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Ujm, ok so I guess you support the new “style”.
Why stop at my great-grandmother, dressing like our ancestors Sura, Rivka, Ruchal and Leah would be better, no?
philosopherParticipantSyag, perhaps they are bored bucharim, I dont know why I would think they are girls, perhaps because they are presenting themselves as females…
I could be completely off, but I profile them as young, between 18-24 years of age , female, and working in graphic design or attending graphic design courses. I don’t believe it’s one person doing the talking for both people as their writing styles are different. Perhaps they are two bored girls in a sem dorm…
philosopherParticipantI googled “quisquam” and no business with that name shows up. I googled computer kiosks in Boro Park, NY but they all open at 10:00 or later and none are named “Quisquam”.
No frum kiosk store would think of naming their business with the unfamiliar Latin word “quisquam” . Perhaps you are graphic designers using a word from the “Loren ipsum” placeholder text…
philosopherParticipantThere are numerous protests all over Australia and they would be more with bigger attendance, however the police litterally chase them away and arrest many of these protesters. Dissenters are being locked up , investigated and harassed. It is literally a police state. That the media goes along with it and presents their own “statistics” not rooted in reality is expected, the media support the stripping of human rights, that’s what liberals stand for these days unless we are talking about the lqtbq agenda.
But even were the majority in favor of these lockdowns, it means absolutely nothing. Hashem created the world so that we serve, not stay locked in our homes for almost a year as they are in Melbourne and other parts of Australia. It is absolutely not a chillul Hashem to go daven with a minyan. These are the brave men fighting for freedom against the vicious regime.
philosopherParticipantAnd I should add that it’s vice versa, a woman paying for her kids expenses is not supporting her husband, or ex-husband if she’s the one paying child support ( which happens sometimes if she a bigger earner than the husband). No one says, if the wife contributes to the children’s expenses, that she supports the husband (or ex-husband) so why say the husband supports the wife (or ex-wife) if the money goes for the kids?
philosopherParticipantjust myself, you are at a kiosk at 8:14 am? Which one opens so early?
philosopherParticipantAviraDeArah wrote “You’ve also not said clearly that you do not believe in atzmus elokus theology, nor have you even tried the “you have to know what it means” retort – I’d like you to say on the record, a simple yes or no, if you believe that a rebbe is the essence of god wrapped in a body and therefore you can pray at the grave of a rebbe, and it’s not an intermediary, because he is the essence of god wrapped in a body.
Yes or no.”
I have noted that Yechi Hamalech has not responded.If AviraDeArah’s assertions are correct, which I hope they are not, then this ideoligy is a second Christian religion in the making. Unfortunately Yechi Hamalech has not responded in the negative. This is very concerning and eye opening to me.
philosopherParticipantI found it surprising that so many states had Trump coming in ahead but in the last moment changing to a Biden win. I’ve heard many experts saying that is statistically impossible.
philosopherParticipantParis is not the headquarters for fashion for many years already.
If a style is nice and tzniusdig I have no problem with it. The weird thing is when people just buy stuff cause they see others wearing it or it’s in the stores and it’s ugly and doesn’t suit them. For example, these two piece shapeless outfits and shapeless dresses with ugly flower patterns on the fabric that look like they were shlepped out of my great, great grandmother’s basement. They just looks absolutely stupid. This season I’ve seen knitted vests made of thick yarn added to these outfits. Really?! Wearing the outfits that our great-grandmother’s wore wouldn’t occur to anyone but if the stores sell it it must be “in” and if some buy it cause it’s “in” then everyone else has to wear it and it becomes “really pretty”. Uch, monkey see, monkey do makes me want to vomit.
philosopherParticipantAbba_S, why would money for the kids mean that she does not support “herself”? Men often think that giving money for their wives to buy clothing and food for their kids means giving money to the woman. No, it does not, it’s for the kids. It does not say that a husband who gives money for his wife for their children supports his wife and therefore her wages belongs to him. It says that if she supports “herself” her wages belongs to her.
