Forum Replies Created
popa: Why is siblings permission better than parental permission?
Siblings don’t owe as much duty to the sibling, as parents owe to their children. When parents abuse their power it is much worse.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantBarging into someone’s sukkah while they’re sleeping and then just standing and looking around until they bring candy.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI think it’s dumb. I think you should date whenever you want and shouldn’t need anyone’s permission.
But better to need siblings permission than parents’ permission. That is even crazier.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI would google an article about it, and read that.
Then, there will probably be ads on the side for sleazy lawyers who will rip you off worse than Ford did.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantTo pba – Of course people may ask their Rav if they want to do so. For myself and many others, (probably after talking with someone with knowledge of hashgochas) we can make our own decisions if we want to eat in a place that is open Shabbos.
Yes, I gathered it was more of an emotional thing.
Do you think you can explain what exactly the feeling is?
(Also, I’m assuming this store is not owned by jews, because if it is, you should probably not be trying to convince people to not patronize them based on your emotional reasons.)
October 11, 2011 4:48 am at 4:48 am in reply to: THANK YOU HASHEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(BY:GUMBALL)!!!!!;) #817351popa_bar_abbaParticipantGumball- Love having you arond but may I quote YWN rules section tone rule 3: do not use excessive CAPS. It bothers me. You make this place exciting but can you do me this one favor? Thank you.
Grumpy old folks.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantmight have had multiple personality disorder.
Dissociative Identity Disorder.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantCouldn’t you be him?
Not very well.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantNow, pba, your second hallowed application moderator form (tis the season) is in the mail…
Don’t chuck it this time around!
Even after this:
popa_bar_abbaParticipantChosson. If you’re feeling a bit down, it’s a good a time as any to have a bonding moment where you tell him about your feelings, and he says “oy” and looks sad.
(And then he tries to fix the problem instead of just commiserating, and then you get mad at him for not understanding, but you don’t tell him why you’re mad because he should figure it out on his own, etc.)
popa_bar_abbaParticipantWell, you bought yourself a shoulder to lean on recently. Go lean on it.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantYou really need to check out the wikipedia page of his defunct organization called “Edah”, which it says is from the passuk ?? ??? ???? ???? ????
Funniest thing I’ve seen in a while, including my erev yom kippur post.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantAnd for the umpteenth time, I don’t believe for a minute, as someone who knows many living breathing MO Rabbis, (some even YCT grads) that anyone in that community actually would take a position on halacha that they believe the Mechaber would disagree with were he alive.
I don’t know why you are so sure about that.
I have already pointed to someone in that community, who is even listed as an advisor on their board, who wrote pure kefira. (Saul Berman)
I quote you a few choice lines.
“Most important of all in this area, we must encourage women to develop in a creative fashion whatever additional forms they find necessary for their religious growth… It might involve the creation of new religious artifacts.”
Nice. That is surely part of our religion- creating new religious artifacts.
“To suggest that women don’t really need positive symbolic mitzvot because their souls are already more attuned to the Divine, would be an unbearable insult to men; unless it were understood, as it indeed is, that the suggestion is not really to be taken seriously but is intended solely to placate women.”
Hmmm. I’m pretty sure rishonim say that. So I guess he is suggesting they were merely trying to placate women, and didn’t mean it seriously.
And the kicker-
“Indeed, these were the very same sages and scholars through whose interpretative skills capital punishment was virtually abolished; through whose legal creativity the task of the transformation and eventual elimination of slavery was accomplished”
Clearly he is saying that the Torah provided for capital punishment, but the rabbis thought it was immoral so abolished it. And the same for slavery.
This is not out of context, this is the real McCoy. This is not Judaism. We get out ethics from the Torah, we don’t impose our ethics on the Torah.
You can read the rest if you wish. It is called THE STATUS OF WOMEN IN HALAKHIC JUDAISM By Saul J. Berman. Published in Tradition in 1973. Google the title and I’m sure it will come up.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantBSD – um……it’s a secret 😉
Let’s just say that chaplain tzvi is yummy cupcake’s father, and that giggle girl is gefen’s daughter.
And if you can stalk me in chicago, I can stalk you on the CR.
Hee hee.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantThe only thing I had to gain from the post was informing people of the facts, so that they could make an intelligent decision.
I assume you mean so they could ask their rav?
Did you ask your rav if you should eat there? Did he say you shouldn’t?
popa_bar_abbaParticipantYou may choose not to follow German law by.staying the blazes away from that country. I’d even recommend that. But once you’re there you can’t opt out. Just like when you visited my house you had to take off your shoes even though you didn’t want me to see the holes in your socks.
First, let me congratulate you on your uncanny joseph-like memory.
Second, the difference is that you didn’t try to exterminate me.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantAll you are saying is that a person needs to be makir mekomo. If he’s takeh holding by arguing, he can argue, and if not, not. I just resent the idea that “Gedolei Hador” is a “concept.”
