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  • in reply to: Urgent! Calling Chicago People #1044930

    I don’t know your cousins, and I’ve never met your husband. I just asked someone from chicago who would fit the bill. And then I knew.

    in reply to: Chanukah candles go out early #1204713

    glass costs 4 dollars a big thing of oil is 5 and wicks are 3 = 12 how is 15 cheaper than 12 and you forgot the fun part (do you also get a pop up sukkah for your sukkah?)

    That’s right. And do you also buy pre-baked matzah?

    in reply to: Chanukah candles go out early #1204706

    I know. I stopped using floating wicks, because they capsize so often, that I started wondering whether I was yotzei even the times it didn’t.

    Now, I just take an old fashioned cotton wick, and lean it against the edge of the cup- no holder or anything. It works great- burns nice and clean, and burns all the oil.

    But, this year, I couldn’t find the plain cotton wicks. The only kind they had were the super frum ones, big and thick, and not very rolled. And they do not work nearly as good. I even had one fall in and go out on the second night. So I hope I’m being yotzei with these.

    in reply to: Urgent! Calling Chicago People #1044928

    Chaplain Tzvi.

    And they are cousins with (redacted) who made a wedding in Detroit that day you posted about it.

    in reply to: Just a quick �Hello� to� #842198


    the “inspiration” thread is this one: http://www.theyeshivaworld.com/coffeeroom/topic/in-honor-or-tisha-bav-what-you-respect-about

    (sorry, popa_bar_abba)

    That’s ok. I did teshuva for that thread a long time ago. With my super duper yom kippur thread. http://www.theyeshivaworld.com/coffeeroom/topic/in-honor-of-yom-kippur-by-popa

    in reply to: erev shabbos lighting the chanukiah #837789

    mommamia: Well, there is no real chinuch, I’m guessing, since they are yotzei min hadin with the family anyway.

    But, if they are older, like 10+, I would say maybe consider giving them shabbos candles. (You can use a half shabbos candle, and just glue it down to the table, or to the menorah.

    in reply to: Urgent! Calling Chicago People #1044926

    Or better yet, this afternoon! Can you be yotze To’ameha Chaim Zachu with milchig donuts that weren’t made expressly for Shabbos?

    Thanks! But I’ve been fleishig since tuesday night. (Now that is toameha chaim zachu)

    in reply to: Urgent! Calling Chicago People #1044922

    midwesterner: and nu?

    in reply to: Peyos #874103

    Itche: I think we’re talking about different things.

    You’re talking about having peyos which you stick behind your ear. That is based on the Ari that yitayningwut linked. That is an idea that you should allow all the hair in the peyos zone to down to the cheekbone.

    I’m talking about something that you probably also did. That is, that as a kid, before you had sideburns, you still had hair hanging down in front of your ear up to the cheekbone, and you would tell your barber to not cut it off. I have never seen any marginally frum kid without that. And I am trying to figure out why.

    in reply to: Urgent! Calling Chicago People #1044918

    oh, gefen, I’ve known that for ages. Your CR husband’s username has some identifying information in it.

    in reply to: Peyos #874100

    I donno.

    When I was in kindergarten, we had a kid in the class from a non-frum family. One day, he came in with his “peyos” cut off. And the teachers were upset about it. And I don’t get it. (the teachers were a bit ignorant, in other regards also.)

    in reply to: Peyos #874098


    Yes, that I was aware of. And that is presumably what is behind the “brisker” peyos.

    I’m asking more according to litvaks who don’t have peyos at all, and only do the ikkar hadin of not trimming the sideburns too close. Why do they grow their kids hair down to the cheekbone?

    in reply to: Urgent! Calling Chicago People #1044914

    Yes, I think there is a dunkin donuts. But I don’t want to eat the yevanim’s sufganiyot!

    in reply to: It's Bein Hazmanim. Where is Bar Shattya? #837747

    I think it is an off shabbos, but it is pretty short.

    in reply to: Urgent! Calling Chicago People #1044912

    Ok, so far we have Tel aviv on devon, and jewel (and syag’s house). Any others?

    in reply to: Boy going to shul #837581

    No, I’m being serious. But I probably wouldn’t have gotten worked up, except that the whole focus of the question was also crazy.

    in reply to: Boy going to shul #837579

    This thread is highly disturbing.

    The focus is whether we should be blaming the kid.

    That is retarded; the focus should be on what is in the best interests of the kid.

    Plus, the whole thread is busybodying. You should not be involved in this, even if you are close to his family. If you can’t help yourself, you should stop going to shul yourself so you don’t notice.

    in reply to: Tanach Trivia (real!) #1159737

    Oh my. See, I thought meroz was a place. But the gemara Moed koton 16a says it was either a person, or sisra’s star.

