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  • in reply to: Shaas Shmad in Israel #887457

    Sam: certainly different MK’s have different intentions.

    Still, it is quite clear that the majority of chilonim don’t want people to be frum at all. They say that outright. And it is obvious that this is a step in that plan.

    You don’t see it as that, because your community draws religious value from serving, and I wouldn’t be surprised if people from the chardal community come out of the army more religious.

    But, chareidim are certainly not going to see it as that, and it is quite certain to have a negative effect, and that is certainly part of the goal.

    in reply to: Dating more than one? #885784

    And did they all live happily ever after??

    When one of them nags him, he says “Who do you think you are? Shprintze?” (Name of other one). He tells her that is just an expression his father used to say.

    in reply to: Shaas Shmad in Israel #887455

    I am certain this is shaas shmad.

    Shaas shmad is not defined by how many mitzvos they are attempting to stop us from doing, but from their motivation. Their motivation is to break down chareidi society–not only because they don’t want to pay for it, but also because they don’t want people to be frum. They do not hide this purpose.

    (and whoever mentioned the holocaust: No comparison, it goes by the purpose.)

    in reply to: Calling Popa: We Need a Good One #885168

    Check out the double dating thread

    in reply to: Dating more than one? #885778

    I actually know a really outrageous story about this.

    This guy was dating two girls and both were getting pretty serious. It got to the point that he had decided to get engaged to one of them, but he was still also dating the other.

    So, he went out with the other intending to break up. But, it ended up getting very involved, and at the end of that night (morning), he was engaged to THAT one! So, they told their parents and friends, and he went back to the dorm and went to sleep.

    Meanwhile, hos friends posted it on onlysimchas. But, they didn’t know her name, so they just wrote that he was engaged to “someone”.

    Then, the first girl’s friends saw it, and knew she was dating him, so they all started posting “OMG! I’m so going to wear out my dancing shoes just walking to the hall! May you order the Yated neeman israel edition!”, and calling her.

    The first girl had actually been talking about getting engaged with him, so she started womdering if HE thought they were engaged, but his phone is off, and she doesn’t know what to do.

    B’kitzur, he spoke to his rosh yeshiva, who said he should keep up the pretense, and should marry both. And then he should have a house in israel and a job in america and commute every other week, and they’ll never know.

    So that’s what I did.

    in reply to: It hurts my feeling when #886391

    When I read this thread all I wanted to do was to find a spelling mistake.

    in reply to: from otd to back on, ask away #885112

    this is so dumb. this is really really dumb. for real. So you can go and tell that, go and tell that, go and tell that, homeboy homeboy homehomehomeboy.

    in reply to: Calling Popa: We Need a Good One #885163

    Hmmm. I need to think about this. Since it’s the 3 weeks, it needs to be extra funny (for me) to make up for all the sad.

    in reply to: Visiting Day Travel #884819

    I think that visiting day is very worth it, and the harder it is to come, the more worth it it is. It is a great opportunity to show your kid how interested you are in what he is doing, that you drive a whole day in traffic just to do so.

    Just shut up, get your kids a DVD player (uncle moishe of course), get yourself a book on tape, pack a cooler full of soda and a box full of potato chips, and drive.

    Personally, I would forget the whole motel thing, and bring a big tent instead, and then spend the night at a park upstate with a big barbeque and a fire and ghost stories.

    in reply to: from otd to back on, ask away #885079

    You people are making up statistics. Not only have none of you any actual information, but I’m betting you haven’t even heard it anywhere.

    How about this: First give me a rough estimate of how many people per 100 go OTD in any group, and then we’ll let you start your inane speculations.

    in reply to: Post to Post�NOT #1047279

    How is this different from the other threads?

    in reply to: Dear Popa Bar Abby (Advice Column) #1091948

    Dear Crazy,

    Now you know also.


    in reply to: Mods? Mods? #1108053

    SIDI: I don’t find your complaining on this thread and site very attractive either. That’s the way it is; it’s a moderated site, and the commenting sometimes is slow. And most of us are only here because it is moderated.

