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  • in reply to: Otradeks #842593

    They closed for the night. And now I’m at the Starbucks on Queens Boulevard. And if you come, I’ll give you a free cup of coffee, because I have free coffee here for the month of January.

    in reply to: A valuable lesson from Yosef Hatzaddik #842099

    ??????? ????? ????? ??? ????

    The medrash says that this was a punishment to Yaakov, that since he told Rochel that he didn’t have the power to help her have children, his children would stand before Rochel’s child and be told that.

    But it makes no sense, because this wasn’t a punishment, because Yosef was being nice and telling them he wouldn’t hurt them because they didn’t really hurt him. So what is the punishment.

    But it does make sense, because what Yaakov did wrong, was to not empathize with Rochel. She didn’t want to hear that he can’t help her- she wanted to hear that he will love her even if she has no children (maybe like elkana told chana).

    Similarly, the punishment was that Yosef told the brothers that they couldn’t hurt him, instead of telling them that he loves them anyway.

    This is good good pshat, and my abba bar aristotle told it to me.

    in reply to: Toilet Training #842558

    children should be taught to make brachos as soon as they are able to speak.

    I agree. Adults don’t think about the brachos they are making either, and often don’t know what they mean either. The point of davening is just to be frum, not to say anything to Hashem.

    in reply to: Competition #842486

    I checked over the rules of the CR again, and no where did I find that copying a “members” screenname is deemed to get blocked. The only thing I did see was, that it is against the rules to mimic a moderators name. So after all PBA must be a mod, and one may not mimic his name.

    Or maybe, the rules say “Opinions are okay, but demeaning Torah, halacha and gedolim is not okay.” So maybe imitating a gadol is demeaning him?

    in reply to: Otradeks #842590

    It is spelled Odradeks. And the coffee was good. But I didn’t get a sandwich because it is late and I don’t want to ruin my dinner.

    in reply to: Amusing Biblical Hermeneutics #861005

    PBA: Isn’t Sukkos Pentecost with an ‘e’, not an ‘a’?

    I dunno. I made the whole thing up anyway.

    in reply to: Competition #842478

    Did I?

    in reply to: Competition #842474
    in reply to: Competition #842472

    I was banned from the CR about a year ago for suggesting that if a chazzan walks away from the amud in the middle of davening, the people should stone him with their esrogim. Funnily enough, the post was put up, but I was put on vacation.

    in reply to: Amusing Biblical Hermeneutics #861001

    ????= Pentacostalarium

    in reply to: Ending a Shidduch process is a reason needed #842122

    I agree with that.

    I’d add that it is even more important that after seeing someone enough times that you are considering getting married that you can tell them why you are thinking about marrying them.

    in reply to: Winter Vacation & Minyan Problem- your opinion please #842405

    Why don’t you call the caterer and ask what rate he will give you if you don’t include the meals? Could be he’ll be happy to give a cheaper rate, and it will likely be competitive with what the hotel is quoting you.

    Alternatively, stay by a different hotel which is close by.

    Personally, I don’t look for minyanim near a vacation area, I look for vacation area near minyan so I don’t come across this problem, ever.

    Me too. I look for a vacation area that is NOT near a minyan, so I don’t come across this problem, ever.

    But once, I was backpacking in Wyoming, and we found out about this chassidishe family that had rented a vacation home nearby in Montana, and was willing to put us up for shabbos and we’d make their minyan.

    So we did that- shabbos in Montana with chassidim from Monsey beats shabbos in a cheap motel eating salami anyday. I think this was my only time eating tzibbilis mit ayer or whatever that is called.

    So, L, if you or your family read this site- you know I’m talking about you. Thanks again.

    in reply to: Toilet Training #842549

    Toilet training is a waste of time. You end up back in diapers at the end anyway.

    in reply to: Very disturbing, please only kind people read. #842259

    It is definitely not your fault; you didn’t do anything wrong to have fault for.

    Please call tonight. At least just to discuss it with them.

    in reply to: Very disturbing, please only kind people read. #842253

    Wow, that is very brave of you to post that.

