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I’m surprised covid mandates and regulations are not on the “most controversial topics” list.
philosopherParticipantI was in Manhattan recently and on the doors of all the stores and buildings there were signs that said that even those who are fully vaccinated need to wear masks…lol, lol, lol, lol, lol! I cannot make enough lol’s here. It’s all about making powerful people richer! Vaccinations are supposed to VACCINATE people against the disease they are given for! But now people have actually changed the definition of “vaccine”. Now vaccine means “take the experimental, non-working, dangerous side effects causing vaccine because you are commanded to do so by those who have the power and shut up or you’ll lose your job, you won’t be able travel, and you can’t eat in restaurants!”
philosopherParticipantI agree with huju here and I don’t think he/she is bitter because of that true statement.
To me there’s no such thing as “celebrities”. There were some entertainers that used to be enjoyable to watch or listen to but today “entertainers” are all “celebrity jerks” for the jerks who worship them.
philosopherParticipantWhy is Israel bringing Ethiopian Christians to Israel? It’s makes a lot of $$$$$$$ for many Israelis who are involved.
philosopherParticipantAAQ, I never said that the Beta Israel, ( I never heard of the term Judaic Beta Israel…) didn’t come first to Israel. In fact, I said the opposite, the Mura Falash decided that they were Jewish AFTER the Beta Israel migrated to Israel. The Falash ARE practicing Christians.
As for Russian immigrants in Israel, there are hundreds of thousands who are not even Jewish, never mind not religious. No one claimed that they are practicing Christians as the majority of Russians became secular under communism so most are not practicing Christians. But a very big percentage of Russians are non-Jews. They are creating a spiritual churban in Israel right now.
philosopherParticipantRav Ovadia Yosef zt”l paskened that they are Jewish according to the Radbaz who said that they are Jewish but Karaites. If we go according to Rav Ovadia Yosef who based his teshuva on the Radbaz then they are Karaites. In fact, the Beta Israel practice what in Israel is refered to as “Haymanot” which is not Rabbincal Judaism which in that case would be the religion of the Karaites.
The Ethiopian Beta Israel who converted to Christianity (most, bit not all, were forced conversions) in the 19th and 20th centuries and their descendants are called the Falash Mura. At this time the Falash are the majority of Ethiopians who came to Israel and they are still, for the most part, practicing Christians. Rav Ovadia Yosef also considered them Jews, but I wonder if the Radbaz would pasken the same as he did to the Beta Yisroel who did not practice Christianity at the time. In fact, the Falash Mura themselves did not consider themselves to be Jewish until after the Beta Israel’s first wave of immigration to Israel.
philosopherParticipantAAQ, not sure what you mean by that…
Anyway, I stand by what I said. Most Ethiopians who came to Israel are practicing Christians although many of their children are secular.
philosopherParticipantbenignman, most Falashim in Ethiopians in Israel are practicing Christians. They have many huge Christian institutions in Israel. I am not familiar about Ethiopian Christians being shunned by other Ethiopian groups. Do you mean the Beta Israel shunned the Falashim? I’m not sure about that, just an assumption but the Falashim are practicing Christians claiming to be Jews.
philosopherParticipantbenignman, if so many Ethiopians refused to be forcibly converted to Christianity then why are most Ethiopians claiming to be Jews and emigrating to Israel practicing Christians?
philosopherParticipantZSK, ok sorry for the misunderstanding.
philosopherParticipantZSK, I am allowed to bring the Radbaz’s rulings and the majority of our contemporary gedolim’s rulings am I not? Or do you you have a problem with that because I didn’t write what you want to hear?
philosopherParticipantapukerma, I am not saying that there were no gentile European converts but having blond hair and blue eyes does not indicate anything regarding ancestry. Regions have a profound effect on physical appearance that is why people from Africa are black, people the Middle East ( excluding the Levant) are darker, people from Europe are generally lighter. Ashkenazi Jews have lived in Europe for over 1500 years so it definitely will have an effect on the physical appearance of Ashkenazi Jews.
