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  • in reply to: Comedian in Chief #2004443

    Gh, thousands of unvetted civilians did arrive in the US and knowing how the government agencies (don’t) work these days, I highly doubt they will be vetted and returned if found to be a risk. That doesn’t take away from the fact that initially thousands of Afghanis who helped the US were stranded, a fact which Trump criticized. I’m assuming they are all out now.

    in reply to: Comedian in Chief #2004442

    Health, relax, it’s not healthy to get your blood pressure up simply because I have an opinion about this issue.

    This is not about military failings, but about the faulty thinking of Bush, Cheney and other Republicans who think that if you pump billions of dollars into another country you can change their mentality and ideologies.

    18 hostages dying in the US embassy in Iran after the Shah fall vs approximately 2,500 US service members deaths, 3,900 US contractors deaths, 1,144 other allied service deaths, approximately 50,000 Afghan civilian, national military and police deaths and 440 aid workers deaths in Afghanistan during the 20 year war. So which is worse?

    Cost of the mission during the Iranian takeover of the US embassy in Iran were two helicopters vs the cost of the 20 year Afghan war which costed 1 trillion dollars which will balloon with interest to over 3 trillions dollars.

    So, yes, the Afghanistan war was way, way worse than the Iran debacle.

    The US has fought ridiculous wars, like the wars in Iraq and Vietnam and this war was another dumb one.

    America did not become more secure because of these ridiculous wars. Remember Obama’s Bin Laden elimination? It was a special forces mission. Remember Trump’s bunker buster bomb on ISIS? That’s how you fight these unwinnable wars.

    in reply to: Comedian in Chief #2004302

    Gadolhadorah, I absolutely believe that Trump would never leave Americans stranded, would not leave the army vulnerable to terrorism, would not have tens of thousands of random, non-vetted Afghans bough over to the US. I believe much more thought and planning would go into the army’s leave of Afghanistan.

    in reply to: Comedian in Chief #2004151

    As much as I hate the Democrats, and as much as I blame Biden for putting American lives at riske when pulling out of Afghanistan, the ones who really started this mess was Bush and Cheney and other Republicans who made the decision to invade Afghanistan. Only special forces should’ve stepped foot in Afghanistan on short, crucial missions to strike at Al Queida, not the Taliban. Our troops should never have been sent in, drones should’ve bombed from the air.

    The US was pumping in billions of dollars for the Afghan army who were mostly made up of soldiers who were drug addicts and corrupt. Billions was spent to build up another country’s infrastructure. This was all with money that was borrowed and we still has to repayed with interest!

    Countless lives and trillions of dollars were lost in vain in this 20 year war.

    in reply to: Ahavas Yisrael for those in YU/the MO community (Ask me anything) #2003869

    commonsaychel, are you saying that speaking against MO support of LGBTQ+ lifestyle and their disregarding of basic halachas is simply “griping” ?

    Yes, every community has its issues, no doubt about that. Every human has their issues. No one and nothing is perfect. But Modern Orthodoxy is for the most part not Orthodox (with some communities being the exception) and for most part more aligned with the Conservative movement. This is not about griping but about telling it how it unfortunately is.

    in reply to: World’s Failure #2003548

    2cents, you are decided that medscape is a sham website because it doesn’t conform to your ideas of how covid-19 should be treated?! Lol!

    I frequently quote the CDC because they are the ones most pro-gov, pro covid vax, and pro media people believe in but they are always contradicting themselves citing info that desputes their own findings and guidelines…It’s hysterical . Unless you say the CDCs website is a sham, you certainly cannot say medscape is a sham. What proof do you have that medscape is a sham? That you don’t support that particular article?

    in reply to: Cheilek Eloak Mima’al #2003545

    Reb Eliezer, thanks for bringing down the Rabbenu Bachaya. That is a great analogy, we cannot exist without God, but we emanate from Him.

    in reply to: Cheilek Eloak Mima’al #2003530

    tiawd, we have a CHELEK Elokei, we are not God, we were given are PART OF God when He blew our neshameh into our souls and we are a part of Him as long as we exist because of His being the Source of life at every moment of our existance. So while it seems like a paradox, in reality it is not.

