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November 18, 2022 6:33 am at 6:33 am in reply to: Silencing the Psychotic Medication Debate #2139809philosopherParticipant
Of course there are real mental illnesses. However the mental “health” industry keeps on expanding the definition of mental disorders. 57% of young adults in the US aged 17-28 are currently diagnosed with mental disorder! That is insane!
The reason why so many people are depressed and full of anxiety is because we do not appreciate the gifts that God gave us. The more we appreciate what we have and the more we realize that we are not in control and that God runs the world, the more joyous we are are. The problem is that this society always focuses on what we are missing. There are people who we cannot judge for being depressed, their lives are absolutely incredibly hard, but for the average depressed person or person who has anxiety, this happens because God is not a part, or perhaps only a small part, of their lives.
I think the majority of kids with ADHD is a result of sitting far too long listening to oftentimes very boring teachers. They are not stimulated enough, classes are too boring. Also, some kids are always on a sugar high, they don’t eat normal, healthy food and exist on nosh so yes, they will be hyper.
November 18, 2022 6:32 am at 6:32 am in reply to: Sam Bankman-Fried, Zelensky, Soros, Schumer, etc. #2139806philosopherParticipantYou are right, but I’m also right. I think we are both of our opinions here are the truth. It is a paradox.
November 18, 2022 6:32 am at 6:32 am in reply to: Sam Bankman-Fried, Zelensky, Soros, Schumer, etc. #2139804philosopherParticipantYes, I forgot about Soros but he definitely belongs in the tile.
November 17, 2022 1:26 pm at 1:26 pm in reply to: Sam Bankman-Fried, Zelensky, Soros, Schumer, etc. #2139401philosopherParticipantHaKatan, Judaism is a religion but ALSO a race. I agree what you are saying about there being Muslims and Christians also doing terrible things. But that was not the point of my comment. I am not blaming all Jews for what some Jewish individuals do. I am saying that these Jews are causing a lot of anti-Semitism and it’s becoming very scary and ugly.
November 17, 2022 1:25 pm at 1:25 pm in reply to: Silencing the Psychotic Medication Debate #2139396philosopherParticipant1, So who decides who is a quack? The medical and “mental health” industry who are profiting of the billions pouring into the industries by people brainwashed that they can “change” their gender, that popping pills will cure their emptiness and unhappiness, that pills can pills can make people calm and fulfilled?
Perhaps you are the one believing in quacks? You are allowed to make the decision you feel is good for you and so can anyone else decide for themselves. This is freedom.
philosopherParticipantNow the world is angry at Zelensky for saying the Russians hit Poland with the missile while it was most likely a Ukrainian missile. Everyone is claiming that Zelensky wants NATO to join the war and we should have a WW3… I’m embarrassed that the president of Ukraine is Jewish who is fighting a Ukrainian war and we Jews will have to get blamed for whatever Zelensky does that is bad, including shnorring billions of dollars of aid from the US and instigating WW3…I hoping that further research will show that it was a Russian missile (that is highly unlikely though) because Zelensky is still claiming that it wasn’t them and it will look really bad if it was indeed a Ukrainian missile.
philosopherParticipant* I meant to write are so repulsive to me
philosopherParticipantWhat an an idiot we have here, as well as a vicious, vile person; AAQ is the Jewish idiot who loves non-Jews and hates Jews. He bashes Jews for daring to breath ( we kill everyone like that) while whitewashing the evils of non-Jews…He is a Jewish, Jew hater…uch, disgusting.
philosopherParticipantI have responded to AAQ last comment but it seems that the moderators won’t let it through. Seems like it’s ok that AAQ writing hurts me writing about “people here were inspired by online propaganda somehow” but I cannot respond to that. I do not forgive such a person and he should know it. Seems like some people get away with their disgusting statements that it’s ACADEMIC history when we discuss the Jewish history in the Slavic regions dripping with the blood shed by the Slavs, including AAQ’s beloved Ukrainians, but it’s propaganda when we don’t care them…Some people repulse me.
philosopherParticipantAAQ, it’s ironic that you say on someone else that they love finding the worst in everyone…
philosopherParticipantAvirah, well said.
philosopherParticipantChopping off healthy organs from teenagers is totally rishus, giving puberty blockers to children is rishus, parents and “educators” brainwashing kids that they are the opposite gender is rishus. That this all is legal and encouraged by government officials is disgusting. Humanity is disgusting.
Creating viruses (they are STILL doing that) that kill people is not rishus? Millions of people died because so many scientists are obsessed with creating viruses that kill people. Killing people and giving them chronic diseases by forcing them to get shots that were not proven to be safe or efffective to satisfy the barbaric elements of society is not rishus?
