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The fact is that during 2020 vote count when the polls were open many states were showing that Trump was winning, but only in the last hours before the polls closed, they went, one by one, almost all for Biden. That is statisticly impossible.
philosopherParticipantIt is not only King James version, there are other New Testament versions and many other Christian scriptures, in fact they base their entire ideology on misconstrued and mistranslated verses and verses that are taken out of context. This is a vast subject and if you want to learn more there’s Jews for Judaism which is an excellent organization counteracting missionaries; they have many videos and I believe books as well, or you can contact them for info on books you can read that counteract missionary points.
November 5, 2022 11:29 pm at 11:29 pm in reply to: The future of the democracy of the U.S. government #2135652philosopherParticipantJackk, it’s nice to be positive but you are not seeing the entire picture. The mabul was sent because of gays. Not only gay, but people are engaged in all kinds of promiscuous behavior that is an abomination to Hashem. And yet we have askanim and Rabbonim who are meeting with these individuals who engage in and or support this behavior, encourage it and make it legal. And they are endorsing them as well! Non-Jewish kids are having organs chopped off to serve the liberal cult and what are we doing about it? I know Jews think we live our own lives but all these laws and regulations WILL eventually effect is H”y.
We are living in times where Jewish women look like pritzus and it’s totally accepted, sing and dance on public social media forums, materialism is overtaking our lives.
Hashem is sending signals all the time and we are ignoring them. We need to wake up fast and not be complacent!
philosopherParticipantI think that many people don’t understand what mesorah means. Mesorah does not mean that we have to dress the same or have the same dialect of Loshen HaKodesh than how klal Yisroel dressed or spoke when they stood at har Sinai. The Yidden in different generations and different geographical regions all spoke and dressed differently and had different minhugim, that does not mean their mesorah was broken. The Yidden during the times of the destruction of the Beis Hamildosh, approximately 1,000 years later than matan Torah, did not speak the exact same dialect, did not dress exactly the same as their ancestors 1,000 years earlier and had many more minhugim that Yosroeilim at Har Sinai. The Babylonian Jews, the Greek Jews, the Caucasian Jews, they all spoke and dressed and had different traditions. That is not unbroken mesorah. The Jews who migrated to Europe 1,000 years ago, which also includes the ancestors of the Sephardim, did not have a broken mesorah just because they did not dress the same, had different traditions and different dialects than other Jewish communities spread throughout, who each had their own dialects and traditions.
Mesorah is the unvoken and untampered chain of halacha and the concept of Hashem is One God whom we serve and abide by His Torah that was written and transmitted to us by Moshe Rabbeinu. From then on on the midbar, it was taught to the Yidden, and taught and taught, from leaders of klal Yisroel, from father to son, from Rebbe to student, from mother to daughter. Although our dialects are different, our minhugim are different, our dress is different, we have the same mesorah going back to Har Sinai.
philosopherParticipantAkuperma, Christians do not know Tanach, the just misconstrue and mistranslate verses taken out of context to “prove their religion is true”. There are some individual Christian who know Tanach but they are rare exceptions. Israeli missionaries do know Tanach, as Avira pointed out, but there are very, very few Israeli Jewish missionaries, not more than a few individuals. The overwhelming majority of missionaries, even those operating in Israel, are non-Jews who don’t know Tanach well, if anything, at all.
