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  • in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2318641

    Lost spark, do YOU even comprehend the basics of Yiddishkeit? Do you believe the Lubavitche rebbe is physically alive, that he’s running the world, that he’s everywhere, that you can pray to him, that he never made/makes mistakes?

    in reply to: Ozempic: The New Grift in Heimish Health #2318362

    Ozempic is a worldwide obsession. It’s the new bandaid to compensate for the West’s overprocessed, sugary and fatty diet. It is not only the “new grift in the heimishe world”, but all the overweight celebrities are using it and literally millions of overweight and obese people globally are using Ozempic, Wegovy and similar drugs help to lose weight.

    in reply to: Ozempic: The New Grift in Heimish Health #2318359

    It’s really scary to see so many obese children in my community where we have an overabundance of restaurants and eateries. Ozempic is a dangerous bandaid for eating the wrong foods and being inactive.

    in reply to: Mods? Mods? Where are you? #2318326

    Coffee addict, I hear you, but I not starting a new thread about “my feelings”. The fact is that Shmei was upset at the mods for letting through “personal attacks” and he shouldn’t be the one complaining about it when he does that to others, that’s all I’m saying.

    in reply to: Mods? Mods? Where are you? #2318045

    Coffee addict, if there wouldn’t be references by Shmei about him being “attacked” I wouldn’t have spoken about my questions and video links to chabad rabbis. Could be I took it too personally and it wasn’t directed at me… I don’t know. I felt his post was partially directed at me and I therefore responded.

    Gadolhadorah, how are my questions I’m asking, which is if they believe in the ideology the Lubavitche rabbis speak about in their videos videos ” bashing other Yidden for their beliefs and hashkafa”?

    I was personally attacked in the other thread by the person who now claims in this thread that he’s getting attacked… that’s so hypocritical to complain about being personally attacked while calling me all kinds of names including “apikoros”. Now kindly all of you telling me to stop asking questions, I’m allowed to ask questions any time, any choidesh, period. If you want the “personal attacks” to stop tell the person who opened this thread to stop attacking me on the other thread.

    Did I go and complain about me being attacked for being a woman who dares to respond in the other thread? Did i complain about being called an apikoras and other personal attacks on me? No, I didn’t because I understand that this is the internet with all kinds of “interesting” people on this forum saying all kinds of things in a heated things in a heated debate…

    It’s totally hypocrisy to complain about something you yourself are doing to others…

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2318046

    Qwerty, you are totally right.

    in reply to: Should America Offer Israelis a Safe Haven? #2317859

    Ujm, they same things that are happening here are happening in Australia and Canada with the exception that the terrorists pouring into these two countries are mostly legal vs many terrorists coming into the US are doing so illegally.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2317854

    Arso, I dont make fun of Rashi because Rashi says Yaacov lo mes (which could mean many things like he is spiritually alive, for example), he does not say that his body physically stayed alive; that is yours and Menachem Shmei’s and the Lubavitchers interpretation.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2317852

    Menachem Shmei, it is you who would say eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth because that’s what it says, literally. Like you claim Rashi says Yaacov lo mes so according to you and that’s what he literally meant literally…

    I never said Gemarah or pesukim should be reinterpreted, that is your twisting my words. I said that Gemarah (and meforshim) MAY SEEM on the surface to contradict pesukim but in reality they are not contradicions. When you learn things in context they come together beautifully and nothing can ever contradict a posuk in the Torah. Rashi will explain a pesuk, never contradict it.

    As I’ve said repeatedly, everything has to be learnt in context. You cannot take words and text out of context and use that to “prove” anything.

    The reason you believe that Rashi meant Yaacov lo mes literally as if Yaacov Avinu’s body is breathing and doing all other bodily functions as well as he’s eating and even catching some sleep all the while being buried in his kever is only because you want to be able to say your rebbe is physically alive today. That is your purpose in claming Yaacov Avinu is physically alive…and since I don’t believe that, that makes me in your eyes an apikorus, lol. Your mental twisting of logic would be really funny if it weren’t for the purposes of avodah zora which makes it really sad.

    in reply to: Mods? Mods? Where are you? #2317631

    Gadolhadorah, what questions am i asking that you claim i deem to be intellectually sound? I am simply asking if what is said and shown in the videos are believed by Lubavitche in general and by the Lubavitche posters here specifically. These are not intellectual questions. They are very simple questions. What does Chodesh Elul have to do with stopping to ask whether the Lubavitche posters, and the Lubavitche in general, believe that their rebbe runs the world, believe that they can pray to their rebbe, that he’s everywhere, that he’s physically alive, and that he never makes mistakes? What is intellectual about asking if it is ok to give an aliyeh to a dead rabbi, to write a letter 30 year after his death that hes not available for the next few days because hes not feeling well, to pray to their rebbe’s chair and other such behavior? These are not intellectual questions, they are simple questions from Lubavitche about their beliefs and behavior.

    Why pinkt in choidesh elul should we not ask these questions?

