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  • in reply to: COVID VACCINE FOR CHILDREN #1986096

    So for all you people bashing me for talking against vthe covid-19 accinations, and for those who didn’t bash me but may be interested in hearing the real truth, listen to Tucker Carlson’s interview with Dr. Robert Malone, the INVENTOR of the mRNA vaccine who tried to speak the truth online but Google, the government of the internet communist regime, tried to silence him and YouTube took off the video that Dr. Malone, the inventor of the mRNA vaccine put up talking about the potential risks and the fact that there’s no data available to make an informed decision.

    Basically Dr. Malone is saying in the interview with Tucker Carlson exactly what I keep on saying, that everyone has a right to decide for themselves whether they want to take the vaccine or not. He says that there’s no data right now for people to make a reasonably informed decision. He says that for teens and children 18 years and below, the risks of covid-19 does not justify giving these vaccines.

    Dr. Malone said he is waiting from data from different countries including from Israel regarding effects on fertility but the latest study from Israel of the covid-19 vaccine regarding fertility involved already infertile couples and I doubt the study draws any conclusions for fertile women.

    in reply to: COVID VACCINE FOR CHILDREN #1986087

    Yeserbius, my I never said that it definitely changes the DNA, I said it that it may affect the response of DNA and I said nothing to do with hair color or making them taller rather how it responds to sickness and infections.

    in reply to: Democrats and Far Left #1985920

    The Yidden in mitzrayim were redeemed slaves, not descendents of slaves. They got payed for THEIR WORK from THEIR MASTERS, not their descendents got payed from their ancestor’s masters descendents! That is stupidity beyond. Almost every race had people who were kidnapped and sold into slavery, blacks were not unique.

    in reply to: Covid Forever #1985847

    rightwriter, participant has a point. He’s fed up with these stupid leaders getting away with murder and not running the cities, states and countries normally with the convenienent excuse of covid-19. I understand exactly what he’s talking about with government federal and state buildings and offices shut-down and operating on a lower capacity when what took a day now takes weeks with no one to talk to on the phone and so you end up needing to wait even longer if there’s a document you were supposed to submit and did not because you had no clue that you had to submit it.

    This stupidity is because the government is using your tax dollars for such stupid things they need to shut down the government partly and covid-19 is their convenient excuse. (That’s why I don’t understand how “Participants” supports the reparations of supposed “inheritance” for the blacks which will be one of the woke, out of control, spending things that will totally destroy the USA financially)

    And the covid-19 craziness in Israel is a cover for those in power who want more power. Look how it’s turning out for them after forcing everyone to take shots and forcing business into closure for practically forever. And there are foreigners who can’t fake stuff like many do and they have no access to their own properties for the last 14-15 months. It’s insane.

    in reply to: EXPLAINER: Covid Regulations Post-Vaccine #1985848

    Always Ask, well, many feel that you are a sheep for believing in such a stupid thing as a shot that doesn’t work when coronavirus verients keep on popping up all the time and proof is Israel not opening normally and having to shut down when 80% got the shot and the rest had covid-19. And with people getting serious illnesses from these shots you think we are interested in being bullied into taking the shot particularly when many of us had the virus already? And I don’t understand what your issue is. Those who took the shot are safe even if you do get the virus you are still safe so what is this shouting and bashing all about? You think we have chutzpah and we think you are stupid so we are even.

    in reply to: Democrats and Far Left #1985850

    Health, if you are bringing up the Holocaust because of what I wrote then I want to clarify that I am not excusing at all what the Nazis י”ש did, am I excusing any nor any nation or race who murderers or oppressed people. I spoke about the victims perspective that our mentality as descendants of Holocaust survivors is not mired forever in victimhood (and that’s why the Jews were so successful after the Holocaust while blacks are least successful being they are wallowing in victimhood) and we are not en-masse descending on Europe demanding what is coming to us as descendants of Holocaust victims. That was my point in bringing up the Holocaust.

    in reply to: Democrats and Far Left #1985747

    Participant, no, it is almost impossible to prove that the descendants of slaves masters assets are from their slave owning ancestors and in most case impossible to prove that people today are descendents of slaves. If there are the few individuals who can prove it both ways, it is only a few individuals and no more who could definitely prove it and would involve expensive investigations as well as courtcases which the average descendant of the slave would not be interested in persuing. And Proof of that that is that blacks will not have to show proof that they are descendents of slaves nor will they have to sue descendents of slaves owners, the reparations will be coming from taxes payed by US citizens (whites and blacks) the vast majority of whom had nothing to do with slavery.