Often there’s no justice in the courts; some people with protektzia get away with crimes while others get disproportionately sentences for their crimes.
I don’t think civilization “softened”. Instead of fighting in wars they watch violent and cruel movies that fill their lust for killing. They play violent video games; not only teens, but adults and seniors too.
I don’t believe supermax prisons for murderers and prisoners who are murderers and disrupt other prisoners, and are dangerous to them, is barbaric. They got there because of their own actions. They are there for others’ safety. It’s when murderers are realeased early from prison and criminals don’t even land in prison, that’s when we see how how barbaric civilization is that they don’t care about justice for victims (and that’s when crime skyrockets). Not caring about innocent victims is barbarism.
We are lulling ourselves to complacency. This civilization has plenty of murderers and those ready to kill. Anti-Semitism is on the rise. It is a scary world and getting scarier. Hashem should continue watching over us but I think we should prepare ourselves like Yaacov Avinu did before meeting Eisav. We have not fully met the face of Eisav and I pray that we should never meet it. We should daven that we never experience the full barbarism that humanity is capable of.
philosopherParticipantUjm, thank you.
philosopherParticipantOk, we can’t have AAQ’s sentence modified…here it is in it’s entirety; “If you do accept Putin’s culpability, there is no reason to discuss ACADEMIC HISTORY of Slavs in the same sentence.”
Putin’s culpability is irrelevant to the fact that I don’t care about the war in Ukraine.
The Slavs fighting each other is an ongoing fact. it is not only academic history but a continuation of Slav culture. But again, that is irrelevant to the fact that I don’t care about the war in Ukraine.
What is absolutely relevant to me is the Jewish victims iliving in the Slavic regions who were murdered, raped, their possessions plundered for hundreds of years until the early 20th century! Then the barbaric Ukrainians fully participated in Holocaust and were at least as brutal, if not more so, than the Nazis. And Russians partisans often killed Russian Jewish partisans who were fighting the Nazis. This is nothing but ACADEMIC HISTORY to a Jew?!
philosopherParticipantChas v’sholom, I’m didn’t mean to say that AAQ makes the spelling and grammar errors…I meant I constantly make those errors because of carelessness….I hope everyone can find it in their hearts to forgive me…
philosopherParticipantSpelling and grammar errors is totally ok with me. Being a barbaric people lover and excuser is disgusting.
philosopherParticipantuser176, I knew this will happen…I knew herd immunity will be attributed to the “vaccine” that was proven to not prevent transmition nor even prevent people from getting covid…lol.
philosopherParticipant“there is no reason to discuss to discuss ACEDEMIC HISTORY of the Slavs in the same sentence”… Well, thank God I will don’t have to get AAQ’s permission to engage in ACEDEMIC HISTORY…
philosopherParticipantI believe Biden will be foaming at the mouth while the great US heads towards the cemetery…
philosopherParticipanthuju, no logical person would defend any Democrat position which is going to bring us neverending inflation, “legal” child abuse, election fraud, etc.etc. our country is headed to the edge of the cliff and then…
philosopherParticipantAAQ, I called Putin is a murderer because I’m happy that people are being killed? My goodness, either you are not honest or you don’t comprehend what people are writing. I called Putin a murderer because he kills Ukrainians and send Russians to be killed in war and OBVIOUSLY I don’t support that otherwise I would not call Putin a murderer. That does not mean I’m crying for the Slavs who fought each other practically since they became a race and committed atrocities against other people.
Maybe with the exception of some Russian peasants who believe Russian propaganda that they are rooting out Ukrainian Nazis, no one is interested in a war, I believe even Putin himself would at this point like to stop the war but his ego won’t let him climb down the tree.
I believe I said this to you before, the world is not black and white, the world has varying shades of grey and has many colors and millions of hues. Not caring about the Ukrainians is a far cry from supporting war, supporting the invasion of a sovereign nation, supporting the killing of civilians or even soldiers many of them who were drafted against their will.
Furthermore, I strongly protest comparing my not caring of Slavs engaged in a (practically neverending) war with each other to the Germans actually engaging in the mass murder of millions upon millions of innocents, and in particular the Jews, because they felt they had an excuse to do that. That is incredibly vicious of you and I will not be engaging in any dialogue with you. Shame on you.
philosopherParticipantWhat about the poison shots? Fraudci and co., including Bill Gates and the CDC, have caused the death and harm to millions of individuals, not only through the “lab leak” of COVID-19 but also the forced “vaccinations”; the vicious forced “vaccine” mandates. Currently doctors who were not only not against the covid poison shots but who liberally gave them to their patients, are reporting many adverse events including an abnormal amount of deaths which they attribute to the covid poison shots. The murderers are getting away with murder.
philosopherParticipantAAQ, where have you seen anything written here that is pro-murderer? I have seen many times that you do not have good comprehension. I have read this read thread over a few times and nowhere have I read one word in favor of anyone being killed.
