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  • in reply to: I Guess I’m Pulling for the “Chabad Media” Now? #2321242

    Neville, “If I’m not mistaken, you brought up the case of Hashem’s hand elsewhere. The pashut pshat is that he has a literal hand”

    I repeatedly said that everything has to be read within context, including the Chumash. You cannot take one word and one verse out of context and run with it. Therefore, when it says that Yaacov expired, was embalmed and was buried but it doesn’t say that he died but later in the parshah it does say that he died, you look at the entire parshah in context, including with meforshim, and you can learn what the Torah means to say only when everything is in context. What this means was that Yaacov’s dying was exceptional and the state he is in now is exceptional, but it does not mean specifically that he’s physically alive.

    The same is with Hashem’s hand. If we know Chumash (and Nach) we know know that Hashem is not a physical Being and therefore we know that Hashem’s hand, and yes, He does have a hand, is not a physical thing, it’s a higher concept that we can’t understand.

    You think that pushat pshat means that posukim are automatically teiched to mean “physical aspects/physical things” which is not the case. Only when we know the entire context, only then can we understand if the pashut pshat is spiritual or physical or even higher than spiritual when it comes to Hashem because He created the spiritual so the dimension He occupies is even higher than the spiritual.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2321238

    Qwerty, to tell you the truth, I didn’t read every word that Shmei wrote. Perhaps his arguments sometimes sounded conflicting so it couldn’t be understood exactly what he is saying. I myself never read anything clear and consice what he wrote, it was all over the place.

    What i do know is that every time I said that Yaacov is alive in a spiritual sensee, not physically , he asked me but what about this mefoiresh and that mefoirsh that says otherwise. One of the meforshim he kept mentioning as contradicting to what I said that Yaacov is alive spiritually is the “Maharsha”.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2321237

    Neville, I’m not a das yochid and I know it for a fact DESPITE not learning attending cheder and yeshiva.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2321129

    Qwerty, they are allowed to personally attack me constantly with lies and put-downs but they have issues with you attacking them personally….talk about hypocritical.

    Meanwhile, none of them,
    Can name one rav who says Yaacov’s guf is physically alive.

    Also meanwhile, none of the Lubavitche cheering squad cared about Shmei’s total misinterpretations of the Ramban and Maharsha and Lostspark’s misinterpretation of R Bachay. All I did was simply copy the text which says the truth about what these meforshim are saying which proves the “talmid chuchem Shmei” to be a total faker.

    in reply to: I Guess I’m Pulling for the “Chabad Media” Now? #2321124

    on what I wrote, “I said you can bring a rishon on a posuk too but they don’t contradict the Torah. They expound and explain the Torah.”
    YOU said: “Yes, we all agree to this in theory.”
    Lol. Really, it’s so funny. If you agree with it in “theory” why are you arguing with me about it? If you are arguing with me about it but you agree with it in theory, you’re simply a hypocrite.

    To save face you need to resort to blatant lies about me.
    You write, “However, what you’re actually saying time and time again is that rishonim are not allowed to contradict the pashut pshat of the Torah, except in certain cases where you personally have deemed it okay because you’re comfortable with it. ”
    As I said before mant times, never can a mefoiresh contradict a posuk in the Torah.

    You said “If it gets too eeby jeeby for you eg. dead people not actually being dead), you need to find a new interpretation to console yourself and then try to force that personal interpretation on people who were born and raised Jewish with the normative way of learning it.”
    If Yaacov would be alive physically after he expired it would contradict the posuk that says that the brothers of Yosef saw that their father died. I’m saying that Rashi is saying that Yaacov is alive in a spiritual sense, that DOES NOT contradict the pushat p’shat. So your comment that “I change an interpretation of a Rishon to contradict pushat pshat when it suits me” is so completely utterly ridiculous and completely illogical.

    This is your funniest line yet:”…and then try to force that personal interpretation on people who were born and raised Jewish with the normative way of learning it.” I’m not forcing anything on anyone. I’m saying what I’m saying, take it or leave it.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2320883

    Shmei claims the Maharsha says Yaacov is physically alive.

    The Maharsha says:
    אבל יעקב אבינו שמת בחו”ל היה לבעל דין לומר דאינו חי כמותן ולזה אמר דאף הוא חי וכאלו מת בא”י וא”ל וכי בכדי חנטו כו’ ומהיכא תיתי לך שהוא חי יותר משאר מתים שבח”ל וא”ל מקיש כו’ הנני מושיעך מארץ רחוק דהיינו ממצרים בחיים כאלו אתה מת בא”י כמו זרעך יוסף שבא ממצרים ארץ שביו בחיים לשם:

    The lying of that idol worshipper is a tragicomedy. Also funny, as well as a tragedy, is that people are so quick to side with someone who sounds legitimate and knowledgeable without investigating matters themselves. How easy it is to shlep others into believing nonsense.

    in reply to: I Guess I’m Pulling for the “Chabad Media” Now? #2320863

    Neville, you are a liar. I never said anywhere that that “in certain cases” rishonim can contradict pushat p’shat”. I said rishonim do not ever contradict a posuk in the Torah. That is what I said, and not just once but many times.