    Now I feel silly for apologizing because firstly I don’t think I came accross as bashing you and secondly now you say that people could prove it which contradicts what you said earlier that you never said not implied points that I bought up.

    in reply to: EXPLAINER: Covid Regulations Post-Vaccine #1985741

    If we take Israel as an example of how the covid-19 “vaccine” is working in a country that has vaccinated 80% of its citizens, the highest vaccinated population in the world per capita, they are now are now pushing off their date of opening to individual foreigners until August 1st instead of July 1st as originally planned, due to the new Delta coronavirus varient! This is is over 14 months of them closing the border to foreigner travelers (with only a small exception of yeshiva students and close relatives coming for simchas). This entire testing and hyperfocusing on the coronavirus is absolutely ridiculous. The virus will not go away because of human effort.

    When hospitals are overflowing with patients then it’s a time to close borders and place citizens in quarantine, otherwise life needs to continue as usual because they cannot be finished with this through human effort. Viruses cannot never be entirely contained, eradicated or stopped from spreading, there’s no such thing. Viruses can only become extinct naturally (through Hashem’s will) . Hashem created viruses because the world needs it to exist and only he can make them extinct. The covid-19 virus is a result of human tampering but still could only do the damage because it was Hashem’s Will. And when it will be His Will then the virus will become extinct from this world and not a moment before regardless of masks, vaccines, closing the borders, quarantines, etc. And that’s why people need to return to normal life and stop with these narishkeiten.

    in reply to: Democrats and Far Left #1985728

    Participant, sorry, sorry, sorry! My post come across as blasting. That was totally not my intention. I thought I was simply making statements why reparations don’t apply to blacks in the USA. If you feel attacked, sorry again! I meant simply putting down the facts and I guess it came accross the wrong way. I am upset at the government out of control spending and wokenss of the government of United States and certainly not at you.

    in reply to: EXPLAINER: Covid Regulations Post-Vaccine #1985519

    Participant, indeed, the reality that you described is nothing less than insanity.

    in reply to: Democrats and Far Left #1985518

    Participant, in a court of law you are required to show proof that someone owes you money and if a person is a descendent of someone who owes you money then you required to show proof that he inherited the assets of the person who owed you the money. In the Banana Republic of the USA proof will soon not a requirement to get money you claim is yours…if you’re black that is. Furthermore, it is not the US government that owned the slaves so why should the government have to pay inheritance? Furthermore, many blacks are themselves descendents of slaves owners, like Michael Obama for example so should they be required to pay themselves? And again people of mixed race, are they required to partially pay themselves? Furthermore, a vast percentage of blacks in the USA today are not descendents of slaves, they arrived as free people, as immigrants, or descendents of immigrants, from Africa, Haitia and all over the world. Furthermore, most American citizens today are not descendents of slaves owners so why should they be made to pay the “inheritance” for the descendants of slaves?

    And furthermore, can you imagine if descendents of victims of the Holocaust go back to where there ancestors came from and demand those who took the ancestors belongings, assets and properties, return all of it to them? And no proof of ownership is needed despite that they were indeed stolen from the Holocaust victims? Why won’t that happen? And not only descendents from victims of the Holocaust, but can people of all races claim inheritance from the people who stole assets or enslaved their ancestors? Why are blacks the only people entitled to such “inheritance”?

    in reply to: Democrats and Far Left #1985452

    Participant, reparations for descendents of slaves for what? No one alive today was a slave so there’s no on to pay reparations to. Do you think Holocaust survivor descendents can ask for repeeations from Germany? No, we cant. Billions of people are descendents of slaves, of misplaced people, of abused and oppressed people. They should stop making blacks into victims because they are not.

    in reply to: Democrats and Far Left #1985425

    Talking about reparations, Jews and Europeans were also sold into slavery during the Middle Ages so we need reparations as well. And it was the black tribal leaders in Africa who sold their own people into slavery so they should be the ones paying reparations too. The funniest part is that blacks will be paying reparations for themselves and other blacks through taxes. And what about those of mixed race? Will they be getting reparations according to the amount of black ancestry they have?

    The blacks are getting reparations already. Billions of dollars is being poured into their communities and handed out to black individuals in the form of every program imaginable.

    in reply to: Democrats and Far Left #1985413

    Health, why doesn’t it make a difference? I’m not talking about the outcome, he likely would become mayor regardless of the Jewish votes. But it’s a real chilly Hashem and a vote against Hashem to vote for someone like him. The fact is that whoever votes for him is putting someone in office who will make NYC more immoral than before the people before the flood.

    in reply to: Democrats and Far Left #1985279

    Heimishe communities are voting for this Eric Adams!

