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  • in reply to: Too many pinocchios (nosy people) #963046

    I just want to clear up that I don’t think all frum Jews across the board are nosy. I just feel that Jews in particular are curious by nature-intellectually curious- which as Wolf pointed out, is not a necessarily bad trait. In fact I think it’s a wonderful trait for growth and spiritual developement. However, some frum people, and particularly in some communities, curiosity has led to nosiness and judgement of others.

    in reply to: Too many pinocchios (nosy people) #963038

    In some frum communities, unfortunately, minding everyone’s business seems to be a way of life. I think this is because Jews are very curious and also opinionated. So if you combine that you have nosiness, which basically means you stick your nose into people’s lives and then salivate about it, chew it over, talk about it… It’s the Jewish kind of entertainment. If people get hurt in the process, well you only mean their good-they’ve got to hear the truth. The only people who don’t have a problem with this is are those that fit neatly in “THE FRUM BOX”. That’s because there is nothing to talk about them. And then everyone wonders why the frum oilim is basically dancing to the same tune, without independant talk or action (except on the web, of course).

    The only way we need to be carbon copies of each other is in living l’shem shmayim. But as individuals we don’t need to be carbon copies in the way we live our frum lives. But if you move out of line, you’ll be fodder for the Jewish entertainment scene.

    in reply to: Top 5 websites? #726977


    I’m very dissapointed with Gymboree these days. They used to have such cute, adorable stuff and now I can’t find anything but nebby clothing on that site (or in stores).

    in reply to: Kashrus #725872

    Trying my best:

    “If the organization has a gazillion (or whatever number is enough) kashrus inspectors, why not? “

    I don’t believe any kashrus organization that gives hechsheirim on FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND ITEMS has a sufficient amount of mashgichim. Do they have 200,000 mashgichim? No. Even a 100,000 food items is impossible to have a complete chesbon throughout production, packaging and labeling.

    The FACT is foodstuff is constantly being updated regarding kashrus and people may not be aware that what they are eating is mislabeled and TREIF, or they may not become aware of that at all.

    The fact that such such lists of mislabeled products is an accepted as normal is ridiculous.

    Kashrus should not be a massive business with the goal to certify more and more products as “kosher” (I specificly placed the quotation mark by the word “kosher” because the FACT is that some items labeled kosher, are not). Kashrus organizations need to take their kashrus more seriously.

    Food establishments, resturaunts and the like, is in a different category than factory produced items and they are ussually more stringently observed than factories by the mashgichim working under these very same huge kashrus companies. There were of course stories of treif sold in food establishments as well, however, in general there is no hefkeres as there is in the mass labeling of “kosher” food items.

    in reply to: Best Jewish Singer #1218982

    MBD and Shwekey

    in reply to: Kashrus #725863

    SJS and all those who commented in a similiar vein regarding kulos. That’s beside the point. I’m not talking about kulos or chumras. I’m talking about giving hechsheirim on too many products and it’s virtually IMPOSSIBLE to be on top of them all.

    in reply to: What REALLY happened with those boys that OTD en masse? #704855

    Moq, you seem to be a person with a lot of depth.

    in reply to: Your theory what Mosherose true motivation is? #704439

    Do people honestly believe that mosherose truly feels, for example, that you are not allowed to look at one’s wife for an entire lifetime or other similiar comments that he made? Sorry, not me. I don’t believe that he is serious.

    in reply to: Are the Reform and Conservative Still Jewish? #755332

    Are the Reform and Conservative still Jewish? This needs to be assesed individually, if an individual belonging to this group wants to become a BT.

    Not just Reform and Conservative need to be assesed on a case to case basis, but every person who is not frum and thinks of himself as a Jew, needs to know if they are halachically Jewish or not.

    in reply to: Are the Reform and Conservative Still Jewish? #755244

    There have been numerous instances of BT’s or their children finding out problems regarding if they are 100% halachic Jews or not. I have been saying for the longest time that it’s a big mistake to have this massive BT movement in America (as of today, the Israeli scene is totally different and the BT movement there should be encouraged). I say we should work on ourselves to be better Jews and be a light unto the nations through our behavior. Non religious Jews who want to become frum should know clearly how they are truly Jewish, not assume so.

    I am not saying this because I feel callous towards all our Jewish brethren who don’t have the Torah to guide them. I am saying this because I beleive that we CANNOT KNOW, in this 21st generation, who is truly a Jew or not, unless each case is totally investigated and you cannot do that by casting out a net (be it on campus or the streets of Manhattan) and catching every fish that swims through.

    in reply to: Are the Reform and Conservative Still Jewish? #755243

    cynical, I’d love to post a very long rebuttal to your comments, however, I don’t have the time. Suffice to say,that NOT ALL the Conservative “Rabbis” or laymen believe that the Torah is divine, that Hashem really gave it to us at Mt. Sinai. Nor do they pratcice true halacha. For example, in case you don’t know yet, a bunch of CONSERVATIVE Rabbis are giving sholom bayis classes for intermarried couples. There are numerous of such instances of blatant disregard for halacha, because as you described that our relationship with Hashem changes, so part of that belief is that some halachas can be disgarded, or changed, as time necessitates, because that is part of that changing relationship.