Physical appearance does not get affected by living in a region for one or two generations, but certainly over a millennium it will have an effect on the physical appearance of a people.
philosopherParticipantBefore coming to Israel they didn”t read Hebrew, have Hebrew names, have a Torah, follow halacha, etc. The vast majority of Ethiopians who came to Israel are practicing Christiana. There are a minority sincere Ethiopian converts; the few converts I met I found to be wonderful, very refined in chacter.
Rav Ovadia Yosef zt”l relied on Radbaz ruling on the Falashas, however the Radbaz clearly rules that they are Karaites. And this was 500 years ago. They subsequently likely assimilated into the Abyssinian population according to many contemporary gedolim who ruled that the Ethiopian Falashim who are Karaites accepted gentiles and were not converted according to halacha and therefore they are Safek Akum and their identity as a Jew is in doubt.
The Ethiopians are not Jewish, they are Safek Akum and definitely Karaites. There is a community of Karuim in Ukraine, will they be considered full Jews as well by the “Jewish state”?
November 14, 2021 10:51 am at 10:51 am in reply to: When will all Yidden finally have Achdus? #2028006philosopherParticipantRightwriter, of course Reform and Conservative have achdus. They accept non-Jews which make up a large persentage of their membership, perhaps even the majority of all members today are non-Jews. They are accept liberal LGTBQs which a big percentage of them are. Their permissiveness and acceptance of people’s lifestyle has created mamzeirim (another reason why I am against kiruv in these days).
November 9, 2021 9:14 pm at 9:14 pm in reply to: Klal Yisroel Needs an Official Central Yichus Registry #2026510philosopherParticipantynribiat, how in the world would a registry break Lakewood, Chabad and Satmer in one stroke?
philosopherParticipantAvirah, what exactly is an elohist who believes in the atzmus ideoligy? What does such a person believe in exactly?
philosopherParticipantCA, that’s a good question 😏
philosopherParticipantI agree with Novelty.
First of all missionaries can easily confuse those who don’t understand to such things, they can put down their ideoligy in a way that doesn’t seem to go against Judaism and many Jews who do not know Judaism well, even if they consider themselves frum, can easily be influenced. Teens at risk can easily be influenced. I know 3 teens from really frum families that have “converted” to Christianity and this was a few years ago, before all these missionaries infiltrated the community posing as Jews. We cannot take these things lightly.
November 1, 2021 11:05 pm at 11:05 pm in reply to: Metaverse, is this an accident waiting to happen #2023421philosopherParticipantGadolhadorah, I hope you were joking. Virtual reality being an illusion will never fill human beings with real happiness and fulfillment. When virtual reality will become a “reality” you can expect the suicide rates to jump even higher than they are already.
November 1, 2021 8:12 pm at 8:12 pm in reply to: Metaverse, is this an accident waiting to happen #2023337philosopherParticipantGadolhadorah, certainly most things in existence can be used for the good and bad. Certainly the internet is being used for a lot of good. However, it is a major contribution to the breakdown of morals in our society.
I can’t think of anything at the moment, but I’m sure there are things that virtual reality could benefit society, but the potential to destroy whatever is left of morality is much greater than the good it will bring.
philosopherParticipantshlucha, being mekasher to a Rebbe after he is deceased is not a Lubavitche thing. Yidden of all stripes and in all times davened and daven at the kevarim of our holy tzaddikim.
But the difference is that many Lubavitcher still think there Rebbe is alive often saying יחי אדוננו or יחי המלך.
Many Lubavitche think that the Rebbe runs the world.
Lubavitche have decided that there Rebbe is Moshiach.
