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  • in reply to: Thank you Project Nasi! #862699

    maybe. sorry.

    in reply to: Mezonos Bread #1213026

    If so, please explain why melba toast or soup/salad croutons made of very small pieces of actual bread are mezonos?

    Those are mezonos because the fit the pas kisnin category of being crunchy.

    in reply to: Oorah News Bulletin #861328

    I’m pretty sure you can use the bulk rates for raffle mailings.

    in reply to: Shidduch Profiles #861614

    I’ve got lots of them! How many do you want?

    in reply to: Eating With Your Hands #862757

    This is correct. Pigs eat with their hands. Humans use utensils.

    in reply to: Mezonos Bread #1213023

    Squeak: I wonder if people who make mezonos on pizza eat it as a snack?

    If they don’t, maybe it is because they are socially affected by the rest of us who do wash and won’t eat it as a snack.

    in reply to: Why I'm never giving blood again. By popa. #1157803

    Give blood, don’t give blood, it’s your prerogative, but to come out on a public forum and keep defending a position that people are telling you is offensive is babyish and you might need to look into counseling to help you figure out social cues. Giving blood or not is a choice and you are absolutely free to make your own choice, but you’re not free to make offensive comments such as – “bloodsucking jews”, “you can all go to blazes” “I’ll mix it into my own blazing matza” without expecting some backlash. Dude, you’re not funny.

    Oh, so now you say that you were really just responding to me calling you “bloodsucking jews” and the other offensive stuff I said.

    I’m perfectly happy to take abuse for that. I wrote that to be funny, and there’s nothing I’d like more than to be told I am being offensive. That was precisely the response I was looking for.

    But, I am not happy to be told that you want me to continue giving you my blood, and that not only don’t you have to thank me for it, but you have the gall to give me mussar about how I should be happy to do it.

    Squeak: I certainly think the thread is funny. And I haven’t stopped trying to put funny things in my responses. But it’s gotten pretty serious. I really am dismayed by the responses; I hope all these people get some counseling before they think about becoming parents.

    in reply to: shidduchim and weight….. #906731

    popa- anorexia is when the subject starves themselves and obssesses over the fact that they are fat even if they are not. they wear baggy and unattractive clothing because they feel they are fat and ugly!!!!!! its not just simply watching what you eat- which in the case above sounds like its fine that she’s watching what she eats- its completely natural for her to want to do that!

    You are presumably responding to my comment from 10 months ago. The subject in question is a size two, and talks “non-stop” about how heavy she is getting and about how badly she is eating. Sounds obsessive to me.

    Anyway, forget the 4th page of this thread. It is the first 3 pages that are entertaining.

    in reply to: Kosher Online Grocer #861172

    1. Google.com

    2. Why would you want to have your fruits and vegetables shipped from a kosher grocer instead of buying them at your local farmstand in Idaho or wherever you live?

    in reply to: Bein Hazmanim College #862016

    I heard FDU’s 1 year accounting degree had really good placement numbers.

    in reply to: Al Tira after Aleinu #861374

    My minyan sings it after the last kaddish. It took me several months before I found that out, because I was never there after the last kaddish. Or even before the last kaddish.

    in reply to: Why I'm never giving blood again. By popa. #1157792

    Also, the assertions that blood donation is harmless–are imbecile.

    Besides for the regular risk and side effects, (I almost fainted after I donated, and got a whole sheet about possible side effects), there is a very real risk that if you get in an accident within the next few days or weeks you could die of blood loss before help arrives because of the pint you already lost.

    Health will confirm for us.

    in reply to: Why I'm never giving blood again. By popa. #1157786

    No – i’m not really being nasty. I’m just picking on you. 😉

    (gotta keep the feud going, no?) 😉

    That’s ok. I’m going to bring chometz into your house.

    in reply to: Yale University and Its Logo's Hebrew Slogon #883761

    which I think means “variety”. The idea is that you can get any variety of ideas there regardless of the truthfulness.

    in reply to: Yale University and Its Logo's Hebrew Slogon #883760

    harvard doesn’t have hebrew. it has veritas.

    in reply to: Why I'm never giving blood again. By popa. #1157783

    Really? I thought this thread was disturbingly enlightening. It started as a joke, and I thought the response would be amusement.

    Instead, I find that all the charges of “entitlement” that we throw around, are severely understated. Apparently, the esteemed members of the CR feel entitled even to my blood, and the only comments they have are to try to guilt me into keeping to give, so that they can receive it from me.