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2317387

    Arso, as usual, you misunderstood. Qwerty said he’s out of the thread. I never said I’m leaving. I said I’m not going to argue about Yaacov lo mes anymore. Why should I waste my time with people who want to believe that Yaacov Avinue is physically alive, that his body is breathing while buried under the ground, that he’s eating and his bodily functions are working while at the same time being his body is in his kever not being able to move? I’m not going to continue arguing with people who believe that.

    But more importantly, I will not continue arguing with people who deny what it says outright in the Chumash that the brothers of Yosef saw their father DIED, and other pesukim that openly show that Yaacov died. They don’t understand how to understand pesukim, Chazal and meforshim which only SEEM on the surface to contradict the pesukim that say that Yaacov died, but if learnt correctly, which these people obviously can’t or don’t want to, there is no contradiction at all. The fact is that you people choose to ignore meferishe pesukim because you want to use that as a springboard to then say the Lubavitche rebbe is alive. That is the point of you all arguing that Yaacov is physically alive.

    in reply to: Mods? Mods? Where are you? #2317374

    Are you talking about my video links to two Lubavitche rabbis speeches? Are you saying that showing what they say is an attack on you? Or the other link to the video that show Chabad behavior that was posted briefly and then taken down? How can you say they are “cheap means to attack other posters” when you agree with what is said and done in the videos? If you don’t think there’s anything wrong with the speeches and behavior of these Lubavitche how are these videos an attack against you? If you do think the speeches and behavior is wrong why don’t you say so? I’ve asked you numerous times if you agree to what they say and do.

    These links are not attacks, these links are simply show the ideology of Chabad by showing what Lubavitche say and do between each other. If you percieve these links showing what Lubavitche really believe in to be an attacks on Lubavitche posters then you are embarrassed by the content because, despite being brainwashed with this ideology, you know that it’s wrong.

    Stop being hypocritical. You ignore my questions regarding what Lubavitche believe. I post these videos to show what Lubavitche believe. If you disagree with the content of the videos then it should be embarrassing to you. If you don’t disagree with the content you cannot take it as a personal attack.

    in reply to: Israel Antagonist Kamala Harris #2316744

    I find it incomprehensible how any “frum” person can vote for a Democrat/liberal when they support everything that is an abomination to Hashem. In addition, they have no plans to secure the border and of course, they are anti-Israel.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2316743

    Qwerty, they know deep down that their worship of their rebbe is wrong and that is exactly why can’t stop “defending” their beliefs that Yaacov is buried alive, that it’s “sinas chinum” to fight against Chabad idolatry, and all other deliberately skewed beliefs they use it to “prove them right” because that is the blanket they hide under under. If the blanket is ripped away they have to face their idolatrous beliefs. They are not looking for the truth, they are dishonest. Therefore, I checked out. I’m ignoring all their arguments that are covers for their idolatrous beliefs and I’m repeating the same core questions about their beliefs that they refuse to answer.

    You were the one that advised me not to engage in conversation with the snake like Chava, I suggest you do the same. Just like all who engage and engaged in idol worship throughout history, they cling to their beliefs regardless. You said yours, just let it go. We can and should talk about it their idolotry but it’s a waste of time to continue arguing with them, it is their choice to believe what they believe in.

    in reply to: Voting for Trump Re Israel #2316703

    Akuperma, I totally agree with you that Israel should become self-sufficient…or at least as self-sufficient as possible. They have the ability to produce superior weaponry and not have to rely almost completely on the US.

    in reply to: Israel Antagonist Kamala Harris #2316694

    I find it incomprehensible how any “frum” person can vote for a Democrat/liberal when they support everything that is an abomination to Hashem. In addition, they have no plans to secure the border and of course,

    in reply to: Should America Offer Israelis a Safe Haven? #2316678

    Lol. The direction in which the US is headed, with masses of pro-Fakestinian protestors chanting for jihad even in Jewish neighborhoods, with Jews being attacked, with thousands of terrorists sneaking over the border, with unchecked hate speech being protected under the cover of “free speech”, you have to be blind to reality to ask that question.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2316630

    Gigi, do you believe that the Lubavitche rebbe is running the world, that you can pray to him, that he’s everywhere, that he’s buried alive, that he never makes mistakes?

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2316214

    Yankel berel, you are exactly right. Of course their rebbe can’t be moshiach.

    I’m just saying what they believe which is that he’s really alive and coming soon to bring the geulah and fulfill the prophecies…

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2315621

    Yankel berel, you are waiting for answers you won’t get.