King James bible “adaptations” are flights of human fantasy so it’s irrelevant to how Yidden learn Tanach. Now I am certainly not minimizing the importance of learning Tanach within the framework and clarity of Torah SheBaal Peh, I am certainly not minimizing learning Rashi with Chumash. The Torah is extremely deep and we do not know how to navigate it properly without the clarity of our Sages. My point is simply that it is very important for Yidden to know the basics of Yiddishkeit with is Tanach, but of course, only within the framework of what our Rabbis taught us because that is the only way we can know how to live the life the Torah demands of us; through the practical applications of Torah law and Torah hashkafa that our great Rabbis taught us.
philosopherParticipantYabia Omer, Ashkenazi mesorah was passed down from great and illustrious Rabbonim and Poskim throughout history. Our history is recorded and our Rabbis and their students, and by extension our communities, are well known and our mesorah is only questioned by those who think they are inferior or superior, but not by the knowledgeable.
philosopherParticipantUjm, Satmer certainly taught and teaches meforshim, including Rashi. Since they don’t teach Chumash in the actual Chumash, they teach it in Yiddish under a subject called “parshah” they therefore don’t teach Rashi on each posek, but in general meforshim, including Rashi, are taught together with the parshah.
BTW, I wasn’t “bought up Satmer”. I’m not from a Satmer family at all. I’m Chassidish, but I’m not Satmer.
philosopherParticipantAvirah, missionaries do not do well with Tanach at all. Missionaries quote mistranslated and misconstrued verses, never in context. The vast majority, if any, missionaries, do not know Tanach at all. They are taught misconstrued and mistranslated verses that were taken out of context to “prove that their religion is true”. When you show them the context and the real translation they are always shocked.
As for the frei people, well yes, certainly we need both Torah Shebaschsav and Torah Shebaal Pe to be able to be a frum Yid, but that doesn’t take away from the fact that Torah Shebachsav is the foundation of Torah Shebaal Pe.
philosopherParticipantUjm, I guess you know better than the rabbonim whose guidance the schools are under, from Yeshivish to most Chassidishe and every frum school in between, from the US to Israel and in every Jewish community on the globe, practically all frum schools teach halacha and at least half, if not more, of Yahadus studies for girls are from Torah Shebaal Pe… Perhaps all these gedolim and Rabbonim should’ve consult with Rabbi UJM, the rabbi of The Coffee Room.
philosopherParticipantAlwaysaskquestions, I think this is the first time I agree with you. This particular line that you wrote stands out to me “Otherwise, as we hear here, suddenly so many books that Hashem ordered for us become “non-essential” in some minds.” It is absolutely horrifying to me how lightly Tanach is taken by apparently many.
philosopherParticipantMost frum communities do have mesorah. Unfortunately there are communities, and sometimes individuals in communities, that break with their mesorah. That doesn’t make the rest of our communities, and the majority of frum people, not have mesorah. The way we daven, Sephardic, Eidas Mizrach, Ashkenaz, Ashkenaz Ari/Sephard, Italic, Buchanan, etc, etc. everyone davens and has their minhugim according to their mesorah that was transmitted from their Rabbis who learnt from their Rabbis, who learnt from their Rabbis until the Gaonim.
philosopherParticipantAvira, Tanach is actually the very basis of Yiddishkeit. Everything from Torah Sh’baal Peh; Mishna, Gemarrah, all meforshim, all Chazals, choivos halvovos, mesilas yeshurin, etc.etc.etc., everything , everything is based on Tanach. The Jewish women in der Alter Heim read, or had a woman in shul read to them, the Tzena Rena. Chumash is the very foundation of Yiddishkeit, it is vital that every single Jew know Chumash we’ll. Nach is the beams and it is very important that every Jew know Nach well; Torah Sh’baal Pe is BASED ON Torah Shebachsav.
philosopherParticipantUjm, you have not answered my question. If girls can learn Tanach, then why can’t boys? And as Shimon Model pointed out, girls learn much of Torah sh’baal pe so your answer is not relevant.
philosopherParticipantWhy can girls in school learn Tanach and not boys in yeshiva?
philosopherParticipantujm, ok so what was his point in taking a pervert for a running mate? Everything is cheshboned out when running for governors office and this as well. He didn’t want the criticism of the media over his “radical” record so he thought he can tame it with such a running mate. BTW, there are many perverts who consider themselves “republican/conservative”. They feel they are moderates who are against crime, abuse of children, etc. While the overwhelming majority of LGTBQ are Democrats, not all are.
