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please no posts criticizing this poster or telling him this is no place to receive medical advice, ask your physician.
OP is a doctor.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantWhy do men say a bracha of Shelo Asani Isha?
Well, it would be pretty silly for women to say it.
Why don’t men say “shelo asani k’rtzono”?
popa_bar_abbaParticipantOh, I thought Hep B needed real blood to blood contact. I guess medical professionals out to get it.
I still don’t think regular Americans should be getting the Hep A or B vaccine. I have the Hep A because I traveled, but have not gotten the Hep B, and do not intend to.
I generally think we are being overvaccinated, and too quickly. There is absolutely no reason any vaccine needs to be given in the delivery room.
There are risks to vaccines. People die from them all the time. There are risks to crossing the street also. But, the medical community has placed a taboo on discussing the risks of vaccines.
I think the reaction of many people is just a backlash to the medical community completely ignoring all the risks, and making fun of anyone who is concerned for them.
As far as autism goes, there is no research that shows a link. I am aware of that. I doubt there is any link.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantThe gemara speaks about women doing laundry.
(Sheesh, am I going back to such poor trolling?)
popa_bar_abbaParticipantPBA: Or if someone sneezes or has a cut.
Not quite.
Health: Now look which side is ignorant of basic medical facts.
You are confusing the Hepatitises. Hep B cannot be spread through casual contact. You will not get it from the mechanic, gas station attendant, ect.
You will get it from needle sharing and other things.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantPBA – If enough people don’t vaccinate it affects the herd immunity.
Don’t you mean the herd mentality?
popa_bar_abbaParticipantdoes the fact that my daughters went to byhsc also mean we’re telsers?
Oh my. What’s wrong with HSBY? (hee hee)
any of you chicagoans here happen to be shadchanim? 😉
Doesn’t someone pay guys to go out with girls from Chicago or something like that?
popa_bar_abbaParticipantWhat about hepatitis?
A perfect example of how unnecessary vaccines are forced upon as.
Hepatitis A is not common enough in America to need it.
Hepatitis B is not common among our community, for good reason.
Do not allow those butchers to give your kid the hepatitis vaccine. You can get the Hep A when you go to Israel.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI don’t know why it bothers you if some other nut doesn’t vaccinate her kids.
It doesn’t put your kids in any danger, because your kids do have the vaccine.
And her kids are unlikely to get sick, since your kids have the vaccine.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantpopa – we are not telshers – why do you insist we are?
Firstly, there is nothing wrong with being a telsher. You don’t need to be defensive about it.
Secondly, because you lived south of Peterson.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantand by doing so putting others in danger???
You aren’t putting anyone else in danger.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantFirstly, observe please that midwesterner is a telsher. So you are also.
Secondly, I didn’t say “a nobody”; I said “nobody”.
Thirdly, I love bais ushy. I sponsored a kiddush there in honor of “whoever donates the coffee.”
popa_bar_abbaParticipantThe unvaccinated are only as safe as they are because the other 95% of the population is vaccinated and the diseases are harder to catch.
True. But once you idiots are vaccinating, why should I subject myself to the unknown risks.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantThe Midwesterner lives in Peterson Park. (Well actually I’m south of Peterson so we call it Hollywood Park, but no one ever heard of that.)
Nobody lives south of Peterson except the telshers, who live by Foster.
So either you’re a telsher or nobody.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantGold has been going up, and is hyperinflated.
One thing to keep in mind, is that the returns now are not nearly what they were a couple years ago.
See, Gold today is about 1800. If you bought it at 1500, you made 300. But, that is only a return of 20%.
On the other hand, if you had bought Gold at 1000 and sold at 1300, same 300, but 30%.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantYou mean it seems redundant of shelo asani goy?
popa_bar_abbaParticipantVaccines are bad.
There are known health risks. It does not take a huge leap of logic to imagine there may be unknown health risks.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantyou obviously still care or you would have told us!
Because if I tell you, I can never untell you. But if I don’t tell you, I can always tell you.
Then I would need to make up a new persona, and start over cultivating the personality I wanted to be perceived as. And it would need to be different, or everyone would figure out it was me anyway.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantPopa is an unmarked mod… It’s obvious!
How did you figure it out? I am mod 80.
pba- What does a tomato taste like?
Which one?
popa_bar_abbaParticipantIf you find a place for me to stay, I’ll come help with a minyan
popa_bar_abbaParticipantOk, ok. I have no friends on the CR.
That is ok, I have 1 1/2 friends in real life. And coffee addict on the CR to appreciate my jokes that fall flat.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantYou will never figure me out. I am cloaked in secrecy.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI didn’t say I would bury a corpse for you
Half a friend
popa_bar_abbaParticipantHey, I keep meaning to ask, what yeshua? Do you have time to tell us?
Time is not the issue. I have been hypersensitive about personal info on this site since I started posting.