    Regarding Yaacov Avinu being physically alive Menachem Shmei can argue non-stop. But Menachem Shmei is eerily quiet about the Lubavitche beliefs that the rebbe is running the world, that they can pray to him, that he’s everywhere, that he never made/makes mistakes (remember he’s still physically alive so he is still not making mistakes)…

    Just the same, Menachem Shmei will not answer on the Ramban’s and Rambam’s psak on a moshiach sheker not fullfilling the prophecies during their lifetimes and how it applies to their moshiach sheker because he’s afraid to tell you that he believes that his rebbe is still physically alive. He knows when he will “sound like a legitimate talmud chachum” and when he will come off looking stupid…

    This is a crucial part why Lubavitche NEED their rebbe to have been buried alive because if he is still physically alive his “nevuah” can still come true.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2315616

    Qwerty, thanks for sticking up for me but I want to clarify that menachem shmei and arso linitially laughed at me for thinking that I thought the Rif from the 11th century and the rif from the iyin yaacov was the same person which was not the case. That gave them more ammunition to ridicule me that I “didn’t understand how to learn”… according to them that is… I disagree with their interpretations of the pesukim and meforshim regardless of their smug attitudes. Not that I’m saying I’m a talmud chuchem, but those two clowns certainly are not.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2315612

    Arso, you seem very excited to constantly be busy that I’m a woman and I’m not a talmud chuchem, i should ask a talmud chuchem, i dont know how to learn, and you are a man and you went to yeshiva… again and again. It seems like you have an inferiority complex that makes you feel good if you repeat something you think will “put the other person in their place…”

    Anyway, talking about talmidei chachumim, I’ve heard different shuirim on Rashi on Yaacov lo meis by talmidei chachmim and they gave different explanations, not that his body is alive but that a part of his soul lives dormant in his body, that he lives through his descendants and other explanations. So perhaps you will pasken that those who gave these shuirim are amei haratzim and apikorsim c”v because they said that “not that it means that Yaacov is physically alive” but that it means something else?

    Perhaps you should be the one asking talmidei chachumim if Yaacov was buried alive.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2315510

    Menachem Shmei has resorted to lying about me about me not believing in Chazal c”v. I find that hysterical because it’s so far from the truth.

    1. I have said that Chazal do not argue on the pesukim, they expand and explain what the pesukim mean but they do not ever contradict the Torah Shebischav. The Torah Shebischsav is the ultimate Truth, so is Torah Shebal Peh the ultimate truth.

    2. I have said that many people and groups tried/try to use Torah sources to “prove” that their false ideology is true by taking pesukim or Chazals or meforshim out of context which they use to try to “prove” that those out of context verses “prove” that their foreign ideologies are the “truth”.

    And I can prove that what I said is the truth because it’s not me who believes that a human being rebbe runs the world, that you can pray to him, that he’s everywhere, that he never made/makes mistakes…it’s Menachem Shmei who believes that and that is because he doesn’t learn to understand the Torah, he tries to use the Torah to “prove” his idolatrous beliefs are based on Torah sources.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2315402

    BTW, my reference to Safaria is not my endorsement of them. I have read somewhere that they mistranslated a word with a woke translation. I don’t remember what the word is and I haven’t come across it.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2315387

    Arso, I dont care that you learnt in yeshiva. There are many men who learnt in yeshiva and don’t know how to learn. You are not automatically right just because you are a male, sorry.

    You claim “Indeed being male does not give me or anyone else an excuse to ignore an explicit possuk, but it does mean that as a male I, and probably the majority of others on this thread, have had a yeshivah background and know that you can’t cite a possuk against Rashi at any time and certainly not when Rashi is explaining the gemoro!” Why would you cite a posuk against Rashi? You indeed dont do that. You cite a posuk to try to get someone else to see that his misinterpretations of Rashi is wrong. Like in this case where Yaacov lo meis. Rashi never contradicts posukim and therefore when you try to dispute a meforeshe posuk (but yet you use pesukim when you want to “prove” that you are right) because you think that Rashi disputes it, you are learning it wrong. Rashi EXPLAINS the posuk, he does so by commenting on the wording of that particular posuk. When Rashi is talking about why WHEN IT SAYS WHEN YAACOV EXPIRED IT DOESNT SAY THAT HE DIED he is talking about that particular posuk not the others where it does say that Yaacov died. And therefore, when Rashi says Yaacov lo mes, it does not mean that he was buried alive! You have to learn within context!

    YOU are asking a good question as you write “Furthermore, you should have asked a much stronger question, but not on us, on Rabi Yochanan. How can he say יעקב אבינו לא מת when the possuk you cited seems to say that he did? Moreover, why did Rav Nachman object to the statement only on the grounds that Yaakov was mourned, embalmed and buried? Shouldn’t he have objected on the grounds of the possuk that you keep on citing?” It is not I who is asking this question because I know that meforshim know the Torah through and through and they knew whatever it says in Parshes Veyachi regarding Yaacov’s death and NO MEFOIRESH CONTRADICTS PESUKIM IN THE TORAH, they EXPOUND on the Torah. If Tanach, Chazal and meforshim are learnt within context you do not arrive at the conclusion that Rashi and Rav Yitchok thought that Yaacov was buried alive. To arrive to that conclusion means that you learnt it out of context or to try to use Torah as “proof” one’s own ideology is the truth.

