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MDG: There are other gemaros as well, which say to make fun of them. And it is not mutually exclusive. You can make fun of them, and also daven for them to get better.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantsyag: lol
popa_bar_abbaParticipantShould be fine. Perhaps even advisable.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantEven if YCT is not your derech (or mine), the motzei shem ra is horrible. If you believe that they are not Orthodox, then it is still horrible middos for you to talk this way.
Huh? It is bad middos to make fun of apikorsim who are mevazeh chazal, mevazeh talmidei chachomim, and are mesis u’mediach?
If this is bad middos, let me never have good middos.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantYes. The policy I endose is to never send anything by text unless you are comfortable with the whole world reading it.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI’ll be there with one of syag’s relatives.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantPopa is always getting better. Depending on your perspective.
It’s like there is a mole established in my computer which is making me say better and better things. (post a 🙂 if you see what I did).
popa_bar_abbaParticipant1. Drive to manhattan, and park on 61st or 62nd near 1st avenue. Parking is easy after 7.
2. Take the tram to Roosevelt Island. It picks up from the foot of the Queensboro Bridge at 1st and 59. It costs a metrocard swipe.
3. There is a Starbucks on the Island, I think it used to close at like 9. Then, you can walk on the boardwalk along the east river, and sit on the benches there. Bring sweaters if it will be chilly.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantSo I actually have a relative who was a big cheese in JTS 30-50 years ago (or so). And this relative was shomer torah umitzvos. Moreover, a professor who studied in JTS and knew him, told me with awe that my relative was “a ?????”.
But, was my relative not an apikores? He was willing to tell other people that they could be mechallel shabbos, without any intellectually honest reasoning. Someone who is kofer in the transmission of the gemara as the authoritative torah sh’baal peh, is a kofer. I would dare say this relative must have been a kofer.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantsam: I dunno. I am not well read in saul lieberman, and I didn’t really know he existed until I read marc shapiro’s book last year.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantIn that context, I use Hashem and the Torah pretty interchangeably.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantYou can also email mod 42 at edited
popa_bar_abbaParticipantLieberman was certainly a talmid chochom before he defected. I am uncomfortable using that term after he defected. (It connotes to me learning for Hashem).
Lieberman was almost certainly personally a shomer torah umitzvos, as were many of the original conservative leadership. Moreover, he probably believed in G-d, in torah m’sinai, and probably in a torah sh’baal peh m’sinai.
Nevertheless, he was also almost certainly also an apikores after his defection.
I could be wrong about this; it really doesn’t mean anything to me one way or the other.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantIs it muttar not to?
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI have protection on it. The owner can see what I do (or at least I assume so).
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI assumed rebdoniel was posting satirically like the rest of us.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantDevice? What device. I am talking about a fruit.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI am syag’s brother in law.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantSam, PBA’s comment was originally deleted, but I cannot fight with his super powers….
It was the funnies post I’ve posted in a while. Kudos to whomever approved it.
popa_bar_abbaParticipanthee hee
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI’ll be busy browsing on my blackberry.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantNo filter. It isn’t mine.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantIts nice to see a thread asking if someone is crazy which isn’t attacking me. Sometimes its like I can’t log on without soliek molesting me.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI am a nine but been told I am a ten. I have been set up because of my looks but I automatically reject the shidduch
There is nothing in that that you could agree with.
That is correct. I could never agree with that. I am a 10.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantmaybe I agree with her. I would never go out with a girl who wanted me for my looks.
hee hee
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI own a pair of jeans that i sometimes wear on vacation.
I also own a pair with leather trim that I sometimes wear on purim.
The purim pair was even more interesting when I was fat, because they are a size 32. (i was 37 in heyday)
popa_bar_abbaParticipantThat reminds me that I recently read Saul Lieberman’s teshuva on female rabbis, where he says it is assur to call a woman “rabbi” even ??? ?????. I dunno that we pasken like Saul Lieberman, but would that mean it is actually assur to call a female conservative rabbi “rabbi whatever” when you meet her socially?
teshuva: No, it is not assur. Saul Lieberman learned in real yeshivas and is therefore passul from all psak.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantMine is a fat guy menacingly wielding a broken bench.
May 13, 2012 6:45 pm at 6:45 pm in reply to: Ten Things Your Child's Counselor Wishes You Knew #953439popa_bar_abbaParticipant1. If you’re the kind of parent who is disappointed in their kids when they do things that aren’t even their fault, I can pick up on that. Those are the kids who aren’t going to tell their parents about things that are bothering them for fear of disappointing them. And that’s who I molest.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantGood tayna. But they still cannot duchen, right?
popa_bar_abbaParticipantTalking about it on the internet.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantNo need to fret.
