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  • in reply to: 10 Most Overlooked Tax Deductions #831489

    So, which of those 19 are the 10 most overlooked?

    in reply to: Jean Skirts on Dates #832573

    Listen to popa.

    I nominate mommamia22 for poster of the year.

    in reply to: 40 challah bakers #833489

    You make bad assumptions. I could make you feel really dumb, but I won’t.

    in reply to: 40 challah bakers #833487

    So once my sister in law agreed to bake challas as part of 40 women.

    She comes home late thursday night exhausted, and then starts to take out the challa stuff.

    My brother says, “You go to sleep- I’m making challa.”

    Now that sounds like something Hashem wants.

    in reply to: Jean Skirts on Dates #832568

    I take it you don’t want to date me?

    in reply to: WITS #832000

    Your best bet is to call WITS. WITS, like Vancouver and Dallas that you asked about earlierhas a phone number.

    fixed that for you.

    in reply to: Touro or YU? #836975

    Health: I am not advising anyone to go to either one.

    I am simply observing that USNWR considers YU to be a top university, and doesn’t so consider touro.

    And the fact they are ranked nationally is the proof. It just is. Look on any forum dealing with colleges and ask about it.

    in reply to: It's time for the Imas to save our children from the Nile again. #831480

    In any event, I have never heard of a case of child molesting, where it wasn’t the parents’ fault.

    You think molesters just randomly choose kids?

    No, they choose kids who have low self esteem, and who are unlikely to tell their parents.

    How do kids get low self esteem? From parents who criticize them instead of building them up.

    What kind of kids don’t tell their parents if they are being raped? The kind whose parents haven’t taught them that they will be understanding if they tell them something bad or embarrassing.

    So I’m not really expecting any of these parents to give a hoot anyway. Except to the extent that the parents feel insulted personally that someone is hurting their kid.

    in reply to: Jean Skirts on Dates #832564

    And most days, I don’t wear a suit. And most evenings, I don’t shave. And I don’t usually shower in the afternoon either.

    Maybe I should just show up like I usually look at 7:00 PM, since that is me.

    Going further, most nights, I don’t go to a lounge in Manhattan, I go to the yeshiva dining room. So I’ll take her there.

    And most nights, I don’t pick up a girl at all. So I won’t go to her house.

    I want to be me. So tell the girl she can come to yeshiva and eat supper across the table from me. Unless it is turkey legs- then I’m going for pizza. But my chavrusa is coming, I hope that’s ok?

    And I can stay out 10 minutes into night seder, but any later than that and my chavrusah gets cranky. (You can date him instead, but then he will need to be at night seder 10 minutes early.)

    in reply to: Jean Skirts on Dates #832560

    Troll. (you guys really fooled?)

    in reply to: Cooking in Basar Bchalav microwave #832937

    Ok, but how does that solve the issurei hanaa question, which applies even to an eino ben yomo, and even if it is pogem b’ein?

    in reply to: Cooking in Basar Bchalav microwave #832935

    So this is what my brother and I were thinking.

    Firstly, what are the potential issues: Cooking Basar b’chalav, and being neheneh from basar b’chalav. So are those assur, imagining this was a real pot?

    So we were looking at a few things.

    Is there any issur of cooking or hanaah by basar neveila? We can probably assume it is only basar neveilah in the walls.

    So ???? ????? 87:6 seems like it is assur to cook, but we can be meikel on the issur hanaa for hefsed. But this is not a hefsed case.

    So then we looked at the Rema 87:4 by the head scratching water case, where he says you aren’t allowed to use the pot to cook food in, but you can do the head scratching water. taz 20 explains that it isn’t issurei hanaa because it isn’t food.

    How does that apply here? The issur there was eating, not an issur of cooking. So can we say you are allowed to cook? And allowed to be neheneh?

    So then we looked at 94:3, shach and taz there, discussing if you cook in an eino ben yomo basar b’chalav pot, if you have to throw the money of the pot into the sea.

    And can I guess that if you need to do that b’dieved, that you aren’t allowed to use it l’chatchila? So that implies that it is a problem of issurei hanaah.

    But is that consistent with the headscratching case, where you are using the pot? (Meaning, even though taz there said it is no issurei hanaa because not food, I imagined he meant the blius getting into your water was not hanaa because not eating it. But now, we are saying value of pot needs to be thrown in sea, so that implies the problem is using the pot itself.)

    Then we started wondering if microwave has blius anyway of basar bcholov, because the walls aren’t hot, so it never got cooked together.

    Then we told sister to call a posek, who said it was muttar, without explaining.

    in reply to: Extradition of shemira member #831330

    I guess I dunno nothing about the case, and maybe he is justified in running away.

    But it sure doesn’t help our cause to have our political leaders telling New York State not to enforce its laws.

    in reply to: Female mods #834746

    There are no female mods. This isn’t hatzolo.

    in reply to: Why do ONLY seminary girls get to learn navi? #859006

    I am not saying that at all. If you look above, I professed a far vaster knowledge in tanach, more than the entire BJJ combined, and half of Hadar.