    See how that is. I knew the tanach, but it was worthless because I didn’t know the gemara.

    At least I didn’t waste any time learning it wrong. I just remembered it from 20 or so years ago when my sister was learning some song in school for shiras devorah.

    in reply to: Tanach Trivia (real!) #1159734

    I’ve actually heard other answers for the Meroz question. Basically, unless you say you have no idea, it’s hard to get that one wrong. I think I know of two others, in fact.

    Uhh. Do you mean there was more than one thing called meroz, or that there are different interpretations what devorah was referring to?

    in reply to: Tanach Trivia (real!) #1159733

    sam: No, I was making up questions again. Because we can’t make up answers in this tanach thread.

    in reply to: Tanach Trivia (real!) #1159729

    Meroz was a town whose inhabitants were cursed in shiras devorah for not sending troops to help in the battle against sisrah.


    Who were they planning to make king when they asked shmuel for a king?

    (And take note. Popa knows more tanach than the whole hadar and half of BJJ combined.)

    in reply to: Jewel-Osco Wish Big Win Big Giveaway #850351

    But you should what the missing ones are, so that everyone else will know which ones to look for, and can ignore the others.

    in reply to: Boy going to shul #837576

    BTguy: That’s a good question. And I’m not sure I can answer it.

    I’ll add some more to the question. Hashem also threatens us with eternal damnation. So maybe you should threaten to burn your kids fingers if he doesn’t go to shul?

    Now, I think most of you will agree that will be counterproductive. So what is the answer?

    I need to think about it. And I might not have anything.

    All I do know, is what works and what doesn’t. And role modeling works- punishment and rewards don’t. And that is just how it is.

    Punishment and rewards are only good for short term effects. And sometimes you only want short term effects. So if you just don’t want your kid to run in the street, a punishment will probably work (as long as you can always monitor them, and always increase the punishment- and still would probably be a bad idea overall).

    But if you want to influence your kid? If you want them to change who they are? Role modeling. Change who you are.

    in reply to: Popa is Brave #858419

    That’s nice to hear.

    in reply to: Boy going to shul #837572

    I don’t think bribing, or rewarding, or forcing, is going to work, at any age.

    Find me someone who says he used to not like going to shul, but then his father forced, bribed, rewarded, berated, whatevered, him into going for however long, at whatever age- and now he likes going.

    in reply to: Peyos #874092

    So, why do even litvaks grow their kids’ hair down to the cheekbone? If the kids don’t have sideburns, what is the reason to let hair hang down over it from higher on their head?

    Does this make any sense?

    (And don’t tell me chinuch, since it is not doing the mitzva. The mitzva is to have the hairs that grow there not cut too short, not to have other hair hanging there. It is no different than coloring it on with a marker.)

    in reply to: Popa is Brave #858417

    nitpicker: Can you rephrase that? I think I lost you.

    in reply to: Popa is Brave #858413

    Why does everyone stay shabbos chanuka?

    in reply to: Popa is Brave #858411

    midwesterner: but this week is an out shabbos, no?

    Sam: it wasn’t today. It happened on shabbos veyeitzei, and also on shabbos vayishlach.

    in reply to: Boy going to shul #837557

    I have this issue with my 9 yr old son. He does not like to go shul….But he is getting closer to his bar mitzva

    He is as close to bar mitzva as he is to being 5 years old. 4 years either way.

    in reply to: Popa is Brave #858406

    I should mention. One of the surest ways to make people hate you, is to correct the baal korei while you have an aliya.

    in reply to: Two-headed babies #837692

    BTguy: I think you would say it is a type of cojoined. They are cojoined in a way that it appears two heads are sticking out of one body. Take a look at the pictures online.

    in reply to: Popa is Brave #858404

    You have Shabbos Pesukei D’zimra down?

    Uhhh. Let’s just say I don’t need a siddur for the parts I come early enough to say. I think I actually know the mizmorim by heart, but sometimes need a prompt for which one is next.

    And what about B’rich Shmeh?

    I’ve known that since I was like 10.

    What about Rosh Hashanah Mussaf?

    No. But I know maariv, shachris, mincha.

    Also, if you said V’yiten Lecha I guarantee you that you would pull out a Siddur every Motzai Shabbos

    I would know it. I’ve read it a time or two, it doesn’t seem very complicated.

    (what about Kiddush Levana, by the way).

    Kiddush levana is the best example. It is so much easier not to have to hock around getting the card, and then taking it back inside. I’ve been saying that by heart for years.

    Interesting, V’al Hanisim you have no problem saying by heart, although you do not say it from year to year.