    The definition of emanate means to spread out from a single source. So if we emanate from the Source which is Hashem then aren’t we part of Him? And yet, God is One and we are not God. But not only us, all matter, which equals energy, gets it’s energy from One Source, God. So in essence everything is an extension of Him.

    In a similar way, children genetically have parts of their parents but they are not their parents, they are seperate individuals. This analogy is different from God and Jews, or all matter, as we have a soul provided by One God as opposed to two parents, and that we must continually rely on God for continued existance unlike parents whom we can become independent of. But the point is that we have parts from others yet not be part of them. With God we are always part of Him as we cannot become independent of Him as we are from our parents.

    in reply to: What kind of people do you like? #2003478

    I like honest, independent people that buck trends and pressure and think for themselves.

    in reply to: Ahavas Yisrael for those in YU/the MO community (Ask me anything) #2003476

    rational, the LGTB “community” deserves to be bashed and so do those who encourage and support this perverted behavior, including unfortunately, the MO communities which generally supports these abominations. I have had discussions with MOs on a different forum and they defended this perverted behavior as “something they were born with” and they said that we need to accept them as they are, which is totally against halacha.

    As for other issues with the MO community that others pointed out, these are about gross violations of basic halacha in which criticism of MOs is justified.

    As for MOs being bashed, it is mostly on another Jewish news site and on other forums, however oftentimes here on YWN as well, where it is most often Chareidim who are being bashed all the time and with such such great sinah that when reading these virulent comments by MOs, OTDs, and half OTDs, I sometimes feel I’m reading the Sturhmer.

    in reply to: Cheilek Eloak Mima’al #2003470

    I.Reb Eliezer and Shimon Nodel are right. The neshameh emanates from God and since Hashem blew the neshameh into a person it is a part of Him that is in each person.

    It is not only the neshameh, but the entire world is only God. Were God to desist His countantance from the universe it would cease to exist. We only exist because God Himself is granting chiyas, energy to everything in the universe. I myself do not understand this part, as is God Himself granting chiyas to evil? But yes, that is what it is because God is the source of all energy and matter.

    So God is the source of life and therefore we are part of that Source, we are part of God. God is still One, One Being that is the Source of life.

    in reply to: Mysterious Gemstones? #2003468

    AviraDeArah, many people have a mesorah that women wearing rubies prevent miscarriages. I don’t know what the source of this mesorah it is certainly not a mesorah from Eastern cultures, this originates from the times in di alteh heim, from Europe. I’m not sure if Sefardishe or Mizrachi have this mesorah as well, but many Ashkenazim do.

    in reply to: My father has covid, please say tehilim #2003467

    huju, I live normally as a human being should. Everything is in the hands of shamayim, we don’t control the world. If a person knows they are sick with a virus they should stay home until it passes , otherwise we can live normally. Humans are hosts for viruses every single moment of our lives, even before coronavirus, we never muzzled up or social distanced. If you are scared then you are invited to sray in lockdown forever and mask forever,…but noone has to go along with how you decide life should be lived.

    in reply to: Comedian in Chief #2003435

    Health, the MSM, besides for Foxnews, are all DemonCrats as you so aptly put it. Even if they are frustrated with Biden at the moment, they will support a different candidate in the next election who will be another Comedian in Chief. Their ideologies are so corrupt, they cannot think rationally.

    in reply to: What kind of people do you like? #2003434

    apkuperma, you know that includes Hitler and the Nazis and neo-Nazis, the Crusaders, Inquisitors and their henchman, ISIS, Taliban, etc. etc

    in reply to: World’s Failure #2003347

    rightwriter, you are totally right. The reality is so crazy, it seems like it’s all conspiracies, but unfortunately it’s the truth. We can learn from history what kind of evil people have perpetrated to understand how evil humans can be. These scientists, politicians, people in the medical industry, and all involved in this are just perpetrating evil with modern technology as their weapons.

    in reply to: World’s Failure #2003346

    rightwriter, you are totally right. The reality is so crazy, it seems like it’s all conspiracies, but unfortunately it’s the truth. We can learn from history what kind of evil people have perpetrated to understand how evil humans can be. These scientists, politicians, people in the medical industry, and all involved in this are just perpetrating evil with modern technology as their weapons.

