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Thanks for pointing that out about Bhagdi. Regardless, there is proof that the coronavirus shot can travel to the brain as we have seen cases around the world of cerebral vein thrombosis caused by the shot.
philosopherParticipantubiquitin, Professor Sucharit Bkhadi, MD and a number of his colleagues warned about the danger of cerebral vein thrombosis from coronavirus “vaccine” shots. They said that these gene-based injections cana travel anywhere in the body including to the brain.
According to WHO, from March 12- April 21 there were 12 reported cases in the US of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis caused by the the coronavirus shots. There were many cases reported in Europe. You may say that is a tiny percent of the many shots given, however there are undereported cases and we don’t know the long-term affects of these shots. In any case, as I stressed repeatedly, I think that generally the initial two shots will not adversely effect the majority of those who received the so-called vaccine, however I believe that “booster” shots, especially if they will continously be given every few months when the eficacy of these shots will wear off ( provided they had any efiacy to begin with…) will definitely cause serious medical issues in recipients.
philosopherParticipantrightwriter, you are 100% right. It has always boggled my mind that Jews in Germany were ok with their rights slowly being taken away by Hitler y”s and his henchmen. And then when they couldn’t escape or liquidate heir assets anymore they were pushed into cattle cars to be “relocated” to work camps…and the Jews believed them until the end. The same was with Jews all over Europe after hearing of the Nazis atrocities, they didn’t want to believe what was happening.
And now as more and more of our basic rights are being taken away and people are bullied into submission, foolish people keep on excusing the behaviour of those in power grabbing more and more power and taking away our basic rights and our choices through intimidation, threats and bullying. And now with “infrastructure bill” (+ the next 3.5 trillion dollar bill that’s coming afterwards) they are going even further, wanting to rob us of more rights and money. It’s so clear what is happening, the invading the privacy of our cars, milage taxes and unlimited spending of taxpayer’s money by those in power.
philosopherParticipantTalking about the Delta varient, most covid-19 tests do not read the Delta gemone sequence and all standard tests do not test for this varient. It is media and Fauxi propaganda that spreads talk about the Delta varient as if it’s a given fact that almost all cases today are the Delta varient. In any case, coronavirus cases today are definitely mutations from the original lab-created varient as coronavirus today is only 1% fatal compared to the 2% of last year.
philosopherParticipantubiquitin, Professor Sucharit Bkhadi, MD and a number of his colleagues about the danger of cerebral vein thrombosis from coronavirus “vaccine” shots. They said that these gene-based injections can travel anywhere in the body including to the brain.
philosopherParticipantrightwriter, I agree with you 100%. I wrote a long comment which was not posted, how we can learn from history of not so long ago regarding rights slowly being stripped while people closed their eyes to it until it was too late.
philosopherParticipantVaccines are supposed to give lasting immunity. When you get a polio or measles vaccine you don’t get polio or measles; that’s what vaccines are meant for, to prevent you from getting viruses or diseases, not to get jabs with a so-called “vaccine” but still have to socially distance and mask up indefinitely( not that I believe in masks) . A shot that you need to socially distance and wear masks indefinitely is not a vaccine in any capacity. Neither is it working if you need boosters every 2-3 months because the efficacy only last that long ( which I’m skeptical if it even lasts that long).
I have said previously and I say here again, that I believe that for the majority of people two jabs of these so-called vaccines won’t cause issues ( although I’m not sure about it long-term, I am also assuming that in the majority of people these fake “vaccines” will shed before causing serious problems) however if people continue getting “booster” shots it will be extremely dangerous for them. These are mRNAs, DNAs proteins, they travel all over the body to places you don’t want them in, to places the coronavirus doesn’t travel to. It is particularly dangerous for the elderly who have lower immune resistance and for young people causing heart and muscle inflammation.