I have written that I’m not crying over the Ukrainians nor the Russians; nowhere have I said that I’m pro the murder of Slavs. Yes, I absolutely do not cry about a people who kept on committing numerous progroms against the Jews as late as the early 20th century, I do not cry about a people who helped the Nazis kill our people, I do not cry about a people who spilled rivers of the blood of my people and committed the most heinous crimes against them. If my non-caring equals being pro-murder then I feel so sorry for you that you would twist my words to defend the “poor Slavic nation” ( who fought between each other for millenia) against a “vicious” Jew like me…
Let me tell you even the Circassians and other nationalities care more about there murderered brethrethen than you. I have been in discussion with some Circassians who are are not as forgiving and forgetting as you are of your own people being killed and murdered in the most gruesome ways. No, they are not saying we are so excited that the Slavs are killing themselves, but in a recent discussion with a few individuals from that race, I realized that the Slavs have done great harm to many races, but only Jews will DEFEND these barbarians when Hashem is giving these people back what they did to our nation and perhaps to other races as well. Hashem cares more about the spilt blood of our ancestors than you and the likes of you who care more about the barbarians. In a few generations Jews will likely be defending Germans as well. They’ll say that Jews generally had a good history in Germany but since Jews did xyz that’s why the Germans got angry with them and committed the Holocaust…this is exactly the argument used to excuse the Slavs, particularly the “poor” Ukrainians, against the crimes committed against our people. But God remembers everything and that is a nechama to the victims.
philosopherParticipantWhoever doesn’t have a smartphone and is not online for downtime, kol hakovod to them.
I am also surprised that there are ads featuring women on YWN, and I find it especially revolting when I see the ads with women on YWN WhatsApp group because it’s so untznius. I also find the nivul peh recently posted in one of the YWN news article very, very revolting.
I also still feel guilty for being choished 2 people here on the CR for being the same person, and giving them mussar but it could be I was right and they are one person….
Regarding posting in the CR, talking to other anonymous people does not make me “feel closer to them”. Perhaps other people feel like that but I don’t think you can be closer to anyone you have no clue who they are. I have no clue whether halachically it’s wrong to be here, but I am definitely of the opinion it’s better to not be on the internet at all.
One thing that being here helped me was that I am able to stop arguing and not endlessly try to prove that I’m right. After arguing endlessly about covid regulations and covid poison shots I realized I can just say my thing and move on. This understanding that I don’t need to win an argument with another person also helped me a lot in real life.
philosopherParticipantjackk, aha, you sticking up for the complete meshuganna Stacy Abrams shows how you can downplay the fact that Democrats do not want ID requirements when voting. You need ID when you travel, you need ID to open a bank account, you need ID to obtain a driver’s license, etc.etc, but when you vote it is magically racist to have to show ID; all of a sudden there are so many disadvantaged blacks and Hispanics that can’t show their ID…
philosopherParticipantI agree; -Putin is a mass murderer. However, I’m not crying over the murderous Ukrainians, they are the same war loving, barbaric people as the Russians.
philosopherParticipantAmil Zola, you should have a complete refuah sheleimah.
philosopherParticipantYserbius, I’m not aTrump fan at all ( although I think he did great as a president I wouldn’t vote for him now) many, many Republicans are not Trump fans and that does not mean that there’s no election fraud going on. What “1” said had absolutely nothing to do with Trump.
philosopherParticipantDemocrats are against voter ID
Republicans are pro-voter IDDemocrats are pro mail in ballots
Republicans/Trump are anti-mail in ballotsThat’s all you need to know which side is cheating and manipulating data
philosopherParticipantYserbius, whether Trump had a narrow lead or not, the fact is that it is statistically impossible for almost all of these states to go to Biden when Trump was ahead. And in rural and suburban counties it is very often Republicans who are preferred candidates, the Democrats usually win in the cities.
philosopherParticipantThe fact is that during 2020 vote count when the polls were open many states were showing that Trump was winning, but only in the last hours before the polls closed, they went, one by one, almost all for Biden. That is statisticly impossible.
philosopherParticipantIt is not only King James version, there are other New Testament versions and many other Christian scriptures, in fact they base their entire ideology on misconstrued and mistranslated verses and verses that are taken out of context. This is a vast subject and if you want to learn more there’s Jews for Judaism which is an excellent organization counteracting missionaries; they have many videos and I believe books as well, or you can contact them for info on books you can read that counteract missionary points.
