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  • in reply to: How Can A Wife Be Yotzei Matanos Levyonim #856716

    I dunno. What does the halacha say?

    in reply to: This year's "Niggunei Karta" hit! #856526


    in reply to: How Do You Feel A Stare? #856610

    Of course you cannot feel a stare. However, we do develop an intuition for the type of circumstances when it is likely that someone would be staring at you.

    Thus, if you are walking up the stairs and someone is following behind you, it is pretty likely they are staring at you. Because for those 15 seconds, you are the only thing to look at besides for stairs, and stairs are even less interesting than you are.

    in reply to: Gedolei Poskim to Ask Very Serious Shailos #856644


    Popa, please provide us with a number where you can be reached 24/7 for pikuach nefesh shailos. – YW Moderation Staff

    in reply to: Funny Shidduch Stories #1227567

    more_2: I don’t find that story funny.

    in reply to: In honor of Yom Kippur; By Popa #974732

    I’m not sure what you are responding to anymore, but of this I am sure. The gemara is talking about a case where it wanted to be assur b’toras nezirus, and that is why he becomes a nazir. There is no other way to become a nazir except to want to accept issurim b’toras nazir.

    Besides, we are talking about hekdesh here, not nezirus. When someone is matfis b’hekdesh, it doesn’t become hekdesh- it is a regular neder.

    in reply to: In honor of Yom Kippur; By Popa #974727

    Haleivi: Assuming you are responding to my last post- you are correct, it would be a neder. But it would not be nezirus.

    in reply to: In honor of Yom Kippur; By Popa #974725

    Itche: That is because he wanted to be assur from grapes m’din nazir. If he would have just said “Grapes are assur to me b’toras neder, in the same way that nezirim cannot eat them” he would not be a nazir.

    in reply to: In honor of Yom Kippur; By Popa #974724

    That is a good problem. Lemme think about that.

    in reply to: In honor of Yom Kippur; By Popa #974721

    2- Why should it be worse than nazir where if a person says “i will not cut my hair or drink wine but i am not a nazir and can become tamei” he is a nazir? (Rambam hilchos nezirus perek beis)

    I assume you are referring to halachos 3 and 4. Those are same case, and are talking about someone who sees a nazir and says he will have the same status as the nazir.

    I don’t see why you think that means that if someone says “I am not going to be a nazir, but I will have the same issurim as a nazir has, b’neder; and I am also making a shevua that I will not cut my hair; and I am also making a shevua to sacrifice the animals a nazir has to sacrifice- but in my backyard…” that he is a nazir. I don’t see that the mishna is suggesting any sort of merger doctrine like that; I see a presumption that the guy is trying to become a nazir, like he said.

    in reply to: Shidduch and faith #854297

    Ok, so I still disagree with the article, but I do agree with the email.

    Also, the article is flat out wrong. There is no presumption that there is only one person in the world for you to marry, and that if someone doesn’t marry you that proves it wasn’t meant to be. That is simply wrong.

    in reply to: OB-GYN Recommendations? #854265

    Dr. Jessica Jacob at Northshore LIJ


    in reply to: Mechitza at the Siyum HaShas #854444

    An easy solution is to put the women in a different level than the men. If the women were in the upper deck, it would be considered a mechitza, wouldn’t it?

    which is exactly the proof that this story is probably false or overblown, and that they are not making stupid decisions.

    in reply to: Mechitza at the Siyum HaShas #854427

    I’m sure there are ways to set up a mechitza without sinking poles into the concrete. the story was a joke.

    in reply to: Mechitza at the Siyum HaShas #854420

    I thought the story about that was satire. It couldn’t possibly cost a quarter million dollars to put up a mechitza.

    And you are correct, there would probably be no need since you could just use different sections of the stands which are unconnected.

    But, as far as your contention that it isn’t “halachicly necessary,” I don’t really understand why you think that only things which are “halachicly” necessary can be a good idea. There are plenty of gemaras which say that it is a good idea to do all sorts of things which are not “halachicly” necessary. In fact, I can recall a case where a beis din was mechayev someone to pay something that was not halachicly required.

    in reply to: Shidduch and faith #854293

    I do not agree with that article. you don’t say what the email said, so I don’t know if I agree with it either.

    in reply to: Manual locks for Shabbos #854404

    squeak: Would you need an eruv in a hotel, or would we say is is all reshus hayachid of the hotelier?

    in reply to: Great?? #854358

    I’m talking about letting your children make their own choices (within reason of course) and let them come to understanding the beauty of Torah on their own.

    I’m not sure what you are advocating. You say to let your kids make their own choice about Judaism, but then qualify it by saying “within reason.” Well, if you only let them choose “within reason,” then what choice is there?

    (Full disclosure: I think that kids always have a choice about Judaism, whether or not you want to allow it to them.)

    I agree with you that a person should make the choice his own, and not simply drift along with it, but I don’t know what your suggestion is about that.

    in reply to: New Kosel Mechitza #854228

    I’m in charge of the putting. First people to go are anyone who hasn’t laughed at my yom kippur thread.

    in reply to: Great?? #854356

    “Or are you saying that people who grow up frum should think about life and Judaism, and make a personal connection with it? I do that all the time.”