Gedolei hador is not a concept. I agree with that.
We generally know who to not argue with, by general consensus of the other gedolim. The person who all the other gedolim are asking their shailos to.
No different than the secular academia, where they know who the biggest scholars are, without anyone appointing them.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantLets not exaggerate;)
I said “some”.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantare you seriously suggesting we should start insisting on minimum standards for Rabbinic knowledge? I just can’t see that ending well for anyone.
Of course we should. We already do insist on smicha for membership in RCA. We should just add that you also have to learn in yeshiva for a minimum of 10 or so years.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantArguing does not equal lack of respect really in any context, even if it were true.
It really does. It depends on what the healthy amount of respect should be.
If I argue with you about hashkafa, it does not indicate disrespect, since a healthy amount of respect for you would not mean your hashkafa is almost definitely more correct than mine.
If I argue with my doctor, that indicates disrespect for his medical knowledge, since I am equating my ability to diagnose with his, and I know next to nothing about medicine.
So, if he thinks he can argue with the mechaber, that indicates he thinks he has an appropriate knowledge compared to the mechaber to argue. Which is disrespect, considering the mechaber’s actual knowledge.
(The same is true of Rav Moshe. But let’s stick to the mechaber.)
popa_bar_abbaParticipantHow did I get involved? All I did was make a joke!
Oops. I meant Pashuteh Yid.
I’ll edit
popa_bar_abbaParticipantyes. forget the whole idea.
When you finish eating, you fold the table and chairs and lean them against the wall so they don’t pool water. If it’s raining you eat inside. If it just rained, you wipe off the table and chairs and eat.
Shlocks are stupider than some of my motzei shabbos posts.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantglad to help
Look, you are not making the same argument as PY was. PY was applying this even to the death penalty, which is halacha.
I am not well versed in all the things he applies this to.
Ok, now, I am not talking about halacha, I am talking about hashkafa. I am saying he doesn’t respect the opinion of all the gedolim since moshe rabeinu who did not appoint women to positions of rabbinic leadership except in extreme, once in a thousand years, situations. The am haaratzos he produces, are not of the caliber of devora eishes lapidos.
And while kabbalos shabbos may be only a few hundred years old, pesukei dzimra is much older, and we never had women leading that also.
So you say he answers that the world changed.
I don’t believe that. I don’t believe he thinks that. I think he is using it as an excuse.
And I don’t believe his ideas are limited to innocuous things like leading kabbalas shabbos. The Saul Berman article I referenced, is pure kefira and disrespects every gadol in history, and also Hashem. It argues that the torah is imperfect and that until now we were all bigots but he has not fixed it.
We should also at some point discuss the fact that he thinks it is ok to ordain am haaratzim. His course of study is way shorter and less torah than the shortest orthodox program.
The biggest joke is his women rabbas. If they want to invent a new feminist term, they should call themselves “Am Haaratzas”.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantAgain, so your brother purposely threw your earrings in the garbage to get you scared, and now you want to thank him?
How do you think he found them, when they weren’t even wrapped in the tissue anymore?
popa_bar_abbaParticipantOne of Avi Weiss’s main issues is that he denies the concept of Gedolei Hador.
Well, I should hope he does. If he doesn’t respect the gedolim of 1000 years ago, it would be pretty weird for him to respect the gedolim today.
His religion is literally ??? ???? ?????? ????. And if there is a conflict with halacha or hashkafa, you just say that today it is different. And if there is a conflict with today’s poskim, you just say “I’m also a rabbi”.
And since he ordains am haaratzim, anyone is a rabbi.
Like you say, the issue here is not about whether she is objectively wrong, but about the fact that it is embarrassing you.
I’m guessing you’re hoping to convince her to stop, and were hoping you could say she was doing something objectively wrong.
I think you will be better off having an open conversation about it with her.
Perhaps she feels too exposed in the tighter one. Perhaps she can get a different one where you won’t be embarrassed and she won’t feel exposed?
In any event, one or both will probably need to compromise, but the most important thing is that you are both aware and respecting of each others feelings on this.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI think his position is that any of the Rabbonim who felt that women leading tefilos was a problem of kavod hatzibur would not say that in modern day America. The idea that they judge rabbonim of previous generations is just wrong as far as I know.
Really? You believe that?
Also, I am correct. I read an article by Saul Berman who is on staff at YCT, where he basically says that the Torah is unethical, but the rabbis perfected it. And that is what they are doing with women.
His example is the death penalty, which he says the rabbis perfected by getting rid of.
Sounds like kefira to me.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI wouldn’t feel comfortable in a shul where women are leading kabalas shabbos. I’d feel a lot less comfortable saying that a breach of tznius or kavod hatzibur is worse than a breach of halacha.