November 5, 2022 11:29 pm at 11:29 pm in reply to: The future of the democracy of the U.S. government #2135652philosopherParticipantJackk, it’s nice to be positive but you are not seeing the entire picture. The mabul was sent because of gays. Not only gay, but people are engaged in all kinds of promiscuous behavior that is an abomination to Hashem. And yet we have askanim and Rabbonim who are meeting with these individuals who engage in and or support this behavior, encourage it and make it legal. And they are endorsing them as well! Non-Jewish kids are having organs chopped off to serve the liberal cult and what are we doing about it? I know Jews think we live our own lives but all these laws and regulations WILL eventually effect is H”y.
We are living in times where Jewish women look like pritzus and it’s totally accepted, sing and dance on public social media forums, materialism is overtaking our lives.
Hashem is sending signals all the time and we are ignoring them. We need to wake up fast and not be complacent!
philosopherParticipantI think that many people don’t understand what mesorah means. Mesorah does not mean that we have to dress the same or have the same dialect of Loshen HaKodesh than how klal Yisroel dressed or spoke when they stood at har Sinai. The Yidden in different generations and different geographical regions all spoke and dressed differently and had different minhugim, that does not mean their mesorah was broken. The Yidden during the times of the destruction of the Beis Hamildosh, approximately 1,000 years later than matan Torah, did not speak the exact same dialect, did not dress exactly the same as their ancestors 1,000 years earlier and had many more minhugim that Yosroeilim at Har Sinai. The Babylonian Jews, the Greek Jews, the Caucasian Jews, they all spoke and dressed and had different traditions. That is not unbroken mesorah. The Jews who migrated to Europe 1,000 years ago, which also includes the ancestors of the Sephardim, did not have a broken mesorah just because they did not dress the same, had different traditions and different dialects than other Jewish communities spread throughout, who each had their own dialects and traditions.
Mesorah is the unvoken and untampered chain of halacha and the concept of Hashem is One God whom we serve and abide by His Torah that was written and transmitted to us by Moshe Rabbeinu. From then on on the midbar, it was taught to the Yidden, and taught and taught, from leaders of klal Yisroel, from father to son, from Rebbe to student, from mother to daughter. Although our dialects are different, our minhugim are different, our dress is different, we have the same mesorah going back to Har Sinai.
philosopherParticipantAkuperma, Christians do not know Tanach, the just misconstrue and mistranslate verses taken out of context to “prove their religion is true”. There are some individual Christian who know Tanach but they are rare exceptions. Israeli missionaries do know Tanach, as Avira pointed out, but there are very, very few Israeli Jewish missionaries, not more than a few individuals. The overwhelming majority of missionaries, even those operating in Israel, are non-Jews who don’t know Tanach well, if anything, at all.
King James bible “adaptations” are flights of human fantasy so it’s irrelevant to how Yidden learn Tanach. Now I am certainly not minimizing the importance of learning Tanach within the framework and clarity of Torah SheBaal Peh, I am certainly not minimizing learning Rashi with Chumash. The Torah is extremely deep and we do not know how to navigate it properly without the clarity of our Sages. My point is simply that it is very important for Yidden to know the basics of Yiddishkeit with is Tanach, but of course, only within the framework of what our Rabbis taught us because that is the only way we can know how to live the life the Torah demands of us; through the practical applications of Torah law and Torah hashkafa that our great Rabbis taught us.
philosopherParticipantYabia Omer, Ashkenazi mesorah was passed down from great and illustrious Rabbonim and Poskim throughout history. Our history is recorded and our Rabbis and their students, and by extension our communities, are well known and our mesorah is only questioned by those who think they are inferior or superior, but not by the knowledgeable.
philosopherParticipantUjm, Satmer certainly taught and teaches meforshim, including Rashi. Since they don’t teach Chumash in the actual Chumash, they teach it in Yiddish under a subject called “parshah” they therefore don’t teach Rashi on each posek, but in general meforshim, including Rashi, are taught together with the parshah.
BTW, I wasn’t “bought up Satmer”. I’m not from a Satmer family at all. I’m Chassidish, but I’m not Satmer.
philosopherParticipantAvirah, missionaries do not do well with Tanach at all. Missionaries quote mistranslated and misconstrued verses, never in context. The vast majority, if any, missionaries, do not know Tanach at all. They are taught misconstrued and mistranslated verses that were taken out of context to “prove that their religion is true”. When you show them the context and the real translation they are always shocked.