These three ideologies all rolled into one are very similar to the cult of Christianity. Thinking that the Rebbe runs the world is pure apikorses.
philosopherParticipantYeserbius, what to Moshiachisten mean when they say
יחי אדוננו?philosopherParticipantThere’s the thread “Sleeping in the Succah” that spins off with Chabad. I will not repeat all here but you are invited to check it out and unfortunately what farbycoffe is saying is not true about many Lubavitchers.
I must say I am absolutely shocked how many Lubavitchers, hopefully not most, think and talk about their Rebbe. It definitely is very similar to Christianity. Check out that thread if you are interested.
I will say here again that no Rebbe runs the world in any shape or form and it is apikorerses to say that regardless of what sichos say what or excuses and explanations you want to give.
philosopherParticipantaposhitayid, I am not finding you harsh, on the contrary I hope I do not sound harsh, I am not looking to personally attack anyone. I’m sorry we are having this discussion and this is tsishukling me that frum Yidden would think like this.
I have had arguments with Christians and they would also try to put their beliefs “into context”. The verse means this and that and the trinity really means this or that… it’s all shtissim. Let’s get back to the basics, there is no context where we can say a Rebbe is running the world. No context at all. I’m telling you this sounds very similar to Christianity.
Even if HKB”H is mekiim what a tzaddik is goizer, whether it’s a bracha or a klala, it is one little teeny aspect in the bigger picture of reality. The universe and reality is so grand and beyond our understanding, only God can run the world and we cannot say otherwise regardless in which context you would want to frame it in. Hashem runs the world, period. This is the essence, the core of Yiddishkeit.
philosopherParticipantAnother missionary family was just uncovered in Israel.
November 1, 2021 12:43 am at 12:43 am in reply to: I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach,” #2022994philosopherParticipantAvirah, you are so right, it’s very scary. The ideoligy of “frum liberals” is that they accept abhorrent behaviour as normal and that “they can’t help themselves and we need to accept them the way they are”…their children see this and internalize it and it has bought serious consequences.
philosopherParticipantaposhitayid, any “Rabbi” who says that their Rebbe runs the world is a fake rabbi, I don’t care if he has a large black hat and a frock and learns a lot. A real Rabbi has such fear and awe of Hashem, as much as he looks up to his Rebbe or tzaddikim, he knows good and well that אין עוד מלבדו and that his Rebbe, as great as he is, is only a בשר ודם and if Hashem wants or doesn’t want something there’s nothing a Rebbe can do to change that.
What are these stories supposed to prove? That Hashem כביכול runs to do the bidding of Rebbes even if it is against His will?! That Rebbes are subjugating the will of Hashem so that He does their bidding?! This is not what these stories tell us and it is absolutely apikorses to think like that. It is as Avirah says, that a tzaddik’s will is (usually) in sync with Hashem’s and in cases where it is not Hashem’s will to do what a Rebbe is goizer, it will not be mekiim.
Do you think that your Rebbe runs the world or not?
philosopherParticipantI blame Israel for staying in the UN where she keeps on getting bullied continously. There are many countries that are not part of the UN. By staying on as a member, Israel grants legitimately to these pack of wolves.
The problem with many secular Israelis, especially those in the political sphere, is that they constantly seek validation of other countries. This places them in a weak position and they are used as a punching bag by these UN terrorists to get the attention on Israel and away from the human rights violations in their own countries.
philosopherParticipantAvirah, the US government is spiraling out of control, the people are becoming dehumanized. If you think we are guaranteed safe here, think again. I hope Moshiach will come before the US collapses, because those days are imminent.
October 31, 2021 12:41 am at 12:41 am in reply to: I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach,” #2022553philosopherParticipantYeserbius, well the time has come that now when so many members of the school boards, principals and teachers in public schools are perverts and self-hating racists and people who belong behind bars and mental institutions that parents must speak up.
philosopherParticipantIf someone would say Moshe Rabbeinu runs the world I would consider him to be crazy. The Torah is clear on this and our real Rabbonim made clear: only Hashem runs the world!
