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  • in reply to: Is it OK to believe in Torah U'Madda? #830562

    Rav Gifter went to YU

    What about Rav Bick and Rav Bulman to name a few of many top Rabbonim.

    And what about Reish Lakish who was a highway robber?

    in reply to: Why are they making us into boys? #829830


    I agree, the world has changed quite a bit. And I do support girls schools teaching girls basic chumash and navi skills, so some extent.

    I was responding to nechama, who seemed to think that this is the real way it is supposed to be.

    in reply to: Why are they making us into boys? #829828

    Nechama, I’d like to respond to that.

    I was under the impression that we do have a chiyuv to learn in order to be able to fulfil what we were metzuveh in.

    That is the case. The reason is in order that you be able to fulfill.

    Considering that the 6 mitzvos temidios are for all yidden, then we do have a pretty big chiyuv to learn even if it’s just to understand better the mitzvah of H-Shem Echod.

    Ok, that is a big jump. You are saying that one needs to understand Torah in order to understand Hashem’s oneness. I would respond two things:

    A. Where do you get that from?

    B. Look, it must be wrong, because our parents and grandparents didn’t do it that way. So whatever the theory we need to answer it, the answer isn’t that Nechama in 2011 thought of a great new svara which reworks our entire theory of women’s avodas Hashem.

    I’m not talking about learning gemara or the pressures girls are under to learn so much in school, but stam a woman opening a sefer, even if it’s chumash with meforshim seems a pretty basic skill that all women should be able to feel competent in.

    That is not the same as you were arguing. Having the skills you refer to certainly is unconnected to understanding Hashem.

    We don’t need to go back to only learning from the Tzene U’rene

    Why not? It was good enough for mine bubbe. It is true that my bubbe lived in an unheated shack with an outhouse and owned only one dress. But, I don’t assume that her judaism was backward.

    in reply to: Repeal the 17th? #830030

    How is that substantially different that doing a straight popular vote?

    in reply to: Abusive marraige #830466

    When you post your disagreements on the internet.

    in reply to: Female mods #834725

    Also, why do you make that assumption? Do you assume any generic person is male?

    in reply to: Female mods #834724

    Yes but, unless they set it up so that each post has to be read by two mods, how will this help on average?

    in reply to: Is it OK to believe in Torah U'Madda? #830557

    Rav Gifter went to YU

    And sent his kids there. No, wait. He didn’t.

    in reply to: Brooklyn College #830051

    I do not know where the BC Starbucks is, and of course it’s closed – it’s THANKSGIVING Day!

    Instead, I went to the one on 18th Ave.

    in reply to: Brooklyn College #830049

    I went to the Brooklyn College Starbucks today, but it was closed.

    in reply to: Repeal the 17th? #830028

    Not a bad idea, but I’d rather see either the elimination or modification to the electoral college.

    Explain. That would have the opposite effect, of taking away power from the states.

    in reply to: Colored Shirts #985508

    In places where it’s not the uniform (like YU), then wearing white is much less meaningful, and not wearing white is not a statement at all.

    In fact, wearing white shirts in YU probably means you are weird.

    in reply to: Question #829779

    You should not do it.

    As far as teshuva, I wouldn’t worry about that too much- just stop doing it. It isn’t nice to your friends.

    in reply to: Why do ONLY seminary girls get to learn navi? #858984

    Oh, and since nobody was impressed with my haftara knowledge yet, I will show off some more.

    Next week’s is parshas ????, so it clearly we will do haftara from ????? ???? ??? ???.

    The next week is ?????, and I can’t remember it right now. But, the next week is ????, which is easy ?? ???? ???? ????? ??? ???? ?? ?????? ?? ???? ???? ???? ?????? ????? ??????.

    Seriously, I know more nach than the whole BJJ put together. Plus half of Haddar (which half?).

    He shows it to his chevruta and says “Look! Someone collected all of the pesukim in Shas into one book.”

    It’s a cute joke, but the point is true. I know about yermiya buying the field, because the gemara in gittin talks about it regarding the dinim of shtarros. (And maybe also because of the story with Ponovezh). We know about yael and sisra because of the tosfos in kesubos. I know about pilegech begivah because of the gemara in gittin (???? ??? ??).

    in reply to: No Men in NY #829730

    The truth is I don’t know the area that well. But Joseph lives in Midwood, and I think I’m pretty close to there, if not there. I would post where I am, but I’m scared he will actually show up and I’ll have to call the cops. Luckily, one of my friends from yeshiva is now NYPD, so I can call his cell phone.

    in reply to: Small Business Saturday 11/26 (AMEX) #830014

    you plan on shopping this Shabbos c”v?

