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yes its safe
You’re a mentch.
You can’t bring a ???? from one incident. You can say this was menshlich, but meheicha teisi he is a mensh?
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI can’t think off the top of my head where we say that by avoda zara.
It seems to me that you could for sure be mattir the pot by throwing the amount of money that the idol cost into the sea.
And perhaps we would say like you that it didn’t add anything since the fire was hot enough anyway. But I dunno a source for that.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantDid you sing the lchayim song with us? I didnt notice.
I don’t understand.
Popa, my turn to get answered!
See above.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantpba: Who is to say that that particular war was the only cause of the destruction of bayit sheini?
I dunno. The gemara says that the chet was sinas chinam. We know there was a civil war going on, and jews were killing each other and raising armies against each other. It stands to reason that this was the sinaa the gemara refers to.
Do you have sources against this idea?
I happen to be from NY. I cannot get why in the world you feel any bit superior than anyone else!
Well, for several reasons. I will tell you one for now: Because I am not from NY.
popa_bar_abbaParticipant1. Intentional typo. Not meant as insult.
2. Not psukim. Some group made a song about a chazzan man.
popa_bar_abbaParticipant1. I’m going to put it in a barbecue, and cover it.
2. I can’t do that. Because then I will be ???? from the avoda zara since it will help kasher my pot.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantThey’re playing “piano man.” I think it may be the first time I’ve heard the real version. hee hee
popa_bar_abbaParticipantWhy are you trying so hard to insult them?
Aha! We caught one! So, where did you daven this shabbos? Did I see you in shul? I davened at mazikei hadas, and wore a yellow tie.
Cant you find better ways to stimulate this forum?
Yes, but the mods keep closing it or deleting it whenever I do.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantThose of us who stuck around have built up a personality and it should be natural to speak in the face-to-face manner.
But what if your built up personality is to be rude and obnoxious?
popa_bar_abbaParticipantNext time dont be cheap, and stay at a better place!
We stayed by relatives.
why would people from Scranton get insulted when nothing you have said sounds relevant to them in any way?
You mean why would they be insulted for doing things that rednecks do, since they are rednecks? I agree. Just usually people do get insulted anyway.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI thought the source was the gemara which talks about why we don’t urinate on dead enemies.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantjust in case anyone has forgotten the second bais hamikdosh was destroyed due to sinas chinam.
I see. So you are trying to compare a couple of posters on an anonymous forum, who get upset while arguing about things they think are very important; to the people of the second beis hamikdash who were fighting a civil war with each other.
hee hee
popa_bar_abbaParticipantitche: I’m having a hard time parsing the serious part of your comment from the facetious part.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantThe waste was that I was taking all those pills while I didn’t need them, because I thought it was fun to swallow them.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI hope the guy comes good on the free trip to lizhensk at least, after all this.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI’d just like to make one point.
The fact that you are depressed is not another problem you have. You are depressed because you are in a hard situation. Anyone would be depressed if they had your situation. So don’t worry about the depression- just figure out the source of the social anxiety and solve that.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantchazarah comes from the root of “chazer”– “pig”.
If you want to chazer correctly, you need to do it like a pig, and grab every moment you can.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantIf you visit American city,
you will find it very pretty,
just two things you should beware,
don’t drink the water and don’t breath the air.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantPractice with much smaller things, like a rice crispy, or a mini-mandel.
Put it on your tongue, and take a huge gulp of water, and swallow.
Gradually work your way up to larger things over a few days, until you can take the pills. Then try doing 2 at a time, then 3, then 4…
In my heyday, I could swallow 10 large pills in one go. What a waste of pills.
January 15, 2012 3:51 pm at 3:51 pm in reply to: If you've read "NASI Project Responds", have you changed your mind? #848126popa_bar_abbaParticipantYes, that is why I say “blazes.”
I don’t like to say any of the go— words, because they are all shem Hashem, nor the words which are based on Jesus. I also decided that “heck” is a bit crass.
Now, “blazes” is probably also a nickname for Hell, but I think I can deal with that.
I guess otherwise we’ll need to copy the purim tape and say “what in shushan is going on here?”
popa_bar_abbaParticipantWow, that sounds really hard. I don’t really have any advice.
I’m glad you are going for therapy. Don’t worry- most of your friends are also in therapy, they just don’t tell you.
And the ones who aren’t- should be.
Good luck.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantNot if you don’t have a self clean oven.
Besides, does it look like I’m trying to do things easily, or trying to have fun? Why do you think I bought the blazing thing to begin with?
popa_bar_abbaParticipantwow. what did I do to prompt that?