    The Torah has 70 faces which may seem to contradict each other if not learnt and understood correctly.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2315227

    Qwerty, you wrote:
    “I spoke to a Rav yesterday and he clarified the position I took last week. As stated Rambam’s approach is to eschew the phantasmagoric. Therefore we are enjoined to look for Hashem in the rational world. This Rabbi added the following, Hashem can and has transcended natural law, however we only say that this happened when we have clear-cut proof to that effect. Therefore if a Rishon said the following, “For Yaakov to be alive after 2000 years plus violates natural law, but I have definite proof that it is factually true then if no other equal authority challenges this we would have to accept it” If however, Rishonim are making ambiguous statements then no, we don’t dismiss Rambam. And, of course, adding to the equation is that Chabad has a Negias in the matter. If they can con people into believing that Yaakov is actually alive it allows them to sell the garbage that the Kofer is also alive. Any way you slice it, the question is closed unless you’re a lying, psychotic Lubavicher”

    Indeed, ambiguous verses are part of Tanach too. All these thousands of years klal Yiroel knew how to study Torah. But some groups and individuals try to use Torah to give legitimacy to their idolatrous ideology so they’ll ignore when the posuk or chazal say things clearly and misinterpret things that seem ambiguous to “prove” their claims even though their beliefs clearly contradicts the Torah. It is easy to misinterpret things when its taken out of context. Within context it cannot be misinterpreted. Because, for example, when we read the entire parshas vayechi, how Yaacov took his last breath, the brothers of Yosef saw that their father died” etc. you know when the Rashi says Yaacov lo mes that it could mean many things but not that Yaacov is physically alive…but the Lubavitche disregard that it clearly says that Yaacov died because it doesn’t serve their purpose just like Christians will point to a verse out of context and claim that it proves that their religion is true even though every part of their religion, from Yoshke being the messiah to believing that God can be a physical being, their entire religion contradicts the Torah and yet they try to use Tanach as “proof” that their religion is legitimate…

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2315221

    Always Ask, thank you. There were many women who learnt Gemarah, as you point out Bruriah, also the grandmother of the Maharshal, the wife of the Netziv, the wife of Rav Isser Zalman Meltzer and others. I am not saying it is women’s tafkid to to learn Gemarah and i dont encourage my daughters to do so (not that they are inclined to do so in any case), but it should be the worst thing a frum woman does these days… so many frum women are singing and dancing on social media which are public platforms, not dressing tzniusdig, etc being immersed in the goyishe culture and materialism that are of far greater consequences than a woman arguing a bit on the Gemorah.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2315218

    Menachem shmei and arso thought that I didn’t know the difference from the rif and the rif on iyin yaacov and that made them feel like they won the debate. I clearly said in one of my previous posts which they missed and which I’m too lazy to look up now which number it is, that I do not have a copy of the iyin yaacov on me. I said that because i knew that it’s not in gemarah . What I was looking for in Gemara is if the rif’s (yes, the one from the 11th century) wrote on yaacov lo mes. Maybe my second post where i repeated a request if theres a link to the rif’s commentary on yaacov lo meis or the iyin yaacov’s commentary on yaacov lo mes was confusing and didnt differentiate the two, I don’t know and can’t can’t be bothered to look at it again, but whatever the case it’s irrelevent to the fact that neither Yaacov Avinu nor the Lubavitche rebbe is buried alive.

    What is relevant is whether it was the Tzedoikim, the Early Christians who were Jews, or the Christians and Messianic “Jews” today, the Keruim, Shabsi Tzvi and his followers, and all kinds of groups in history who tried/try to prove from Torah sources that their beliefs are true but in reality are contradictory to Toras Moshe M’Sinai, they all veered off from True Path eventually and so will Chabadians who believe that their rebbe runs the world and you can pray to him and all kinds of a”z beliefs.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2315108

    Sorry, I made a mistake in my last comment to Arso and Menachem Shmei regarding the Rif from the 11th century not commenting on taanis 5b. I meant him not commenting on “Yaacov lo mes” in 5b but he does comment on taanus 5b.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2315107

    Menachem shmei and arso, I’ve said clearly, I’m not a talmud chochem, I’ve said clearly I’m a woman. So as I’ve said clearly, please link the iyin yaacov to yaacov lo mes from a different source. I’m not taking a source that partners with Chabad as valid. Don’t link it, just point to it if it’s not allowed on the yeshiva world. Safaria has the iyin yaacov and as I’ve said before, I wasn’t able to find it there. So refer the page where it says on Sefaria or anywhere else. I never, ever said it’s not written in at all, I asked for a link because i wanted to see it in context and its not readable on the link Shmei gave.

    The fact is that with all the “I’m a woman and can’t learn”, it is Arso who claimed that it says in taanus 13 that yaacov laughed when eisov’s eye fell out. Which was wrong of course and me the not talmud chochem woman pointed you in the right direction where it written, in Sotah 13a. But more importantly, I wasn’t going to take from you an out of context quote just “because you are a male”, I’m not letting you tell me what it says and where it says because it’s false. Just as false as Shmei claiming that “Rashi said Yaacov lo meis literally” is false. Just like shmei claimed that taanis 5b “proves” that Yaacov was buried alive when it clearly says in taanus 5b that Rav Yitchak quoted a posuk from yermiyah , it does not say at all, in any way shape or form, that yaacov was buried alive.