    Here’s only a partial lists of his policies I have not written all the disgusting things he supports:

    Abortion: Pro-choice but ban after 3 months

    Supports legalization of gay marriage:

    Should gay couples have the adoption right:

    Should the government continue funding Planned Parenthood:

    Should the government RAISE (again) the the minimum wage:

    Should (racist) critical race theory be taught in classrooms?

    Should taxes be increased for the rich to reduce interest rates for student loans:

    Should the president of the US have the power to deploy military troops to stop protests?

    so not only does he support more immorality he wants to force you to support immorality!

    Should the government pay tuition at 4 year colleges and universities?

    Should gender identity be added to anti-discrimination laws?

    Should children of illegal immigrants be granted legal citizenship?

    Should people under 18 recieve “gender-transition” treatments?

    Should drugs be decriminalized?

    There’s way more liberal and immoral, behavior he supports but I cannot rewrite the entire list here.

    Hashem yarachem that we vote for such individuals. We are bringing misfortune upon ourselves and placing trust in immoral people instead of in Hashem.

    in reply to: Democrats and Far Left #1985088

    I don’t think we can stop the tidal waves of immorality but we can speak out against it like Noach did and be saved. To vote for those who support and advance these terribly immoral agendas is a terribly big sin. My question is where is everyone who is supposed to lead us? Only Rav Avigdor Miller zt”l spoke against voting for these evil sinners.

    in reply to: Democrats and Far Left #1985077

    I agree with you 1000%! You are totally right. I simply do not understand it either.

    in reply to: Figuring out our purpose in life #1984994

    I think our tafkid involves both, working to elevate what we find is easy and enjoyable for us to do while at the same time work on being mesaken our bad middos.

    in reply to: Is English the new Yiddish? #1984973

    That is a really cute joke. I am sure there are other towns you can joke about in the same way, they changed hands so often. I think the legitimate rulers would be the ones the Jews considered themselves to be, Jewish Hungarians, Russian, Galician, etc.; that is a sure way to know who the town or region belongs too 😉

    in reply to: COVID VACCINE FOR CHILDREN #1984972

    ubiqutin, I can’t not defend myself although I said I won’t do it anymore. I don’t know why it bothers me that you are saying that I am making things up. Just because you are not familiar with many aspects of molecular biology does not mean I am making things up. I will not bother providing citiation; this is the 21st century and you can look things up easily.

    It is not clear to scientists what came first and they are continously debating whether it was DNA, RNA, proteins, or other molecules. This is a study called abiogenesis which we don’t believe in because we know Adam Harishon was created whole so everything was created at the same time. However I bought it up the so that you understand there there is nothing definite in where the process first starts so scientifically there is absolutely no issue with saying DNA makes RNA because it all depends how you look at the process.

    Look up the Central Dogma of Molecular Biology

    If Covid-19 affects or doesn’t affect the DNA is totally irrelevent to if the shot affects the DNA or not. However the answer is that, no covid-19 dos not affect the DNA, it is just the opposite, DNA affects how the body reacts to covid-19. However, this has nothing to do with the shot. You cannot extrapolitate that if a cell’s DNA or RNA reacts in a certain way that synthetic medication given in a variety of forms that interact with cells to ellicit a certain molecular reaction also will react in he same way. This needs to be studied in conteolled studies as all medication is done for years before reaching consumers and it was not done with the release of the covid-19 shots.

    You said that mRNAs do not return to the nucleus. That is compltely untrue. Many types of mRNA return to the nucleus as do proteins. I will not bring any citation, this info is readily available on the internet and easy to find.

    Just because you are unfamiliar with every aspect of molecular biology does not give you the right to say I am making things up. Molecular biologists study this subject continously for years before knowing what is already known to us. So certainly you don’t know everything that is known about this subject so don’t jump to conclusions that just because you don’t know something someone else is making things up.

    in reply to: COVID VACCINE FOR CHILDREN #1984931

    Ubiquitin, ok here I go again after I said that I won’t bother answering again…

    Excuse me, did I ask you to bring citations on whatever you wrote? No, I did not and I am not going to do so for you. Look up the info yourself, it’s easy today, it’s all online.

