
Forum Replies Created

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  • in reply to: I love my car #1113680

    Does that mean you won or lost?

    in reply to: I love my car #1113678

    I will make campaign calls for you, in exchange for getting to borrow the car for a couple hours.

    in reply to: I love my car #1113675


    in reply to: I love my car #1113672

    Ok, full discloure, my car met another car and really hit it off, and there went the ‘hood.

    in reply to: Why No Response from YW regarding any of my OpEd Submissions #1113469

    There are no “rules.” Not every submission gets accepted for publication. Same as any publisher.

    in reply to: I love my car #1113671

    tell us more about the sports car, please.

    in reply to: I love my car #1113664

    I don’t have it anymore.

    in reply to: how to find something i lost #1154372

    How do you know you can’t find it?

    in reply to: Ezra Schwartz Levaya #1113358

    Noon. 25 canton street, sharon

    in reply to: First Year Beis Medrash #1161329

    He will go to ToMo.

    in reply to: First Year Beis Medrash #1161327

    Where is he now?

    in reply to: Why do so many people give the advise "ask your local orthodox rabbi" #1113304

    “Every Jew needs a rabbi. He’s your final authority. Ask him your questions.”

    Joseph and I agree on something.

    Where you disagree is “Every rabbi needs a rabbi.”

    in reply to: Why do so many people give the advise "ask your local orthodox rabbi" #1113291

    I think the key word in that sentence is ask. A lot of people try to consult their local orthodox rabbi, but are not successful because they forget to ask.

    For example, suppose you want to know if it is muttar to use the internet. So you go to your local orthodox rabbi, and say, “the internet, azei.” And he has no idea what you want, so he just answers “the internet, azoi.” If you want to know, you have to ask.

    in reply to: Making your kids pay for a cleaning lady #1113423

    im thinking this thread makes absolutely no sense but until someone ties it into zionism i will consider it an oasis…

    Now that makes sense. It’s a moshol for zionism.

    The zionists live in klal yisroel’s land, and have the gall to complain when asked to pick up part of klal yisroel’s expenses.

    in reply to: Question for pro Israel/Zionism posters #1113094

    Maybe he participates on inshidduchim, and wrote the ongoing story?

    in reply to: Making your kids pay for a cleaning lady #1113418

    Definitely not fair to hire a cleaning lady and then not pay her.

    in reply to: Question for pro Israel/Zionism posters #1113080

    “1. Bet Shammai and Bet Hillel argued for three years (Eruvin 13b).”

    Yes. Presumably much more cordially than CR posters do.

    The gemara says beis shammai put armed guards at the door, and killed many people from beis hillel who tried to come in, and then voted on a bunch of stuff without beis hillel.

    in reply to: Chanukah Presents for husbands #1112710

    Cufflinks from I8Kermit with his initials or name in hebrew, or in the shape of a steak.

    in reply to: Question for pro Israel/Zionism posters #1113064

    Over the years, I’ve noted that invariably a topic involving either Israel, Zionism or pizza, or ice cream, or shabbas abbas or shabbas imas or women rabbis or male maharats or hobbies for men, or questions on yoreh deah and choshen mishpat, or altah bochurs, or most heartfelt xmas song in your neighbor’s opinion, or inshidduchim story, or or all of the above, will pop up. Like clockwork, the same arguments, pro and con, get regurgitated.

    So, here is my question to the pro posters: why do you respond?