It is important to build up the immune system naturally. If the government would have our best interests in mind they would promote healthy lifestyles, keeping gyms open, talking about excersize, fresh air, eating fresh fruits and vegetables; these are the most effective against coronavirus. Hygiene is equally important, people oftentimes people forget about this crucial aspect in staing healthy. Vitamins can also help boost the immune system.
philosopherParticipantReb Eliezer, first of all, my point here is that “vaccinated” people can spread the virus just as easily as unvaccinated people, with less likely spread from those who already have naturally developed antibodies after contracting the virus previously. So those who got the coronavirus shot should stop feeling so self-righteous for supposedly saving the world and stop bullying those who don’t want the so-called vaccine. These sham vaccines are not preventing the spread of the virus.
As far as these “vaccines” saving lives, for that you have to believe VAERS and the CDC to be entirely truthful. Which I do not believe they are. First the CDC claimed and misled people that the “vaccine” is 99% effective in preventing infections and spread of infections and the percentages keep on going down. I will also not get into VAERS numbers, the fake flu numbers as well as other major diseases dropping in unprecedented percentages which makes absolutely no sense while covid-19 numbers are “spiking”. As well as there being an average global death rate for 2020 despite millions of people dying of covid-19…The numbers do not add up.I Again, I’m not going into all of that, however I will again say that I do not believe any of that. At this point the covid-19 death rate is 1% and there are no studies at all how many of these were vaccinated. We do know that in Israel many of individuals who died of covid-19 were “vaccinated”. I would be surprised of CDC does a full investigation of how many people globally died from coronavirus after getting the shot. And formerly healthy individuals are complaining of serious side affects of this so-called “vaccination” but manufacturers are disregarding it with only myocarditis and mytosis being officially recognized as a potential serious medical condition that may develope in young people who got the mRNA coronavirus shot. As of yet, they are NO CONTROLLED STUDIES DONE AT ALL ON CELL BASED SHOTS so everyone will come to the conclusions based on whether they believe corrupt, inept governments and lying MSM or not.
philosopherParticipantThe CNBC reported on July 30th that 74% of people infected in Massachusetts Covid outbreak were fully vaccinated.
philosopherParticipantOn July 27 the CDC released a new study showing Delta infection resulted in similarly high SARS-CoV-2 viral loads in vaccinated and unvaccinated people.
philosopherParticipantYou may want to reconsider your position and take the shot regardless if you have natural immunity. Look how effective the shots are in Israel…NOT. Another positive to taking this so-called “vaccine” that doesn’t immunize to covid-19 so that you can still get infected nor does it prevent you from spreading it to others, is that it lines the pockets of many, many involved in this scam.
philosopherParticipant2cents, I agree my beliefs need not be a concern of others. This thread is titled “covid vaccine for children” and the opening thread asks for opinions on this topic which is what I gave and I also explained how I arrived to this conclusion. Whoever is not interested in my opinion need not read my posts, I am not holding a gun to anyone’s head. I am simply responding to the title and opening post.
As for sources, I have not asked anyone posting on this topic to cite their sources and neither will I cite my sources. To find out this info you don’t need to run to the library and pour over numerous books on cell biology. If you are sitting at a computer commenting on TYW likely you can also access the vast amount of scientific information at your fingertips and research that info yourself. It is very simple, you can type in Google subject line, “mRNA transport into nucleus”. You can also research vRNA (virus RNA) transports into the nucleus and mRNA-proteins (mRNP) into the nucleus. There is no one source, there is a mountain of sources stating that RNAs and also proteins (which the coronavirus vaccine is supposed to make the cells produce) enter the nucleus. The key word to use is “transport” not “enter” . When you are asking can RNAs enter the nucleus Google beings forth articles stating the vaccine’s mRNA do not enter the nucleus. However when you write can RNA transport into the nucleus, you see a wealth of scientific published articles prior to the “coronavirus vaccination’s” release, you can find a wealth of articles on the subject of RNAs and proteins entering or reentering the nucleus.
philosopherParticipantAt this point in time, with experts assuming but not actually knowing the facts regarding the long term effects of these shots, I am assuming as well that two doses will not have a negative effect on most individuals taking these shots. However, they will need to be repeatedly injected every half a year or so, like flu shots are, likely every half a year or yearly, and I definitely believe repeated injections of these shots would be very dangerous to the human body.