(FYI- I’ve been in over 30 states.)
popa_bar_abbaParticipantTake the pallisades to route 6.
Besides, it serves you right for coming from monsey. You should come from a civilized place like Massachusetts.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI presume you are referring to the Del. Water Gap toll? You can avoid it by taking I-84. Not much longer, and if you are coming from Monsey probably much quicker.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantIs Middle America like Middle Earth?
popa_bar_abbaParticipantHow do you stay in the drive thru all day?
Drive through? It’s a drive in! You park in rows in the field, tune your radio to the starbucks channel, and sit on the hood of your car.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI’m practicing.
Chuck Norris can come to shul during leining and still make borchu.
Chuck Norris gets Kohen and Shlishi.
Chuck Norris can say the prayer for the medina even in Satmar.
Chuck Norris eats the herring and cholent at the kiddush at the same time.
Scotch has a shot of Chuck Norris after the gefilte fish.
Chuck Norris eats cholent friday night and his wife doesn’t notice.
Chuck Norris can eat shaleshudes even during the winter.
Chuck Norris sings Baruch Keil Elyon and doesn’t die of boredom.
Chuck Norris can say kiddush levana even when it is cloudy.
Chuck Norris does not miss vayechulu after shmone esrei of maariv.
Chuck Norris can get his CR posts approved even while it is still shabbos in America.
Will that be enough to tide me over, or do I need more?
popa_bar_abbaParticipantAND the drivers speed.
no, no. That was me.
I don’t recall the article precisely, and it makes little difference to me what the avos wore. But I don’t think the article actually claimed there was evidence as to what they wore.
The main point of the article to me, is that there actually used to be a uniquely Jewish mode of dress- not how it originally developed. The oft repeated canard that the chassidim are just stuck 2 centuries ago is false, since they don’t wear it to be old fashioned- they wear it because it is and was uniquely Jewish.
Again, I am currently wearing dress shoes, dress slacks, a dress shirt, and a green fleece because this middle american starbucks is freezing. My rebbeim don’t wear the levush, so I don’t. If they would have, I probably would have as well.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantWe blow 100 shofar blasts to overpower the 101 cries of sisrah’s mother.
You mean we don’t actually blow 101 because we feel bad for her a little. I understand that.
I don’t think we should be encouraging this; I’m just not surprised. It seems completely natural to me that the soldiers would do it, and I can’t really fault them- given the circumstances we put them in.
That is my point.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantAccording to the mathematics which you agree to, then it’s actually impossible that there are an equal pool of boys corresponding to the natural pool of girls
1. There is no defined pool. There are dozens of overlapping pools, with undefined limits.
2. Who cares about the natural pool? We only care about the actual pool.
You would need to prove that these additional boys really exist, unless you can disprove the mathematical equation which the age gap theory is based on.
Why do I have the burden of proof? I’m merely suggesting that the age gap is not shown to be the cause of there being more girls than boys, if it ever attacked at all, if it indeed was the enemy. (cf. A Separate Peace, John Knowles. How come he never wrote any other decent books?)
I figured that this is information we might want to know, as we raise the standard of shadchanus, and encourage boys to get married younger which will probably lead to less learning and more divorces.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantAfter KIryat Yam Suf Hashem forbid the celebrating by the Angels of the dead Egyptians and we dont say tachanun because of it.
If Hashem could have digity for the Egytians, we can have digity for the Taliban
I don’t think that is really apposite, since that is the ideal, while I am discussing whether we should be surprised by this.
However, note please, that Hashem did not allow the malachim to sing shira, but did want the humans to sing shira.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI assume (correct me if I’m wrong) that you would extend that to say that (2) there are fewer 12th grade boys than there are 9th grade girls, and that you would also agree that (3) the tendency is for the 12th grade buys to marry the 9th grade girls (eventually).
You started this thread assuming two flaws in the application of these facts to the shidduch crises. The first, if point (2) is conceded, would have to be retracted altogether.
I referred to the study finding how many girls were still unmarried. Since you did not study the boys, all you have is the conjecture- but no study. I don’t see how you can disagree with that.
The second would only be true if it were reasonable to assume that there are more girls leaving the conventional shidduch pool than boys.
Or more girls coming to the pool from outside the pool.
But more fundamentally: there is no conventional shidduch pool. There are dozens of pools which overlap each other.
Anecdotal evidence suggests the opposite, and it’s a waste of time, money, and energy to try to prove the obvious with a controlled study.