    Also, the yeshivish mesechtos are far more than 10% of shas.

    In pages, they are over a third.

    In concepts, they are probably over 90%.

    in reply to: Extradition of shemira member #831328

    Tell us more.

    in reply to: Is the vaad the mafia?? #831305

    Can I briefly say that I was in a cafe in Cedarhurst, and they don’t give out their Wifi code because the Vaad won’t let them have internet.

    And then, to add insult to injury, I got a parking ticket outside for not paying the meter on sunday.

    And then, to add injury to injury, the lady at the court said the judge won’t let me off even though they got the color of my car wrong.

    It was a very injurious day.

    in reply to: Why do ONLY seminary girls get to learn navi? #859001

    That might be true if you learn the gemara like Rav Shach. When the gemara brings a passuk for any reason, how many learners today actually know what the passuk is talking about and its relevance to the gemara? How many bother to look up the passuk, its context within the perek, have an understanding of the passuk means and then try and fit it back into the gemara? When a Tanna or Amora (or even a Rishon or Achron) brings a passuk it is because they know what the passuk means already. Its application to the gemara is understood by them. Todays learners?

    Well, R’ Shach was talking to todays learners.

    In any event, you grossly underestimate today’s learners. People on the outside like to sit and make fun of yeshiva guys, and say they don’t really learn and just waste time.

    They should find a better way to assuage their guilt for not being in yeshiva. Like therapy.

    We have experts on this board who I’m sure can help set some goals for people with guilt for not being in yeshiva. I bet Aries can help.

    (And I challenge you to ask me on any passuk mentioned in any of the yeshivish mesechtos.)

    in reply to: It's time for the Imas to save our children from the Nile again. #831454

    What does this have to do with men v women?

    Do you think fathers like seeing their little boys or girls raped?

    And do you think women are never molesters?

    in reply to: Touro or YU? #836967

    At the risk of arguing with Popa, I’d like to suggest that it is actually impossible to prove which school is better. (Certainly, US News didn’t do it.)

    Well, I agree that US New’s criteria don’t necessarily mean a better education.

    But, if we value education by the jobs you can get out of it, and we assume employers care about the US News ranking (which they generally do- at least in certain fields) then we can say that it does prove it is a more valuable education.

    in reply to: It's time for the Imas to save our children from the Nile again. #831443

    New snarky comment:

    Well, why don’t you tell us exactly what you want people to do, and then we can discuss it.

    in reply to: Why do ONLY seminary girls get to learn navi? #858994

    Because if we were supposed to listen to Navi today, we would still have neviim.

    in reply to: Touro or YU? #836964

    Saying that Touro is not as good academically as YU without any proof is Denigration.

    You are correct, and schvartze wolf had no proof.

    I have proof. The US News and World Report ranks Yeshiva College as number 45. Touro is nowhere close (I dont know ranking)

    in reply to: Hatzola #932547

    See now, the argument that frum women wait longer because they can just call Hatzoloh (which I don’t believe), actually argues that there should not be women in hatzoloh, so that we incentivizes them to not wait and not call hatzoloh, since it adds to the risks.

    in reply to: Yo mama jokes #1004801

    Oh. I thought this was going to be a collection of yo mama jokes.

    I didn’t click on it until now because they are so lame so I didn’t care.

    But now that I did, I’m still disappointed.

    Yo mama is so fat they use her to make chuck norris jokes.

    in reply to: Bishul Akum? #883160


    yes, I was waiting for someone like you to come.

    Ok, so I got interested in this because it sounded so bizarre, and looked up the pischei teshuva and the tiferes l’moshe and did a bar ilan search (I’d like to announce to the CR oilam that I now have bar ilan access. yay!)

    Do you think the tiferes lmoshe is making it talui on which reason you hold of, in which case he would say it is then part of that machlokes? (is that a machlokes, or just redundant reasons?)

    available here: http://hebrewbooks.org/pdfpager.aspx?req=49592&st=&pgnum=49

    Mods: let this through, it is hebrew books.

    in reply to: It's time for the Imas to save our children from the Nile again. #831434

    Is that what she is saying?

    Maybe she is saying she will not wait for her husband and will go ask her rav herself.

    Really people. If you don’t trust your rav enough to ask him this shaila, it is probably time to get a new rav.

    in reply to: Is the vaad the mafia?? #831277

    This thread is crazy. The OP is crazy. You have all gotten lost in the trees and are missing the forest.

    OP: What are you talking about? This is not protection money, it is the fee for service. You have not presented anything problematic.

    I dismiss the OP for failure to state a claim.

    in reply to: Kasha of Beis Yosef #989737

    I hate this kasha, and wish the beis yosef had never asked it.

    Firstly, it seems obvious that some miracle must have occurred the first day if there was any amount of oil left to burn the rest of the days.

