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  • in reply to: The future of the democracy of the U.S. government #2134152

    jackk, you are right that Hashem runs the world. But it is a dor of reshuim who engage in theivery and in acts of abomination and abuse of children and they are causing the collapse of society. We see it beferush.

    in reply to: world Safety #2134150

    I’m thinking about this question a lot. I don’t think there’s a safe place in the world today…we need Moshiach asap.

    in reply to: POLL hocul-zeldin #2134131

    coffee addict, I totally agree that we have to do hishtadlus but I don’t think Zeldin is necessarily a better choice than Hochul, despite the anti-crime rhetoric, and therefore I wouldn’t vote either of them. Someone who takes a pervert as a running mate, I can guarantee won’t fight the liberals against abortion and he won’t fight against LGTBQ policies, even when they effect children. In fact, I believe the opposite will happen and whom will the conservatives and right wingers blame for destroying New York (and the USA)? The Jews, that’s who…they are not interested in blaming Coumo, Hochul, and non-Jewish liberals, they’ll pin the blame on Zeldin…I see the writing on the wall …

    And for those saying he’ll save the moisdos…well, the askanim and rabbonim endorsed Democrat politicians ’cause they promised the moon so the Chareidi block votesxwent for Democrats and look where we are now … In any case, the governor has no legal say in the Department of Ed, although his word may carry some weight, they are not bound by the governor in any way. If someone is voting for Zeldin because of this issue then their vote is not worth much, if at all.

    Zeldin will likely do a better job than Hochul fighting crime ( Hochul did not do her job at all) but because of the other issues I bought up, I think the drum communities rallying around Zeldin is a bad idea.

    in reply to: The future of the democracy of the U.S. government #2134078

    Sam Klein I completely agree with you OP. I can’t say how long it will take this country to collapse, but it is heading towards the precipice and it’s scary.

    in reply to: More Bar than Mitzvah #2133846

    Always, so are you trying to say that for various reasons it’s ok for a man to mingle at social events with pritzusdig dressed women? That’s Conservodox/Conservative “Judaism” where everything people do is ok regardless of halacha, mesorag or minhugim as long as one has a “valid reason” to do what he desires to do …

    in reply to: More Bar than Mitzvah #2133778

    Sorry, I need to clarify my mistakes again. I wish there was edit button for comments…I meant to write that no rabbi can give a heter that contradicts halacha.. A heter can allow a person to do differently than one’s minhug is or daas Yehudis but it based on halacha. It is against halacha to mingle with the other gender at parties, certainly when they dress pritzusdig, there is no heter in the world, based on halacha, that can allow such mingling

    in reply to: More Bar than Mitzvah #2133719

    I meant to write that a “frum Rabbi” told a convert, not concert as I mistakenly wrote, he can work on Shabbos because his work as a cop was very important…

    in reply to: More Bar than Mitzvah #2133720

    ca, in shomayim everyone is forced to take personal responsibility. No one can blame their “rabbi” who “paskened” against halacha. And no rabbi can give a get that goes against halacha. A heter to do what is not as one’s minhug or according to daas Yehudis can be found in certain circumstances based on halacha, not against halacha.

    in reply to: More Bar than Mitzvah #2133573

    Kuvult, interesting…Some “rabbis” let frum women post videos on social media of themselves singing and singing and dancing, there was a as “frum rabbi” who told a policeman who was a concert that since his work is important he can work on Shabbos, and now I see a “rabbi” letting people go to these mixed and untnziusdige parties.. these so-called “rabbis” are Conservodox, not Orthodox, because Orthodox rabbis are we supposed to rule according to Torah law, not their own ideologies and feelings.

    in reply to: POLL hocul-zeldin #2133552

    coffee addict, religious Jews are supposed to rely on Hashem only, not even on Zeldin with his perverted running mate. We cannot endorse Hochul with her support of perverted behavior and leniency of criminals who murder and steal which is also sin just as perverted behavior is. Jews should not support either of these two candidates, there’s no hishtadlus Jews can do in this race and we can only rely on Hashem. I know that only relying on Hashem without and physical hishtadlus which we rely on to save us is a foreign idea to grasp in 2022, but that’s the reality.

    in reply to: condemning a candidate due to sickness or old age. #2133227

    Participant, it is absurd that you are ok with having a president, or anyone in office, who does not posses the adequate mental capabilities to serve the in the capacity that their job entails.