So you concede that more boys are leaving the pool than girls? So that means that there are also more girls because boys are leaving the pool? So then even if we solve the age gap, there will still be more boys than girls?
popa_bar_abbaParticipantThis is wrong, very wrong, but altogether too human of these young desensitized soldiers to have done.
Well, that is precisely the point. Of course they are desensitized! They are kids running around with guns shooting people and watching their friends get blown up. You can’t exactly expect them to be sensitized.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantThere is a yeshiva in Scranton.
Middle America refers to: “The American heartland thought of as being made up of small towns, small cities, and suburbs.”
popa_bar_abbaParticipantDude: what is your issue? I said, Now, every year, we will add 103% to the game, but we will assume the boys are dating the younger girls.
Mathemiticians study the data of class sizes, growth rates, birtht rates etc…
That is correct. They study the data that someone else provides. Since nobody supplied any data beyond raw birth rates, the conclusion is pretty much useless.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantbum bum bum-bum-bum, bum-bum bum-bum bum bum
popa_bar_abbaParticipantPPA: cute game, wonder how you started with 1000/1000
I said it increases by 103% a year, and that the older guys are dating the younger girls. What is your issue?
You asked about studies, yeah they were done by mathemiticians. It’s been discussed as nasuem in this very forum, so no i won’t re-enter that debate.
And I have read about them. And as I point out, they were woefully incomplete.
Fr the purposes of this forum I will simply work on the notion that there are significantly more children in 9th grade than in 12th grade.
Do you deny/debate/question that statement.
I accept that statement. However, it does not begin to address the issue.
For purposes of this forum, I will simply work on the notion that there are more girls than boys in a particular community and within a specific “dating bloc.”
I can neither confirm nor deny that statement. I have no way of knowing. There is some evidence which suggests it may be so, but it depends on conjecture.
Since we actually can find out, I think you should. As you can see, we are not convinced.
This is not a job for mathematicians. This would be a sociological study. Mathematicians can work with assumptions about the world, but they do not find out the truth of those assumptions. And that is precisely the problem here.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantAlso, it’s Loeg Larash, since the dead people can’t.
Also, it is loeg l’rash because you are showing them the bris. But these soldiers probably were not yehudim.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantIf Middle America can be found already by Scranton, that would make the middle quite large and the sides very narrow
Yes, look at the electoral maps.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantMusical Chairs, by Popa
Start with 1000 boys and 1000 girls. The boys are the chairs, and the girls are the players. Now, every year, we will add 103% to the game, but we will assume the boys are dating the younger girls.
Now, we will assume that there are different circles of chairs, and each girl chooses which game she will play in. And both players and chairs can move among the different games, and do. We don’t know how many are moving, and we don’t know if it is more chairs moving or more players moving.
Some of the players and chairs, leave the game altogether, and don’t play in any of the games. We don’t know how many, or it is unevenly divided.
Some new people join the game, both as players and as chairs. These people were not in the game at all, but join at different times. We don’t know how many or how it is divided.
Someone noticed lots of players with no chairs, so he decided the problem was that the players were choosing older chairs. He did a study which showed that there were indeed some players with no chairs. But he didn’t bother to find out if there was an equal number of unoccupied chairs, or if the chairless players were even still playing the game. Or if there chairs had been taken by new players who had joined the game from the outside. Or if some of the chairs had left the game.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantIs it ok if I’m writing all this, and reading this thread, and maybe the locals are gonna see?
Say, I’m just thinking, why don’t all the OOT girls come here and date these guys? That one still has a tooth.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI am usually very skeptical of using segulos, but I kind of like this one. See
See, the point of this segula is to read the parsha of chana, who davened for children and was granted children. Presumably, the point is that then you will also be motivated to daven for children.
I like.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantDon’t leave on a trip of several hours with pastrami sandwiches but no drinks.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantYou guys ruined my thread.
AZ: How about it? Are you starting the study? As you can see, none of us are really convinced.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI read an article about this a couple months ago. It seems OP is correct, that there was a levush yehudi. At some point, the goyim outlawed it, and the litvaks stopped wearing it, but the chassidim refused. Ultimately, the chassidim settled with the goyim that they would wear the similar garb of the noblemen, which is what they continue to wear today.
Thus, the chassidim are really more correct about this. However, I have not reverted to their dress, since my rebbeim don’t.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI’m the one trying to take people’s money? No, you are the one who is unilaterally raising the standard for shadchanus on the advice of 7 rabbonim.
My point really, though, is that those assumptions are far fetched.
No. They aren’t. I know dozens of older single guys. And I know dozens of people who are no longer part of the community they grew up in.