    Aren’t you ashamed to lie like that?!

    Wow, I’m contradicting 6-7 people on these threads (who are these 6-7 people- name them!)!! Isn’t that terrible! What gaaveh you have! Who are you exactly are you that I can’t contradict you?!!

    I never read the Artscoll Chumash so I don’t know what they write. I have your word to take your word for it… I’m certainly not believing a liar like you.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2320842

    Yankel berel, you wrote, “It seems that RAMBAN and R BACHAY disagree with RASHI. They are stating their own opinion, not like RASHI.”

    Ok. Perhaps.

    The thing is, I didn’t bring any meforshim to “prove” anything. I am merely bringing the meforshim, at this point in the argument, that were twisted out of context when they tried to “prove that Rashi meant that Yaacov is physically alive” to show that they were totally and deliberately misinterpreted. Even the Gemorah 5b:9 was misinterpreted. This is how they teach “avodah zora style”, by deliberate misinterpretations and word salads.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2320777

    Yankel berel, you wrote “The main issue is habads self contradictory innovations and pretzel maneuverings , cloaked in selective and misleading quotes coupled with deceptive sugarcoated statements.
    Leading to …. ?”

    Exactly that is the issue.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2320774

    It is simply unbelievable that Shmei and Arso are trying to argue that the Ramban “proves that Yaacov’s guf is alive” when he is very, very clearly saying that Yaacov is alive spiritually!

    This is the power of avodah zora, where they try to obscure the truth, where they lie outright, where they introduce confusion, where they twist reality and what our Torah teaches us, just so that it could align with their idolatrous ideology.

    The Lubavitche Rebbe is dead, he is not alive in his kever ” like Yaacov Avinu is physically alive in his kever”. The Lubavitche rebbe is not moshiach, he is dead. The Lubavitche rebbe is a person you are attributing divine attributes to because a person who died and was buried cannot be physically alive so you turned him into an idol with deity-like powers. You believe he never died, that he is running the world, that you can pray directly to him, that he is everywhere, that he never “makes” mistakes. Shame on you.

    You invented a new religion. It is almost the exact replica of the Christian religion. Your children will hold the Lubavitche rebbe in higher regard than Hashem just like the Christians did with their religion. Their father-god was reduced to a “person of the same substance as the universe” because he couldnt be on a higher plane than Yoshke who was born a human being and yet takes the center stage in their religion… Yoshke who started out as their moshiach but never came back is now their god… Its disgusting. The new Chabadianity is equally disgusting.

    in reply to: I Guess I’m Pulling for the “Chabad Media” Now? #2320409

    Shmei, btw, so Rashi is not saying Yaacov lo mes on the Gemorah…wow, big difference…not. You claimed that Rashi is saying something different on the Gemorah. He is not. He is saying the exact same thing. But instead of saying “Yaacov lo mes” he is saying “lo mes-he chai l’oilum” which is essentially the same thing.

    The argument about both Rashis is the same-what does not dying mean and what does living forever mean. You say that Rashi means he’s alive physically and I say Rashi means that he’s alive spiritually.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2320405

    Lostspark, thanks for being concerned about me. But you have nothing to worry about. I’m married so you can save your prayers for other important matters.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2320396

    Yankel berel, I left out in my last comment I wrote the Ramban is clearly saying Yaacov is alive in a sense, I meant to write he is alive spiritual sense.

    in reply to: I Guess I’m Pulling for the “Chabad Media” Now? #2320394

    Shmei, no, we were discussing both Rashis, on the posuk and on the Gemorah. Obviously, if I talk about Rashi saying Yaacov lo mes I’m talking about the Rashi on the posuk in Chumash.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2320298

    Arso, you are really, really dishonest.

    I can play the same game.

    I’m also not saying that Yaacov lo mes means that he is alive in a spiritual sense. Rashi is saying that, not me.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2320304

    Yankel berel, I am not the one to have bought the Ramban originally, this is my response to Shmei and Arso who have referred to it many times on this thread and I simply bought the complete version what the Ramban is saying which is clearly that Yaacov lo mes means that Yaacov is alive in a sense.

    So my question to you is why didn’t you tell Shmei and Arso who were arguing what the Ramban says on Rashi, why didn’t you tell them that what you told me “@philosopher Quoting RAMBAN does not convince anyone of shitat RASHI”? NOW you are saying that when I bought the complete Ramban so everyone can see exactly what the Ramban is saying?