    A. The lesschumras, Avi Ks, rabbiofberlins, midwesterners, syags, VMs, DYs, YW Editors, Ferds, Freds, rebyidds, OneofManys, TwoofOnes, E pluribus Unums, Bar Shattyas, Head in the Sands, Now are you Happys, Joseph, Joseph, Joseph, Joseph, Joseph, Joseph, Joseph, Joseph, Joseph, Joseph, Joseph, Joseph, etc are entitled to their opinions

    B. Their beliefs on this subject are strongly held and, as has been amply demonstrated ove time, will not be changed

    C. Responding to their points invariably sinks to an unhealthy level of tit-for-tat.

    My suggestion: simply do not respond. If no argument is made, the topic dries up . Responding only generates sinas chinam from both sides. By the way, this would also apply to the anti posters. If you don’t take the bait on a provocative pto post, they’ll go away as well

    in reply to: Hobbies for men #1147175


    in reply to: Sotah 16 – Cheaters eat dirt #1111990

    I’m not up to 16 yet. Finished first perek this morning.

    in reply to: Sweeping the floor in the Beis Hamikdash #1113045

    They used to fight over who would do the terumas hadeshen, which pretty much boiled down to taking out the garbage.

    in reply to: Sweeping the floor in the Beis Hamikdash #1113044

    Probably the open orthodox female kohanim.

    in reply to: Tremendous Bostoner tisch #1111930

    I thought the one in Boston is the rebbe. He’s the one who took over his father’s shul, and chessed work.

    in reply to: Moetzes Denounces Open Orthodoxy #1116637

    “Can everyone now say outloud that OO founder and leader Avi Weiss is not frum?”

    To say that would be motzi shem ra. Even his most bitter opponents had to admit that he is a kosher eid.

    You’ve argued that before, and I have responded before that I doubt I am his most bitter opponent, and I do not admit he is a kosher eid.

    Are you referring to a specific conversation or encounter when you claim that?

    in reply to: Moetzes Denounces Open Orthodoxy #1116617

    BTW, did anybody actually answer the question in the OP? What is the position of the YU/MO Rabbonim on OO?

    You mean like the RCA?

    in reply to: Duchaning in chutz laaretz #1111367

    Ask your local nonorthodox maharat.

    in reply to: Moetzes Denounces Open Orthodoxy #1116537

    Do OO weddings require a get? Maybe OO asked the Moetzes to say this to solve the aguna issue.

    in reply to: Let's make YCT teshuvas, by popa #1218385

    Sheilah: Does a change.org petition have validity to change the halacha?

    Teshuva: The mesorah is that it does, although we do not know the reason.

    in reply to: Moetzes Denounces Open Orthodoxy #1116510

    Did he then drink the bochur’s wine? Did he use him for an eid at the next yeshiva wedding?

    in reply to: Moetzes Denounces Open Orthodoxy #1116506

    the RCA did not put out a Kol Korea, It was a statement, but not a Kol Koreh in the same meaning as an Agugah Kol Koreh

    I have no idea what you mean by that. My only interpretation is that you have this thing in your head that you think the chareidim do and you interpret everything we do int that vein, and anything MO do not in that vein.

    The only difference was the words kol korei on the top and the fancy sounding whereas.

    I can say whereas also. See. e.g. http://www.theyeshivaworld.com/coffeeroom/topic/wherein-popa-gets-his-deserts

    in reply to: Moetzes Denounces Open Orthodoxy #1116505

    Please tell me where the Chofetz Chaim did not count a jew who as part of a Minyan or did not drink wine touched bya jew

    Um what? Are you kidding? You’re insinuating that the chofetz chaim didn’t follow b’feirush halacha?

    in reply to: Moetzes Denounces Open Orthodoxy #1116489

    The more modern communities and Rabbis will ignore because they do not issue Kol Korea’s. The communities dont work that way.

    That’s a funny thing for you to say on the same day the RCA issued several kol korei’s.

    in reply to: Chofetz Chaim guys #1108483

    It lives on to a large degree through his talmidim v’talmidei talmidov vch’, who have yeshivos for younger bochurim.

    That’s fair. It’s really just the rest of the yeshivos which have become de-facto BMG feeders that are the tragedy.

    in reply to: Chofetz Chaim guys #1108480

    There are many talmidim who do keep a strong kesher to their rebbeim from younger b”m years, but I suppose not to the same degree as CC talmidim.