    I agree with the others here; it sounds like you need to leave.

    I think you should call shalom task force- I’m guessing they will have information for what you should do next, and good lawyers to speak to.

    Their numbers are 888-883-2323; 718-337-3700. Please call tonight.

    in reply to: EXTORTION!! #842173

    Sushi doesn’t grow on trees, you know.

    Yes, well, neither does protection from people breaking your windows, and we call that extortion.

    And besides, I’ve been similarly extorted for apples.

    in reply to: do I have the right? #844048

    The songs that are being “elevated” are songs by women. Can you explain yo me how it came to be that these Jewish so called frum composers heard these songs in the first place to then be able to make it “elevated” and Jewish?

    It seems clear to me that people in the Jewish music world are listening to non Jewish music kol isha and all the other filth that you hear by listening to non Jewish music. These people have polluted their neshamos and lost their sensitivity for what is fine decent and holy they are in NO position to “elevate” any of these songs. You have to be elevated to elevate. Most people in the Jewish music scene are not elevated people. The few who are surprisingly never use non Jewish songs. I wonder why.

    Interesting. First, let us compare this to your previous statement:

    you will notice that whenever the Jewish songs that were taken from non Jewish songs are played (talking about recent songs taken from a certain low life immoral woman in the non Jewish music business) there’s a certain very prust and very wild energy that takes over the dancing.


    the fast songs are prust, were written with low intentions in mind with all kinds of inappropriate dance moves and all that.

    Seems to me, that either you have listened to the songs yourself, or else you have been mekabel lashon hara about the jewish singers.

    In any event, I cannot concur with your presumption that all the Jewish singers must have listened to those songs. Likely, for at least some of the Jewish singers, someone else told them about it, and got them sheet music or something.

    In any event, I don’t really think it is relevant whether they Jewish singers listened to it. I don’t agree with the premise that just because they listened to a prust song, that nothing holy can come from these jewish singers.

    Moreover, I retract my agreement that I could have said it nicer. I was accused of having assimilated, and I responded to that perfectly appropriately.

    in reply to: EXTORTION!! #842169

    Probably it wasn’t very good, or he would just sell it instead of extorting for it.

    in reply to: do I have the right? #844044

    …what Popa said… but I agree he could have said it a bit more nicely.

    Me too thinks he could have said it more nicely.

    in reply to: Ending a Shidduch process is a reason needed #842116

    PBA- I have to say I disagree with you on this one.

    I don’t mind. It’s happened before.

    First of all, if a shadchan invests time and energy into a shidduch and you break it off, its only fair to tell him why you broke it off. Imho its a lack of hakaras hatov to just say no without telling him why.

    I’m not sure where hakaras hatov comes in. I don’t see why the shadchan has any legitimate reason for wanting to know. I don’t think you have any obligation to fuel the shadchans disgusting snooping habit.

    I also don’t really think that hakaras hatov works that way. If you do me a favor, I don’t owe you an obligation to do specific favors for you. I should thank you, but that doesn’t create an obligation to do any specific favor which you want from me. How about I express my hakaras hatov by sending flowers?

    You seem to think that satisfying their revolting curiosity of prying into people’s lives, is somehow connected to the fact that they set you up. I see no connection.

    (I think I know exactly one shadchan who doesn’t suffer from this horrible midda. This is l’toeles; shadchanim need to know what they suffer from. The gemara also points out the bad middos that afflict certain trades.)

    Secondly, it will usually work to your advantage if the shadchan knows what was not to your liking so he can better match you up next time.

    Irrelevant to the question of obligations.

    Thirdly, on behalf of all those that talk about the shidduch crisis all day, if a shadchan tries and tries and doesnt know why his ideas arent working out, he will give up.

    That is similar to number two, and also irrelevant to the question of obligations.

    in reply to: do I have the right? #844036

    Ok. Popa’s back.

    So far the argument being made is that these songs somehow have a bad effect on you, because they are rooted in pritzus, or I don’t know what.