    in reply to: POLL hocul-zeldin #2132883

    rightwriter, nobody cares who others marry only of they engage in a perverted lifestyle that is an abomination to Hashem; this is the reason the mabul came and it should matter to every single Yid. Perverted people are train wrecks of society, causing destruction, mayhem and confusion as we see what they are doing to innocent children, the liberal’s abuse of children and teens is screaming till the heavens, and to they are a cancer to the rest of society, trying to force, and being quite successful at it unfortunately, the acceptance of their decedent behavior as “normal”. Society is disintegrating; abortions, assisted suicide, major decline in family values, loss of appreciation for the value of life, etc. etc. Our society is getting destroyed and you ask if personal lifestyle effects the choices of politicians?! They sure do ! These politicians constantly assault society with their perverted laws they are foisting upon humanity.

    in reply to: POLL hocul-zeldin #2132882

    rightwriter, nobody cares who others marry only of they engage in a perverted lifestyle that is an abomination to Hashem; this is the reason the mabul came and it should matter to every single Yid. Perverted people are train wrecks of society, causing destruction, mayhem and confusion as we see what they are doing to innocent children, the liberal’s abuse of children and teens is screaming till the heavens, and to they are a cancer to the rest of society, trying to force, and being quite successful at it unfortunately, the acceptance of their decedent behavior as “normal”. Society is disintegrating; abortions, assisted suicide, major decline in family values, loss of appreciation for the value of life, etc. etc. Our society is getting destroyed and you ask if personal lifestyle effects the choices of politicians?! They sure do ! These politicians constantly assault society with their perverted laws they are foisting upon humanity.

    in reply to: POLL hocul-zeldin #2132142

    Smerel, I don’t vote for Democrats, period. Democrat politicians by definition support immorality and I would never vote from someone from that party.

    in reply to: POLL hocul-zeldin #2131915

    I’m not voting for anyone. I’m not voting for Zeldin because he has an immoral running mate. I do not vote for those who support immorality.

    in reply to: King Charles and Queen Camilla #2131895

    ujm, lol. Meanwhile, both English Queen Elizabeths were great queens ( relatively speaking; I’m not a fan of “royalty”) while most kings of England were murderers and cheaters having tons of illegitimate children.

    in reply to: Is abortion Murder? #2088472

    This thread is absolutely shocking. Regardless who is chayiv misa and who is not chayiv misa, the discussion of murder in such lighthearted way and to even question if it’s murder or not is absolutely horrible. How low we have fallen. Our parents and grandparents would be shocked at this discussion.

    According to halacha a baby may be aborted only up to 40 days. However, to oivdei Hashem who value life abortion is repulsive and unthinkable even when technically allowed by halacha and most poskim would not allow an abortion on an under 40 day fetus without a very good reason to do so (in cases of rape H”y
    or danger to the mother). After 40 days abortion is only allowed if the mother’s physical life is in danger, not if there’s a perceived threat of mental health issues.

    Abortion is murder. Abortion is murder. Abortion is murder. Period.

    in reply to: What Steps Will the Charedi World Take to Try to Prevent Abuse #2053320

    Rev Eliezer, I find your blanket statement “abused parents WILL abuse children” incredibly offensive, untrue and frankly disgusting. Every human being has a choice, a bechira. One of the foundations of Yiddishkeit is the knowledge of the fact that humans control their behaviors. There are wonderful parents (and adults) who were abused as children and there are abusive parents (and adults) who had wonderful parents. Stop perpetuating a lie. You are essentially saying that all victims of abuse are or will be abusers and that is a disgusting and totally untrue thing to say.

    It is realistic to say that oftentimes abusers were victims of abuse themselves but it is not a guarantee that all, or even most, victims of abuse will become abusers themselves.

    in reply to: Not thanking God #2053284

    besalel, well said and I agree. I do however have hatred for them because they talk in the name of Judaism. We should not look as them as Jews but they pass themselves off as Jews and drape themselves in the mantle of Judaism that they don’t even believe in. In Rabbi Avigdor Millers times those reshuim were actual Jews and he hated them for desecrating Hashem’s name and causing millions of Jews to assimilate with the gentiles. Today most of these Reform so-called Jews are not even Jewish but I hate them for passing themselves off as Jews and promoting the worst kinds of sins while claiming to practice Judaism.

    in reply to: What Steps Will the Charedi World Take to Try to Prevent Abuse #2053178

    What I was extremely shocked to see was people excusing and whitewashing the abuser by saying that “he couldn’t control himself, we can’t judge him because we are not in his shoes, we won’t throw out his books because they contain good messages, etc.”. I was horrified to see the sympathy that this monster got.