    When they “quote” the Ramban and other meforshim out of context, no one has an issue. When I bring exactly what the Ramban says, in the entire context, all of a sudden it doesn’t prove anything….

    Now, I will take the Ramban’s and Rabbeinu B’Chaya’s explanation that Yaacov lo mes means Yaacov is alive in a spiritual sense and in a second spiritual body over your insistence that it means that Yaacov’s brain is alive.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2320293

    Menachem shmei, the Ramban clearly concludes that Rashi saying Yaacov lo mes means he is spiritually alive. Your comments trying to dilute the conclusion of the Ramban is simply a word salad and nothing else.

    in reply to: I Guess I’m Pulling for the “Chabad Media” Now? #2320080

    Neville, what’s the point of your argument?

    I said you can bring a rishon on a posuk too but they don’t contradict the Torah. They expound and explain the Torah.

    משה אמת ותרתו אמת

    The Torah never changes.

    Halacha never changes, Chazal, Rishonim, Achroinim, etc. never contracted halacha in the Torah and neither did they contradict anything else written in the Torah.

    Rashi is saying Yaacov lo mes. I am not saying that Rashi is not saying that Yaacov is alive. The question is what alive means. You are INTERPRETING alive to mean that the body that was embalmed and buried and what the Torah says the brothers said “mes” on is physically alive. I’m saying alive means in a spiritual sense.

    End of discussion. If you have PROOF that what I’m saying is wrong then I’ll listen. I’m not interested in hearing your opinion.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2320049

    Lostspark, ok that Rabaynu B’Chaya is talking about a second guf, not Yaacov’s guf which is embalmed and buried, the one I was talking about the entire time. I said many times that Yaacov’s body that was buried was not physically alive.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2320047

    Arso, Rashi said something, I had no question on it. And read the full text of the Ramban which you obviously didn’t bother to do…

    Shmei claimed there’s a Rif, Or Hachayim AND the Rif on the Ein Yaacov. I said I don’t have a sefer of ein yaacov. As for the Rif, yes from the 11th century I looked and looked and there’s nothing on Yaacov lo mes! Don’t you and Shmei fardrey me a kup when Shmei mentions the Rif, another two other meforshim in between and then the Rif again on Ein Yaacov that I’m mixing up the two Rif’s!

    As for the Ramban I bought down the FULL VERSION IN CONTEXT in one of my last posts. YOU obviously didn’t bother checking the Ramban! Or if you did then you are lying by omission!

    I’m certainly not combing through the posts again but are you seriously saying now that you and Shmei didn’t argue that Yaacov is physically alive in his kever?! Unbelievable!!!! What dishonesty! But the truth is I knew from the beginning that I’m arguing with dishonest people so I’m not surprised.

    Okay so what you are NOW saying is that Rashi is saying that Yacov lo mes means that he is alive…wow! How impressive! I also said throughout the entire thread that Rashi is saying that. What’s you point in arguing with me then?

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2319979

    Menachem Shmei, as I said before, I will not argue with you on this topic. You will see what you want to see. You WANT Yaacov Avinu
    to be physically alive in his kever. We already went around and around with this getting nowhere.

    I’m bringing here the Ramban for those who want to see it:
    וַיִּגְוַע וַיֵּאָסֶף וּמִיתָה לֹא נֶאֶמְרָה בוֹ, וְאָמְרוּ רַבּוֹתֵינוּ (תענית ה), יַעֲקֹב אָבִינוּ לֹא מֵת, לְשׁוֹן רַשִׁ”י (רש”י על בראשית מ”ט:ל”ג). וּלְדַעַת רַבּוֹתֵינוּ הֲרֵי יַעֲקֹב הִזְכִּיר מִיתָה בְּעַצְמוֹ (בראשית מ”ח:כ”א), “הִנֵּה אָנֹכִי מֵת וְהָיָה אֱלֹהִים עִמָּכֶם”, וְאוּלַי לֹא יָדַע הוּא בְּנַפְשׁוֹ, אוֹ שֶׁלֹּא רָצָה לָתֵת כָּבוֹד לִשְׁמוֹ. וְכֵן (בראשית נ’:ט”ו) “וַיִּרְאוּ אֲחֵי יוֹסֵף כִּי מֵת אֲבִיהֶם”, כִּי לָהֶם מֵת הוּא, אוֹ שֶׁלֹּא יָדְעוּ הֵם בָּזֶה כְּלָל.
    AND HE EXPIRED, AND WAS GATHERED TO HIS PEOPLE. But the word “death” is not mentioned in his case. Our Rabbis therefore said, “Jacob, our father, did not die.” This is the language of Rashi.
    Now according to this opinion of our Rabbis, the difficulty arises: Now Jacob applied the term “death” to himself, as it is written, Behold, I die, but G-d shall be with you! Now perhaps he did not know it himself, or it may be that he did not wish to pay honor to himself. Similarly, with respect to the verse, And when Joseph’s brethren saw that their father was dead, we must say that to them he was dead, or it may be that they did not at all know of this.

