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Ok, I googled that article, and that article says Rav Elyashiv passuls the get. It is probably not lying–but does anyone have a primary source?
This really becomes a fascinating problem then, since here is the issue:
If we had a sanhedrin, we could just pasken the shaila.
Usually today, we have machlokes, and just have different minhagim.
But here, we obviously can’t have different minhagim, because we will be like beis hillel and beis shammai not marrying the mamzerim or pegumim from each others families. We don’t want that.
But that means that any group can effectively impose its will on the rest of us, by being machmir on gittin. In this situations, it is (apparently) Rav Elyashiv, but what if next time it is Popa?
popa_bar_abbaParticipantSam: again, I’m unfamiliar with the issues. But I know my rav defers to rav elyashiv.
Also, I don’t think I have to be concerned shelo l’hotzi laaz, if there are poskim who are holding l’maasa that it is passul
popa_bar_abbaParticipantactually IIRQ the REMA actually says an hour
The rema says 6 hours. The rema however is clearly paskening m’din like the rishonim that you need only bench and wash again. This is obvious because there are only 2 shittos in the rishonim, so if you hold less than 6 hours, you must hold like the rishonim that you only need to bench and eat again.
DY: thank you. Particularly for noting that I have never made any claims to being frum at all.
Sam: the package even has it listed in ingredients and in allergy info. However, I usually don’t read ingredients nor allergy info before eating a product labeled pareve.
Haleivi: I’m sure it was initially an oversight. However, I find it shocking that when I called, they admitted to knowing about it, and were relying on the fact that they had sent an email to their list. They even told me that I shouldn’t complain because I apparently didn’t care–evidenced since I am not subscribed to their emails.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI just make one up each time.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI think I would sign one if my wife insisted. I figure that if we get divorced, it will be her problem anyway.
I probably would not marry a woman who was divorced and had had one, unless she indemnified the ex-husband from all rights under it and got a new get. I don’t even know that anyone says it is get meusah except from the comments here, but I don’t wanna take chances. Because that will be on MY kids head.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantTo those suggesting it is obvious they are milchig: that is not true. Most such flavored chips do not use real flavoring. I am also familiar with some wraps which are “jalapeno cheddar” and are not milchig.
To thosw who think I am not serious: you don’t know me well enough I see.
The company would not be concerned about allergies, since it is in the ingredients.
To yaff80: you don’t know how to learn. The gemara says the halacha is you are required to wait until the next meal. The rishonim debate whether it means until you bench and eat again, or 6 hours which is the usual amount of time. Rema paskens that it really means just to bench and wash againan but that the proper thing to do is to wait 6 hours like the other rishonim. People who wait 1 or 3 are not concerned with those rishonoim, and are merely being machmir within the opinion that you just need to bench and wash again.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantHmmm. I was aware my rebbeim said to not use it, but I don’t recall that they were concerned it was get meusah. Does anyone have a source for that?
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI sent Dirty chips a facebook message. I wrote:
Hi, I am a kosher consumer and appreciate that your chips carry kosher certification. However, I have found something very troubling regarding your certification.
For kosher consumers, it is very important to distinguish Dairy foods from non-dairy foods. This is because we are forbidden to eat dairy food within 6 hours after eating meat. The kosher symbol therefore has a special designation for dairy–the addition of a “D”; and if the D is not present, it is implied that it is non-dairy.
Today, I noticed that some of your sour cream and onion flavored chips are carrying the regular kosher designation without the D–implying that they are non-dairy. However, the ingredients show that they are in fact dairy.
Even though the chips say they are sour cream flavor, it is not obvious that they are indeed dairy, and the fact that the kosher symbol designates them as non-dairy could easily lead someone to not read the ingredients and rely on that.
I would hope that you would be willing to recall those bags, as a measure of goodwill towards your kosher customers. I also recommend switching to a different kosher certification, as it is extremely disturbing that the kosher certifier would allow this to happen, and not immediately correct it.
Thank you.
Wolf: Get a grip; being oiver on basar b’chalav d’rabbanan is not a little deal. And it is very likely that someone would.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantDear Popa bar Abby,
People say stupid things on the internet and it’s bad for my blood pressure. How do I make them stop?