    No one can violate hilchos yichus, whether they have a degree or not. And people and children will generally be better off by not having access to psychologists and therapists on a steady basis. For the majority of people therapy stunts their internal growth.

    in reply to: “Frum” therapist #2046592

    Therapy is warranted for those who have experienced abuse, lived through a terror attack, etc. Therapy is not warranted for every bump we go through in life, yes even those who divorced, grew up in divorced homes, etc. Everyone has issues deal with it. 3/4 of people’s problems are created during therapy. If only the people who really need therapy would go to therapists the world would be better off. Look at the secular society’s suicide rate, the divorce rate, the depression rate, the acceptance of LGTBQ behavior and trans surgeries and therapies courtesy of the work of “therapists”. Even in lehavdil the frum world people are dependent on therapists and indulging in non-stop kvetching and it has had a seriously negative impact on our communities. We have simps instead of strong men and women.

    I’m not saying to throw the baby out with the bathwater, certainly for some people therapy is needed and some therapists are really good. But those are in the minority, for the majority of therapists and therapy goers it’s not only utter non-sense, it is part of the problems we face nowadays.

    in reply to: Protecting the innocent and false accusations #2045910

    bochurke, if a therapist closes shop “until an investigation is concluded”, which can mean months and oftentimes years, the way it often works in bes din, everyone will know why he closed up shop and you can be sure that no therapist would be willing to do that and destroy his reputation and source of income. If a therapist is actually a pervert, chances are he wouldn’t care what the bes din says in any case.

    in reply to: Protecting the innocent and false accusations #2045712

    The little I know, I do think not all accusations are true. But why do you think a Rebbe who says is innocent will step away from his job AUTOMATICALLY casting suspicion upon him? No one will do want to step away nor will administrations want to send away innocent people, even temporarily.

    Now what about a famous personality who is a therapist? Do you think he’ll just shut his business down until the matter is “investigated”? So how do you propose letting people know someone is under investigation and MAY be a threat to society while doing it all quietly and not letting people know about it?

    in reply to: Protecting the innocent and false accusations #2045640

    I always thought OTD boys were exaggerating that they claimed they were molested, I thought it was their excuse to go otd. But seeing the response from people in our communities I am thinking the problem may be bigger than I thought it is. The perp becomes the victim and everyone feels obligated to understand him and be dan l’kaf z’chus his behavior while the immense pain of the victims scream to the heaven but they just get a pat on the back while looking on in pain as their abusers are handled with kid gloves.

    Now if we were to discuss whether he was guilty or not is one thing. But I see people excusing predatory behavior! Unbelievable!

    in reply to: Silence #2045559

    Because of the silence and empathy for abusers in our communities they continue to get away with their deeds.

    Didn’t we learn anything from the story of Gedaliah Ben Achikim ?

    This issue is certainly black and white. Anyone who abuses others has absolutely no excuse. You may say there’s not enough evidence that you’ve seen to arrive at a conclusion regarding if he was guilty or innocent but to say that “we can’t understand him and his nisyonas” is absolutely disgusting and whitewashing his terrible deeds if he committed them.

    If a therapist has strong nisyonas, the last thing he should be is a therapist.

    And I don’t understand sending girls to male therapists. And where is the tznius as well of women going to male therapists?

    in reply to: Silence #2045464

    theshadchansays, what’s not black and white? Hurting others is not black and white?

    No one answered me about the released adio. I think we should care about the victims here and it’s certainly black and white.

    in reply to: Silence #2045326

    I’m curious. If a tape was published revealing what he said to a woman then how could he not have said what he said? In other words, please tell me how I can be him dan l’kaf chus in this case.