    There is absolutely an ongoing debate in science which came first DNA or RNA. If you are just not familiar with that that doesn’t mean I’m making things up. And search for the Central Dogma of Molecular Biology yourself and don’t lie about me making things up about DNA making RNA. It is you trying to wiggle out of what you said by asking me to bring citations. And you absolutely said said that after mRNA is produced it does not enter the nucleus and that is false because many types of mRNA sure do reenter the nucleus. And I’m not going to go through everything again but please stop being hypocritical for telling me not to make things up when it is you who are doing so.

    in reply to: Is English the new Yiddish? #1984836

    ujm, thanks for bringing up the fact that regions, towns and villages came under different ruling states while the people stayed the same! While I was arguing about Belarus, I had forgotten that the same happened all over Europe.

    in reply to: Is English the new Yiddish? #1984831

    There are other Russian Jews besides for Lubavitche and Skvere, there’s Karlin-Stolin, non-Chassidish Russian Ashkenazi Jews, Sephardi Russian Jews, the Mountain Jews, Bulgarian Jews and Georgian Jews.

    Current states and borders does not mean that Jews coming from the region where the states changed does not mean they aren’t anymore Russian or Hungarian or other groups of Jew and their descendents for Jews are influenced by the surrounding ethnic culture that was there for centuries and in some cases over a millenium, and these vultures still continues to exist (to some extent at least) despite decades under new rule. Some of these states changed control of government numerous times, again, and it’s the surrounding majority of the race of the people, the language, the food, the centuries of cultures that influenced the Jews as well as the minhugim they themselves adopted over during the centuries living in a particular region that makes them the Jews they are. Current politics does not change that.

    Bobova and Sanze Chassidim are still (very much) Galicians despite that today it’s part of Poland and before that part of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire.

    Munkaze are still Hungarian despite the town now being part of Ukraine.

    Etc, etc.

    in reply to: COVID VACCINE FOR CHILDREN #1984815

    In case someone will pounce on my previous post and point out that J&J/Janssen does not use actual aborted fetal cells only lab created ones called replication-defective DNA, I want to point out that I that already and I know it according to the company the vaccine “cannot” replicate or become part of a person’s body…

    in reply to: COVID VACCINE FOR CHILDREN #1984814

    There are different Covid-19 vaccines, not all of them contain mRNA. The J&J covid-19 shot contain actual human DNA that is transcribed into mRNA…There’s also the vector vaccine and the protein subunit vaccine that already contain the S protein.

    in reply to: COVID VACCINE FOR CHILDREN #1984813

    Yeserbius, And even what I agreed with 100% was written within a larger context regarding support of the vaccine. You chose to take that one sentence and highlight it as if that was the only thing written in his/her long post which was not the case.

    in reply to: Is English the new Yiddish? #1984812

    Always ask, I am not sure what we are arguing about. Are you trying to say that there was no such a thing as Russian Jews?

    Kindly point me to where I’ve said Moscow was around 1500 years ago. I said no such thing.

    The official state, Rus started in the year 863 on what is today part of Russian proper. However, Jews lived in the Slavic populated region of what would officially become Russia since 1500 years ago. Rus was only partly on what is now Ukraine.

    Forcing Jews to the Pale was only for approximately 150 years while the history of Russian Jews started centuries earlier and is still ongoing. The Pale was in any case in the WEST OF RUSSIAN EMPIRE on Russia proper and partly also included land what is TODAY states not considered part of Russia.

    Lubavitch was established in the 18th century in what is today Liozna, Belarus which was at the time of Lubavitche’s founding part of the Russian Empire. Belarus was controlled by various states over the years before, including the original Russian Rus, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and other states, but the Russians Empire regained control over Belarus over 200 years ago. Eventually the state gained its independance from the Soviet Union after it’s dissolution. Lubavitche are considered to be Russian Jews.

    in reply to: COVID VACCINE FOR CHILDREN #1984804

    Yesiurbus, I said I won’t respond anymore but I can’t resist. I am allowed to agree with someone regarding what they said on a different aspect of this topic. That still doesn’t mean I said that people shouldn’t listen to their doctors or Rabbis! I said it’s the an individual’s choice either way, whether they listen or not! I never, ever told, advised, or wrote that people should not to listen to their doctors or Rabbis. YOU are conflating two seperate things into one and saying an outright lie (and other lies) about me.

    in reply to: COVID VACCINE FOR CHILDREN #1984805

    And let’s not make it seem that ALL Rabbis and doctors are supporting getting the shot. I personally have never heard any Rabbi coming out in support of this shot. The Rabbis I know are not saying to take it or not to, they are neutral on the subject. I have also heard Rabbis coming out sharply against taking the vaccine. I am sure there are Rabbis who support the taking of the vaccine; I personally only read here on TYW about one Rabbi saying the vaccine should be taken.