As far as it’s effectiveness, studying the results in Israel, which now with a new lockdown looming, and other countries who have high doses of the shot per capita, it doesn’t seem like the shots have successfully eliminated the rising rates of coronavirus infections which is what they are intentend for
philosopherParticipantI believe that every individual should be able to make their own decision regarding getting the coronavirus shot or not.
I believe it will cause harm to more individuals under 18 years of age than coronavirus. That children may be carriers of coronavirus is not an ok excuse to inject them with potentially very harmful substances. Hashem is the One who decides who will live and die and it’s disgusting and ridiculous to inject a shot that HAS ALREADY caused death and serious illnesses in many teens when coronavirus has almost no impact on those under 18 years of age.
philosopherParticipantUbiquitin, I have not made a factual error regarding saying DNA producing RNA. As far as bringing into the discussion what came first when to prove my point, so what? In fact it was me saying that we cannot know what came first, only Hashem the Creator knows, so what in the world does evolution have to do with this? Absolutely nothing, that’s what. This is not a discussion of evolution, this is discussion of what Hashem CREATED FIRST DURING CREATION.
My opinions are based on facts even if you don’t agree with them, unlike your supposed “fact” that natural RNAs don’t enter the nucleus which is totally false.
That you don’t understand the difference between injecting cell-based shots to “prevent” viruses such as coronaviruses verses treating diseases already in the body, specifically fatal diseases like cancer, doesn’t mean there’s no difference… I do very much believe in gene therapy as a resort of fighting fatal diseases certainly I am pro gene therapy when the gene therapy stays localized in the area that it is supposed to treat unlike cell based coronavirus shots which can travel to the brain causing blood clots. This would be like giving chemotherapy to healthy individuals to prevent mutant cell mutations that is in every single person’s body from turning cancerous! Kol shekein I certainly don’t believe in “potential prevention” of coronavirus through what I believe is incredibly invasive means.
Indeed, liberals resort to name calling when they cannot argue coherently and calling people names on this thread closely resembles angry liberal behavior.
philosopherParticipantEmes nisht sheker, indeed every day our understanding of science increases, what we know today is not absolute. This does not change the fact that chochma bagoyim which I’ve never said there’s none, I said it’s the right of individuals to choose medical treatment according to their beliefs. You realize that chochma bagoyim doesn’t mean that all goyim believe in the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine? Your goyishe “chochumim” are not bigger than mine… What’s the point of derailing the argument over irrelevent topics? Chochma bagoyim, y”g ikkrim, what else will you bring in this discussion to prove absolutely nothing? The knowledge in the scientific and medical world is always being aquired, the knowledge is never absolute, only Hashem knows everything including everything there is to know about the effects, specifically the long-term effects, of this vaccine which no one on planet Earth knows at this point. There are many medications and treatments the medical and scientific commuity has put their faith in that turned out to be dangerous or non-effective. The medical world is always evolving and more knowledge aquired, oftentimes disputing previous findings. Nothing is absolute only Hashem, regardless of chochmas bagoyim. It is so not relevent to this topic unless you are so naive and don’t know the history of medicine and medical practices. Do you also believe in scientists spouting atheist propaganda? Do you think that many scientists and doctors don’t have ulterior motives? Don’t be so naive.
My beliefs are based on I what think are logical conclusions and therefore I call myself philosopher. Logic is not a contradiction with belief. My belief in Hashem is based on logic. Due to the finite nature of human brains we cannot comprehend Hashem until Moshiach comes and therefore belief is required, however there is nothing wrong, in fact it is very Yiddish, to base our beliefs on logic and thought. Abraham Avinu aquired knowledge of God through his logic of understanding that the universe could not have come into existence on its own.