Anyone who thinks a Rebbe runs the world is not being a God-fearing, frum Yid and their religion mimics Christianity. Christians believe in a god of three, the trinity, they together are considered one, this is avodei zara. Thinking that a Rebbe runs the world, that God does whatever the tzaddik decides should be done, is a religion of “twinity” or call it any other name, but it is avode zora 100%
God is One! Everything that happens is His will, if He wants to do what a tzaddik is goizer He will, if He doesn’t want to, He won’t! No tzaddik has the power to run the world, only God!
October 31, 2021 12:26 am at 12:26 am in reply to: Metaverse, is this an accident waiting to happen #2022550philosopherParticipantArightwriter, you did say something similar but not exactly the same, virtual reality is only VIRTUAL but in the times of Moshiach it will be a reality that is REAL. It will more real than the physical reality which we are in now.
If the internet is an example of how technology is used by humanity I’m predicting that virtual reality will bring more tumah into the world than ever before. I daven Moshiach should come quickly and we should be exposed to the REAL reality of a world that knows Hashem.
October 29, 2021 1:29 pm at 1:29 pm in reply to: Metaverse, is this an accident waiting to happen #2022313philosopherParticipantWhatever financial gain Zuckerberg will have from Meta, I am predicting such a (fake) world will be the (virtual) reality despite that fact that people will rant about how evil it is (and it definitely be evil). People will become addicted to it and not be able to tear themselves away from the virtual reality while cursing it at the same time just like they do with Facebook, tick tock, Instagram, etc.
philosopherParticipantNovelty, the point is that you can’t refer to your becoming a BT over 15 years ago, which is not that long ago, but still there’s a huge difference from then to what is the reality today.
philosopherParticipantNovelty, you always take the conversation back to your personal history. I asked you when you became a baal teshuva. Perhaps I missed your answer somewhere, but I do not think you responded to me on that. Not do you have to. But you should know that if you became a baal teshuva 10+ years ago then your personal by history is not relevent to the topic being discussed here about making baal teshuvas nowadays.
philosopherParticipantaposhitayid, what are you trying to say that it’s ok to say tzaddikim, or in this particular case, the Lubavitche Rebbe, runs the world? That is a fallacy and sorry to be blunt but it is apikorses to believe that.
A tzaddik can be goizer and Hashem will be makayim but only if it His will to do so. Hashem is in full control, He is the One who runs the world. There were many great tzaddikim who were goizer things that never happened, ultimately everything is in the hands of Hashem.
philosopherParticipantThe little I know, I never heard of anyone pushing anyone to enter a bad marriage. Nobody here suggested that. We are talking about continuing a marriage that has gone sour.
I don’t judge anyone for divorcing in such a situation, nobody should go through life feeling pressured to stay in a bad marriage.
I do admire people who try to stay in a bad marriage (of course as long as there is no abuse going on). I believe that choosing such a life is not in vain.
philosopherParticipantThere’s another issue being discussed about hiding mental illness before marriage which is a terrible thing to do. However, no one is sating that people must get married to people with mental illness.
Of course, no one should hide anything. If people believe they have a mental illness they must discuss it beforehand. However, I must insert here that many people are being misdiagnosed with mental illnesses when most of the time it’s about middos and has nothing to do with mental illness. Technically all human beings can be diagnosed with mental illnesses in one way or another, none of us are perfect.
philosopherParticipantujm, there’s arranged marriages and there’s arranged marriages. Today’s arranged marriages are not like like the arranged marriages of previous generations when it was almost given that the two people who their parents decided to get married would get married. Today the parents vet the buchar or girl and their families and decide if their children should meet but that’s where it ends. It is up to the boy and girls to decide if they want to get engaged or not. This is accross the board, in all sectors of the Chareidi world.
