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  • in reply to: Don't pick on my kid! #809910

    I can just imagine how her husband probably talks to her, and about her, in public.

    in reply to: shabbos for charedi cops #809837

    Actually I always wondered what would happend in an All Charedi society on Shabbos

    We are backwards people and we want to live in the stone ages.

    No! We would follow halacha.

    You Need people to monitor the Electrical Board for the Electric Company (There ARE people who need Electricity to Live like people on ventalators and Hospitals)

    We would follow halacha. Probably we would have neighborhood generators like in Israel.

    You Need people to man the 911 call center (or whatever you have instead)

    Hatzala operates on shabbos in every community. It works fine, and is perfectly muttar.

    You need some pharmacies to be open for emergency drug supplies

    I’m sure we could figure something out.

    in reply to: Where is Charlie Hall? #809722

    I am objecting to 600kilobears’s post.

    in reply to: Where is Charlie Hall? #809702

    email him. His email address is readily available on Einstein’s website.

    in reply to: I Voted For Bob #809325

    oops that was a bit premature the article on the front page said 100 precints reporting i thought that meant 100 pct lol

    Me too.

    Incidentally, the DrudgeReport is a few minutes ahead on this.

    in reply to: food in oven on shabbos day?? #809252


    You really should speak to your rav. It does not seem to be correct what you are doing. The quote above only allowed food to remain there from before shabbos.

    in reply to: shidduch dating, advice needed #810836

    I was once offered a shot of very fine scotch. I accepted. Then I drank hers also.

    in reply to: Enforcing your Kasruth Chumras on others – Rant #809678

    I’m with ICOT here. All the way.

    You are imposing on them, by insisting on accommodating, but doing it begrudgingly.

    in reply to: food in oven on shabbos day?? #809249

    There is a lot more halacha that is being missed here. See siman 253

    in reply to: I Voted For Bob #809309

    PBA you don’t even live in NY let alone Queens

    So what, neither does Weprin.

    in reply to: I Voted For Bob #809304

    I am Bob. Please vote for me.

    in reply to: food in oven on shabbos day?? #809242


    Are you accounting for the issue of ???? ?????, which does not allow you to put any food on any flame at all, except with a ????, like ??? ?? ??? ????

    in reply to: Popa bar abba's gone missing!! #1115360

    Don’t fret.

    in reply to: The other kids dont let my son play #808469

    One of the responsibilities the yeshiva and rabeim have is to be mechanech the boys in middos, not just learning.

    I agree.

    Yet, when schools get involved in teaching middos, they usually do so through magnificent displays of bad middos. (Imagine a rebbi yelling at a kid for having bad middos- the rebbi is displaying bad middos.)

    So I’d rather they just stay out of it.

    in reply to: Who to go to for shaitel cut and style? #808597

    You used to talk about interesting things, but now, all I hear is blah blah blah


    Me example works for anything.

    The speech therapist said, “say ‘had’ eleven times.”

    “Like this,” she said, “Had had had had had had had had had had had.”


    Where was I supposed to capitalize?

    (Also, bh, yours is better, but I thought of using “and” as a noun first.)


    The speech therapist told the student to repeat “and” five times.

    Like this she said, “and and and and and”.

    I win.

    in reply to: food in oven on shabbos day?? #809238

    There are different opinions what yad soledes bo is, but I don’t think anyone holds it is nearly as high as 180. You can get severely burned by water which is much cooler than that.

    This is copied from a website I googled:

    “Most adults will suffer third-degree burns if exposed to 150 degree water for two seconds. Burns will also occur with a six-second exposure to 140 degree water or with a thirty second exposure to 130 degree water. Even if the temperature is 120 degrees, a five minute exposure could result in third-degree burns.”

    I have heard some authorities hold yad soledes bo is even a bit below 110.

    in reply to: food in oven on shabbos day?? #809235

    I was told it’s ok as long as the food is dry, and the oven is on extremely low. If I put food in there, it won’t really get hot – only warm.

    That’s interesting. I’ve never heard of that.

    I can imagine it would be ok if the oven was not yad soledes bo, but that is really low. I have never heard of an oven having a setting that low. And it would take forever to get your food warm at all.

    in reply to: food in oven on shabbos day?? #809229

    I’m not sure what to tell you.

    I’m almost certain you are not allowed to do that.

    You are, however, allowed to put food which is already cooked and is dry on a ??? ?? ??? ???, a pot on top of a pot.

    So, people will put something on top of a crockpot or on top of an overturned pot on the stove.

    I guess you could tell your parents that you heard it may be an issue, and suggest they ask the rabbi again. It is easier if you already have other solutions, so present that also.