philosopherParticipantMod-29 now it makes sense… probably two teenage girls having fun…
According to just myself, eishis chayil “suddenly” got married at 21…and “suddenly” turned into a tough woman…
My personal experiences in real life have been that a person who is conscious that their abusive parents behavior is not ok is more sensitive and attuned to their children than parents who did not experience abuse. It doesn’t mean they are perfect parents and it doesn’t mean they won’t have scars that need to heal during parenthood, but generally they simply do the opposite of their parents because their parent’s behavior revolts them. I’be seen this happen numerous times. Generally, someone who is of average intelligence and above does not repeat abusive behavior of their parents.philosopherParticipanteishis chayil, first I read the opening question and then what was at that time the last two comments before I posted my comments and so I commented about chinuch in general. Today I read all the comments from the beginning and see that I’ve missed your main question, which in your posts reveal that it’s not so much a question about chinuch but about how to punish for your children’s “crimes”. Btw, crimes is a terrible words to use. Criminals who belong in jail commit crimes, not children who are learning and growing and can sometimes misbehave.
Then I see someone posting that they know who you are. So I’m not sure if this is a troll thread or not because how in the world would that person know who you are and even post your first name if you did not give identifying details except that your mother punished you severely? I’m sure there exists more than one such a mother in the world…
But if this thread isn’t trolling then I must say that thinking your kids are commiting “crimes” is the first problem with your chinuch. They are simply misbehaving and you as a parent must GUIDE them in how to properly behave. I don’t agree that if a child doesn’t listen and runs into he street to not give them perch, those warning petch, which should be symbolic, not hitting so that it hurts, can save a life. Girls and boys over 12 and 13 years of age should absolutely not be hit. Girls generally do not have to be hit, except perhaps when they are really young and do dangerous things like run into the street despite you telling them not to. Boys also rarely need to hit but some boys are an exception exhibiting unruly behavior and bullying other siblings physically.
If a child is REALLY misbehaving or not listening to something important you are telling him, not for minor infractions, then discipline in most cases should be appropriately matched punishments like, for example, not coming on a trip, not getting nosh for Shabbos etc.
But it is most important thing is to build your children with positivity. Compliments, encourement, helping them develope their talents and helping believe in themselves is crucial.
philosopherParticipantYserbius123, how do you know what the “majority of rational and educated world” is saying? I see plenty of “rational and educated” professors, scientists and doctors being anti-lockdowns, anti-masks, and anti-covidvaccines.
In any case, what the majority of any class say is not necessarily relevent to the truth or to what is right. In just one example, the majority of cultured and educated Germans supported Hitler… That the majority of “enlightenment and educated” masses support anyone or anything does not necessarily make it correct.
philosopherParticipantAlways ask, lol!
philosopherParticipantFrumWhere, ok, I guess I didn’t get the joke …
philosopherParticipantAviraDeArah, I am assuming that a woman who demands a get supports herself and therefore the husband would have no rights to wages . (This is much more pro-woman and fair than the so-called “enlightened” US laws that devide all of a couple’s assets evenly regardless of who actually worked for the money or inherited it.)
philosopherParticipantrightwriter, go to Adams website and you’ll see what he supports; he’s a total liberal. He will indeed be a second Dinkins but worse cause a bigger liberal ( a species that didn’t exist back when Dinkins was mayor).
philosopherParticipantAviraDeArah, just to clear up an halachic misconception; only if the husband supports the wife does the wife’s wages belong to her husband. If the wife however, declares that she is supporting herself then the wife’s wages do not belong to the husband.
philosopherParticipantFrumWhere, your point is what exactly? I’m not denying that there are a tiny minority of Chassidim marrying off at 16 but the vast majority of Chassidim marry off much later. We are Chassidish, my daughter is 20 and only 5 of her classmates are engaged (out of 27 girls)
The majority of American Chassidishe boys and girls get engaged at between 19-21 years of age so your comment is ridiculous.
