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Health, I agree with you. But more importantly Dr. Malone agrees with you. Dr. Malone is the inventor of the mRNA vaccine who is currently working in the US army. He has been maligned since going against the establishment (even though he did take the so-called covid vaccine which he says gave him many side effects). But he does not talk against adults getting the shot, he is only against mandating it because he says the data is not our for people to make informative decisions and he is against teens and kids under 18 years getting the shot because the side effects are worse than them getting covid. I heard him giving a talk about the corruption in the FDA and why they didn’t want to repurpose medications which he championed for as a scientist and virologist employed by the army. But not only wasn’t he listened to, he was told to be quiet and was critisized in the media and his Wikipedia page was “updated* to reflect his spreading of “misinformation” regarding the treatment of covid-19 with repurposed medicines.
philosopherParticipantAsh, you are being overly optimistic about the healthcare in your country when many of your fellow citizens who are medical patients travel all over the world for treatment, with a great many to the US ( not talking about covid-19) because the healthcare in the UK is not the best to say the least …and that includes the treatment of covid-19. Why would doctors go against official guidelines which exclude proven therapies to treat covid-19 when they have no incentive to do so and every reason to go along with those in charge who are only banking on these so-called “vaccines”. Those in charge are raking in millions with these so-called vaccines.
The coronavirus death rate is very similar between the UK with a death rate of 216 verses the us with a death rate of 235. There can be many reasons for this including how these deaths are recorded, it does not mean that the UK actually has a (slightly) lower number of covid deaths.
philosopherParticipantAaQ, you have chutzpah. There are hundreds of high profile doctors and scientists speaking out against the shot and tens of thousands of others are bullied into compliance. Many, many have suffered because they spoke against the wishes of the establishment and you deny all that because you choose to close your eyes to it all so that you can continue living in your fantasy world. You have the chutzpah to say that people who are against the shot listen to “channels” and “websites”. Well so do you get your info from websites these days. If you get it from newspapers then good for you, but likely you get it from websites or perhaps a doctor. But who is on these websites you get your info from? And we get our info from a plethota of high profile doctors and you have one or two doctors telling you to get the shot ( if any at all). My info comes from doctors, virologists and scientists with major groundbreaking acheivments in the field with many peer reviews studies and breakthroughs.
But not only do you choose to close your eyes over the information that is against the so-called vaccine , which is in your full right to do so, but you don’t have a right to lie about those who speak against this shot like they don’t exist and we only have info from some “website” insulating that we believe any “conspiracy” from weirdos running “some websites and channels” . That is being incredibly dishonest.
philosopherParticipantDaasYochid, you never know….they have inspirational songs about our hands being clean from stealing and many other interesting choice of topics for songs, why not about על פדיון פטר חמור? 😏
philosopherParticipantUjm, of course one bracha is not more inspiring than another. Therefore I believe it is actually a chiyuv for you to release a shello asuni Isha song that will inspire us all. I will purchase the song the minute I know that it’s available.
philosopherParticipantUjm, what about you creating a “shelloy usani isha” song that will inspire the tens of thousands of frum men (and women as well). We are all waiting for your song. Please post here as soon as you know the date of the song’s release to the public so that we can get it as soon as it’s available.
philosopherParticipantBored teen, you are so right
Akuperma, you are right as well. Although technically a person bored of a Jewish mother is an halachik Jew, there are laws how we relate to non-frum people similar to non-Jews and for the record that doesn’t mean being rude or disrespectful.
commonsaychel, I totally agree with you.
philosopherParticipantYO, you are very predictable, you always have the same line. No one is “worried” about levish that frum men wear. It’s just a discussion.
philosopherParticipantAvirah, I never said Yidden didn’t wear payos. I said they didn’t wear LONG payos. The OP was talking about “long peyos”. I guess “long peyos” is subjective and long peyos likely means a different length to me as a Chassidishe than what it means to you. I have seen many paintings of gedolim and often their hair is longer together with their peyos but still not as long as some Chassidishe wear their payos today.
philosopherParticipantEverything I’ve said is based on EASILY verifiable facts. If you don’t know how to or are not interested in FACT CHECKING and rely on “fact checkers” then you are just being deliberately naive. Go on being a sheep if you want to, it doesn’t change the reality.
philosopherParticipant2cents, that’s your assumption. Whatever I said is based on verifiable facts.
philosopherParticipantThe singer stated that he wasn’t aware of the mixed dancing yet had videos on his page of it.