    Here is the Ramban’s conclusion:

    וְעִנְיַן הַמִּדְרָשׁ הַזֶּה, כִּי נַפְשׁוֹת הַצַּדִּיקִים צְרוּרוֹת בִּצְרוֹר הַחַיִּים, וְזוֹ תְּחוֹפֵף עָלָיו כָּל הַיּוֹם, לוֹבֶשֶׁת לְבוּשָׁה הַשֵּׁנִי, שֶׁלֹּא יִפְשְׁטֶנָּה עֲרוּמָה, כְּיַעֲקֹב, אוֹ תִּתְלַבֵּשׁ לְעִתִּים מְזֻמָּנוֹת. וְיוּבַן הָעִנְיָן הַזֶּה בְּמַסֶּכֶת שַׁבָּת (שבת קנ”ב) וּבְמַסֶּכֶת כְּתֻבּוֹת (קג.):
    THE PURPORT of this Midrash [which states that “Jacob, our father, did not die],” is that the souls of the righteous are bound in the bind of life with the Eternal, and his soul covers him all the day, “wearing a scarlet garment” so that she not be stripped naked, as Yaacov’s [soul was privileged to do continually], or which she dons at certain occasions [as do the souls of lesser righteous individuals]. This matter will be understood in the light of what is told in masechtos Shabbath and masechtos Kethuboth.

    In other words, the Ramban is questioning in the first part but his conclusion is that Yaacov lo mes means that his non-death is a spiritual matter.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2319973

    Qwerty, I never said Yaacov’s departure from this world wasn’t unusual. As it says ויגוע and not מת. His departure from this world was certainly unusual and i never argued otherwise. I said his guf is not physically alive otherwise they would not have (partially) embalmed and buried him. Furthermore, later in the parshah it says that the brothers saw that Yaacov died.

    Yaacov’s guf is not physically alive, that what I said.

    His death was unusual and he his guf is alive in a spiritual sense.

    in reply to: I Guess I’m Pulling for the “Chabad Media” Now? #2319947

    Menachem Shmei writes” You have a question from a posuk, and Ramban there answers. End of story. There is no contradiction between Torah Sebiksav and Shebaal Peh here.” Well, your interpretation of Rashi contradicts Torah Shebischav where it says clearly that a. Yaacov expired and b. Yaacov died (the brothers saw that their father died).

    Again, Torah Shebal Peh does NOT CONTRADICT EVER Torah Shebischav, period. The issue with the Tzedoikim was that they interpreted Torah Shebchsav wrongly because they disregarded Torah Shebaal Peh entirely, not that they interpreted it wrong like YOU are doing to try to “prove the authenticity” of YOUR AVODAH ZORA worship of your rebbe. Whatever you want things should mean you interpret it that way.

    Torah Shebachsav expands and explains the Torah Shebaal Peh, particularly it teaches us how to implement halacha of Torah Shebischav in our everyday lives. The Torah Shebaal Peh does not contradict the halacha in Torah Shebischav, it teaches and expounds and clarifies it, so does not Torah Shebaal Peh contradict Torah Shebischsav in anything, not only halacha.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2319925

    Lost spark, .די גלויבסט און דיין רבי אלטס דיין אפגאט, ביסט אן אפיקורוס. די גלייבסט און דיין געטשקע אז ער לעבט אויף אייביג, אז ער פירט דו וועלט דו דאווענסט צו אים. ס’איז גרויליג דיין עבודה זרה דינען

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2319881

    Yankel berel, your conclusion is that there is a “measure of life in Yaacov’s body”.

    Yosef and his brothers would not bury their father if his guf would still be physically alive. As it says in the posuk that he “expired”, Rashi himself says the posuk says “expired but not died” . What does it mean that Yaacov expired? Yaacov is alive but his body expired. A little further in the parsha it says that the brothers of Yosef saw that their father DIED with the loshen “mes”.

    Rashi does not contradict any posuk in the Chumash and therefore he did not write that Yaacov’s guf is physically alive.

    In conclusion, Yaacov’s guf is not alive in a physical sense. But his guf is alive spiritually by Yaacov’s soul being dormant in his guf. In that sense it would be “a measure of life in Yaacov’s body”.

    in reply to: I Guess I’m Pulling for the “Chabad Media” Now? #2319784

    Arso, so when will I hear from you which rabbi or talmud chuchem agrees that Yaacov was buried alive and is currently alive in his grave?