    As far as you eating it, it is probably not a problem, since it was already cooked, but I can’t say for certain.

    in reply to: Weprin vs Turner #808589

    And yes, J. Springer Yimach shimo vizichro. He is a rasha. And that is the correct termonlogy. Oh, he is a jew. Why cuz his mom was? He may as well be a christian for all I care. He is an evil evil man and so are his friend (like usual)


    That is outrageous, and completely wrong.

    Yes, he is a Jew because his mother was. And because he is thereby a descendant of the Avos. As we are.

    No, he may not just as well be a christian.

    Hashem loves us because we are the ones He chose. And this man is one of the ones Hashem chose.

    (I should mention here that I really have no idea just what irks you about him so much. He is certainly not the worst Jew I have been exposed to. And I would never call him evil.)

    in reply to: Weprin vs Turner #808584

    Jerry Springer (ymach shmo)

    You gotta be kidding.

    in reply to: can i date a girl without Shadchan????????/ #808723

    To be frankly, the kashrus of beer scares me.

    I drink it because alle essen duh, and various kashrus people I’ve spoken to are on board.

    But, really, why?

    There is no law that they can’t put other ingredients in. And I don’t think there is a labeling requirement. A certain kashrus person told us not to drink Leinenkugel’s Red because it has red coloring. How do I know that Moose Drool in Montana doesn’t have red coloring?

    As far as keilim, the craft brewers are all making flavored beers as well. Do I need to start relying on things like stam keilim einum bnai yoman, and risk the wrath of hello99 that the safek is not a rov to heter?

    I suppose we can also add in that basar is pogem beer, and most tarfus is basar (and safek ???? is muttar in chutz laaretz).

    However, recall the clams in the beer at budweiser a couple of years ago. I thought that really should have been a call to us that our beer is questionable.

    But, I like craft beer. I do. And I like drinking it. At bars. So I drink.

    in reply to: can i date a girl without Shadchan????????/ #808720

    Even the Mechaber would be matir to have a coke, and according the Rema regular beer is not a problem either.

    I like beer also.

    So if I’m holding of chanan by shaar issurim, and nat bar nat, you better believe I’m drinking beer in bars.

    in reply to: Girls learning Gemorah?? #810297

    Yes, it is off the wall.

    Still, girls today are not happy with just cooking dinner, they want something intellectual. So why should they go find it in science or whatever- they may as well see that the Torah is intellectual.

    in reply to: can i date a girl without Shadchan????????/ #808717

    Sam2 my agenda now is to make you all use Shadchanim

    One of your mistakes, is that almost everyone on the forum dates exclusively through shadchanim anyway. And the ones who don’t still aren’t meeting girls in clubs, bars, and wherever else you suggested.

    But, you are still incorrect. It is not assur to date someone without a shadchan (an issur which would defy definition anyway). It simply isn’t.

    Of course any rav you asked told you it is better to try to date with a shadchan. That doesn’t mean it is assur.

    Certain behaviors, like trolling for girls in bars and clubs, are certainly inappropriate- even if not definably assur. But if you happen to meet a girl in an appropriate setting (say you are sitting next to each other on a plane from Israel and there was no other choice), it is hard to see anything wrong about dating her.

    in reply to: to whom it may concern: #809756

    shorty is a term for woman

    in reply to: Retail Establishments with Forbidden Imagery #807830

    The frum grocery store I shop at covers the images of cereal boxes with white stickers. IMO, that’s going a bit overboard.

    What do you mean overboard?

    in reply to: Ranting #807468

    how should an only child answer a question about siblings?

    Like blazes that I’d share my ????? with anyone!

    in reply to: Need a push #807983

    Ok, so that is the answer then. You need to figure out why you want to daven, and if it is a good reason you will do it.

    The reason you give, because you “need to because it is the right thing to do”, does not sound very motivating to me.

    You are correct, if you are going to do it, you will need to want to. Now, feeling guilty for not wanting to will definitely not help you, and doesn’t make sense either.

    in reply to: Who Said It? #808530

    80: I was putting his first name for you.

    in reply to: Who Said It? #808521

    80: Ba

    in reply to: Story of Larry- A moshal (guess the nimshal) #807368

    nothing in a moshal is what it appears rather a symbol for something else, think bigger.

    Ok, so you are looking for bigger and more creative.

    I will explain it:

    Ahhh. But it doesn’t say what his goal is. We will discuss that.

    He was ushered in and began to explain his keen desire to break into the exclusive group of collectors and art patrons he had been pursuing for so many years.

    He wants to “break in”. Why is he telling an art dealer that he is a thief? Perhaps he sells his stolen goods to the art dealer.

    Why did he make him gaze at the door? Why not just tell him to go through the door?

    This was apparently a form of witchcraft.

    If it held only fragments, how did it look like anything? How does a frame hold fragments? Don’t they fall?

    This is an allusion to the luchos which were carved all the way through and yet the pieces did not fall out.