    Do you count your days from midnight to midnight like the christians?

    in reply to: Eating at peoples houses with teenage daughters? #984032

    “No where in my post did it say anything about eating at the RY’s or Rebbi’s house.”

    Are their teenaged daughters somehow different?

    One of my roshei yeshiva would invite guys even though he had 2 daughters home. You would sit there literally afraid to turn your head away from him.

    in reply to: Vancouver #829701

    corey: A few minutes ago you were specifically asking about the yeshiva, so I assume you know they exist.

    I looked them up for you, here is contact info:

    Email [email protected]

    Phone 604-261-1502

    in reply to: No Men in NY #829728

    Thanks. Where should I go for pizza?

    in reply to: What is the hashkafa at Rabbi Chate's Yeshiva? #841144

    Is there a rule that says if someone claims the hashkafa of a yeshiva is hellenism it must be accepted at face value?


    in reply to: grand jury duty #830939

    just postpone it.

    in reply to: What is the hashkafa at Rabbi Chate's Yeshiva? #841142

    Wow, that is some indictment of a yeshiva. I would hope someone from that yeshiva can come to its defense.

    Why do you hope that? Is there some sort of rule that if call yourself a “yeshiva,” it means you are frum?

    in reply to: Eating at peoples houses with teenage daughters? #984027

    I think Yisro told his daughters ???? ?? ????? ???, to invite Moshe Rabbeinu for a meal.

    Does it say they ate at the same table?

    in reply to: Repeal the 17th? #830025

    Joseph/Haleivi: The idea is that, state legislatures will not like when the federal government tries to take power from the states. So if the state legislature is choosing the senate, senators will be careful not to make them mad.

    I don’t know why anyone would be opposed to this, since if you want certain policies in your state, you can just legislate it there, and not care what the rest of the country is doing.

    (for example socialized healthcare would have zero constitutional challenges if implemented on a state level. It wasn’t- because nobody really wants it. )

    in reply to: Touro or YU? #836922

    You should go to the new one, it has exactly what you are looking for. It is called ?????.

    in reply to: Repeal the 17th? #830021

    I would be in favor of that. I’d like to see more power with the states, which that would accomplish.

    in reply to: Eating at peoples houses with teenage daughters? #984008

    aries: Ok, I’m sorry. I was mistaken.

    I thought when you called it “over the top”, you were criticizing me for doing it. I see now that you only meant that you personally think it is not correct hashkafa, but are respectful of those who do consider it correct hashkafa.

    in reply to: journal article help #829505

    I’m guessing you’re in some sort of college. Why don’t you speak to the research librarians?

    in reply to: Vancouver #829696

    But are there skls,resturants,shuls, actvities for a frum community? Do they speak french there?

    schools- yes. There is an elementary school, yeshiva high school, girls high school.

    restaurants- A couple.

    shuls- yes.

    actvities for a frum community- explain

    Do they speak french there?- no

    in reply to: Chafets Chaim Yeshivah Vancouver vs Dallas? #829723

    what fun things are there to do there?

    I have been there several times.

    In the summer, there is great hiking, camping, all sorts of water activities, whale watching, and more.

    In the winter, there are all the winter sports one does in the winter.

    I would live there if they weren’t socialist pigs. Maybe when the U.S. becomes socialist, I’ll go there. (JK, I’ll go to Alaska- let’s see the feds try anything stupid there.)

    in reply to: Eating at peoples houses with teenage daughters? #984002

    Well, if you must know, I find it a little over the top that you think my tznius standards, as expressly expressed by my roshei yeshiva have to bend to your hachnosas orchim standards.

    in reply to: OK, Who's Left? #864730

    Who’s left? One resident stalker and a partridge in a pear tree.

    in reply to: Is it OK to believe in Torah U'Madda? #830537

    The Lubavicher Rebbe had a degree from the Sorbonne

    heh heh heh. So you are trying to prove that secular education is good or bad?

    in reply to: Eating at peoples houses with teenage daughters? #983997


    Really? If people are doing this, and they are doing it for a proper motive, why would you make fun?

    in reply to: Is it OK to believe in Torah U'Madda? #830532

    Ask your LMOR.