    Now, we can easily say that that is unrelated to whether it is originally “non-jewish.” For example, I don’t imagine you would say that about all songs composed by people who aren’t jewish (aren’t frum?).

    Is it:

    Choice A- the tune? Well, that should apply to many songs written by frum composers.

    Choice B- the original words? Interesting theory. Is that only a problem if you know the original words? (What if the original was chassidishe, but then someone made prust words?)

    Choice C- the composer? That is just bizarre.

    In any event, all these problems don’t seem to have anything to do with “non-jewish;” rather with the specifics of the songs or specific composer.

    So, you would really need to know which of the three choices was the problem, and then how it applied to that song.

    It is inappropriate. It has nothing to do with who writes the song, it’s the song. And most of their songs today are blatantly expressing utter pritzus. Transforming a song that promotes such things is wrong. There doesn’t have to be an issur on it for it to be wrong. Write your own music.

    It’s a sensitivity which it sounds like musicaldignity possesses (and you don’t). It’s just another form of assimilation.

    I suppose I can’t respond to that. You have said it isn’t any of the possibilities, but that it is wrong anyway, and that I apparently don’t have the sensitivity.

    Well, not every sensitivity you have is correct. Sometimes it is just shtus.

    in reply to: Ending a Shidduch process is a reason needed #842110

    Absolutely no obligation to even tell the shadchan that you broke it off. None of his business.

    Now, if you feel like having an ongoing relationship, and you think it may help you, then by all means tell whoever whatever you want.

    But if a shadchan has such an expectation, I’d say they are a real nosy person. (And that’s probably why they do shidduchim)

    in reply to: do I have the right? #844001

    This used to bother me when I was younger. It doesn’t really anymore.

    There is no specific issur of listening to “non-jewish music.” And I’m not sure why you think that particular tune has some issur attached to it. Or inappropriateness.

    Perhaps if you can define it for us without using the words “goyish, non-jewish, shkutzim.” (It will be sort of like playing taboo.)

    I feel like our efforts are better focused in other places (like, I dunno, banishing the sikrikim to Antarctica.)

    in reply to: Would you ever withhold a ??? #962641

    PBA: Yeah, but in New York you go to jail for polygamy if you don’t give the Get first.

    I had a friend who got divorced shortly after his first wedding. About a year later, he got remarried, but his civil divorce wasn’t complete yet. So he had a rav from Israel be mesader kiddushin, so that it wouldn’t be done by a member of the American clergy.

    in reply to: Rav Elyashev Bans Nachal Chareidi #848417

    Popa, you’re entitled to your opinion, but if you use foul language to make your point, you will not be heard. I’m surprised the mods allowed it. You must learn to convey your message in a respectable manner, without resorting to personal attacks.

    I’ll be the judge of when I’ll be heard or not.

    Avi sounds like a Talmid Chacham, you owe him respect.

    Sounds like is the operative term. Yes, someone sounds like a talmid chochom when they suggest that ??? ???? ?? ???? should allow soldiers to break any ???, and then cites two rambams which he purports support him.

    That is why you need a real talmid chochom to show everyone that he is just making stuff up.

    You know, I went out on a limb here. Calling someone an am haaretz on the internet is very dangerous, because you have no idea who they are. If someone had called yitayningwut an am haaretz on the “speechless” thread last night, they would have had it stuffed back in their face really hard with cold hard facts. You need to be very certain before you do it.

    One last shot before I go for the day:

    There is a similar sheetta which says that any melacha one is compelled to do on Shabbat is a melacha she’ain tzericha lagufa and therefore according to Rabbi Shimon (according to whom most Rishonim pasken) it is an issur derabbanan. The Chatam Sofer, the Minchat Yitzchak and others use this to allow giving medical treatment to a Goy on Shabbat mishum aiva (Rav Gustman added that the doctor would lose his license and thus be unable to treat Jews).

    lol. Only shabbos has the notion of meleches machsheves. You can’t apply any mleches machsheves principle outside of hilchos shabbos.

    in reply to: Rav Elyashev Bans Nachal Chareidi #848416

    The Gemara is talking about an eshet ish.