    And there are doctors and virologists supporting the vaccine as well as those who are against it. I have heard speaches by doctors and virologists coming out against it. MSM and social media always try to silence the dissident voices of those not toeing the official line, however these doctors are out there.

    in reply to: COVID VACCINE FOR CHILDREN #1984792

    Yserbius123, I will not read through every one of my posts but I can 100% say that I did not write it the way you said I did. You are being completely dishonest. I would never tell anyone not to take their doctors or Rabbis at their word, I have said that everyone can choose what to do regarding their health, it is their CHOICE to follow what their doctors or Rabbis say regarding their health. I would never say people shouldn’t listen to their Rabbis or doctors.

    I don’t know what you are talking about 90% rate of people without serious health concern? What? I don’t know what you are trying to say here. Neither do I follow the rest of your logic.

    Anyway, I’m done arguing here. I will not respond anymore even if you skew my words and imply that I wrote things that I never did.

    in reply to: COVID VACCINE FOR CHILDREN #1984789

    ubiquitin, I’m not interested in going back and forth with you skewing my words. This is my last response even if you will twist whatever I say.

    Now I see that you are familiar with the subject but you don’t have the last word in this field. The fact is that there is a debate in the scientific world what comes first in this cycle of DNA splitting and RNA production and it is absolutely nothing wrong with saying that DNA makes RNA. In fact, THE CENTRAL DOGMA OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY STATES THAT DNA MAKES RNA, AND RNA MAKES PROTEIN. You are oversimplifying the process but I’m not going to argue further to try to prove my point regarding this topic. Whoever wants can do research on this topic, it is certainly not a topic I am interested in arguaing back about as such an argument would go on practically forever.

    You are totally wrong about natural mRNAs not entering the nucleus (I’m not talking here about the covid-19 shot mRNA’s). (You really should familiarize yourself more before stating things as a fact particularly if you are going to argue about it in such a serious manner.) Transcription of genes and the processing of various RNAs occurs in the nucleus, whereas translation of proteins exclusively takes place on the ribosomes in the cytoplasm. Due to this physical separation, messenger RNAs (mRNAs) must be EXPORTED to the cytoplasm where they direct protein synthesis, whereas proteins participate in the nuclear activities are imported into the nucleus. In addition, SOME TYPES OF RNAs REENTER to the nucleus after being exported to the cytoplasm… So yes, I’m ALLOWED to be a skeptical whether this synthetic drug will not enter into the nucleus.

    And now to the last point I want to make; every aspect of the cell is controlled by the nucleus, that is a fact regardless if if you skirt around or ignore the issue. I never said that the covid-19 shot can modify the nucleus or DNA, (maybe it could, maybe it can’t, it is too early to tell). I said that it MODIFIES the natural RESPONSE of the nucleus and maybe the DNA ( that also still remains to be seen). Now the official line is that the shot modifies the reaction of the cell causing it to prodcuce certain proteins, however the brain of the cell is the nucleus, the mRNA simply cannot produce anything on it’s own so it surely does affect the nucleus.

    I only skimmed through your post, I did not read every line and perhaps I missed something but I will not argue point by point, I’m just done with arguing about this subject. Now I may have made some grammatical mistakes or perhaps wrote a line in error as I often post from my phone and it’s hard to proofread before I press the submit button. But overall, I stand by what I say.

    You really feel like peoples’ lives are your your hands by providing them with the “real info” so let me give you some advice that you should chill. Hashem is in control, again people’s lives are only in His control. Life is not in your hands regardless what you and I write on this thread.

    in reply to: Is English the new Yiddish? #1984734

    They were banished to the Pale of Settlement for only 120 years but they lived in Russia for over 1,500 years! 120 years does not wipe out 1380 years of Jewish Russian history and in any case, the Pale of the settlement included proper Russian territory which was in the western part of Russia. There are Russian Jews and they are not Lithuanian Jews or Ukranian Jews, they are Russian Jews. Jews who immigrated from Russia before or after the Holocaust or after the Holocaust were considered Russian Jews and their frum descendents follow their minhugim. There were many different Russian kehillos. I am assuming Russian immigrants who stayed frum in their new lands either assimilated into the Yeshivishe world but the Lubavitche and Skvere ( although very many married Hungarian Jews) retained all their minhugim.

    in reply to: Is English the new Yiddish? #1984730

    Avi K, that was very informative, thanks!

    in reply to: Is English the new Yiddish? #1984724

    ujm, also after WW2 Hungary lost more land to Ukraine as well. I have met an ethnic Hungarian who speaks exclusively Hungarian ( and English) and she calls herself Hungarian even though the Hungarian region she lives in is now under Ukrainian rule. There were the Jewish communities in Hungary like Hojdunanash which is part of that region that is now under Ukrainian rule but the Jews who lived that region until the Holocaust, and their descendents, are still considered “Hungarian” Jews since the region was part of Hungary for 1,000 years until Ukranian takeover and so the Jews living there were part of the Jewish Hungarian culture.

    in reply to: COVID VACCINE FOR CHILDREN #1984355

    Yeserbius123, I never said, or even implied, that Rabbis and doctors being so gullible that they can be tricked into something so dangerous, that is what you yourself decided. I said that to believe in what Rabbis and doctors say (regarding health and medical issues) without independent thinking is also independent thinking by individuals who choose to unwaveringly believe in whatever Rabbis and doctors say is the right thing to do. In other words, it is an individual’s choice whom and what they want to believe in.