For years there was mixed seating, called “family seating” at concerts here in the US. I think it’s wrong halachically however there was no dancing ever. So what changed ? The music is goyish, period. It brings light headedness, goyishkeit, holelos and tztilustkeit.
philosopherParticipantI don’t think historically Jews had long peyos. Look at the painting and photos of gedolim in Europe from pre-Holocaust eras. Often the hair from the entire head was longer (but much shorter than shoulder length) peyos included. But certainly, long (curly) payos and shaven heads were not the norm. It was bought in by the Chassidim in the later years, I’m not even sure if they went like that in Europe bechlal. I know Galicianer wore long peyos in the early 1900 but I don’t know if they shaved their head, there were no shavers then in any case, they probably wore their hair very short.
Also in Taimoni wore long curly payos but most don’t do so now only those who drei zich in to he Chassidishe world.
philosopherParticipantAAQ, of course. Mesorah always had a starting point.
philosopherParticipantZaphod, I would appreciate if you can tell me which program you use to produce the music. I would love to create digital music.
philosopherParticipantYeserbius, tens of thousands of doctors and scientists are advising not to take the shot and thousands more are keeping quiet abou their personal opinons regarding the shot.
Here are the reasons why:
Many anti-covis shot doctors were terminated from their jobs after speaking out against the covid shots. Sometimes it was only one tweet and they they were terminated. The average doctor going through years of medical school, oftentimes racking up very high student loan debt, and then more years of residency, and finally being employed as a doctor, is not seeking to be terminated and will avoid it at all costs. Not only do these doctors shut up, they are forced to be vaccinated against their wishes if they want to keep their jobs.2. The mainstream media, social media and medical media outlets seek to suppress doctors, scientists and their info and studies if they are critical of the covid-19 shots. Anti covid shots and anti mask and anti lockdown info is treated as “misinformation” by the government and media.
3. Many prestigious scientists and doctors had their careers wrecked and characters destroyed after speaking out against the shots. Many famous scientists had their Wikipedia page changed to reflect their supposed spread of”misinformation” regarding covid-19. They were negatively written about in the media. Most often those who speak out are older, advanced in their career or retired but their treatment shut up those who are younger because they would risk even more by revealing what they really feel regarding these shots.
philosopherParticipantAAQ, if you think I’m going to quote word for word from all the talks I’ve heard from scientists and doctors, sometimes over an hour long, sorry I’m not doing that. I can’t even remember all the names of the doctors and scientists I’ve heard talking about covid and the so-called vaccine. I’m certainly not interested in quoting anyone, it’s all out there for anyone to hear and see. You just have to search a bit because Google suppresses this info which they ( the non-doctors and non-scientists) decide is “misinformation”.
I’m not interested in changing anyone’s mind, I can’t change anyone’s mind. I’m just responding because…I don’t know why tbh, because why not.
philosopherParticipantAAQ, there have been no peer reviewed, long-term studies on the negative side effects of the covid-19 “vaccine. That’s a fact.
Many honest doctors and scientists, those who are not hesitant to tell the truth despite to the negative repercussions the have to put up with for saying what they feel regarding the so-called vaccine, either due to its side effect or inability to provide adequate efficacy, are totally against these “vaccines”. That’s a fact.
The politicians and politically motivated and/or financially motivated “scientists” are pushing for mandatory vaccinations and at the same time pushing for masks to be worn due to many studies showing that those who got the vaccine still can get covid-19 AND spread the viral load equally to those who did not get these shots. That’s a fact.
I gave read many studies and listened to many virologists and top doctors and scientists speaking about the vaccine. Your trying to make me unknowledgeable on this topic does not change the facts, the reality on the ground.
philosopherParticipant(no)mesorah, government employed scientists ARE beraucrats.There are a great many scientists and doctors who have come out against the so-called covid-19 vaccines, against the wearing of masks and against lockdowns, but for the most part, they are not government employed. Fauci, the highest paid government employed mad scientist is a mass murderer who intentionally funded gain of function which he knew has the potential to kill millions and he is the last person I listen to. It’s actually these political pseudo, fraudster scientists employed by the government who advise the governors and president that experimental shots and boosters need to be given and at the same time masks still need to be worn so what makes you defend blame the politicians when they work in tandem with these politically biased scientists.
philosopherParticipantMesorah, you are wrong, period. Judaism IS based on mesorah. Judaism is halacha AND mesorah. Our great Rabbis were the ones who gave over mesorah when teaching us Torah and halachas. That’s why Sephardim have their mesorah, Italian Jews have their own mesorah, Mountain and Caucasian Jews have their own mesorah, Mizrachim have their own mesorah, Taimena have their own mesorah and Ashkenazim have their own mesorahS.
philosopherParticipant“Kashrus” reforms leave an open door to anyone proclaiming to be a Rabbi, despite not even being frum but they’ll call themselves a Reform Rabbi, to be able to become a “mashgiach” and give heshsheirim. Now there may be more to this, but that’s the overall idea. Basically, the mashgichim won’t need to be Orthodox so if the Rabbanut hechsher which was kosher till now, it will be completely treif.