    Seems like it’s easier for you to call me an apikorus because I don’t agree with your interpretation of a Rashi so you don’t bother clarifying your interpretation that contradicts a posuk in the Torah. That is really childish of childish of you.

    in reply to: I Guess I’m Pulling for the “Chabad Media” Now? #2319594

    Neville, you say, “The presence of the word guf is irrelevant. If he included it, you would just find other reasons to say it isn’t literal because you’re set on interpreting this the way you want. ”

    That is an absolutely ridiculous comment you made. THE FACT IS THAT RASHI DOESNT CONTRADICT THE CHUMASH AND THAT’S WHY HE DOESNT WRITE “GUF”. The exclusion of the word “guf” is not irrelevantat at all. What is irrelevant is your speculation of how I would interpret it if Rashi put in the word “guf” because Rashi does NOT contradict any posuk in the Chumash, he expounds and explains the Chumash and therefore if his comment seems to contradict what the Chumash is saying then it is YOU who has misinterpreted what Rashi is saying.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2319592

    Menachem Shmei, I remember arguing with you about Yaacov being buried. But perhaps I remember that wrong. I’m not going to reread the thread again to see if I am wrong here so I’ll say that if you didn’t argue about it then it’s my mistake. Sorry.

    About Arso himself not saying that Yaacov is physically alive; if you say that you have to believe that Yaacov is physically alive because Rashi is (according to Arso) saying that Yaacov is physically alive otherwise you’re an apokiros as I was called for not believing that that is what Rashi is saying, and arguing the entire thread that that is what Rashi means, you can’t go hide under that cover now and say, I didn’t say it, Rashi says it. Because you did say it. You said it because you think that Rashi said it. I dont believe that Rashi means that he’s physically alive. Arso and you believe that that’s what Rashi says and you argued on that point, period.

    in reply to: I Guess I’m Pulling for the “Chabad Media” Now? #2319588

    Neville, I wasn’t so clear in my last comment. I meant that Rashi or any mefoiresh on the Chumash is meant as explanation to the pesukim in the Chumash-they do not contradict the Chumash. If they appear to contradict a pesuk in the Chumash you are interpreting the mefoiresh wrong.

    When you are having a discussion on Gemorah then a pusok from the Chumash will not come into the discussion. When you are talking about a pesuk in the Torah, you can bring a mefoiresh to explain it, not to contradict what the Chumash is saying.

    You are taking the Word of Hashem very lightly. Everything that the Rabbis expound upon is taken FROM the Chumash, not vice versa.

    in reply to: I Guess I’m Pulling for the “Chabad Media” Now? #2319587

    Neville says “Irrelevant. We don’t bring proofs from straight pasukim pretty much ever. This is the kind of thing I’m talking about. I get the temptation to say “well you’re bringing a rishon? I’ll bring an even better proof, a passuk from the Torah itself!” For better or for worse, that’s not how the Orthodox world works.”

    When you want to have a Talmudic discussion you can bring a rishon. But to say that the comment that Rashi is making on a pasuk contradicts another posuk in the Chumash is absolutely ridiculous and disgusting. Rashi did not contradict the Word of Hashem.

    Do you know that anyone can “prove” anything from such type of “learning” that you claim is the legitimate way?

    You, like the others, keep parroting that Rashi means that Yaacov’s guf is alive is the mainstream understanding. So, please bring me any reputable rabbi that says that that is the meaning that Rashi means- that Yaacov’s guf is alive in his kever. Still waiting to hear from Arso, and now from you.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2319585

    Coffee addict, after all this you think that I dont know what Rashi says? I don’t think any of you understand what we are arguing about here. We are arguing what “alive” means. Is Yacov avinu’s guf still physically alive or is Rashi talking about alive spiritually?

    Unlike many of you here taking the pesukim of the Torah pretty lightly the way you keep on harping about what Rashi says and disregard that it says later in the Chumash that the brothers of Yosef saw that their father DIED, the great Rabbis understood that the Word of God cannot be contradicted. Rashi does not contradict the Torah. He does not say that Yaacov’s guv stayed alive, Yacov is always alive in a spiritual sense. Or as the Gemarah states, that Yacov is alive through his descendants. Also, according to another mefoiresh Yaacov not dying can mean that part of his soul lies dormant in the body. There are many meforshim on “Yaacov lo mes”. But nothing can contradict the Torah which says clearly that Yaacov died.

    in reply to: I Guess I’m Pulling for the “Chabad Media” Now? #2319338

    In my last comment that I addressed to Neville I wrote the ” the Torah says many literal things”…

    I meant to write that the Torah says many things which is not meant to be interpreted in a physical sense. As an example, the Torah talks about “the arm of Hashem”. Does Hashem have a physical arm? No, He doesn’t.

    in reply to: I Guess I’m Pulling for the “Chabad Media” Now? #2319328

    Menachem Shmei claims that Happy New Year is an apikorus. Meanwhile, Menachem Shmei believes that a (dead) human being is running the world, that that dead and buried human being is really alive, that you can pray to this dead human being, that that dead human being is everywhere and that that dead human being never made, and still doesn’t make, mistakes, and that he’s coming back soon to fulfill his messianic duties…

    So who is the apikorus?