    I’m very open with the sources I quote from, where I quote it from. There are two meforshim, the rif and iyin yaacov on the page of menachem’s shmei’s link. I knew very well that the rif on the iyin yaacov was from the 17th century and the rif on the gemarah is the from the 11th century. However, despite your laughter, the rif from the 11th century is ALSO a commentary on the gemerah just not on taanis 5b. Seeing the seperate commentaries of rif and iyin yaacov on the same page the the Gemorah on page of Shmei’s link is what i wanted clarified and read in context, if there were such commentaries exist. And that is one of the reasons, besides that it’s not readable, that I asked for a different source. I still find it interesting, OK downgraded from suspicious, that I was not able to find it anywhere only on a non-readable copy from Shmei’s Chabad-affiliated link.

    Just because you two are male does not give you two an excuse to ignore

    1. a befereshe posuk in Vayechi that the brothers of Yosef saw that their father died.

    2. Misinintrepret CLEAR words from the Chumash, gemarah and other meforshim

    3. Ignore the fact that only Hashem runs the world, He is the only one you are allowed to pray to, He is the Only One who is every and never made nor never will make mistakes. To believe all this about the rebbe is idolatry.

    Since you two are men and ou know better thna me, the non-talmud chuchem woman, you would think that you’d know better not to make your own misinterpretations on Chumash and Chazal.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2315035

    I’m not a talmud chuchem but I dutifully checked in the Gemarah, on alhatorah and on safaaria what the rif says on yaacov lo meis. There is nothing on the rif’s commentary on yaacov lo meis, not in the gemarah, not on safaaria not on alhatorah. Neither is there anything on safaaria in the iyin yaacov on yaacov lo meis. I cannot believe that these two sites that bring the entire talmud and rif’s entire commentary and the safaara which bring the entire eyin yaacov would leave out what they say on yaacov lo meis. Therefore, i was a little suspicious of yaacov’s shmei link to a barely readable copy of the gemarah and commentaries. But not being familiar with learning, as I mentioned I am a female, I didn’t say anything about my suspicions. But as yaacov shmei bought it up again I will voice my suspicions on the source he links.

    As I said, I couldn’t find anything in the sefer itself, not on safaaria, not on alhatorah what the rif says on that gemarah. This was highly suspicious to me. Neither could I find on safaria in iyin yaacov anything on yaacov lo meis. Again, this is highly suspicious to me. Going back the menachem shmei’s link, it is titled “Ein Ya’akov – Part B-3 (RA-Kidoshin) ” how can it be titled iyin yaacov on “kidoshin” when the copy of the page shows the gemorah “taanis daf h”?

    I had my suspicions on who runs the site “Hebrew Books”. Sure enough, when you google “Hebrew Books” you see a major part of their library are Chabad texts. When I googled “hebrew books is a chabad organization” it comes up that they partnered with Chabad…

    I’m not going to make any accusations but I will ask why is there the rif and ayin yaacov (barely readable) commentaries on the gemarah taanis 5b on the words “yaacov lo meis” only on a Chabad site?! I asked before and I ask again, if anyone has another, non-Chabad, link to the rif’s and ayin yaacovs commentary on “yaacov lo meis” please link it. Thanks.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2314978

    Menachem Shmei’s response to my recap of Lubavitche beliefs (and his evasion to answering my direct questions to him on the other thread regarding his beliefs) is a response that dodges what he truly believes in.

    If Lubavitche who believe the rebbe is running the world and believe in all other things I mentioned in my recap wouldn’t think deep down that there’s something wrong with those beliefs they’d be open about their believing in the things listed in my recap. On the other hand, if they actually don’t believe in what i wrote in my recap then they’d say that openly and also explain that whatever ive read in Chabad articles written for Lubavitche and videos ive seen by Lubavitche “rabbis” are fringe beliefs, not the mainstream. Instead, Menachem Shmei and the Lubavitche I spoke to on another site do not deny that they believe in these things, they don’t admit it either, they just try to divert attention from directly answering what their beliefs are and instead they try to manipulate Torah sources to make it seem as if the Torah sources support their beliefs, which they themselves can’t admit clearly to the public that they believe in, but the “sources (supposedly) admit it for them” …Very dishonest, but that’s the only way they can claim, at least to themselves, that their “beliefs are legitimate”.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2314505

    Qwerty that is a very good vort that Chava conversing with the nachash was a mistake. She was probably trying to “clarify” the situation as well. Yes, that is the wrong approach. I do not deny that i always fall into this trap of trying to talk logic with brainwashed people -it doesn’t work. Indeed, I cannot dissuade Menachem Shmei who is now arguing with a b’ferisha pasuk that says clearly that Yaacov died. First he argued that Yaacov wasn’t buried. So I proved it says he was buried. So then he said Yaacov was buried but he’s buried while still alive. Now a bring him a posuk in the Torah which says Yaacov that Yaacov died and he is still arguing with me.