October 6, 2021 11:02 pm at 11:02 pm in reply to: Out of Town – Chassidish community options? #2013068philosopherParticipantAnyone who says most Chassidises are the same is not Chassidish.
philosopherParticipantGadolhadorah, but that’s the whole point; there are no shoelaces to tie and no food to eat in Gan Eden! 😉
philosopherParticipantThis thread has gone from “what do women do in Gan Eden?” to the shidduch issue during yemos haMoshiach and in between it was about spouses after techias hameisim… These are different topics.
“Circleling back” to techias hameisim, what if a women married again after her first husband’s death? Does she end up with two husbands? Or does she get to choose which one she considers her husband forever?
Or how about a women who was married more than once goes up to heaven and meets both husbands, who is her husband in Gan Eden?
Or how about vice versa? A man remarries after his wife’s death and eventually after 120 they all meet in heaven. Now what? So ujm will say he gets to keep both wives. But what about if one of the wives was a widow before marrying this man? What happens to her first husband?
This is ridiculous. Neshomos do not belong to anybody in Shomayim, we are all part of One Source and that’s where we go back to in Shomayim and not to another human. I’m sure there are certain ways neshomos relate to one another if they had special relationships on earth, like parents and children, husbands and wives, but marriages are a not a thing in Gan Eden.
As for after techias hamasim, who with whom with multiple marriages, gilgilim and other issues cropping up, I can’t think how it will work out but when the time comes I’m sure it will all make sense.
philosopherParticipantThe problem today is that parents cannot enforce boundaries. They are too lazy to do that for misbehaving children when they are young and when these children get older and they grow up selfish and spoiled the parents certainly cannot enforce boundaries at that point. Many parents today are simply scared of their kids. So the kids end up getting and doing what they want.
Chinuch starts from a young age, you cannot expect children to listen after they already developed themselves. Consistency is very important, you cannot let yourself be swayed by kids to change what you feel is right or wrong. Punishment for misbehaving should not be only an empty threat, it must be enforced.
At the same time, parents must respect children for who they are, with their own characteristics and individuality, and not force them into a mold.
philosopherParticipantWe are all seperate souls and not attached to one another in Gan Eden. The husband and wife relationship on this earth is a physical partnership despite many having a feeling of deep connection to their spouse. After all, one person can have more than one marriage and people can be gilgilim. Neshomos are seperate and perhaps have contact which each other in the afterlife, but one neshomah doesn’t “serve” another or two neshomos are not bound to each other for eternity. Neshomos ideally bound to Hashem, versus going to gehinom c”v which is the opposite of being bound to Hashem. Again, neshomos go back to their source, which is from Hashem, not to other humans they had in contact with during their physical lives. I remember reading that women have their own Gan Eden. I don’t see why women can’t learn Torah in the afterlife, they are not bound by time-consuming mitzvos at that point.
The main point of Gan Eden is that souls bask in the glory of Hashem and that is non-stop pleasure so perhaps they don’t need to do anything and just BE. “Doing” is only for this world and the next world is for “existing” to bask in Hashem’s glory. At that point emes, which is the Torah and knowledge of Hashem, is not something that needs to be aquired but is simply known.
philosopherParticipantYes, right, Yidden should stay home forever, not daven with a minyan forever because of the disgusting, rights stealing governments making draconian rules that only certain groups have to follow.
During all the times in history when goyim, or even Jewish Jew haters, used all kinds of excuses to restrict the rights of Jews to practice Judaism, and the Jews resisted, we have the same kinds of people within us bashing the brave Jews who practice Judaism under any circumstances. These Jewish sheep among us always defended and defend the “rules” made by these reshuim and swallow the bait of seemingly “valid” excuses why these “rules and laws” squashing basic human and religious rights are enacted.
Just think on which side of history your ideoligy places you on. If you defend the “rules” that strip the rights of people who want to serve Hashem, to daven with a minyan, hear shoifer with a minyan, learn Torah in the correct setting, then you are on the wrong side, period.