    in reply to: World’s Failure #2003343

    2cents, I did not read further than your first two sentences be ause I am not going to read a pack of lies about me. I have never spoken against traditional vaccines. My family and I are all vaccinated (besides for with the covid vaccine) so with you calling me anti-vaxx you are just making yourself feel better and nothing more

    . You must be blind not to see that’s it’s all about $ today, they care about they care about their money and not about you. The original inventors of vaccines and antibiotics and the like cared about curing illnesses, but they were not pharmaceutical. If you don’t understand this fact then you are very, very naive.

    in reply to: World’s Failure #2003342

    DBS, I never said it’s suspicious that they worked on the mRNA vaccine. Totally not. The person who pioneered the vaccine was Dr. Bobert Malone and he had nothing to do with the coronavirus vaccine. They took that technology he pioneered and made, or tried to make, the coronavirus vaccine with it. It was rushed to the market without testing for its side effect. I never said there was a conspiracy with the mRNA technically itself. The conspiracy starts with the coronavirus gain of function and the development of a vaccine for it.

    As for many colds being under coronavirus you have no clue what you are talking about. Coronavirus was never a virus that infected humans, it is a completely knew strain of coronavirus which previously only infected animals. There were are debates whether this virus has jumped from a bat, the theory which has since been debunked, or escaped from a laboratory. There is clear evidence of work on gain of function of the coronavirus since the 1980s with patents for every discovery. There is clear evidence, government records, emails, etc. that the US was involved and funded in gain of function research in the Wuhan lab in China through the NISAID, with Fauxi as it it’s head. One can only wonder what the exact nature of that study was with the US’s involvement in a Chinese lab! But apparently you are a sheep who believe whatever you are told like the good little sheep you are…

    in reply to: World’s Failure #2003255

    Sorry, I made a mistake regarding the coronavirus vaccines. The coronavirus vaccines research started in 2011, not in the 1980s. I got it mixed up with the initial mRNA vaccine research.

    But experiments with these vaccines as vectors needed to be worked on for decades regarding the mRNA transports inyo the cell’s before disintegrating, and also starting from 2011, seperate research and experiments for the coronavirus vaccine. However, they were never tested for adverse conditions, only for successful cell transport into cells and production of spike protein production.

    And this is the scary part that THEY KNEW about the “upcoming” covid pandemic, they knew of the supposed covid jump from bats to humans or the supposed leak from the Wuhan laboratory… The research and development of the covid vaccine indicates that the pharmaceutical companies, Fuaci, Bill Gates and whoever sense were involved in this, they knew what is coming because they were behind it! This is scary stuff!

    Bill Gates is predicting, more and deadlier viruses are coming! Many are saying “shit up and take the vaccine”! But not all of us, in fact even liberals like Bill Maher for example, are finally waking up to reality ( in this regard). We need Moshiach ASAP! We need to wake up and do yeshiva because only Hashem can save us from these evil people!

    in reply to: World’s Failure #2003207

    Oh, and I forgot to mention previously, the FDA is funded between 45-55% (depending on which programs) by pharmaceutical companies. And now they have approved the vaccine so quickly, years before it usually gets approved (vaccines are approved after at least 3-4 years of studies to get to know the long-term side affects), but now they needed FDA approval so the EXPERIMENTAL vaccines can be mandated. Non-FDA approved vaccines cannot be mandated so that’s why they needed to rush it..It became mandated for the military as soon as it was approved by the FDA… Also, the former FDA director is now the CEO of Pfizer… Also, earth shattering is the fact that the FDA now requires Pfizer AFTER the approval of the covid vaccine to submit results analyzing risk of mycarditis and pericarditis, and risk to long-term infant development in pregnant women ON OCT 31 2025 and ON May 31 2027, respectively!