    From here on, for me the topic on this thread about “Yaacov lo mes” is closed.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2314439

    To recap:
    The Lubavitche believe that:
    1. Their rebbe is physically alive
    2. Their rebbe is running the world
    3. Their rebbe is everywhere
    4. They can pray to their rebbe and he’ll help them
    5. Their rebbe never makes mistakes (I wrote it in present tense because they believe he’s still alive and so to this day he doesn’t make mistakes just like he never made mistakes when his physical body was still seen with their physical eyes in 770…Yes, even now when he’s buried alive and can’t move, or maybe he can move in his kever (it’s a very complicated situation, only a Lubavitche can understand it), he is still not making any mistakes.

    Avodah zora, avodah zora, avodah zora. Shame on those who believe this ideology. Shame on those who don’t speak up against it. Shame on those who know the Lubavitche ideology but still eat food with their hechsher and daven in their shuls.

    in reply to: Why does Yiddish butcher Hebrew #2314444

    Yiddish is a beautiful language. I feel connected to my ancestors when I speak the language. It’s a pity that the younger Yiddish-speaking females feel it’s uncool to speak Yiddish in public.

    I wish I could understand, speak and write loshen kodesh as fluently as I know Yiddish and English. I would feel connected to my even more ancient ancestors and history. I blame the schools for teaching so many things that are not important instead of teaching us to understand, to write and to speak Loshen Hakodesh fluently.

    Yiddish doesn’t butcher loshen kodesh. Yiddish is an evolving language like every single spoken language is. You would not understand the English spoken 1,500 years ago. Yiddish evolved less than many other languages. If I strain myself, I can understand Old High German, the original source of the Yiddish language, even though over the years the pronuciation and dialects evolved. The Hebrew words in the Yiddish language also evolved a bit; it is not butchered.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2314251

    ויחי קאפיטל נ פסוק ט”ו: וַיִּרְא֤וּ אֲחֵֽי־יוֹסֵף֙ כִּי־מֵ֣ת אֲבִיהֶ֔ם וַיֹּ֣אמְר֔וּ ל֥וּ יִשְׂטְמֵ֖נוּ יוֹסֵ֑ף וְהָשֵׁ֤ב יָשִׁיב֙ לָ֔נוּ אֵ֚ת כׇּל־הָ֣רָעָ֔ה אֲשֶׁ֥ר גָּמַ֖לְנוּ אֹתֽוֹ׃
    It’s a mefureshe pasuk in the Torah that Yaakov Avinu meis. You cannot argue on a pasuk in the Torah. The Gemara is an agadata.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2314249

    So I’m looking for a link to the Rif’s commentary on Taanos 5b on the subject of Yaacov lo meis, if anyone has it and could lpost the link I’d appreciate it. Menachem shmei posted a link from a photocopied page, it is very unclear, I can’t read the Rif’s commentary on that page.

    I have looked in the Gemarah and don’t see the Rif commentary on Yaacov lo meis. I looked on the Sefaria website and shas.alhatorah website and cannot find the Rif’s mefoiresh on Yaacov lo meis…if there is indeed such a mefoiresh.

    Arso and menachem shmei quote the ayin yaacov on the rif on yaacov lo meis but I can’t find that anywhere either (I dont have an ayin yaacov sefer) except that it’s referenced in one Chabad article online quoting the the Ri”f on ayin yaacov…

    What I have said about the Rif’s commentary on Yaacov lo mes I take back. I have written what I saw in other articles but I cannot find the actual sources.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2314248

    Qwerty, also, I forgot to mention in my previous post, I’m not a guy…I understand if people think I’m a male because I engage in these kinds of arguments, but I’m not.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2314247

    Qwerty, you are right about not arguing with Menachem shmei. If he wants believe that that his rebbe deity was buried alive I can’t change that. If he wants to believe that Yaacov is physically alive 3+ millenia after being buried, I can’t change his beliefs.

    After doing much research on Yaacov lo mes I see that these words are very central to the Chabadianity ideology. They have many articles written on these three words. They want Yaacov to be buried alive so like this they believe they have a precedent to a tsaddik being buried but supposedly still physically alive to show that their rebbe was buried but is also alive… Like this they have an answer how he can be moshiach…

    I posted a link on the other thread but the mods didnt publish it. The link was a video showing Lubavitche giving their dead rebbe an aliyeh, them writing a letter to the Chassidim, thirty years after the rebbe died, that he’s not feeling well so for the next few days he won’t be able to see the oilim, a random chossid giving out l’chaim to the Chassidim as if the rebbe is giving it out, praying to the rebbes chair, etc, etc. B’kitzur, ita cultist behavior revolving around their deity.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2314246

    Arso, I believe you are a Lubavitche trying to prove Chabad theories because who else would defend Menachem Shmie’s with his own misinterpretations( im using a nice adjective here…)? After combing through Taanis 13a I saw there’s nothing about Yaacov opening his eyes and smiling.

