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I am talking about where it is for leverage (extortion), not revenge.
To those saying to settle the fights in court- it is assur to take a jew to a secular court. (Actually, it is even assur to take a goy, according to some shittos.)
Also, my hypothetical built in other elements which may not be settled properly in court. Like suppose she makes up stories that he molests the kids, and she got a restraining order against him so that he isn’t allowed to ever see his kids until they are 18, and the court didn’t believe him.
Do you think this issue will split down the gender line? Is that strange? Don’t the women here have brothers, and the men here have sisters?
popa_bar_abbaParticipantAccording to Google Translate, it says:
Right big lhfitsu
Were simply filtered the general from of the against the pious. The Gauche too was quoted by them YWN on so far that the “Jew” has demalts strongly condemned
But now comes one to the incredible master issuing aumbagreyflkher sadistishn crime. Today has been used in ar”i minded younger veysfish.
Vizoy reported it sitting varld??
Without any shame they did a witness – Lane
“Good Riddance “!!!!
It German an iodine goes into prison (if you think that it’s coming to him or not is nitamal touch) and you who Roofs to a Torah ‘dige Web site, type in large letters blessed shftrnu ?!?!?!?!
Hishme such ????????
Gentlemen we must protest. Every one who reads only once minded web site should immediately cease!! We need bricks the eds!!
The situation threatened awful
The have to admit – there we are yetstdi members in mkhninu who now discovered frtsufm still trying years to bahaltnbey the measure ‘s place!!! (Party to them View also this a gift hand in the side).
All one mkhiub all what shbikhlsu!
popa_bar_abbaParticipantOoooh. I’ll have you know my front wheel drive civic does just fine in the snow.
And, I also quote myself: “Instead of criticizing, why don’t you be helpful and suggest a tire chain.
Also a down comforter set. I think I’m nesting.”
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI thought putting chains on tires is illegal because it eats up the road.
That’s just something people make up to explain why they were such morons as to drive in a nor’easter’ without snowchains.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantInstead of criticizing, why don’t you be helpful and suggest a tire chain.
Also a down comforter set. I think I’m nesting.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantyoya: I did stop using it,…
popa_bar_abbaParticipantThey are size p185/ 65 R14
Any suggestions?
popa_bar_abbaParticipantSo then should I get for all 4 wheels, or only for the drive wheels.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantHillel and the Rambam and even Rav Moshe were considered modern Orthodox by many of their contemporaries, so MO gedolim are in good company.
What is that supposed to mean? MO is a specific hashkafa, not a catch all for people you want to criticize.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantmoi: That does not sound right at all.
The two brothers need to be alive at the same time. Otherwise there is no yibbum. Here’s the din in the rambam
And here’s the tur:
Maybe the kid was born right before the brother died?
popa_bar_abbaParticipantNo, I am assuming, like shlomo, that the women will only say don’t chop if they think it is their baby. Thus, the only time both will say don’t chop, is if they both think it is theirs. The only way they can both think it is theirs, is if it was in fact not switched.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantAre you taking the MCAT? I never went to college, but I took a practice one just for fun. I got a 38. That doesn’t sound very good, but someone told me it is good because it is only out of 45, not out of 100.
So a 38/45= .84, so it is like an 84 out of 100. It still doesn’t sound very good, but I guess it was better than this guy got.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantUntil about a month ago, I could not understand why the chareidi community in Israel did not allow their kids to go to the army, and then be able to get a job, if they didn’t want to learn.
They have always said that the Army is trying to shmad them. But they have their own nachal chareidi- couldn’t they adequately control the environment?
And then we saw. The Army really is trying to shmad them. There was no reason in the world to force frum soldiers to be oiver issurim of listening to kol isha- except out of pure spite and wanting make them be oiver issurim.
I totally understand now. I don’t think I’d want my frum kid in that army.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantoh, you’re just bitter that you didn’t figure it out, and that I know more navi than you despite not wasting years pretending to learn it.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantreminds me of this one:
Hee hee.
That one I wrote there is really funny. I’m impressed with my month and a half ago self.
January 1, 2012 4:55 am at 4:55 am in reply to: But how far is too far to excuse based on intentions alone? #840788popa_bar_abbaParticipantshould not they at least have the right to peacefully protest?
Shouting insults is protected by secular law.
10952: What in the world are you talking about? Who cares what the legal rights are? It is mean and disgusting, and assur, to yell at people like that.
You have a legal right to verbally abuse your kid until they commit suicide also.
January 1, 2012 3:36 am at 3:36 am in reply to: Does such a guy have a chance of getting happily married? #840621popa_bar_abbaParticipantHow do 2 quiet people date? You had what to talk to each other about? Or you just sat there looking at each other?