    (if you don’t know what that stands for, giyf)

    in reply to: Eating at peoples houses with teenage daughters? #983991

    If you sit on opposiite sides what could be the problem?

    What does which side of the table have to do with anything?

    in reply to: Vancouver #829693

    midwesterner: +1. I was wondering the same thing.

    You don’t need to trick us into telling you what we know about vancouver.

    in reply to: Eating at peoples houses with teenage daughters? #983982

    Also with this whole shidduch crisis” maybe we should start encouraging it??

    There are plenty of frum singles events. That is not the problem. And I’m not sure teenage marriage is a good solution either.

    in reply to: Chafets Chaim Yeshivah Vancouver vs Dallas? #829720

    Anyone know what the jewish community in vancouver is like?

    Ok, this I know about. It is very friendly, and everyone gets along really well. Particularly, it is nice because the different segments of the community are on good terms with each other (read chabad and the litvaks).

    There’s a few shuls, and one really big old one. I think there are a couple kosher places to eat even. There is a nice mikva.

    There is also a nice community in Richmond, which is a 15 minute drive away in the suburbs.

    As far as community, it is a good place to go to yeshiva, which is what I assume you are asking. About the yeshiva, you’ll have to ask someone else who knows something.

    in reply to: Why are they making us into boys? #829821

    Honestly i dont know why men feel so threatened, and get so nervous and defensive, whenever were talking about girls learning gemora or whateva..

    Do I seem nervous and defensive? More like mocking.

    in reply to: Is it OK to believe in Torah U'Madda? #830526

    The RAMBAM didn’t have a problem with it…

    What is “it”? We need to know what you think “it” means if we will discuss “it”.

    zahavasdad: I think torah umadda theory is usually thought to go beyond the idea that secular knowledge is not always kefira.

    in reply to: Why are they making us into boys? #829818

    Who says the Torah is exclusively for men? Why should they be the only ones who know how to open up a Ramban and understand it? It’s YOUR Torah too, don’t you want to be able to learn it??

    That’s interesting, but the fact is that the mitzva of limmud torah, which is the mitzva to learn and study torah just to understand it, is a mitzva that only applies to men. And all those chazal and mosholim about the king’s letter to the people and reading it, and whatever, are only addressed to men.

    If you want to do something intellectual, why don’t you do something useful like applied mathematics? I know a whole crew of frum french guys getting Phd’s in that.

    in reply to: Is it OK to believe in Torah U'Madda? #830525

    In any event, you can expect that when I finish both books, I will come back and comment.

    in reply to: Jothar #829486

    Jothar and Popa are not secret moderators i know because i am one and they are never at the meetings.

    Is that the secret meetings, or the secret secret meetings?

    in reply to: Jothar #829483

    popa, how are you privy to such inside information? Are you a moderator?

    I am friends with one of them in real life. Real life! Imagine that!

    in reply to: Is it OK to believe in Torah U'Madda? #830521

    Each alone is true, but only partially true

    Being an academic must be so much fun. You can say stuff like that, which means absolutely nothing, and people just quote you on wikipedia and nod.

    in reply to: Is it OK to believe in Torah U'Madda? #830519


    Well, I can tell you what it means to me, but I don’t believe in it, so that seems like a silly thing to discuss. I am currently in the middle of Lamm’s Torah Umadda, so I will soon know what it means to him. Then, I also borrowed Rabbi Lichtenstiens Leaves of Faith, so I will pretty soon know what it means to him.

    But, certainly we need to establish a premise of what we are discussing before we discuss. And there is no reason to imagine that all believers in it understand it the same way.

    in reply to: Jothar #829479

    coffee: I’m a bit surprised by your reaction. I don’t think the mods, nor jothar, did anything wrong.

    We have a lunatic criminal who sits on this site and harms people.

    It is right and proper to want to verify any username which seems to be him.

    in reply to: Is it OK to believe in Torah U'Madda? #830512

    Can either of you (abelleh or old man) give us a rundown of what you think it means?

    in reply to: Is it OK to believe in Torah U'Madda? #830507

    It is more of a hashkafic issue.

    Why don’t you tell us what it means to you, and we can discuss it.

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