    Secondly, why couldn’t they just pick 8 days anyway, since it would sound weird to celebrate 7 days for a menorah that burned 7 “extra” days.

    in reply to: Eating at peoples houses with teenage daughters? #984072

    Of course; that wasn’t my point. I just enjoy nitpicking a nitpicker’s nitpicking; Wolf said that the OP didn’t exclude a daughter, and I was demonstrating that (s)he did.

    As do I. As I did.

    in reply to: Kohanim taking out the garbage… #926279

    Thanks. That’s a good citation. It looks from that that is is a machlokes whether it is d’oraisah.

    in reply to: Kohanim taking out the garbage… #926277

    Any real issur outweighs kibbud av, as far as I know.

    in reply to: Kohanim taking out the garbage… #926273

    Yeah, I got that. You claimed it wasn’t d’oraisah. Can you give me a cite for that?

    in reply to: Kohanim taking out the garbage… #926270

    If you read the Mishna Brura he brings two tzadim and even in the second tzad he says tov l’hachmir l’chatchila.

    You are referring to whether a ??? can be ????. I was referring to the assumption that the kid doesn’t want to take out the garbage.

    dorasia where did you get that from?

    I was under that impression, but I suppose I haven’t seen it inside. Am I wrong?

    in reply to: Is it OK to believe in Torah U'Madda? #830590

    Rav Shach was not a fan of Chassdim

    Does that mean we can quote Rav Shach on that topic?


    Also, I think he was specifically not a fan of a particular chassidus.

    in reply to: Hatzola #932517

    Health: I highly doubt it is because our community is uneducated on childbirth. Surely by the 10th or 11th time you are giving birth you must know something about the process.

    Especially if your mother also gave birth 10 times.

    in reply to: when do we start saying vsan tal umatar this year #1196775

    GOQ: how does it work? It goes by when the next year is goyish leap year?

    in reply to: know of any jobs? #830372

    Jothar makes a good point, and I would like to add to it as well.

    I would personally be willing to help Joseph, if I was able. I would pull over on the side of the highway for him, and whatever else.

    Despite what he has done and continues to do.

    I don’t wish him any ill. I just wish him gone.

    in reply to: Eating at peoples houses with teenage daughters? #984065

    The OP was clearly addressing a shidduch issue, and kiddushin is not tofes with one’s daughter.

    Yes, but surely you can’t socialize with everyone kiddushin is not tofes to. Like an eishes ish.

    in reply to: Is it OK to believe in Torah U'Madda? #830587

    If you want to start a new thread regarding Rabbi Dr. Lamm (and the “Speech”, feel free. Don’t hijack this one.

    But Lamm IS torah umadda!

    There was nobody defining what it was before he did! And he is the leader of the institution which espouses it! You cannot detach torah umadda from Lamm.

    in reply to: Kohanim taking out the garbage… #926268

    I’m not sure I was joking, but I was certainly saying it to be funny.

    In any event, you are all wrong. I don’t know what the answer is, but I do know that you can’t use kibbud av v’em to manufacture an assei docheh lo tassei. Even on a d’rabbanan (which this isn’t, it is d’oraisah.)

    in reply to: Kohanim taking out the garbage… #926256

    Can a mother who is not a kohen ask her son who is a kohen to take out the garbage?

    in reply to: What exactly is Daas Torah? #830321

    DaasYochid: You’re really going to compare the current incarnation of “Daas Torah” to asking a Navi?


    Firstly, the neviim couldn’t do nevius on demand.

    Secondly, who says shem and ever were neviim?

    in reply to: Eating at peoples houses with teenage daughters? #984057

    In the end, even if my daughter is an exception, it doesn’t matter. We sometimes have my sister and her family over for meals… and they have teenage daughters too.

    Yes, but the thread doesn’t say you can’t eat at a table with teenage daughters, it says you can’t eat at someone’s house who has teenage daughters. Since it is your house, it is not a problem, if we are being literal.

    in reply to: What exactly is Daas Torah? #830314


    Since when do you follow “classical jewish thought”?

    in reply to: Is it OK to believe in Torah U'Madda? #830574

    RSRH: So what he means is that there are true things which are not contained in the torah?

    You mean like the fact that I am typing on my computer now is not in the torah, but is true?

    I think we can all agree to that.

    Now, I’m not sure we should equate true with valuable, since the knowledge that I am currently typing on a computer is not very valuable (except to Joseph).

    So if he argues secular knowledge is valuable (or as I suspect, he argues it is necessary), then the value must come from something besides its being “true.”

    in reply to: Abusive marraige #830474

    888 883 2323 (718 337 3700)

    (Before CR, there was google.)

    in reply to: Yeshiva for High School? #830969

    If the problem is that they yeshiva is out of town, you need to find a yeshiva in town, or move to the other town.

    If it means losing your job, then I just don’t know what to tell you.

    And you really need to follow old man’s advice here.

    in reply to: What exactly is Daas Torah? #830312

    Good definition, Jothar.

    in reply to: Hatzola #932507

    There are many women with medical training – why not allow women to be first responders, to examine and stabilize a woman patient, and let the men take over for transport to the hospital?

    Your premise is that women don’t know how to drive, and that is the problem?

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