Besides for the fact that these “rules” are absolutely ridiculous. Shutting down the country forever is a breach of human rights and dystopian rule. The minute the country opens and crowds mingle covid spreads like wildfire so shutting down countries does not make covid disappear. Covid will be around forever, it should be treated like the flu and no one has a right to indefinitely and continously restrict people from living normal lives.
philosopherParticipantWhat chinuch?! Today everyone has “trauma” and we only have to love and accept them and any actions they engage in so that they have license to grow up selfish brats because of all their “trauma”. Just read all these “chinuch” articles in Mishpacha, Ami and Binah by these gazillion psychologists, therapist, psychotherapists, physiatrists, etc. You’ll gain much insight in the non-chinuch of today.
philosopherParticipantKuvult, you are blaming the victim in this case. It is an assault on men to wear short skirts, period. And I’m not a male so don’t tell me to get help.
philosopherParticipantDaasYochid, I never said wigs, human or otherwise, are assur so I did not get involved in old machloikes. I am talking specifically about lace shaitlech whether they are halachically ok or not and not about the wigs in earlier times as those wigs were TOTALLY visible that they are wigs. And that is what I’m talking about, are wigs that appear to grow out of the scalp are kosher or not? As I said those wigs are shechted chazirim. The wigs the previous Rabbonim were matir had absolutely no shaichas to the lace wigs of today so trying to say that I’m getting involved in an old machloikes is not being honest as their was no machloikes years ago regarding lace wigs; they simply did not exist!
The shaitels in previous centuries and decades did not look real, everyone could tell they are shaitels until approximately 10-15 years ago, I don’t remember when, the white silk skin top started to be sold on the market. At that point, if a shaitel was made well, with good hair and sewn in well, only frum women, and perhaps men having been exposed to many women wearing wigs (for example if had many daughters wearing wigs with silk parts) would be able to differentiate between hair and wig. However now since the lace wigs came out it is simply impossible to see someone is wearing a wig unless they are wearing it in a braid or ponytail, but that is only in the back, the front totally looks like it’s coming out of the head, and when worn down the hair looks like it’s sprouting out of the scalp. You cannot tell lace wigs are wigs. The only reason people can tell is because they know the person who is wearing it.
Now the Yaskil Avdi is absolutely not paskening whether one can wear a lace wig or not. What he is saying was whether wigs are considered to arouse the yetzer hora or not. And remember that human hair wigs during his time looked LIFELESS. He says that hair that is seperate from the body is like a CORPSE over which evil inclination has no control. However, lace wigs are so not corpse-like, I highly doubt he would call the long, flowing, lace wigs of today being “like a corpse”. However, even if he did he is talking about the evil inclination specifically, not if wigs are allowed to be worn according to halacha.
Now you claimed that there are CONTEMPORARY poskim who say these lace wigs are ok. So I’d like to hear who they are. I’m not interested in hearing YOUR INTERPRETATIONS of Reb Moishe’s rulings or Rabbi Ovadia Ben Sholom’s rulings on wigs that were not lace wigs, but the wigs of their times. I want to hear current poskims rulings on specifically the lace wigs.
philosopherParticipantThank you ujm. I like, and agree, with you short but concise points.
philosopherParticipantDaas Yochid, first of all you are “paskening” yourself according to the loshen however no contemporary poisek would matter lace wigs, with perhaps the exception of those “Rabbis” who don’t have a problem with stocking-free legs with flipflops…
The fact is the wigs of decades ago were very noticable that hair hair was not נפש חיונית despite being made of human hair. The hair looked totally dead and everyone knew it wasn’t attached to the head. It actually looked lifeless! Today due to how the hair is preserved, the caps are made and wefts are sewn into the cap, the hairs don’t appear lifeless at all. But especially and particularly now because of the lace, it totally appears to be נפש חיונית and therefore it is posul, posul, posul. It is a shechted chazir, that’s what a lace shaitel is.
I’m not getting involved in the old machloikes. My direct ancestors were Rabbonim who paskened that wigs are not ussar and I am certainly not one to pasken that they are ussar. The women in my family wore wigs for generations and completely adhered to halacha, they were tzenuas, women I can look up to and try to emulate. I am only saying that because the Rabbis in previous decades, centuries and millennia were ok with the wigs of those times that doesn’t give women the right today to wear lace wigs of today.
philosopherParticipantDaasYochid, exactly as I said, peah nochri not being attached to the person and therefore not coming out of the scalp, the יצה”ר is not be sholet, but the ruling is on the hair that was sewn on the wigs that were out at the time of the ruling, not the wigs of today with their fitted caps and certainly not with the lace as the hair looks absolutely looks like it’s growing out of the scalp because then you defeated the point that “it is not attached to the head”.