    You have to be really naive to think they are doing it for the “health and safety” of the American people…

    in reply to: World’s Failure #2003204

    List of employers NOT requiring their employees to get vaccinated:

    The White House
    The CDC
    The FDA
    The WHO
    Johnson and Johnson

    in reply to: Mysterious Gemstones? #2003203

    Gadolhadorah, lol. I agree that diamonds in gold and platinum settings have magical healing powers. The better the clarity and color, and the bigger they are, the better they work!

    in reply to: My father has covid, please say tehilim #2003202

    huju, wonderful, you are amazing human being trying to save the world with your mask and all other precautions you are taking. Obviously, my conclusions about the virus, masks, covid vaccines, etc. are different than yours, and that’s why I do things differently. That is freedom guaranteed by the constitution, to be able to act in accordance to ones beliefs.

    in reply to: World’s Failure #2003146

    A relative told me awhile ago that Bill Gates thinks the world is too populated and wants to limit population growth and he wantss people to be forced to take a vaccine that will limit fertility. I laughed it off at the time, I actually couldn’t believe that there are people who believe in these conspiracy theories. This was before the covid-19 was released.

    But now I know there is some truth to this rumor. As I’m digging into this topic, the more horror I am uncovering. And what I’m uncovering is all on public records. Patents since the 1980s for work on the coronavirus gain of function here in the US, pharmaceuticals involved in production of the coronavirus vaccine for decades before coronavirus was unleashed into the human population, Fauci and Bill Gates both having financial ties to Moderna, the Bill and Linda Gates Foundation contributing millions of dollars to WHO and the CDC, Bill Gates warnings about viruses and vaccines for years, Fauci in 2017, recorded on video, fortelling that a pandemic will be coming during the Trump administration and we need to be prepared, the character assignations of distinguished scientists and physicians who say anything negative against the vaccine or even simply against forcibly mandating the vaccine, the suppression of information regarding repurposed drugs that successfully treat covid, etc, etc.

    Theres a bigger story here that we see, there are many things, perhaps most info on this Plandemic, that is hidden from us. Yes, I believe that this a Plandemic and I believe that Bill Gates is right, there is more and worse viruses waiting to be unleashed upon us, Hashem yerachem.

    in reply to: Latest media anti-Israel bias: AP calls terrorists – “activists” #2002751

    Mainstream media is a source of misinformation, from Arab terrorists to the coronavirus vaccine.

    in reply to: Arrogance and Hyoocrisy on the left #2002748

    Coumo resigned from pressure from the left- that pressure came from the AG because of her own political ambitious and because she cared about the victims of abuse. She certainly doesn’t care about the tens of thousands of murdererd elderly.

    in reply to: Arrogance and Hyoocrisy on the left #2002725


    in reply to: My father has covid, please say tehilim #2002724

    B”H he is out of the hospital. He should have a complete refuah sheleimah.

    in reply to: World’s Failure #2002076

    2cents, no one is denying that herd immunity works. However, these fake covid vaccines do not work well enough, if at all, and we don’t know the long term effects of these “vaccines”. The fact is that the CDC recommends and the government tries to enforce in many places, wearing of masks and social distancing despite these “vaccinations” is because they are not very effective and they know it. But the good sheep in the population are blindly following their leaders and the media directives regardless of reality.

    If people have natural immunity why force the vaccine on them? Because it’s all about the $ and power, not because of immunity. In addition, it is extremely immoral to give these experimental vaccines to young adults and children when they are not prone to serious effects and to death from covid despite media hype.

    The fact is that many great physicians have come out with protocols which repurpose safe and effective medications to fight covid but which is ignored and ridiculed because there’s too little $ involved in their use vs mass “vaccination” of these “vaccinations” still in trial stage.

    in reply to: 1984 warning becoming reality 2021 #2001948

    rightwriter, the “vaccines” are losing their eficacy according to the CDC themselves. That’s why they are recommending masking and social distancing and booster shots which will likely eventually be recommended reinfection every few months. That is not a successful vaccine at all. On top of that, we have no real studies on its long-term effects.

    in reply to: World’s Failure #2001940

    From the CDC’s website, article released on Aug 18 2021 “This study’s findings suggest currently available vaccines have high effectiveness for preventing laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19 hospitalization. However, VE against infection appears to have declined in recent months in New York, coinciding with a period of easing societal public health restriction and increasing Delta variant circulation (8). These findings support a multipronged approach to reducing new COVID-19 hospitalizations and cases, centered on vaccination, and including other approaches such as masking and physical distancing.”