I am mischarcaractherizing nothing of what you said. You have a right to think what I said regarding the coronavirus shot is a loaf of garbage, you don’t have a right to be rude about it.
philosopherParticipantAlways ask, when the Native Americans were exposed to European diseases hundreds died instantly. And then the infection rates went down until herd immunity was acheived. Same happened here in communities where most people were exposed to coronavirus for the first time; first the death rate was extremely high and then it went down BEFORE the vaccine was distributed. Also, the varients vary in intensity and the Delta varient has mutated to the point where it is not as vicious as the original version. All varients were increasingly more moderate to the point that the death rate went down drastically before vaccination distribution. The rates are climbing now after vaccination distribution.
There are ways of treating covid-19 with medication which would’ve lowered the initial as well as the current death rate, but many health professionals ignore those treatments as does the CDC and WHO and the MSM who not only do/did they ignore this info but they also made fun of Trump’s promoting certain medications successfully treat covid-19.
philosopherParticipantemes nisht sheker, You are not being what the posting name you gave yourself because Dr. Malone is factually the inventor of the RNA vaccine as well as one of the greatest experts in the field. He was the first person to introduce the concept of mRNA vaccines to the scientific world and yes that was in the 80s which was when they actually started working on this technology. Do you think the technology popped up overnight? It took decades to take it to where they could use it without the mRNAs being destroyed by the body’s cells. That there are numerous little websites disputing the fact and it being promoted by Google to “educate” us, does not change that fact. In any case, he is certainly is more knowledgeable than you so I take his words over yours regarding the so-called “coronavirus vaccine”.
As far as me talking about DNA producing RNA, where does evolution come into the picture? Nowhere. It has nothing to do with the evolution, it is simply about what was first at the time of Creation and I have said that we do not know, no human being can know what Hashem created first. The argument had absolutely nothing to do with evolution and is only about if it is scientifically accurate to say that RNA is produced by DNA. You did not understand what I said so it’s ridiculous to comment on it.
There are many doctors and professors in this field who are against this vaccine. There are many doctors who do believe that taking the vaccine is the right thing. Every individual is entitled to believe in which professionals they choose to believe. Who are you to decide in which professional an individual should believe in and regarding what individuals feel are the facts of this vaccine? No one has to agree with your opinions on this subject.
The same for the Rabbonim you mentioned. They are certainly gedolieh hador and please do listen to them but you need to understand that there are other gedolie hador who disagree with them on this topic and also that they are not the poskim that all of klal Yisroel relies upon.
It is absolutely chutzpah to call me an apikoros for not agreeing with you. In fact, I believe that Hashem made human cells with such unfathomable chochmah that we should not mess around with them. Yes, one should take medication to treat disease but I believe that messing with the human body on a cell level verses targeting a specific disease already in the body or strengthening the immune system through regular vaccines, are completely different things. You can certainly disagree with my opinion based on what your Rabbonim paskened and based on what your doctors say. This does not bound me in any way to your decisions.
Calling people names is what the liberal reshuim do so don’t think you are being atzaddik here.
philosopherParticipantAvi K, sure the Pfizer vaccine produced such amazing results that masks are mandatory again, the borders are not fully open and infections are going up…
philosopherParticipantSam Klein, you are 100% correct.
philosopherParticipantSyag, we are talking to walls basically…These people are such believers in whatever the political leaders of this corrupt government say, the same government that says people can “change” genders and that children under 18 can get hormonal therapy to “change their genders”, these same “health experts” are on a crusade of taking away our basic rights because “they know best”. Now the liberal idiots are talking about a “climate lockdown to save the environment” and many in the government are considering this seriously. I kid you not.
And who empowers these corrupt people in the government? The sheep who fight tooth and nail for them! Yes, they are bitter and angry that we dare have different opinions, but they are sheep nonetheless. It’s not Fauci, the head of NSAID who made sure the Chinese lab was well funded to able to have gain of function of the coronavirus which killed millions globally, no he’s not responsible, we are! It’s not Coumo who put coronavirus infected patients in nursing homes killing tens of thousands of seniors, it’s we who killed them! For shame!
philosopherParticipantubiquitin, whatever. I already wrote where you were wrong more than once and you ignored it. I’m not going to repeat the entire parshah again 50 times like you enjoy chewing over my words over and over and over again.