In addition, the original source in Gemara talks about peah nochri that women wore, however Jewish girls and women wore additional head coverings as well so we are not talking about women walking in the streets, and likely not in their homes either, with only peah nochri covering their hair. Peah nochri was used as WEAVE together with a woman’s own hair, NOT as WIGS to cover the entire head, to make thin hair look fuller.
The fact is immodesty today is our of control. The length of hair worn by girls today, never mind married women with wigs, was inconvenienable just a few decades ago. I am shocked when I see so many frum women not wearing stockings and short skirts and flip flops…it’s so gross. My husband told me he saw a frum man wearing a nose ring, I was like ok, these will be the new male versions who go together with the frum women wearing no tights and flip flops. After all, there’s nothing in halacha that say a man can’t wear nose rings! Why even when they built the mishkan the men donated their nose rings…It’s a himmel geshrei how low we have fallen. Every coarse, low-class mode of dress is excused that “it’s ok according to halacha”. Lace wigs is just one more proof of the dive tznius has taken in many communities.
philosopherParticipantDaasYochid, not only did lace not exist at the time Rav Moshe lived, the white skin part did not exist either. Women during his lifetime wore fluffy wigs with tons of hair because the wig caps, with their tens of open wefts, were not fitted as they are today. So the “mares eyin” of years ago (which was in reality not mares eyin), is absolutely not relevent to the wigs of today. Technically in any case, Rav Moshe’s teshuva about human hair specifically, because it was about human hair over synthetic, not the way the hair was sewn in, the materials used and how it sits on the head today, which was not a reality in his times.
philosopherParticipantYesurbus, you are mixing together two things. With graditional vaccinations our communities have roughly average vaccination rates which is a high percentage. Almost every frum vaccinates their kids with traditional vaccines. However most of us had covid and almost no one is opting for these cell-based vaccinations with the exception of the heimishe communities in Israel where I am assuming the percentage of the frum people taking these shots are high.
And obviously, we have different opinions regarding whether these covid vaccines are safer than getting covid. I say it is way better to build up ones immune system by eating raw, unprocessed food, doing excersize, staying active and getting enough sunshine. Repurposed medications and other therapies can be used for those who end up in the hospital.
But I say and keep on saying, everyone should do what they feel most comfortable with regarding the covid vaccinations.
philosopherParticipantYesurbus, you are mixing together two things. With graditional vaccinations our communities have roughly average vaccination rates which is a high percentage. Almost every frum vaccinates their kids with traditional vaccines. However most of us had covid and almost no one is opting for these cell-based vaccinations with the exception of the heimishe communities in Israel where I am assuming the percentage of the frum people taking these shots are high.
philosopherParticipantUbiquitin, I didn’t ask how changes can be patented and how viruses effect animals. I asked how does gain of function benefit humans?! It doesn’t!!! That’s how how! This is bioterrorism! Your answers are so not relevent to what I asked.
Collaboration is good only if it is for the benefit of humanity, but for what purpose case was there collaboration here? A gain of function of an animal virus that not only does not benefit humanity; it is so dangerous it has killed millions of people!! Collaboration in this case was deliberately evil.
Predictions of naturally occurring pandemics can be understood. Predictions regarding INTENTIONAL occuring pandemics is a red flag. Predictions of a pandemic occuring particularly during the Trump Administration is not a common sciencific prediction… honestly, it seems like you are being deliberately naive…or are you really this naive?