    Please tell me on what basis people should be quiet in the face of proof of abuse? So that more innocent people can get hurt?

    in reply to: Democrats Love Crime #2044831

    Gadolhadorah, taxes today are legalized stealing by the government. The colonies revolted against the British because they had to pay taxes while not being represented in the British government. Their taxes were pennies according to what we pay today and we are not represented in government either, only special interest group with a lot of $ are. The government keeps on stealing from the citizens to spend on stupid things to get these politicians spending the money reelected. The list of ridiculous things the government spends on is miles long.

    A large percentage of Democrats get away without paying ANY taxes, most of them are in the low income bracket getting tons of programs i.e. handouts from government coffers.

    in reply to: Police Woman Potter #2044589

    FrumWhere, you make an astounding point. Why has what’s his name not been charged yet?! The fact is that there are numerous witnesses, and I’m sure video as well, of him pointing the gun at the cinemaphotographer. He was also the producer of the production and was negligent in the overall safety on set. Many of the cast and workers had complained. And nothing, zilch. The American people have a different set of standards for “celebrities”, particularly “celebrities” like him.

    This country has become like Sodom

    in reply to: Electric Cars are they in your future? #2044582

    uncommon, you are right about there not being enough electric energy for EV cars. But that is not the entire story. The story includes political corruption, lies, brainwashing and manipulation by the people in power.

    in reply to: Electric Cars are they in your future? #2044521

    AAQ, yes that’s how it used to be. The Federal government used to be involved in defense and foreign affairs and very little in state affairs. But now the overreach from the Federal government is absolutely terrible, as is the overreach from many State governments, mostly liberal leaning states.

    When I was a kid we knew who the president was but we never felt it affects us on a personal level. Now every day there’s another mandate or rule being enforced by the Federal government on the average citizen and the policies of the administration in power has a huge, immediate impact on every citizen. The intrusion of the government in our lives is absolutely against the constitution.

    What you mentioned regarding Jeff Bezos is absolutely terrible. Besides that the Federal government should not steal trillions from taxpayers and future taxpayers to fund state projects, it just shows the corruption and mismanagement and hefkeiros from the government on all levels. And a big part of that is because as you say, the Federal government should not be involved in state affairs. And I also say that the State governments should not be involved in personal affairs of it’s citizens that they have no right to control. Basically it all boils down to the need control and the lust of power. This problem is as old as history, there are always humans seeking to control others for personal gain and power. Now, both, the Federal and State politicians in power want to control every citizen in matters that are not their concern.

    in reply to: Imamother thread #2044513

    sparklesout, welcome to this forum. I’m sorry you were already called a troll and now I am giving you some mussar as well but your mathematical formula of Dass Yochid+you = and the power of Whom you wrote is extremely not proper. What in the world do you mean by that anyway?

    in reply to: Electric Cars are they in your future? #2044510

    charliehall, yes, that’s what BASIC government taxes are for- for BASIC infrastructure. But for the CONSUMER we need capitalism. If the government wants to give out handouts to all or select sectors in the market because they favor one thing or another, it is an invitation for legalized corruption which ends up bankrupting the economy and placing immense taxes on those who cannot afford it; in other words, it’s communism. Communism has always made the masses poor and the select elites rich.

    in reply to: Electric Cars are they in your future? #2044502

    2cents, percentagewise, very little electric is produced nowadays through solar energy. To create enough electric to power all cars on the road would they all be EV, you would need hundreds of thousands, perhaps even millions, of acres for solar farms. That means much of the Federal and State lands that are reserved for conservation and wildlife would be destroyed. How would that help the environment? Furthermore, the private sector does not have the ability to produce as many solar farms as would be needed to charge all EV vehicles that would be potentially be bought in the near future and this have to rely on the government for handouts. This EV business is all about Federal grant funding for private companies to supposedly “save the environment” , meanwhile it would ruin the environment and the US economy.

    I totally agree with your second point. The private sector should innovate and develop with limited government intervention and no government handouts. And if that means further developing this “old technology” of hybrid cars, kol hakovod. I would personally choose a hybrid car that doesn’t need filters changed and the battery babied than an EV car. Perhaps in 10-20 years I would consider an EV car if there would be more charging stations and the car could charge in 5 minutes and give me the same mileage as gas powered car on a full tank. But purchase of an EV car should be my choice, not the government’s. If companies want to further develop EV vehicles and provide more charging stations, then also, kol hakovod to those companies and the consumers as well. The best economy is capitalism, free and mostly unfettered and ulittered with corruption from government handouts. The government should absolutely not force consumers to purchase EV vehicles or any other vehicle the politicians fancy they should push people into buying.

    in reply to: Electric Cars are they in your future? #2044422

    Trying to replace gas fueled cars with electric cars is a dumb idea. Producing electricity does not produce less pollution that using gas as an energy choice. The focus of the government on EV cars all about corrupt, liberal politics and has nothing to do with “climate change”.