I suggest for all who are “immensely interested” in who was right here to research the topic yourself.
Anyway, in other news, the inventor of the RNA vaccine, Dr. Robert Malone is saying there is no data for people to make informed decisions regarding the covid-19 vaccine and he thinks that those in the age category of 18 years and younger should not take the vaccines as the risks from getting the shot are greater than from covid-19.
philosopherParticipantHealth, good point. Why do woke people only care about about descendents of black slaves when slavery is still practiced to.a large extent on the African continent by black people themselves and by Arabs?
philosopherParticipantYesiurbus, I love how you say the INVENTOR of the mRNA vaccine is using “inflammatory language” about his own invention! Lol! He’s just being honest like a scientist should be and wants the vaccination to go through relevent trials as every medication and vaccine does for many years prior to its release.. He’s also being honest about the known side effects and says since covid-19 barely affects children under 18 the side affects of this vaccine can be potentially worse than the virus.
And that is considered inflammatory language…
philosopherParticipantUbiquitin, here we go again. There is absolutely nothing wrong with saying DNA produces RNA. That terminology is used many times in the field of science. Because the process is very complicated you can describe it from many angles and that is the way I chose to say it.
The vaccine IS AFFECTING and MODIFYING the cell’s response and perhap’s the DNA’s as well. Sorry for not saying it so clearly the first time around, I have corrected myself numerous times and AM STILL being bashed
I am doubling down about what I wrote in this post which I said many times and you still keep on bringing up the same things again and again.
philosopherParticipantUbiquitin, I can bring up many mistakes you made regarding the DNA and RNA process but I’m simply not interested in repeating myself so many times over and over again. I don’t know how you and another poster keep at it going over the same tiresome repetition just because I don’t agree with you.
philosopherParticipantWhen YouTube and other social media, Google and most MSM outlets are censoring many doctors and scientists if they don’t toe the official line. That is a fact. Many YouTube videos put up by prominent doctors and scientists were taken down, many social media sites had posts were taken down and Google buries information critical regarding covid-19 regulations and vaccines filtering critical information.
Basically what you are saying is that since you are pro vaccination anyone not toeing that line does not know how to make their own decisions and should not do so. In other words, you support the liberal communism take-over of the USA that is currently ongoing to stifle American’s freedoms.
philosopherParticipantYesiurbus, I have said I am apologizing for grammatical mistakes and now I am mentioning mistypes as well. I wrote NUMEROUS that ithe vaccines modifies the cell’s response that nobody challenges, and that is what I meant to say. I also wrote NUMEROUS times that I BELIEVE that these vaccines can modify DNA and RNA. So I made a mistake in what I wrote originally and you keep on harping on it when YOU MADE quite a few FACTUAL mistakes yourself but I don’t go around repeating it with every new comment I make, I only repeat in my responses to your continuous rounds of attacks on me.
Your posts are quite infantile by constantly repeating the same things over and over again that which I already repeatedly answered to.
philosopherParticipantAlways ask, it’s ok, I feel you are sheep and you feel that we have chutzpah. But who cares, the main thing is that everyone is comfortable with their decision. The problems start when people want to FORCE their OPINIONS AND SPECULATIONS on others on others.
philosopherParticipantcoffee addict, yes but the Yisroelim that left Egypt were still slaves themselves as well prior to leaving with their “payments”.
philosopherParticipantSo for all you people bashing me for talking against vthe covid-19 accinations, and for those who didn’t bash me but may be interested in hearing the real truth, listen to Tucker Carlson’s interview with Dr. Robert Malone, the INVENTOR of the mRNA vaccine who tried to speak the truth online but Google, the government of the internet communist regime, tried to silence him and YouTube took off the video that Dr. Malone, the inventor of the mRNA vaccine put up talking about the potential risks and the fact that there’s no data available to make an informed decision.