    Of course I’ll keep giving. But that is my bein odom l’makom. Maybe one day you’ll all grow up and start practicing some bein odom l’chaveiro.

    (Ok, apparently this is my first serious thread on the CR. At least it started funny.)

    in reply to: Why I'm never giving blood again. By popa. #1157781

    I stopped reading after around the 15th or so post.

    You didn’t miss anything important after that.

    in reply to: Fiveish saves! #861352

    Ich hubt a “Shmooz” magnet on mein car. I think I’m the only one within 100 miles.

    in reply to: Internet Filter – Jewish or not #861756

    You shouldn’t have a computer.

    in reply to: Why I'm never giving blood again. By popa. #1157779

    Heimishe: Your post makes me just as sick.

    When I am helping you, you don’t complain about what I say about it, or whether I do it. You just say “thank you.” And that is it.

    And if you don’t want the favor, you say “no, thank you.”

    in reply to: Why I'm never giving blood again. By popa. #1157774

    You’re right, your obligations are between you and G-d and none of us have a right to an opinion. That is if you keep your thoughts or actions to yourself, but you put a serious topic out on a public forum and in a really inappropriate way, that makes it open season on opinions. Sorry that we didn’t all laugh, it wasn’t funny.

    I see. Is that your best response?

    in reply to: Why I'm never giving blood again. By popa. #1157766

    I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt that you’re trying to be funny. But, nothing funny about this topic at all, especially to anyone who’s had an emergency transfusion. If Hashem gave you the gift of a very special type of blood that can be used to help pretty much anyone, you should be grateful that you have such an easy way to do an important mitzvah.

    I started the thread to be funny, but I became serious awfully fast. I am dead serious.

    And there you go again, with your sanctimonious <high pitched voice> You should be thankful to have the zchus to be able to do such chessed…</high pitched voice>.

    You know what? My obligations here are between me and G-d. I don’t owe you anything.

    Your obligations, on the other hand, are to me. You should be thanking me, instead of whining about me and my obligations.

    I very seriously find something very disturbing about the attitudes on this thread.

    in reply to: Why I'm never giving blood again. By popa. #1157764

    Also, you can find places that pay for whole blood.

    Well, I haven’t found any by googling.

    in reply to: Why I'm never giving blood again. By popa. #1157761

    Yes, but they don’t pay for whole blood, only for plasma. And they don’t pay enough to even make the time worth it.

    Which is another reason to not donate. If it is so important, they should be offering to pay me what it is really worth.

    in reply to: Why I'm never giving blood again. By popa. #1157758

    syag: Oh, I didn’t realize that.

    Thanks! Can I buy you a beer?

    in reply to: Why I'm never giving blood again. By popa. #1157755

    iluyish: How about when someone does you a favor, you say “thank you” and then just shut it.

    in reply to: What does a girl look for in a guy? #861415

    Ok, the real answer is: Someone who makes them feel safe.

    in reply to: Why I'm never giving blood again. By popa. #1157752

    Frankly, I find this quite patronizing.

    I am complaining that you expect us type O folks to give you all blood for your emergencies, even though you do not do the same, and don’t even appreciate it.

    You all take blood from type O’s, but don’t give as much as you take. As a class, we are all giving more than we take, while you are all taking more than you give.

    And do you all say “thank you”? No. You don’t. Not one bloodsucking jew on this thread has thanked me for donating my type O blood to you, so that you can speed and drive drunk, and eat unhealthy food, and be saved by me. By my blood.

    All you do is tell me what a great obligation and schar I have. Shame on you all.

    in reply to: Why I'm never giving blood again. By popa. #1157750

    Popa: You obviously don’t know that donating blood is generally good for you, unless you are anemic.

    So I’ll spill it on the floor. Or drink it. I’m not letting you all take advantage of me, though.

    in reply to: Why I'm never giving blood again. By popa. #1157747

    Hmm. How much do you think it is worth in rewards each time I donate?

    More than 500 dollars?

    in reply to: Why I'm never giving blood again. By popa. #1157745

    I definitely got back more than I gave, and I will always be grateful.

    Yes. That is precisely my point. I am not giving my blood for all you bloodsucking A, B, and AB people to take from me and not give me. You took more than you gave-I’m not feeding your blood lust.

    in reply to: Why I'm never giving blood again. By popa. #1157743

    If uninsured, each pint you receive, shall cost in the thousands of whichever currency you wish to name.

    not one cent for appeasement.