    The smartest way to go about burning less fuel is making better hybrid cars. Hybrid cars use about 30-40% less gas than regular cars. I’d they can make it go up to 50-60% more mpg of gas than regular cars that would be a fantastic solution to “saving the environment”..

    in reply to: The Bochur found out he is not Jewush… #2041828

    Most Russian/Ukrainian immigrants to Israel in the last few decades are not halachically Jewish. They were given many incentives by the Israeli government to come to Israel. The poverty in many regions in the Ukraine and in the FSU is extremely great; this was these people’s tickets to a better economic future.

    in reply to: Mayor of the fate of NYC #2041826

    Adams is a modern liberal version of Dunkin’s. He supports the worst of the worst immorality. I’m simply embarrassed that there are so many Jews seen in public endorsing and supporting him.

    in reply to: Plastic surgery and Yiddishkeit #2040446

    Rev Eliezer, ok, that clears it up. I though the pronunciation was as you spelled it in English.

    in reply to: Plastic surgery and Yiddishkeit #2040154

    Rev Eliezer, koko-osh is still closer to kokosh than kakaos. Perhaps the Hungarian Jews said koko-osh and not kokosh, I really don’t remember that part and unfortunately I cannot ask my grandparents as they have passed on.

    Is your spelling of kakaos is pronounced koko-osh?

    in reply to: Plastic surgery and Yiddishkeit #2040027

    Rev Eliezer, I think the mystery of Hungarian pronunciation of kokosh can be cleared up with the fact that you spoke Hungarian, as you mentioned that was your first language, and Hungarian Jews whose first language was Yiddish pronounced it “kokosh”.

    in reply to: Plastic surgery and Yiddishkeit #2039925

    People are vain, shallow and have their heads in the wrong place for doing plastic surgery…if they are average to beautiful.

    People are making themselves look better and feel good about themselves by fixing something that needs to be corrected…if they have an extremely prominent and ugly feature that stands out and is repulsive.

    So basically this topic is not a one size fits all.

    It is extremely repulsive the way many women keep on “fixing” that what is perfectly imperfect and beautifully unique, their brains are constantly questioning how they can “make themselves more beautiful” and attractive and it often turns into an obsession.

    On the other hand, if someone is born with a prominent and repulsive feature, there is nothing wrong with correcting that feature, I would think it’s like correcting a birth defect.

    in reply to: Plastic surgery and Yiddishkeit #2039911

    commonsaychel, I don’t know where in Hungary Rev Eliezer grew up, but both of my grandparents grew up in completely different areas in Hungary and they both pronounced it kokosh cake. As did my Satmer Hungarian friends’ mothers, as did all Hungarians I grew up with. Perhaps the Hungarian Yiddish speakers pronounced it kokosh cake and those who spoke Hungarian pronounced it differently.

    in reply to: Public menorah lightings and rooftop menorahs #2039910

    Putting up large menorahs is a chillul Hashem. It is stupid, it degrades the message of holiness, it is all about PR. I suggest all who want to be “mekarev” secular Jews, and goyim who claim they are Jews, to spread the message of Yiddishkeit to their own families, to spread the message of what it means to be ehriche Yidden and not to live like misyavnim embracing the goyish culture while claiming to be ehriche Yidden.

    in reply to: I have COVID #2039478

    AAQ, 85% of what you write you don’t support with RELEVENT sources. The vast majority of what people write here on this topic has no resources. You have no problem with it besides for when someone writes against covid-19 shots.

    There was a thread regarding the shots and I argued that mRNA and DNA goes back into the nucleus regardless of what the government and pharmaceutical companies claim to the contrary. I’ve quoted NUMEROUS RELEVENT sources, unlike the few and mostly irrelevant sources you quote that have mainly nothing to do with the topic at hand. It is time consuming to do that and I’m totally not interested in doing so, just as the majority of people writing here, including you.

