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Nobody argues. There are no possible reasons, and that one is not true. The reason is that
(a) devarim sh’beleiv einum devarim. The buyer has a right to all that stuff, and is not supposed to know whether you have a preference towards not selling real chametz.
(b) the presumption is absurd, since nobody would rather be oiver on baal yera’e baal yimatzei than sell real chometz.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantIt comes from the shulchan aruch, before that from some rishon probably, and before that from the gemara.
And it isn’t talking about a case where you sold all your chometz including any that is lying around.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantInterestingly, some poskim say that today we should not burn chometz found on Pesach, as we write in the sale “and all chometz found in my reshus” – we would be stealing from the goy!
I think all poskim say that.
It is quite unfortunate that kids learn otherwise in school, from ignorants.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantthat’s true. I solve it by never saying devarim shebikdusha in front of any women.
March 23, 2012 7:02 pm at 7:02 pm in reply to: Yeshivish Good Learners Who Want to go to College #862126popa_bar_abbaParticipantRabbi Moshe Faskowitz is the Grandson of Rav Avraham Joffen and the Great Grandson of Yosef Yoizel Hurwitz the Alter of Alter of Novardok
Breeding is for horses.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantmusical: you never gave us an update.
March 23, 2012 5:18 pm at 5:18 pm in reply to: Older Siblings More Ruchniyosdik Than Younger Siblings #862322popa_bar_abbaParticipantI find that the older children are usually the biggest reshaim.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantYes. That is what I am questioning.
I dunno nothing about these halachos. Since I don’t care much about them. I leave them to the girls.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantLap band works – but enjoy walking around with a barf bag for the rest of your life
Is it easier to carry than the weight?
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI vehemently disagree with your post. Minyan= consistency. Those people who daven early in the morning every single day are the ones that are sucessfull and responsible. They have a set schedule and and will not deviate from anything. My father has been davening at the same 6:30 minyan for the past twenty years and always underscores the importance of minyan.
However, the people who show up to an 11:00 minyan are those that don’t have a plan or set schedule. They are inconsistent. How will they show up at 9am every morning when/if they get a job? Those are the people whom I would not want to marry if I was a girl.
Sounds like you are a girl, since you refer to your father instead of yourself. So, for purposes of this discussion, just imagine that minyan to you is like childbirth to men–you will never know what it is like and will have to rely on others to tell you.
I’m not talking about people who get up at 11. I’m talking about people who come on time to seder at 930, but don’t go to minyan at 730 on time every day. Rather, they come at 740, and occasionally at 750, and occasionally daven in the laundry room. Or, they always daven in the laundry room. Or, they go down the street to the other minyan which davens at 815. Or, whatever.
So, you’ll say you can just ask about if they come to seder on time. Unfortunately, there are very many people who don’t come to seder on time. Within 20 minutes is basically regarded as on time, in many places.
And the people I am talking about, are often the guys who if you asked me–and I decided to answer honestly–are the responsible guys in yeshiva. Often, the people who come on time every day are not the most responsible guys. I have not seen a very direct correlation between guys I consider responsible and guys who come on time to shachris.
And when they leave yeshiva, and need to get something done–they do it. Well.
March 23, 2012 5:05 pm at 5:05 pm in reply to: Yeshivish Good Learners Who Want to go to College #862119popa_bar_abbaParticipantyou mean to go to college at night? Or during bein hazmanim? or after you leave yeshiva?
popa_bar_abbaParticipantlap band
popa_bar_abbaParticipantPBA: Where does halacha leave legitimate room for assumptions, as it pertains to this issue?
I was referring to your assumptions as to what the halacha is.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI had a really great rye on purim. I usually drink only wine, but shekia was coming up and I try to be machmir to be drunk before shekia.
I’m makpid on ad d’lo yada how to calculate plag mincha according to the magen avraham and the gra.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantmessage to the girls oilom, popas not shallow. I don’t mean to compliment you there. just stating facts…
All in all, I’d rather get a compliment with a caveat that “I don’t mean to compliment”–than an insult with the caveat “I don’t meant to insult”.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantIt depends on how tall you are. And what kind of skirt it is. And whether your brain is in your head or in your knees.