    Yes. But what I was trying to say was that I don’t think that someone who has always been totally frum and always dedicated to being a Shomer Torah and Mitzvos could ever really appreciate Judaism in its entirety. They have only tasted Torah. That’s all they know.

    That sounds to me like a different point. It sounds now like you are saying we cannot know how special it is to be frum.

    That doesn’t bother me. Does it bother you?

    And what does that have to do with choices? I thought you were saying that we are not properly serving Hashem because we haven’t made a choice–to which I responded that I have made a choice.

    in reply to: Chassideshe And Litvishe Hashgochas #854118

    There is a rule of trolling, that you cannot preface a post by saying it is not intended to be lashon hara.

    in reply to: Manual locks for Shabbos #854396

    Once I was staying a hotel in Salt Lake, like a moron, for shabbos that only had electronic locks.

    The rabbi I asked suggested that we leave the door unlocked, but said that if we get locked out, we can ask the hotel staff to let us in.

    in reply to: New Kosel Mechitza #854225

    We put the apikorsim behind it.

    in reply to: Great?? #854352

    ok, ok, I read this thread now. (Or at least the OP).

    So, what are you trying to say? That anyone who grows up frum should go spend a few months experiencing all that issur has to offer and then decide if he wants to come back, like the Amish do?

    Or are you saying that people who grow up frum should think about life and Judaism, and make a personal connection with it? I do that all the time.

    in reply to: In honor of Yom Kippur; By Popa #974716

    1. This is not a serious thread.

    2. I don’t believe you are correct. If I never make it hekdesh at all, and only say btoras neder that it should have the same issurim as hekdesh, and say b’toras shvua that I should have the same obligations as hekdesh–I do not think it would be hekdesh, and I would not even be allowed to be makriv it in the azara since it is chullin.

    in reply to: Christie veto's the bill but the threat looms! what should we do??!! #853814

    I didn’t see it until later, and when I did see, it wasn’t immediately apparent to me what the joke was.

    I think the concept is funny. I’m not sure why I didn’t think it was so funny.

    Sorry. Sometimes mine bounce also. Then I bump them until I get validation. It helps to dedicate the joke to a certain poster, because then they feel obligated to appreciate it.

    in reply to: In honor of Purim, by Popa. Dedicated to OneOfMany #853753

    I hate gemachs. When I was dating, I used to nix all the resumes that talked about how much chessed they do. I wanted someone like me.

    in reply to: Carpathian Jewry #943887

    I’ve never heard of blazes oberlander

    in reply to: In honor of Yom Kippur; By Popa #974713

    Of course it can’t be piggul-it isn’t even hekdesh. I just make a neder that it will be assur with dinei piggul if I don’t eat it within the zman that it would have if it was the korban I am trying to bring.

    Please don’t make fun; this is serious business, and it gives me spiritual inspiration.

    I also plan on doing it even when there is a beis hamikdash, because I am not a kohen, and I will still want to experience that spirituality. The point of the nedarim and shevuos is just so that I don’t break any actual halacha, and so that it has real halachic implications (I don’t want to just be doing a joke).

    in reply to: Post-Yeshiva Dressing for Work and Everyday #853994

    Wolf: I assumed the question was asking about when you are not working also, like on sunday.

    I don’t know the answer to this question. I still dress like I did in yeshiva, and sometimes I stand out a bit, but I don’t care.

    in reply to: Machon Lev JCT jerusalem #853971

    Is it for Americans? Are you considering it? There are plenty of opportunities here for vocational training, including haskalla school.

    in reply to: VPFK, dedicated to cinderalla #854276

    cinderella, cinderella, wash the dishes, clean the cella’

    you can do it all togetha’ cinderella cinderella

    I’m practicing spelling it.

    in reply to: Americanishe Meshugasim #854208

    And the women don’t even know tzena urena anymore!

    in reply to: In honor of Purim, by Popa. Dedicated to OneOfMany #853751

    I also loooooove shmaltz herring. But I don’t have any for this week. 🙁

    in reply to: Social Work #882629

    Dachtzuch mir, that I’ve never met a social worker who wasn’t socially awkward.

    in reply to: Latest to Arrive and Earliest to Leave Minyan #854234

    You know the joke about when yeshiva guys daven at a baalabatishe minyan…

    …They come late, leave early, and complain that davening is too fast.

    in reply to: Christie veto's the bill but the threat looms! what should we do??!! #853812

    Sorry squeak. I haven’t been completely following this thread. I really just popped in to make my tax point, and then also made another point.

    Here’s your validation: “validation.”

    Also, I’m not feeling so validated on the two troll threads I opened yesterday.

    in reply to: 49.5% of Americans dont pay any income tax #853741

    Hey, BTguy: I need validation. Please come back and say: “Popa knows so much about tax. He must be a taxidermist.”

    in reply to: Americanishe Meshugasim #854200

    Feif: When you talk about separate seating, are you talking about in your house, or at a large communal meal like a wedding or dinner.