    1. Karl Popper’s philosophical line is totally not relevent to the topic of this thread which is whether the shots bring on covid-19 and whether the symptoms are more severe or not. Karl Popper is not a source for anything in any case, but certainly not relevent in this case.

    2. I have read through the thread and could not find any reference to the Biotech CEO. I may have missed it but in any case, if you quoted a CEO to prove anything regarding the shots or covid, that proves nothing. CEO’s of pharmaceutical companies are not neutral scientific sources of info.

    3. The Lancet article actually proves reinfections were rare in older residents and younger staff and significant boosting occured on reinfection. I’m not sure how it that is would prove anything in your attempts to make the shot a necessity, this article actually proves that the shot is not necessary. (Only in the UK can you find such honest medical reporting- as I said earlier, the coronavirus is not so politicized in the UK and therefore research and data is not hidden and suppressed like it is in the US).

    4.If you consider Malone’s LinkedIn account a “source” then I have news for you; these kind of sources proves absolutely 0, neither regarding the topic of this thread not about Malone himself. Besides, the only reason you have a problem with Malone, who knows way, way more than you btw, is because he doesn’t toe the official line. Wikipedia lists most of his work and employment besides for where they scrubbed out his work as a inventor of the mRNA technology which was on his page prior to him speaking about the covid-19 shots.

    5. I’m not going to go over the thread again, but I see no reference
    anywhere to your source where the article “Lower Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Viral Shedding Following Coronavirus Disease 2019 ” . Searching online only brings up “Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Viral Shedding Following Coronavirus” . Where is that article from?

    6. Vaccination of healthcare worker in LA prove what exactly? I have not found this news article to be a source proving anything.

    7. I don’t remember any reference in the thread regarding Paul C Adamson, 2021 . I’ll look over what you wrote later if I have the time and patience, but going through your “sources” until now, I highly doubt it will be proof of anything.

    8. Scott Atlas is not a supporter of your official political covid-19 policies so if you used him as your “source” ( I don’t memorize what your write so I don’t remember you referencing him) then again for sure is something that doesn’t prove anything regarding the effectiveness of the covid-19 shots.

    9. The Reimersma article actually talks about high virus spread on settings where there is high vaccine coverage. The article goes on to state that vaccinated individuals spread the virus as much as non-vaccinated individuals. It boggles my mind that you’d use this article that actually confirms high virus spread in vaccinated people, although it glosses over that FACT pretty quickly and goes on to talk about viral loads, but the fact is that here you have a prestigious medical report admitting that there’s high viral spread among vaccinated individuals and that they spread equally to non-vaccinated individuals and you use that to prove what exactly?! That you can use that article as a “source” and still claim that the vaccination is effective is hysterical!

    10. I did not find the article of the last “source”. Where was it published? The closest article to your reference was published by the Public Health of Ontario which is a political establishment and simply writes that there are numerous studies but referes no particular study that actually proves the VE of the shots. The supposed real world data they reference to is sham- there’s also real world data showing the innefectiveness of the shot. What can be used as proof is real, peer reviewed studies which we don’t have of yet. But never fear, just trust big government; they never lie.

    11. I am Chassidish so Rav Chaim’s psak regarding vaccines does not concern me at all, he is not my posek. Looking at what is going on in Israel, with it’s constant closing of the border and never fully reopening is actually proving that the shots are a dismal failure. In any case, I’m actually skeptical if Rav Chaim himself is really behind that psak knowing how many politically motivated individuals take advantage of their associations with Rav Chaim and claiming he says things which I’m not exactly sure he ever said.

    No wonder you think you can smugly claim that anti-covid shot individuals do not write their sources when you are throwing around all sorts of “sources” that are totally not relevent, often proves the opposite what you are saying, or proves nothing at all. That is not how you bring sources, it’s simply irrelevant at best .

    in reply to: Plastic surgery and Yiddishkeit #2039487

    Reb Eliezer, as an Hungarian descendant I disagree. Every Hungarian I know from my childhood, those who came straight out of postwar Europe, including my grandparents, pronounced it “koskosh” cake.

    in reply to: I have COVID #2039200

    2cents, what I say has no substance TO YOU. If you don’t understand the simple things I’m saying it doesn’t mean my words have no substance, you just simply do not understand what I’m saying.