    In other words, the vaccines are not worth much in the long run so we let’s keep young and old forever muzzled and social distanced and keep on injecting booster shots … because covid-19 will be with us indefinitely and this is how we plan on subjugating the population forever and ever. We will also decide that landlords cannot get their rent due to covid and soon will decide what other basic rights we will supress due to the excuse of covid-19.

    in reply to: World’s Failure #2001927

    2cents, no they are not stuck with one initial hypothetical potential treatment protocol (which there are actually many protocols and also proven to be effective) but we are stuck with one initial hypothetical potential “prevention” protocol which has so many breakthroughs cases, siide effects and deaths and despite all this we are still stuck with that protocol called “covid-19 shots”, the so-called covid “vaccines”.

    in reply to: My father has covid, please say tehilim #2001722

    huju, I had covid-19 for a few weeks and it never occured to me to ask others to muzzle their mouths or go into lockdowns or to do anything else with their personal lives because I contracted the virus just I as I wouldn’t ask others to do the same when I got the flu a few years ago and developed a severe case of pneumonia. These expectations and demands are ridiculous.

    in reply to: My father has covid, please say tehilim #2001463

    I’m sorry to hear that! He should have a complete and speedy refuah.

    in reply to: I’m considered an anti Vaccinator #2001129

    DaMoshe, I don’t think your numbers are accurate but I’m sure you got it from some article, however these numbers are basically worthless with every article saying something else. Perhaps these were the numbers of hospitalized cases in one hospital.

    The situation is serious enough that they are considering a lockdown (not that I think lockdowns are a viable option for dealing with covid) and all hospitals are overflowing due to covid-19 infections so it is pretty serious. But the main point is the numbers are going up, everyday the percentage of positivity is rising. And it is because of these e so-called vaccinations. People claimed that the symptoms from those getting “vaccinated” are less severe but that is simply untrue. The Delta variant is less virulent than the original variant ( as were the variants prior to this one not as severe as the original variant) and therefore the cases were overall milder, whether one had the “vaccine” or not. The number touted by the media and health professionals brainwashed by the media, of .1% of “vaccinated” of those hospitalized because of covid was a bold-faced lie. Now the numbers are at 50%, a far cry of the fake 0.1% but hey, they’ll say anything to whip up the frenzy to get more people “vaccinated”.

    in reply to: I’m considered an anti Vaccinator #2000995

    The proportion of hospitalized in Ireland and Israel are steadily rising. 50% of those hospitalized in those two countries are now fully “vaccinated”.

    The virus that causes covid is not stable and mutates constantly, unlike the viruses of, for example, measles and smallpox, which are stable viruses and can effectively be immunizes against. The covid shots were not very effective against the Delta varient and are ineffective against the new lambda variant.

    in reply to: I’m considered an anti Vaccinator #2000925

    Health, that particular sentence I wrote was part of an argument why we can’t trust the government has our best interests in mind: it was about why the government, MSM, and social media repressing info about medical treatment for covid, it was not about the shots. You did not answer me at all, instead you deflected telling me to ask politicians for answers. I said not all of us need to ask questions which we know the answer to. This remark by me was about suppression of info on medication by professionals in the medical field and not about vaccinations. Meanwhile you did not attempt to answer this bizarre behavior on the part of the government and now you are trying to make make it appear as if that remark was about these covid shots when it was about suppressing medical info.

    As for creating antibodies, studies indicate that after 6 months eficacy rates of these shots are only at 18% so boosters have to be given every 2-4 months. And they can’t fight at all against the lambda variant. Neither can they prevent infection nor prevent spread to others. And countries with the highest rates of those “vaccinated” are not particularly in good shape, they are in bad shape. And of course, they scapegoat those who are not “vaccinated” when they should regardless be in better shape than countries who did not distribute the covid shot so aggressively.