(And what your assumptions of halacha are)
popa_bar_abbaParticipantIt sounds like these guys were on a SEED program or something similar. I did that for 4 summers or so. It’s a good way for a yeshiva guy to spend his summer, and–depending on the program–you usually end up learning a lot more than otherwise. (5-6 hours a day).
It sounds like your complaint is that there should not be summer SEED programs in miami, because it is hotter outside in miami than it is in Los angeles or in New Jersey.
I’m unconvinced. I don’t imagine the pritzus in miami in the summer is much different than in Denver or Phoenix or Baltimore, or Philadelphia or wherever.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantPBA, what would you suggest to ask about to check a bochur’s middah of responsibility?
That’s a good question. There isn’t really a lot you are responsible for as a guy living in the dorm. I don’t know. I’m just pretty sure that going to shachris is not a good proxy for that.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantUh Ok. I assumed it was you because I was responding to that comment, and you responded back as if it was your comment that you were defending. But it is all the same, whomever said it.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantBranch out to other types of guys, maybe ones who actually appreciate a girl’s inside more than her outside.
This is an idea which is often bandied about, that women would prefer that men appreciated them only for their inside and not for their outside. Or in this case, who appreciate inside more than outside.
I think it is a mistake to think that women do not want to be appreciated for their appearance as well. Appearance is a large part of a woman’s self image. Women care a great deal about their appearance, and want a husband who will appreciate that aspect.
I had thought you were suggesting that I do experience it, as you said: I challenge you to go through it just once. Let me know how it goes... I didn’t know how else to read that statement.
You are instead saying that I should not speculate about something I cannot experience. I agree with you on that, that my ability to understand is limited on something which I have never experienced.
But, my (partially in jest) point was that it is very easy for women to claim it is so bad, since they know we cannot possibly dispute it, being unable to experience it.
And I was pointing out that among experiences that men are able to experience, you will find women insisting it is very hard, while men say it is a joke. Like doing the Dor Yeshorim test, for instance.
That’s all. If you want to be indignant, that was probably my purpose anyway.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantTo all those cute men that say that childbirth is soo simple; I challenge you to go through it just once. Let me know how it goes..
Can you elaborate on that?
popa_bar_abbaParticipantloyal: this thread is old. Charlie hasn’t been posting for a while. But you can still find him at Einstein.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantyes, I made up that term, to refer to the type of D”MD which perhaps applies to things like speed limits and EPA permits.
March 22, 2012 3:47 am at 3:47 am in reply to: Pollard in light of Missouri v. Frye, 10-444 and Lafler v. Cooper, 10-209 #861737popa_bar_abbaParticipant1. I dunno that this means all prisoners in the country can now sue on these grounds.
2. He was advised as to the deal. The prosecutors broke the deal.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantOK, so now I browsed through the encyclopedia talmudis on my handy dandy bar ilan. I don’t see nothin suggesting that it applies to make things assur. It seems to apply to the monetary based rules.
Now I’m going to go and discharge a pollutant from a pointsource into navigable waters without a permit. See if you can stop me.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantAnd at the very least I get credit for making up the term Issur d’malchusa issur.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI once had a friend who worked for a non-jewish day camp. He told me that he had a psak from his rav that it was ok for him to attend the swimming together with the female counselors because he is busy with his work.
So I naively asked him whether he found that it was true, that he was too busy working to look at the girls.
He pretended to not understand the question.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantIt isn’t bein hazmanim in any American yeshiva until rosh chodesh. And it isn’t rosh chodesh yet (I don’t think).
In any event, maybe they needed to go somewhere and weren’t able to daven with a minyan. It happens.
Girls think minyan is this hugely big deal. For many guys, meh. You win some, you lose some, you get plenty of chances. I ain’t talking about what it should be–I’m talking about what it is.
This often comes up in shidduchim, where a girl’s side will want to know whether the guy goes to minyan on time every day. It is a silly irrelevant question, and should not be asked. If you want to know whether he is responsible and productive- ask about something else.
Sorry, I didn’t mean to offend anyone.