philosopherParticipantI don’t understand Zeldin. I just checked his record and it is anti-abortion and anti-gay, why did he take a gay running mate? He wanted the support from LGTBQ community and that’s why I believe that he won’t stand up to the liberal agenda.
philosopherParticipantSam Klein, this is the yetzer hora at work; we are complacent and currently very busy with the “elections” whom we are indorsing and whom we are not endorsing, whom we are voting for…we continue being running after materialism, frum women are going around with wigs to their waistes, they are dancing and singing on public forums, we are continuing to be brazen and the secular society is continuing to get more and more perverted. It is scary.
philosopherParticipantca, I see you do not see the reality. Yes, we Jews are still blamed for everything that goes wrong, perhaps now by a not significant number of people at the moment, but the sentiment can c”v get stronger if this continues. We are in golus after all, many frum people are too comfortable and forget this crucial reality of life. If Zeldin will not reign in the perverts, and I doubt he will, we Jews will be blamed by right-wingers; if you feel better them call them extreme right wingers.
philosopherParticipantujm, I don’t have patience to do research now but I highly doubt the board of regents are the ones who have the authority to enforce private schools to adopt the Department of Ed’s so-called curriculum. In reality, the NY Dept. of Ed has no authority to enforce their own curriculum on private schools, it is blatant corruption of them to do so just like the CDC had no power constitutional power to force to people to take covid poison shots but the gov used the CDC as a springboard to enforce their ” emergency mandates” …
October 31, 2022 10:21 pm at 10:21 pm in reply to: Have you ever received a traffic ticket that you did not deserve? #2134155philosopherParticipantI think I should get a dashcam. They seem to help many people in situations with lying policemen.
October 31, 2022 10:20 pm at 10:20 pm in reply to: The future of the democracy of the U.S. government #2134152philosopherParticipantjackk, you are right that Hashem runs the world. But it is a dor of reshuim who engage in theivery and in acts of abomination and abuse of children and they are causing the collapse of society. We see it beferush.
philosopherParticipantI’m thinking about this question a lot. I don’t think there’s a safe place in the world today…we need Moshiach asap.
philosopherParticipantcoffee addict, I totally agree that we have to do hishtadlus but I don’t think Zeldin is necessarily a better choice than Hochul, despite the anti-crime rhetoric, and therefore I wouldn’t vote either of them. Someone who takes a pervert as a running mate, I can guarantee won’t fight the liberals against abortion and he won’t fight against LGTBQ policies, even when they effect children. In fact, I believe the opposite will happen and whom will the conservatives and right wingers blame for destroying New York (and the USA)? The Jews, that’s who…they are not interested in blaming Coumo, Hochul, and non-Jewish liberals, they’ll pin the blame on Zeldin…I see the writing on the wall …
And for those saying he’ll save the moisdos…well, the askanim and rabbonim endorsed Democrat politicians ’cause they promised the moon so the Chareidi block votesxwent for Democrats and look where we are now … In any case, the governor has no legal say in the Department of Ed, although his word may carry some weight, they are not bound by the governor in any way. If someone is voting for Zeldin because of this issue then their vote is not worth much, if at all.
Zeldin will likely do a better job than Hochul fighting crime ( Hochul did not do her job at all) but because of the other issues I bought up, I think the drum communities rallying around Zeldin is a bad idea.