You’d be correct. A breach of halacha is much worse.
But my problem is not the breach of tznius. My problem is the shitta that he has the ability and right to decide that the rabbonim of thousands of years were wrong about something. He is making up his own religion.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantWhen life hands you watermelons, make waterlemonade
popa_bar_abbaParticipantMonsey Mom:
You seem very upset about this.
What upsets you about it? I don’t think they or the hashgacha were trying to fool you, or hide this.
Again, there are issues with it, and some hashgachos won’t allow it, but many will. It seems like a purely halachic question to me.
I’m sure we can compile you a list of hashgachos with this policy, and if you want to stop eating them, you can. You may find yourself a bit constrained, but I’m sure you’ll survive. They didn’t have pizza shops in Krakow.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantWhen HIR lets a woman lead Kabbalas Shabbos they do so because they don’t think they have stopped observing halacha.
True. They probably have not broken any halacha.
But, what they have done is just as bad. Because for thousands of years we didn’t have women leading kabbalas shabbos.
Why? Because it is not kavod to the tzibbur, and is not tznius.
Along comes Mr. Weiss and decides that there is no reason not to, the rabbonim for thousands of years were wrong, and probably said what they said because they were bigoted.
So like I say, it is ok to have the kasha, but it is not ok to conclude that you are correct. That is just arrogant.
And no, this is not like wearing white shirts and black pants.
Furthermore, the example PY gives about genocide of amalek is certainly halacha. To have a kasha on that, and decide it is not what you will do, is to be a mumar.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantThis is different. This was in Germany.
I don’t feel any obligation to follow German law on anything.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantPashuteh Yid:
Sure, one can have kashos. I have lot’s of kashon on lots of sugyos. I have had kashon on sugyos in hilchos shabbos, on kashrus, on all sorts of things.
Having kashos doesn’t make you a rasha. Deciding based on your kashos that you will therefore stop observing the halachos you have kashos on- that makes you a rasha.
It is also extremely arrogant. To think that after thousands of years, you finally found the kasha that has no answer, is just ridiculous. Especially if you happen to be an am haaretz.
I’m not sure what bothers you so much. It is standard in the hashgacha industry to have stores open on shabbos, when they are not owned by jews.
Some hashgachos don’t do this, but many do. For instance, all the kosher dunkin donuts are open on shabbos. Coca Cola, Pepsi Tropicana, and most packaged food you buy are open on shabbos.
Why is this upsetting you?
popa_bar_abbaParticipantMaybe put some lemon juice in the salad dressing to make it lighter?
popa_bar_abbaParticipantSimchas torah night will be thursday night this year.
I recommend.
Challa, and dips (chummus, etc.)
Green salad
Potato kugel
Roasted vegetables
Roasted potatoes with garlic
beer, scotch, wine
dessert with brandy
popa_bar_abbaParticipantok. I’m assuming you have an opinion. So, what is your opinion?
Do you think it is ok to eat from a hashgacha where an am haaretz is the rav hamachshir?
Or do you think that even the mashgiach temidi has to be a talmid chochom, and you never eat out.
Why are we even discussing this? This is stupid.
I’m still confused.
Are you trying to convince me that I should not eat hashgachos who use am haaratzim as mashgiach temidi?
I trust the rav hamachshir that he knows what he is doing.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantread the second post on this thread.
I don’t understand what you are getting at.
All the hashgocha agencies use am haaratzim as mashgiach temidi’s.
I don’t know what conclusion you want to draw from that, but it does not seem logical to therefore decide that you will eat from a hashgach which uses am haaratzim as rav hamachshirs. Or a mikva. Or an eruv.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantOn yontiff we don’t have time to make fancy cakes.
Just combine some flour, oil, sugar, eggs, and chocolate chips in a bowl, have your 5 year old mix it until it is sticky, and put it in the oven until the smoke alarm goes off.
Put in raisins if you’ve already made potato kugel in that bowl.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantOne recommendation is for the RCA to insist on some yeshiva learning, not just knowing ??? ????.
The hashgachos I use do not hire Am Haaratzim as rav hamachshirs. (I’m not talking about the mashgiach temidi- I’m talking about the person taking responsibility.)
popa_bar_abbaParticipantHow do you manage to do “b’timhon levav” if you’re always doing everything on purpose?
This thread.
What about neshech v’tarbis.
I bite people.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantYou know thats not the chait…..
Ok, I give up. So tell me how you do it.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantWhere should we meet? At the matzeiva? I’ll be the guy with the herd of goats and sheep.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantIt didn’t say ConEd; it said ModEd
No, I remember now. I did open it, but the whole thing just said in big bold letters “edited”.
popa_bar_abbaParticipanti know someone that has a daughter tzirel, and yes she is a jem a real jewel girl.
does she look like salt and blood and dead animal juice?
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI want to go next year.
Who wants to come?