    As for 99% dying of the virus, after the initial pandemic which caused so many people to die because we were never exposed before to this particular virus, the death rate now is similar to the flu. The exact number of covid-19 fatality rates is inflated and the fatality rate and the rate of serious medical conditions resulting from the covid shot will never be known. Read the last paragraph of my previous post as to why that is the case.

    in reply to: COVID VACCINE FOR CHILDREN #1984352

    yubiquitin, you are correct that the covid-19 shot affecting the cells’ RNA is not undisputed, I shouldn’t have written that. In fact, it is more plausible that the DNA’s, not the RNA’s, reaction is modified by the shot. But again, that also is not something most people agree with at this point. The truth remains to be seen. Also I said the shot affects all the body’s cells, but I shouldn’t have written that as well as for now it is not a certainty with a study showing that the spike proteins remain stuck to the cell surface around the injection site (which I find hard to believe, I think that study is tainted) and another study finding the protein spike in the shot in the bloodstream of shot recipients.

    But in any case, the bottom line remains that while the covid-19 vaccine may not enter the nucleus of a cell, which is what the proponents of this vaccine are using to prove that it doesn’t affect the cell’s DNA, the shot actually forces the cell to produce the spike protein and since the cell’s functions are controlled by the nucleus it is simply impossible that it doesn’t affect at least the response of the nucleus of the cell. The MSM, CDC, Google, etc. are only putting forth info that the mRNA “forces” the “cell” to produce spike proteins and they remain mum on how that process actually works within the cell. And since we all know that RNA can only produce proteins through the DNA’s transmission process, we can reasonably assume that the mRNA needs the DNA as well to produce the spike protein. We know for sure that the mRNA cannot not produce the spike protein on it’s own, there is a process within the cell that that causes the mRNA to trigger the cell to produce the protein and since, again, every cell is controlled by the nucleus, the process of the mRNA forcing the cell to produce the proteins MSUT involve the nucleus despite the fact (?… according to official channels) that it doesn’t enter it. That the vaccine not affecting the DNA is utter non-sense as the cell’s function is controlled by the nucleus and the RNAs and proteins in cells work are a result of the DNA’s process of transmission so one must be missing some grey cells to think the mRNAs can simply force the cell to produce spike proteins without the involvement of the DNA and nucleus. The mainstream explanation of how the shot works is that it supposed to “teach” your “cell” how to see the virus and it makes the cell produce spike proteins. But again, notice there is no mention of exactly HOW this process happens. While the mRNA won’t change the makeup up the DNA, it certainly affects its response to it, and the long term implications are not known yet, although in the short term we have seen many healthy individuals death after getting the covid-19 shot as well as people developing myocarditis and pericarditis.

    So people are saying that 99% of indiviuals not recovering from covid-19 is a large number but what about the fatalities of people taking this shot? I doubt the data will ever honestly be known because while covid-19 was hyped by every person who died being tested for the virus and very often their death being registered and counted as a result of the virus while in reality it may have been different conditions resulting in the death, in the case of people dying after taking the shot, a plethora of reasons why the person died will explain the death and it is not counted as the official cause of death. So the actual numbers of the death and also other serious illnesses from the shot will not be known as there are no controlled studies as is the case with all other medication and vaccines years before hitting the market. The fatalities and long term complications from the shot may never be truly known so we cannot say that the deaths by this shot are less than from those who get infected by covid-19.

    in reply to: COVID VACCINE FOR CHILDREN #1984269

    ubiquitin, one AMA survey is not something that is automatically a given fact.