    Yaacov opening his eyes is in Sotah 13a. If you read Sotah 13a and you read there the meforshim on how it says Yosef was zoche to bury Yaacov and talking a lot about the topic, you see that Yaacov was actually buried. Yes, it says Yaacov opened his eyes and laughed when Eisov’s eyes fell out, and it’s something we can’t understand without the meforshim, but in no way does it prove that Yaacov was buried physically alive. If you decided that Yaacov was buried alive, with him being able to open and close his eyes and laugh…well, ahem … i have nothing to say accept what i wont say… The Gemorah says that even though their deaths (Yaacov and Eisov’s) were not on the same day same day, they were buried on the same day. If you read through Sotah 13a and reach a conclusion that Yaacov is alive in his kever, well, again, i can’t comment on that.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2313912

    Menachem shmei, I thought you missed my comment about the ria”f but then I went over the posts and saw that you did see it. There were so many responses to this thread I didn’t notice all of them.

    OK, so whoever wants can look in the sefer eyin yaacov on everything that the Rif wrote on taanus 5 2 and yaacov lo meis.

    At first I was impressed that you were able to refer to so many meforshim on this Rashi and Gemorah. But then when you mentioned that you don’t see the part of the rif that I mentioned I realized that it’s copy and paste from some “Chabad Torah” . Sure enough I unearthed a Chabad piece bringing all these meforshim and weaving it into their article titled “A King without a Nation”…in fact, there are many Chabad articles with reference to “Yaacov lo mes” and meforshim on it, taken out of context of course, and I see that this belief that Yaacov “being physically alive in his kever” is very central and important in the worship of the rebbe. It’s mamesh like Yosef Hatzadik feared the metzriim will deitify Yaacov, you are now doing to your rebbe all on the account of the words “Yaacov lo meis”…

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2313906

    Always ask, the issue is not about the rebbe being moshiach, the issue is that he has morphed into a deity which the Lubavitche worship.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2313905

    Menachem Shmei, also yo add to my previous post, you claim that you linked the meforshim. There are no links

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2313904

    Menachem Shmei, with all the posts I can understand that you missed what I said regarding the Rif. The RIF said that he appeared comatose until they got to Eretz Yisroel and at that point he died and was buried. The funny thing is that you bought the RIF to prove that they said that he didn’t die while the RIF definitely said he died.

    I did not check the other two meforshim you mentioned as I highly doubt that any of the two would say that he was buried alive. Unfortunately, i see this with everything you mentioned how you see things differently than what the meforshim write. The fact is that Rashi did not argue with the the pesukim and neither will the other meforshim. If I get a chance I will look it up but I can guarantee that nobody said he was buried alive which is what you are essentially saying that he was buried while being physically alive and he is still currently buried alive…

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2313813

    This a nice shuir by Rabbi Gladstein. He says the Alshich says that Yaacov lo mes means that the faculties of neshomah cling to him and lays dormant (not that his body is alive).

    What I find fascinating is that Yosef didn’t tell the people that Yaacov didn’t die because then they would turn him into a deity and worship him. This is similar scenerio to the Lubavitche who turned their rebbe into a deity who is supposedly running the world. They have to claim that he is PHYSICALLY alive, otherwise he is just like the other tzaddikim (if you consider him to be a tzaddik) who died and has no major deity-like superpowers.

    Menachem Shmei said repeatedly that Yaacov is PHYSICALLY alive so that he can draw a parallel from his rebbe to Yaacov, both supposedly being physically alive. Yosef Hatzaddik, who saw that Yaacov lo meis, was afraid the Mitzrim will worship Yaacov so he told the mitzrim to embalm him (partially) and the reason he could do so was because he knew that his physical body had expired (despite his neshama still clinging to his body in a dormant manner according to the Alshich) But Menachem shmei is still saying that Yaacov is PHYSICALLY ALIVE just so he can “prove” his rebbe can also be physically alive…

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2313782

    Menachem shmei, the Rif and others say the comatose stage was until he was bought Eretz Yisroel and was buried there. As I said before, none of the meforshim claim that Yaacov was buried alive in his kever which is what you are saying.

    I dont know if you are lying consciously with your misinterpretations or your a”z beliefs have so corrupted your brain that you are subconsciously automatically interpretating sources to fit your religion’s narrative.

    As I said before, neither Rashi nor Chazal (I mistakenly wrote meforshim in my previous post) would want Yaacov to have such a curse as to be buried alive for a few thousand years….no one wants that for their worst enemies…

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2313777

    Yankel berel, Chabadianity is Christianity version 2. They believe in anything that will make their fairytale a reality and from that starting point they misinterpret Torah sources so that it will align with the a”z ideologies.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2313776

    Menachem shmei, no, none of the meforshim say that Yaacov alive in his kever. A body to be alive needs air, it needs food, it needs water, it needs to do bodily functions.

    If there are more people in Chabad who believe what you believe that is absolutely insane. Your belief is like the anceint Egyptians who embalmed and buried their Pharoahs and also buried them with chariots, wax dolls in the shape of women, weapons, etc. because they believed their bodies only partially expired and will soon start living again in the afterlife….shame on you to believe such things.

    You are using Torah sources and twisting them to further your a”z ideology just like the Tzedoikim, the Keruim, the Christians, Shabsi Tzvi, and others did to try to “prove” that their ideologies are the truth. At the end of the day Chabad a”z will also lay in the dustbin of history while the truth marches on. But until then, it will pull down with it into shaul tachtis many, many Jewish neshumos H”y.