October 31, 2022 5:39 pm at 5:39 pm in reply to: The future of the democracy of the U.S. government #2134078philosopherParticipantSam Klein I completely agree with you OP. I can’t say how long it will take this country to collapse, but it is heading towards the precipice and it’s scary.
philosopherParticipantAlways, so are you trying to say that for various reasons it’s ok for a man to mingle at social events with pritzusdig dressed women? That’s Conservodox/Conservative “Judaism” where everything people do is ok regardless of halacha, mesorag or minhugim as long as one has a “valid reason” to do what he desires to do …
philosopherParticipantSorry, I need to clarify my mistakes again. I wish there was edit button for comments…I meant to write that no rabbi can give a heter that contradicts halacha.. A heter can allow a person to do differently than one’s minhug is or daas Yehudis but it based on halacha. It is against halacha to mingle with the other gender at parties, certainly when they dress pritzusdig, there is no heter in the world, based on halacha, that can allow such mingling
philosopherParticipantI meant to write that a “frum Rabbi” told a convert, not concert as I mistakenly wrote, he can work on Shabbos because his work as a cop was very important…
philosopherParticipantca, in shomayim everyone is forced to take personal responsibility. No one can blame their “rabbi” who “paskened” against halacha. And no rabbi can give a get that goes against halacha. A heter to do what is not as one’s minhug or according to daas Yehudis can be found in certain circumstances based on halacha, not against halacha.
philosopherParticipantKuvult, interesting…Some “rabbis” let frum women post videos on social media of themselves singing and singing and dancing, there was a as “frum rabbi” who told a policeman who was a concert that since his work is important he can work on Shabbos, and now I see a “rabbi” letting people go to these mixed and untnziusdige parties.. these so-called “rabbis” are Conservodox, not Orthodox, because Orthodox rabbis are we supposed to rule according to Torah law, not their own ideologies and feelings.
philosopherParticipantcoffee addict, religious Jews are supposed to rely on Hashem only, not even on Zeldin with his perverted running mate. We cannot endorse Hochul with her support of perverted behavior and leniency of criminals who murder and steal which is also sin just as perverted behavior is. Jews should not support either of these two candidates, there’s no hishtadlus Jews can do in this race and we can only rely on Hashem. I know that only relying on Hashem without and physical hishtadlus which we rely on to save us is a foreign idea to grasp in 2022, but that’s the reality.
October 28, 2022 2:24 am at 2:24 am in reply to: condemning a candidate due to sickness or old age. #2133227philosopherParticipantParticipant, it is absurd that you are ok with having a president, or anyone in office, who does not posses the adequate mental capabilities to serve the in the capacity that their job entails.
philosopherParticipantrightwriter, nobody cares who others marry only of they engage in a perverted lifestyle that is an abomination to Hashem; this is the reason the mabul came and it should matter to every single Yid. Perverted people are train wrecks of society, causing destruction, mayhem and confusion as we see what they are doing to innocent children, the liberal’s abuse of children and teens is screaming till the heavens, and to they are a cancer to the rest of society, trying to force, and being quite successful at it unfortunately, the acceptance of their decedent behavior as “normal”. Society is disintegrating; abortions, assisted suicide, major decline in family values, loss of appreciation for the value of life, etc. etc. Our society is getting destroyed and you ask if personal lifestyle effects the choices of politicians?! They sure do ! These politicians constantly assault society with their perverted laws they are foisting upon humanity.
philosopherParticipantrightwriter, nobody cares who others marry only of they engage in a perverted lifestyle that is an abomination to Hashem; this is the reason the mabul came and it should matter to every single Yid. Perverted people are train wrecks of society, causing destruction, mayhem and confusion as we see what they are doing to innocent children, the liberal’s abuse of children and teens is screaming till the heavens, and to they are a cancer to the rest of society, trying to force, and being quite successful at it unfortunately, the acceptance of their decedent behavior as “normal”. Society is disintegrating; abortions, assisted suicide, major decline in family values, loss of appreciation for the value of life, etc. etc. Our society is getting destroyed and you ask if personal lifestyle effects the choices of politicians?! They sure do ! These politicians constantly assault society with their perverted laws they are foisting upon humanity.
philosopherParticipantSmerel, I don’t vote for Democrats, period. Democrat politicians by definition support immorality and I would never vote from someone from that party.
philosopherParticipantI’m not voting for anyone. I’m not voting for Zeldin because he has an immoral running mate. I do not vote for those who support immorality.
philosopherParticipantujm, lol. Meanwhile, both English Queen Elizabeths were great queens ( relatively speaking; I’m not a fan of “royalty”) while most kings of England were murderers and cheaters having tons of illegitimate children.
philosopherParticipantThis thread is absolutely shocking. Regardless who is chayiv misa and who is not chayiv misa, the discussion of murder in such lighthearted way and to even question if it’s murder or not is absolutely horrible. How low we have fallen. Our parents and grandparents would be shocked at this discussion.