    You gloss over the fact that you do not have proof to back you claim that a majority of doctors and scientists globally say that the so-called vaccines are safe and effective so your attempts to disprove my words are mere fluff and actually stupid. Why would I believe in your “majority” when there’s no proof of any majority. That is so incredibly stupid and on top of that, the majority of people where not always in the right, you should learn from history, there are plenty instances of that. But that’s beside the point, the main point is that you can’t even prove that the majority of doctors and scientists are pro covid-19 shots yet you keep on insisting that I cannot have an opinion that is different than the “majority”. Now go ahead and prove the “majority” of doctors and scientists worldwide think that the shot has been proven safe and effective in stopping the virus from spreading.

    It seems like you don’t understand what the word “hypocrisy” means. Again, I never asked AAQ for his sources and neither do I care what his sources are. But since he was the one who started this by saying that we anti-covid-19-shot individuals get our info from websites and we don’t post our sources, I was simply pointing out that it’s hypocritical of him to say that when he does the same. Since you seem incapable of comprehending this simple little fact, it won’t help if you call me hypocritical, it is simply showing that you can’t follow conversations.

    in reply to: I have COVID #2039037

    2cents, the way I communicate, whether you like it or not, has nothing to do with the topic at hand. And talking about substance, I find your posts lacking of any EVIDENCE proving my position wrong. All you do is try to shtech and point fingers in my direction, but there’s absolutely nothing of substance, no scientific proof nor peer reviewed studies proving the vaccine effective at preventing people from getting covid and preventing the virus from spreading.

    If you get your info from other sources than mainstream news media and official political channels then you’d know that there’s no such thing as the “majority of doctors” supporting the so-called vaccine. I am definitely dismissing the non-fact that the majority of scientists and doctors are not in agreement with my position that the so-called vaccines cannot be mandated. Regarding whether they think that the so-called vaccine is effective or not or the if the risks of the vaccines outweighs the benefits, doctors and scientists have different positions on that however there’s no way to prove that the majority of hundreds of thousands doctors and scientists worldwide believe that taking the vaccine is effective and safe, especially when doctors cannot freely voice their opinions on this issue.

    About cherry picking I say the same about you. I don’t know where you get your data from but it seems to me that you do not have ANY data at all only parroting what you have heard. I have read many scientific articles and listened to many scientists and doctors. I have also heard from doctors in the mainstream media and have come to the conclusion of who truly presented more scientific knowledge and evidence backing their words and who are shills for the pharmaceutical companies. If that’s called cherry picking in your book it’s simply because of WHAT conclusion I’ve arrived to which doesn’t sit well with you…

    in reply to: I have COVID #2038953

    2cents, I did not ask for a list of scientists from AAQ. In fact, I said that I don’t care whom he listens to. I said that beferish. What I did say is that AAQ accuses the anti-covid shot posters of listening to “channels and websites” and that we don’t bring their sources or write whom we take our info from while AAQ does not do that either and also takes his info off the websites. Who doesn’t do that nowadays? (No one reads science journals that come in the mail…) That is hypocritical and that is what I said, he doesn’t talk who his sources are while denigrating the fact that we do not state who our sources are. That is totally hypocritical. I have never demanded to know his sources are and neither do I care to know.

    And what makes you choose which scientist and doctors you listen to? CNN the NYT or some other liberal news agency? Do you listen to the mass murderer Fauci? What makes you the authority whom I can and should listen to? And I have absolutely not seen that a majority of doctors should be pro the poison shot, the vast majority are quiet, they are not willing to risk the backlash they would have if they were to publicly speak out against the shot. In any case, it’s a free country, or should be a free country, and I will listen to whom I think is saying the truth, not the majority and not those who toe the political line, the same political line who encourages kids to explore their “gender identity” in public schools and the same political line that has other boxes people can check off on official documents other than male or female.

    I have no clue whether Dr. Malone thinks of himself as the pioneer or not but the fact is that HE developed the concept of the mRNA vaccine first ( Researchers worked on his first experiments and perfected it further, adding lipids for mRNA transfer). He was always refered to as such however since his anti-mandatory covid-19 shot stance and his bringing up issues about the shot is causing many to discredit his work in being the FIRST to design, experiment and develop the beginning of the mRNA vaccine technology.