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2319300

    Qwerty, the same thing happened to Menachem Shmei. First he was arguing with me that Yacov wasn’t buried. When I showed him that the posuk says that Yacov was buried, he backtracked. The same thing is now happening with Arso. First he argues on the entire thread that Yacov is PHYSICALLY alive because “Rashi says so”. Now he’s backtracking that he never said it. Well, Rashi never said that Yacov’s guf is alive, that was Arso’s own interpretation of Rashi. And he got caught when I told him to ask a reputable rav or talmud chuchem if Yacov Avinu is physically alive in his kever. I’m still waiting to hear back from him with whom he spoke to about Yacov being physically alive in his kever…

    in reply to: I Guess I’m Pulling for the “Chabad Media” Now? #2319298

    Neville, what is that I’m saying “that no Bais Yacov girl would say what I say?”

    It says b’feresh in the Torah that brothers of Yosef saw that their father died. No mefoiresh says that Yacov’s GUF is alive, period. You are just parroting what Menachem Shmei and Arso are saying. Menachem Shmei is claiming meforshim are saying that his guf is alive. I’m asking you, did YOU look into his sources? I will answer that for you. No, you didn’t.

    As for Rashi, he is simply saying Yacov did not die. He is not saying his guf is alive. Yacov not dying can mean spiritually. The Torah itself says many literal things such as “the arm of Hashem”. Does Hashem have a physical arm? No, he doesn’t. You have to understand how to understand pshat.

    in reply to: I Guess I’m Pulling for the “Chabad Media” Now? #2319287

    Happy new year got it right.

    Chazal and meforshim do NOT contradict the Torah ever. I’ve said that over and over and over again. If you think that they do YOU are learning pshat wrong. Chazal and later meforshim NEVER contradicted a posuk in the Torah, period. Not Rashi, not Ramban, nobody. The Torah is the Word of the Living God. The Torah is the Truth. The Torah is eternal. If that’s what YOU take out of learning Mishnayos, Gemorah, Rashi, whatever else you are learning which seems to contradict a posuk in the Torah YOU are learning pshat wrong which most often comes from learning things out of context. I’ve said so many times, you cannot take a one posuk or a few words from the Tanach or Gemorah or whatever you are learning and build your empire on it. Everything needs to be learnt in context.

    If you are basing your conclusions on a posuk or word you are doing like the Christians who take a posuk or word and misconstrue it. It is very easy to do so. To understand the Torah you need to know everything that the Torah says on that particular thing you are trying to understand, you need to know the context. Meforshim often are the keys to understanding the Torah. If you think that a mefoiresh is refuting or contradicting a posuk in the Torah YOUR understanding of that mefoiresh is wrong.

    Now, if there is a sefer on the market that teaches pshat that contradicts a posuk in the Torah or a mefoiresh that contradicts a pusok in the Torah then that wrong. I do not believe though that there is any mefoiresh contradicts a posuk in the Torah. If it seems to contradict the posuk it’s because the one who is learning pshat is learning it wrong.

    As for the Rashi which many of claim i am saying I am not believing what he says, you are all lying. I never said Rashi is wrong. Stop with your lies. I am saying that Rashi does NOT CONTRADICT any posuk in the Torah, period. Therefore, if it says in the Torah that the brothers of Yosef saw that their father DIED, Rashi who knew Torah better than you, did not mean to say what you are saying he is which is that his GUF was alive. That is YOUR conclusion. If you know Torah and Chazal and meforshim well you understand that “alive” can have many forms. Rashi is NOT saying that Yacov lo mes means that Yacov’s guf is alive. Yacov lo mes can mean that his soul is alive or he is alive through his descendants or any which way meforshim explain what alive means without the guf being alive because it says clearly in the Torah that Yacov died.

    in reply to: I Guess I’m Pulling for the “Chabad Media” Now? #2319077

    Arso, I said earlier on the other thread that I will not engage anymore with this back and forth with what Rashi means with “Yacov lo mes” in any way shape or form. We covered that extensively already and I’m not interested in arguing anymore with you. I said what I have to say on it. You also said what you have to say on “Yacov lo mes”. I dont agree with your interpretations and you told me it’s because I’m a woman who doesn’t know how to learn and that I’m an apikorus (c”s).