Yeah, but the point is to get married- not to date. So maybe he should endure an awkward first date, in order to find the kind of girl he would want to marry.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantOk. I’m posting the answer. Since you all aren’t even trying.
The real answer: The only way they could both think they were correct, is if the baby was not switched- since if the baby was switched, the switcher would know. Therefore, if both say don’t chop, then whoever woke up with it is the right one.
Don’t doubt me again.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantOk. There is a logical answer to this question. I thought of it today.
I had been toying with the math of this puzzle for a while.
Now, can any of you dolts, r
, or whatevers, figure it out?popa_bar_abbaParticipantOk, but still. Maybe they just both thought it was theirs? You wouldn’t want to give up your baby even if you were patur from yibbum anyway.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantHmmm. That doesn’t really ask my question though. My question is that maybe both honestly thought it was theirs.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantDid we not read that last week? I thought we did.
Anyway, like cinderalla says, it has to make sense. So figure it out.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantCome on. There must be a better answer.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantWhat is it called if when you curl your thumb, your forefinger must curl also? What causes it?
Is it bad to have that, and also own a gun?
popa_bar_abbaParticipantmiketz is always chanuka. hee hee
You guys can’t figure it out? You’re all r
.hee hee
popa_bar_abbaParticipantWhere does the opthalmic artery pass to exit the skull
January 1, 2012 12:38 am at 12:38 am in reply to: Does such a guy have a chance of getting happily married? #840610popa_bar_abbaParticipantA. Why is he dating talkative girls? It sounds like he is trying to make the date more pleasant. But a talkative girl is not going to want to marry a guy who never opens his mouth. He should be dating girls more similar to him.
B. Is he socially awkward?
popa_bar_abbaParticipantNothing. You don’t need one. You will rarely if ever be asked for one.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantThe actions of those sub-human yahoos are irredeemable and I assure them and you that they cannot do teshuva for their monumental aveiros and that the have no cheilek in Olam Haba’a.
Irredeemable? Can’t do teshuva? Wow. I’m pretty sure you are wrong on that count.
No cheilek in olam haba? Pretty sure you are wrong on that count also.
sub-human? Ok, you are getting a bit carried away. I don’t think a simple assault makes you sub-human. Actually, nothing you can do makes you sub-human, but I recognize that we don’t like to group ourselves together with really bad people, and sometimes like to think that murderers and rapists are sub-human. But it is totally uncalled for here.
Now, some people call each other sub-human, when they are attempting to de-empathize with them. Like Whites did to Blacks, Nazis did to Jews, Tutsis did to Hutus, etc. If that is what you are doing, then you are the dangerous one who belongs in jail with them.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantTrue. We don’t follow precedent. But to an extent, we use precedent to figure out the halacha, which is based in the Gemara and our brains.
Yes. But you see how that is something else entirely.
However, this isn’t entirely true. When there was semicha, a Beis Din had the power to actually be koveia halacha.
True, the precedent of the sanhedrin was much closer to the precedent of the common law.
December 30, 2011 12:08 am at 12:08 am in reply to: Mental disorder misdiagnosis affecting friends, shidduchim and status. #976935popa_bar_abbaParticipantI don’t understand. She didn’t make friends because of the diagnosis?
In the common law, when a case is decided, it does not only provide guidance on what the law was, it establishes going forward what the law will be. Meaning, it has a force of its own.
So that, when a state court decides what rights a lessee has, that becomes the law. Other courts will not use it as only one indicator of what the law is, but will follow the previous case- because it was already decided, and has a force of law. (This is all post-Erie, for those of you who care. Pre-Erie we may have to say a different pshat.)
For example, if Justice Marshall had written a constitutional treatise, and had claimed that the Supreme Court had the right of Judicial Review, but Marbury v. Madison had never happened, nobody would have listened to him. A later court deciding on the issue for the first time would go whichever way it wanted. But since it was a court case, it became the law.
There is absolutely no comparable notion in halacha, and that is the integral difference between how we learn halacha, and how those backwards people study law. There is no greater weight to a teshuvas haRashba, than the chidushei haRashba.
That is why we mainly study treatises, and don’t have huge compilations of ?”?? from every din torah ever decided, and every shailah ever asked. Treatises are much easier to read from. The shulchan aruch is not a restatement of prior shailos and dinei torah, it is a restatement of prior treatises. Specifically, a restatement based heavily on the tur, which is based heavily on the rosh, etc.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantActually, I think a fundamental difference between halacha and American style common law, is that halacha does not follow precedent at all.