I think the reason is that I didn’t want my comments to be judged through any prism, just for themselves. At this point, I’m not sure I really care.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI am leaving to the airport in about 10 minutes.
I may be back on Wednesday or Thursday. (No, I am not dating someone here. Firstly, I might be married. Secondly, you need to be crazy to want to date someone from Chicago. There is absolutely nobody normal there.)
popa_bar_abbaParticipantThanks coffee. I knew I had one real friend here.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI was here again.
I davened in Peterson Park kollel again.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantYou are reading and responding to it.
The only difference is I’m in Chicago for shabbos, but you’re probably on Eastern time so it’s 1230 at night.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantA guy can be great and the girl can be great for him but if he can’t fit well with her family in most cases its not worth it.
Someone hasn’t read enough Romeo & Juliet
popa_bar_abbaParticipantWhy don’t you just talk about some fight you recently had with your younger brother.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantWomen cannot be witnesses, because they are not really jewish.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI’m too busy listening to Lipa.
Hodu Lashem Ki Tov (how do you type a music sound?)
popa_bar_abbaParticipantCould we at least add one zero, and have it be:
Annual family income: $217,000
Money the family spent: $382,000
New debt on the credit card: $165,000
Outstanding balance on the credit card: $1,427100
Budget cuts: $3,850
popa_bar_abbaParticipantfeesalach haben zein, kennen nisht gegayin
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI thought this was going to be about NY, NJ, and CT
September 16, 2011 1:50 pm at 1:50 pm in reply to: I need advice on how to handle this please #810186popa_bar_abbaParticipantWorking is quite normal among chassidim.
I’d like to tell your parents to grow up. If your sister is upset and feels she was tricked, that would be a separate question. But this should have nothing to do with the parents’ wants.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantNot to mention El Al’s respect for religious Jews.
El Al is the worst.
I was once flying, and I was seated in the exit row. Across from the exit, is the folding bench where the flight attendants can sit down.
Well, for the first few hours, multiple passengers came and stood there for a few minutes at a time to stretch their legs. The flight attendants didn’t mind.
Until I got up for shmone esrei. This was what they had been waiting for. The guy pounce on me before I was finished with the second bracha (I daven fast), and starts making a fuss that he needs to sit down and I’m in his way.
I finished davening right there with him going beserk.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantMy opinion: ?? ????? ????? ?????? ?? ???? ?????
popa_bar_abbaParticipant(Feif, if I may)
taking a break:
Maybe they think you are playing “hard to get”, which usually makes them more interested?
Maybe go out with him, and then drop him.
September 16, 2011 12:56 pm at 12:56 pm in reply to: Why Do the Women Get the Better Shmorg?! #820817popa_bar_abbaParticipantI personally, am too frum to go into the women’s side during the beddekin, but I do go in to get food.
The difference is clear- nobody has time for women when there is food.
I think that is why they put the food there. It is so that any guy who goes in to meet girls will get distracted by the food.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantY’know, when I got married my only request i asked my father & shverr was to please even out the food by both sides of the mechitza so that there’s no taruvos.
I was at your wedding, and I still went to the women’s side.
How was I supposed to know there was going to be food at the men? You should have put a sign in yeshiva.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantThere is ample evidence that there are actually less lawsuits than there should be.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantThe caterers always put the good food by the women, because they don’t have to put out as much because the women don’t eat it.
September 15, 2011 7:50 pm at 7:50 pm in reply to: Nobel Prize-Winning Physicst resigns over global warming scam #809932popa_bar_abbaParticipantI wish I had won a Nobel Prize. I would join organizations just so I could resign in protest.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantThere are drugs you can take which should stop this problem.
As far as the bar mitzva: don’t have them sleep over. Tell your parents you don’t want them over. It is your right.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI would not use it, unless I had given up any hope of ever being able to type on a qwerty keyboard.
It will be really hard to retrain yourself after you learn one keyboard. And good luck getting a laptop with that layout.
September 15, 2011 5:18 pm at 5:18 pm in reply to: How to search for assets/bank accounts of a deceased childless relative? #809747popa_bar_abbaParticipantI am sure there are professionals who do this.
If you can’t find them, I will do it for a commission.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantSomebody has to work the grid, otherwise you will have major problems
I am taking issue with this.
Either it is allowed, or it is not. If the halacha is that Jews can work the grid, then we would do it. If the halacha is that Jews cannot work the grid, then we will not.
You seem to think that “Somebody has to work the grid, otherwise you will have major problems” will outweigh the halacha.
Of course factors of pikuach nefesh are part of halacha, but I can assure you that chillul shabbos will never be permitted just so that you can have light in your living room.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantpba: No reason to suspect her husband. He is probably another of her victims.
I think there is reason to suspect her husband. It is most likely that someone is picking on her, and that is why she is so insecure.
It is possible that it is one of her parents, and she picks on her husband as well.