    I am not talking about vaccinations and therefore I am not an anti-vaxxer, despite you attaching this label to me. I am talking specifically against these cell-based shots. Now, just as you are an adult and can decide what you want to believe in regarding these shots, so can everyone else decide what is best for them, so I fail to see why you get so full of anxiety by what I wrote. If my views are irrational according to you, certainly you shouldn’t take it to heart the ramblings of an “anti-vaxxer”…

    in reply to: I’m considered an anti Vaccinator #2000143

    Always ask, as you can see, it’s a 2x decrease in these approximately 2-4 months. So what happens when a few months go buy and eficacy totally diminishes? People will need booster shots every 2-4 months! I am assuming you read what I think about booster shots but it’s silly to argue over it as nothing is proven yet. I am curious what will be with these continous booster shots.

    in reply to: Why can’t we TALK??? #2000138

    Syag, if you are speaking about me, I have no clue what you are talking about. I don’t know what you are talking about being “pro death”. I wonder if you even have any clue what you are talking about. Take a walk down memory lane and see that you first literally attacked me for daring to voice my opinion instead of “leaving it to doctors”. So perhaps you are not against vaccines even though doctors are generally afraid to voice independent opinion that veer from official government lines…It seems though that you don’t seem to even know what your own opinion is, you are dancing everywhere; you have no clue where you stand; after attaattacking me for voicing my opinion you claim that you are not against people voicing opinions…

    And you must be amazingly brilliant, how did figure out I have myopia? 😃

    in reply to: Democrats have Egg on their Faces #2000046

    I worry about the entire world. Incompetent leaders are the results of a decaying society. The immorality of today’s society is staggering. I needed to look up something on a NYS government website and the first thing that popped up is that NYS is paying for surrogate pregnancies so that all kind of “couples” that cannot naturally have kids should be able to have them. Can you imagine how the next generation of children will be, no normal father’s or mother’s, the kids won’t know who that parents are, they won’t have roots, in such a society there are no morals. Kids today are being openly and legally abused and no one says anything. Here and there we have a Rebulican politician speaking out in the Senate but nothing more than that. Looting is endorsed if you are a certain color ..etc, etc.

    Economically, the US is heading down the same road as Venezuela and previously rich South American countries turned disastrous.

    And in Israel, the fact that the government is legitimizing the Reform/liberal movement is very scary, they are undermining their own existence.

    We need Moshiach now otherwise I don’t know how we will be saved when we are heading towards the edge of the cliff.

    in reply to: Why can’t we TALK??? #2000049

    Syag, so what exactly are you arguing with me about? Exactly what are you trying to say?

    in reply to: Approach to Covid-19 #2000031

    Syag, you are saying things I never said. Show me one word where I said that those who are pro-covid shots need to respect those who are against covid-19 shots. Or vice versa. I never said anything about respect. I certainly don’t respect many who are pro-covid shots, for example those who “vaccinated” their children or who are proponents for “vaccinating” children.

    I just speak about people’s inherent RIGHT to decide what is best for them and that people cannot cannot control or blame others for not complying to their wishes. And that we can voice our beliefs and debate both sides! That is ALL I am saying. And if you don’t think that something is weird and seriously wrong when people walk alone on the empty streets wearing masks, then yes, I certainly do not respect your opinions.

    Now, my opinion is MY OPINION. I never claimed to save lives just as I don’t say that those who scream about how vital these shots are, kill people. I hold strongly of my opinions, I believe in them, I do believe that these covid-19 shots are creating a long-term bigger problem than covid-19. However, I make no claim to saving lives just I make no claim that people are killing others with writing how important it is that everyone become “vaccinated” which I think is a total disaster. I said mave many, many times and I’ll repeat myself here; life and death, health and sickness, are only on the hands of Hashem, our Creator and our Sustainer. I think it’s so infantile for people to think they can conquer life and death. Certainly we should do the best hishtadlus we can for our health ( and everyone has a RIGHT to act accordingly to what he thinks is right), but we have absolutely no power to destroy covid-19 which is much greater than what we humans can control.

    in reply to: Approach to Covid-19 #1999946

    I never said I respect people who wear masks unconditionally, certainly not when they are by themselves! That in my eyes is utter stupidity. I said everyone has a RIGHT to choose, and I was talking particularly about the covid shots. The issue with pro shots and pro masks is not black and white, you are lumping everything together. I know many conservatives who are anti masks like DeSantos, Ben Shapiro, Tucker Carlson, etc who are pro vaccine. Just because I UNDERSTAND why a certain category of people would choose to take the covid shot doesn’t mean that I think it makes sense that people should be forced to wear masks indefinitely.