    Of course, a kesher with a rebbi is very important. And definitely 2 years of shimush and limud is enough to pick up the rebbi’s mesorah, so much so that you’ll want to leave and go learn somewhere else.

    If BMG isn’t teaching a mesorah, as you claim, then Rav Kotler’s yeshiva is also dead. v’chaval al d’avdin.

    in reply to: Chofetz Chaim guys #1108477

    I agree with the plumber. BMG is for older bochurim, whose hashkafos were already established in Telz, Chaim Berlin, Riverdale, Fallsburg, etc. and possibly further developed in Eretz Yisroel.

    Ah, the old “2 years establishes you as a talmid for life” theory.

    in reply to: Chofetz Chaim guys #1108475

    Do yeshivos like Mir in NY (or Torah Vodaas) not have non-BMG hashkofos?

    You tell me. You’ve met any talmidim of mir in NY lately who stayed for more than a few years? And the people they’re hiring learned in mir, or learned elsewhere?

    Torah v’daas is not a yeshiva, and never was. It is an institution committed to producing baal habatim.

    in reply to: Chofetz Chaim guys #1108471

    ok, really though, this is a stupid question. CC has different hashkafos than Chaim Berlin, or than BMG.

    It used to be that all the yeshivos had different hashkafos, but then all the other yeshivos except CC and chaim berlin weren’t able to keep their talmidim long term, and the talmidim all went to BMG, and then the yeshivos hired rebbeim from BMG and from other yeshivos, and so they all lost their hashkafos and replaced it all with BMG. And so the great yeshivos of Europe died, v’chaval al d’avdin.

    If a girl wants to have BMG hashkafos, of course she should not marry a CC guy.

    in reply to: Bakery Bread vs Factory Bread #1108435

    MDG: Why not just add preservatives in the dough? They work really well!

    in reply to: Chofetz Chaim guys #1108459

    Which Bais Yaakovs do “Chofetz Chaim girls” go to?

    Same as everyone else.

    If your father is a rosh yeshiva you go to BJJ.

    If your father is out of town teaching 7th graded you go to Bnos Chava.

    in reply to: Bakery Bread vs Factory Bread #1108430

    Buy bakery and spray your own preservatives on.

    in reply to: Chofetz Chaim guys #1108453

    Some people are very into externals. I assume she’s also the type of person who thinks anyone who isn’t shuckling very hard is not having kavannah.

    in reply to: 15yo Israeli sees vision of Gog and Magog war #1134393

    This is first I’ve heard of it. And lol


    Once heard a call come to posek about whether rat blood is nosein taam lfgam. So since the question was so specific, he asked that isn’t it battul b’shishim anyway. No, it wasn’t.

    in reply to: The Amazing Superlative #1108886

    Amazing is the primary one. I’ve seen incredible also pretty frequently. Looking for an incredible deal on an amazing washing machine.

    in reply to: The Good Wife�s Guide #1108383

    Bah popa v’heemidan al achas: Bring beer.

    in reply to: The Amazing Superlative #1108882

    It does. They don’t.

    in reply to: Diamond ring for engagement #1106889

    You will buy it from a friend or from a jewelry store that a friend recommends.

    You will overpay.

    You will get a “good deal” compared to buying from like Tiffany’s or something like that.

    It’s the way it’s done. Rabbim shasu, rabbim yishtu, k’mishtei rishonim kach misthei acharonim.

    Mazel tov!

    in reply to: Shidduch. Boy saying yes or no #1106784

    I know the girl, and she’d have to be nuts to date your son.

    in reply to: Real talk: Present day frumkeit is aimed at 110 IQ tenth graders #1108325

    I think VM is talking about hashkafa. I pretty much agree with him.

    My yeshiva once brought in some kiruv wackos to convince us with their brilliant proofs. They were dumb. The presenters were dumb, and so their arguments were dumb. I can make much better arguments, but I spent 2 days making fun of them instead, because they were dumb.

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