    I’d rather die free than live as a slave.

    in reply to: Article In Jewish Press #861861


    in reply to: Article In Jewish Press #861858

    Au contraire, popa, his first sentence ruins the response. How can you, of all people, give credit to someone who refrains from comment simply because he hasn’t seen the article?

    ????? ???? that I read his comment before commending it?

    in reply to: What does a girl look for in a guy? #861408

    A smoker who doesn’t learn, but doesn’t want to leave yeshiva either because then his wife won’t be able to say that they are in kollel.

    in reply to: shidduchim and weight….. #906725

    This thread is terrific. I just “cntl+F”-ed through the first 3 pages looking for “popa,” and it was excellent reading. The 4th page got too serious, though.

    in reply to: Mezonos Bread #1213017

    If pizza is generally eaten as a meal by most people most of the time…

    What if it is eaten as a meal, but only because we have to wash on it?

    in reply to: study mate #864809

    Call Partners in Torah. Google it.

    in reply to: Article In Jewish Press #861850

    I dont like to comment on an article without reading the article first. In this case, hearing that the article reports on a meeting of girls in shidduchim with mothers of boys in shidduchim…..What a stupid idea.

    This is the credited response.

    in reply to: Strobin vs. Fidler #861279

    Politicians are politicians.

    Honest people become used-car salesmen.

    in reply to: Shidduch #861106

    Can I be mean? Please?

    in reply to: Dor Yeshorim in Girls High School #1157957

    yenting: How do you measure the x/10? Maybe each person is using a different x to report the same thing.

    in reply to: Dor Yeshorim in Girls High School #1157950

    Yes, I am an anesthesiologist, and have put in more epidurals than I have drunk bottles of beer.

    That is weird. I am also an anesthesiologist, but I drink a bottle of beer every time I am working. So I have drunk exactly as many bottles of beer as I have done procedures.

    Plus, I drank 2 bottles at each of my 3 sons’ sholom zochor, so I have drank (all procedures)+6 beers.

    I never work on fast days, so don’t even go there.

    in reply to: Thank you Project Nasi! #862694

    PBA – you post an awful lot about shidduchim for someone not aware that the situation is such that for many girls getting ideas and going out is a major step forward.

    I just wanted to repeat that. I don’t think I need to respond to it.

    in reply to: Dor Yeshorim in Girls High School #1157945

    Cinderella: You’ll notice who is the stronger sex in this thread. There is no thread entitled “DY coming to yeshiva, batten down the hatches!”

    in reply to: What happened to my and poppas conversation? #860789

    Oh. I was driving for the last few hours.

    It went away. :’-(

    If you meet me on the corner of K and ocean parkway, we can continue.

    in reply to: Dor Yeshorim in Girls High School #1157943

    I love how nobody is even bothering to argue with popas ridiculous post abt childbirth. lol just wait till he watches his own wife in labor. I know lots of husbands who are in tears watching their wives suffer

    And I love how you said that, but then couldn’t hold yourself back from arguing anyway.

    in reply to: Strategies for When Getting Pulled Over by a Cop #861097

    So this fellow I know who is from rural British Columbia (and a blazing awesome cook! Made the best mexican food I ever did have, C&G inclusive.) has a brother who was driving in some rural area late at night, and gets pulled over for something or another.

    So the mountie asks him whether he has been “drinking.” “Yup.”

    So the mountie arrests him and takes him all the way to the nearest town with a hospital, and gives him a blood test. The blood test comes back clean.

    So mountie has wasted all this time, and confronts him: “You said you had been drinking!”

    Brother says, “You didn’t ask me what I’d been drinking. Been drinking coffee, I have.”

    in reply to: Mezonos Bread #1213010

    It seems that there is a disagreement among poskim – with Chasidish poskim ruling mezonos on many food items Litvish poskim rule hamotzi.

    Hmm. I wonder why. Can you throw us a citation about it?

    in reply to: On a plane #939015

    Squeak: the onesh of a badai is supposed to be that nobody listens to him even when he tells the truth. meaning, in addition to when he lies.

    With me, people only don’t believe me when I tell the truth. I am a skilled enough liar that I make sure my fiction is believable (when I want it to be believed). But my truths I cannot control (except by not doing those things) and they seem incredible. so people don’t believe my truths.

    midwesterner told me via email that he believes me. Surprisingly, he didn’t ask to come along next time.

    I intend to do a similar trip next year also at around this time, unless mashiach has come in which case we will go to switzerland which is closer to israel.

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