According to halacha a baby may be aborted only up to 40 days. However, to oivdei Hashem who value life abortion is repulsive and unthinkable even when technically allowed by halacha and most poskim would not allow an abortion on an under 40 day fetus without a very good reason to do so (in cases of rape H”y
or danger to the mother). After 40 days abortion is only allowed if the mother’s physical life is in danger, not if there’s a perceived threat of mental health issues.Abortion is murder. Abortion is murder. Abortion is murder. Period.
January 21, 2022 2:24 pm at 2:24 pm in reply to: What Steps Will the Charedi World Take to Try to Prevent Abuse #2053320philosopherParticipantRev Eliezer, I find your blanket statement “abused parents WILL abuse children” incredibly offensive, untrue and frankly disgusting. Every human being has a choice, a bechira. One of the foundations of Yiddishkeit is the knowledge of the fact that humans control their behaviors. There are wonderful parents (and adults) who were abused as children and there are abusive parents (and adults) who had wonderful parents. Stop perpetuating a lie. You are essentially saying that all victims of abuse are or will be abusers and that is a disgusting and totally untrue thing to say.
It is realistic to say that oftentimes abusers were victims of abuse themselves but it is not a guarantee that all, or even most, victims of abuse will become abusers themselves.
philosopherParticipantbesalel, well said and I agree. I do however have hatred for them because they talk in the name of Judaism. We should not look as them as Jews but they pass themselves off as Jews and drape themselves in the mantle of Judaism that they don’t even believe in. In Rabbi Avigdor Millers times those reshuim were actual Jews and he hated them for desecrating Hashem’s name and causing millions of Jews to assimilate with the gentiles. Today most of these Reform so-called Jews are not even Jewish but I hate them for passing themselves off as Jews and promoting the worst kinds of sins while claiming to practice Judaism.
January 21, 2022 11:23 am at 11:23 am in reply to: What Steps Will the Charedi World Take to Try to Prevent Abuse #2053178philosopherParticipantWhat I was extremely shocked to see was people excusing and whitewashing the abuser by saying that “he couldn’t control himself, we can’t judge him because we are not in his shoes, we won’t throw out his books because they contain good messages, etc.”. I was horrified to see the sympathy that this monster got.
No one can violate hilchos yichus, whether they have a degree or not. And people and children will generally be better off by not having access to psychologists and therapists on a steady basis. For the majority of people therapy stunts their internal growth.
philosopherParticipantTherapy is warranted for those who have experienced abuse, lived through a terror attack, etc. Therapy is not warranted for every bump we go through in life, yes even those who divorced, grew up in divorced homes, etc. Everyone has issues deal with it. 3/4 of people’s problems are created during therapy. If only the people who really need therapy would go to therapists the world would be better off. Look at the secular society’s suicide rate, the divorce rate, the depression rate, the acceptance of LGTBQ behavior and trans surgeries and therapies courtesy of the work of “therapists”. Even in lehavdil the frum world people are dependent on therapists and indulging in non-stop kvetching and it has had a seriously negative impact on our communities. We have simps instead of strong men and women.
I’m not saying to throw the baby out with the bathwater, certainly for some people therapy is needed and some therapists are really good. But those are in the minority, for the majority of therapists and therapy goers it’s not only utter non-sense, it is part of the problems we face nowadays.