Basically Dr. Malone is saying in the interview with Tucker Carlson exactly what I keep on saying, that everyone has a right to decide for themselves whether they want to take the vaccine or not. He says that there’s no data right now for people to make a reasonably informed decision. He says that for teens and children 18 years and below, the risks of covid-19 does not justify giving these vaccines.
Dr. Malone said he is waiting from data from different countries including from Israel regarding effects on fertility but the latest study from Israel of the covid-19 vaccine regarding fertility involved already infertile couples and I doubt the study draws any conclusions for fertile women.
philosopherParticipantYeserbius, my I never said that it definitely changes the DNA, I said it that it may affect the response of DNA and I said nothing to do with hair color or making them taller rather how it responds to sickness and infections.
philosopherParticipantThe Yidden in mitzrayim were redeemed slaves, not descendents of slaves. They got payed for THEIR WORK from THEIR MASTERS, not their descendents got payed from their ancestor’s masters descendents! That is stupidity beyond. Almost every race had people who were kidnapped and sold into slavery, blacks were not unique.
philosopherParticipantrightwriter, participant has a point. He’s fed up with these stupid leaders getting away with murder and not running the cities, states and countries normally with the convenienent excuse of covid-19. I understand exactly what he’s talking about with government federal and state buildings and offices shut-down and operating on a lower capacity when what took a day now takes weeks with no one to talk to on the phone and so you end up needing to wait even longer if there’s a document you were supposed to submit and did not because you had no clue that you had to submit it.
This stupidity is because the government is using your tax dollars for such stupid things they need to shut down the government partly and covid-19 is their convenient excuse. (That’s why I don’t understand how “Participants” supports the reparations of supposed “inheritance” for the blacks which will be one of the woke, out of control, spending things that will totally destroy the USA financially)
And the covid-19 craziness in Israel is a cover for those in power who want more power. Look how it’s turning out for them after forcing everyone to take shots and forcing business into closure for practically forever. And there are foreigners who can’t fake stuff like many do and they have no access to their own properties for the last 14-15 months. It’s insane.
philosopherParticipantAlways Ask, well, many feel that you are a sheep for believing in such a stupid thing as a shot that doesn’t work when coronavirus verients keep on popping up all the time and proof is Israel not opening normally and having to shut down when 80% got the shot and the rest had covid-19. And with people getting serious illnesses from these shots you think we are interested in being bullied into taking the shot particularly when many of us had the virus already? And I don’t understand what your issue is. Those who took the shot are safe even if you do get the virus you are still safe so what is this shouting and bashing all about? You think we have chutzpah and we think you are stupid so we are even.
philosopherParticipantHealth, if you are bringing up the Holocaust because of what I wrote then I want to clarify that I am not excusing at all what the Nazis י”ש did, am I excusing any nor any nation or race who murderers or oppressed people. I spoke about the victims perspective that our mentality as descendants of Holocaust survivors is not mired forever in victimhood (and that’s why the Jews were so successful after the Holocaust while blacks are least successful being they are wallowing in victimhood) and we are not en-masse descending on Europe demanding what is coming to us as descendants of Holocaust victims. That was my point in bringing up the Holocaust.
philosopherParticipantParticipant, no, it is almost impossible to prove that the descendants of slaves masters assets are from their slave owning ancestors and in most case impossible to prove that people today are descendents of slaves. If there are the few individuals who can prove it both ways, it is only a few individuals and no more who could definitely prove it and would involve expensive investigations as well as courtcases which the average descendant of the slave would not be interested in persuing. And Proof of that that is that blacks will not have to show proof that they are descendents of slaves nor will they have to sue descendents of slaves owners, the reparations will be coming from taxes payed by US citizens (whites and blacks) the vast majority of whom had nothing to do with slavery.