    Therefore, since I don’t accept your interpretations of Rashi and meforshim then do what you advised me to do and go ask a reputable rav or talmud chuchem what Yacov Avinu’s guf is alive in his kever. Let me know the name of the rabbi said that Yacov is alive in his kever. Thank you.

    in reply to: I Guess I’m Pulling for the “Chabad Media” Now? #2319076

    Menachem Shmei, nope, that is not true. It is not only ahuirim I heard from other talmidei chachumim on Yacov lo mes. I have looked at the gemorah you quoted and many meforshim and none of them said what you were trying to them twist into. As for the ein yacov that i wasnt able to verify, ive said in the last thread, it is weird that that the only place that brings the iyin yacov you write about is from you and another Chabad article online. As i said before, i dont have a copy of the ein yacov and im not planning to buy it just for purposes of this thread. We covered that extensively in the last thread and I’m not going back there arguing over this topic again.

    Now, you say “Truth. Truth. Truth. Torah. Torah. Torah.”
    So I ask you again, I’ve lost track how many times I’ve asked you and you didn’t answer me. If you claim to be for the truth why don’t you tell everyone what you hold to be the truth? Why do you dodge my questions?

    Do you believe that the Lubavitche rebbe is running the world, that you can pray directly to him, that he never died and that he never made mistakes, that he is everywhere?

    If you claim to be for the truth you would answer my questions. Either you believe in what I asked you or not. Whatever hashkafas you have, it is the truth for you so why be evasive about them?

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2319072

    Arso says, ” Show me one post where I said that Yaakov Avinu is alive. I said that Rashi et al said it, and that one is not allowed to reject Rashi based on one’s logic.”
    You were arguing with me throughout the entire thread that with Rashi saying Yacov lo mes he means that Yacov is physically alive- that is what YOU are saying that you believe Rashi to mean with those words! As I’ve said many times, Rashi never ever said that Yaacov’s guf is alive in his kever and “alive” can mean many things which if you would be a tamud chuchem you would know that. Thats why you claiming that i am rejecting Rashi based on my logic is a strawman’s argument because i never rejected Rashi, period. Besides for Lubavitche “rabbis”, Menachem Shmei and you, I’ve heard no Rabbi interpret that Rashi means that Yacov’s guf is alive. Therefore, I told you to clarify that with a reputable rabbi.

    Arso says “philosopher: Do you know how many men learnt in yeshiva and yet are amei haaratzim ? No. Do you? ”
    Yes, I know many amei haaratzim and I consider you to be one as well. Your opinions are not valid to me. Therefore, again, I advise you, like you claimed I should do, talk it over with a reputable rabbi or talmid chuchem to gain clarity on the matter and let me know which rabbi said that Yaacov’s guf is alive in his kever.

    in reply to: I Guess I’m Pulling for the “Chabad Media” Now? #2319040

    And let me modify my last comment-i am not talking about the Lubavitche and pro-Lubavitche bringing sources that moshiach can come from the dead, my point in my last post is that they are arguing on Ramban and Ramban who said that moshiach can’t come from dead.

    in reply to: I Guess I’m Pulling for the “Chabad Media” Now? #2319038

    Bringing tons of meforshim to “support” something that the mefoirshim are not saying at all is simply deliberate misinterpretation and those sources have nothing to do with what that person is claiming the source is supporting. The vast majority of meforshim (with the exception of one source which i wasnt able to independently verify) that the Lubavitche and pro-Lubavitche are bringing did not support their argument but they skillfully interpreted to mean the way they wanted it.

    It’s totally laughable how one can seriously argue that moshiach can be someone who already died ( also, at the same time the LR didnt die cause he is still alive in his kever like Yacov avinu, so hes covered from all angles)Despite the Ramban and Rambam saying explicitly that moshiach can’t be from a dead person and everyone thinks their arguments hold much water. And same goes for their other arguments.

    So it’s really funny when people become overwhelmed when idol worshippers quote sources left right and center to “support” their idolatrous claims and then people think that they are such great “talmidei chachomim”…

    in reply to: I Guess I’m Pulling for the “Chabad Media” Now? #2319023

    RightJew, exactly. We see how many Jews are becoming weakened in the face of the onslaught of Chabad missionaries sounding very knowledgeable and dropping meforshim left right and center despite it proving nothing to support their avodah zora. But people become confused easily because they “sound like talmidie chachomim”. Meanwhile, you have one of their “talmud chuchem rabbis” like Manis Friedman claiming that Hashem has “needs” like a human being has needs and that is why He created humans to serve his needs and that there’s no gehinom and gan eden we should only do mitzvas because Hashem “needs” that…he’s just one of their crazy “rabbis” spouting kefira mamesh.

    B’kitzer, their Chabadianity ideology is version #2 of Christianity which in summary is to upgrade the rebbe with the “atzmus emehus mlebush haguf” line to deity level and at the same time to downgrade the greatness of Hashem so that for them they pretty much even out in the end. Total and complete avodah zora.