To give some context, Bar Shattya is my brother; see his above posts.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantSam: Yes, I have heard among people an idea of “issur d’malchusa issur”. I haven’t ever seen it in a real source, though. (Noting again that I never researched it, so this is only daas am haaratzus).
Do you have a cite?
popa_bar_abbaParticipantEdit: it probably already is over. Knowing the French *are* indeed quite competent, the entire raid shouldn’t have taken more than 15 seconds from the moment the flashbangs went off… and that would be a lot.
An elderly american man visits Paris. When his flight lands in De gaule airport, he goes to the immigration desk, and is asked for his passport.
American: I didn’t bring my passport; I didn’t know I needed it.
Clerk: But you always need a passport to enter France.
American: I have never needed one before.
Clerk: No, to enter France you always need a passport.
American: But I have entered France before without a passport.
Clerk: When was that.
American: June 6, 1944.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantPlease let’s all refrain from rushing to judgement.
He is still a suspect and innocent untill proven guilty. We would want the same
I hold that is americanishe narishkeit.
He is as guilty as he looks, until he looks more or less guilty.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantyitayningwut: He is responding to me over here:
popa_bar_abbaParticipantGetting in a crash going to speed limit as opposed to 15-20 miles over can mean the difference between life and death.
Also, getting in a crash going 15-20 below the speed limit as opposed to going the speed limit can mean the difference between life and death.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantDina (is that her first name?) Dmalchusa means that if Mr. Palisade is mekadesh his Mrs. with the money obtained from someone going on his highway between 51 and 75 (I think above that is for low flying aircraft), then she is his lucky wife.
Yes, that is more or less the type of context I have seen D”MD in as well.
But then, I’ve never attempted to research it thoroughly.
Anyone have a cite for the notion that speeding, or dumping stuff into navigable waters of the united states without a 401 or 402 permit, is an issur which is incorporated into halacha? IOW, that Issur D’Malchusa Issur?
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI’m looking for rich, emaciated girls to date my brother. He is funny, smart, and learned, and does not smoke. He learns full time, and knows lots of torah. He is also a well liked member of the CR.
If anyone would like to add their names to the list, you can post your resume on this thread.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantAlso, I think men’s stores should carry a size of suit called “yeshiva guy”.
See, mens suits come in 3 types of size (leaving out “short” and “Tall”). There is regular, athletic, and portly.
Regular means there is a 6 inch drop from shoulders to waist. So a 40 regular has 40 inch shoulders, and a 34 inch waist.
Athletic means an 8 inch drop. So a 40 Athletic has 40 inch shoulders and a 32 inch waist.
Portly has a 2 inch drop. So a 40 portly has 40 inch shoulders and a 38 inch waist.
You see the gap here?
Enter the size 40 Yeshiva Guy. 40 inch shoulders and a 36 inch waist. Almost every yeshiva guy I know would fall into this sizing category.
Every time you go to buy a suit, you put on a jacket and either the shoulders are drooping off the side, or the buttons won’t close. Take a portly, and the waist is swimming.
March 21, 2012 5:42 pm at 5:42 pm in reply to: Need a list of Gedolei Hadoar and Mekubalim in Israel #861606popa_bar_abbaParticipantI got itche’s joke.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantPBA – Not fair! E/o is just cursing you out. Not one commented on me that I’m totally against anyone giving blood.
I’d suggest adding in some anti-semitic references.
I think the funnies thing ever would be if some neonazi website picked up my post.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantPortly means that you like to drink Port. Ports can be pretty good to drink, so it seems fine to me.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI HATE the expression shidduch resume. It is not a job application. Shidduch profile is marginally better IMO, but I don’t much like it, either. Why can’t we just give people information about the boy or girl without labeling it as a businesslike thing?
I usually call it a “sheet of paper of digital document detailing the person’s personal information relevant to dating”. Or “shidduch profile” for short.
(Also, apologies for my brother.)
popa_bar_abbaParticipantAvram in MD: Thank you.
The.nurse: When I started the thread, I didn’t know about that, so I hadn’t checked. I since checked and am indeed O+ which means that I cannot give blood to any one with RH-.
So, the math works out that I can give to 3 “other” groups, and only receive from 1 “other” group (O-). And the only “other” which I can receive from is the most desired one.