    And yes, while everyone has a right to wear masks wherever and whenever they want, I would love to hear more stories of those who DO NOT want to wear masks taking it off without repercussions and derision and threats from airline staff or any staff as is currently the reality.

    in reply to: Why can’t we TALK??? #1999947

    Syag, I am opposing you not because you are telling people to speak to doctors. I am opposing you because you are telling me that I’m killing people when I talk about my opinions on the covid-19 shot. You should actually take a minute or two to reread what I wrote because I said one thing in my paragraph you are paraphrasing while you are bashing me about something completely different that I did not write at all.

    I said very clearly that people are ENTITLED to hear both sides. You are attacking me for saying the exact same thing you are NOW ( but not before) saying.

    How exactly am I FORCING my opinion on others? Am I holding you or anyone else at gunpoint, forcing you to read my posts or not get vaccinated?

    in reply to: Approach to Covid-19 #1999926

    commonsaychel, I loved reading your post. I hope I hear more and more stories like that. On the flip side of that story, I see many people where I live wearing masks while driving in cars alone or walking alone even when the the streets are empty of other people! 😂

    in reply to: I’m considered an anti Vaccinator #1999923

    Health, good for you for believing in this good government that has been nothing but a blessing to us and continues to rejuvenate the economy, make sensible reforms and secure our borders. You believe in them unquestionably, telling me to ask these elected politicians, to ask the MSM and to ask social media why they are repressing vital info … There are many people who don’t need to ask questions that have obvious answers.

    Vaccines are SUPPOSED to create antibodies. However, disregarding the fact that these cell-based “vaccines” have not been through long-term studies and we can’t know the long-term affects and disregarding the fact that these shots do not have long-term efficacy, viruses always mutate and no one can predict what mutations they will have and therefore pre-emptive shots cannot be produced. So when we are talking about measles and mumps, those are predictable, generally unchanging diseases and therefore the vaccines created in response to these diseases, work. However with viruses like the flu and covid-19, they mutate constantly and therefore the shots against them are virtually useless.

    in reply to: Why can’t we TALK??? #1999906

    People have such chutzpah. They are allowed to blame and bash us supposed “non-vaxxers” non-stop for spreading covid-19 and causing people to die, but when we explain our views we are “murdering” people by causing others not to take the shot! This is absolutely disgusting.

    People can read whatever we supposed “non-vaxxers” write about the covid shots and people can read what the pro-covid shots write. And then people ARE ENTITLED to come to their own conclusions and make their own decisions. Who are you people to decide what is best for everyone just because you have an opinion about it?

    There are many professionals, doctors and professors who came out against the shots. However, they were taken off social media, their articles are not written up, their videos taken down, they are given the label “conspiracists”. Many doctors are coorced to go with the mainstream version, they don’t want to be sidelined and their careers endangered so don’t talk as if all in the medical profession are for this shot.

    If people want to ask their doctors what to do, that is their right, if people are more comfortable taking the shots that’s their right, if people are not comfortable taking the shot, that’s their right too.

    No one can has a right to bash others for their personal medical choices nor do they have a right to bash others for voicing their opinions about their choices. Because if we don’t have the right to voice our opinion then you don’t have that right as well.

    in reply to: Why can’t we TALK??? #1999901

    Syag, there are many medical professionals talking against these shots. The reason I am talking against these shots is because everyone was busy bashing those who didn’t want it. So I explained my viewpoint about it. I believe every adult has the right to hear everyone else’s opinion. Just like the mask, it’s ridiculous when people say, “if you talk or write against it you’ll be liable for people’s death”…. I always say, people can write for and against things and everyone has a right to decide for themselves what to do.

    What about the non-doctors campaigning for the covid-19 shots? Tens of thousands of people got covid-19 despite being vaccinated and thousands got serious diseases and many died from taking the shot. Will you also hold those who pushed for these vaccines and argued with those of us who are against it accountable for the deaths and serious illnesses that the shot caused?

    What you people write is despicable and comes from a place of no emunah. People are adults. People are entitled to hear both sides. People are entitled to make their own decisions. And at the end of the day, life and death, health and sickness, is in the hands of Hashem regardless what a person chooses.

    in reply to: Approach to Covid-19 #1999909

    Sam Klein, you are absolutely, 100% right!

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