    However Tachnun which is said twice each week you take a siddur.

    Certain things are harder than others. Tachanun is very confusing, since it is very repetitive, and shares similar prompts with other parts of davening. You can start in tachanun and end up saying psukei dzimra, or benching, or tashlich, or shiluach haken.

    You don’t want to absentmindedly start shooing imaginary birds during tachanun.

    in reply to: Popa is Brave #858401

    I said v’achar kein. That was how it was in whichever siddur I used as a kid, apparently.

    You know, if y’all would have davened when you were a kid, you’d know it all by heart also.

    I don’t ever even take a siddur. Even on shabbos. The only time I take a siddur is for Mon-thu tachanun. And I take it before tachanun and put it back after.

    Shabbos is easy. The first y’kum purkan is for the rabbis, so you end the words with ???, which means “them.” The second one is for the community, so you end the word with ??? which means “you.” Nothin’ to it. You know you are messing up on yontiff if you pause to think about if you should say ?? ?? or ??.

    One of my brothers can do barchi nafshi. I can’t. I know most of it by heart, but I don’t always know what the next paragraph is.

    in reply to: Aydim v. Random Baal Habos #837726

    Welcome Back Bar Shattya!

    in reply to: Boy going to shul #837546

    Is this an issue? Should a nine-year old be expected to go to shul without bribery, or is this reasonable?

    I don’t understand the question?

    Are you asking if this is the best way to be mechanech the kid? Because it doesn’t sound like it- it sounds like you are asking if it is normal, and if it isn’t, then you think they should just humiliate the kid into going by berating him until he agrees to go. (Or hitting him, or taking away privileges.)

    And why are you asking about someone elses kid? It’s not of your business. Just stick your nose back inside your own siddur.

    in reply to: Two-headed babies #837688

    Google “Abigail and Brittany Hensel”

    They are also one body with 2 heads, and they are doing pretty well, 21 years old.

    in reply to: BH!!! #837354


    in reply to: Popa is Brave #858394

    Popa- I just did it. It’s overrated.

    You can’t have just done it. You had to to it last night, or it doesn’t count.

    in reply to: Two-headed babies #837679

    Gemara in menachos 37a-b discusses how much you need to give for pidyon haben if they are a bechor. (it is also the gemara with which head you wear tefillin on.)


    And tosfos there quotes the medrash with shlomo about the guy that ashmedai brought with two heads who had kids with two heads and they wanted double yerusha. I don’t know where it is.

    in reply to: Who wants to hear about how this morning went? #931821

    always: That sounds horrible. I hope you don’t mind that I laughed thinking of the kids chanting “mommy’s eating yogurt azoy.” Especially the “azoy.”

    in reply to: The CR in the Country Yossi?! #866648

    it was the ‘colored shirts’ thread.

    Man, I didn’t even have anything clever in that thread. Couldn’t he have picked the thread about women not being jewish? Or my retards thread?

    in reply to: Favorite flavor donut #1204673

    The local bakery makes Caramel donuts from around ROsh Chodesh Kislev until 2 Teves. They sell like hotcakes! But the day after Chanuka, they disappear for 11 months. Never understood why!

    Maybe the rest of the year they are selling hotcakes.

    in reply to: The CR in the Country Yossi?! #866642

    I don’t care what they write about me, as long as they spell my name right.

    in reply to: girls lighting #911647

    pba- your inability to detect sarcasm is without equal.

    You seem upset.

    in reply to: Do ladies think? #837479

    You can never count on a woman to notice anything except that you came home late, or that her checks to Nordstrom are bouncing.

    in reply to: Popa is Brave #858384

    So mistama I’m relying on this:

    ???? ????? ???? ?

    ?????? – ???”?, ??????”? ??? ????? ????? ??????? ???? ?”? ?????? ??”? ????? ???”? ??????? ?? ?????? ?????? ?????? ??”?, ???? ????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ??????? ???? ?????? ???? ???? ??”? ??? ???’ ????”? ???? ????? ????? ??? ???? ?????? ???? ?????? ??? ???? ?????? ?? ????? ???? ???? ?????? ??”? ????’ ???”? ??’ ??”? ????? ???? ??”? ??? ???? ?????? ?????? ???? ????? ?????? ??? ????? ??? ????? ????? ?????? ??? ???? ???? ??? ?????? ???? ???? ??”? ?????:

    in reply to: Popa is Brave #858383

    It’s Siman 100 (I have the bar ilan).

    And yep, it does say that. Oh well.

    in reply to: Popa is Brave #858381

    89 is about what you are allowed to do before davening.

    in reply to: Popa is Brave #858379

    realisraeli: hmm. I didn’t know that. Can you throw me a cite?

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