Now I feel silly for apologizing because firstly I don’t think I came accross as bashing you and secondly now you say that people could prove it which contradicts what you said earlier that you never said not implied points that I bought up.
philosopherParticipantIf we take Israel as an example of how the covid-19 “vaccine” is working in a country that has vaccinated 80% of its citizens, the highest vaccinated population in the world per capita, they are now are now pushing off their date of opening to individual foreigners until August 1st instead of July 1st as originally planned, due to the new Delta coronavirus varient! This is is over 14 months of them closing the border to foreigner travelers (with only a small exception of yeshiva students and close relatives coming for simchas). This entire testing and hyperfocusing on the coronavirus is absolutely ridiculous. The virus will not go away because of human effort.
When hospitals are overflowing with patients then it’s a time to close borders and place citizens in quarantine, otherwise life needs to continue as usual because they cannot be finished with this through human effort. Viruses cannot never be entirely contained, eradicated or stopped from spreading, there’s no such thing. Viruses can only become extinct naturally (through Hashem’s will) . Hashem created viruses because the world needs it to exist and only he can make them extinct. The covid-19 virus is a result of human tampering but still could only do the damage because it was Hashem’s Will. And when it will be His Will then the virus will become extinct from this world and not a moment before regardless of masks, vaccines, closing the borders, quarantines, etc. And that’s why people need to return to normal life and stop with these narishkeiten.
philosopherParticipantParticipant, sorry, sorry, sorry! My post come across as blasting. That was totally not my intention. I thought I was simply making statements why reparations don’t apply to blacks in the USA. If you feel attacked, sorry again! I meant simply putting down the facts and I guess it came accross the wrong way. I am upset at the government out of control spending and wokenss of the government of United States and certainly not at you.
philosopherParticipantParticipant, indeed, the reality that you described is nothing less than insanity.
philosopherParticipantParticipant, in a court of law you are required to show proof that someone owes you money and if a person is a descendent of someone who owes you money then you required to show proof that he inherited the assets of the person who owed you the money. In the Banana Republic of the USA proof will soon not a requirement to get money you claim is yours…if you’re black that is. Furthermore, it is not the US government that owned the slaves so why should the government have to pay inheritance? Furthermore, many blacks are themselves descendents of slaves owners, like Michael Obama for example so should they be required to pay themselves? And again people of mixed race, are they required to partially pay themselves? Furthermore, a vast percentage of blacks in the USA today are not descendents of slaves, they arrived as free people, as immigrants, or descendents of immigrants, from Africa, Haitia and all over the world. Furthermore, most American citizens today are not descendents of slaves owners so why should they be made to pay the “inheritance” for the descendants of slaves?
And furthermore, can you imagine if descendents of victims of the Holocaust go back to where there ancestors came from and demand those who took the ancestors belongings, assets and properties, return all of it to them? And no proof of ownership is needed despite that they were indeed stolen from the Holocaust victims? Why won’t that happen? And not only descendents from victims of the Holocaust, but can people of all races claim inheritance from the people who stole assets or enslaved their ancestors? Why are blacks the only people entitled to such “inheritance”?
philosopherParticipantParticipant, reparations for descendents of slaves for what? No one alive today was a slave so there’s no on to pay reparations to. Do you think Holocaust survivor descendents can ask for repeeations from Germany? No, we cant. Billions of people are descendents of slaves, of misplaced people, of abused and oppressed people. They should stop making blacks into victims because they are not.
philosopherParticipantTalking about reparations, Jews and Europeans were also sold into slavery during the Middle Ages so we need reparations as well. And it was the black tribal leaders in Africa who sold their own people into slavery so they should be the ones paying reparations too. The funniest part is that blacks will be paying reparations for themselves and other blacks through taxes. And what about those of mixed race? Will they be getting reparations according to the amount of black ancestry they have?