    He is not only contracted by the army. He has held numerous prestigious jobs in the field of virology. And he is not the only virologist speaking out against the as of now experimental “vaccine”. Their are many prestigious doctors, scientists and virologists speaking out against it. However it seems as the only ones you listen to are those who speak on the liberal mainstream media news or through political channels.

    in reply to: I have COVID #2038941

    Ash, there is a money incentive, not for the average doctor, but for higher ups. I didn’t say your healthcare is rubbish, I said it is not the best.

    The death rate in the US is only slightly higher than the UK, not much higher. And the reason for this is simple. The UK has been more honest and transparent regarding the reporting of covid-19 data. The doctors and hospitals do not get $ for reporting patients as dying from covid-19 while here in the US the government actually pays $ if a patient who died is classified as dying from covid and therefore very often, even if the patient died due to other factors, if they tested positive for covid the cause of death will be classified as covid-19.

    In general, covid-19 in the UK is not as politicized here as in the US. The covid-19 shots are also not as politicized. I believe that it is still the UK government’s policy not to give the shots for those under 18 years of age unlike the pushing it on the youth here in the US.

    The majority of doctors absolutely do not recommend the shot. The majority of doctors are simply quiet about it, they don’t make waves because they don’t want to be bullied for speaking up. Bull Gates is certainly involved in the covid-19 garbage shot. First of all he funds half of the budget of NIH and is buddy-buddy with Fauci. He has profited from the shot , but more importantly it is part of his ideoligy. You are very naive. Bill Gates funds approximately 50% of NIH and has worked together with the mass murderer, Dr. Fauci on many projects. Are you going to defend Fauci too and tell me that I’m a conspiracist for calling Fauci a mass murder for being involved and funding gain of function research of the coronavirus which had absolutely no benefit to humanity ( just like with the puppies that were part of the monster Fauci’s experiments where they were eaten alive by fleas and the only people who benefitted from this were Fauci and his colleagues who made $ fleecing the US government for their disgusting “scientific programs”.) Just the opposite, the man-made virus only bought death and destruction and Fauci knew that the side effects of this virus. The fact is that both, Fauci and Bill Gates benefitted from this entire covid-19 production and “lab leak”, ideologically and financially by being involved in the creation of this virus and the non-vaccine vaccine for it. Call me a conspiracist, it doesn’t change the facts not the reality of who Bill Gates is and how he was and still is involved.

    in reply to: I have COVID #2038853

    AAQ, you never mention which articles you read and by which doctors they are written. And I honestly don’t care. First of all, doctors and scientists can have different ways that they view the same subject matter, they are not clones of each other. And many things, not only objectivity influences the results of research. I am assuming the articles you read are online on websites as well so what’s the point of saying we see things on websites, so do you.

    Regarding Dr. Robert Malone’s LinkedIn account, I find it really funny that you would judge a person by their LinkedIn account. Many people open accounts and don’t end up posting much, including me. I opened an account years ago, put up a bit of info and then dropped the entire thing despite working in my chosen career,; I did not find LinkedIn to be of any value. But you can find many, but not all, of Dr. Malone’s accomplishments on his Wikipedia page. Unfortunately not all that he has accomplished in the world of science and virology is still listed there, his work as THE pioneer of mRNA vaccines has been scrubbed due to his current stance which goes against those in power. Currently, Dr. Malone is in contract with the US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases. And until 2020 he was the cheif medical officer at Alchem Laboratories. Obviously, his work in science and virology is highly valued and he’s not simply a “one man consultant for the last 20 years”.

    Im not really interested in dropping more names of doctors and scientists who are totally against these shots, or at least against he mandates, but I will mention one person, the Nobel prize virologist Dr. Luc Montagnier who also has a Wikipedia page which of course was edited to say say that he’s a “promoter of conspiracy theory…” regarding the covid-19 origin which has ultimately been accepted as the most likely scenerio of the origin of covid-19, and yet this “very important” line depicting him as a conspiracies is still up on his page. They are seeking to discredit him due his belief that the virus was created in a lab, which at the time he said it the liberals didn’t want to acknowledge that, and regarding the covid-19 shots, he saidbthat it will not stop the virus, which has absolutely been proven to be true, and that the shots cause many covid-19 varients to spread, which is most likely true as well.

    There are many, many prominent virologists and doctors who are against the so-called vaccines. Again, I’m not interested in listing all of them or even a few of them. They are there I’d you are interested in finding them.

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