I’ve been a bit busy lately, but I still have my priorities, and make time for YW
May 10, 2012 3:47 am at 3:47 am in reply to: Words from an ex IDF solider for Yom HaZikaron #1163232popa_bar_abbaParticipantAnother woman once said that to me. I noticed she was wearing Tzitzis out. I was curious about that and asked her, and she quoted the Mishnah B’rurah’s rant that Tzitzis should be worn out. I told her that it looks weird though and that people will think she’s Conservative. Her response was, “Is my Yiras Adam more important than my Yiras Shamayim?
Really? She thinks that she is just doing her yiras shamayim by wearing her tzitzis out?
Millions of women don’t wear tzitzis, and are fine frum people. Not a single gadol’s wife wears tzitzis out. But this woman has decided that because she is afraid of G-d, she needs to wear them out.
I don’t believe her.
Frankly, I often don’t even believe it when a guy tells me he wears tzitzis out because of Hashem; I often think he is doing it because he wants to look frum.
May 10, 2012 3:07 am at 3:07 am in reply to: Words from an ex IDF solider for Yom HaZikaron #1163227popa_bar_abbaParticipantinterjection:
1. I don’t learn because I crave knowledge; I learn because Hashem told me to. So we do so for different reasons.
2. “Women have just as strong a craving for knowledge as do men.” You assert that as if it is self fulfilling truth. It may be true, and it may not be–you have no idea, nor do I. It also is not really relevant to the discussion; women can want to know even if their craving is more or less.
3. You are asking why it should become forbidden because others are doing it for heretical reasons. I don’t feel like answering that question right now; it is a bit off topic.
May 10, 2012 12:33 am at 12:33 am in reply to: Words from an ex IDF solider for Yom HaZikaron #1163225popa_bar_abbaParticipantHmmm. Ok. Well, tell me what they do and think that someone would label them as feminists.
So we’ll suppose they want to make a mezuman. Tell me the rest of the story: they already are keeping the rest of the torah?
Tell me why they want to make a mezuman–is it because they don’t want to be different than men, or because there is something spiritual they need about babbling some yiddish before benching in a group?
And tell me better: Tell me why they want to do it even though they will be perceived as belonging to the group that is attacking Hashem? If I was being confused with the apikorsim for doing something completely voluntary, I would stop doing it instead of joining together with them in the same groups.
I’ll somewhat agree though; I do know someone who is like how you describe. And I don’t really understand her answers to these questions.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantWhy are you still going back to the halachic issues? We aren’t talking about a prisha, or anyone. We’re talking about the feminist movement as applied to Orthodoxy.
And it seems I am far more acquainted with it than are you. Blazes, I live in it.
popa_bar_abbaParticipant1. I don’t know why you are equating making a psak of daas torah, with going against halacha. The Chazon Ish does not say that, and that is not the case.
2. I still think you are understanding this in a funny way. As I noted earlier, I am not going against the shulchan aruch. I agree that in dinei mezuman a woman can make a mezuman, and I also say that a woman who does so because she feels that otherwise women don’t have an equal opportunity in Judiasm is a rashanta and is attacking Hashem. There is no contradiction, and I am curious where you see one.
3. Who is making gzeiros? I am not. I am not making any issur–I am merely saying that having an ideology where one tries to fit the Torah into one’s own thinking instead of trying to fit one’s own thinking into the Torah, is apikorsus and an attack on the Torah. It simply follows that the actions one does in furtherance of that are maaseh rishus. That is quite different from making a gzeira.
4. I was making assumptions about you, I don’t recall specific instances where you espoused that opinion. And since you disavow it, you should in this instance follow the opinion of rubam k’kulam of the gedolim that these practices are pure rishus and a chillul Hashem. And if any rav disagrees, you should disavow him as well.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantOk, that is a bit different.
So then, now that gedolei haposkim have condemned these people, what is your further defense of it?
(And in any event, I’m not precisely sure how you decide that only gedolei haposkim are able to offer any opinion on hashkafa. Certainly I agree that we should follow gedolei haposkim over lesser people, but that doesn’t mean that nobody else can offer an opinion. Also, don’t you usually not want to follow gedolim over lesser rabbonim?)
popa_bar_abbaParticipantOh. You’ll want to clarify the comment which starts PBA: You’re forgetting…
May 9, 2012 4:12 am at 4:12 am in reply to: Its so easy when the ?????? works out like it does this year! #879211popa_bar_abbaParticipantYeah, you’re probably correct. I was kidding, y’all.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI think you don’t. You just denied the entire notion of daas torah.
This is what the Chazon Ish says about that:
Rough translation: The distinguishing between psak of issur and psak of guidelines and decrees, is displaying novelty in the Torah, and is desecrating Talmidei Chachomim; and those who do so have no share in the World to Come, and are passul as witnesses.
Source: A private letter entitled ????? ?????, which is has been published. Just google the words and it’ll come up.