In halacha, we don’t mainly read old cases, we read treatises. And old cases are not treated as having any more binding force than a treatise by the same author.
I agree with brainy. Lawyers are backward.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantYes. Sorry for not responding. I don’t do YW during the day anymore.
I think it is. And you are correct, the way to approach it really is not to assume it fits the box of any of the cases discussed.
You see merit in constant evolution of the word? Explain why please.
Maybe one day we’ll find the right one? Oh, the problem is that we haven’t found the right one? Too many syllables. Now too few. Ok, enough syllables, but now there are too many hard sounds.
Sure, I don’t mind avoiding words that people find offensive. The gemara says you shouldn’t say “hang the fish” in front of someone whose ancestors were hanged.
But, that is a legitimate offense- not one made up by morons. The gemara doesn’t say you shouldn’t say “hang the prisoner” in front of someone whose ancestors were hanged.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantSam: That is not the same as him paskening it is muttar. You are just saying that he says if someone has that mesorah, it is a legitimate mesorah because he thinks there is such halachic basis.
There is absolutely nobody I have heard of who actually holds it is is muttar.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantand while we are on the topic, most of the wigs they wear are more alluring than their normal hair anyway.
Welcome to Judaism. We follow halacha.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantSam2: I believe you are misquoting Rabbi Broyde. He does not hold it is lechatchila muttar for a woman to not cover her hair. He wrote that article to be melamed zchus on the women who don’t, by providing possible halachic basis, but he does not pasken that way.
See Michael J. Broyde, Hair Covering & Jewish Law: Biblical and Objective (Dat Moshe) or Rabbinic and Subjective (Dat Yehudit)? available at
popa_bar_abbaParticipantYes, but the insult is that they are retarded. Because being retarded is bad.
There is no secondary meaning. When you call someone who has low IQ “retarded,” you don’t also mean “insult.”
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI have heard that the reason Borsalinos are so expensive is because part of their proceeds go to missionary work. Can anyone deny or confirm this?
I heard that the reason Coca Cola is so expensive, is because they give part of their proceeds to Hamas. Can anyone deny or confirm this?
popa_bar_abbaParticipantHere’s another interesting thread: I heard that my neighbor, when making potato soup, puts the celery in BEFORE the potatoes. Does anyone know if there are actually other people or communities that practice something like this? I’m asking out of curiosity, no other reason.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantDY: Sorry, I responded to you, but it looks like my reply didn’t make it past the mods (weird because I cut and pasted a previous comment.)
I referred to the chiluk I made between terms which have acquired a negative secondary meaning, and words whose negative association is only from the actual primary definition.
I quote from above: Racial terms have come to have a negative meaning beyond the actual definition. So that calling someone n
doesn’t mean only “Black,” it also means inferior. There is a secondary meaning of “inferior.” Being Black is not actually inferior, but racists use it in that way, until the term they used “n—-” acquired a secondary meaning of “inferior.”Retarded doesn’t have a negative secondary meaning. It only means mentally disabled. The negative meaning is the actual definition.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantSo, according to the StarK website, you can bake one after another with no problem, but you cannot cook in liquid one after another. That implies you need to kasher it if you cook liquid.
This would imply they are treating it as a machabas, and only assuming it is hizia if there is liquid.
Another minhag I have heard is to always just wait 24 hours.
This would only make sense if we were mesupak if it was a machabas or a tanur, and were being machmir at least to be good b’dieved.
Hello99: It sounds like you are mesupak if your burning it is really libun, and that is why you want 24 hours?
December 28, 2011 12:49 am at 12:49 am in reply to: question that will probably be controversial #841375popa_bar_abbaParticipantThis is a plain halacha shaila. I don’t know the halacha.
December 28, 2011 12:46 am at 12:46 am in reply to: I decided the crazy thread was offensive #838671popa_bar_abbaParticipanthappiest: No problem at all. You were correct.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantHow about “blind” or “deaf”?
If we’re watching a kids ballgame and I berate my kid for messing up, and call him “blind.”
Also, you didn’t address the chiluk I made, in terms of a secondary meaning.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantWhich thread is in mishpacha? Which mishpacha? Parshas miketz? I didn’t see us.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantold man: This thread was not about MO, but you are making it so. It is obvious that one considers the hashkafa of a yeshiva when attending. And it is certain what the hashkafa of this yeshiva is.
The only reason you could have to debate it, is that you are hoping to fool people into going, and becoming MO.
December 27, 2011 11:16 pm at 11:16 pm in reply to: Posting practices which annoy me greatly #838883popa_bar_abbaParticipantWhen a poster agrees with me. It makes it no fun. I try to avoid this.