    Thanx for saying it for me.

    in reply to: Why Was Woman Created? #1188050

    The Torah says it is because ?? ??? ???? ???? ????. But, it doesn’t say what part of it is ?? ???, and how that is remedied.

    in reply to: Getting out of tickets using PBA cards #1117902

    If you show a mod your PBA card, does he approve your post?

    ….Or, does he delete your post?

    in reply to: otd sibling #884515

    real israeli: I know lots of families with OTD kids, and every one of the families would be described as excellent families. Until you dig deeper, and you find stuff out.

    There are no contradictions in life; you just don’t know always know all the facts.


    Yes, let’s have hamburgers in my cast iron pan.

    in reply to: otd sibling #884509

    I wouldn’t worry about that too much. I believe it is more likely that the younger sibling has painful associations with judaism for the same reasons as the older sibling–than that it is because of the older sibling.


    Let’s call that thread it’s own special name.

    How about: “Saw You at Sinai”?

    in reply to: Ask the opposite gender #989269

    brony: Right. To which I responded that it doesn’t exist. Are you asking merely a theoretical question?


    I wouldn’t want to date someone that “noone else would ever think of”.

    in reply to: Ask the opposite gender #989258


    The question makes no sense. There is no such person.

    One of the features such a girl would be looking for is that cultural affiliation associated with wearing white shirts. Its like asking if you’d buy a corvette with the body of a crown vic.

    in reply to: Ask the opposite gender #989257

    Make that 5 real dollars and you’ve got a deal.

    in reply to: Yale University and Its Logo's Hebrew Slogon #883771

    I’d like to thank me for my comments. It is very amusing to read them 3 months later when I’m not expecting what it says.

    in reply to: What do you think about cannabis becoming more and more legal? #989867

    I don’t have an opinion over whether it should be legal.

    But, I do have an opinion that it should not be “half legal”. If it is illegal, we should prosecute the consumers, since that is what creates the demand and hence the supply chain. It is retarded to go after the sellers and let the users off.

    in reply to: Father's Obtaining Primary Child Custody #882919

    Mothers get default primary custody?

    Ha! I’m overwriting that in my halachic prenup.

    You want a prenup? Well, it will be a negotiated agreement.

    in reply to: Today #898475

    Today felt so much like tuesday, that I said short tachanun?

    in reply to: BBQ on July 4th?? #963085

    Avenge the patriotic gore,

    that flecked the streets of baltimore,

    and be the battle queen of yore,

    maryland, my maryland!

    (Did someone say confederate?)

    in reply to: what is your worst language? what's ur favorite? #1006407

    You think it is silly to speak yiddish?

    Is it silly to speak spanish?

    Is it silly to speak Italian?

    What in the world are you talking about?

    in reply to: I am desperate to enjoy davening, #1022885

    Itche: By that I meant for him to justify why he shouldn’t beat himself up, because it is normal.

    in reply to: Social Work #882643

    Oy, how could you go to a schoolwhich worships yushke and has tzeilems all over the place?

    (Sorry, but this IS the CR after all.)

    in reply to: Words Your Family Made Up #882984

    They aren’t nice words; I can’t tell you.

    in reply to: Who Are The Most Influential Posters? #1073272

    My other username is very influential. He once convinced me to post some crazy troll thread.

    in reply to: I am desperate to enjoy davening, #1022882

    Don’t beat yourself up too much over it. Most people don’t have very much kavanna.

    You will daven better by generally improving your relationship with Hashem. That is a slow process which is the work of a lifetime. (And then just when you’re getting someplace-iyou die! How dumb is that?)

    Unless the problem is psychological. Then you should see a therapist.

    in reply to: Yom Ha’atzmaut 🇮🇱👍👃 #945694

    AviK: are you serious? Chanuka and the other hasmonean victories was a celebration that we were able to keep the torah–since that was the only threat anyway.

    in reply to: 4th of July vs yom haatzmaut #943953

    Sam: WADR to them, that is not pashut pshat in the rambam. I think most people would read it as refering to yemos hamashiach. After all, it was taken a third time after bar kochva.

    So they may be correct, but the authority is only as good as them, not as good as rambam.