May 9, 2012 4:00 am at 4:00 am in reply to: Its so easy when the ?????? works out like it does this year! #879208popa_bar_abbaParticipantDont you just love it this year? With the first day of counting ????? falling on a Sunday, it is so easy to work out what day of ????? it is. Today (sunday) was 4 weeks and ONE day. Monday is 4 weeks and TWO days. The days correspond with the day of the week, finishing each week on a ??? as the complete week.
You’ve been counting the wrong day the whole time. The full weeks are on sunday night (monday).
popa_bar_abbaParticipant???? ???!!!!!!
Oh I hope they try. What fun it will be to watch them back off with their tail between their legs.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantAha. We don’t practice the same religion, you and me (along with the rest of orthodox judaism).
More than that, you are being ridiculous by pretending that they are simply “being mekayem a mitzva” and not challenging the position that Hashem made for them in Judaism. I have first hand knowledge; I am friends with these people.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantPBA: That is my definition of Orthodox as well. Hence, a woman who wants to do something that Hashem wants (or permits and wants as an Einah Metzuvah V’osah) should be allowed to do it and should not be stopped by society. That is the extent and entirety of my “feminism”.
….If that is what Hashem wants, I assume you mean.
Now, I’m a bit wondering what you are aiming at here. You seem to be conflating what is muttar in certain sugyos with what is muttar in other sugyos.
Meaning, just because something is muttar in denei lulav, does not mean it is muttar in dinei shabbos. Just because in dinei mezuman women are allowed to make a mezuman, does not mean that in hashkafa they are allowed to. And that is the case here.
But more importantly, just because they are allowed to in halacha, does not mean that the ones who do it for reasons of challenging Hashem, are not being reshaim. They are.
Why don’t you tell me what you are referring to?
Do you think that rabbonim are making up halacha and saying that things are assur which are not? I have never heard of this.
Do you think that rabbonim are saying something is assur for hashkafic reasons when it is muttar in halacha? That is happening, and it sounds pretty normal to me–I don’t understand your objection.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantIf you set it up with a Generation Skip, does the skipped generation also need to give maaser, or only the generation that gets it.
Because if only the generation which gets it has to pay, it is probably a good idea to make generation skips so that it doesn’t get maasered twice.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI got a ticket today for failure to display the muni meter receipt properly.
Thing is, there was no muni meter on that block, it had regular meters. And I had paid it.
But, I can’t prove that, because the meter mamzer also made a mistake on the ticket and wrote an address two blocks away. And I can’t prove that either.
Thing is, that the address two blocks away also doesn’t have muni meters.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantWhat is an Orthodox feminist? Quite simply, it’s someone who thinks that women should be allowed to do what Halachah allows them to do.
I see. I prefer to focus on doing what Hashem wants us to do. That is my definition of Orthodox.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantSorry, I have been busy.
Your main Ta’ana is that most girls who want to learn want to learn for feminist reasons and that it could lead them to bad things down the line. My line of thinking is Chas V’shalom to make girls give up Mitzvos just because some Apikorsim misused them. Do we stop wearing Tztitzis just because many Js for J wear them?
I think I would say it differently; my main tayna is connected to feminism, but I don’t think it is that it will lead to bad things down the line.
I don’t oppose feminism as applied to Judaism because it will lead to taking down the mechitza, or to anything else actually assur. If that was the only concern, I don’t know what my stance would be.
I oppose feminism as applied to Judaism, because it is wrong itself. The entire premise of a girl wanting to apply feminism to Jewish practice, is that Jewish practice otherwise treats women inappropriately. Saying that, is a serious chillul Hashem, and is literally an attack on Hashem and on the Torah. That is what I oppose.
Now look at the difference in focus, between what I’m talking about and what you’re talking about. You’re talking about issurim, and what we need to do, and what we don’t need to do, and what we can get around, and what we can’t get around, and what there is a shitta to rely on, and what there is no shitta to rely on.
My Judaism is not like that. My Judaism is about doing what Hashem wants us to do–that is, what we should
do. And how we should feel, and think. Hashem does not want women to learn gemara–chazal were clear about that. Hashem does not want us to pursue value systems which conflict with the Torah–Hashem wants us to pursue the value system of the Torah.
So you see, that while orthodox religions are usually criticized for making religion into a formalistic system divorced from its values, it is actually the opposite here. The chareidim are the ones trying to live the values of the torah, while I sometimes feel that others are trying to live their own values, and align the Torah with that.
I need to go again, but I’ll think about what your answer would be, and I post again before you do, I’ll try to write one up.
May 4, 2012 12:04 am at 12:04 am in reply to: Vanishing posters. Who do you miss? Lets get them back #872643popa_bar_abbaParticipantHee hee. You forgot one (I mean 1000). (Unless he’s not gone, hee hee)