philosopherParticipantbored_teen, I hear you. But what would you call someone who worships/is infatuated by another human because they can act well/play baseball well/ sing well, etc.? I personally think that being a fan of “celebrities” is jerky kind of behavior. Non-frum “celebrities”, (who despite being called Jewish are often non-halachic “Jews”) are most often narcissist and empty and it is really immature to admire such empty shells. And not only are most of them empty shells, most “Jewish celebrities” are liberals who contaminate and spread immoral garbage within the world. These people should be condemned, the last thing that they should be is “celebrated”.
philosopherParticipantHalachically there is no difference between Sephardim, Ashkenazim and Mizrachim however in DNA testing there’s a seperate catogory for Ashkenazim and Sephardim. I’m not sure how accurate these categories are since there were many Sephardim that never left Europe since the Spanish and Portuguese expulsions and there are Ashkenazim who lived in EY for centuries so I can’t imagine it is all black and white. Also, the expulsion of the Sefardim Jews did not happen too long ago in terms of affecting genetics IMO.
But, l’maasoh, there are different categories when DNA is tested.
philosopherParticipantcoffee addict, thank you for clearing that up.
I find dishonest and misleading writinga of posters abhorrent.
philosopherParticipantYO, there were lace shaitlech with natural flowing hair down to a woman’s waist in di alte heim?
November 28, 2021 11:05 am at 11:05 am in reply to: what is the cause of income inequality in the jewish commnuity? #2035054philosopherParticipantThere’s no such thing as “dynasties” of rich Jews.
philosopherParticipantAAQ, an anonymous poster on the internet criticizing Ashkenazim is not considered “toichacha”. And he had no valid point at all. “Trauma” is the code word that all phsychos (pshycotherapists, psychologists, etc.) slap on everyone these days. It’s incredibly stup. I would not take “toichacha” from Sephardic in any case. Not because I don’t like them, they have their problems and we have ours. They have their strengths and we have ours.
Besides, Sephardic, Mizrachi and Ashkenazim, in particular Ashkenazim, are so varied, it is stupid to lump everyone into one group and give “toichacha”…
philosopherParticipantShimon Model, I realized that.
Ejmrbro, I agree that post was racist.
philosopherParticipantn0mesorah, lol to your response as well. Seems like you have nothing of substance to say thats proves that government officials actually believe that the non-working “vaccine” works. Lol, lol, lol, lol 😂
philosopherParticipantHaLeivi, the topic is still going strong and will likely never die in the secular world and in Israel…we need stay relevent 😏
philosopherParticipantI’m surprised covid mandates and regulations are not on the “most controversial topics” list.
philosopherParticipantI was in Manhattan recently and on the doors of all the stores and buildings there were signs that said that even those who are fully vaccinated need to wear masks…lol, lol, lol, lol, lol! I cannot make enough lol’s here. It’s all about making powerful people richer! Vaccinations are supposed to VACCINATE people against the disease they are given for! But now people have actually changed the definition of “vaccine”. Now vaccine means “take the experimental, non-working, dangerous side effects causing vaccine because you are commanded to do so by those who have the power and shut up or you’ll lose your job, you won’t be able travel, and you can’t eat in restaurants!”
philosopherParticipantI agree with huju here and I don’t think he/she is bitter because of that true statement.
To me there’s no such thing as “celebrities”. There were some entertainers that used to be enjoyable to watch or listen to but today “entertainers” are all “celebrity jerks” for the jerks who worship them.
philosopherParticipantWhy is Israel bringing Ethiopian Christians to Israel? It’s makes a lot of $$$$$$$ for many Israelis who are involved.
philosopherParticipantAAQ, I never said that the Beta Israel, ( I never heard of the term Judaic Beta Israel…) didn’t come first to Israel. In fact, I said the opposite, the Mura Falash decided that they were Jewish AFTER the Beta Israel migrated to Israel. The Falash ARE practicing Christians.
As for Russian immigrants in Israel, there are hundreds of thousands who are not even Jewish, never mind not religious. No one claimed that they are practicing Christians as the majority of Russians became secular under communism so most are not practicing Christians. But a very big percentage of Russians are non-Jews. They are creating a spiritual churban in Israel right now.
philosopherParticipantRav Ovadia Yosef zt”l paskened that they are Jewish according to the Radbaz who said that they are Jewish but Karaites. If we go according to Rav Ovadia Yosef who based his teshuva on the Radbaz then they are Karaites. In fact, the Beta Israel practice what in Israel is refered to as “Haymanot” which is not Rabbincal Judaism which in that case would be the religion of the Karaites.