As for the frei people, well yes, certainly we need both Torah Shebaschsav and Torah Shebaal Pe to be able to be a frum Yid, but that doesn’t take away from the fact that Torah Shebachsav is the foundation of Torah Shebaal Pe.
philosopherParticipantUjm, I guess you know better than the rabbonim whose guidance the schools are under, from Yeshivish to most Chassidishe and every frum school in between, from the US to Israel and in every Jewish community on the globe, practically all frum schools teach halacha and at least half, if not more, of Yahadus studies for girls are from Torah Shebaal Pe… Perhaps all these gedolim and Rabbonim should’ve consult with Rabbi UJM, the rabbi of The Coffee Room.
philosopherParticipantAlwaysaskquestions, I think this is the first time I agree with you. This particular line that you wrote stands out to me “Otherwise, as we hear here, suddenly so many books that Hashem ordered for us become “non-essential” in some minds.” It is absolutely horrifying to me how lightly Tanach is taken by apparently many.
philosopherParticipantMost frum communities do have mesorah. Unfortunately there are communities, and sometimes individuals in communities, that break with their mesorah. That doesn’t make the rest of our communities, and the majority of frum people, not have mesorah. The way we daven, Sephardic, Eidas Mizrach, Ashkenaz, Ashkenaz Ari/Sephard, Italic, Buchanan, etc, etc. everyone davens and has their minhugim according to their mesorah that was transmitted from their Rabbis who learnt from their Rabbis, who learnt from their Rabbis until the Gaonim.
philosopherParticipantAvira, Tanach is actually the very basis of Yiddishkeit. Everything from Torah Sh’baal Peh; Mishna, Gemarrah, all meforshim, all Chazals, choivos halvovos, mesilas yeshurin, etc.etc.etc., everything , everything is based on Tanach. The Jewish women in der Alter Heim read, or had a woman in shul read to them, the Tzena Rena. Chumash is the very foundation of Yiddishkeit, it is vital that every single Jew know Chumash we’ll. Nach is the beams and it is very important that every Jew know Nach well; Torah Sh’baal Pe is BASED ON Torah Shebachsav.
philosopherParticipantUjm, you have not answered my question. If girls can learn Tanach, then why can’t boys? And as Shimon Model pointed out, girls learn much of Torah sh’baal pe so your answer is not relevant.
philosopherParticipantWhy can girls in school learn Tanach and not boys in yeshiva?
philosopherParticipantujm, ok so what was his point in taking a pervert for a running mate? Everything is cheshboned out when running for governors office and this as well. He didn’t want the criticism of the media over his “radical” record so he thought he can tame it with such a running mate. BTW, there are many perverts who consider themselves “republican/conservative”. They feel they are moderates who are against crime, abuse of children, etc. While the overwhelming majority of LGTBQ are Democrats, not all are.
philosopherParticipantI don’t understand Zeldin. I just checked his record and it is anti-abortion and anti-gay, why did he take a gay running mate? He wanted the support from LGTBQ community and that’s why I believe that he won’t stand up to the liberal agenda.
philosopherParticipantSam Klein, this is the yetzer hora at work; we are complacent and currently very busy with the “elections” whom we are indorsing and whom we are not endorsing, whom we are voting for…we continue being running after materialism, frum women are going around with wigs to their waistes, they are dancing and singing on public forums, we are continuing to be brazen and the secular society is continuing to get more and more perverted. It is scary.
philosopherParticipantca, I see you do not see the reality. Yes, we Jews are still blamed for everything that goes wrong, perhaps now by a not significant number of people at the moment, but the sentiment can c”v get stronger if this continues. We are in golus after all, many frum people are too comfortable and forget this crucial reality of life. If Zeldin will not reign in the perverts, and I doubt he will, we Jews will be blamed by right-wingers; if you feel better them call them extreme right wingers.
philosopherParticipantujm, I don’t have patience to do research now but I highly doubt the board of regents are the ones who have the authority to enforce private schools to adopt the Department of Ed’s so-called curriculum. In reality, the NY Dept. of Ed has no authority to enforce their own curriculum on private schools, it is blatant corruption of them to do so just like the CDC had no power constitutional power to force to people to take covid poison shots but the gov used the CDC as a springboard to enforce their ” emergency mandates” …
October 31, 2022 10:21 pm at 10:21 pm in reply to: Have you ever received a traffic ticket that you did not deserve? #2134155philosopherParticipantI think I should get a dashcam. They seem to help many people in situations with lying policemen.