    Here’s an excerpt from the book, “From DNA to RNA-Molecular Biology of the Cell”; “DNA transcription produces a single-stranded RNA molecule that is complementary to one strand of DNA. … Thus, the RNA molecules produced by transcription are released from the DNA template as single strands.” RNA MOLECULES PRODUCED BY TRANSCRIPTION ARE RELEASED FROM THE DNA TEMPLATE. You can look at it from many angles, but the bottom line is that DNA gives birth to the process of producing RNA. You could also say that RNA is transcribed from a DNA copy, but that is indeed semantics and at the end of the day both ways of looking at it are correct. This is the chicken and the egg causality dilemma of which came first, the chicken or the egg. In any case, regardless, it is not the DNA that actually makes RNA or as you look at it as the transcription process not beginning with the DNA, but in reality no cell actually makes anything on its own, Hashem makes everything work in beautiful sequence and what comes first or second is irrelevant. However again, whichever way you look at it, it is correct to say that DNA produces RNA (through the transcription process).

    Regarding the body’s natural RNAs response not being modified by the covid-19 shot, you may indeed be right, or not…it is too early to tell just as we can’t tell if the shot affects the DNA and RNA or not. The fact is that the covid-19 shots mRNAs are affecting a response from every single cell in the body (unlike regular vaccinations where small doses of the injected virus just affects the immune system, in this case, it is each individual cell in the the body being affected). So magically the shots’ mRNAs are supposedly not designed to enter the cells’ nuclei. However the body’s natural RNA can only work together with DNA and now all of a sudden these mRNA can affect the cell’s response without the DNA or nucleus being involved at all when the nucleus actually controls the cell! That is magic! How can messenger RNAs affect a cell without help from the nucleus which controls ALL functions of the cell? This is highly improbable to me. Now for most people the covid-19 shots are not fatal nor cause severe medical issues, however the vaccine lasts between 6 months to a year and I cannot believe that repeatedly taking the shot will not have severe repercussions. This is playing with fire for a virus that has a 99% recovery rate.It is simply unbelievable.

    in reply to: Is English the new Yiddish? #1984228

    I don’t want anyone to misread my last post with the emoji. Maybe I’m misreading it myself the wink looks like I’m joking about Russian Jews, but I’m absolutely not. Anyway, I should’ve made a smiley 🙂

    in reply to: Taking bets re Israel’s government #1984137
    in reply to: Is English the new Yiddish? #1984136

    The Pale of Settlement was the entire western part of the Russian Empire which includes proper Russian territory as well. And Jews lived in Moscow continuously since the 17th century and were never banished form the city. The point I’m trying to make is that Russian Jews were proper Russian Jews 😉

    in reply to: Is English the new Yiddish? #1984132

    Avi K, that is very interesting. I always thought the Yemenite Jews were a homogeneous group with the same culture and language but perhaps that is not the reality at all.

    in reply to: Robo calls getting out of hand #1984064

    That is crazy, to get such late night phone calls.

    I don’t even pick up my home phone anymore, as most of the calls are robo calls.

    I also got calls AND texts urging me to go vote in NYC elections when I don’t even live in NYC. Someone from a particular moisdes put me on the because the text said it’s coming from a particular moisdes. I find this an invasion of privacy and totally not mensclich. I don’t want to be on anyone’s list.

    in reply to: COVID VACCINE FOR CHILDREN #1984062

    Always ask, I appreciate your analysis, but I don’t agree with your conclusion. And that is the American way, we each have the ability to analyze and draw our own conclusions. However, don’t forget who pushes out the “data” about the vaccine, the sources are generally the MSM and Dr. Fauxi ( and the shots manufacturers) and they are least concerned with the actual facts as they tried denying that the virus came from a lab which is now almost a certainty.

    The bottom line for me is that it does not make sense to take a shot for a virus that has a 99% chance of recovery. On top of that many people have developed serious side affects and since this has not been tested under controlled studies and is not long enough on the market to come to definite conclusions, we cannot snbe certain of the percentage of fatalities or serious medical conditions affecting people who took the shot.

    The world is made up of individuals who have their own opinions and arrive at their own conclusions, even those who are very trusting in their leaders and doctors, it is their decision to believe in them and to unwaveringly trust in them, it doesn’t mean that the entire world’s population will arrive to the same conclusion. Burach Hashem that in the US we still have, for now, some freedom to choose what we feel is right and everyone should do what they do what they feel is right for them.

    in reply to: COVID VACCINE FOR CHILDREN #1984049

    ubiquitin, where is the source and where is the proof that 96% percent of doctors took the test? From CNN or the NYT perhaps?