The Ethiopian Beta Israel who converted to Christianity (most, bit not all, were forced conversions) in the 19th and 20th centuries and their descendants are called the Falash Mura. At this time the Falash are the majority of Ethiopians who came to Israel and they are still, for the most part, practicing Christians. Rav Ovadia Yosef also considered them Jews, but I wonder if the Radbaz would pasken the same as he did to the Beta Yisroel who did not practice Christianity at the time. In fact, the Falash Mura themselves did not consider themselves to be Jewish until after the Beta Israel’s first wave of immigration to Israel.
philosopherParticipantAAQ, not sure what you mean by that…
Anyway, I stand by what I said. Most Ethiopians who came to Israel are practicing Christians although many of their children are secular.
philosopherParticipantbenignman, most Falashim in Ethiopians in Israel are practicing Christians. They have many huge Christian institutions in Israel. I am not familiar about Ethiopian Christians being shunned by other Ethiopian groups. Do you mean the Beta Israel shunned the Falashim? I’m not sure about that, just an assumption but the Falashim are practicing Christians claiming to be Jews.
philosopherParticipantbenignman, if so many Ethiopians refused to be forcibly converted to Christianity then why are most Ethiopians claiming to be Jews and emigrating to Israel practicing Christians?
philosopherParticipantZSK, ok sorry for the misunderstanding.
philosopherParticipantZSK, I am allowed to bring the Radbaz’s rulings and the majority of our contemporary gedolim’s rulings am I not? Or do you you have a problem with that because I didn’t write what you want to hear?
philosopherParticipantapukerma, I am not saying that there were no gentile European converts but having blond hair and blue eyes does not indicate anything regarding ancestry. Regions have a profound effect on physical appearance that is why people from Africa are black, people the Middle East ( excluding the Levant) are darker, people from Europe are generally lighter. Ashkenazi Jews have lived in Europe for over 1500 years so it definitely will have an effect on the physical appearance of Ashkenazi Jews.
Physical appearance does not get affected by living in a region for one or two generations, but certainly over a millennium it will have an effect on the physical appearance of a people.
philosopherParticipantBefore coming to Israel they didn”t read Hebrew, have Hebrew names, have a Torah, follow halacha, etc. The vast majority of Ethiopians who came to Israel are practicing Christiana. There are a minority sincere Ethiopian converts; the few converts I met I found to be wonderful, very refined in chacter.
Rav Ovadia Yosef zt”l relied on Radbaz ruling on the Falashas, however the Radbaz clearly rules that they are Karaites. And this was 500 years ago. They subsequently likely assimilated into the Abyssinian population according to many contemporary gedolim who ruled that the Ethiopian Falashim who are Karaites accepted gentiles and were not converted according to halacha and therefore they are Safek Akum and their identity as a Jew is in doubt.
The Ethiopians are not Jewish, they are Safek Akum and definitely Karaites. There is a community of Karuim in Ukraine, will they be considered full Jews as well by the “Jewish state”?
November 14, 2021 10:51 am at 10:51 am in reply to: When will all Yidden finally have Achdus? #2028006philosopherParticipantRightwriter, of course Reform and Conservative have achdus. They accept non-Jews which make up a large persentage of their membership, perhaps even the majority of all members today are non-Jews. They are accept liberal LGTBQs which a big percentage of them are. Their permissiveness and acceptance of people’s lifestyle has created mamzeirim (another reason why I am against kiruv in these days).
November 9, 2021 9:14 pm at 9:14 pm in reply to: Klal Yisroel Needs an Official Central Yichus Registry #2026510philosopherParticipantynribiat, how in the world would a registry break Lakewood, Chabad and Satmer in one stroke?
philosopherParticipantAvirah, what exactly is an elohist who believes in the atzmus ideoligy? What does such a person believe in exactly?
philosopherParticipantCA, that’s a good question 😏
philosopherParticipantI agree with Novelty.
First of all missionaries can easily confuse those who don’t understand to such things, they can put down their ideoligy in a way that doesn’t seem to go against Judaism and many Jews who do not know Judaism well, even if they consider themselves frum, can easily be influenced. Teens at risk can easily be influenced. I know 3 teens from really frum families that have “converted” to Christianity and this was a few years ago, before all these missionaries infiltrated the community posing as Jews. We cannot take these things lightly.
November 1, 2021 11:05 pm at 11:05 pm in reply to: Metaverse, is this an accident waiting to happen #2023421philosopherParticipantGadolhadorah, I hope you were joking. Virtual reality being an illusion will never fill human beings with real happiness and fulfillment. When virtual reality will become a “reality” you can expect the suicide rates to jump even higher than they are already.
November 1, 2021 8:12 pm at 8:12 pm in reply to: Metaverse, is this an accident waiting to happen #2023337philosopherParticipantGadolhadorah, certainly most things in existence can be used for the good and bad. Certainly the internet is being used for a lot of good. However, it is a major contribution to the breakdown of morals in our society.
I can’t think of anything at the moment, but I’m sure there are things that virtual reality could benefit society, but the potential to destroy whatever is left of morality is much greater than the good it will bring.