    Also, maybe rav herzog thought it was yemos hamashiach, in which case there is no authority at all (bec rav shachter is only saying it bec rav herzog did)

    in reply to: yippee for me! #882296

    Mazel Tov!

    Now you can volunteer in Africa, and marry a Zulu tribesman!

    in reply to: How to say no to a date #882438

    Another guy was so ill-mannered and boorish that I was ready to go home after ten minutes with him.

    Did we date?

    in reply to: How to say no to a date #882427

    You would never trust yourself after one date? Or you would be wary after one date? I’m sure you would not always go on a second date.

    In any event, that isn’t the question: the question is whether it is appropriate for a shadchan to try to shame someone into going on a second date. If you approve of that, then I have nothing left to say to you.

    in reply to: How to say no to a date #882424

    DY: I didn’t say nothin about if she should go out again. I just said that I trust her judgment, and that the shadchan is being a bully.

    Look, if you think that everyone should always go out twice no matter what–then fine. But if you don’t, then we can both agree to trust coffee on how she feels.

    in reply to: How to say no to a date #882413

    Tell the shadchan that it is very immature to try to embarress people into doing something by calling them immature.

    Then, blacklist the shadchan. Post their name on the CR so everyone else can get in on it.

    Then, say “you wanna see immature?”, and TP her house tonight. I’m in!

    in reply to: But what if you have water with you? #882242

    Out on my office?

    in reply to: Going off the Derech #1181808

    I agree in substantial part with RSRH.

    However, I don’t imagine the kid is happy now either and is seeing positive in his new life. I imagine he is just running away from the pain in his old life.

    This pain may well be related to this issue, if he has been told that the only way he will be happy is living in an exact lifestyle–and he finds himself unhappy in it; well that can feel pretty hopeless.

    That usually happens more among kids who are told that not only nust they be frum, but they must also learn or be in chinnuch their whole life–and be happy!

    in reply to: But what if you have water with you? #882234

    It says it is only if you are very hungry, but it doesn’t qualify what kind of travel it is.

    in reply to: But what if you have water with you? #882231

    Regarding the issue of whether I can put myself in the situation ???????:

    I am certain I can. The shulchan aruch talks about when a traveler can eat without washing, and nobody suggests there that there is a tayna on him for not carrying water, or that it makes a difference why he is traveling.

    in reply to: But what if you have water with you? #882226

    Health: So I’m pretty certain that I don’t have to carry more water with me, because if so, the poskim would bring that down in the discussion about the guy who is traveling with no water, and say that a person should really carry water.

    I think the question is only once I am there, and I have water and want to eat. Obviously, if I need the water to avoid getting sick, I am fine.

    The question is what if I need to water to avoid being uncomfortable. That is similar to the discussion in the shulchan aruch about they guy being hungry and not wanting to wait an hour and a half to eat. The halacha is that he can eat as long as he is very hungry–even though he will not get sick at all! Because he will be uncomfortable.

    I just don’t have a rubric for comparing this discomfort with that discomfort.

    in reply to: But what if you have water with you? #882224

    cents: the keili is not the problem; I carry a cup. The problem is that we may be hungry and be hours away from the next water.

    in reply to: But what if you have water with you? #882221

    Health: I could also just put that canteen also in my backpack, where it would be easier to carry.

    Csar: That part is b’pheirush halacha. You are not m’chuyav to carry water with you so that you will be able to wash.

    in reply to: But what if you have water with you? #882216

    Sam: I agree, but my hands do get dirty throughout the day.

    I carry 2 liters of water in my bladder, which goes inside my backpack, and refill it from streams along the way, when we pass them and it seems wise to. But I need that water for drinking–if I didn’t think I needed so much, I would carry less. Water weighs about 8.5 pounds per gallon, and I want my backpack to be under 20 lbs.

    in reply to: But what if you have water with you? #882208

    Itche: I’d imagine so also, and that’s why I do it. (I don’t wash unless there is water nearby. Often, there is, and then we choose to eat by the water anyway.)

    But I’d like to see someone discuss it. Preferably in the context of making a bracha before killing the guy who is with you in the desert and trying to take your water.

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