    Everyone knows the Mona Lisa is not a painting but a photocopy. I have seen it numerous times always as a photocopy.

    This is an allusion to water which sometimes shows reflected trees and mountains, yet is not a tree or mountain.

    To a thief, any price is too high. So why did he ask a price? Because even when you steal it is important to know the value of what you have.

    Now, to return to the original question: What was Larry’s goal that he hoped to fulfill?

    He wanted to become a basketball player.

    The story does not say he hoped to fulfill the goal here- it just says he was currently filled with hope that he would fulfill the goal.

    The moral of the story is to not assume anything.

    in reply to: Which Yeshiva: Father vs. Son #807262

    Why don’t you post the full text here, since most of us don’t have it?

    in reply to: Need a push #807977

    Why do you want to daven?

    in reply to: Symptoms #807476

    Sounds like male post partum depression to me.

    in reply to: Story of Larry- A moshal (guess the nimshal) #807350

    Retards will mess up even when trying to just listen to experts?

    (I know some fools, and some morons, and doofuses, and dolts, and stupidheads, etc., and don’t want to be insensitive by calling Larry any of those.)

    in reply to: American Express Points #806702

    Go to the dansdeals forums. They’ll help you out.

    in reply to: yeshiva guy back-up degree #806791

    People talk their rabbis like psychologists and Rabbis need to know how to handle it.

    Nothing like a rabbi who thinks he’s a psychologist.

    in reply to: yeshiva guy back-up degree #806790

    And I would say the same thing to a lawyer, if there truly is a glut of lawyers without jobs.

    There are 45k lawyers graduating every year. There are 30k job openings every year.

    in reply to: Stories about mechanchim/shochtim #807432


    Thank you.

    But I do see a point in rehashing it. Because I believe that these things do impact the way we think and feel even many years later, and that it is important to talk about it and realize what is making us feel certain ways, so that we can understand ourselves and compensate.

    And there is also a benefit for the mechanchim who are reading this to realize what they are doing sometimes so they can get another job.

    in reply to: "Wearing Perfume" #814247

    popa: Your first comment here chastised a poster for not citing a source. Now when sources are cited, you admit you cannot counter it but that you were taught otherwise (without a source)?

    I have asked for sources on this thread where posters have invented issurim without even saying they heard it from anyone reliable- just from their boich.

    The source presented that perfume should be assur on a date was not a direct proof, since it is not speaking about dates.

    Therefore, I distinguished that on dates we clearly allow things we do not usually, since we allow them to speak to each other look at each other and create a relationship.

    Then, I stated that I do not know why we allow more on dates.

    Then, I stated that it is nevertheless true, as I know from my rebbeim. And concluded that one should ask their rav.

    I don’t know what is bothering you about that.

    in reply to: "Wearing Perfume" #814244

    Popa bar Abba, what is the purpose of wearing perfume on a date? The man is not allowed to smell it as she is an erva.

    A man is generally not allowed to gaze at any part of any erva woman for pleasure.

    So what is the point of her dressing up at all? Or even going on the date at all?

    I don’t know. But she should dress up, and she should wear perfume. I don’t know the sources on this, but I know this is what my rebbeim say.

    So don’t trust me, ask your rav.

    in reply to: Stories about mechanchim/shochtim #807428


    You are being very callous.

    May have something to do with the stories you are referencing.

    in reply to: midwives.. #807249

    Geshmakke Mentch: (if you are not a troll)

    I think you should go for it. I don’t think anyone normal will look down on it.

    If you are still concerned, please ask your rav instead of us, before you make your decision.

    in reply to: Dear Teacher, #806680

    happiest-it really scars kids what my principal does 2 us..!!

    I know what you are talking about.

    I had a principal in elementary school who was absolutely a terror. He would fly into a rage over the slightest thing, and yell at you in public at the top of your lungs.

    I was so scared of him, and would cry every time he yelled at me.

    He had no business being an educator, and should have not been allowed within 1000 yards of the school.

    Yet, he was considered a great principal by the board, and was the principal for like 40 years.

    I don’t know that I will ever forgive him.

    in reply to: "Wearing Perfume" #814230

    IS THERE anything wrong with wearing perfume on a date?

    You definitely should. Nothing wrong with it.

    Mods: Why is this in the controversial topics forum? There is absolutely nobody normal who has any issue with perfume when used normally.

    in reply to: Better Girls Than Boys?? #806737

    Of course girls/ women/ females in general are more good compared to men. We are born with an innate sensitivity of morality, modesty and others’ feelings.We didn’t participate in the golden calf. We didn’t even hand over our jewellery.

    Hmmmm. http://www.theyeshivaworld.com/coffeeroom/topic/are-women-reallyjewish

    in reply to: "Wearing Perfume" #814223

    Perfume should only be worn to pleasure your husband not yourself!

    That is not part of my religion.

    Source please?

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