    The danger is that non-Chabad people can become confused by these Lubavitche looking so frum (the men at least) and even being “so knowledgeable in Torah” and they don’t chap that they spout non-sense by using pesukim, Chazal and meforshim to prove absolutely nothing because nothing in the Torah supports their ideology.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2318995

    Qwerty, exactly. Learning gemorah with mefoirshim for many years, like Arso he claims he did, does not automatically make a person intelligent IF it they are not learning it correctly. For example, the Lubavitchers who claim their rebbe is alive and coming back as the moshiach, that their rebbe is running the world, etc. obviously are learning gemorah and meforshim wrong. Just like Shabsi Tzvi was a big “talmid chachom” . His followers included tamidei chachumim and rabbis but they were wrong because they learnt pshat wrong, they were blinded by all the noise made by Shabsi Tzvi.

    in reply to: I Guess I’m Pulling for the “Chabad Media” Now? #2318960

    Arso, so did you clarify yet with a talmid chuchem if “Yacov lo mes” means that Yacov’s guf is physically alive? Because as I’ve said, I have never heard a rav or talmid chuchem say that it means that his guf is alive and ive listened to many of them speaking on the subject. I’ve only heard it from Lubavitche and you. Don’t calk me an apikorus when I’m saying what I heard from talmidei chachumim. Perhaps you are the apikorus. You should clear that up with a reputable, non-Chabad, rabbi.

    As I’ve said, if you have a Rabbi or talmud chuchem saying that Yacov lo mes means that Yacov’s guf is alive n his kever then post the rabbi’s name on this thread or the other one. (Still) Awaiting your response.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2318953

    Arso, aha. So you decide that Yacov’s guf is physically alive and you can’t be bothered to clarify that with a rav or talmud chuchem because you “learnt in yeshiva”. That means that all talmidie chachumim who say that Yaacov lo mes means that he’s alive through his descendants (like the gemorah says) or have other peshutim on what it means that Yacov is alive but not that his guf is alive are “apikorsim” because you decided that Yacov lo mes means that Yacov is physically alive? Or is it only me because I have not learnt in yeshiva and I’m a woman so I can be called an apikorus? Shame on you.

    You do not get a pass because you learnt in yeshiva. Are you that stupid? Do you know how many men learnt in yeshiva and yet are amei haaratzim ?

    in reply to: I Guess I’m Pulling for the “Chabad Media” Now? #2318950

    Neville, first of all, to make it clear, i never pretended to be an “authority” on anything. Ive made it abundantly clear who i am. The mistake you make is that you think Menachem Shmei is an authority when he is regurgitating Lubavitche talking points which I’ve seen all of them in many of articles on many Lubavitche websites. You get scared of the noise he makes.

    Now here’s the thing you write that absolutely disgusts me. You write “Case and point, davar Torahs are inherently less likely to take a literal approach on anything since anyone could just go and read the Rashi or pshat for themselves” . Eexcuse me. It is Menachem Shmei who keeps on writing that Rashi says “Yacov lo mes” literally! He believes that Yacov Avinu is PHYSICALLY alive simply because of the words that Rashi writes “Yacov lo mes”. And yet you give him a pass because hes a man. But since I’m a woman, when i say that Rashi is not contradicting a b’fesrishe posuk in Veyechi which proves that Yacov mes and Rashi saying that Yacov lo mes can mean that he is spiritually alive or like the Gemorah is saying that he is alive through his descendants, that is “not interesting” “dvar Torah” because I’m a woman who didn’t learn in yeshiva”. Unbelievable.

    in reply to: I Guess I’m Pulling for the “Chabad Media” Now? #2318682

    Or do you just want everyone to shut up because Menachem Shmei spouts “mefoshim” left right and center that does not support his idology all, he just very confidently makes it seem that way.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2318679

    Arso, I forgot to mention in my previous comment that the rabbi you ask about Yaacov lo mes should not be a Lubavitche rabbi as i will not take their response as valid. The question again is: is Yaacov Avinu alive physically, is his guf alive mamesh, and if yes, what does that mean? Is his gif breathing while being comatose? Eagerly awaiting your answer, the philosopher.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2318648

    Arso, BTW, not to argue again over Yaacov lo mes again, but I do want to know if you took the advice you gave me to speak to a ruv or talmud chuchem if Yaacov lo mes means he is physcally alive in his kever. I told you should take that advice yourself and speak to a ruv or talmid chochem if Yaacov is physically alive while his guf is not engaging in any bodily functions (or perhaps it does, who knows…) I’m still awaiting an answer. Please post the name of the rabbi you’ve spoken to about this who said that Yaacov’s guf is alive. Thanks.

    in reply to: I Guess I’m Pulling for the “Chabad Media” Now? #2318643

    And your point is?

    I’ve listened to many shuirim from talmidei chachomim on the subject of Yaacov lo mes and NONE said that Yaacov Avinu is physically alive.

    So what’s your point in opening this thread? You want to “prove” as well that Yaacov Avinu is physically alive?

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