The blacks are getting reparations already. Billions of dollars is being poured into their communities and handed out to black individuals in the form of every program imaginable.
philosopherParticipantHealth, why doesn’t it make a difference? I’m not talking about the outcome, he likely would become mayor regardless of the Jewish votes. But it’s a real chilly Hashem and a vote against Hashem to vote for someone like him. The fact is that whoever votes for him is putting someone in office who will make NYC more immoral than before the people before the flood.
philosopherParticipantHeimishe communities are voting for this Eric Adams!
Here’s only a partial lists of his policies I have not written all the disgusting things he supports:
Abortion: Pro-choice but ban after 3 months
Supports legalization of gay marriage:
YesShould gay couples have the adoption right:
YesShould the government continue funding Planned Parenthood:
YesShould the government RAISE (again) the the minimum wage:
YesShould (racist) critical race theory be taught in classrooms?
YesShould taxes be increased for the rich to reduce interest rates for student loans:
YesShould the president of the US have the power to deploy military troops to stop protests?
so not only does he support more immorality he wants to force you to support immorality!Should the government pay tuition at 4 year colleges and universities?
YesShould gender identity be added to anti-discrimination laws?
YesShould children of illegal immigrants be granted legal citizenship?
YesShould people under 18 recieve “gender-transition” treatments?
YesShould drugs be decriminalized?
YesThere’s way more liberal and immoral, behavior he supports but I cannot rewrite the entire list here.
Hashem yarachem that we vote for such individuals. We are bringing misfortune upon ourselves and placing trust in immoral people instead of in Hashem.
philosopherParticipantI don’t think we can stop the tidal waves of immorality but we can speak out against it like Noach did and be saved. To vote for those who support and advance these terribly immoral agendas is a terribly big sin. My question is where is everyone who is supposed to lead us? Only Rav Avigdor Miller zt”l spoke against voting for these evil sinners.
philosopherParticipantI agree with you 1000%! You are totally right. I simply do not understand it either.
philosopherParticipantI think our tafkid involves both, working to elevate what we find is easy and enjoyable for us to do while at the same time work on being mesaken our bad middos.
philosopherParticipantThat is a really cute joke. I am sure there are other towns you can joke about in the same way, they changed hands so often. I think the legitimate rulers would be the ones the Jews considered themselves to be, Jewish Hungarians, Russian, Galician, etc.; that is a sure way to know who the town or region belongs too 😉
philosopherParticipantubiqutin, I can’t not defend myself although I said I won’t do it anymore. I don’t know why it bothers me that you are saying that I am making things up. Just because you are not familiar with many aspects of molecular biology does not mean I am making things up. I will not bother providing citiation; this is the 21st century and you can look things up easily.
It is not clear to scientists what came first and they are continously debating whether it was DNA, RNA, proteins, or other molecules. This is a study called abiogenesis which we don’t believe in because we know Adam Harishon was created whole so everything was created at the same time. However I bought it up the so that you understand there there is nothing definite in where the process first starts so scientifically there is absolutely no issue with saying DNA makes RNA because it all depends how you look at the process.
Look up the Central Dogma of Molecular Biology
If Covid-19 affects or doesn’t affect the DNA is totally irrelevent to if the shot affects the DNA or not. However the answer is that, no covid-19 dos not affect the DNA, it is just the opposite, DNA affects how the body reacts to covid-19. However, this has nothing to do with the shot. You cannot extrapolitate that if a cell’s DNA or RNA reacts in a certain way that synthetic medication given in a variety of forms that interact with cells to ellicit a certain molecular reaction also will react in he same way. This needs to be studied in conteolled studies as all medication is done for years before reaching consumers and it was not done with the release of the covid-19 shots.
You said that mRNAs do not return to the nucleus. That is compltely untrue. Many types of mRNA return to the nucleus as do proteins. I will not bring any citation, this info is readily available on the internet and easy to find.
Just because you are unfamiliar with every aspect of molecular biology does not give you the right to say I am making things up. Molecular biologists study this subject continously for years before knowing what is already known to us. So certainly you don’t know everything that is known about this subject so don’t jump to conclusions that just because you don’t know something someone else is making things up.