it up to be funny, my sister really wasn’t the speaker.

    in reply to: Pressure in Yeshivos #797281

    GAW: Sure, if these yeshivos were billed as only being for future gedolim. However, they are not. They are billed as being for everyone.

    If you can’t become a Gadol, you have no right to sit and become a nothing.

    I’m not sure what you mean by this. I think you mean that you have no right to sit in a yeshiva which is not for you instead of going to one which is for you. I agree. I just think that if that is the case, the roshei yeshiva should advise them that.

    in reply to: Pressure in Yeshivos #797279

    newhere: My experience and my friends experience has been as I said. I cannot speak for every yeshiva and kollel.

    Generally, I think we are confusing the lack of regulation with the lack of pressure. Sure, you can go to coffee room and nobody will say boo, but you think that people will look down on you- which is the worst kind of pressure.

    Everybody in yeshiva knows who the slackers are. We might not tell you when you call about your daughter, but oh we know.

    in reply to: Sandwich maker/ George Foreman recipes #795042

    I bet I could make duck a la orange in a foreman.

    I would just defrost a duck, shove a peeled orange inside, and squeeze it until it locked shut.

    in reply to: Chemistry-or not? #794355

    I once told the shadchan the problem was chemistry.

    He said, “I’m guessing too many hydrogen and carbon chains with a carbolic acid group at one end”.

    (use google)

    in reply to: I don't understand… #793596


    Not being on last night is a ????? ????? ???? ?????

    Check out http://www.theyeshivaworld.com/coffeeroom/topic/mods-when-someone-calls-you-a-dolt-theyre-calling-you-an-idiot

    The original post which sparked it is not up.

    in reply to: What are you eating in the 9 days? #793795

    i clicked on chophetzchaims name and i somehow ended up on yeshivaworld google

    Yes, chofetzchaim did that as a service so that it would be easy to link to the search function.


    80: Thank you.


    Oh. I wasn’t around in his infancy. He must have been some baby!


    knowing for a long time hasn’t stopped joe

    Yes, we have known Joe for a long time to be a lunatic. I meant you have known me for a long time to be a normal poster. (Ok, maybe not normal, but that what 80 is making me out to be is not me.)

    in reply to: What do you do Shabbos Afternoon #838717

    Might I recommend My Father’s Paradise: A Son’s Search for His Jewish Past in Kurdish Iraq by Ariel Sabar. I found it a very interesting read.

    That was a fascinating book.

    Nevertheless, I found myself snorting when he was comparing hebrew words to aramaic words for his professor.

    For blazes sake, any yeshiva guy could tell you far more words, and could even tell you rules for the sorts of sounds that get switched. (like the hebrew ? turning into the aramaic ?, for example- ???- ???, and all the rest.)


    This is ridiculous.

    You people have known me for a long time. If I don’t have a little bit of credibility by now, I really don’t know what to say.

    80: I am would like to come meet you, and I will bring Bar Shattya and my father along.

    (I should add, I used to think I was mod 80, but after this, I’m thinking I might have to cut that alter-identity loose. It is too unpredictable.)

    in reply to: Chemistry-or not? #794342

    I thought it is usually girls who break it off for “don’t feel it”.

    However, if I was the shadchan and a guy said that, I would know he meant “looks”.

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1167197

    What do you listen to when you’re down?

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1167195


    I am almost certain you would be allowed to listen to music now to cheer you up. I would do it, go for it.


    80: You are slandering me based on deleted posts which you claim.

    People: What can I say. He is not me. I don’t do alternate names.

    I have confirmed this. See my edit in the post above – YW Mod

    the above is pba impersonating a mod, a federal offense

    No it is not, it is Mod-42 impersonating himself


    And abba bar Aristotle is staying at you house also

    That is my father. We have been through that also, last time when you deleted his account (abba bar dad) and all his posts.

    We are staying in the same place this week also.



    It isn’t me.

    I’m not lying to you. We’ve been talking to each other here for a long time. You can believe me.

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