    The story of the chofetz chaim seems to be a meal in his house. What information do you have about what they did in Europe for large communal meals?

    I also don’t really see how anyone could have a problem with it. To state: “there is absolutely no reason for it”, would be utter foolishness.

    To say that it causes very much hardship or discomfort is also foolishness.

    So maybe they didn’t do it 50 years ago. They also had mixed dancing at shul dinners 50 years ago. Big deal.

    Besides, why is the relevant time 50 years ago? Why don’t you ask whether they had mixed seating in the time of the gemara? Like the gemara which says that men who teach young children are suspect because the mothers come and pick them up from school.

    in reply to: VPFK, dedicated to cinderalla #854273

    Bumped to make sure it doesn’t fall off the page before cinderalla can see it.

    in reply to: Christie veto's the bill but the threat looms! what should we do??!! #853801

    Those who fail to understand, or who fail to see the difference between this and polygamy – go find something else to do.

    Gimme a break. Of course there is no difference. I don’t know why people pretend there is; if you think both are fine- just say so.

    how much of the population supports gay marriage?

    So now it goes by what percentage of the population supports it? Ok, what percentage of the population supported allowing marriage between a white person and a black person, 20 years ago?

    in reply to: 49.5% of Americans dont pay any income tax #853737


    Ok fine. You are ignoring two taxes which are very relevant.

    1. The Capital Gains tax. We can bicker about how much the KG (capital gains) rate should be, but you can’t simply ignore that it exists.

    2. The Corporate Tax. If I invest 1000 dollars in a company which I own, and the company makes 100 dollars, the company pays 35 dollars in tax and is now worth 1065, and then I also pay tax when I either take the other 65 out, or sell my company for 1065. There is a machlokes among the economists regarding who bears the burden of this tax ultimately, for reasons I don’t entirely understand. But again, you cannot simply ignore it.

    When I said you cannot spend money without paying tax, I was referring to the income tax-not to the sales tax. I meant that by the time you have the cash, you must have paid either income tax or KG.

    Regarding the companies who have international earnings, you are again only referring to the corporate tax. And, who says we should tax companies that are doing business outside the country? Just because they are headquartered in Delaware? And what if most of the investors are also international?

    in reply to: Curling yarmulkas #854139

    Yarlmukes shrink. You always buy a bigger one than your old one, because your old one was really bigger before it shrank. Also, you only have one. And if you lose it, then you’re a goy.

    in reply to: 49.5% of Americans dont pay any income tax #853730

    along with all those billionaires who do not “take a salary” and avoid income taxes

    Yeah, you’ve been watching the news. That isn’t really true, but I don’t have the strength to explain it right now. It is quite amazing how the media has no problem publishing misleading stories like that, though.

    You may rest assured, that it is impossible to spend any money without having paid taxes on it.

    in reply to: In honor of Yom Kippur; By Popa #974710

    So I just read this thread again. This may be the funniest thread I have started in the CR.

    in reply to: In honor of Purim, by Popa. Dedicated to OneOfMany #853744

    In case you missed it, I owed OneOfMany a troll thread, from here http://www.theyeshivaworld.com/coffeeroom/topic/psats-and-sats#post-356516

    in reply to: Christie veto's the bill but the threat looms! what should we do??!! #853795

    I just want to point out that this whole tax business is utter garbage. Married couples today are much more likely to get a tax penalty than a tax benefit, because they both work.

    See, there are 4 tax schedules: http://www.fourmilab.ch/ustax/www/t26-A-1-A-I-1.html

    As you can see, single individuals are treated the worst.

    So imagine Bob makes 53,500, and Jane makes nothing. If they don’t get married, then Bob pays 12,107 in taxes. But if they get married, then together they only pay 10,183. That is the marriage benefit.

    But, imagine that Bob makes 53,500 and Jane also makes 53,500. If they live together unmarried, then each pays 12,107 in taxes, for a total of 24,214 for the two of them. But if they get married, then they have income together of 107,000 and pay in taxes 25,698.50 which is more than they would pay together if they were unmarried. And that is the marriage penalty.

    Most households today are two earner households, and have the marriage penalty. Interestingly if you live in a state that recognizes gay “marriage,” you don’t get the marriage penalty since the feds don’t recognize it.

    in reply to: This weeks Yated Chinuch Roundtable #875447

    That is a good point, and I stand corrected.

    I should say that nobody is going to convince me by merely asserting it.

    I should also say that the question is not about if they are “gadol” but if they are someone I should not argue with and criticize.

    in reply to: This weeks Yated Chinuch Roundtable #875445

    I don’t really think the gadol question is worth discussing. Nobody is going to convince me that anyone on the roundtable cast is a gadol.

    But I would like to mention that I didn’t call anyone a clown. If you look at that post, you will see that I said “at worst clowns.”

    in reply to: This weeks Yated Chinuch Roundtable #875444

    DOH: As Logician said, this thread is on the premise that the punishment is intended to embarrass, as that is the question that was asked.

    Also, we have already discussed, that it is impossible that the point is simply to send to a quiet or different place, since if so you would just as likely send to an older classroom.

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