    Maybe your opinion of the Conservative belief of a changing relationship with Hashem does not mean that we disregard some halachas because the relationship doesn’t necessitate it. If so, then please define what your (your own)Conservative ideoligy belief regarding our relationship with Hashem in todays’ generation. What do you mean with “our relationship keeps on changing”?

    What is your opinion of Mesorah and minhugim? There’s where the slippery slope starts, btw, in case you didn’t realize, as Judaism becomes a PERSONAL interpretation of our own ideoligies and opinions (of course with those ideas changing in every generation).

    And cynical, disagreeing with you is NOT sinas and is NOT keeping Moshiach away.

    in reply to: Your theory what Mosherose true motivation is? #704376

    I believe mosherose is having fun posting stuff he does not believe in and seeing the reactions to his comments.

    Whether he is off-the-derech, I can’t tell. I don’t beleive he is. But he is doing a good job as coming accross as genuine.

    in reply to: An important lesson from last weeks parsha for married people #702596

    Ben Torah, he’s been posting along these lines for two years?

    Oh my, maybe he is for real!

    in reply to: SIBLING RIVALRY #702757

    It’s normal that kids should fight.

    Don’t blame yourself.

    in reply to: An important lesson from last weeks parsha for married people #702594

    mosherose is just pulling everyone’s leg. I highly doubt he believes what he writes. I believe he enjoys seeing poeple fall for his comments.

    mosherose, I think you’re hysterical.

    in reply to: Human Evolution #700915

    “Basically, evolutionary theory is successful at predictions.”

    Charliehall, evolutionary THEORY is as succesful at predictions as it is unsuccessful. Nobody could PREDICT how things were before recorded history. Scientists can theorize and make assumptions, no matter how intelligent and smart and knowledgeable they are. But that’s where it ends. They do not KNOW what happened. Evolutionists adopted their theory as a scientific” FACT.

    Evolutionary theory is ALL THEORY based on assumptions based on the personal ideoligy of the scientists coming to “scientific conclusions” all “supported” merely on “scientific” assumptions.

    You are right though that believing in the process of slow evolution into what the world is today does not contradict believing in a Creator, or even in the fact that the world “as we know it” is 5771 years old. Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan writes about it in one of his books. I forgot how exactly he comes to his conclusion, (of course his ideas are all supported from accepted and revered sources, which he brings forth). I hope I find that book again, as I read it when I was a teenager and forgot exactly how he comes to the conclusion that evolution fits with the way the Torah states how old the world is.

    Those scientists and people though who beleive that the world was created by itself, will eventually look as foolish as the ancient Egyptians who believed in their gods. For proof of a Creator we don’t need to go further than to acces our common sense. But as I read somewhere, common sense is very uncommon.

    in reply to: Divorce Crisis #697335

    popa, Abusive people can be extremely charming when dating and before marriage.

    Divorce will happen less when people will realize that that divorce should only be an option when their spouse is are verbally, emotionally, or physically abusive. Otherwise sorry, life is not a bowl of cherries. Learn to make the most of what gifts you do have. Be thankful of what you do have. Hashem sends a lot of gifts to us whether with our spouse or other gifts.

    Happiness comes from inside of us, not from others, not even from our spouses.

    And most of the time, if we work on becoming better people ourselves, if we work on our own middos, our marriage becomes better.

    in reply to: Divorce Crisis #697327

    Dating longer is beneficial to avoiding divorce? Yeah can we surely need to learn something from the non-frum, secular society. Ahem. Sure, just look at the low divorce rates in the non-Jewish world. They are not changing spouses like hats, are they? That’s because they not only date for a very long time, but they also live together before marriage. Can you get to know a person better than that? Clearly the sholom bayis in the secular world is one we can learn from.

    What exactly will you see when you date for longer? No human walking the face of this earth does not posess negative character traits. Which future spouse’s moral failings which you’ll definitely see more of the longer you date, can you live with? And people that seem nice on dates are not necassarily so. Just because a buchor is courteous to a waiter and says thank you is no indication that he will change the dirty daiper of your two year while your feeding your newborn.

    in reply to: A moment of truth- why do we really judge others? #712064

    I guess I was judging th OP incorrectly. 🙂

    in reply to: Baby Clothes #696250

    Gumboree fan talking here. They have great quality clothing you can pass down for other kids. (Stains come out nicely with Tide booster).

    You can get great prices on Gymboree clothes by signing up online for coupons and working with the gymbucks. Their styles are the cutest ever!

    in reply to: Charades by: Riva Pomerantz #755998

    BP Totty, I totaly agree with your post. Everything is blamed ones childhood. Interesting that I turned out different than my parents. That seems to be going against the law of the 21st century psychology.

    Otherwise, I really like the story. It is written exteremely well.

    in reply to: A moment of truth- why do we really judge others? #712062

    By the way, this is the old philosopher/clearheaded talking here.

    in reply to: A moment of truth- why do we really judge others? #712061

    I judge others and am not jealous nor arrogant. There are many ways to judge. There are postive ways we judge people, such as being dan l’kaf zchus, or we judge unfavorable behaviour so that we do not accept such behaviour. Judging in a negative way as to why people do things that are not our business or is not wrong just different, is bad.

    We judge people in our daily interactions with them, whether we realize it or not. It is simply human behaviour.

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