    DNA 100% produces RNA. The shot 100% modifies the RNA response. Absolutely no one disputes this (unless one has no knowledge of how the shot works) even those who support the shot. It’s on many of covid-19 shots manufacturers websites. The only point of contention is if the DNA response itself gets modified or only the RNAs response is modified. There are many professionals in the field who say that the DNA’s response gets modified because of the modified RNA response or that there is no sufficient testing that disproves. The pro-covid-19 shots crowd says the DNA does not get affected, but nobody disputes that this shot modifies the RNAs response, that is how the shot works.

    in reply to: Is English the new Yiddish? #1983912

    Lubavitche and Sqvare are considered to be Russian and there many other Russian Jews. They were perhaps prohibited from certain cities, perhaps St. Petersburg and the like ( I’m not sure, I didn’t look it up, I’m taking a wild guess here because you say Jews were not allowed in Russia), but certainly Jews were not expelled from the the whole of Russia.In fact, the Russian progroms were pretty notorious and caused thousands of Jews from Russia to escape to the US in the late 19th and early 20th century. Also, there were the Cantonists, there were Jewish Russian Communists… there was continued Jewish presence in over Russia for centuries.

    You are partially right about Moldova. I made a mistake regarding I thought they speak Russian but they speak Moldovian ( or Romanian) and Russian and Ukrainian in different regions in Moldova. I thought they are exclusively Slavic but they not. However Moldova was part of the Russian Empire and I believe the many regions were the Jews lived in Moldova were dominated by the Slavic population and culture. If you do research you see there’s a lot of Russian influence in the records of names, organizations, etc. of Jewish communities. And so I am not saying for sure that I’m right, but I do believe Moldovian Jews had directs at least similar, if not identical, to Russian and Ukrainian Jews.

    So being Romanian and close to Hungary it makes sense that they said ooh for the kumets, but for sure they pronounced the tzeirie as ay, not I, and the chirik as uh, not ee, like the Hungarians and Galicians do. Perhaps they were influenced by their Jewish brothers in Russia being close to them geographically as well.

    in reply to: COVID VACCINE FOR CHILDREN #1983911

    Always ask, you do realize that “controlled studies” of medication takes years before it is allowed on the market while these so-called uncontrolled “studies” (they are certainly NOT controlled studies- the average Joe is the studied specimen) are merely months old and politically motivated.

    And why do you think you can decide who and how people can come to conclusions on what they feel is appropriate, or inappropriate, medical intervention (which is what the covid-19 shot is) even before they need any intervention? 🤔 People, including scientists and doctors followed lying Fauxi blindly, while other people, doctors and scientists were against Fauxi, whether it was about pandemic rules, the source of the virus or the covid-19 shot. Why do you think one side is more knowledgeable than the other side, and particularly why is the “official” government pandered info believed when it has been shown numerous times in the end to be politically motivated either for money or power, oftentimes it takes months and years for the truth to come out and oftentimes the truth is suppressed?

    in reply to: COVID VACCINE FOR CHILDREN #1983849

    ubiquitin, No, I did ask any doctor about giving my children shots ( or getting one myself) Do you think doctors are God that they know everything?! I once diagnosed a dangerous condition myself because the doctor I went to was insistent that it’s nothing. I changed doctors and insisted I get an MRI and sure enough, I’m not going into details, but I needed surgery to correct the issue. And that is just one case where I used my God-given brain. There were other instances where I used my intuition and it worked out well b”H. Doctors do not know EVERYTHING and people are naive if they believe that.

    I absolutely do not believe that 96% percent of doctors took the shot ( it is NOT a vaccine). There are many renowned doctors worldwide speaking out against this shot.

    Now, as I said to bk613, what part of what I said regarding DNA producing RNA, which the covid-19 shot modifies it’s response so that the shot affects and modifies the DNA’s natural response is not correct?

    You people remind me of when I argue with atheists that matter cannot come into existence on its own so then how could matter have created itself out of nothingness? So they bring up one study after the next, one theory after the next, all in impressive scientific jargon, but nothing can change the simple SCIENTIFIC reality that matter cannot come into existence on its own out of nothingness. Same here, you can go deep into biology and studies but nothing can change reality which is really very simple.

    in reply to: Giving dance lessons vs. painting face red #1983850

    RebYidd23, what makes you think that a child needs their face painted red?

    in reply to: Taking bets re Israel’s government #1983852

    Health, Leiberman and Bennett will want to gain some brownie points from their supporters so I will be surprised if they cave in on the security issue. You see that even with the Arab party in the government, they did not give in to the Hamas and liberals and let the Israelis have their Flag Parade… Maybe I am wrong and they will give in eventually to some new “peace” des, but as of now I am assuming that they wont.

    I do think the “right-wingers” in the government don’t care enough to stand up for Torah values, they care more that the government shouldn’t collapse so they will cave in easily to the with regards to religious issues.

    in reply to: Is English the new Yiddish? #1983775

    I meant Galicia or Galician. I don’t know why it’s coming up as Galican, maybe I can blame spell check here…

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