    Yes, and a nidda is also an ervah. Maybe if the women singers would agree to go the mikva first….

    The doctors started with asking to allow him to be with her. This is clearly not allowed even for pikuach nefesh. Later they tried to bargain and went down to a conversation and just seeing her in the altogether. Obviously, this was just an excuse.

    Fascinating. I wonder why all the rishonim who learn the issur lav of lo tikrivu didn’t think of that answer.

    More than that, I wonder why you didn’t even bother to look up the links and citations that have already been mentioned in the last five posts, and seen that the rishonim get the lav from that gemara.

    Did you ever consider being a rishon? It must be mad fun to make up wacky pshatim in gemaras, without any need to follow those old sticklers like the rambam and rif.

    in reply to: Appreciation worth more than $$$$$ ?? #841915

    haha. If someone pays me, that is the greatest appreciation.

    in reply to: I'm speechless #846133

    hello99: He’s not joking. He follows Rabbi Abadi in Lakewood, who apparently holds this.

    in reply to: Rav Elyashev Bans Nachal Chareidi #848409


    1. Indeed it would be interesting for it to be muttar for some, and yehareg v’al yaavor for others. But, not so weird. After all, if they were forcing us to eat meat that was shechted with ????? ?????? ????, that would presumably be the case.

    2. I don’t think it matters that they got a psak, since the decision was clearly political, and the psak was an excuse. I don’t think it changes their intentions.

    3. Regarding ervah, the case they get it from is in the gemara where the guy was lovesick and the doctors said if he doesn’t look at the woman undressed then he will die, and the gemara says he should die. The question in the poskim is whether we really apply that gemara to other situations.

    in reply to: Rav Elyashev Bans Nachal Chareidi #848405

    Sam2: Ok, you I can discuss it with.

    Anything pertaining to Pikuach Nefesh is Muttar in war. Those 4 things are Muttar for an army even with no Pikuach Nefesh involved, because there are some things where we like making the soldiers’ lives easier.

    Unless it is ???? ??? ?????.

    My first post on this issue was where he was not claiming there was a pikuach nefesh, just he invented an asei docheh lo taasei. Surely you agree that it is inapplicable. And to that I brought a good proof from the rambam, even though no proof was necessary that you cannot just do any issur while performing a mitzva.

    I intended davar sh’bervah as a separate reason for it to be yehareg v’al yaavor. If lo tikrivu is d’oraisah, and kol isha is part of lo tikrivu, then it is very possible it would be a davar she’bervah and yehareg v’al yaavor, although that would be a machlokes. Shach 157:9 goes through some of the shittos.

    As far as shaas shmad, I wrote the wrong thing. I didn’t mean shaas shmad, I meant that their purpose is to make us to aveiros and it is in public, in which case the din is that it is always yehareg v’al yaavor. See YD 157:1 ??? ??? ???????, ?????? ???? ???? ??????, ???? ????? ??? ????? ?? ????? ?????? ????? ??????? ?? ?? ????? ??????? ??????.

    The purpose of this rule, is specifically to force the frum to be oiver on this issur, since the secular think the issur is made because they think we think women are inferior. That is undebatable.

    But, it doesn’t really matter whether it is yehareg v’al yaavor, since nobody is threatening to kill us if we don’t go to these things. They are just threatening to put us in jail or kick us out of the army. But, we have a perfectly good way of avoiding the entire thing, by pretending to learn or running away to America where there is freedom of religion even for the hated chareidim.

    in reply to: Would you ever withhold a ??? #962622

    ok, I looked it up. It indeed does work b’dieved if he divorces her against her will.

    However, he may as well just remarry without that, since that is just a cheirem, while you note that the Ran holds divorcing against her will is d’oraisoh.

    In any event, it is not an option for a man who cares about following the torah.

    in reply to: Rav Elyashev Bans Nachal Chareidi #848402

    Popa, anything which is needed for the morale of the troops is part of pikuach nefesh. Obviously there was a reason why a distinction was made between ceremonies and entertainment.

    Utter hogwash.