So the “head of ethics” of NIH can have a husband who has shares in the pharmaceutical company Moderna and making $ from covid vaccines…right, she is certainly an ethica individual guiding an ethical organization… This totally stinks of corruption.
philosopherParticipantIt’s really funny that people get annoyed when it is pointed out that cell-based shots may affect fertility despite 1. prestigious scientists, virologists and doctors voicing their concerns regarding these vaccines causing fertility issues 2. The FDA is REQUIRING that Pfizer submit results of studies in 2025 on this particular subject AND the children born of mothers who got the shot while pregnant (I’m not sure how reliable the conclusion of these study may be though because Pfizer themselves will be conducting these studies…) 3. Those who are vaccinated are absolutely not protected from getting infected with covid although many claim “it’s not as severe” but plenty of people had covid despite being vaccinated.
I do not believe covid causes long-term fertility complications, as there are practically tens of thousands of frum people globally who had covid and went on to have children while only a small minority of frum men, and even less women, were vaccinated and do not have the info to judge if they had any issues.
philosopherParticipantHealth, everyone is entitled to interpret reality as they see ii. My conclusions are based on facts, whether it is the numerous patents for coronavirus gain of function going on for decades, or the work for the development of the covid vaccine BEFORE the pandemic. You can call my conclusions “conspiracy theories”, it doesn’t change the reality or history.
Now I have some questions that I have as of yet not recieved rational answers to:
1. What positive benefits does gain of function of the coronavirus animal virus have for humans that scientists here in the US have worked on for decades taking out numerous patents at every discovery?
2. Why did the US collaborate with China on the research of gain of function of the coronavirus?
3. How could Fauci predict in 2017 that there will be a viral pandemic during the Trump administration? How could he predict something will happen, that did indeed happen, if he did not have prior knowledge that it will indeed happen? I saw the video and he very clearly said what he said, if someone wants to deliberately misinterpret what he said it won’t change the fact that he said it very clearly
4. Why is Fauci’s wife the head of the “ethics” department of the NIH?
5. Why would Bill Gates predict natural AND DELIBERATE (that’s the exact term he used) pandemics a few years ago? Who could predict that there will be worldwide deliberate spread of pandemics if there was no background knowledge about it?I have many questions about the coronavirus pandemic and vaccines but I have no time to post them now. But let’s hear some rational answers to these questions first.
philosopherParticipantThe coronavirus was deliberately released after decades of experimentation and development with the knowledge and cooperation of the the US and Chinese governments. They both had a hand in this bioterrorist act of unleashing covid on the unsuspecting public. The vaccine wasn’t just hurried to the market, it was ready for the public at just the right time. And that is why they are suppressing info presented by prominent doctors, professors and scientists, that’s why they are destroying their careers and tearing them apart, that’s why they are disregarding proven studies, all because this was and is planned by corrupt individuals for ideological reasons and financial gain. The fact is that Bill Gates and Fauci the Mad Scientist, both predicted viruses that were, and will be, caused intentionally and fighting the virus with repurposed medications is not part of their bigger plan.
philosopherParticipantDaasYochid, who are the chushiva poskim who don’t think lace shaitels are assur?
philosopherParticipantA frum woman wearing a lace wig is being totally hypocritical. Everyone with a half a brain knows that all Rabbis whose opinions are used as sources to allow women to wear wigs would absolutely not approve of lace wigs and very long wigs ( and even just simply long wigs) to be worn in public.For anyone doubting me how about getting familiar with how the wigs in previous generations looked like on which the rabbonim paskened on and then decide whether we are talking about the same kind of wigs- someone would have to be completely dishonest to say, yes, the lace wigs of todag looks like the wigs from 20-30 years ago, never mind from 100 years ago to 2000 years ago…the lace wigs would 100% be assured by these authors of the sources they are relying upon.
philosopherParticipantTodros Gimpel, it is well documented that approximately 251,000 lives are claimed each year due to medical error in the US. That is the third largest cause of death in the US. So good for anyone who does not follow medical opinion blindly but is informed and involved.
philosopherParticipantjackk, of course Republicans/right wingers would praise Trump if he did it because it’s not the pulling out of Afghanistan that’s is the problem, the problem is with the way it was done! Leaving billions of dollars of worth of equipment for these terrorists, not securing the airport enough to protect it from the blast that killed 13 US soldiers and leaving Americans behind because they couldn’t get to the airport on time.