Or, to break it into percentages: When you take out the O+ blood slaves (37%) like me, we can say I can give to 48% of the “other” population, and can receive from only 6% of the “other” population.
So I think my rant is still justified.
But if it isn’t, then it is on behalf of all the O-‘s out there who give to 100% and only receive from 6%.
Here is the percentages breakdown I found online:
O+ 37%
A+ 34
B+ 10
AB+ 4
popa_bar_abbaParticipantBut take a woman for example. Every sngle month, we go through 3-5 days of cramps and headaches. During pregnancy, a woman is naseaus, in pain… And that’s for 9 months. Then, at the end of that, she has to push a baby out of her.
Now, lets look at a man. At 8 days old, he is circumcised. But that doesn’t count because you don’t remember it and it only happens once. And then, let me see… oh right. I believe that’s it.
So women are entitled to moan a little bit once a month. Men are not. Well, they a but that just makes them wimps. Suck it up, and be a man. Actually, I vote we change that to “Be a woman.”
Considering that it was women who got us kicked out of gan eden, i don’t have much sympathy.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI once drove 100 MPH in a rented Toyota Prius. You should have seen how fuel efficient it was at that speed.
Makes smalltalk with the 2 most intellegent beings on Earth
Captain dolt, you may not have a handle on my personality but believe me that I’ve got yours. You are right to start up with oomis instead of me, because she’s nice and won’t hurt you. I would eat you alive buddy, and have fun doing it 🙂
At least popa is funny besides being insulting. Your insults are your humor.
I think we now know who those two most intelligent beings are with whom squeak makes small talk??
Do we all agree?
popa_bar_abbaParticipantSee, what is funny about this topic, is that there is a valid point she could have made, but she instead made a moronic point. And buried it in an article where it didn’t belong.??????? ????? ????? ??? ????.
When women go on dates, they should try to look as good as normally possible. They should put on make-up, and if they aren’t good at it, ask their sister in law to do it for them. They should do their hair nicely, and find a nice outfit to wear.
If they are overweight, they should think about getting to a more healthy weight in a healthy way. (I did, as well as many of my friends in yeshiva. You see it all the time. Fat guy is looking at 22-23, starts to diet, drops 30-70 pounds, marries a nice aidel maidel or hadarling. Lives either happily or unhappily but probably somewhere between ever after.)
They should not get plastic surgery unless they have serious abnormalities. (like a cleft lip). They should not get bariatric surgery except in pretty extreme cases.
But the author, by going way to extreme, made sure that nobody would even think about the reasonable point she should have made. Oh well.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantBy the way, R’ David Feinstein holds melba toast is hamotzi (heard from a rav who heard it from his mouth).
Ok. I don’t even really know what melba toast is. I was thinking about stuff like bagel chips (he might also hold those are hamotzi, in which case I know that I have a different psak.)
So you are saying that although a small piece of bread less than a kzayis needs a hamotzi as i mentioned above brought down in SA, but if you toast it it becomes mezonos? I dont think so.
No, because then it was bread already.
No, because then it was bread already.
But so was the bagel chip you are talking about!
No, because my bagel chip was never made as bread. When it was baked, it was just a step in the bagel chip making process. That is why I make mezonos on bagel chips from a store, but hamotzi on bagel chips from a bagel store where they just chipped some of the bagels they had already made.
If people make hamotzi on all bagel chips, I’m guessing it is that they don’t believe the svara of the baking being a step in the bagel chipping.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantA close friend of mine has a brother with Aspergers and some mental health issues. He loves to post his opinions on message boards, but unfortunately people don’t realize his situation and get into arguments with him all the time. If they met him in person they wouldn’t have the same response. It frustrates my friend to see these useless arguments. I’m going to take a lesson from her experience and assume that if you still haven’t let the “joke” go, this is not about your sense of humor and not respond again. Good luck!
So what you are saying is that if someone disagree with you, you assume that they are retarded. How wonderfully open minded of you.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantTo the average outsider, it seems that being in yeshiva turns someone into a horrible person.
Well, don’t be an outsider. Yeshivas are not this big mystery. Anyone can know what they are like if they want to. And anyone can choose to not know if they want to.