Dear smart,
I make it a policy to not go to sleep each night until I have corrected all the wrong things on the internet.
(You’ve all seen that cartoon?)
popa_bar_abbaParticipantPBA – “you shall not oppress the stranger, for you were once strangers in the land of Egypt.”
I read that as an instruction on how to treat strangers, including converts. I’m not aware that anyone reads it as an obligation to convert people.
Feif: yes, I thought we were talking about the possibility of doing a valid geirus with the RCA. We’re on the same page now.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantThey required a lot of petitions. But there is no way that the petitions were actually each from a separate person, and all eligible to vote.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantWhy is the RCA off limits to you?
June 7, 2012 7:17 am at 7:17 am in reply to: HaRav Aaron Schechter and the Novominsker Rebbe shlita #878517popa_bar_abbaParticipantThere is nobody whose name starts between P (Perlow) and S (Schachter)
popa_bar_abbaParticipantBTguy: what do you mean? How is not accepting geirim against the torah?
popa_bar_abbaParticipantIt seems like you ideologically align with certain groups within modern orthodoxy. So why would you want to join the sephardic communities anyway?
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI’m confused. The other thread seemed like you were already megayer. Is the problem that you were megayer, and the sfardi community will not accept you?
popa_bar_abbaParticipantWhen I saw it was zeeskite, I started doubting it was really closed.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantOk, we all know the facts: MO and some others have endorsed them strongly; yeshivish have told their talmidim to not use them. Let’s talk about more interesting things, like what they are intended to do.
Has anyone read it? I skimmed theough a while ago. I’ll try and go over it again so this can be more fun.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantKapusta: I don’t really live in NY!
popa_bar_abbaParticipantDear Popa Bar Abby,
I’ve been trying to stay away from the CR at 2am but tonight I can’t sleep. Should I drink more caffeine?
A Relapsed Addict
Dear relapsed addict,
How about a nice Coca Cola?
popa_bar_abbaParticipantWhy are “sides” calling off a shidduch, instead of the bride and groom?
popa_bar_abbaParticipantOK, I suppose we shouldn’t debate what he meant, although I did read it otherwise.
So instead I’ll address the notion the two of you are presenting, that he did not mean it is the way things should be, but that in our present state, the most likely way for us to have a common denominator is to all join the army.
I very strongly disagree with that as well.
Firstly, it isn’t even true. 2/3 of the worlds jews don’t even live in Israel and usually don’t join the army.
Secondly, if we are discussing reality rather than ideals; it is more realistic that all jews will become frum than that chareidim will join the army. So he should be pushing that.
Most importantly, the entire idea is still wrong. The only reason for all of us to have common denominators is to serve Hashem together. Having a common denominator which does not lead towards that purpose is pointless and stupid. We may as well all root for the Yankees together. I don’t see how everybody joining the army is going to lead to more avodas Hashem together; it is far more likely to lead to much less.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantMy rebbeim told us not to use them. So we don’t. Otherwise, I dunno much about them.
I do particularly enjoy the way MO rabbis get themselves all in a tizzy about it. I actually once saw an article by a rabbi who takes himself seriously, suggesting that people should refuse to attend a wedding where they aren’t using a prenup.
Imagine that. For all he accuses us of imposing chumros on others, this guy wants to impose that nobody can go to a wedding where they don’t do it the way HE thinks it should be done. Nice.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantWill the BBQ be kosher?
Why don’t they have a navy chaplain on the boats?
popa_bar_abbaParticipantDear popa bar abby,
If 42 is the the answer to life’s most important question, whats the actual question that 42 answers?
From, six times seven
Dear six times seven,
The most important question right now is why I am so hungry, and stuck on a train that isn’t going.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantI went to a cooking class last night. We made ravioli.
I couldn’t eat it bec it wasn’t kosher. Even according to yitayningwut. (It was bishul akum, and had gvinas akum in it).
I just made them-i didn’t cook them. The akum boiled them and then fried them in some butter.
We also were able to make mozzarella cheese, gnocchhi, and tiramisu.