    And factually inaccurate anyway, since the Chief of Staff said it was to make a point about feminism.

    As for heterim, read Rabbi Bleich’s article on the subject in Contemporary Halachic Problems (offhand I do not remeber if it is in vol. 1 or 2 but you might benefit from both volumes).

    oooh. The big talmid chochom has read a couple of English books. He’s read volumes 1 and 2.

    You know, if you actually did a little bit of real learning, you’d know how ridiculous you sound, pulling heterim out of your tuches, that are completely inapplicable.

    in reply to: I'm speechless #846113

    This not the normative position taken by poskim in America, even among MO poskim.

    Follow your mesorah, everyone.

    in reply to: I'm speechless #846105

    yitayningwut: Can you give us some examples of things you buy without a hechsher? We’d like to get feel for what you are referring to.

    The only things I buy without a hechsher are some very basic minimally processed ingredients, which are known to always be processed in a kosher way (like dried peaches), and processed items which are known to be made in a uniform and kosher manner (like unflavored beer).

    The CRC’s website is a good resource for this.

    in reply to: Rav Elyashev Bans Nachal Chareidi #848399

    Popa, there are heterim, for example, if she sings through a micrrophone. Obviously the Army Rabbinate was consulted and it was decided that there is a need which justifies relying on kulot.

    Who are you fooling? Yourself?

    And since it is therefore a ??? ???, and also it is a davar sh’bervah, it is probably ???? ??? ?????.

    Look, I know you’ve invested emotion in this, but you need to face the facts: The secular leadership hates torah, and wants us to not be frum.

    What about the fact that you are mevatel an asseh (Rambam Hilchot Melachim 5:1 AND 6:4)? As we all know, an asseh is doche a lo taaseh (if kol isha is d’oraita, which is not clear). Not to mention the fact that the Chofetz Chaim encouraged young Jewish men to join Goyish armies – and asked those who planned to dodge the draft what they would do when we have our owm state and army -even though they would have to do many more issurim.

    Let’s see, you wrote 84 words, when all you meant to say was that you are an ?? ????, which is only 5 words!(“I am an ?? ????”=five words.) What a waste of typing!

    But, since you apparently only know the rambam’s about fighting wars, I don’t understand how you missed Melachim 6:13 http://hebrewbooks.org/rambam.aspx?mfid=90418&rid=14961 which only allows 4 specific issurim to be broken in a war camp, and only while actually going to or returning from war (not while at social functions), and all 4 are derabanan, as the kessef mishna notes that they could not permit d’oraisah’s.

    However, I think I now understand your mindset here. R’ Akiva said that when he was an ?? ????, he hated the chachomim so much that he wanted to bite them like a donkey bites (donkeys break bones, he explained). That is why you hate the gedolim. It is quite understandable.

    in reply to: A new perpective on everything happening #841244

    Yes, I don’t say I agree with the yellow star protest. I am just not as shocked as the anti-Hashem crowd pretends to be.

    in reply to: Vacation on a budget #841205

    Backpacking. There is a one time investment for gear, but after that it is pretty much free.

    Kids don’t need Disney, they can have a much better time spending time with nature and their parents.

    in reply to: Would you ever withhold a ??? #962616

    aries: Poppa, in the scenario presented, does it sound to you like this man cares about Halacha???????? ?

    Which scenario? My extreme scenario I presented in the OP? I’m not sure what you are referring to.

    Everyone: To clear up what a HMR is.

    1. A man is not allowed to give a get against the wife’s will. This is part of the chereim of Rabeinu Gershom. (If he does, I have no idea what the halacha is, but I’m guessing it doesn’t work. Sam2: I assume you mean it does work bdieved, but I’d like to know why you think that.)

    2. HMR does not end the marriage. It is an exception to the cherem on polygamy.

    3. When a HMR is done, the man is required to leave a get with the beis din, for his wife to pick up any time she likes.

    4. There is a problem going on, whereby people pay for a service which gets a HMR for the man; the going rate is 50k. There was an article about this in one of the frum magazines several months ago. (either hamodia or mishpacha- I forget).