December 28, 2021 11:58 pm at 11:58 pm in reply to: Protecting the innocent and false accusations #2045910philosopherParticipantbochurke, if a therapist closes shop “until an investigation is concluded”, which can mean months and oftentimes years, the way it often works in bes din, everyone will know why he closed up shop and you can be sure that no therapist would be willing to do that and destroy his reputation and source of income. If a therapist is actually a pervert, chances are he wouldn’t care what the bes din says in any case.
December 28, 2021 1:37 pm at 1:37 pm in reply to: Protecting the innocent and false accusations #2045712philosopherParticipantThe little I know, I do think not all accusations are true. But why do you think a Rebbe who says is innocent will step away from his job AUTOMATICALLY casting suspicion upon him? No one will do want to step away nor will administrations want to send away innocent people, even temporarily.
Now what about a famous personality who is a therapist? Do you think he’ll just shut his business down until the matter is “investigated”? So how do you propose letting people know someone is under investigation and MAY be a threat to society while doing it all quietly and not letting people know about it?
December 28, 2021 11:53 am at 11:53 am in reply to: Protecting the innocent and false accusations #2045640philosopherParticipantI always thought OTD boys were exaggerating that they claimed they were molested, I thought it was their excuse to go otd. But seeing the response from people in our communities I am thinking the problem may be bigger than I thought it is. The perp becomes the victim and everyone feels obligated to understand him and be dan l’kaf z’chus his behavior while the immense pain of the victims scream to the heaven but they just get a pat on the back while looking on in pain as their abusers are handled with kid gloves.
Now if we were to discuss whether he was guilty or not is one thing. But I see people excusing predatory behavior! Unbelievable!
philosopherParticipantBecause of the silence and empathy for abusers in our communities they continue to get away with their deeds.
Didn’t we learn anything from the story of Gedaliah Ben Achikim ?
This issue is certainly black and white. Anyone who abuses others has absolutely no excuse. You may say there’s not enough evidence that you’ve seen to arrive at a conclusion regarding if he was guilty or innocent but to say that “we can’t understand him and his nisyonas” is absolutely disgusting and whitewashing his terrible deeds if he committed them.
If a therapist has strong nisyonas, the last thing he should be is a therapist.
And I don’t understand sending girls to male therapists. And where is the tznius as well of women going to male therapists?
philosopherParticipanttheshadchansays, what’s not black and white? Hurting others is not black and white?
No one answered me about the released adio. I think we should care about the victims here and it’s certainly black and white.
philosopherParticipantI’m curious. If a tape was published revealing what he said to a woman then how could he not have said what he said? In other words, please tell me how I can be him dan l’kaf chus in this case.
Please tell me on what basis people should be quiet in the face of proof of abuse? So that more innocent people can get hurt?
philosopherParticipantGadolhadorah, taxes today are legalized stealing by the government. The colonies revolted against the British because they had to pay taxes while not being represented in the British government. Their taxes were pennies according to what we pay today and we are not represented in government either, only special interest group with a lot of $ are. The government keeps on stealing from the citizens to spend on stupid things to get these politicians spending the money reelected. The list of ridiculous things the government spends on is miles long.
A large percentage of Democrats get away without paying ANY taxes, most of them are in the low income bracket getting tons of programs i.e. handouts from government coffers.
philosopherParticipantFrumWhere, you make an astounding point. Why has what’s his name not been charged yet?! The fact is that there are numerous witnesses, and I’m sure video as well, of him pointing the gun at the cinemaphotographer. He was also the producer of the production and was negligent in the overall safety on set. Many of the cast and workers had complained. And nothing, zilch. The American people have a different set of standards for “celebrities”, particularly “celebrities” like him.
This country has become like Sodom
philosopherParticipantuncommon, you are right about there not being enough electric energy for EV cars. But that is not the entire story. The story includes political corruption, lies, brainwashing and manipulation by the people in power.