To (not) answer your question, I don’t know any kosher baking schools, but there is a kosher culinary school in crown heights or somewhere. You can also go to a non kosher one, with certain restrictions. But for a baking school it should be easier.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantHow does a person overcome night phobia’s – meaning that that person is the only adult in the house and is responsible for little ones, and crazy stuff happens in the city to enhance their fears (of break in or CH’V worse). I know bitachon but thats not easy when you’re petrified coz a murderers loose in you’re city……..
Dear Phoebe,
I don’t think you’re crazy for feeling scared, but if it has gotten to the point of affecting your ability to function, you probably should do something about it. I’m afraid I really don’t know much about this. Maybe ask the experts.
As far as bitachon-I don’t think that is the problem nor solution. Bitachon is how we respond to rational fears, not to irrational ones. Recall there are billions of goyim in the world who are not afraid at night, even though they have bitachon.
I think this is important for you to realize that this doesn’t mean you have weak bitachon.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantDear Popa bar Abby,
I went through this amazingly funny thread and cant stop laughing
What do you suggest I do to help me stop (well, Im not even sure I want to stop but at 3:20AM I really should be going to sleep)
Thanks for the Laughs!
Dear thanks for the laughs,
You should move to New York. It is only 10:40 here.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantDear Popa Bar Abby
Theres this guy in my coffee room who always says blazes. It really irritates me. Please help fast.
Your friend
Dear irritated,
People don’t like hearing blazes, because it reminds them of blazers like they had to wear in prep school.
What? You didn’t go to a prep school?
popa_bar_abbaParticipantDear Popa bar Abby,
I used to run a great advice column in the CR. Now, some young shnook has come along and opened up a competing column, taking away my clients! What do you suggest?
Dear has been,
I suggest asking him what he suggests, and then doing that.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantDear Popa Bar Abby
I burnt the popcorn and ruined the pot. I’m really feeling bad about my failure and I’m finding it difficult to fall asleep at night.
How can I put this behind me and face life once again?
Hope you can help me.
Failed Popcorner
(PS I have no microwave, so that’s not an option)
Dear Failed Popcorner,
You should get a cast iron pot. Impossible to ruin.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantPopa thinks that sounds idiotic. Yet, we know that there is a placebo effect. So maybe it only works for idiots who will believe it.
But, I’ve never read the book, so I should really see the context.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantDear really heartbroken/left out,
People often read posts when they are not able to respond, and then sometimes forget to respond later. Or, they simply do not see the response.
The best way is to bump the thread and half jokingly request a response.
Popa bar Abby
popa_bar_abbaParticipantWhat we can expect is a very different question. I don’t presume to know what G-d expects, and it is logical that there is less of a tayna on a woman who grew up in america versus a woman who grew up frum (or maybe moslem).
But, that doesn’t mean what they are doing is not inherently wrong, and doesn’t mean that a person who had a neutral perspective would not be able t realize it.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantDear Popa Bar Abby
I have a coworker who is a very difficult person one of their faults is they don’t know how to express gratitude this morning they got a personal call and i transferred it to them and said who was calling they said yeah, yeah? i asked dont you mean thank you for answering your personal call, they refused to to say thank you and demanded i put the call through i said sorry and told the party that this coworker was unavailable. did i overreact? how would you handle such a coworker?
Fed up in Sacramento
Dear Fed up in (anywhere but) Sacramento,
I applaud your standing up for yourself. Bar Abby believes it is sometimes important to take a stand when people treat you like a shmatta. This has priority over chessed (I am a rabbi- I say so).
At the same time, if one can appreciate that the other person has nisyonos, and perhaps is having a hard time and has their own emotional needs to put others down, it may change your perspective. This coworker likely is feeling disrespected by their spouse or by the boss, and is compensating for their own emotional difficulties. You should absolutely not allow them to compensate at your expense though. But this may help you be less affected by their abuse.
Popa bar Abby
popa_bar_abbaParticipantDear Bar Abby,
It really bothers me when people say or write “yontiff”. IT’S YOM TOV – BLAZES – CAN’T ANYONE GET THAT RIGHT?
Yes dearest bar abby – you are guilty of that too.(see one of your above posts)
What can I do to get over this? Or rather what can I do to get everyone in the world to say/write it correctly? AHHHHHHH!