Trump would never, ever pull out of Afghanistan in this terribly neglectful manner. In fact, I remember he didn’t have such good relationships with the army generals and now I see why. They are a bunch of incompetent, woke fools who actually forced to get some work done under Trump.
philosopherParticipantTalking about “unreliable studies”, the FDA approves drugs based on drug manufacturers own findings so I don’t think that is very reliable either. The recently FDA approved Pfizer vaccine was approved without any adverse effects studies done and only in 2025 and 2027 does Pfizer have two submit these studies on I already forgot what (and I’m too lazy to look it up now). But the point I want to make is that in these times it is usually the obscure labs that have the honest and accurate studies while prestiges labs are full of corruption with eye on the money and prestige.
philosopherParticipantHealth, you are right about Biden running away. However, what I really meant write is that would you give Jews in Europe 833 billion dollars worth of equipment and training would they run away from their enemies? Absolutely not.
It is not true that armies all over are on drugs. The Afghani soldiers couldn’t complete missions and they couldn’t be trained because they were always high.
It is absolutely not true that the entire ME would be under ISIS. Just the opposite. Saadam Hussein, who was secular, had tight control over these Islamist extremists so ISIS wouldn’t exist in Iraq at all. Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, etc. they all keep a tight lid on these extremists. They would only be in Afghanistan, exactly like they are already there now. Now the Taliban, Al Qaeda, and ISOS can all compete with each other.
August 31, 2021 10:38 pm at 10:38 pm in reply to: Is it proper to blame your parents for your problems in life? #2004835philosopherParticipantI absolutely abhor when people claim that children who were abused are abusive parents themselves. That is absolutely a false assertion. First of all, according to the Torah we all have bechira, no one is a carbon copy of their parents to the extent that they repeat that behavior. It is a goyishe concept that we have no independent control over our instinctive actions.
I know many wonderful people who are excellent parents even though they had abusive parents themselves. I know selfish parents and spouses who had wonderful parents themselves.
philosopherParticipantHealth, I disagree with comparing the Holocaust to the war in Afghanistan. Would you give $80+ billion worth of arms to Jews they wouldn’t run away like the Afghans did. Jews are not on drugs like the Afghans are. Jews are not part of terrorist group like Afghanis are.
Bin Laden had to be taken out and Al Qaeda destroyed to the point that they wculd not practice terrorism globally. And therefore special forces could be deployed, as there were to take out Bin Laden, and air strikes could be used to destroy much of Al Qaeda. I think it was a terrible idea to send ground forces, to attempt to build up an Afghani army and to building up Afghanistan’s infastructure.
philosopherParticipantrightwriter, to start out with, our liberal, pro-abortion murderers, pro-elderly murder murderers, pro-child abuse abusers, edited power grabbing, corrupt political leaders and their evil supporters who have the ability to help, like the mainstream media and social media.
philosopherParticipantAnyway, back to the Comedian in Chief, $80 billion + in arms were left for the Taliban. Biden is not in control so who made this utterly disastrous decision to pull out before transferring the equipment out of Afghanistan?
Our woke military generals were busy three days before the ISIS attack on Kabul airport giving out woke cards on accepting all races of service members equally. Someone had to be busy finding military service members to photograph ( of course they couldn’t be white), someone had to be busy approving the graphic and writing the message. Who had time or the patience to get the arms out of Afghanistan when there are more important things on the agenda?
August 31, 2021 7:41 am at 7:41 am in reply to: Different levels of religious observance (frumkeit) #2004480philosopherParticipantI think the middle way is the best. Of course, for everyone the middle way means a different thing.
The most important things are try not to violate halacha and to serve Hashem with out hearts, not by rote.
philosopherParticipantAaq, wow, technology has come such a long way in twenty years! Despite not having the drones to do the job, the US could’ve bomb Al Queda from the air and send in small groups of special forces for specific missions. To send in all the troops they had in Afghanistan and trying to train Afghans “soldiers” i.e. drug addicts was ridiculous.