    You cannot argue with posukim in the Torah, period. No mefoiresh does that. The posek says clearly, Yaacov expired, Yaacov was embalmed, Yaacov was buried. End of story. It also says Yaacov did not die and not dying can mean many things. To further your a”z ideology, you claim Yaacov is alive in his kever. That would be a huge tzaar on Yaacov. Would you want your body to be alive in your kever for thousands of years not being able to move? Not even the murdererous Hamas has people in their kever alive for thousands of years. It’s absolutely insane that you would think that Rashi and the meforshim claim that this is happening to Yaacov.

    To believe in a”z you need to be slightly insane to believe in the narishkeiten attached to such beliefs.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2313394

    No wonder so many boys/men dont understand Gemorah well. Are they not taught in cheder/yeshiva how to learn and understand texts? They simply don’t bother to understand pshat. You cannot take part of a Chazal or a posuk and claim to understand what the text means from only part of the verse, or even from one verse. Every word means something, the context means something. Otherwise the words “breishis buru Elokim” can mean the beginning of creation created God, c”v, to you. You cannot USE Tanach and Gemorah like Christians use the verses, pointing to a word or even a verse out of context otherwise you will be able to “prove anything you want the Torah to prove” but you won’t understand p’shat. That’s how the Tzedoikim and all apikorsim “learnt” the posukim without understanding the context.

    If you want a posuk, or a Chazal or a Rishon, or any text for that matter, to mean what YOU want it to mean, you can disregard part of what the verse says or you can take it of of context, and then claim that it means what you want it to mean…in that case it is certainly “refreshing” for people like Menachem Shmei to have a “Torah discussion” with one who is willing to disregard part of a verse and the context in which the verse is being discussed.

    Understanding texts is learning what the author of the text wanted to convey, not what you want to convey. You cannot claim that the author wants to convey something when you disregard part of what the verse says, you cannot contradict what the author says and then claim that it seems the author contradicts himself, you cannot read the text out of context.

    Going back to Rashi on the posuk, if Rashi himself says that the posuk says that Yaacov expired but did not die, it means that Rashi does not contradict that Yaacov expired, period. However, it ALSO means that Rashi says Yaacov did not die. In this case, how can he expire, be embalmed and not die? Rashi doesn’t answer that but if Rashi said he expired but he did not die then we can need to gain understanding on what it means “יעקב לא מת”. If Rashi would’ve say his body was still alive despite his expiring and embalming then you can claim that Rashi said he was physically alive. However, Rashi did not say his body stayed alive. לא מת can mean many things as the MEFORSHIM EXPLAIN and none of them say that Yaacov’s stayed alive! If someone on this thread claims “יעקב לא מת literally”! It is not Rashi who wrote the word “literally”! If an individual declares that Rashi meant it literally and that he meant that his physical body is alive it’s his own conclusion disregarding the context in which the words “yaacov lo mes” was written.

    Rashi on Gemorah does not argue with the Gemorah that Yaacov was buried and eulogized. What he says is that they thought he died but he didn’t die. How could Rashi believe that Yaacov EXPIRED (ויגוע), how could he believe that he was BURIED and EULOGIZED and still be PHYSICALLY alive? Well, Rashi doesn’t say that Yaacov was physically alive only that he didn’t die. And for that, as I’ve said above, there are numerous meforshim that say what “he didn’t die” means. Neither Rashi, nor any of the meforshim claim that Yaacov Avinu is still walking on this planet earth to this day in his physical body.

    You can only claim that Rashi means that Yaacov is physically alive if you believe that your rebbe is buried 6 feet under yet still walking around here somewhere with his physical body. If someone finds the rebbe please let me know, I’d like to meet with him.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2313378

    Arso, you wrote: “At any rate, in regards to Rashi on Taanis 5b and Rashi on Chumash, I just don’t see how they contradict.” They don’t contradict at all and no one said that Rashi contradicts himself. I said that Menachem Shmei is saying that Rashi said things which make it seem like Rashi is contradicting himself.

    You can believe whatever you want regarding Yaacov Avinu being buried and at the same time PHYSICALLY ALIVE, but Rashi never said he is physically alive, period. Rashi says that the posek says he EXPIRED but not that he died and that’s why he did not die. Not dying can mean the spirit doesnt die, or that he could live through his descendants, it could mean a lot of things according to the different meforshim, but Rashi NEVER said he was physically alive, after him expiring and being buried. That’s your and Menashe Shmei pshat on this Rashi but you can’t prove that Rahi said he was physically alive after his burial.

    You write:”Note that this is impossible for us to understand, as he was buried, so what does it mean that he is alive? Furthermore, I believe that embalming involved the removal of a number of inner organs, so how can someone be alive in that manner? Nonetheless, that is what, according to Rashi, the gemoro is saying, and just because we can’t understand it it doesn’t allow us to reject it. So the conclusion for a maamin, and I hope we all fit into that category, is that because Chazal say it, and only because Chazal say it do we accept it”.
    Certainly we can’t understand everything, but you can’t say that Chazal said something that they never did.

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