No – I am not hysterical. I’m a very calm, cool, and collected person. 😉
Dear lunatic,
I suggest you convince everyone to say yom tov, like you prefer. I personally would be convinced to switch for a one time payment of 100 dollars plus a dedicated troll thread.
You may think this pricey, but you should weigh its cost againt the cost of therapy for this obsession.
Popa bar Abby
popa_bar_abbaParticipantDear Abby,
I think cheesecake is disgusting, and I want to take your advice and throw it at my wife. But I don’t have one. Am I yotzeh if I just throw it at my mother?
a Livyoson
Dear Livyoson,
The ikkar characteristic of a wife is that they do your laundry. Therefore, you should throw it at whomever does your laundry. If you do your own laundry, then you should throw it-and your laundry- at your roommate. If you have no roommates, you should throw both at your sister. If you have no sister, you should get married.
Popa bar Abby
I don’t know about that. I would say that if a shiksa wears a short sleeved shirt, it means she does not have the proper sensitivity for tznius.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantDear Popa Bar Abby
If I do so I will not take your nail biting advice.
I suggest biting the nails of one hand, and scratching with that hand.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantDear Popa Bar Abby
I am still scratching my head to the question of why did the chicken cross the road. Please help fast
Stuck in a Pile of Dandruff
Dear Stuck,
You should bite your nails. That will help.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantDear Bar Abby,
What in the world was the point of being mattir internet use for business need, when we all know mitoch sh’hutra l’tzoirech, hutra nami sh’loi litzoirech? Do they think that just because we don’t get to sit on the dais we don’t know shas and poiskim?
Logged Off Forever and Trying Not To Think
Dear Logged Off,
They assumed that without access to google, we wouldn’t be able to find mareh mekomos anymore.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantDear doesn’t like cheesecake,
Cheesecake is how we are mechaper for eating milchigs on yontiff. You should eat it specifically because it is disgusting.
Popa bar Abby
popa_bar_abbaParticipantDear Abby,
Should I delay marriage while I pursue a higher education?
Dear afraid of marriage,
Blazes no! If you are delaying marriage, you should do something fun meanwhile. Save the higher education for when you’re married anyway.
I suggest being a ski bum in the winter, and a backpacking in the summer.
Popa bar Abby
popa_bar_abbaParticipantDear fat and grateful,
Did you eat them, or throw them at your wife?
P.S. Ummm, no comment?
popa_bar_abbaParticipantDear Popa Bar Abba
Why did you say something about someones wife when they clearly stated they were female?
Confused at Popa Bar Abby’s Ignorance
Dear Confused,
The passuk calls the livyason a male, even though it really is a female, because it is more tznius. I do the same.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantDear Popa bar Abby,
I can’t think of anything to ask. Help me.
Dear Help Me,
It sounds like you have no relationship problems. If so, it probably means you are being too careful, and not looking out for your interests enough. I would suggest spending an extra half hour at the bar each night before coming home.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantDear Popa bar Abby,
I sent an email to somone and they answered on shabbos should I still email them???
I would personally try to not email them right before shabbos anymore.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantDear Popa Bar Abby,
There’s leftover cheesecake that I really want to eat. Should I? If yes, should I have the mocha or the Oreo one?
Really wants to eat cheesecake but doesn’t know if she should
Dear Really wants to eat cheesecake but doesn’t know if she should,
It is proper to eat leftovers from yontiff, because that way one will not cook to little for yontiff. You should eat both.
However, if you are normal like me, and think that cheesecake is disgusting, then you should throw them both at your wife.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantWell, what would you call milk that comes from a treifah? ??? ?????. That seems close enough to call it “treif” in the vernacular, seeing as an animal also cannot be “treif”, it can be a “treifah”.
popa_bar_abbaParticipantDear Popa bar Abby,
1.500 years ago someone sat on a bench in my garden and broke it. He never even apologized, let alone offered to pay for the bench. Can I take him to court?
Reuven (or maybe Shimon)
Dear Reuven (or maybe Shimon),
I’m sorry. But I’m still not paying; it was going to break anyway.
Popa Bar Abby