    5. Part of the problem is that even though he leaves a get in escrow, he leaves a get which has shailos on it, totally messing over his wife.

    6. Men who care about halacha do not do these shady HMR’s. For them, it is big problem when the wife refuses to accept the get.

    7. Wives who refuse to accept the get typically do so for the same reasons men refuse to give it: leverage for more money and child custody.

    in reply to: I just know this is going to go the wrong way #844625

    Are you nuts? Why would you open a ??? ?????

    in reply to: Would you ever withhold a ??? #962591

    Men can get a “get” whenever they want to. They get what is called “heter meah rabbonim” and they are done

    That is not totally accurate.

    There are shady heter meah rabbanims that you can buy for about 50k (one of the frum magazines ran an article bashing it a year ago).

    However, if a man cares about halacha, he will not rely on a shady one, and getting a real one is about impossible. Thus, if the man cares about halacha, and the wife wants to withhold the get- she is completely able to as much as he is.

    I have heard that incidents of women withholding the get are as common as men withholding it. It is a bit funny that one never hears anything about it, and that I have never seen a single woman on a seruv listing in the Jewish Press. (I think we had a thread about that once.) http://www.theyeshivaworld.com/coffeeroom/topic/no-women-not-on-the-seruv-list In fact, looking at that thread, you can see that our MIA charlie hall said that statistic.

    in reply to: Rav Elyashev Bans Nachal Chareidi #848369

    I like Israel, and I’m happy we have a state.

    But, I’m not about to join an army which is trying to make me do issurim, just for political reasons. http://www.theyeshivaworld.com/news/General+News/113594/IDF%3A-Soldiers-Prohibited-From-Leaving-%27Kol-Isha%27-Events.html

    I frankly have trouble seeing how a frum person can join an army which plans to force him to be oiver on issurim.

    in reply to: Snow Chains #911880

    Think first: you can? Still, I found cables for 40 buck, and there’s a limit to how much you can spend on toys for a 14 year old civic. Blazes, my civic is almost old enough to date according to NASI.

    Health: I seem to recall some pretty serious storms last year. And the year before. Like this: http://www.theyeshivaworld.com/article.php?p=79196

    in reply to: A new perpective on everything happening #841242

    Something is seriously wrong within the Chareidi community if such actions can take place and then be excused as correct

    I don’t know where you get this hogwash from. Nobody is excusing it as correct. Even the most idiotic posters on this board don’t think it was correct.

    followed by protests with children wearing yellow stars and adults dressed as Auschwitz inmates as a means to protest chiloni (and chiloni media) discrimination of the chareidim.

    Well, seeing as mainstream TV stations in Israel (channel 10 in Ashdod) are airing people talking about killing the chareidim, I’m not sure why you think it is such an overreaction.

    in reply to: Would you ever withhold a ??? #962580

    Nope. What did it say?

    in reply to: How can I readjust my browser bar ? #841862

    hee hee

    in reply to: Will anything change? #841034

    Everybody listen to yitaynigwut.

    in reply to: Paralegal #841567

    You get to spend 5 years being jealous of the attorneys who are making 5-10 times as much, and you think you are doing just as much just as well.

    Then, you go to law school yourself, and wind up without any job at all, and a quarter million in debt.

    in reply to: Snow Chains #911877

    Snow tires don’t do as well on wet or dry pavement as all weather tires, but they do much better on snow as far as skidding.

    However, as far as getting stuck in deep snow, I don’t know that snow tires are that much better. That’s why I want snow chains or cables.

    And by blazes I’m agonna get em. And down comforters.

    in reply to: Snow Chains #911874

    Health: They are not illegal during the winter in NY or IL.

    Also, why would you try to tell people where I live? I don’t try to spill your personal life. (And especially since you are incorrect.)

    in reply to: Would you ever withhold a ??? #962569

    oomis: Indeed, I am quite sure it is assur to use a secular court, even where the fight involves secular laws.

    Every fight involves secular laws- whether I owe you money for crashing your car involves secular laws.

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