The higher rate of making a marriage work is not just how the marriages are arranged, but within the Chareidi world people generally want to make marriages work out and the key to that is to work on one’s own middos. In the MO world the drive is not so strong to make marriages work out for a variety of reasons.
philosopherParticipantSo I listened to Cunin’s speech and it really sounds similar to Christianity, that speech should’ve been condemned. He clearly said that the Rebbe runs the world. I don’t care who wrote what sichah and what it says there if it says that a Rebbe runs the world then it is simply wrong. Hashem runs the world, period.
philosopherParticipantGlad to hear that.
philosopherParticipantGadolhadorah, I think you are mistaken. TDS may hit you in full force when Trump starts campaigning in 2024.
philosopherParticipantGold has actually been pretty stable, the value has not changed much over a year and the value it gained in previous years were pretty much in tune with inflation.
philosopherParticipantHaleivy, you have a point. Potatoes and I think corn as well seems like good commodities to invest in.
philosopherParticipantI am actually shocked to the core that Lubavitche whose Yiddishkeit seems to revolve around being mekarev Yidden do not marry BTs. I always assumed that they don’t have a problem being zich meshadech with BTs. I think this is extremely unfair.
Chassidishe are generally not meshadech with BTs unless there are issues in the family. Geirim often have an easier time with shiddichim in the Chassidishe world. But Chassidim don’t make baalei teshuvas. If you are not comfortable that your child marry a BT then don’t be mekarev them because you are obviously not comfortable with their yichus so how can you just bring these people in and drop them like hot potatoes as soon as they are frum and let others take care of their issues…that to me sounds horrible.
philosopherParticipantIt is absolutely ridiculous to say say that it’s engaging in zenus if you don’t get along with your spouse. I am estimating that at least 20%, and likely more, of frum marriages, are with spouses who do not/or lose respect or liking to one another. Not only in this generation are there such marriages, but in all generations were there such marriages. With marriages that were completely arranged, I would not be surprised if the unhappy marriages were closer to 40%.
I say kol hakovod to those who MUTUALLY decide to continue to be married despite really wanting to divorce. To say such that people in such marriages engage in znus is not only ridiculous, but it’s a disgusting thing to say.
philosopherParticipantGadolhadorah, agreed. A cure for all “mental ailments” is available for free in the CR.
philosopherParticipantI’m really confused why someone who knows that Hashem gave him life and everything in his life would ask such a question. Perhaps someone could clarify why a Yid would not answer with a “burach Hashem”.
philosopherParticipantCK, only a liberal can think of an average frum person making connections with someone who is wealthy that they should bail them out, take charity, a loan, etc. Most frum people work hard and earn a living honestly. Yes, charity is b”H given beautifully in this community but it is because so many give, not take! Our lives do not revolve around which rich relatives can bail us out! That’s why the frum communities are productive communities.
Candaleza Rice spoke out against CRT and says that blacks are not victims and neither is it productive to disparage whites based on their skin color which is what CRT is all about. Candace Owens, the black conservative says the same. As do many prominent black figures say the blacks are not victims and that CRT is garbage.
IMO the biggest pushers of BLM and CRT are liberal whites. White liberals feel virtuous that they are on the side of the “poor victims of racism” so they are pushing a narrative that is totally skewed.
philosopherParticipantEvery time I hear the term “mental illness” it makes me mentally ill. Everyone has issues, we are here to grow. It’s ridiculous that everything and everyone has turned into a “mental illness”. The term “mental illness ” is for people whose brain cannot compute normally and they don’t talk and act coherently. Everyone else has challenges that they have to overcome. It’s so nausciating how the surplus of therapists, pshycotherapists and psychologists has created this illusion with everyone having some sort of diagnose.
This is due to the influence of the goyishe world. Now the overdiagnosed US population is getting their national “suicide prevention hotline”. The reason there are so many suicides is because everyone is diagnosed as a victim in one way or another instead of being taught that we are here for a purpose and that purpose is to use our God-given talents to make the world a better place. Instead, all these professionals do is hand tools to these poor victims to enable them to feel worse.